145 motor ship. The first Zelenodolsk sea ships have been sold. Actually about the project

Project A 145 vessel / Photo: www.zdship.ru

The new passenger ships of the A145 project have a reinforced hull structure, improved air conditioning and ventilation systems, control and video surveillance, as well as improved conditions for crew rest.

A presentation of modernized high-speed passenger ships of Project A145, being built at the Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M., took place in Salekhard. Gorky (the company is part of the Ak Bars holding company). The event took place as part of a meeting between the general director of the plant, Renat Mistakhov, and the first deputy governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Sitnikov.

“Currently, the plant is building four new vessels of the A145 project, taking into account the wishes of the Department of Transport of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the carrier - the Severrechflot company”

Currently, the plant is building four new vessels of the A145 project, taking into account the wishes of the Department of Transport of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the carrier, the Severrechflot company.

At the beginning of the meeting, Alexey Sitnikov noted that the development of civil shipbuilding is of high social and economic importance for Yamal. This allows not only to increase efficiency and strengthen the investment climate of the industry, but also to meet the needs of the region. Navigation results annually show that the demand for water transport in the region is consistently high and exceeds the supply of carriers. In turn, Renat Mistakhov emphasized that the experience of operating motor ships in the Far North became the starting point in the process of their modernization.

In 2013, two high-speed motor ships of Project A145 – “Rem Vyakhirev” and “Viktor Chernomyrdin” – became part of the peninsula’s river fleet. The vessels were built at the Zelenodolsk enterprise according to the design of the Agat Design Bureau company. They made it possible to reduce travel time from Salekhard to Yar-Sale from 15 to 5 hours. Over the past period, the ships have transported more than 36 thousand people. All issues that arose during their operation in the difficult conditions of the northern region were promptly resolved with the participation of the construction plant and the designer.

Currently, the plant is building four new vessels of the A145 project, taking into account the wishes of the Department of Transport of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the carrier, the Severrechflot company. A number of changes have been made to the design of the modernized vessels. In particular, the hull structure in the area of ​​the bow has been strengthened, the air conditioning and ventilation, control and video surveillance systems have been improved, as well as the conditions for crew rest have been improved. Thus, in the near future, the Yamal river fleet may be replenished with the latest motor ships from the Zelenodolsk plant, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported.

Technical information

Project A 145 vessel

The Project A 145 vessel is a high-speed planing-type passenger vessel, carrying 150 passengers with luggage in the passenger version at a speed of about 40 knots for a distance of up to 200 miles in the coastal sea zone with a main engine power of 2x1440 kW.

The seaworthiness of the vessel ensures the possibility of safe movement in sea conditions of 4 points.

Project A145developed by designers of Agat Design Bureau LLC, St. Petersburg, in development of the A45 project and is intended for transporting passengers during daylight hours along coastal sea routes on lines up to 200 miles long.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m.

about 35.0

Maximum width, m.


Side height, m.


Draft according to water line, m.

- in displacement mode


- in planing mode


Displacement, t.

about 80

Crew, people


Speed, knots

at least 40

Passenger capacity, persons


Cruising range, miles.


Main engines:

MTU 16V2000M72, kW 2x1440

Propulsion complex:

2 water-jet propulsors VD 525M manufactured by JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky

Case material:

Corrosion-resistant aluminum-magnesium alloy brand AMG 1561


Let us remind you that the lead A145 (the author of the project is St. Petersburg LLC Agat Design Bureau) was launched on August 18, 2011, the first production one was launched on May 26, 2012. Initially, Zelenodolsk shipbuilders linked the fate of these two ships with the Black Sea - it was assumed that the Krasnodar Territory would acquire them. Southerners began to be purposefully processed while the vessels were still in the development stage - in 2007. In 2010, at the international investment forum in Sochi, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev agreed that “these ships are very necessary.” Guests from the Sochi administration came to the plant. As a result, the flagship A145 was presented live in the future capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics. One of the enterprise’s press releases stated: “In the future, it is planned to use these vessels to transport passengers along tourist and regular routes of the Black Sea coastal zone of the Krasnodar Territory.”

But it seems that it was not possible to reach an agreement with the Krasnodar Territory. There was a rumor that Arkhangelsk was interested in motor ships. But also by. However, another potential buyer was quickly found. During the launching ceremony of the serial A145, it was said that the leadership of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) is showing great interest in the project. And in early August, the A145, without any fanfare or advertising, was loaded onto a barge and sent to Yamal to test its seaworthiness in the northern latitudes. Moreover, the ships were painted with “war paint” with the coat of arms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. According to local media reports, they are being tested in the waters of the Ob Bay. “In the next few years, it is necessary to begin a planned renewal of passenger river vessels,” the First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug noted a month ago in a conversation with reporters Evgeniy Miskevich. “Therefore, if the Zelenodolsk plant’s vessels show good technical parameters in river-sea conditions, this will allow the enterprise to take part in the competition.”

