Where to go for a weekend in nature. Where to go in Russia. Beautiful and interesting places. Senezhskoye Lake is a natural complex that amazes with its beauty

We continue the theme of not very far, not tiring and interesting trips from Moscow on weekends.
Natural beauties, museums, monasteries, incredible preserved and abandoned estates - there really are a lot of worthy places in the Moscow region.
Perhaps, on the way to the dacha, you passed the same village more than once and did not know that a few kilometers further something very, very interesting was waiting for you. And if there is no dacha - 200 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road - the distance that you can travel by car in one direction, look at the beauty and return back without being too tired.
Today - the environs of the Simferopol highway, from the beautiful estate, alleys and Ilyich's gazebo in Gorki to the prespecies of Yasnaya Polyana and the wind that sways the feather grass off the banks of the Don on the Kulikovo Field.

The material was prepared with the support of glamping Green Path.

Gorki Leninskie,
Ostafyevo estate, Durovitsy, Filippov estate, Kazakov Church in Rai-Semenovskaya, Chekhov Museum in Melikhovo, Pushchino-on-Oka, Bolotov and Rudnev Museums, Polenov estates, Yuryatino, Yasnaya Polyana

Horseback riding, Russian ostriches, Polish bison, the highest waterfall in the region, the Oka expanses of Tarusa and the feather grass of the Kulikovo field

Ascension David's Hermitage, Holy Spring Talezh, Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov, Church of the Holy Life-Giving One
Trinity and Holy Spring in Behovo

Paintball, aerodynamic flights
tube, fishing, parachutes, paragliding, mini-zoos and a wooden toy factory

The house, located on a high slope near the river, is surrounded by a beautiful park with alleys, gazebos, a grotto, and ponds.
The estate arose at the beginning of the 19th century under Lieutenant General Alexander Alexandrovich Pisarev. The owner of Gorok distinguished himself in 1812, and his portrait took one of the places of honor in the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace. Under Pisarev, the main house and outbuildings were built on the estate, and a vast park was laid out. Then the owners in Gorki changed several times, and in 1909 the estate was bought by the widow of philanthropist Savva Morozov, Zinaida Grigorievna (she was already married to the capital’s mayor Reinboth). After the purchase, the building was rebuilt in the neoclassical style; the reconstruction was led by the famous architect and friend of Zinaida Grigorievna, Fyodor Shekhtel. A portico and loggia with columns, a veranda and a winter garden appeared, electric lighting, a telephone, central heating, running water and a bathroom were installed.
Zinaida Grigorievna put a lot of effort into the park and the house, organizing an extensive garden, vegetable garden, dairy farm and greenhouses with roses, orchids and lilacs.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: ary.livejournal.com

In 1917, the estate was nationalized, a party sanatorium was established here, and from May 1923 until his last days, Lenin settled here. The leader’s choice was influenced not only by the excellent preservation of the house, including furniture and other furnishings, but also by the presence of electricity and steam heating, as well as the untouched surrounding nature: the forest, the Pakhra River and even its own pond.
By the way, Vladimir Ilyich asked not to touch or rebuild anything, he even carefully covered the table with black oilcloth to drink tea, thanks to this, the estate, along with its furnishings, antique furniture and a rich collection of paintings and objects of decorative and applied art, was preserved intact.
The opening of the museum, which was planned to be organized in Gorki immediately after the death of the leader, had to be postponed for a quarter of a century due to the fact that Ilyich’s younger brother Dmitry Ulyanov and his family became entrenched in Gorki. It turned out to be absolutely impossible to expel him: stubborn Dmitry did not want to leave Gorki, although he had a wonderful apartment in Moscow.

You can walk along the alleys to the gazebo standing on the cliff, in which Ilyich loved to sit, a little further begins the Main Alley with two-hundred-year-old linden trees and an old, old oak tree, which was once struck by lightning.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: ary.livejournal.com

In the main house, the northern wing and the buildings of the utility yard there is a museum exhibition (including the decree on the electrification of the entire country), and in the carriage house you can see the unique Lenin Rolls-Royce “Silver Ghost”, purchased in England in 1922.

Here you can not only walk, but also ride bicycles along the numerous park paths (if you don’t have your own bike, rent 100 rubles per hour), ride a train (free), have a snack in a local cafe, listen to classical music (on Saturdays at 14-00 ). On Saturdays, the estate also hosts free children's programs.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- by bus No. 439 in 30 minutes from the Domodedovskaya metro station to the Museum stop.
- by car: along the Old Kashirskoye Highway (12 km from the Moscow Ring Road) to the signs for the turn to the Gorki Leninskie estate.
The park is open daily from 10-00 to 21-00.
Museum expositions and the territory of the Gorki estate are open: from May 1 to September 30 from Sunday to Thursday from 10-00 to 19-00, on Friday and Saturday - from 10-00 to 21-00 / from October 1 to April 30 daily from 10 -00 to 19-00
Entrance to the park is free.
A single ticket for visiting all museums, including excursions: 400 rubles for adults, 200 rubles for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. Website

2. Ostafyevo Estate (State Museum-Estate Ostafyevo “Russian Parnassus”)
Distance 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road, Ostafyevo village, near the town of Shcherbinka, driving directions
Coordinates 55.498807, 37.497500

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

The founder of the estate, one of the most cultured and enlightened people of his time, Senator Prince Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky, bought land here at the end of the 18th century. Under him, a comfortable, beautiful estate was built in the style of classicism, in which the senator’s son, the poet Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, gathered the best representatives of the literary environment of that time. Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Baratynsky, Griboyedov, Gogol, Kuchelbecker were here. And Pushkin called Ostafyevo “Russian Parnassus”. Here, in Ostafyevo, Karamzin worked on the “History of the Russian State”.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

The grandson of Prince Vyazemsky, Pavel Petrovich, was one of the first collectors of Russian icons and applied art; his extensive collection of manuscripts, icons and manuscripts was kept in the estate.
In 1911, Ostafyevo passed to Count S.D. Sheremetev, married to the daughter of Pavel Petrovich. Under him, monuments to Karamzin, Pushkin, Zhukovsky and the Vyazemsky princes were erected in the estate park, and the collection collected in the estate and memorial rooms of A.S. Pushkin and N.M. Karamzin opened to the public.

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

After the revolution, the museum was closed, the estate was looted, and a party sanatorium was built on its territory. It was only in the mid-1990s that they started rebuilding the museum in the estate. Only the main buildings of the estate have survived to this day; now there is a museum here, and poetry evenings and classical music concerts are regularly held.

