NanShan the Center of the Buddhism, Nan Shan. Nanshan - the famous Buddhist temple complex of China Sanya Buddhist Center how to get there

Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park (Taoist Heavenly Grottoes Park) is located in China, on the southwest coast of Hainan Island, at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, 55 km from the city of Sanya. These places have long been known for their stunning natural landscapes - the blue sea, mountains, grottoes and caves, bizarrely shaped boulders, relict Dragon trees, many of which are more than 2000 years old. The park was founded in 1187 during the Song Dynasty. In addition to its natural beauty, the park is famous for its historical sights, temples and monuments; many legends and traditions are associated with it. This place is considered sacred for all followers of Taoism - one of the most revered religions in China. According to legend, the dragon of the South Sea lives in these parts - one of the four rulers of the world in the Taoist religion, and gods live in sacred grottoes and caves, as evidenced by inscriptions made in ancient times on cliffs and rocks. Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park is called “the most scenic place on Hainan Island”, “the most exciting place in southern China”, “fairyland”. The park is a national treasure of the country and holder of AAAA status (analogous to 5*). The main attraction of the park are the grottoes - large and small. In the sacred Small Grotto of Heaven, located at the foot of a huge rock in the shape of a turtle, followers of Taoism gathered, Mao Kui preached here and from here, according to legend, ascended to heaven. There is a statue of him in the Southern Sea Dragon King Temple. In Chinese culture, this dragon is considered one of the most powerful gods; it brings stability and good luck, nourishes all living things and sends rain to the earth. The second lunar day of February is considered the day when the dragon raises its head. During this holiday, lavish celebrations are held in the park and prayers are offered to the king and the sea. Walking along the shore and shady alleys, you can see many sculptures and monuments, sacred stones - the Immortal Altar, the Stone of Luck, the Heavenly Imprint, the Magic Peach, visit the Turtle Pavilion, touch the bark of the Dragon Tree (the tree of longevity), which is more than 6000 years old. Among the more than 50 attractions in the park are the Zhou Kang Stone Boat from the Song Dynasty, the Stone Pavilion, the Fairy Staircase, the Life-Extending Bridge and many others. The park houses the Sanya Natural History Museum; its exhibition includes more than 2,000 exhibits, 800 of which are considered national treasures. Visitors can explore the park on foot or in an electric car, climb the many steep stairs and get a bird's eye view of the sea, the lighthouse and the picturesque surroundings. The park has recreation areas, gazebos covered with ivy, restaurants and souvenir shops.

Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park (Taoist Heavenly Grottoes Park)
Address: Nanshan Kongtian Yacheng, Sanya, Hainan Island, China
Tel: +86 898 8883 0188
Fax: +86 898 8883 0199
Email: [email protected]
How to get there: Sanya Phoenix International Airport - 42 km
From Sanya city (Dadonghai Square bus stop) to Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park you can take bus No. 25 (travel time about one and a half hours)
Validity: constantly
Operating mode: Monday - Sunday from 08:30 to 18:30
Price: 135 CNY / 1 person
Adults - 135 CNY
Children (height 120-140 cm) - 70 CNY
Children (height below 120 cm) - free admission
Guide services - 50 CNY
Ride in an electric car - 15 CNY

Popular among tourists all over the world. The Buddhist Center is located 40 km from the major tourist center of Sanya, at the foot of the mountain, which gave its name to the temple complex. Majestic temples and picturesque landscapes distinguish Nanshan from similar Buddhist complexes. It was opened 13 years ago, its area is about 50 square meters. kilometers.

Traveling around Nanshan.

One of the main attractions of the complex itself is the goddess Guanyin, to whom entire pilgrimages of Chinese Buddhists are made during national and religious holidays. Nanshan often becomes attractive to tourists also because here the thousand-armed goddess Guanyin is made of pure gold, weighs about 140 kg and is decorated with precious stones.

Since the complex is an hour's drive from, you can get here by buses 25 and 29, the cost of a one-way ticket will cost about 14 yuan. You can travel around the park itself on a special excursion steam locomotive, a ticket for which must be purchased separately.
The journey through the Nanshan temple complex begins with the dharma door, which translated means “heavenly gate of non-duality.” This is not just a gate, but a symbol that this is the last stage of enlightenment. They were built in the 5th century AD. Above the gate are two hieroglyphs meaning “non-duality” and “unity”.

