Which skis should a beginner choose? How to choose cross-country skis Which skis should a beginner skier choose?

The nuances of choosing ski lengths for children and adults. Tables and recommendations.

Winter is an amazing time of year. In addition to the beauty of the landscapes shimmering with snow, we enjoy active recreation in the fresh air.

Fortunately, a lot of activities have been invented for such a purpose. One of them is skiing.

For ordinary people who are far from serious sports, the task of choosing skis sometimes seems simple. However, in this matter there are a number of significant points that require attention. Especially for children's models.

Let us dwell on the nuances of the correct selection of skis and ski poles in more detail.

How to choose skis and ski poles according to the height and weight of a child and an adult: table

types of skiing and the scheme for their correct selection for men, women and children

Before you start selecting skis for your child or yourself, think about whether you will practice regularly. It may be enough to stop at a one-time pleasure and rent them where you plan to ride.

If this option is not for you and you want to introduce your child to healthy winter activities, then take note of a number of parameters:

  • Type of terrain for skiing. For hills you need mountain models, for plains - running or classic ones.
  • Children's weight. If he is above 40 kg, be guided by the selection of skis as for an adult,
  • The height and age of the child.
  • Skating skills.
  • Ski stiffness. “Soft” models are ideal for the beginner athlete. The lower it is, the cheaper and easier the skis to use.
  • Material. Wooden skis don't work well in warm weather, while plastic skis are very slippery and without a sufficient number of anti-slip notches are unacceptable for a child to buy.

Ski poles are not needed at all for preschool children, since the latter’s task is to learn how to stay on skis. If the child is older, take sticks that reach his armpits or, at most, his shoulders.

Be sure to consider:

  • the presence of straps on the handle to secure the hands
  • no sharp tip at the bottom to prevent the baby from getting hurt while riding

When choosing skis and ski poles for adults, consider the following points:

  • Ski length depends on your height. On average, it should exceed it by 20-25 cm.
  • The type of ski depends on the terrain, the conditions on it and your skiing skills. If you want to enjoy the scenery at an easy pace, the classic is your choice. And if you want to drive and master the maneuvers of sharp turns - only sports models.
  • Length of poles. Again, when choosing, the guideline is your height. Feel free to buy poles that are 25-30 cm lower than you.

Below are tables to help with this issue:

table for selecting skis for adults and children depending on weight and height, example 1

Scheme for selecting skis for a child and an adult depending on weight and height, example 2

recommendations and table for selecting ski poles

table for selecting skis and ski poles depending on weight and height, example 3

How to choose the correct length of cross-country skis and ski poles for children and adults?

a child skis on properly selected cross-country skis
  • Age. The younger the child masters the snowy expanses, the easier it is to take on skis. For example, if he doesn’t have the skills yet, short soft skis are suitable, they are also called “fitted”. They do not develop great speed, but they will help the child hone the skills of entering turns and developing the correct position of the knees.
  • Weight. The starting point is 40 kg. If your little one hasn’t reached it yet, choose children’s models; if he has crossed the threshold, choose adult models.
  • Skating skills. The higher their level, the more differences in choice. In general, there are 3 types of skis: for beginners, intermediate levels and for advanced athletes. This gradation continues for adult models.
  • Ski length. Take the table data from the previous section as a basis. The general rule is that skis in a vertical position should reach the chin or nose for a beginner skier, and rise 20 cm above the head. The second option is acceptable from an intermediate level. If your child skis well, feel free to choose skis that are 15-20 cm taller than his height.

Ski poles are needed from the age of schoolchildren. Before this, the baby hones his skating skills without them. For cross-country skiing, the ideal pole length is shoulder length.

selection of cross-country skis and ski poles for them for adults and children, table

How to choose the correct length of skis and skating ski poles for children and adults?

a group of adults skate skiing on a flat surface

Those who have perfectly mastered the technique of gliding on classic skis can safely buy skate skis. This applies to both adults and children.

As for the length of skate skis, take them 10 centimeters longer than your height. And the poles, on the contrary, are 10-15 cm shorter. In other words, the latter will rise slightly above shoulder level.

