We are preparing for Dobrofest: yes - money, no - alcohol. What you can and cannot take with you. Getting ready for a rock festival. What to take with you to Dobrofest, Invasion and other festivals! What to take to a rock festival

    Choose comfortable bags and a backpack. Consider how you will travel around the festival grounds and the distance from your campsite to your car. A backpack is best. The suitcase will be difficult to carry far; In addition, you will use it to cling to people passing by. Do not take a bag or suitcase with wheels with you: the wheels will not be able to roll on the ground and will get stuck in the mud.

    Bring a sleeping bag and a tent. There are many lightweight camping mattresses available. Choose one that doesn't need to be pumped with air - it will be much easier for you, and besides, you won't have to take a pump with you. To reduce the amount of stuff you have to put in your backpack, you may decide to sleep with just your clothes on. Pillows seem like a luxury, but they make sleeping in a tent much more pleasant. If the pillow does not fit in the backpack, it can be worn by placing it between the backpack and the back. Look for special travel pillows that inflate and deflate easily (you don't even need a pump for this).

    Wear suitable clothing. Clothes for the festival should be bright and original - express yourself! However, you should take into account weather conditions and be prepared for weather changes. Avoid wearing jeans because if it rains, they will get wet and absorb dirt, making you very uncomfortable. It is better to wear shorts or a short skirt and leggings or tights with rubber boots. Lightweight cycling and hiking pants are also suitable (usually made from fabric that can be washed and dried quickly and easily).

    • Do not wear open sandals or sandals on your feet if you plan to stand near the stage - your feet will simply be trampled on! Choose closed shoes that will protect your feet even if someone steps on them. However, you may want to wear flip-flops or sandals in the shower as it is not recommended to go barefoot in public showers.
    • Bring a raincoat, raincoat, or anything else that will protect you from the rain if the weather forecast says rain is possible. You can use a large plastic garbage bag as a rain cover and it won't take up much space in your backpack.
    • A bandana may come in handy. This is a multi-functional item that can be worn wet in hot weather to cool your head, or sprayed with repellent and worn dry to ward off insects. A bandana will also keep your hair away from your face, and it looks good.
  1. Place a water container in your backpack. It's best to put the water in a bottle or a special bag that you can roll up, but a simple drinks bottle will do. To avoid hiding water deep in your backpack, you can fasten it to the side of the backpack.

    Be prepared for different cooking methods. The amount of food you take with you will depend on: 1. budget; 2. location of the tent relative to the stage; your desire to carry around excess weight. Here's how you can eat at the festival without buying anything from the stalls:

    • If you decide to cook food, take with you a compact and safe stove, fuel for it, a frying pan, plastic bowls, plates and utensils. You can take a flask with you and pour boiling water into it in special places on the festival grounds (you can pour boiling water over instant noodles and other similar foods). A can opener or can opener will come in handy, but if you have an army knife, that will suffice.
    • Buy instant rice, noodles and mashed potatoes. It's best to buy these products in plastic containers that you can brew them in, so you don't have to carry a lot of utensils. You can buy instant soup.
    • It is convenient to take with you smoked sausage, cans of tuna, jerky, sausages, nuts, raisins, dried fruits, bread, muesli bars, candies and chips in cardboard packaging (so as not to accidentally crush them) - these products will not spoil and you do not need them prepare.
    • If you want to drink hot drinks, put tea bags, coffee bags (best hidden in a ziplock bag), cocoa, powdered milk and sugar in your bag.
  2. Don't take anything glass with you. There is always a lot of alcohol at festivals and it is sold everywhere, as is food, but if you want to bring your own drinks, the bottles should be plastic, as shards of broken glass can injure other people. For the same reason, all alcohol at festivals is sold either in plastic glasses or in aluminum cans. You can take instant drinks with you (for example, Cevita or Yuppie).