The territory of the estate is small, but very well-groomed and beautiful.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

How to get there:
-by train from Kursky station or from Tsaritsyno station, or by bus, minibus from Prazhskaya metro station to Shcherbinka. Then take bus number 45 to the Ostafyevo Museum stop.
- by car: take the old Warsaw (Simferopol) highway to Shcherbinka, turn right at the first turn, cross the railway crossing. Further along Staronikolskaya Street in a straight line to the estate.
Coordinates: 55.497907, 37.497521

You can walk in the park every day from April to September from 8-00 to 22-00, from October to March - from 8-00 to 20-00. Museums are open daily from 10-00 to 17-00, on Friday - from 10-00 to 16-00. Closed: Monday, Tuesday. Entrance to the territory – 20 rubles. Inspection of the permanent exhibition of the museum - 80 rubles. A single entrance ticket to the park and exhibitions is 140 rubles. Website

3. Dubrovitsy Estate

Distance: 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road, direction – Simferopol highway, driving directions Coordinates 55.441209, 37.493298

If you turn left before entering Podolsk, to Dubrovitsy, on the high bank of the cape formed by the confluence of the Desna rivers, an amazing baroque temple, the Church of the Sign, will shine with a gilded imperial crown.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

The church, built by Peter I’s tutor, Prince Boris Golitsyn, is the main attraction of the estate complex. On the sides of the main entrance there are sculptures of Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, and the facade is surprisingly and abundantly decorated with stone ornaments.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com / yarowind.livejournal.com

The first owner of the estate was boyar Morozov, then it passed to the Golitsyn princes for almost a hundred years, who built a large manor house, a stable and other buildings. Then Lieutenant Sergei Golitsyn sold the estate to Grigory Potemkin for debts, and a little later he resold the estate to another favorite of the empress, Count Dmitriev-Mamonov, who owned it before the revolution.

The count reconstructed the estate in the spirit of classicism - the bizarre architecture of the building is made in the Baroque style, and you can look at the small details of the decoration for a really long time.
Now the estate houses the local registry office and the Veterans Council. The church is still open today, and on the territory of Dubrovitsy you can walk through a beautiful linden park with views of the meadows near Pakhra.

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

photo: vladimirdar.livejournal.com

The church is open from 9-00 to 17-00

How to get there:
- take a train from the Kursky station or from the Tsaritsyno metro station to Podolsk, then take a bus or minibus 65 to the village of Dubrovitsy.
- by car: take the Simferopol highway to Podolsk. From Lenin Square, turn right onto Kirova Street, then right again, onto Oktyabrsky Prospekt, then follow the signs to the village.

4. Prestige Equestrian Club
Distance 22 km from MKAD, coordinates 55.413874, 37.615792

Some rights reserved by flowcomm

On the territory of the equestrian club you can learn horse riding (from 2000 rubles per hour) and ride through the surrounding forests (children from 3 years old - 500 rubles per 15 minutes)

5. Paintball club Ratnik
Distance 22 km, coordinates 55.385063, 37.619977

There are 3 paintball courts on the club's territory. Two sites, 40x60 m each, are equipped with inflatable shelters to increase safety, and special buildings (very convenient for holding tournaments and corporate events). Forest area 150x100 m for playing positional and tactical paintball. A 4-level fort was built.

Some rights reserved by Bill Hails

Those who don’t play paintball can go fishing (trout, pike, sturgeon, carp, carp, whitefish, catfish), dine in a restaurant or hang out with the children in a large playground with a mini-zoo and other children’s delights.

How to get there: to Lub is located in a picturesque forest on the banks of the Konopelka River, 22 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Simferopol Highway. (M-2 Tula highway) turn to OPK "BOR". Website

6. Klimo toy craft

City of Klimovsk, coordinates 55.345617, 37.510361
distance 32 km from MKAD

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

At the small Klimo plant, they continue the traditions of the Babensky handicraft toy industry, created in the Podolsk district of the Moscow province in 1911.
Here they hand-make and paint very soulful wooden pyramids, horses in apples, gurneys, rattles, insert toys: balls, eggs, matryoshkas and spillikins - miniature plates, spoons, saucepans that fit in a hazelnut shell.

photo: roula.livejournal.com / pamsik.livejournal.com

You can come to Klimo not only to buy real wooden toys, but also to take your children to the museum, to real workshops where masters paint nesting dolls and dolls and learn how to paint toys with gouache.
In addition to Baben toys, here you can buy Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo trays and Filimonov clay cockerels.
Children's excursions take place daily, except weekends.
The factory is located on the outskirts of the city, in an area of ​​private houses. Website and details

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

7. Filippov's estate "Satino"

Distance 40 km from MKAD, Warsaw or Simferopol highway
Coordinates 55.362031, 37.407583

The estate of the baker and merchant Dmitry Filippov, the heir of the famous Ivan Maksimovich Filippov, the same one who invented raisin buns during the incident described by Gilyarovsky with a cod and a cockroach, was built on a very beautiful place near the Mocha River.

photo: renidens.livejournal.com

The place for construction was not chosen simply - the ramparts of an ancient fortress surrounding the house are much older than the estate, these are the remains of the fortifications of the long-vanished city of Przemysl in Moscow, the “brother” of Moscow, Pereslavl Zalessky, Dmitrov, Yuryev, founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

Son Dmitry continued the work of his father Ivan, who supplied food to the court of His Majesty Alexander II, and was the first in Russia to open a bakery at a bakery with the laconic name “Filippov Bakery Empire.”
Dmitry, with the inherent desire for perfection of his family, in 1904 commissioned the architect and master of Art Nouveau N.A. Eichenwald, who had previously designed the famous Filippov bakery, was to build a manor building in the form of a palace-castle.
With balconies, turrets, columns, sometimes eclectic sculptural decorations, with the obligatory linden park, a park with linden trees, blue spruce and cypress trees, a pond and a very beautiful view from the terrace of the estate.

photo: renidens.livejournal.com

The house is extraordinary, and, as it should be, is surrounded by a romantic legend that it was built for the fiery beauty of the gypsy Aza. The ghost of Aza, who jumped from the balcony out of unrequited (later) love for Filippov, now wanders through the crumbling rooms of the palace.
Now athletes are training in the district - back in Soviet times, an Olympic training center was organized in Przemysl Moskovsky - the village of Sportbazy, where Olympic gold was once forged.

photo: renidens.livejournal.com

photo: renidens.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- train from Kursky station to Podolsk station. Next, take minibus No. 48 to the “Sportbaza” stop.
- by car along the Simferopol highway, turn right onto the Moscow Small Ring (A107) until the sign for the village "Sportbaza".

8. Freezone wind tunnel

Distance 39 km from MKAD, coordinates 55.237708, 37.523408

On the way to Chekhov, you can fly in a wind tunnel, or rather, in a tube with an air flow at a speed of about 200 km/h.
Freezon is one of the most technologically advanced and realistic simulation games in the world. If you lie on the air flow, you can float, trying to control your body and the air flow.

Some rights reserved by Justin Snow

The wind tunnel is open from 9-00 to 21-00, the cost of 2 minutes of flight is from 990 rubles. Beginners must be supervised by an instructor.

