What is brought from Thailand for sale. What to bring from Thailand? Thai souvenirs, clothes, cosmetics and other useful things as a gift. Products made from natural latex

When we go to a foreign country, we always want to bring something home to remember it. This is especially true for Asia, where there is a lot of stuff that you rarely see in the West. Therefore, everyone who comes to Thailand is sure to bring some souvenirs. This brief review will describe what you can bring from Thailand as a gift to please friends and relatives, and maybe even your loved one. In fact, the selection was compiled based on our own experience and reviews from tourists.

What is better to buy is a matter of taste. At any resort, even the smallest one, there are at least several points (and at large resorts there are dozens and hundreds of them) where you can see and buy a lot of interesting things. The variety that opens up is simply breathtaking: fruits, all kinds of handicrafts, religious paraphernalia, weapons, silk, cosmetics, seasonings, paintings, jewelry and much more. Everything is at low prices, cheaper than in Russia.


Perhaps the most popular edible souvenirs from Thailand are. Indeed, what could please friends and relatives more than ripe and juicy unusual fruits that cannot be found on the shelves of Russian stores?

If you want to enjoy the taste of Thai fruits at home longer, we recommend bringing dried fruits. They are sold in packages of different sizes and contents; it is easier and cheaper to buy them in large supermarkets such as Big C or Tesco Lotus.

These fruits are not at all like the dry and very sweet pieces (without a distinct taste) sold in Russia, they retain the real taste and aroma of fresh fruit. Pay attention to the fruit and sugar content on the packaging - the higher the fruit content (preferably at least 90%) and the less sugar, the more natural the product is.

Latex products

Latex is the sap of rubber plants hardened by exposure to air. Products made from it are very elastic and healthy. Souvenirs and toys, mattresses and pillows, shoes and much more are made from it. Since Thailand is one of the main producers and suppliers of latex throughout the world, prices for products made from it are low. In addition, no harmful additives are used here, unless, of course, you buy from official manufacturers.


Conventionally, all cosmetics presented in Thailand can be divided into 4 groups:

  • luxury, world brands such as Guerlain, Givenchy, Estee Lauder, Lancome, DIOR, etc.;
  • local brands Bath&Bloom, Sabai-Arom, etc.;
  • nameless cosmetics or little-known Thai brands;
  • counterfeits of well-known brands.

Luxury cosmetics are sold in large shopping centers in, on. Counterfeits and unnamed ones are everywhere in small shops and markets. Local brand stores are presented in shopping centers and in the form of individual small shops.

As a gift from Thailand, you can bring cosmetic aromatic products of groups 2 and 3, for example: coconut oil, lip balm, shower gel, soap, face mask, hand cream. They are sold in any 7/11 store, pharmacy, supermarket or specialized Thai cosmetics department. Products with pleasant and unusual aromas of mango, pineapple, coconut are the best Thai souvenirs for the fair sex. We recommend paying attention to an inexpensive brand of Thai decorative cosmetics.

Thai balm and other medicines

Everyone knows Thai “tiger” balms, which help with pain associated with arthrosis, rheumatism, sprains and colds. Nasal inhalers are also popular to make breathing easier when you have a runny nose. These products cost pennies, but they last a long time; you can purchase them at any pharmacy, 7/11 store, or the pharmacy departments of Big C and Tesco Lotus supermarkets.

One of the most famous pharmacies of Thai medicine is. They also have worldwide shipping.

Seasonings, sauces, kits for preparing Thai dishes

The range of spices and seasonings in Thailand is a paradise for lovers of hot and spicy foods. You can buy various spices such as red pepper, curry, hot and sweet sauces, fish and soy sauces, spices (cinnamon, anise, vanilla, etc.).

Particularly popular are kits for preparing popular Thai dishes at home, such as Pad Thai, Tom Yam, Tom Kha Gai. An overview of such a set with a step-by-step recipe is in the article “”. For lovers of Thai food, this is the best gift.

Clothes and accessories

Clothes in Thailand are sold to suit any budget. All major cities and resorts have large shopping centers that stock familiar global brands from Zara, Pull&Bear, Addidas to Calvin Klein, Armani, etc. You won’t buy anything particularly original there. But if you do not live in a large city, then shopping will be very interesting for you.

If you need a pair of T-shirts or flip-flops for the beach, a swimsuit, inexpensive children's clothing, hats, caps and other simple things, you can safely purchase them in such places. Yes, the quality will not last forever, but you will pay very little for them. It's full of all kinds of souvenirs.