For clarity, we add a table:

selection of skating skis for children and adults by height, table

How to choose the correct length of classic skis and ski poles for children and adults?

mother and baby skiing classic skiing without ski poles at a ski resort

For classic skiing, it will be more convenient for both children and adults if:

  • the length of the poles is 25-30 cm shorter and they rest against the skier’s armpits
  • ski length exceeds height by 20-30 cm

We add a table below for orientation:

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and teenagers

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and children

So, we looked at the features of choosing skis and ski poles for children and adults for different levels of experience and skiing skills. We also added a number of tables for orientation in this matter.

If you are buying skis for your child or yourself for the first time, listen to the recommendations of a consultant in a specialized store. And remember that buying skis and poles for children for future use is a bad idea and just a waste of money.

Enjoy your holiday and skiing!

Video: how to choose the right skis for a child?

It would seem that the answer lies on the surface - contact a consultant in the store. However, it is far from a fact that in pursuit of profit they will not sell you expensive and, of course, high-quality skis that will be so fast and uncontrollable that a trip to the emergency room after a winter holiday is guaranteed.

How to avoid becoming a victim of marketing traps? How to choose the right skis? What parameters should you pay attention to first? Our article will answer all questions.

Main types of skis

If a person skis only during short winter weekends, then it is quite difficult to navigate and choose the right sports equipment among the huge assortment. Therefore, you need to know what types of skis exist and understand what kind of riding and skill level they are intended for.

All skis can be divided into several categories. Let's look at them in more detail.

Depending on the skill level, skis are divided into the following types:

  • Professional;
  • Amateur;
  • Tourist;
  • For children and teenagers.

Depending on your riding style:

  • Mountain;
  • Running.

The last two categories of skis have a broader classification, as they are suitable for various disciplines. Therefore, we will determine which skis are better – alpine skiing or cross-country skiing – using a comparative review.

Alpine skiing has the following classification:

  • Skis for ski cross. Designed for professionals and extreme riding enthusiasts. They are maneuverable, but unstable. An athlete must be able not only to stand well on skis, but also to quickly respond to changes in the situation. These skis are made from the most durable material.
  • Carving skis. Maneuverable, easy to control. Slightly tapered in the center. Allow the skier to easily take turns. Requires special riding skills.
  • Fun carving skis. Designed for experienced skiers who like to ski without poles. The speed of such skis is low. They are controllable because there is a lifting plate between the boot and the ski itself.
  • Freestyle skis. Suitable for snowboarding enthusiasts. These skis have a curved tip and heel. This shape allows the skier not to fall, but to move on if he lands with his back to the track.
  • Skis for ski touring. Stable, non-slip, well controlled. Designed for areas where there is no lift. Riding such skis is as safe as possible if the athlete has the skills to ski on level B slopes.
  • Skis for freestyle backcountry. Thisfairly wide skis that are designed for riding on snowy and uncleared terrain. The controllability of such skis is as high as possible. They are stable and strong.
  • Skis for freeride or with a thin waist. The width of these skis is 80 mm. Suitable only for professionals, as they are very fast, poorly controlled and require special skills for driving on the highway.
  • Wide skis. They have a wide middle, nose and heel. Designed for riding during a thaw. They don't sink in the snow and are maneuverable.

Based on the above classifications, we can conclude that alpine skiing is aimed at professional athletes or for those amateurs who have already mastered the basics of skiing on entry-level slopes.

Cross-country skiing is divided into only two groups:

  • For a classic move. These are long skis with a smooth surface, which are covered with a special protective layer. This layer prevents the track from slipping backwards.
  • For skating. Short skis that have a slight elevation in the center. This design contributes to the athlete’s stability when climbing a mountain.This type of ski is suitable for tourists who love winter walks in the forest or mountain slopes. They require basic riding skills.

Also a separate category are hunting skis, which are divided into camus and boot skis. These products are designed for driving in forested areas where there are no cleared trails and there is a risk of falling through the snow. They are stable, not too fast and controllable. Not suitable for classic mountain skiing.