How to get there: Chekhovsky district, 59th km of Simferopol highway, the bright orange complex is on the right, in the direction of travel, entrance under the barrier. Website

9. Ascension David's Hermitage

Distance 63 km from the Moscow Ring Road, the village of Novy Byt. Coordinates 55.064399, 37.609227

The Ascension David's Hermitage was founded in remote, uninhabited lands, in forests on the banks of the Lopasnya River, in the possessions of Prince Vasily Semyonovich Starodubsky, in the ancient Khutyn volost.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

The Monk David, according to legend, was from the family of the princes of Vyazemsky and bore the name Daniel. He came with the icon of the Sign of the Mother of God, with two monks and two novices. He planted a linden grove near his desert. According to legend, the Monk David dug up linden trees in the forest and, bringing them to the monastery, planted them with their roots up. And through the prayers of the saint, the trees were accepted. The monks of the monastery, with new plantings, maintained the tradition until the closure of the monastery in the 1930s.

Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible paid special attention to the monastery. He issued a grant to the monastery for ownership of “patrimonial estates, fishing grounds and all kinds of land.” Under him, the construction of a stone temple in honor of the Ascension of the Lord began. From the time of Ivan the Terrible, the walls of the quadrangle up to the portals of the second tier have reached us.

The monastery contains more than 200 pieces of relics of saints of God. A particle of the Nail of Christ’s Crucifixion is kept in a specially constructed ark in the monastery. In the cathedral, consecrated in honor of the icon of the All-Merciful Savior, the reliquaries contain particles of the Chiton of the Savior and a particle of the Robe of the Theotokos.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- by train from the Kursky railway station to the Chekhov station, then from the bus station, which is located next to the railway station, by bus No. 36 to the village of Novy Byt.
- by car along the Simferopol highway to the A-108 highway and from there to the village of Novy Byt. From A-108 there is a sign to the village and David's Hermitage.
More details

10. Chekhov's estate in Melikhovo

Distance 50 km, Melikhovo, coordinates 55.114010, 37.647160

Dreaming of rural life, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov bought Melikhovo from the artist Sorokhtin in 1892, following an advertisement in a newspaper.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

The entire Chekhov family took on the development of the estate: Anton Pavlovich himself planted trees, and his sister Maria tended to the vegetable garden. An outbuilding was built next to the main house, in which Chekhov loved to retire and write.
Chekhov worked as a district doctor in Melikhovo. He received patients at home for 2 hours every day and traveled around the county assigned to him. The distances were long, and Chekhov spent a lot of money on a cab driver. But not everyone could pay him for his services. And the doctor’s fee paid by the state was not so high. Anton Pavlovich's main income was royalties from his writing activities. It was in Melikhovo that he wrote his famous plays “The Seagull”, “Uncle Vanya”, the stories “Ionych”, “Ward No. 6”, “Man in a Case” - more than forty works in total.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

During the seven years of Chekhov's life in Melikhovo, Levitan, Gilyarovsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko and other famous friends of the writer visited here. But in 1898, due to deteriorating health, Chekhov put the estate up for sale, and he himself moved to Yalta. After several resales, the estate fell into disrepair, and then completely collapsed, and only in 1940, when Melikhovo was turned into a museum, its restoration began.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

As Chekhov wrote, the house is bright, warm, covered with iron, but from the outside it has a very stupid and naive appearance. Wilderness, silence, nightingales, moose...

Everything in the estate is very simple, cherry and bird cherry trees bloom near the wooden outbuilding, and Berlin poplars planted by Anton Pavlovich’s father are green nearby.
Among the lawns you can find a monument to Chekhov’s two favorite dachshunds, Khina Markovna and Brom Isaevich; behind the main house-museum, where personal belongings, books and paintings by Levitan, Polenov and Braz are stored (more than 29,000 exhibits in total), there is an orchard and a wildly colorful vegetable garden “South” France."
Melikhovo constantly hosts musical and theatrical evenings and festivals, festivities and holidays, Christmas trees, and theatrical excursions.

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

photo: foto-programmer.livejournal.com

Along the museum you can walk to the small wooden Church of the Nativity, literally 500 meters from the estate.

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

photo: yarowind.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- by train from the Kursky railway station to the Chekhov station, go there to the bus station and take a minibus or bus No. 25 to the Melikhovo stop.
- by car on the Simferopol highway, turn at the sign “Melikhovo” (72nd kilometer), then another 12 km.

The estate is open daily from 10-00 to 17-00. Every Monday and the last Friday of the month are sanitary days. Tickets: walk around the estate - 60 rubles, walk around the estate with a visit to the exhibitions - 300 rubles.

August 21 in Melikhovo “Apple Savior” with the blessing of apples, round dances, Russian folk games, tea drinking and sightseeing tours of the main house of the estate. Website

11. Holy spring Talezh

Coordinates 55.089050, 37.697129
Distance 64 km from MKAD

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

The holy spring of St. David of Serpukhov in the village of Talezh is located among a beautiful well-groomed forest with clearings. Nearby there is a small church, a pink belfry and baths with invigorating (+4C) healing water.
The water in the source is soft, tasty and healing, and the path to it descends into the valley to a small chapel.

A little further down the stream, in a clearing, stands the Church of St. David of Serpukhov, and a little behind there is a belfry with bells.

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

photo: pamsik.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- by car along the Serpukhovskoe highway, at 72 km turn left through the right turn, to the signs for Melikhovo. Further, past Melikhovo to the sign “Talezh”.
Talezh is located 6 km from Chekhov’s estate in Melikhovo

The territory of the courtyard is open from 8-00 to 21-00 every day, except Monday. More details

12. Volosovo airfield

Distance 65 km from the Moscow Ring Road, coordinates 55.072065, 37.439376

In Volosovo they jump with a parachute, fly on Yak-s and photograph the free fall under barbecue.

photo: svictorych.livejournal.com

photo: svictorych.livejournal.com

Skydiving for beginners - 2000 rubles.
An-2 aircraft: training, one-time flights (10 minutes or more) - calculated at a cost of 33,000 rubles/hour. (up to 10 people)
At the airfield there is a bar-canteen, a summer cafe and a kebab shop.

In summer the airfield is open from 12-00, in winter - from 10-00

photo: svictorych.livejournal.com

How to get there:
- by car 65 km along the Simferopol highway, after the 65 km gas station you need to turn onto Chekhov, at the next left turn. Further along the straight line through Chekhov to the village of Volosovo. Just outside the village there is a sign “Aeroclub”.

13. Farm and poultry yard “Russian Ostrich”

Distance 73 km from MKAD, coordinates 55.039112, 37.402558

It is difficult to guess that ostriches are raised here. The farm is surrounded by a concrete fence, and cows graze peacefully around.
We pass cows and a fence and find ourselves in a real ostrich world.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

The ostriches here are wild and beautiful and happily eat cabbage, a plate of which is included in the price of the excursion (200 rubles). You shouldn't pet ostriches, especially while eating - they might hit you with their beak. But you can pet the phlegmatic camels and the white goat.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

Ostriches chase each other, curtsy coquettishly, fancifully spread their wings and lay eggs weighing from one and a half to two kilograms. By the way, if you throw it on the floor, it will bounce.