What to bring from Thailand? Goods, clothing, cosmetics, tea, souvenirs - photos, prices.

When you visit some place that is new to you, and even more so in another country, you always want to bring back something special from there as a souvenir.

A piece of this place. Something that would evoke those emotions and that mood! I would like to show or give this to my loved ones, to let them feel the atmosphere of my trip.

While in Thailand, when you walk along the streets or exotic markets and see the bright, colorful shopping shops, your eyes will simply run wild from the abundance of interesting goods!

I want to buy everything at once, especially at such affordable prices (compared to Russia and Europe).

In order not to waste extra time going to markets and shops, it would be good to have an idea in advance about the popular and not very popular, but no less exotic goods of Thailand!

Traders in Thailand are an almost ubiquitous phenomenon, no matter whether it is a resort town or a small village.

  • These can be ready-made broths for soups (in vacuum packaging), curry paste, soy sauces, sweet and sour sauces, marinades, canned food, dried fruits and a variety of spices.
  • In addition, you can bring several semi-finished products such as instant egg or rice noodles.
  • Many people bring fresh fruit with them, but they need to be transported in special fruit baskets, which are usually sold near fruit stalls.

In this case, it is worth considering the storage period and conditions of certain fruits.

In Thailand you can also find very tasty tea of ​​different varieties, including perennial pu-erh. Prices for tea and coffee here are noticeably lower than what we are used to, especially in floating and night markets.


True connoisseurs of alcohol can take with them various interesting drinks such as Thai rum, whiskey, rice vodka and others, depending on their own preferences.

You can purchase them at any 7-Eleven or in specialized alcohol departments.

It is better to buy international types of alcohol at the airport in duty free. It is worth considering the permitted volumes of alcohol in liters per person exported from the country.

Souvenirs and gifts, Buddha figurines

The endless variety of Thai souvenirs is a delight to the eye! Here you can find anything and everything for every taste.

  • Figurines, interior items, boxes, paintings, candlesticks, magnets and much more - all made from natural materials with unprecedented skill!
  • Many souvenirs themselves are a wonderful home decoration, and some contain Thai symbols and evoke pleasant memories: dancers in national costumes, panoramas of cities and their attractions, and of course Buddha.

Images, amulets or figurines of Buddha can be either decorative or truly sacred.

If it is important for a traveler to acquire real Buddhist symbols, then it is better to do this in.

But it's important to know, that it is prohibited to export Buddha figurines taller than 15 centimeters from Thailand, this also applies to decorative and souvenir products.

Children's clothing and goods for children

Asia has long been famous for its rich variety of children's products! These are all kinds of educational toys, educational books in different languages, incredibly cute clothes for children, as well as useful gadgets and gadgets to help parents and expectant mothers.

Most of the products are unique and have no analogues in Russia. And with the growing popularity of online stores with goods from Asia, more and more mothers in our country are getting the opportunity to get interesting purchases!

While in Thailand, you should definitely go shopping for children! Here you can find things both made in Thailand and imported from different parts of Asia.

Works and works of art by Thai masters

There are many craftsmen living in Thailand who create magnificent products from various materials with their own hands.

  • When purchasing such works of art, you can be sure that no one else in the whole world will have anything like it.

One of the most famous Thai workshops is the teak factory, where magnificent three-dimensional paintings, furniture, sculptures and interior items are created from teak wood.

Patterned surfaces with many small details, as if sculpted with jewelry precision, delight!

The amazing properties of teak wood make such products completely priceless. Speaking of price, these things are definitely worth the money and more.

There is also an unusual workshop in Thailand where real talents make amazing sculptures from scrap metal!

Characters from famous films and simply interesting images are created here from screws, nails, nuts, spark plugs and other parts of various metal structures.

The size of such structures is amazing - they can be from ten centimeters to three meters in height!

Sculptures can be purchased at the workshop's outlets, ready-made or to order.

There are many talented artists in Thailand who paint in different styles and directions.

Among the artists, one can also highlight professional tattoo artists (not to be confused with tattoo parlors and eateries), who create beautiful tattoo images, which is why many brave travelers take home new tattoos on their bodies.

Painting, paintings by Thai artists

For people who are interested in music, it will be very interesting to visit Thai music stores!

In addition to the usual instruments like guitars, flutes, drums and others, here you can see many interesting and unfamiliar instruments that are popular in Thailand.