The next local attraction worth paying attention to is the Park of Compassionate Liberation. But in front of it, one cannot help but see the “Giant Jug of Purity”, which contains rainwater. This is not just an architectural monument: there is a legend according to which, after the end of all wars on Earth, water from the Jug will spill and cleanse everything from evil.
The territory of the park is divided into two banks by a large lake with a bridge, a nice gazebo with a picturesque view and a beautiful landscape. This is an example of the classical style in which many gardens were built in China. Here you can also hear Buddhist mantras.

It is on the shores of this wonderful lake that the majestic goddess Guanyin stands, attracting tourists. Its height reaches almost 4 meters. The statue is decorated with pearls, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, rubies - you name it! For many, it is simply a work of art, but Buddhist adherents believe that it contains a piece of the ashes of Buddha Shakyamuni. The goddess's hands hold objects that reflect the best that is in a person: mercy, kindness, willpower, spiritual development, nirvana and so on.

In 1998, the unique statue was included in the Guinness Book of Records, since it is the only figure in nature made of pure gold. The goddess is in the temple, and to see her you need to pay 20 yuan to enter it. Here you can also read the rules that must be followed before entering the temple. The area around it is also very picturesque.

Then tourists find themselves in the “Valley of Longevity”. It has the same name with the hieroglyph that is located here. In the Valley there is a sculpture of a cute family of turtles - a favorite place for a photo shoot. Here you can also see photographic portraits of Hainan’s centenarians, who are already over 100 years old! There is even a festival dedicated to these people on the island. This is how residents express their care and love to them.

In the Valley there is a “path of centenarians”, which is not indicated in the routes, and leads to the mountain peak.
For travel-weary tourists, the park has a recreation area with sculptures of elephants and real blue ones that you can feed. If you walk a little further, you can see a clearing of bells and a banyan tree. The “Bell of Pure Reason”, if struck 3 times, will bring good luck, wealth and prosperity. In addition to this area, a little further away there is a recreation and dining center, which offers stunning views of the sea and the statue of the goddess Guanyin. This goddess stands on a huge pedestal right in the sea, and her height reaches almost 108 meters!

You can go down to the sea, sit on the warm sand and expose your face to the light breeze and gentle sun. Tourists can have a snack in a cafe with Buddhist cuisine and return to the park. Many are also attracted by the large temple of “33 Guanyin Statues”, which are carefully protected and take their place in the Guinness Book of Records. A luxurious temple stop allows you to get an unforgettable aesthetic pleasure. Another temple that deserves attention - Kong Hai Memorial - looks very festive and elegant.
“Nanshan” always attracts tourists with its unusualness and uniqueness, so you want to come back here again and again, and each time getting more and more new impressions. You can get to the Buddhist temple complex either independently or as part of a group.

One of the most popular attractions in China is located on Hainan Island. Nanshan Buddhism Center, located near the city of Sanya, is a famous tourist complex. On its territory, an ancient temple has been restored and a landscape park has been laid out, giving visitors peace and harmony.

Nanshan Temple

A sacred place for all Buddhists is dedicated to Guanyin, the most revered goddess. An ancient legend has been passed down from generation to generation, according to which a small ship was once wrecked at this place, and 12 monks who miraculously escaped built a temple here as a token of gratitude.

The Nanshan Buddhist Center is a huge complex surrounded by a green park located on an area of ​​50 square kilometers. For the convenience of tourists, open electric cars run here and stop at every attraction. Transport tickets are valid all day, and visitors can hop on and off at their convenience, making it easier to navigate the giant complex in the sweltering heat.

The Gate of Enlightenment

The entrance to the Nanshan Buddhist center, photos of which convey its exotic beauty, is through the Heavenly Gate. They are decorated with two hieroglyphs, inscribed by the country's oldest calligrapher, which represent two important concepts - unity and non-duality. According to Buddhist philosophy, to achieve enlightenment, one must pass through this gate. There is also a so-called gong of happiness, which all visitors standing in line hit three times, calling for good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Merciful Liberation Park

Walking through the picturesque park called Merciful Liberation, you can get to the Longevity Valley through an alley dedicated to the long-livers of the peninsula. Red ribbons with gold hieroglyphs are tied everywhere - wishes of love, happiness and other blessings. Especially for tourists from Russia, there are signs with translations at points selling fabric scraps. Every guest who visits the Nanshan Buddhist Center ties ribbons to statues or trees, and no one takes them off. It is believed that the gods always fulfill cherished wishes.

Built in classical Chinese style, the park with thickets of bamboo and cute gazebos resembles a corner of paradise, where it is so pleasant to meditate and take a break from the bustle of the city.