    • Don't forget to put an empty bottle in your backpack to dilute the drink in.
    • You can also buy energy drinks.
    • Find out in advance whether you can bring your own bottles to the festival.
  3. Bring minimal toiletries. At the festival, everyone smells the same, so you shouldn’t be too scrupulous. Bring a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, deodorant, and pads or tampons if you are a woman. This will be enough for you - leave the face cream and shaving gel at home. It doesn't hurt to pack a small towel in case you plan on showering while camping.

    • Don't forget to bring sunscreen and insect repellent. The cream may begin to melt in the heat, so wrap it in newspaper and store it in the shade.
    • Wet wipes can be used to wipe not only your hands and body, but also kitchen utensils. Try to find multiple uses for everything.
    • Bring along a band-aid (for blisters), headache and sore throat tablets, and any other medications you may need.
    • Take earplugs. They will come in handy if you want to listen to a very loud band or sleep.
  4. Collect a kit for repairing clothes and things. This kit will help you quickly and easily deal with rips, cuts and breakages. Include tape, pins, bandages, rope, and heavy-duty trash bags. Garbage bags have many uses: they can be used to sit on, they can be used to make raincoats, and they can be used to store wet and dirty clothes and shoes.

    • It is important not to forget toilet paper, an army knife, a lighter, a flashlight (folding flashlights are especially convenient), a portable phone charger (a solar-powered one is ideal), ziplock bags (to prevent your phone, passport, etc. from getting wet). important things), a camera (with a spare battery and memory card) and money in small bills (at festivals there is often no change).
  5. Take whatever items you want, as long as you have room for them. Depending on the festival, you may find the following items useful:

    • Flags, banners, posters
    • Costumes, face paint, wigs, jewelry, cosmetics, temporary tattoos
    • Magazine or book, deck of cards, games
    • Glow sticks
    • Binoculars
    • Picnic basket
    • Cigarettes (or decide it's time to quit!)
    • Condoms
    • Cooling pack
    • Friends' addresses to send postcards from the festival
  6. Help your children get ready if you are taking them with you. Children love festivals, but packing their bags is more difficult because they need to be comfortable and cozy there. It is convenient to transport children in a trailer to a bicycle, but do not forget to secure a lock on it so that random passers-by do not decide to take it with them. Bring a marker to write your phone number on your child's hand, as well as clothing and sound-proof headphones in case it gets really loud and the child wants to sleep. Explain to your child what he should do and where to go if he gets lost. Think through everything down to the smallest detail.

    • Bring things with you to keep your children occupied. They should be quiet, have batteries and lots of small parts. Soap bubbles, water pistols, etc. will do.
    • Make sure your child has his own camera (you can buy him a disposable film camera), a favorite toy (with a sign with his name, phone number or email address in case it gets lost), and a fun costume.
    • Bring sweets for the children.
  7. Prepare for your trip to the festival. You will need tickets, a map, a GPS and a roadside assistance business card. If you have a small car, buy roof rails and a roof rack. You will need ropes to secure the tent and other luggage on top.

    • Don't forget to bring sunglasses, a car charger for your phone and CDs of the bands that will be playing at the festival - this will put you in the right mood.
    • If you make stops along the way, take packaged sugar, pepper, salt, napkins, toothpicks, etc. with you at gas stations.
    • When you park at a campsite, write down the parking space number because you will forget it as soon as you leave the car. If the seats are not numbered, attach an empty bottle or a flag to the antenna so that the car can be seen from afar.
  8. When you return to the car after the festival ends, you will be tired, hungry, cold and possibly soaking wet. Leave a bag in the car with warm, comfortable clothes, soft socks, food, drinks and a towel. Turn on some calm music, and your journey home will give you many pleasant moments, especially if it is cold and wet outside.

Friends, this is an approximate list of what you should take with you to the festival. We welcome questions and additions.

Remember that the more things you collect, the more they will spoil your stay at the festival in one way or another - from having to carry them on foot to your parking lot to worrying about their safety (there may be a storage room in which you can leave the most valuable things).