These include strings, winds, and all kinds of percussion - new forms, new sounds! This will be an excellent purchase for yourself, as well as a gift to interested friends.

As for familiar instruments, they are also in a wide range, including children’s ones for different ages.

Prices are much cheaper than in Russia.

  • For example, the beloved djembe drums in the Thai version, made of natural wood and with a leather membrane, can be purchased at prices ranging from 250 to 1,500 baht, depending on the size.
  • A setup of a pair of large congas can cost around 4,000 baht.

Music stores in Thailand also sell various related products: strings, picks, stands, etc.

Musical instrument store

What cannot be taken out of Thailand?

In the Kingdom of Thailand, there are laws prohibiting the export of certain items and objects from the country.

Their list includes:

  • items made of ivory and tortoiseshell;
  • shells of sea mollusks;
  • corals;
  • Sea Horses;
  • skins and teeth of tigers and other large cats;
  • butterflies, beetles and bats as souvenirs;
  • stuffed crocodiles.

All these animals are protected by Thai law, and trade in such products is generally illegal, as is their export.

  • In addition, it is prohibited to export Buddha figurines larger than 15 centimeters in size, valuable relics and national works of art from the country.
  • You cannot take soil, sand or stones, as well as flowers in pots with soil outside of Thailand (since all land in Thailand belongs to the King).

Durian- king, is also prohibited from being exported from the country.

When planning your shopping list, it is worth taking into account the norms adopted in Thailand for the weight of luggage taken out per person, as well as the packaging of large items.

For tourists who are just planning a trip to Thailand, this advice will not be superfluous:

  • take a minimum of things, only what is really necessary;
  • do not take things that can be purchased upon arrival;
  • leave half the space in your luggage free - for things purchased in Thailand, souvenirs, gifts and hotels.

After all, it is truly impossible to leave Thailand empty-handed!

What is really worth bringing from Thailand? Thai sniffers, toothpaste, coconut oil, green and blue tea, Thai rum, scrubs and cosmetics, Thai fruits, etc.

The appearance resembles hygienic lipstick and comes in different colors. Sold at 7-11 (cost around 20 baht). Thais use them for tone all the time. And they help clear your nose to some extent and are really invigorating. The main thing is not to overdo it when sniffing. They can be brought as useful souvenirs that will most likely be used and will not lie in the dust of storage rooms.

Thai green ointment

Green, red, yellow, black or Tiger balm - this Thai ointment can be of any color, but they all have approximately the same effect. Perfectly relieves tension and pain in muscles and joints. If your head starts to hurt, you can anoint your neck. Red ointment is more warming. Sold everywhere - in pharmacies, markets and special stalls. Great for giving away as souvenirs, because in our world everyone has something that hurts.

Famous Thai ointment. Smells like our star balm. Used for sprains, radiculitis, etc.

Thai toothpaste

Sold in small jars and tubes, it costs less in Tesco than in tourist pharmacies, and in Pattaya, right opposite Tesco on the street - 30 baht. Brown paste in tubes is also sold in. As a souvenir, it’s very good because it’s unusual (both). Small pastes in round boxes have the following features:

  • It's terribly inconvenient to use.
  • It foams a lot.
  • To clean your teeth, a minimal amount is enough, literally on the tip of a knife, the size of a match head.
  • This little round of paste lasts for a very long time (very).

Coconut oil

One of the most popular shopping in Thailand. This is a very important thing that you should definitely bring as souvenirs for yourself. Especially if you lived in Thailand for a long time, then upon returning to Russia it will be very useful for the skin of your entire body, which turns out to very quickly wean itself from its native harsh and dry air. In this case, coconut oil helps better than expensive creams (tested).

Thai tea: green and blue

Green tea has a green color when brewed, blue tea is just very blue. I personally haven’t tried the blue one, but the green one is very tasty, and many people like it, so I have to give it out to friends very quickly. You can safely take 2-3 packs :). You can find these teas in 7-11 (not all), Big C or Thai shops and markets (green tea in the photo).

Green tea chocolates

This is actually the number 1 thing that you need to bring from Thailand :)! True, not everyone loves them, but for those who do (for example, me) - these chocolates are real happiness! Sold in all supermarkets (and 7-11), they come with waffles (left) and pure chocolate (both are delicious).