Alley of Centenarians

On the picturesque alley there are stands with photographs of people who have reached the age of one hundred, as well as excerpts from interviews with them. Everyone will be able to learn their secrets, which include an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and communication with loved ones. The fact is that on the island, where old people are treated with great respect, there are a large number of people over 80 and 90 years old. Once every two years, an interesting festival is held, where centenarians are publicly congratulated and given gifts.

Anyone can climb to the top of the mountain using a staircase that has ten thousand steps. The hill offers stunning views of the rainforest and the giant statue of the goddess. In the Valley of Longevity, tourists encounter a sculptural composition consisting of three turtles, symbolizing family happiness with children and grandchildren, respect for old age and peace.

Temple in honor of the Goddess of Mercy

The colorful center of Buddhism, Nanshan, opened 18 years ago, is famous for its luxurious temple, which houses a golden statue of the eight-armed Goddess of Mercy. Having achieved perfection, the caring and compassionate Guanyin, who did not want to go to nirvana, begged the gods for happiness for people and saved them from various disasters and troubles.

The tall statue of the goddess is made of 140 kg of pure gold and inlaid with precious stones, the total weight of which exceeds 400 carats. For believers, the main relic is a piece of the ashes of the Buddha himself, kept inside the statue. The walls of the temple are filled with small cells containing miniature images of the goddess left by tourists and believers. By the way, each visitor will be able to purchase a figure with his name engraved on a plate, but he will not be able to take it with him, since a copy must remain in the temple.

Next to the structure there is a gigantic jug carved into stone, filled with rainwater. At its base there is a container in which goldfish swim, and tourists happily feed them rice. An ancient legend tells that water will pour out of the vessel and cleanse the earth only when all wars in the world stop. Buddhists believe that such a day will come soon.

Guanyin statue on an artificial island

The final point of the route is an artificial island, in the center of which stands a bronze statue of the goddess. Two of her faces look at the South China Sea, and one is turned to people. The height of the Guanyin sculpture is 108 meters (this number is considered sacred in China).

Believers who come from different parts of the world to the center of Buddhism, Nanshan, touch the gilded lotus petals on which the great goddess rests. At the foot of the statue, weighing 2,600 tons, there is an elegant temple with special stands where red ribbons with wishes are attached.

Nanshan Buddhist Center: how to get there

Those who want to visit a local attraction on their own must first get to the city of Sanya. You can get from Moscow to the resort with transfers, and departures are from Sheremetyevo Airport.

Next, getting to Nanshan Temple, open from 8:00 to 18:00, is not difficult: the international tourism center runs buses number 25 and 29, which will take you to the final stop in an hour - the largest Buddhist complex in Asia.

In addition, you can purchase a tour, the price of which (about 65 euros) includes: round-trip transfer, guided walk and tickets for an electric car.

Nanshan Buddhism Center is the largest center of Buddhism in Asia. It is located on the slope of the mountain of the same name. Translated from Chinese, “Nanshan” means “southern mountain”. The temple complex is dedicated to the goddess of mercy Guanyin - one of the most revered in Buddhism. According to legend, a ship on which 12 monks were sailing was wrecked at this place. They were saved by dolphins, and in gratitude for their salvation, the monks founded a Buddhist temple here.

Nanshan Park was opened in 1999 and is now a temple complex with an area of ​​50 km2, surrounded by a landscaped park.
The entrance to the park is the Heavenly Gate of Nonduality. In Buddhist philosophy, the final step in achieving enlightenment is the symbolic passage through the gate.

The gate depicts two hieroglyphs - “non-duality” and “unity”. They were inscribed by the famous 94-year-old calligrapher Gu Ting Long.

Near the entrance there is a gong of happiness, which is supposed to be struck three times: for prosperity, wealth and good luck.

One of the main attractions of Nanshan Park is the temple with the golden statue of Guanyin.

According to legend, having achieved perfection, Guanyin did not want to go to nirvana out of compassion for the world. In Chinese mythology, Guanyin is a deity who saves from troubles and misfortunes, caring and infinitely compassionate, asking the gods for well-being for people.

Photography is not allowed in all temples, so there will be no pictures of the interior decoration or statues. I'll just tell you what awaits inside the temple.
The Golden Guanyin statue is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest golden statue in Asia. Standing 3.8 m tall, it is made of 140 kg of pure gold, stands on a jade lotus flower and is inlaid with more than 1000 pearls, 120 diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and other precious stones, weighing more than 400 carats. For Buddhist believers, the main value of the temple is a piece of Buddha, stored in a small seven-step pyramid.