As a result, the Zelenodolsk residents won the competition (two factories took part in it). “On October 8, I signed a contract for the supply of two A145s to Salekhard,” the plant’s general director told the BUSINESS Online newspaper. Renat Mistakhov. Moreover, this is not leasing. Meanwhile, let us recall that the construction of A145 was financed by OJSC Holding Company Ak Bars (owns 74.99% of the shares of OJSC Gorky Plant). It was assumed that the motor ships would be sold under a leasing scheme, in which the lessor would be the structure of AK BARS Bank - OJSC Financial Economic Group... “The motor ships are still being tested, but by November 1 we must transfer them to Salekhard,” Mistakhov specified. The vessels will be operated by OJSC Severrechflot.

In addition, according to Mistakhov, the UAE is showing great interest in the A145 - they allegedly intend to purchase four vessels. Arabs have special requirements for interiors. “We have already fully worked out how these ships will look from the inside,” noted the general director of the plant. Gorky. Until the end of October, potential customers from the UAE are expected at the plant and the possibility of delivery will be discussed in more detail.


It is worth noting that the Black Sea was not closed to the plant’s products. By 2014, the Project 21980 “Rook” boats being built at the enterprise (developed by the Nizhny Novgorod design bureau “Vympel”) will form a special-purpose group that will protect the coast of Sochi from the penetration of sabotage groups during the Olympic Games. The group will consist of four boats, a source at the main headquarters of the Russian Navy told the Izvestia newspaper, and after the Olympics - of six. Experts call the creation of such a “flotilla” a logical step, given the situation in the Black Sea and nearby regions. President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov noted that well-planned attacks by maritime terrorists or saboteurs are now quite possible with the involvement of mercenaries who can act in the interests of not only states, but also terrorist organizations: “Private military corporations are now gaining strength. And they acquire the character of special action and sabotage units. Such a corporation will fulfill any order behind closed doors.”

Let us recall the chronicle of the construction of “Rooks”. The first boat was laid down on February 18, 2008, launched on April 25, 2009, on May 4, 2010, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on it, and serves as part of a formation of ships guarding the water area of ​​the Leningrad naval base. The second was laid down on May 7, 2010, and was accepted into the Black Sea Fleet in October 2011. On May 6, 2011, the third boat was laid down, launched on June 16, 2012, and today it is undergoing testing. On May 5, 2012, the fourth boat was solemnly laid down, and on July 27, the fifth.

Main characteristics of "Rook". Displacement – ​​138 tons, length – 31 m, width – 7.4 m, full speed – 23 knots, crew – 8 people. Armament: Igla MANPADS, 14.5 mm machine gun, 55 mm DP-65A and DP-64 anti-sabotage grenade launchers, diving equipment (in addition to the crew, there are five divers on board). "Grachonok" is the only ship of the Russian Navy equipped with a sonar capable of searching for divers at a depth of up to 100 m in conditions of currents and complex bottom topography. The hydroacoustic search and survey complex "Squid" allows you to search for objects (including swimmers with closed-circuit breathing apparatus) in the water column at a distance of up to 500 m; examine the bottom at a depth of up to 200 m; examine objects using a remotely controlled underwater vehicle. The open press reports that today improvements have been made to the “Squid” - the detection range of underwater swimmers in the near-surface layer has been increased.


Project A145 Agat Design Bureau LLC (St. Petersburg) integrates modern design solutions in the field of aircraft and shipbuilding. Project A145 vessels are being built under the supervision of the Bureau Veritas classification society and comply with international environmental standards. A high level of comfort for passengers and crew on board the vessel is ensured.

Main characteristics. Passenger capacity - 150 people. Crew - no more than 6 people. Cruising range - 250 miles. Speed ​​- 40 knots. Length - 34.6 meters. Width - 6.8 meters. The height of the side at midship is 2.5 meters. Draft - 0.70/0.91 meters. Total displacement - 83 tons. Operation is possible in sea conditions of up to 4 points without power limitation and up to 5 points at reduced speed.

Project A-145
A country
Main characteristics
Displacement83 t
Length34.6 m
Width6.8 m (largest)
Draft0.91 m (in displacement mode)
0.7 m (in planing mode)
Engines2 x MTU 16V2000M72
Power2 x 1440 kW
Travel speedat least 40 knots
Sailing autonomy200 miles
Crew6 people
Passenger capacity150 people

Motor ship of project A 145- a high-speed planing-type passenger vessel for transporting 150 passengers with luggage at a speed of about 40 knots over a distance of up to 200 miles during daylight hours in the coastal sea zone. The seaworthiness of the motor ship ensures the ability to operate the vessel in sea conditions of up to 4 points without power limitation and up to 5 points at reduced speed. The stability and unsinkability of the vessel in all operational cases satisfies the requirements of the Bureau Veritas (BV) Rules. The high maneuverability of the vessel is ensured by joystick control of water-jet propulsors. If one engine fails, the vessel has the ability to maneuver and move at a speed of about 10 knots (with free rotation of the water-jet propulsion system).