TomYam, TomKa (seasonings for soups)

Seasonings for making Thai soups are sold in soft or hard packaging in almost all supermarkets in Thailand (look near instant noodles and canned food). It may look like this in any other packaging). This is just a spicy paste that can be added to our Russian borscht, among other things. You can’t make real TomYam from it (you need other ingredients), but you can bring it as a souvenir. True, lately this pasta has also been sold in some of our supermarkets.

Fruits, + an easy way to bring mangoes in a suitcase

All the ones you like. If you want to transport a mango, you can take a five-liter water bottle, cut off the top part, fold it inside the mango and tape the top part of the bottle in place. You will get a five-liter bottle of mangoes, which will arrive with you almost without damage.

Thai rum Sang Som

Sold in all supermarkets. I don’t understand anything about rum, but many times I’ve been asked where to get it to take it to Russia - they say it’s very cool.

Thai scrubs and other cosmetics

I highly recommend trying Thai body scrubs, which are sold in pharmacies and departments with cosmetics and detergents - the effect is amazing. You can try any scrubs - I think everyone will find something for themselves. Scrubs in Thailand are herbal and salt. They are different, for example, such as in the photo below. You can and should take them as souvenirs, but they are a serious infection. Herbal ones in paper bags are light, but not as effective as salt ones.

This is my favorite salt body scrub. It costs 199 baht at the pharmacy, the effect is simply amazing!
These scrubs are also from the “favorite” series, although they are more expensive and run out quickly.

Thai soap in the form of fruits and flowers

A beautiful and unobtrusive souvenir from Thailand that will definitely be used. It is sold everywhere: in markets, in supermarkets, in special stores, in general - even if you don’t look for it, you will still come across it.

Essential oils

Thailand has a huge selection "essential oils". They are sold in the markets for 50 baht for a small bottle, but all you need to know about them is that they are not essential oils, it is just the smell in the bottles. Of course, no one will sell you real rose or lotus essential oil for that price. If you want to smell like orange or lavender, you can buy a couple of these bottles, but they won't be useful. It is better not to bring them as souvenirs, because just the smell can be bought for the same price in any country in the world. But you can bring real ones.

Counterfeit essential oils. A small bottle costs 50 baht. A completely pointless thing.

Real essential oils are sold in pharmacies or specialty stores and are expensive (depending on the type of oil).

And a little about personal things. Moisturizing toner from 7-11

And now about what I would absolutely like to bring for myself (along with coconut oil). When we travel from Thailand to Russia, it is a real stress for our bodies, especially in winter, when the skin dries several times more intensely than in summer. And this one white jar for 119 baht, which can be purchased at any 7-11, really saves me. If you are traveling to Novosibirsk from Tay right now, then please grab one for me)), otherwise mine is already running out:

Small tubes with hieroglyphs - moisturizing toner, which is sold at 7-11. A simple and very effective thing).

If you ask about anything worth bringing from Thailand in the comments, this list will get longer over time.

Other posts about Thailand:

What to bring from Thailand - an interesting, exotic, and such an attractive country. How can you impress your friends and parents? What is the symbol of the country and what things will not be allowed through customs?

Going to the land of smiles, you probably wondered what to bring from Thailand - for yourself, family and friends. Often, the huge variety of all kinds of goods presented in shopping centers and markets forces tourists to buy a lot of unnecessary and completely useless things. For more “effective shopping,” we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of what is popular among tourists for shopping. What locals offer and how to surprise your friends with exclusive gifts.

“A banal story” - souvenirs from Thailand

The first thing that immediately catches the eye of newly arrived tourists is the huge number of souvenirs found at almost every step. They can be bought: in small shops near hotels, in shopping centers, and, of course, in Thai markets. Various figurines of elephants and Buddha, magnets depicting beautiful beaches and landmarks of the country, coconut lanterns and shell products, bamboo boxes and dishes, all of this will be an excellent, inexpensive gift and a wonderful decoration for any interior.

The cost of “decent” souvenirs starts from ∼20-30 baht. For this price you can buy original keychains or magnets. It is worth noting that some souvenir products are prohibited from being exported from the country. More on this a little later.

Natural cosmetics and medicines

Cosmetics and preparations of Thai traditional medicine are especially popular among tourists who come on vacation. There is an explanation for this: similar products, widely represented in Thailand, are made only from natural ingredients and, no matter how funny it may be, have a “magical” effect. For example, the well-known analogue of the “star” - the “Thai gold cup” - is capable of not only “piercing the nose”, but also saving the patient from burns and even calluses! Tourists export various oils, body scrubs and creams, toothpastes, and natural deodorants in large quantities from the country. Also, Thai medicinal balms and ointments that help with headaches, sprains and joint pain.