The farm is open from 10-00 to 17-00/18-00, entrance 200 rubles, for children under 7 years old - free

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

How to get there: Moscow region, Serpukhov district, village of Starye Kuzmenki. From Moscow along the Simferopol highway to the turn to A108 (turn right to Balabanovo), then to the T-shaped intersection Serpukhov-Chekhov, then turn right towards Chekhov and to the village of Novye Kuzmenki. Immediately after the village, turn left following the sign for Starye Kuzmenki. Website

14. Estate Rai-Semenovskaya

Distance 85 km from MKAD, coordinates 55.008986, 37.338173

The Rai-Semenovskoye estate, successfully integrated into the surrounding landscape, stands on the spot where the Nara River forms a large bend bordering a floodplain meadow, gradually descending.

photo: Serpukhov in photographs

For a long time, the village of Semenovskoye was the patrimony of the boyar family of the Ordyn-Nashchokins. The outstanding diplomat and statesman Afanasy Lavrentievich Ordyn-Nashchokin owned it back in the mid-17th century. The village received its current name thanks to a descendant, the marshal of Paul I A.P. Nashchokin, who created the estate ensemble Rai at the end of the 18th century to distinguish the estate from the Orlovs’ estate Otrada-Semenovskoye.

photo: Serpukhov in photographs, © Photo by: Victor Stepanets

The manor house was built by M.F. Kazakov in the style of Italian villas on the banks of the Nara River, to which a park with numerous gazebos, grottoes and bridges descended in terraces. There was also a menagerie with wild goats - as opposed to the wild deer of the Oryol estate. Nashchokin, who lived in grand style, invited numerous guests to the estate, staged magnificent performances and soon began to feel a lack of money.
To improve his financial situation, he decided to set up a mineral resort in Rai-Semenovsky.
An analysis of local waters, carried out by Reis, a professor of chemistry at Moscow University, confirmed their medicinal properties. Nashchokin built a special resort village with three streets, where there were twenty-seven houses for the sick, a building with baths, and a hotel.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

To attract visitors, an anonymous brochure was published in 1817 - “Miraculous healing, or a journey to the waters of the Savior in the village of Rai-Semenovskoye...”, where on behalf of a certain healed patient the estate itself, the owner, and his resort were praised. Magnificent theatrical performances were organized for visiting patients, and an orchestra located in the park delighted their ears during evening walks. However, this idea did not bring any income, but, on the contrary, completely ruined Nashchokin. Few patients came, but most of them were either friends or good acquaintances of the owner, and therefore tried to take advantage of the treatment for free. The resort gradually fell into disrepair; at the end of the 19th century, Rai-Semenovskoye passed into the hands of the manufacturer Khutarev, who barbarously rebuilt the manor's house. Only along the perimeter of the round hall did the Ionic columns survive.

Almost none of the buildings of the estate have survived to this day.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

But the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, built according to the design of M. F. Kazakov, has survived. The church on the hill is amazing and offers very beautiful views.

How to get there:
-by car to the right turn from the old Simferopol highway onto the A108 highway, then 6 km to the right turn to Rai-Semenovskoye

15. Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov

Distance 85 km from MKAD
City of Serpukhov, coordinates 54.904520, 37.420411

In Serpukhov, on the high left bank of the Nara River, not far from its confluence with the Oka, there is a picturesque ancient monastery - the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery. It was founded with the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1374 by Prince Vladimir Andreevich the Brave of Serpukhov, cousin and associate of Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy.

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

The monastery got its name from the place located on a high beautiful hill, popularly called “Vysokoe”.
The monastery, located on the border of the southern borders of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (the Oka River separated the Russian lands and the Steppe) was often used as a fortress and was always under threat of ruin.

In the 18th century Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, who lived in his estate Dvoryaninovo not far from Serpukhov, wrote: “... I admired the majestic view of the Vysotsky monastery, which appeared to my gaze in the middle of a wide opening between two dense and tall forests that have adorned this hill for many centuries and which saw our forefathers...”

Both from the territory of the monastery and from the paths running along the monastery walls, very beautiful long views open up.

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

How to get there: from Simferopolskoe highway, go along Borisovskoe highway to the first intersection with a traffic light on the left. (Central St.). Continue straight ahead until the main road turns right, and right again, exiting onto 2nd Moskovskaya. Continue straight ahead until you reach the first big left turn. Website

16. Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Distance 82 km, coordinates 54.915024, 37.566024

photo Kulichenko A.V.,Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

photo Kulichenko A.V.,Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Not far from Serpukhov, in the village of Danki, there is the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve, where bison and North American bison are successfully bred.

The reserve, part of the system of specially protected natural areas of Russia, is not only the cleanest territory in the Moscow region in ecological terms, but also one of the most beautiful places.

photo Kulichenko A.V.,Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

photo by Rybkin A.N., Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Rare flowers and plants grow among the forests and bushes (for example, Lady's slipper and Bieberstein's tulip), finches and warblers chirp, wood grouse and owls hoot, roe deer and moose walk, martens, lynxes, otters and, of course, the main pride of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve are found – bison is a wild forest bull, the largest ungulate animal on the European continent, which is rightfully considered a contemporary of the mammoth.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

photo: zyalt.livejournal.com

From 1933 to 1939, there lived in the USSR a single purebred bison named Bodo, miraculously preserved in the Askania-Nova nature reserve near Kherson. In the middle of the last century, when it was discovered that there were only 48 bison left in the whole world, painstaking work began on the restoration and resettlement of bison in nature reserves and wild forests.

photo Kulichenko A.V.,Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve became the first place near Moscow where two pairs of purebred bison were brought from Poland in 1948, and a few years later three more from Belarus.

photo Kulichenko A.V.,Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

In addition to bison, bison also live on the territory of the reserve. You can distinguish one from the other by their beard and bangs (details are indicated on diagrams and stands on the territory of the reserve). Each bison is accompanied by “friends” and a separate large territory, fenced off from other families and the nursery group - calves live separately until they are three years old.

At the suggestion of the International Society for the Conservation of the Bison and the International Bison Pedigree Book (European Bisonpedigreebook), all Caucasian-Belovezhsk bison born in the nursery are given nicknames beginning with the syllable “Mu”, and Belovezhsk bison with the syllable “Mo”. So, in the reserve, among the 60 purebred bison, you can meet Murselieza, Mursedes and Mumugenyun, Moguchiy and Molniya.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Excursion routes run from 9-00 to 15-00 daily, the cost is 300 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children (for groups of less than 4 people – the cost is 1000 rubles).

photo Kulichenko A.V., Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

photo: Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

From the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve you can get to the shore of the Oka and look at the dunes near the village of Malyushina Dacha (coordinates 54.852094, 37.909583) and walk along the shore to Senka Ford (coordinates 54.842791, 37.851057)
Details about the surroundings of the reserve -

How to get there: along the Simferopol highway after the “97 km” sign, turn right at the “Serpukhov / Danki” sign. Then turn left to Danki, under the road bridge and straight ahead for about 4 km. In the village of Danki, following the sign “Main Road”, turn right and, having passed the bridge over the Sushka River, after 200 m turn right again at the sign “Reserve / Excursion Bureau”.