History of creation

The A145 project was developed by the designers of Agat Design Bureau LLC (St. Petersburg) in development of the A45 Lena project, taking into account the requirements of the French classification society Bureau Veritas and the Rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping


The body is made of corrosion-resistant aluminum-magnesium alloy brand AMG 1561. Main engines: 2 x MTU 16V2000M72, power 2 x 1440 kW, manufactured by the German company MTU Friedrichshafen. Propulsion system: 2 water-jet propulsors VD 525M produced by JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky. The hydrodynamic complex developed by Agat Design Bureau LLC, which includes the geometry of the underwater part of the hull, a system of automatically controlled spoilers, water-jet propulsors with water intakes located in front of the stern step, provides the “platform” with a relatively shallow draft (0.62 - 0.91 m) , the ability to rationally combine such characteristics as high speed (40 knots), high seaworthiness and fuel efficiency. In terms of transport efficiency coefficient (fuel consumption per kilometer traveled and vessel weight), which most objectively describes projects developed in different periods and according to different “Rules”, Project A 145 vessels are superior to hydrofoil vessels (“Kometa”, “Kolkhida”, "Katran") by 5-9%.


A high level of habitability and comfort for passengers on board the Project A 145 vessel during the voyage is ensured by a modern interior, rational layout solutions, relatively high specific areas and volumes of the cabin, the level of technical excellence of the vessel, comfortable seats with folding tables, video-audio service and the ability to organize meals for passengers on board. Life jackets are stored under the seats. There are 3 bathrooms in the aft part of the vessel, incl. one of them is for disabled people. There are places for storing luggage in the middle and aft parts of the cabin. Above the seats there are luggage racks into which the air conditioning ducts are integrated. The superstructure contains a crew rest room. In terms of noise and vibration parameters, overload parameters affecting a person and causing “sea sickness”, the Project A 145 vessel complies with all established international requirements and standards.


May 26, 2012 at the Zelenodolsk Plant named after. A.M. Gorky" a solemn event was held dedicated to the launching of the second high-speed passenger ship of Project A 145 (building No. 212).

The Project A145 motor ship is a high-speed planing-type passenger vessel designed to transport up to 150 passengers at a speed of about 40 knots (74 km per hour) over a distance of up to 200 miles (320 km) in the coastal sea zone. The seaworthiness of the vessel ensures the possibility of safe movement in sea conditions of 4 points.

The project was developed by Agat Design Bureau LLC as a further development. The construction of ships is carried out at the Zelenodolsk plant named after A. M. Gorky. As of the beginning of 2013, two vessels were built, which

The A145 project was developed taking into account the requirements of the French classification society Bureau Veritas and the rules of the Russian maritime register. The seaworthiness of the motor ship ensures the ability to operate the vessel in sea conditions of up to 4 points without power limitation and up to 5 points at reduced speed. The stability and unsinkability of the vessel in all operational cases meets the requirements of the Bureau Veritas Rules. High maneuverability of the vessel is ensured by joystick control of water-jet propulsors. If one engine fails, the vessel has the ability to maneuver and move at a speed of about 10 knots (with free rotation of the water-jet propulsion system). The body is made of corrosion-resistant aluminum-magnesium alloy brand AMG 1561. Propulsion system: 2 water-jet propulsors VD 525M produced by JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky. A high level of habitability and comfort for passengers on board the Project A 145 vessel during the voyage is ensured by a modern interior, rational layout solutions, relatively high specific areas and volumes of the cabin, the level of technical excellence of the vessel, comfortable seats with folding tables, video-audio service and the ability to organize meals for passengers on board. Life jackets are stored under the seats. There are 3 bathrooms in the aft part of the vessel, incl. one of them is for disabled people. There are places for storing luggage in the middle and aft parts of the cabin. Above the seats there are luggage racks into which the air conditioning ducts are integrated. The superstructure contains a crew rest room.

Project: A145
Development: "Agat Design Bureau" (Russia, St. Petersburg)
Construction: Zelenodolsk plant named after A. M. Gorky (Russia, Zelenodolsk)
Year of construction of the lead vessel of the series: 2011

Length, m: 34,6
Width, m : 6,8
Side height, m: 2,5
Draft, m: 3,91
Displacement, t: 84
Deadweight, t: 20

GD brand: MTU 16V2000M72
Number and power of main engines: 2 x 1440 kW
Navigation autonomy, miles: 200
Speed, knots: 40
Crew, persons: 6
Passenger capacity, persons: 130


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