Key ski characteristics

The physical parameters of the skis determine how they behave while riding. Therefore, if you don’t know which skis to choose - fast or more obedient - you should familiarize yourself with the parameters that affect the speed of movement:

  • Ski length. This is the main characteristic that affects the speed of the skier on the track. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the taller and heavier the person, the longer the skis he needs. Long skis don't sink in the snow, they go fast and are more aggressive. The shorter the skis, the more obedient and easier they are to control.
  • Rigidity. This is a criterion that indicates the degree of flexibility of the ski. Each equipment manufacturer has different stiffness ratings. And the higher this indicator, the more aggressive the skis behave. Soft skis turn smoother, but only if the person’s weight is not too heavy. Hard skis turn more sharply, but their stability is higher. For beginners, buying skis with a high degree of rigidity is not recommended. Such skis will ride poorly and constantly “throw” the athlete a little forward.
  • Turning radius. Often on skis you can find numerical markings (from 10 to 20 m), which indicate the speed of the ski's turn. The smaller it is, the faster a pair of skis will turn. For beginner skiers, it is worth choosing equipment with an indicator of 14-16 meters. Teenagers take skis with a turning radius of up to 20 m. Professionals can choose the most agile pair.
  • Geometry of equipment. Such a characteristic as the shape of the ski often misleads even experienced athletes. Therefore, many novice skiers often wonder how to choose skis according to their shape. Skis with a wide tip are more stable and easily turn. Products with a narrow toe make edging easier. A narrow heel forgives mistakes, a wide heel requires skill. The middle or waist of the ski affects the flotation ability. For beginner skiers, you should choose a waist from 68 to 75 mm, for professionals - up to 70 mm.

How to choose skis taking into account the athlete’s weight and height?

Each manufacturer of winter sports equipment has its own table of the relationship between the length of skis and the weight and height of a person. You can learn how to select skis and poles from the universal table.

Human height (cm) Ski length for classic skiing (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Skating ski length (cm)
150 170-180 165-170 165
155 175-185 170-175 170
160 180-190 175-185 175
165 185-190 180-185 180
170 190-195 185-190 185
175 195-200 190-195 185
180 195-200 195-200 190
185 200-205 200-205 190-195
190 205-210 205-210 195-200
195 205-210 205-210 200-205

It is worth noting that it is worth adding 5 cm to the length of classic skis. For skating skis, it is recommended to add 10 cm. Skis for walking should be 15 cm longer than indicated in the table.

Skier height (cm) Length of poles for classic walking (cm) Length of skating poles (cm)
150 120-125 130-135
155 125-130 135-140
160 130-135 140-145
165 135-140 145-150
170 140-145 150-155
175 145-150 155-160
180 150-155 160-165
185 155-160 165-170
190 160-165 170-175
195 165 175

When selecting poles for skiing in the classical style of skiing, it is worth considering the fact that their length should be 25 cm less than the athlete’s height, and the length of poles for skating style should be 20 cm less.

Children's skis are selected not only taking into account the weight and height of the baby, but also age. The detailed parameter table is as follows:

Age (years) Height (cm) Weight, kg) Ski length (cm)
3-4 94-102 14-16 70-90
5 110 18 90-100
6 115 21 95-105
7 120 23 100-110
8 130 26 110-120
9 135 29 115-125
10 140 32 120-130
11 150 36 130-140
12 155 41 135-145
13 160 46 140-150
14 170 51 150-160

However, in addition to the length of the skis, it is also worth taking into account such an indicator as the width. For children aged 3 to 6 years, it is recommended to buy wide skis with a round toe. They are more stable and manageable.

At school age, a child already acquires the skills of caution. Therefore, skis for schoolchildren are a little narrower - about 5-7 cm.

Teenagers buy skis based on their skiing style. Therefore, if a student likes to ride faster and can handle the controls, the width of the skis can be less than 5 cm. If a teenager is not confident in his abilities and is skiing for the first time, then the width of the skis should be up to 10 cm.

When choosing skis for extreme skiing, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • The length of freeride skis should be 15 cm higher than a person’s height.
  • The length of skis for scrapping is calculated by the formula: skier’s height minus 15-20 cm.
  • The formula for determining the length of skis for a ski tour is as follows: a person’s height minus 15 cm. If the person is heavyset, then 10 cm is added to the height.
  • Length of freestyle or all-mountain skis: athlete’s height minus 15 cm.

Therefore, if you still don’t know how to choose skis, the data table will help you solve this problem and purchase the right equipment.

What material is the best for skis?

It is impossible to figure out how to choose the right skis without reviewing the materials from which they are made. All alpine skis are divided into wooden and plastic according to the type of material.

  • Wooden ones are made from birch, ash, beech, pine and elm. It is these types of wood that are suitable for the production of skis. Wooden ones are cheaper than plastic ones.
  • Plastic ones are produced using two technologies: cap and sandwich. The first technology involves the use of a foam core and a plastic coating. Sandwich technology is based on the use of a wooden base and a plastic coating.