Traditionally, Guanyin is depicted with eight arms. In her six hands she holds various symbolic objects: a flower (a symbol of beauty), a jug (a symbol of fertility), a rope (salvation from trouble), a musical instrument (harmony), a book (the doctrine of salvation) and beads (a symbol of infinity). One free hand is extended to the people, and the other is folded in a sign of blessing.

Not far from the temple. Guanyin stands as a huge jar of purity, carved from solid stone and filled with rainwater. It is believed that when all wars and conflicts stop in the world, water from the jug will pour onto the earth and cleanse it of evil.

Walking through Compassionate Liberation Park - a classic park with palm trees and bamboo thickets, koi ponds and traditional Chinese gazebos - we reach the Valley of Longevity.

But before we get there, we walk along a path dedicated to the centenarians of Hainan over 100 years old. Each photograph includes a short interview with a centenarian. Based on what I’ve read, the secret to longevity is moderate healthy eating, an active lifestyle (for example, working in the garden) and communication with family, children, grandchildren and friends.

Hainan has more centenarians than the rest of China. In 2012, in Hainan province there were 1,610 people over 80 years old, which is 17 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. Every two years, the Nannash Buddhist Center hosts a festival of centenarians, where the elderly are welcomed and celebrated. In China, in general, there is a very respectful attitude towards old people.

In the Valley of Longevity we are greeted by a family of turtles, symbolizing family happiness among children and grandchildren.

And a statue of an old man who is asked for longevity.

In the Valley of the Centenarians and along the entire length of the Path of the Centenarians you can see red ribbons with gold hieroglyphs. These are ribbons with wishes. There are many points in the park where you can buy a ribbon with hieroglyphs with regrets for happiness, love, wealth and other benefits. There are signs with translations of wishes especially for Russian-speaking tourists. These ribbons are tied to trees, to statues, and no one takes them off in the park so that the gods can read the ribbons and fulfill their wishes. On some ribbons, wishes were written in pen, but not knowing whether the higher powers of China understood the Russian language, we limited ourselves to ribbons with standard inscriptions.

In addition, older people lead an active lifestyle, and to prove this they climb the path of centenarians to the top of the mountain. I came across information that the staircase has 10,000 steps. We also walked along the Centenarians' Trail, climbing all the steps surrounded by a picturesque tropical forest with beautiful views of the 108-meter Guanyin statue in the sea.

The path leads us to the statue of the Buddha of Longevity, who is asked for a long life for himself and his loved ones. Few tourists make it to the end of the trail, although the walk is worth it.

Going down the path, we find ourselves in a clearing with an old tamarind (Indian date) and sculptures of elephants. All of them are also thickly hung with red ribbons and wooden signs with names and wishes.

Due to the thickness of the cover, we did not immediately notice statues of monkeys around the tree, symbolizing the Buddhist idea of ​​​​not doing evil: “If I do not see evil, do not hear about evil and do not say anything about it, then I am protected from it.”

Speaking of elephants, the Chinese love them very much :) And we often came across images and sculptures, even very small ones, of elephants.

A nice Chinese sign warning that it is not advisable to walk on the lawn because of dangerous insects and snakes.

We make our way to the Temple of the 33 Guanyin Statues, admiring the beautiful views along the way.

The inside of the temple looks luxurious, in addition to the beautiful and terrifying statues of the gods, all the walls of the temple are filled with cells with small gilded statues of the goddess that were donated to the temple. Anyone can buy such a statue for 10,000 yuan, with his name engraved on the plaque. The statue cannot be taken away; it remains in the temple. And I would say that most gilded Guanyin have engraved plaques.

Our path lies in the main Guanyin Temple through a beautiful park with gazebos, stones with bas-reliefs and hieroglyphic inscriptions.

If you turn off the main alley, you can go to the clearing of the 12 arhats, the guards of the 12 months of the year and the 4 cardinal directions. Translated from Sanskrit, “arhat” means “worthy”; in Buddhism, this is a person who has achieved liberation from kleshas and emerged from the “wheel of rebirth.”

Through a picturesque white pavilion, as if straight out of a classical Chinese painting, we descend to the foot of the Guann Temple.

A high staircase with two walk-through temples with guardian gods leads to the main temple. All thresholds in Buddhist temples have a high threshold that evil spirits cannot cross.

From the upper platforms of the temple there is a magnificent view of the snow-white statue of the goddess, to which we go after visiting the main temple.

Since the park's territory is huge, a train runs for tourists. On the way we pass by a wall with sayings of Buddha carved in stone.