What to take with you:

1. Tent, awning. There is a high probability that the tents will be pitched in the fields. If you don’t like waking up in the morning from the wild stuffiness of your tent, stock up on an awning and aluminum prefabricated poles to stretch it over the tent. Precisely with ready-made stands, not expecting to cut down poles in the forest. There may not be any left by the time the festival begins. Remember - the tent, if desired, can accommodate more people than is written on it. Tested by experience :)

2. Sleeping bag and foam

3. Seat (pad - whatever you like) - optional. But it's very convenient.

4. Utensils - KLMN (mug-spoon-bowl-knife), pot. By the way, if you come to the festival taverns with your own dishes, you will receive a small discount!

5. Gas burner. If you are going to travel by car, it is worth taking coal and firewood with you for the fire.

6. Clothes (2-3 sets for different weather conditions, including warm ones, the required number of changes of linen), a hat to protect from the sun, and a raincoat.

7. Shoes (comfortable hiking shoes, 2 pairs. Optional - rubber boots, sneakers, sandals), several pairs of socks.

8. Towel - especially important for hitchhikers :-P

9. Knives, scissors (in case).

10. Repair kit (needle, thread).

11. First aid kit - discussion here: http://holmi.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1628.

12. Sunscreen.

13. Repellents - there are a lot of mosquitoes, ticks were spotted!

14. Documents (passport, birth certificate for children, compulsory health insurance policy or a copy thereof).

14. Flashlight.

15. Hygiene products (toothpaste-brush-comb-deodorant, toilet paper, wet wipes, condoms, pads). Whenever possible, use paper wet wipes ("wet toilet paper") instead of synthetic ones, as the latter are a significant source of waste. By the way, the first-aid post will have a pharmacy stall (opening hours are expected to be from 11:00 to 22:00), where you can buy feminine hygiene bags, after-sun lotion, condoms, toothpaste and brushes, soap, as well as adhesive plasters, dressings and disinfectants.

16. Cotton household gloves.

17. Garbage bags (you can also get them at M.Org, but it’s better to take them to your camp - but do not forget about separate waste collection).

18. A notebook and pen - write down the addresses and phone numbers of new friends, information about bus schedules, leave notes on the bulletin board :)

19. Items and materials to decorate your camp.

20. A small FM receiver - it may come in handy :) Announcements of upcoming performances, festival news and announcements from the organizers will be broadcast on the radio.

21. Money - the amount depends on whether you are taking food with you or planning to buy it, whether you are going to buy CDs - goods from the fair, share with climbers, etc. Determine the minimum and maximum threshold yourself :)

What you don't need to take with you:

1. Highly flammable and explosive items.
(undiluted ethyl alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, pyrotechnics - unless you are doing a fire show).

2. Cutting and piercing objects without a cover.

3. Strong drugs, drugs.

4. Strong alcohol of unknown origin or in excess of a reasonable amount.

5. Any drinks in glass containers. If you do bring glass with you, be sure to take it back to town! This will not only reduce the amount of litter at the festival, but will also help prevent injuries to volunteers when cleaning up broken glass.

5. Weapons of any kind.

Very soon, the eighth music and entertainment festival “Dobrofest” will take place near Yaroslavl.

You can figure out the musical component by looking at the schedule of performances on and stages, as well as getting to know the participants by typing their names into the YouTube search bar. Today we will talk about non-musical activities; we will tell you about 5 things that definitely need to be done at "Dobrofest 2017".

1. Play baseball on the Championat.com sports field

An innovation in terms of sports at the festival is a large baseball field for those who dreamed of hitting the ball just like in the American movies. Professional players will teach you the basics of baseball - how to hold a bat, how to hit. A special cannon will serve the balls, and the player’s task is to hit as many balls as possible in one series of “shots” from the cannon. Professional equipment and protective ammunition - everything for you!

