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Celebrated annually on the last Monday of May. This day is dedicated to the memory of American military personnel who died in all wars and armed conflicts, in which the United States has ever participated.

The holiday originated after the American Civil War and was originally dedicated to the northern soldiers who died in this war. After the First World War, soldiers who died in other military conflicts began to be remembered on this day. Since 1971, Memorial Day has officially become a national holiday in the United States. On this day, Americans visit cemeteries and war memorials; The US flag is flying at half-staff until noon local time. Many Americans consider Memorial Day to be the de facto start of summer. It is traditionally accompanied by family gatherings, picnics and sporting events.

A similar American holiday is Veterans Day, celebrated on November 11. This day is dedicated to all war veterans, living and dead.

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    See what “Memorial Day (USA)” is in other dictionaries:

    Veterans Day is a US national holiday celebrated annually on November 11th. Corresponds to Remembrance Day and Armistice Day celebrated in other countries. On November 11, 1918, the signing of the Compiegne Truce ended... ... Wikipedia

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  • Sisters, Tatyana Tolstaya, Natalia Tolstaya. The book by two sisters, Tatyana Tolstoy and Natalia Tolstoy, is unusual in concept: two writers under one cover. They are connected not only by the fact that they are sisters, granddaughters of A. N. Tolstoy, but...

Day of Remembrance or Memorial Day In the USA it is a special national holiday. Celebrated on the last Monday of May every year. This day is dedicated to those US military personnel who died defending and defending the interests of the country in all wars and military conflicts in which the United States has ever taken part. But not everyone knows the history of this holiday.


Day of Remembrance originated after the American Civil War and was originally dedicated only to Confederate soldiers who died during the war. Then the holiday had a different name - Decoration Day(Decoration Day), because on this day it was customary to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers and flags. The holiday was named Memorial Day in 1866.

For the first time, Remembrance Day was officially celebrated in a small town Waterloo(New York State) May 5, 1866. The location was not chosen by chance. A citywide campaign to clean up the graves of fallen military personnel was held here annually. This day was an official non-working day, so the introduction of the holiday did not affect normal life in any way. However, over time, the holiday became very popular and even family-friendly.

On May 5, 1868, the holiday was officially proclaimed by General John Logan, commander of the Old Army of the Republic. He was commemorated on May 30, 1868, by laying flowers on the grave of Union and Confederate soldiers on Arlington national cemetery.

The holiday was officially recognized by the state in 1873. NY- the first state to celebrate it.

Since 1890, the holiday has been recognized by everyone Northern states of the USA. The southern states abandoned the holiday, remembering their loved ones who died in the war on other days.

After the First World War in Day of Remembrance They also began to commemorate the soldiers who died in battles in this war. But the holiday remained unofficial in most of the United States.

Federal holiday Remembrance Day was only recognized in 1971 with the adoption of the corresponding law - the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.

Today, Americans associate Memorial Day with the actual onset of summer. On the weekend before Memorial Day (and along with the holiday itself, there are whole 3 days) it is customary to go with the family on a picnic, on a trip, to participate in sports competitions, and to organize charity events.

But Americans do not forget the origins of the holiday - on this day they still decorate graves and place flags on them, remembering the exploits of American soldiers.

However, various political groups have repeatedly introduced Congress bills to assign an official (non-floating) date to Memorial Day. As time passes and the events that led to the creation of the holiday move away, it is increasingly perceived by the new generation as just part of a three-day weekend.

Some states have additional memorial days. For example, in Texas- this is January 19th, in Florida and Alabama- April 26, at South Carolina - May 10, at Louisiana- June 3.

Auf dem Vicksburg National Cemetery (Soldatenfriedhof) in Mississippi Der Memorial Day (übersetzt: Gedenktag) ist ein US amerikanischer Feiertag, der jedes Jahr am letzten Montag im Mai zu Ehren der im Krieg für das Vaterland Gefallenen begangen… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Memorial Day- Memorial Me*mo ri*al, a. morial, L. memorialis, fr. memoria. See (Memory).] 1. Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building.

Memorial Day There is high in the air, memorial of my name, Fix the smooth... ... - Me*mo ri*al Day 1. A day, originally May 30, appointed for commemorating, by decorating their graves with flowers, by patriotic exercises, etc., the dead soldiers and sailors who served the Civil War (1861 65) in the United States; Also called… …

Memorial Day The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Memorial Day- , Decoration Day, der Kriegsopfergedenktag in den USA, seit 1971 in den meisten Staaten am letzten Montag im Mai gefeiert. 1868 als offizieller Gedenktag für die Gefallenen des Sezessionskriegs eingeführt, wurde … Universal-Lexikon

Memorial Day- ☆ Memorial Day n. a legal holiday in the U.S. (the last Monday in May in most states) in memory of the dead members of the armed forces of all wars; Decoration Day: in Southern states, Confederate Memorial Day is variously observed on April 26,… … English World dictionary - a US legal holiday, the last Monday in May, when people remember those killed in wars ▪ Memorial Day weekend …

Memorial Day Dictionary of contemporary English

Memorial Day- used in a general sense is from 1830s; as a specific holiday commemorating U.S. war dead (originally Northern soldiers killed in the Civil War) it began informally in the late 1860s. officially from 1869 among veterans organizations … Etymology dictionary

Memorial Day- This article is about the American holiday. For other uses, see Memorial Day (disambiguation). Memorial Day The gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery are graced by U.S. flags on Memorial Day weekend. Type... Wikipedia

Memorial Day- Pour les articles homonymes, voir Memorial Day (homonymie). Memorial Day...Wikipedia en Français

Memorial Day- noun legal holiday in the United States, last Monday in May; commemorates the members of the United States armed forces who were killed in war Syn: Decoration Day Hypernyms: legal holiday, national holiday, public holiday Part Holonyms … Useful english dictionary


  • Memorial day address, Fessenden Franklin G. This book will be produced according to your order using Print-on-Demand technology.
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Memorial day oration, May 30, 1913, Montgomery James Shera. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The book is a reprint edition. Despite the fact that serious work has been carried out on... Initially, on May 30 the memory of those killed in the Civil War was honored, but today
Memorial Day - Day of Remembrance for the Fallen in the USA became the day when the citizens of this country pay tribute to all those who laid down their lives on the altar of national freedom. On this day, not only soldiers and public figures are honored, it has become a day of remembrance for all the dead, for whom special services are held in public places, cemeteries and churches. The history of Memorial Day in the United States dates back to the Civil War, when sororities laid flowers on the graves of Confederate soldiers who did not return from the fields. In 1868, General J. Logan, commander of the Old Army, declared May 30 as a day of remembrance for the dead, and on this day the graves in Arlington Cemetery were first decorated. In 1973, New York became the first American state to officially recognize this holiday. Such an event, truly, cannot be the object of debate; who and when was the first to publicly honor the dead, it is clear that in every
locality this movement arose naturally, and Logan's order only formulated the general need for the emergence of such a memorial day. Memorial Day unites everyone who feels their debt to those who gave the most important value - human life so that others could live...

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day marks the start of the summer vacation season in US, while marks its end.

Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the civil war), it was expanded after World War I to include American casualties of any war or military action.

Many people observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries and memorials. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Another tradition is to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Volunteers often place American flags on each gravesite at National Cemeteries. Many Americans also use Memorial Day to honor other family members who have died.


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