The choice of wooden or plastic skis is everyone's business. However, it is worth considering some nuances that will help you not make a mistake with the choice of material.

  • Wooden skis are subject to deformation when exposed to moisture. They cannot be used during a thaw. In severe frosts, they do not slide back like plastic ones. Wooden skis are stable, manageable and suitable for both beginners and professionals.
  • Plastic skis are more flexible, less likely to break, and are not subject to deformation. They are faster and more maneuverable. The only drawback is that in severe frost they travel back.

Recommendation for athletes who have previously ridden wooden skis.If you decide to buy plastic skis, don't rush. Rent equipment. After wooden skis, plastic skis will seem unruly. Therefore, in order not to regret the purchase later, make sure whether plastic products are suitable for you.

How to choose skis for a beginner athlete? First, you should find out whether you will be riding on a cleared track or on snow-capped mountains. For classic slopes, skis without notches, that is, smooth, are quite suitable. However, they need to be coated with special mixtures, without which the skis will not glide normally. If you want to conquer a snowy peak, then knurled skis are best suited. They do not need to be lubricated and are more stable in the snow. However, you need to take into account that notches in warm weather can play a cruel joke. Snow will stick to them and the ski will simply stop sliding.

It is also worth paying attention to the level of rigidity. You need to lean the smooth side of the ski against another ski and see how much it bends under the influence of force. The gap between the skis should be no more than 1 cm. If you cannot compress the skis, then it is better to take softer products. Beginners are not recommended to take skis with a high level of rigidity.

TOP 10 best ski manufacturers

There are a lot of ski manufacturers. Therefore, when buying winter sports equipment, beginners and even experienced athletes are faced with the problem of choice. But if you highlight the TOP 10 best ski manufacturers, the circle of “candidates” for purchase will be significantly reduced.

According to Snow magazine, the top ten ski manufacturers are as follows:

  • Fischer;
  • Rossignol;
  • Head;
  • Atomic;
  • Blizzard;
  • Salomon;
  • Volki;
  • Elan;
  • Nordica.

The average cost of quality racing skis is from $200 to $400. Inexpensive domestic skis from brands such as STC or Sorsu can be purchased for $50. Amateur models of famous brands cost from 80 to 100 dollars.

Recommendation.If you are a beginner skier, buy domestically produced products. You can fit into a small budget and get quite decent quality. And when you gain experience and sports training, you yourself will understand what ski stiffness, width and length you need to choose in the future. The exception in this case concerns only weight. It is quite difficult to guess the stiffness of Russian skis if your weight is more than 70 kg. Domestic skis are often an order of magnitude tougher than foreign ones.

What is the difference between domestic and foreign-made skis? The quality of top models from world brands is still unattainable for the Russian manufacturer. Expensive brand skis are mainly intended for high-end competitive skiers. They are manufactured in specialized factories, usually in the countries where the manufacturing company is located. The design of such skis is quite complex and is simulated on a computer. All developments are carefully tested by qualified athletes. In manufacturing, only high-quality, expensive materials are used, often taken from the aerospace industries, where they have received high praise. That is why domestic skis cannot currently compete with foreign ones. But if you are not a professional skier, but a simple lover of winter skiing, choose domestic products - of sufficient quality, but at the same time affordable. Good luck on the ski track!

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With the arrival of winter, winter sports products disappear from the shelves. Ski equipment is especially popular. Below we will consider what the length of skis should be for different types of skiing.

Rules for selecting equipment for the classic move

The first point is the correct length. There are two ways to figure out which skis are the right size. The oldest and most common way is to stretch your arm up. The tip of the ski should reach your palm.

You can add 30 cm to your own height. This is another way to choose the length of skis for the classic stroke.

Beginners should opt for models with notches in the middle part. They hold the ski and prevent it from slipping back. It will be much easier to master the ski track. If you have some riding experience, then the presence of notches can be a hindrance, since they also prevent you from accelerating much and slow you down.

Rules for selecting skis for skating

If a different type of skating is used, the rules for selecting equipment will change. The length of the skis for skating is slightly shorter. This is because the heels can overlap or catch on one another, thereby interfering with movement.

The length of skis is determined by the following rule: your height + 10-15 cm. Beginners can purchase shorter models. The maximum size of skate skis is 200 cm. They differ from classic ones in appearance: a blunter toe and no notches on the sliding side.