2. "Swim" in the Meizu pool

Large manufacturer of electronic gadgets Meizu will present at "Dobrofest 2017" an attraction that has not yet appeared at Russian festivals. A large pool with plastic balls into which you can dive headlong and win a prize. The company's promotional zone will also feature free charging for your phones, championships Fruit Ninja Classic and a drawing of 2500 prizes.

3. Watch the jam sessions of festival participants and get an autograph

Thanks to "Muztorg" and Roland at "Dobrofest 2017" new musical activity will appear. Garage Band is a platform for all those who are interested in creating music. During the three days of the festival, this pavilion will host a number of jam sessions and autograph sessions with participants "Dobrofest 2017". In order to play with your favorite artist, you need to record a short video of yourself playing a musical instrument and send an application for participation. Musicians select colleagues for “new groups” on their own. Find more details on the festival's social networks.

So, for example, on June 30 from 19:30 to 20:30 in the Garage Band tent there will be autograph session groups "Pilot".

4. Make-believe get married at a festival

Registry office at "Dobrofest"- is already an integral part of the festival. This year all ceremonies will be held in the style of LOVE, BEER, ROCK"N"ROLL! “Wedding Glade” will work for 3 days, the schedule for “paintings” has already been practically drawn up, but there are also free places. A certificate of the ceremony, various souvenirs for the “newlyweds”, express makeup and hair styling for the bride, stylized decorations and costumes, a photo shoot - everything will be on the field to make this moment last for a long time!

5. Eat at the food court

Speaking of development" Dobrofesta", you can’t ignore the gastronomic part of the festival. This time even more food trucks will come to Levtsovo. Burgers, woks, homemade lemonades, gyros, kebabs, pizzas and pies - a variety for every taste. On festival a fast food cafe will be presented "Moo-Moo", which is loved by many Muscovites for its quality homemade food and affordable prices. We recommend!

"Dobrofest" is a large festival of high-quality live music in the genres of rock, alternative, punk and hip-hop, every summer since 2010, taking place near Yaroslavl. Every year the event is attended by up to 17,000 spectators from 40 regions of Russia, as well as Ukraine, Belarus and foreign countries. "Dobrofest" There is a democratic atmosphere - there is no division into a fan zone and VIP sectors. Up to 70 musical groups perform on two stages, and there are also various areas of non-musical activities: sports and playgrounds, souvenir shops and thematic stands. A whole city with its own infrastructure grows on a huge area: food stations, showers, luggage storage, phone charging stations, a paramedic station, dry closets and even a post office and a personal registry office, as well as much more that is necessary for a fun and comfortable holiday Three Days and Two Nights. In 2017, the Dobrofest festival will be held on June 30, July 1 and 2 at the Levtsovo airfield, 17 km from Yaroslavl.

Are you going to the Open-Air music festival for the first time? Don't know how to prepare? In this article I will talk about my experience of traveling to music festivals. From this article you will learn: how much money you need, what things you need to take with you to the festival, how much food and water cost. What you can take and what you can’t.


Tickets for major music festivals, such as Dobrofest, Nashestvie and others, usually go on sale almost a year before the event. The sooner you buy your ticket, the better. For example, tickets for the Invasion go up 3 times a year. First in January, then in April, and finally in June (the festival itself is in July). At Dobrofest the price tag usually goes up at the end of spring. Many other festivals use similar pricing planning.

On INVASION Usually you need to buy an entrance ticket, a ticket for the tent and a parking ticket (if we are going by car). The properties of entrance tickets are usually described in detail on the website. I’ll just say that you shouldn’t skimp on the entrance ticket and it’s better to take a VIP to be able to walk throughout the entire festival area, hang out near the stage and not have stupid restrictions. But there is usually no point in taking a VIP tent: it is often more convenient and comfortable to be located in a regular tent city - it simply has more space. VIP parking usually only means a parking lot closer to the entrance. There are no other bonuses, like security or anything else, unfortunately.