The cost of medicines varies. For the lowest possible price and to avoid counterfeiting, purchase medications in special pharmacies.

Jewelry - what to bring from Thailand for women

Being one of the leaders in the mining of precious and semi-precious stones, Thailand offers travelers a large selection of various jewelry. In factories and specialized stores, a huge number of different products are presented. In the literal sense of the word, my eyes widen. On the shelves you can find: sophisticated, stylish jewelry for everyday wear; religious, “imbued with Thai mood”; all kinds of accessories made of wood, coconut, ivory. Also, in the pearl-growing country, there is a considerable selection of various pearl jewelry. Such a huge assortment will allow you to choose a beautiful gift not only for yourself, but also as a present for close relatives.

Products made from wood and coconut can be found from ∼30 baht, from pearls from ∼150 baht.

Latex products

Thailand is famous for its latex products, thanks to the Hevea rubber trees growing in the country, from the juice of which latex is later obtained, and from it various pillows and mattresses are made. They differ from ordinary ones in their orthopedic and antibacterial properties, environmental friendliness and durability. This is why many tourists leave Thailand purchasing some kind of latex product.

Alcohol - a fun souvenir from Thailand

Your friends and work colleagues will definitely appreciate the high-quality and relatively inexpensive. Absolutely “colorful” drinking options will be: beer of the Leo, Chang or Singha brands, the famous Thai rum Sang Som, rice vodka or Sato rice wine.

The cost of alcoholic drinks starts from 100 baht. It is recommended to buy alcohol in trusted places - 7Eleven or Tesco Lotus

Products, fruits and teas, spices

Do you want to truly surprise and delight your family and friends? Bring exotic fruits as a gift. Pitaihaya, rambutan, mangosteen are excellent examples of “” from Southeast Asia. An excellent alternative would be fruit candies or chips flavored with coconut and mangosteen. Also a great idea of ​​what you can bring from Thailand - exotic spices and herbs, rice noodles, unusual sauces, amazing preparations (approx. curry paste). In addition, you should definitely pay attention to Thai teas. In particular, blue tea, which is very effective for vision, is recommended for various respiratory diseases.

What cannot be taken out of Thailand

What to buy and bring from Pattaya - this is something many people who are planning to visit think about this; besides, reviews from tourists returning from Thailand often talk very temptingly about the benefits of shopping in this country.

What do you buy in Pattaya?

Of course, most tourists bring souvenirs as gifts to friends. However, you can buy here not only traditional magnets or keychains, but also many useful and necessary things, while significantly saving on the difference in prices with Russian stores. Or, just buy something unusual as a souvenir, which will not only become a “duty” sign of attention, but will also delight friends, colleagues and relatives.

In general, in Thailand, it makes sense to pay attention to:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Jams and other products made from durian, durian itself is prohibited from export, but products made from it are not.
  3. Teas and Thai coffee.
  4. Non-perishable products.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Silk and leather products.
  7. Jewelry products.
  8. Electronics and watches.
  9. Cosmetics and homeopathic remedies.
  10. Orthopedic bedding made of latex and bamboo.

The most important rule for a tourist going on local shopping is to remember the restrictions on the weight of luggage accepted by the airline on whose plane you will have to fly home. As a rule, the baggage limit is from 20 to 30 kg, so this point must be clarified.


Of course, if you buy fruits not to eat them, but to take them with you, then you should buy dried, canned, prepared in the form of chips, candied, vacuum-packed, and not fresh.

Canned fruits in Thailand are not only compotes or pieces in syrup; there is a very large and varied selection of ready-made fruit dishes sealed in tin or glass, for example, chicken with bamboo shoots, rambutan and shompu. There are also many canned fruit dishes with seafood and fish. But we must not forget about weight and dimensions - a tin can weighs more than vacuum packaging and also takes up more space in a bag or suitcase.

Among the abundance of fruit, attention should be paid to those fruits that are not on store shelves in our country. Durian - only in the form of products; simply dried pure fruit will not be allowed to be exported. Shompu, rambutan, lich, mangosteen - there are many different types of them, you should not be surprised that under this name you will find dissimilar fruits, jackfoot and others.