17. Paragliding in Turovo

Distance 100 km from MKAD
Turovo village, coordinates 54.876922, 37.826313

Some rights reserved by benjgibbs

The ancient village of Turovo is located on a huge coastal terrace at the mouth of the Lopasni River, in front of which stretches a seemingly endless steppe.
Once upon a time, at the mouth of the Lopasnya River there was a coastal service to protect the Oka River from Tatar raids, and now on one of the endless fields of Turov there is a base and mini-hotel of the paramotor school of Alexander Shakhovets
Every weekend and holidays, the ParAAvisMoto team conducts flights over the expanses of the Oka: a feeling of boundless freedom and indescribable impressions, cool wingovers in the skies and a joyful smile on the face of a fearless instructor are guaranteed. Details and

How to get there: along the Simferopol highway, turn “Serpukhov, Danki”, before reaching the bridge over the Oka River, and after the exit turn onto Danki. Next 21 km to Turovo. Closer to the exit on the right side there will be a field with a windsock.

18. Equestrian club "Pegasus", karting track, paintball and flights to Drakino

Distance 98 km from MKAD, coordinates 54.857405, 37.265789

In Drakino there is a spacious, bright stable with Anglo-Budenov beauties, Russian trotters, heavy draft horses and funny Shetland ponies, and everyone (depending on desire, weight and height) is given a ride through the pine forest to the Oka and Protva. photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

photo: brizhakhin.livejournal.com

How to get there: along the old Simferopol highway or along the new M2 at the sign "Balabanovo, Maloyaroslavets" turn right and move onto the old Simferopol highway to the city of Serpukhov, then through the city, at the 2nd traffic light turn towards the city of Protvino, at the fork near the tank - left, after 2 km on the right side is the entrance to the Drakino sports and entertainment park.

19. Estate in Pushchino (Pushchino-on-Oka)

Distance 96 km from MKAD
City of Pushchino. Pushchino coordinates 54.834979, 37.607178, estate coordinates 54.834979, 37.607178

photo: viktor-gordin.livejournal.com

Within the city limits on the banks of the Oka there are the ruins of an ancient estate built in the 18th century. In the scribe books of 1578-79. Tsar Ivan the Terrible granted these lands to boyar Pushcha, but the real creator of the estate was retired major Ya. I. Artsybashev, who built a house in the classical style over the Oka in the second half of the 18th century.
After the revolution and until 1971, the estate housed a rural hospital, then the estate house was empty and slowly turning into ruins.
The site on which the estate is located is a natural monument. There are springs, a waterfall, many streams, a section of broad-leaved forest and a beautiful bank of the Oka. The best way to view the estate is from the shore, walking to the outskirts of the city and along the path running along the edge of a steep slope.

photo: viktor-gordin.livejournal.com

photo: viktor-gordin.livejournal.com

photo: viktor-gordin.livejournal.com

photo: viktor-gordin.livejournal.com

20. Museum of Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov

Village Dvoryaninovo, coordinates 54.704621, 37.557097
Distance 105 km from MKAD

The main attraction of the ancient village of Dvoryaninovo is the museum of Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, a famous Russian scientist, philosopher, writer, encyclopedist and one of the founders of Russian agronomic science, standing on the ridge of a high cliff above the Skniga River. Bolotov left 350 volumes of various works, including a huge work on the history of Russia, and we owe it to him for the spread of potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits in Russia.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

The history of the museum and the estate is very interesting: Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov created a model of a Russian landscape park with intricately combined plantings, a changed landscape and untouched forest areas near the village of Dvoryaninovo. During the revolution, the Bolotov family estate burned down, all family portraits, manuscripts, and household items were lost or ended up abroad. The Dvoryaninovo estate was destroyed and abandoned, and restoration work began only in 1988. The house was reproduced from drawings and drawings found in the library of Charles University in Prague, and later a museum was opened here.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

photo from the museum website

The Bolotov Museum is open daily from 9-00 to 17-00, tickets - 50 rubles for adults, 40 rubles for children, details, coordinates 54.704621, 37.557097

How to get there: Zaoksky district, Dvoryaninovo village, turn from the M2 highway after the bridge over the Oka River and before the traffic police post

21. Museum of Rear Admiral Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev

Savino village, coordinates 54.720122, 37.490721
Distance 100 km from MKAD

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

The museum, dedicated to the feat of the crews of the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets", is named after the leader of the battle, the commander of the legendary cruiser, a representative of a poor but ancient Tula noble family, a hereditary naval officer, whose ancestors served the Fatherland under the St. Andrew's flag for more than 200 years. Vsevolod Fedorovich spent the last years of his life in his estate in the village of Myshenki, Aleksinsky district (now Zaoksky district).

Not far from the museum, near the walls of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, of which he was a trustee throughout his life in Savino, is the grave of the rear admiral.

photo: alxlav.livejournal.com

The Rudnev Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9-00 to 17-00, tickets are 60 rubles for adults, 30 rubles for children. Details, coordinates 54.720122, 37.490721

How to get there: from the Simferopol highway, turn onto the Staro-Simferopol highway to the Zaoksky district, and then straight to the village of Savino and the sign “St. Kazan Church”

22. Horseback riding at the Velegozh dacha and fishing in the Medvezhiy Ugol complex photo alxlav.livejournal.com

Nearby, in the Medvezhy Ugol complex, paid fishing (trout, pike) is organized, you can stay in a cottage or just have a snack with freshly caught fish in the Berloga restaurant. Details

Details about the surrounding area and Zaokskie distances -

23. V.D. Museum-Reserve Polenova (Polenovo estate)

Distance 120 km from the Moscow Ring Road, coordinates 54.74993053668268, 37.244435802124016

“Beautiful places on the Oka near Serpukhov and further upstream,” wrote the artist Vasily Polenov to his wife. - This is where we should settle. If I’m alive and well, I’ll ride along the Oka from Serpukhov to Aleksin. Maybe I’ll find something.”

And I found it. And he built the estate in 1892 with the money raised from the sale of a single painting to Alexander III - “Christ and the Sinner”.

Details about the surrounding area and Zaokskie distances -

Go straight along the Simferopol highway (M2 or E-105 “Crimea”) for 86 km, after the bridge over the Oka River, after 4.5 km there will be a turn to Zaoksky (Staro-Simferopol highway). Then drive along the main road to Malakhovo for 10 km. In Malakhovo, turn right at the “Polenovo” sign and then follow the main road for 9.6 km, and after turning right at the “Polenovo” sign, 3.6 km. Road map

Village of Bekhovo, coordinates 54.761791, 37.250727

A couple of kilometers from the Polenov Museum (here you can walk along a path along the Oka hidden in the hazel thickets) stands the amazing “wedding” Trinity Church or the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, designed by Vasily Polenov at the request of the peasants on the highest bank of the Oka.
Locals call this shore “The Cliff of Love” (it is believed that lovers should kiss while standing at the edge of this cliff before the wedding and then they will remain together forever).