Combi or touring skis

There is some intermediate option for those who have not yet decided how they will skate: classic or skate. Combi skis combine the features of equipment for both types of movement. They have a reduced length (maximum 195 cm), but may have notches, and they are also softer. In this case, the length of the skis is also determined by height. To choose the size of this type of ski, you need to add 15-20 cm to your height.

By the way, in many sports stores there are usually special tables where the length of skis and poles for classics or skates is already calculated.

Rules for selecting poles

A necessary piece of equipment is ski poles. Their length will depend on the type of skiing chosen. For the classic move, shorter poles are used. Their size is calculated by the formula: height minus 25-30 cm. As a result, they are obtained at the level of the armpit or shoulder. The poles used for skating are usually 10 cm longer. Their maximum height is up to the ears.

How to choose the length of skis for children

In general terms, all these rules for selecting the length of equipment are applicable for a child. However, it should be borne in mind that children's skis are softer, since the pushing force and weight of a child are significantly inferior to those of adults.

You should not buy equipment “for growth”; the reserve should not exceed 5 cm, because it will be difficult and uncomfortable for a child to ski in skis that are too long, and excessively high poles will interfere with pushing off. In addition, the risk of injury increases significantly. As a result, the child will not receive pleasure, and his interest may disappear.

in the shop

Before you go shopping for equipment, you need to decide what kind of skis you need: skate or classic. If you don’t have a preference yet, then you can choose recreational ones; you can master the skate on them, albeit with difficulty. If you buy ones suitable for the last move, then it is impossible to master the classics on them, because due to their rigidity they will not allow you to push on the ski track. So, the main points when choosing skis:

How to choose alpine skis

For some reason, when selecting alpine skis, they are guided by the height of the skier, as for cross-country skis. Some even use the same calculation formulas. However, this approach is incorrect, because downhill racing and a walk in the forest are completely different things. And when selecting equipment, you need to take this into account.

First of all, you need to remember that alpine skiing provides high-speed descent, so good control is necessary. As a rule, their length reaches the nose or is equal to the height of the skater, and maybe even less. The growth indicator is not the main thing here. First of all, you should pay attention to the type of skiing and the route.

Professional slalom athletes use skis with a length of 165 cm (the minimum acceptable size). This is due to the fact that there are many sharp turns on the track, and entering them is quite difficult. To successfully perform figures, good maneuverability is required, which is ensured by a small turning radius. And it is determined by the length of the skis: the shorter they are, the smaller the radius, the more maneuverable the skis. If the rules allowed the use of shorter equipment, then athletes would use it. The turning radius is indicated on each pair (it is designated by the Latin letter “R”). The smaller it is, the shorter and steeper the turns can be.

On the other hand, you won’t be able to accelerate much on short skis with constant sharp turns. Therefore, for high-speed descents in a straight line or with wide turns, the course will need a longer pair.

For those who like to “loop around”, as well as for beginners, shorter skis are suitable, as they are easier to control and accelerate less. Longer models are suitable for experienced riders: they quickly develop high speeds and make wider and smoother turns. They are also good for wide snow-covered slopes. On narrow or icy roads you will have to maneuver, which means short ones will come in handy.

Alpine skiing is also divided into men's, women's and children's. And the difference between them is not only in color. The category affects the stiffness and ability to carry a certain weight.

for a child

To properly equip your child, you first need to take into account his weight and age. This will affect how long the skis should be. Also an important factor is experience in both alpine and cross-country skiing. If there is one, then the preferred method of descent must be taken into account. All this will affect the length.

Children's skis are selected based on the following correspondence tables:

  • with a weight of up to 20 kg, ski length up to 80 cm;
  • up to 30 kg - up to 90 cm;
  • up to 40 kg - up to 100 cm;
  • from 40 kg - the ski is no longer than from the floor to the nose or even the chin, if there is no skiing experience.

Otherwise, the same rules are followed as when selecting equipment for adult riders.

Touring skis

They are not intended for Sunday walks, but for winter hikes in places untouched by civilization. They can be used on virgin soil, deep snow, where there are no specially equipped trails. They are quite rigid and wide (more than 6 cm), often have a reinforced base.