On DOBROFEST everything is more honest and accessible. There are no VIP tents, we set up wherever is more convenient, and there are no VIP tickets, everyone is equal. There is VIP parking, it is closer to the festival, but not by much, a couple of hundred meters, so it’s quite possible to buy a regular one. Plus, at Dobrofest, parking is not in a field among potholes and dirt, as at Nashestvo, but quite on a paved area. And the tickets are significantly cheaper. And Dobrofest is much closer to the city than Nashestvie. And it’s more convenient to get there. And in general, the festival spirit at Dobrofest is still preserved, while the Invasion has become boring, pretentious, with active state propaganda and performances by army choirs of bunny boys. In general, my point is that when choosing where to go this summer - Dobrofest or Invasion - think better;)

As a result, we buy tickets in advance, do not save on the entrance ticket if we are talking about the Invasion, but also do not waste money on unnecessary bonuses, such as VIP tents and VIP parking. And we begin to prepare for the trip itself.


So, we are going to an open field for fresh air, for an average of 3 days, and we need to think about how we will survive during the festival all this time. Treat this trip like a fun hike or camping trip. Since all the accompanying conditions are provided here. It’s just a little more comfortable than just in the forest; there are no mosquitoes and it’s not allowed to make fires. First, let's decide where and how we will live.

And for life we ​​will definitely need:
— tent (1 for the whole company)
— sleeping bags (1 piece for each nose)

and as a bonus, for comfort:
- air mattress
- travel mat
— foam “butt pad” with clasp
- inflatable pillow

We live in a tent and sleep in sleeping bags. Sleeping bags are not needed for winter, because... festivals still take place in the summer. You never predict the weather: it can be sultry, it can rain, or it can suddenly get cold. But it’s better to assume an average temperature of about 10-15 degrees at night (this is for choosing a sleeping bag). For minimal comfort, sleeping bags and a tent will be enough, but sleeping even on the canvas bottom of a tent on uneven ground among grass and hummocks with holes may not be very comfortable (pits/bumps digging into the side), so it would be a good idea to take an air mattress: it will provide a more comfortable sleep at night. Tourist mats will allow you to sit comfortably near the stage, if the weather permits, when bands that are not the most interesting to you are playing, and a foam pad with fasteners will completely solve the problem of “sit where I want” and so that your pants or shorts will not get dirty. An inflatable pillow may seem completely unnecessary at first, but it will be especially useful at marathon festivals, where by 2-3 nights you will already feel that it’s not so great to sleep without a pillow.

By the way, if you know how to play, be sure to take your guitar with you. You will become the star of the nearest tents at night 100%.


The most interesting question is food prices at the festival. Everything depends, of course, on the region where it is held, on inflation in the country and on the greed of the participants-organizers of the retail outlets.

At the festival, the main food is usually:
- kebabs (expensive)
— doshiraki and rollton (available)
- a tent with a home-style “canteen” kitchen (usually with an incredible queue and not enough)
- hot dogs and boiled corn
- chips, crackers, etc.

And for drinks:
- beer (beer, and more beer)
- mineral water
- sweet sodas
— if there is a VIP area, then there is a bar with strong alcohol, very expensive

The cost of food at the festival is always inflated compared to regular store prices. So, in previous years (2014-2015), beer at the Dobrofest festival cost no less than 150 rubles for 0.5, as well as regular water (for the same 0.5). Shish kebab costs on average 300-500 rubles for a small portion. Boiling water for doshirak rolltons costs about 50 rubles, the rolltons themselves cost on average 70-100 rubles. Hot dogs 100-200 rubles, home cooking from 50-100 rubles could be a modest meal, 300-400 rubles for a normal lunch.

But it is important to take into account that the festival is still held in the open air... and you will always be hungry. The appetite builds up very quickly. And in hot weather you will really want to drink. I would recommend starting from the calculation of 5-6 thousand rubles for 3 days of festival holidays for 1 person, so as not to limit yourself too much in food, but also without unnecessary waste, with a certain amount of savings.