Nearby there is a cemetery where Vasily Polenov is buried and a large platform with such views... of the Oka River, Tarusa visible in the distance, banks, meadows and clouds.

Some rights reserved by michael popov

photo from fb

When choosing a destination, do not forget to check everything about the city on the Internet and book a hotel for the night. This will help you drive without the fear that you won't be able to stop. It is especially important to plan everything correctly when traveling with children. You can spend a weekend in an interesting place far from the noise inexpensively; you don’t have to spend a month saving money to go to one of the beautiful cities in the Moscow region. All you need to do is fill up your car, take some pocket money with you and pay for hotel accommodation. This will be the best solution for you and will allow you to enjoy a short vacation without unnecessary worries. And remember that a good vacation doesn't always involve a lot of planning. Spontaneous actions are often preferable to obtain enormous pleasure. However, plan a trip to one of the cities below.


This city is just 22 km from Moscow, and you can even get to it by bicycle. The trip by car will take only 15 minutes, you won't even spend a lot of fuel. The city itself has one big tourist destination. This is the Znamenskoye-Gubailovo estate, which is distinguished by its unique architecture and enormous size. You can spend most of your day off on a tour of the estate.

But the main advantage of your tour will be a visit to the only indoor ski resort in Russia. It is in Krasnogorsk that there is a complex that will allow you to plunge into the delights of winter sports any day of the year. The slide is safe, long enough and perfectly prepared for an optimal descent.


The city is located 82 km from the Capital and does not have amazing architectural sights. One of the main reasons for the active tourist flow here is the deer farm. Come to Antsiferovo in winter and ride a real reindeer sleigh. This entertainment is suitable for couples with children; it is the little ones who will get the most vivid impressions from this.

It doesn’t take long to travel to Antsiferovo; there is little infrastructure here, so there won’t be any problems with housing. But apart from the farm there is nothing to see here, so the trip can be planned for just 1 day.

Kolomna is the energy center of the Moscow region

Many consider the city of Kolomna one of the most beautiful in all of Russia. And there are explanations for this. It has its own Kremlin, which is not inferior in beauty to the Moscow one. Lakes, bridges and beautiful boulevards decorate almost all parts of the small city. And this gives the place its own comfort and coziness.

Among the interesting things to do in Kolomna you can find the following features:

  • contemplating the beauty of the city from the heights and simply wonderful photos against the backdrop of architectural masterpieces;
  • walks along new and old streets, each of which has its own rich history and legends;
  • the richness of the city with churches and monasteries is simply surprising; there are many interesting places to visit;
  • parks and squares are intertwined into a single system; you can walk for hours in beautiful nature, far from the noise of the city.

These are the types of entertainment unusual for Muscovites offered by Kolomna, which is located just 100 km from Moscow. You can get to the city in 1 hour 20 minutes, if you are not in a hurry. In the most populated area for tourists there are many hotels and cheaper ways to stay for a couple of days.


If you look a little wider, go beyond the Moscow region, you can find amazing places with beautiful landscapes and a rich history. Kaluga is located 188 km from Moscow. This is a city of churches and temples, as well as simply incredible nature. There is evidence that Kaluga shines at night, and this glow is visible from space for inexplicable reasons.

The place is full of lively energy, here you will feel at home and can enjoy the wonderful properties of untouched nature right next to the city streets. This is a nature reserve created by nature itself, and visiting it will take your breath away. If you have never been to Kaluga, be sure to plan a road trip here.


Another interesting city from the neighboring region is Tula. The distance from Moscow is 182 km, there is no doubt that you will get great pleasure not only from the visit, but also from the trip itself. The road to Tula has been perfectly repaired, so getting around will take a little time. Gingerbread and samovars are just some of the traditions of this area.

What else will you get in Tula? It is impossible to answer this question quickly:

  • amazing nature both in the city itself and in the surrounding area, which brings great pleasure to visitors;
  • incredible Russian architecture, many preserved old buildings that are protected from destruction;
  • a beautiful modern center, the city is looked after and invested in the development of tourism;
  • ancient temples and very beautiful suburban areas, many historical places around.

Visitors to the Tula region talk about the most interesting churches, wonderful hospitable hotels and simply unforgettable treats. This is a vacation that you will remember for a long time. You can go to Tula for a couple of days off, this is enough to enjoy the flavor of the area.

Rostov Veliky

The city in the Yaroslavl region, Rostov the Great, is located 207 km from Moscow and is also a very accessible place for a weekend getaway. The main attraction here is the Kremlin with its preserved façade and many legendary features.

From visiting Rostov the Great you will have only positive impressions. Ancient temples, magnificent nature and classical Russian architecture will remain in your memory as a pleasant memory and will add amazing family photos to your collection of tourist photographs.

Lake Senezh

About 70 km from Moscow is the great Lake Senezh. Getting here by car will not be difficult, but lovers of fishing, spearfishing and diving will enjoy this holiday. There is everything you need to enjoy a holiday near a huge body of water. The infrastructure is not so developed, so you will have to bring your own equipment.

The lake itself is very beautiful and quite large. This spectacle will definitely please everyone who comes here. In summer, this is a great place to swim in clean and safe water. And in winter there is excellent ice fishing with huge trophies and a lot of fun.


For one day you can go to the unusual town of Kimry. The 150 km route will not disappoint you with the results of your journey. It will be especially interesting here for people who appreciate beautiful architecture. In Kimry there are wooden buildings built in the Art Nouveau style. The amazing combination of ancient material and modern lines becomes a unique feature of the city.

Take a good camera with you, you will definitely find a lot of details to photograph here. Interestingly, the city itself is quite well-groomed and beautiful. There is always a great mood and an amazing atmosphere of real Russia.


From Moscow to Yaroslavl you will have to travel more than 260 km. But this path will pass unnoticed through quite beautiful settlements and a wonderful road. In the city itself, wonderful surprises await you that will delight you with their color and amazing appearance. Almost all of the city's architecture is being restored and maintained in excellent condition.

In Yaroslavl you can see the following features:

  • the city is quite large and developed, industry and social life are at a high level;
  • there are various opportunities for entertainment, you can find cultural recreation or go shopping;
  • temples and estates of famous people are one of the main categories of attractions in the area;
  • The embankment of the Volga River here is simply beautiful, you can endlessly walk along it and enjoy the beauty.

Despite large factories in the surrounding area, the air in Yaroslavl is quite clean. The nature here is wonderful, so a Moscow person will find another great advantage for himself. You can go to Yaroslavl just for the weekend, this time will be enough for you to explore the main attractions in the city.


One of the most beautiful villages is located 112 km from Moscow. You can go here for several days at once and get ready for true surprises. It turns out that in Stupino there are several huge and powerful churches, monasteries, as well as old estates of famous figures of Russian culture and history.