Having reached the final point of our route, we find ourselves in a beautiful square with a wonderful view of the Guanyin statue. It’s getting dark, and the park will soon be closing, so we are left almost completely alone, alone with the blue sky, the azure sea and the snow-white three-faced Guanyin.

We walk across a 320-meter bridge to an artificial island, on which stands the fourth tallest Buddhist statue in the world. The height of Guanyin is 108 meters, and this number is not accidental. In Buddhism, the number 108 is sacred and it is believed that there are 108 desires. preventing a person from achieving enlightenment, the collection of Buddha’s sayings consists of 108 volumes, etc.

The two faces of the goddess face the sea, protecting people from harsh and cruel storms. One image of Guanyin faces the island.

Those who wish to pray and touch the goddess’s foot can climb to the gilded lotus petals on which Guanyin stands.

The Nanshan Buddhist Center is rightfully considered the largest attraction on Hainan Island and one of the most beautiful. Although, in my opinion, everything in Hainan is wonderful :)

Nanshan Temple (China) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Nanshan Temple ("South Mountain Temple") is the largest Buddhist sanctuary built since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The temple on the hill of the same name got its name because of the famous Buddhist expression, which says: “Good karma is like the Eastern Sea; longevity is great, like Nanshan” (in Chinese Buddhism of this region, the longevity-happiness aspect is especially emphasized). The construction of the temple in 1988 marked two millennia of Chinese Buddhism. The temple covers an area of ​​40 thousand square meters. m. The area where it stands belongs to the Nanshan Buddhist Cultural Zone, classified as an AAAA (highest) class scenic spot by the China National Tourism Administration. The South Sea Guanyin Statue is also located here.

The famous Sanya South Sea Guanyin Statue is a 108-meter tall sculpture depicting the merciful bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the fourth tallest statue in the world.

On the temple grounds there are several copies of buildings from the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The Renwang Gate ("mountain gate"), the entrance to the temple, is decorated with two figures of a standing Buddha. Seven more Buddhist statues are on display in the Doshuai auditorium. In the center of the hall stands the Buddha of the Hereafter, Maitreya, surrounded by two bodhisattvas. Around these Buddhist sculptures stand four Heavenly Kings, who play the role of guards, keeping watch in order to protect all living creatures, bring good weather and a good harvest.

An alley branching off from Doshuai leads visitors to Jin-Tang, a ceremonial hall that had the same name during the Tang Dynasty. Three main Buddha statues can be seen here: Shakyamuni, Bhaisayaguru (Yaoshiwan in Chinese) and Amitabha (Amit in Chinese).

Nanshan to Sanya

Doshuai and Jin-Tang are the two main parts of the temple complex, but there are other beautiful buildings on the site. This in particular is a national treasure - the 3.8 m high golden jade statue of Guanyin. The sculpture is covered in a total of 100 kg of gold and silver, trimmed with 120 carats of diamonds from South Africa, as well as countless ornaments, and contains two sacred Buddhist relics.

The terrace for viewing the sea is located right in front of the temple. It offers the best view of the giant Guanyin of the South Sea.

Nanshan Cultural Park can be considered the epitome of China's socio-cultural diversity. There are several key attractions here: the three Guanyin Buddha statues, Buddhist temples, stunning landscapes and sea views. During construction, the site became a priority project for China's tourism development. Today, Nanshan, with its harmonious beauty and attractive natural landscapes, is a fashionable tourist destination, visited by people from all over the world.

The vegetarian food here is very famous, including nutritious wild mushroom dishes and soy products.

The famous Sanya South Sea Guanyin Statue is a 108-meter tall sculpture depicting the merciful bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (the name Guanyin is more common in East Asia). It stands on an artificial island off the coast. The bodhisattva has three faces: one faces the continent, and the other two face the sea, and this symbolizes the blessing and protection that the one deity in three faces bestows on the whole world. The first appearance of Guanyin holds a sutra in her left hand and greets those around her with the wise “vitarka”, in which the fingers of her right hand are folded. The second Guanyin crossed her palms while holding a scroll of prayers, and the third held a lotus.

The South Sea Guanyin Statue is the fourth tallest statue in the world and the tallest sculpture of Guanyin. Together with the pedestal, it rises 135 m. Its creation required 6 years of work, and in 2005 the statue was consecrated in the presence of 108 Buddhist monks from various communities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, as well as 10 thousand pilgrims.

Practical information

The temple is located 40 km west of the city and can be reached by the Hainan West Express.

Opening hours: 8:00 - 18:00.

Entrance: 150 CNY.

Prices on the page are as of September 2018.


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