In fact, first of all, don’t be lazy, go to the festival’s website and read the rules of this festival about what you can and cannot bring into the territory. However, usually the rules are about the same.

It is prohibited to bring any drinks (even water), especially alcoholic ones. Anything perishable is prohibited from food. Those. By and large, you can take cookies, doshirak and waffles. Although sometimes the tent sellers lobby the security, and they force you to throw away the doshiraki at the entrance (hello Invasion). In general, our advice is that you can take a risk and try to take food with you. But it’s better to assume that you will buy everything locally.

Things. It is prohibited to carry anything piercing or cutting (including knives, scissors, etc.). In general, it’s like going to a club for a concert. But what you MUST take with you is: a hat (a must, in case it’s suddenly hot), sunscreen in a tube, new and with a receipt (because sometimes it’s forbidden to bring it in), warm clothes in case of cold weather (jacket, sweater), light, non-chafing shoes (including sandals, sneakers). Of course, shorts and jeans. We recommend taking 2-3 sets of clothes in case of changeable weather. Having gotten wet in the rain, walking around in damp clothes for the next few days (and if the rains drag on) is not very pleasant, and there may be nowhere to dry them, with constant downpours. We recommend spending money on a raincoat, preferably a thick one, it’s inexpensive, and it will help a lot. And rubber boots can be very useful, if the ground is flooded with rain, it will quickly turn into mud, especially near the stage.

First aid kit. In general, everything is also very strict with this. You can only carry the most basic means. Be sure to stock up on bandages (lots of them: you can rub your feet as you please), activated charcoal, and mezim. If you have allergies, some kind of anti-allergy tablet (and a doctor’s certificate, no joke, they may not allow you to bring in). Ambulances are always on duty at the festival site and can help you with something urgently, but not always and not with everything.

Don't forget toilet paper. There are toilet stalls at the festival, but they rarely have paper. Organizers often offer shower services for additional money, and sometimes for free. You can usually wash your face at “social water”, which is extracted from underground. Many people drink this (for free), but you should think about your health, and it is better to buy bottled water on the festival grounds.

You are not allowed to bring any cosmetics. Necessary creams (for example, for suntan) can only be taken in tubes: a bottle, bottle, glass - they will take it away. By the way, you don’t need to take anything for mosquitoes to the festival. Due to the loud sound, there will be no insects in the immediate area. Seriously!

It is better to photocopy the documents and take copies. There will be enough photocopies on the festival grounds. You may lose the originals or they may get lost themselves. Do not take valuables to the festival. Or carry them with you all the time. Of course, the majority of festival visitors are normal people. But any “flock” cannot do without a “lousy sheep”. Alas, remember this.

Don't forget to take a PowerBank with your smartphone or phone to charge your gadget 2-3 times during the festival. Dobrofest and Nashestvie usually offer a device charging service, but there are usually queues for this, especially around 2-3 days of the festival. Although don’t forget the charger (plug + cord) too.

Well, here are all the basic tips for those who are going to a music festival, especially for the first time.

SEE YOU AT DOBROFEST, INVASION and other festivals this and next years!

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May 2, 2017, 00:12

We decided to compile for you a list of necessary things that, in our experience, are worth taking with you to the festival this coming summer! The so-called guide to important things at the festival.

- Portable charger . Of course, without this you will simply be nowhere. With the number of photos and videos you want to take, the battery will always be close to zero and you simply need to have this gadget with you. The more powerful it is, the better! Yes, it’s harder to carry around, but it’s nice to see a video from a concert a couple of months later!

- Dual port charger.

We highly recommend purchasing an adapter that allows you to charge two devices at once. First of all, take my word for it that there will be a long line at the outlets, and often you can help each other by speeding up the process. Plus, you can always charge your phone and portable charger at the same time.

- Charger with dual port -2 . Yes yes, believe our extensive experience. The likelihood that it will fall out of your pocket, be forgotten in the socket, or be accidentally mistaken by a stranger for its device is very high. Expect that you will return 90% with one less charge.