Also, the church in Dubrovitsy will delight you with its unusual architecture, powerful energy and amazing aura, which is really felt by every person. It is worth visiting this village one of the first if you plan to travel by car from Moscow.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there are a huge number of destinations for a wonderful holiday for several days. Once your car is in good working order and ready to go, it's time to pack your bag and go on a wonderful trip. Don't forget about safety factors along the way and leave as early as possible to avoid traffic jams. Also, an early departure will give you several hours of free time in cities or along the way. Be prepared for many pleasant surprises along the route. Chances are you won't be able to resist stopping and taking nice photos of some of the sights. Therefore, you can find many interesting solutions and get real pleasure from every kilometer of the journey.

It’s worth planning ahead with time. Firstly, this is a weekend trip, and you don’t want to rush anywhere. Secondly, we are talking about a car trip, which can bring various surprises. Plan your journey to account for minor delays and unscheduled stops. This way you can realistically assess the situation and arrive at your destination on time without much difficulty. Don't forget to set up your phone's navigator correctly so you don't end up in the wrong place. Where would you like to go by car from Moscow?

Where to go for a weekend from Moscow? This question invariably arises for residents of the capital, who during the working week get tired of the noise of the metropolis and try to spend the weekend in such a way as to completely get rid of the consequences of stressful situations, relax, get a lot of positive emotions, gain impressions and new strength for work achievements. The Moscow region offers a significant number of opportunities, and choosing the most interesting one for a vacation can be quite difficult. After all, you want the weekend to be bright and unforgettable, giving you many pleasant moments. In this article we will look at where to go on a weekend from Moscow to have an interesting and useful time.

Lytkarinsky quarry

Once upon a time, sand was mined for a glass factory in the city of Lytkarino. Back in the 70s, sand mining work there was stopped, and a lake formed on the site of the quarry. Nowadays, sand is extracted there again, but this is done using a specialized floating dredger. A special place has been designated for mining. In the summer, the lake attracts many vacationers, as it has the following features:

  • the purest clear water,
  • sand beach,
  • pine forest nearby.

The beach is well maintained. Vacationers have the opportunity to play volleyball on two equipped courts and barbecue in specially equipped places. At night, discos are held here, which are popular among young people. It is in Lytkarino that you can go on a weekend from Moscow to have a great time. Such a vacation will not cost much, and the pine air will help restore strength.

Film city Pilgrim Porto

36 kilometers from Moscow is a film city, which arose thanks to the filming of the serial historical film “Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery.” Pilgrim Porto was built specifically for filming, which took place in 2010. All the buildings are reminiscent of a European city of the mid-18th century, so for those who want to immerse themselves in antiquity, there is a lot of interesting things in this city. Tickets to Piligrim Porto are affordable, so many Moscow residents and guests come here for a walk.

Village of Deauville

As you can see from the name, the prototype of this village was the city of the same name, located in France. The distance from Moscow is only 10 kilometers, so getting here is easy. Deauville is located on the shore of a forest lake; it will delight visitors with unique landscapes and amazing architecture, reminiscent of the works of French architects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Cottage rent is 400,000 rubles per month, but entry to the territory is free. If you don't stay overnight, the trip can be quite budget-friendly. On the territory of the village you will find:

  • the shops,
  • modern sports and children's playgrounds,
  • sports and recreation complex,
  • cafe and restaurant,
  • SPA center, and much more.

Caves of Syana

If you haven’t yet decided where to go for the weekend, we can recommend artificially created caves, located just 121 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. The extraction of white stone caused their appearance. This natural material was intensively mined here in the 18th century. Unique Moscow churches and chapels were built from it. The material was also used at the beginning of the last century to create the runway at Domodedovo Airport.

Many lovers of active recreation invariably come here, spend not only weekends, but also celebrate the New Year. Temperature and humidity levels inside the caves do not change regardless of the time of year. If you wish, it will be easy for you to find detailed maps of Syan and descriptions of their attractions. Extreme sports fans have studied them for a long time and made this information freely available. Most tunnels and rooms have interesting and memorable names. In the caves you can even find places intended for eating, resting and sleeping. If you feel bored in Moscow and your soul requires something unusual, visiting caves will be a great way to organize your leisure time.


One of the answer to the question of where to go for a weekend in the Moscow region is to visit the largest ethnopark. 114 kilometers from the capital is the Ethnomir Park, where you can find 12 pavilions reflecting the cultural traditions of different countries. Among the most popular:

  • Chinese,
  • Japanese,
  • Greek,
  • Italian,
  • French.

If you are no longer interested in organizing leisure activities in Moscow, an ethnopark located in the Moscow region will be an excellent choice. In the Greek and Italian pavilions you can learn a lot of interesting things. Including carnival costumes. In the Japanese pavilion you will be offered to learn such a fascinating art as origami. In Chinese, weave decorative knots.

The presence of twelve hotels in the park will allow you to stay comfortably for the night, so as not to rush and get many more positive emotions the next day. Restaurants and cafes will help you eat and not feel hungry. The cost of visiting varies from day to day and differs for different categories of the population.

Cosmonaut Training Center

If you don’t want to spend a weekend in the capital, for a country trip you can choose the cosmonaut training center, which is named after Yuri Gagarin. It is separated from the capital by 50 kilometers. This trip will be interesting for both children and adults. In the museum you can see exercise equipment and unique historical exhibits. The center is operational and is ready to tell everyone the amazing story of the development of domestic astronautics.

It is preferable to register for excursions in advance. If you want to get even closer to the cosmonaut training program, choose practical classes on the simulator of the Soyuz spacecraft or the Mir orbital station.

Visit to Borovsk

Where to go for a weekend from the capital? To this question, many Muscovites will answer: of course, to Borovsk. This city is located in the Kaluga region and is located 115 kilometers from Moscow. If you don’t know where to go on Saturday, Sunday or a holiday weekend, the colorful town will be a great option. Each house in it attracts attention with its inherent authenticity.

You can take a walk in the city and also visit the Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Museum or the Museum of Local Lore. According to reviews from many guests of the city, its cafes and restaurants serve good food, and the prices are quite affordable.

Abandoned tunnel of "secret" physicists

The Hadron Collider, one of the most amazing structures of Soviet times, is located 12 kilometers from the capital along the Simferopol Highway. If you don’t know where to go for the weekend near Moscow, visiting this abandoned tunnel would be a rational decision. It doesn't take long to get from Moscow, so you will have a lot of time to explore this attraction.

Freezone Amusement Park

Where to go near Moscow for the weekend is, of course, up to you to decide. We just tried to talk about the variety of possibilities, but we didn’t cover everything. Of course, there are many entertainment venues in the capital, but a trip to the countryside allows you to take a break from the noisy and bustling metropolis. In conclusion, we would like to talk about the unique Freezone amusement park. The territory occupies two hectares, where every guest can find entertainment to their liking - no one will get bored. The main advantages of this entertainment complex are the following:

  • the world's largest flight zone;
  • a wide selection of other entertainment for every age and taste;
  • acceptable prices;
  • availability of cafes and restaurants;
  • the presence of a hotel that allows you to stay overnight and continue having fun for your own pleasure the next day.