To determine what the length of the skis should be, you need to know the weight of the tourist along with the backpack: up to 80 kg - 160 cm, up to 100 kg - 190 cm, 120 kg and more - 200 cm. If the hike is light, then the skis should be equal to height or even be 5 cm shorter. Also, their socks are longer and higher than those of running shoes. This is necessary so that the skis do not bury themselves in the snow. Another difference is that in many of them the notch is applied almost the entire length to ensure the most reliable grip on snow.

Skiing is one of the most popular winter sports activities. But for those who have just decided to try skiing, a logical question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

Skiing is one of the most popular sports activities in winter. But for those who have just decided to try skiing, a logical question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

To begin with, let's still decide what exactly you want to do - cross-country running or learn to go down the mountains? Sports are far from the same, they differ greatly from each other, and the parameters for choosing sports equipment in them are also, accordingly, different.

In skiing, there are several methods of skiing, each of which has separate types of racing skis. First of all, these are the classic icon methods. Also, in sports stores you can find recreational skis for ordinary outdoor enthusiasts. Now, let's figure out how to select them according to your height.

If you are serious about this sport, then classic and skating skis are at your service. The main rule for choosing them is approximately this: if the main method of skiing is classic, then the skis should be 20-30 centimeters higher than your height. For the ridge method, this figure is approximately two times less. As for recreational skis, their size should be 15-20 centimeters larger than your height. However, so that you don’t get too confused in the measurements, we provide a table with all the necessary values.

Table for selecting ski lengths

What about the sticks? For them, too, there is a separate classification according to which they should be selected. Poles for the classic move should be 25-30 centimeters shorter than your height. For skating skis, poles are chosen that are 15-20 centimeters smaller than the athlete.

Table for selecting the length of poles

Skier's height
(cm) Length of poles for
classic stroke (cm) Length of poles for
ridge travel (cm)150 120-125 130-135 155 125-130 135-140 160 130-135 140-145 165 135-140 145-150 170 140-145 150-155 175 145-150 155-160 180 150-155 160-165 185 155-160 165-170 190 160-165 170-175 195 165 175

If you are planning to put your child on skis, then it is worth remembering that the method of selecting skis in this case is somewhat different from the standard one. The determining role in the choice of sports equipment for children weighing up to 40 kilograms is not height, as in adults, but weight. If your child weighs from 10 to 20 kilograms, then skis 70-80 centimeters tall are suitable for him. For guys in the weight category from 20 to 30 kilograms, skis with a length of 90 centimeters are optimal. For children weighing from 30 to 40 kilograms, you should buy meter skis. As for the sticks, everything is the same as for adults - they should be 25-30 centimeters less than the child’s height.

Speaking of mountain skis, we note that their selection depends not only on your height and weight, but also on the conditions in which you are going to use them. For non-professionals, manufacturers divide skis into three categories: carving, which is divided into fan-carving (allowing you to turn almost lying down) and autocarving (have a lightweight steering system), freeride and universal. Carving ones are intended for those who ride on prepared slopes. For those who like to travel over rough mountainous terrain, we advise you to take freeride skis. However, skiing on them is almost inaccessible for beginners due to their complexity. So-called universal skis are suitable for them, which can be ridden almost anywhere.

Table for selecting alpine skis according to your needs

Recently, wide opportunities for children to practice skiing have appeared in our country. Naturally, a child also needs to carefully select equipment according to his height and weight. Note that children's skis range in size from 70 to 120 centimeters. As a rule, unlike adults, they have a simplified design, without control amplifiers and other things. Below we provide an approximate table of selection of alpine skis for children.

Table for selecting alpine skis for a child

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The skating stroke is much younger than the classic one and is already ahead of it in popularity. The skate is beautiful, fast, dynamic, creating a feeling of flight. However, it requires more physical effort and a different set of equipment. Many people try to learn how to skate on classic or combined skis - it’s like playing basketball with a soccer ball. How exactly skate skis differ from classic and combined skis can be found in the article. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right skate skis based on height and weight, and what to pay attention to.

How to choose skate skis by height

The general recommendation is known to everyone: height + 10/15 cm = approximate length of skis for skating. For example, for a height of 180 cm, skis are 192, for 170 cm - 182-187. For anyone taller than 180 cm, there is no choice in size, because the maximum length of skate skis is 192-195 cm. Moreover, different manufacturers have their own approach to measuring the length of skis, so don’t be surprised if 187 and 192 different brands are the same length. There are deviations from the formula, but they are rare.