If we are guided by the reviews of tourists who bought local fruits to go, then it is best to do this in the Big C or Tesco Lotus chain stores. If preference is given to markets, then it is better to go to those that are located away from the “tourist streets”, that is, where locals shop. Of course, when purchasing fruit at the market, you always need to bargain.

When buying at markets, you need to pay attention to what is not in stores, for example, goji berries in powdered sugar or chocolate. They are poured or rolled fresh, that is, the shell creates a kind of packaging, a shell that keeps the berry juicy, as if it had just been picked.

Teas and Thai coffee

Pattaya is rich in small coffee and tea shops where you can literally buy these products by weight and in almost any combination.

However, many travelers are scared away from such shops by the thought of unsanitary conditions and the likelihood of food poisoning or other unpleasant consequences. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say; it is possible that the requirements for drying and storing these products are not always and everywhere met; maybe somewhere there is a chance of purchasing tea or grains with mold, but nevertheless it makes sense to visit such shops.


Firstly, only in small private shops you can buy truly unique tea blends. Secondly, here you can always try the aromatic drink before purchasing and express your wishes, which will be immediately taken into account. You can spend the whole day here and really buy something to enjoy on the cold, gray Russian evenings.

As for sanitation, it makes sense to observe the visitors to the stores, and go where the locals, not necessarily Thais, Europeans living nearby, go, is also a good indicator of the quality of the products sold in the store.

If you prefer to buy tea and coffee mixtures in “real” stores, you need to go to the Central Center, namely the Tea Village store.


This word should be understood as something that can only be purchased in Thailand, for example, black sauce from fish bones, coconut milk and fruit smoothies in paper bags, canned crocodile meat, dried, smoked beetles both in cardboard containers and in a vacuum, There are other products that are completely exotic for tourists.

Such products may well become a good gift or an addition to your own holiday table. You can buy them in any of the supermarkets or markets.


Among alcoholic drinks, the most popular among tourists is Thai rum “Sang Som”. You can buy it at any supermarket or store specializing in the sale of alcohol; it is also sold at the airport.

But it’s worth considering that rum is more expensive in airport stores. On average, the price in city supermarkets for a bottle with a capacity of 0.7 is 290-310 baht, but those tourists who bring home rum from the airport already pay 390-400 baht for it.

Leather and silk

Silk production in Thailand is in no way inferior to the famous Chinese silks, but costs slightly less. However, silk items are rarely brought, since they are still quite expensive.

The average price of a tie, for example, will be from 420 to 600 baht, and a shirt, tunic or short dress will cost from 1,250 baht and above. However, real natural silk is worth such expenses, and in comparison with Russian prices for these things, here it is several times cheaper.

Tourists planning to buy something flowing and elegant need to be extremely attentive to the cost, even a tiny “butterfly” cannot cost less than 400 baht, a scarf - less than 600, and so on, if you bought it cheaper, it means you are bringing a fake.

It is better not to buy silk items in markets or private small shops; the likelihood of purchasing synthetics is very high. To buy silk, it is best to go to a factory or visit Golden Chase stores; of course, you can safely buy in shopping centers; they usually stock both natural items and their artificial analogues, which can be easily distinguished by the information on the price tags and the difference in prices.

Jo. /flickr.com

Leather products are the most popular thing that can be brought from Thailand. Of course, most travelers seek to purchase haberdashery, shoes or other items made from crocodile, snake or stingray skin. The easiest way to buy them is at a crocodile farm or in any large chain store; it is worth considering that prices are lower at the farm, and shopping can also be combined with an interesting excursion and a delicious lunch.

But many tourists are quite satisfied with products made from calfskin, which cost a penny and successfully imitate crocodile skin. Moreover, such a thing is made of real leather, that is, its quality and service life are very high.

It is better to buy these products on or in stores on Walking Street; prices here are lower than in shopping centers. In principle, products made from calf leather can be found in any store, just as in the case of silk, they are presented in the same departments as things made from crocodile skin, but they differ in price and information indicated on the price tag.

The choice of these products is very large, from jewelry made of leather or seashells, to exquisite gold sets with valuable stones, so the choice of place of purchase depends on what exactly you want to buy.


Of course, gold, both with stones and pearls or without anything at all, should be purchased only in the stores of a local jewelry factory. However, pearls and leather goods made with pearls are in much greater demand among tourists. Shell jewelry is also very popular.