- Empty water bottle . This must have will save you on hot days and save you a decent amount over the entire weekend.

- Cash. We know that carrying around a lot of pieces of paper is not the best option. But when you're about to be late for your favorite performer's show and the line for a burger isn't moving quickly, you'll remember our words! Just count, the 5 seconds it takes to transact each card can save the headliner's entire song.

- Rubber boots. As they say, rain or shine, but boots always come in handy. Whether it's because you don't want to get sore feet from getting wet in the rain, or you don't want to stomp out a new pedicure, boots can help you out on the weekend! And don’t believe the forecasts that there will always be sun. It's better to take them with you than to spend twice as much at a store near a festival when your size is only left in your least favorite color or they sell out within an hour.

- Cheap raincoat. Apart from the primary reason, it is not at all necessary to use it for its intended purpose. Like the previous accessory, a raincoat can be useful as a sun cape, a blanket, and even sometimes as a bag. It's better to buy them in advance.

- Dry shampoo. Thanks to whoever came up with this convenient solution! The queue for the shower if you are staying in a tent can be long. Of course, this won't replace a shower on hot days, but it can make your life easier if you move it to less popular times and can feel comfortable with beautiful hair throughout the day.

- Earplugs. The music may be very loud and neighbors may be snoring. Either way, don't forget to take them with you.

- Hand sanitizer. In 2017, everyone should have this thing at their fingertips without us having to remind them. However, be sure to bring a few with you! At least one for each day of the festival. If you don’t mind spending a little time, we recommend finding an antiseptic in a package that can be attached to your belt or keychain.

- Wet wipes. Not only are they useful for removing dirt from your hands, but they will also help refresh your face on hot days.

- Bandana. Just think about it, 80,000 people in one territory go back and forth and jump to the music. Very often in the evening the air is filled with dust and you will want to cover your face. Also, during the day you can use it to hide your head from the scorching sun or remove hair from your face.

- Daily lenses. For the same reason, bring disposable lenses. If you get dust in your eyes, it's much easier to throw out your lenses and put new ones in the next day than to try to clean them with dirty hands in a tent.

- Spare socks. Take several pairs with you. More the better. If you plan to wear sneakers, then without socks you will get chafing feet. If the weather is +30, you will definitely want to change them the next day. Well, the rain itself will force you to change your socks even more often. Conclusion - take more!

- Hair bands. And other accessories that you use that can help you pull your hair up.

- Personal first aid kit. Prepare a small first aid kit with the most necessary pills that can fit in your small bag or pocket. For example, 2 pieces of analgin, imodium, a patch and a napkin for disinfection.

- Flashlight. To find a tent, toilet, friends and other important things, I highly recommend taking with you a small portable flashlight that will easily fit in your pocket and save the battery on your phone.

- Waterproof bag. If you are afraid that your things will get wet if it rains, buy a small waterproof bag where you can put your most important things and leave them in the tent.

- Hip bag. It is most convenient to jump to music when your hands are free and nothing is hanging on your shoulder. In our opinion, when traveling to a festival, it is worth stocking up on a bag that can be inserted instead of a belt. It's definitely hard to lose or steal.

- Sun cream. Buy a small tube of sunscreen. Or better yet, a spray so that your hands remain clean and your face doesn’t burn on the first day.

- Cap/hat. For the above reason, be sure to bring basic gear with you. When choosing, think about whether you can roll it up at the end of the day and put it in your bag?

- Sunglasses that you don’t mind losing! It goes without saying that you want to look good in photos and show off your fashionable glasses. But believe me, when you return home you find that these were the last photos in your favorite glasses - you will remember our instructions! Buy fun glasses that you won’t mind leaving on the festival grounds and can be put in your pocket without fear of being scratched.

- Lip balm. On hot days, your lips will quickly become chapped and having chapstick will make your life much easier.

- A friend with a VIP ticket , which includes most of the things listed!

We hope our tips were useful!


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