For those who have not yet had time to go on vacation, and for those who simply want to have an interesting weekend, the online publication site has selected several places where you can get new experiences and take a little break from the bustle of the capital. Both in sunny and rainy weather.

Village of Deauville

The cottage community of Deauville is located on the shore of a forest lake. What makes this place special is not only its proximity to the capital (only 10 kilometers from Moscow), but also the magnificent landscape and architecture of the buildings. The prototype of the village was the French city of Deauville, so all the residential buildings were designed according to the sketches of Western architects and made in the style of buildings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

On the territory there is a restaurant and cafe, a fitness center and SPA center, shops, children's and sports grounds, as well as a beach. Entry into the village is free and, if you do not stay overnight, it will be a very budget trip. And renting a cottage costs about 400 thousand rubles per month.

Lytkarinsky quarry

The lake was formed on the site of a sand quarry for a glass factory in the city of Lytkarino. Work was stopped in the 70s, after which the quarry began to be filled with groundwater. However, sand mining has now resumed: a special floating dredger lifts sand from the bottom and washes it out in a specially designated place.

In summer, white sand, pine trees and clear water attract many vacationers from Moscow, since the lake is only 35 kilometers from the capital and region. Near the quarry is the Tomilinsky forest park. This is a specially protected site, since the forest is home to more than 25 species of birds, and about 300 species of plants can be found here. Some are listed in the Red Book.

On the beach there are two volleyball courts, several tents with barbecue, and at night there are discos.

Film city Pilgrim Porto

The film city, 36 kilometers from Moscow, owes its appearance to the historical serial detective story “Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancery.” Filming took place in the summer of 2010. It was for them that Pilgrim Porto was built.

According to the idea of ​​the film's director Oleg Ryaskov, the scenery should have been as similar as possible to a European city of the mid-18th century. After filming ended, the city became a popular destination for those who want to immerse themselves in the exciting stories of past centuries.

Film City is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:30. Tickets for adults and children over 14 years old will cost 150 rubles.

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During a missile test, the Indian military destroyed a space satellite that was in low Earth orbit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 4

Caves of Syana

Syany are artificial caves 12 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. They appeared as a result of the extraction of white stone. In the 18th century, it was used to build churches and chapels in Moscow. At the beginning of the last century - for the construction of a runway at Domodedovo Airport.

Now the mines are closed and attract extreme sports enthusiasts and the curious. Hundreds of people visit the caves on weekends, and up to 600 people on New Year’s Day. Some enthusiasts spend here not only weekends, but even entire weeks.

The temperature inside the caves is 8-10 degrees, and the humidity is about 80 percent. Interestingly, these indicators do not change depending on the weather or time of year.

Since Syany became the most popular caves in the Moscow region, it developed its own internal life. Lovers of cave life have created detailed maps of the passages and “attractions” of Syan. Enthusiasts gave many tunnels, rooms and passages original names. They also installed tables and chairs in spacious grottoes for resting and eating, and also leveled out sleeping areas.

Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yuri Gagarin

Those who want to know where the path of an astronaut begins should go to the village of Star City, which is located 50 kilometers from the capital, to the Cosmonaut Training Center. Here you will learn how future conquerors of the Universe are trained, see unique historical exhibits and training equipment. Moreover, the Center is an active facility where real astronauts are trained.

Within the walls of the space alma mater, you can take excursions to the technical base of the Center and the Cosmonaut Training Museum. You must register in advance - on weekdays from 9 to 18. One ticket will cost 150 rubles, although excursions are conducted for groups of 15 people.

And for those who want to learn even more, the Center offers a practical lesson on the simulator of the Mir orbital station or feel like a member of the crew of the Soyuz spacecraft.


The largest ethnographic park "Ethnomir" offers you to immerse yourself in the culture of different peoples of the world. 114 kilometers from Moscow there are 12 thematic pavilions. In the house of Japan you can learn how to make origami, in the house of China you can weave decorative knots, in the houses of Greece and Italy you can get acquainted with carnival costumes.

The cost of visiting the park on weekends will be 600 rubles for adults, 450 for pensioners, schoolchildren and students, and 300 rubles for special categories of citizens.
The park also has 12 hotels for those who want to stay the whole weekend, as well as several restaurants, cafes and banquet halls.


The city in the Kaluga region, located 115 kilometers from Moscow, is built in the shape of a star, radiating rays from the main square. However, Borovsk is not as simple as it might seem at first glance: literally every house here is a whole work of art. The buildings are decorated with platbands, pilasters and real paintings!

Borovsk also has a house-museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a local history museum and several chapels and temples. There are several cafes and restaurants in the area with very reasonable prices, judging by the reviews of tourists.

Abandoned tunnel of "secret" physicists

If you drive along the Simferopol highway towards Protvino, then after 12 kilometers you can drive to one of the most mysterious Soviet buildings: the particle accelerator or the so-called hadron collider.

Work on the construction of the tunnel began in 1983. Its length is 21 kilometers, diameter is 5.5 meters, like a metro. Depth - from 20 to 60 meters. The similarity with the metro is complemented by the fact that every one and a half kilometers underground stations adjoin the main accelerator tunnel to accommodate large-sized equipment.

In 1994, the first section, an underground canal 2.7 kilometers long, was put into operation. The old accelerator served as the first accelerating stage for the collider. Electromagnetic and vacuum systems, as well as beam monitoring equipment, were installed in the channel.

After the completion of the main tunnel, work on the creation of the accelerator complex was completely stopped due to lack of funds.

Polenovo Museum-Reserve

The estate of the artist Vasily Polenov is found on the right bank of the Oka, 135 kilometers from Moscow. It includes 14 buildings, including the main house, Polenov’s “Abbey” workshop, various outbuildings and servants’ houses.

The estate is located in a large park, where there is also a descent to Oka beach. There, after walking through the forest and getting acquainted with the work of the Russian artist, you can relax a little.
The cost of tickets to Polenov's big house is 200 rubles, and to the Abbey - 70 rubles.

After you have seen the sights of the Polenovo estate, you can take a ferry to the other side of the river, where the equally beautiful city of Tarusa with a rich history is located. Tsvetaeva, Polenov, Paustovsky, Richter, Zabolotsky, Borisov-Musatov and Tarkovsky lived and rested here.

Ivankovskoye Reservoir (Moscow Sea)

The Moscow Sea is located 158 kilometers from the capital. You can get there either by car or by train from Leningradsky Station.

There are many houses and recreation centers located on the picturesque banks of the reservoir. There are also beaches where you can easily camp with a tent.

The Moscow Sea is suitable for fishing lovers. Bream, perch, roach, bleak and ruff are found here. More valuable fish species include pike and pike perch, as well as tench, carp, white and red crucian carp. The reservoir is also home to crayfish.


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