It makes sense to go to the store at the sea shell museum. There is a lot of jewelry here, for every budget and taste. For example, the simplest leather bracelet with pearls costs about 60 baht, and a shell bracelet without pearls costs from 16 baht.

Of all the things you can bring from Pattaya, pearl products are the only thing you can buy anywhere without fear. Pearls are literally everywhere here and there is no point in counterfeiting them; making plastic or glass beads with mother-of-pearl is more expensive than products from commercial pearl farms.

But of course there is a difference in cost. The normal average price for a full women's pearl set is 150-180 baht, if the market asks for more, you need to bargain.

Electronics and watches

As for electronics, gadgets and other similar products, real products from leading brands cost the same as in Russian stores. Tourists are usually attracted by “fake” equipment from world brands, for example, Apple, which costs mere pennies here, but is outwardly indistinguishable from the originals.

What’s interesting is that you don’t need to go to dubious shops or market stalls to buy such products. It is sold legally, in all shopping centers, next to real gadgets from world brands. This product is designated by the term "copy".


When purchasing copies, you need to check absolutely everything, since there are no warranty cards for this type of product. The highest quality and inexpensive copies, as numerous reviews of shopping in Pattaya say, are sold in the Tukcom chain.

The situation is similar for watches. As a rule, copies that are indistinguishable from brands are in demand. However, their cost is not the smallest; for example, an absolute external analogue of a Rolex watch costs about 5,200 baht.

Meanwhile, in Thailand they make very good and attractive watches. These original products, paradoxically, are several times cheaper than counterfeits from well-known companies - from 160 to 1000 baht. For example, an elegant electronic women's watch with pearls will cost 230-270 baht.

To buy watches you need to go to shopping centers; the pavilions selling them are usually located next to jewelry stores.

Cosmetics, homeopathy and orthopedics

Cosmetics and homeopathy in Thailand are inextricably linked.

In any pharmacy in Pattaya you need to pay attention to the following products:

  • roots and herbs for preparing tinctures and baths;
  • Noni juice and capsules;
  • snuff compositions for runny nose, headaches and motion sickness;
  • weight loss tablets made from compressed herbs;
  • Thai flower balms for skin and hair;
  • Tiger Balm for men;
  • oils from exotic fruits for various purposes - from care to massage;
  • ointments for joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism and much more.

Pharmacies also offer homeopathic decorative cosmetics - powder, eye shadow, blush, and so on made from rice, minerals, powder with mother-of-pearl, and much more. Interesting mascara and eyeliner made from the dorsal substance of the eel.

Of course, you can also buy sets of ordinary cosmetic products here, but those made from “chemicals” can also be bought in Russia.

As for prices, they depend on what exactly to buy, for example, a scrub with ground mollusk shells for facial skin costs 65 baht for a volume of 320 ml. It is made in the form of solid oil or Vaseline, packaged in compact round jars, that is, such a thing can be conveniently packed in the side pocket of a bag; it will not take up space in your luggage.

When it comes to cosmetics and homeopathic remedies, you need to think about what to buy, not where to buy. Prices in pharmacies differ slightly, on average by 10-18 baht, so there is not the slightest point in going to the outskirts for a couple of packages of balm or ointment.

Aleksandr Zykov / flickr.com

When thinking about what to bring from Thailand, many people want to buy real latex orthopedic mattresses and pillows with bamboo elements. The cost of products in the city's shopping centers is low, for example, a regular sleeping pillow costs from 800 baht, a mattress - from 1,200 baht.

But before you buy, you need to check whether the purchase will fit into your luggage according to its dimensions. If not, don’t be upset, you can buy bath pillows or thoughts, they are very compact and cost about 300 baht.

What cannot be taken out of Thailand?

When going shopping, you need to think not only about what to bring from Pattaya, but also clarify what cannot be taken out of the country.

You will not be able to pass through customs if your luggage contains:

  1. Durian in pure fresh form, dried, in seed form.
  2. Figurines or images of Buddha more than 13 cm in length.
  3. Skins and stuffed crocodiles.
  4. Tiger skins.
  5. Ivory products and ivory itself.
  6. Turtle shell and products made from it.
  7. Bats, both live and stuffed.
  8. Almost 50 species of butterflies, some birds and a number of plants.

Therefore, it is better to buy something not in the markets, but in large stores, where the price tags contain a warning about whether this product is allowed for export or not.

Video: what to buy in Pattaya?


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