Other factors also influence the choice of skate ski size:

  • Rigidity. All skis, except professional racing models, have a standard stiffness for each length. For example, if you are overweight, take longer skis. Ski stiffness is more important than length.
  • Route type. Long skis are good for flat, wide slopes (height +15 cm, sometimes even up to +20 cm). If the track is narrow, with a lot of climbs and turns, it is better to choose shorter skis (height +10 cm or less). For example, skis shorter than a skier's height are used in orienteering, where you need to quickly turn, turn around and run along a narrow distance.
  • Mastery of technology skating course. It is difficult for a beginner to cope with long skis, and learning the skiing technique will be more difficult. For the same reason, do not buy skis for children to grow into.
  • Race distance. For sprinting, short skis may be the best option - in sprinting, the frequency of takeoffs is more important than the length of the ski. For distance races, it is better to choose longer skis - long skis, medium frequency of movements.

Mistakes when choosing the length of skate skis:

  • “I want shorter skis because my heels hit me on the ascent” is a common request from ski buyers. In most cases, the reason lies in the skating technique, and specifically the lack of a step forward. Even with a height of under 2 m, you can touch the heels of skis with a length of 192 cm. The second reason is the steepness of the climb. The greater the angle of climb, the greater the angle of ski spread - this is normal on steep climbs.
  • “I saw on TV that biathletes ski shorter than their height” is a common misconception among beginners. Often, promotional skis are put on a pedestal, and the athlete runs on others of the same brand.

It happens that professionals run races on skis equal to their height or even 20 cm higher than their height, but this is an exception to the rule. The choice of such skis is determined by many factors that we may not know about. A professional racer has 20-30 pairs of skis at his disposal, from which he chooses the best. If you want 1-2 pairs of skis for different conditions, follow our recommendations.

Source: bergzeit.de

How to choose skate skis by weight

The stiffness of skate skis is the most important parameter for their proper operation and good gliding. If the skis are not suitable in terms of stiffness, then they will not go well, no matter what the structure and lubrication are. That is why, in the size-stiffness ratio, preference should be given to rigidity. The error in ski length is not as important as stiffness.

For most recreational skis, stiffness changes with length. Longer skis mean more rigidity. Professional racing models can have different stiffnesses within the same length.

What affects the stiffness of skate skis:

  • Ski operation. Skate skis should work like a spring and help push off.
  • Sustainability. On skate skis that are too soft, it is difficult to stand on one leg while skiing; they will spin under your foot. Skis of the correct stiffness do not glide over the entire surface, but on 2 contact spots - front and back.

What determines the choice of skate ski stiffness:

  • Level of training. For beginner skiers and amateurs, it is better to choose softer skis, but within the recommended range. For hard skis to work properly, they need to be pressed, and this is impossible without mastery of technique and physical training. Professional racers can even run on harder skis than the manufacturer recommends.
  • Track hardness. For hard trails, choose harder skis, and for softer skis, softer ones. Hard skis on a soft trail will dig in, and soft skis on a hard trail will be unstable.
  • Type of race. For distance races, it is better to choose soft or medium-hard skis, because it will be difficult to push through the skis due to fatigue. In sprinting, on the contrary, hard skis have an advantage. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the density of the route.

Mistakes when choosing the stiffness of skate skis:

  • “I want harder skis” is a common misconception. We have no idea where this belief came from, but it is wrong. Hard skis are needed for trained athletes and hard trails; in other cases, they will be worse than properly selected skis. Choose skis within the recommended range.
  • “We used to skate and there was no rigidity.” Previously, there were no plastic skis, skating and much more. Stiffness is the main parameter for selecting skis and this is an indisputable fact.

Choosing skis for heavy weights

If your body weight exceeds 100 kg, choosing skis becomes a problem. But even heavy skiers can choose skis by weight, and this was proven by the author of the Skate&Classic channel.

Skating skis by brand

Choosing skis by brand is rather a subjective preference of each person. Every Big Five brand has good racing skis: Fischer, Salomon, Atomic, Rossignol, Madshus. The same quality skis are made by Yoko, Peltonen, SkiTrab. All these brands produce a full line of cross-country skis from recreational to professional racing.

Of the brands specializing only in recreational skis (Tisa, Nordway, Innovate, Sable, Spine), only Tisa produces skate skis. Models Tisa Race Cap Skating And Tisa Top Skate- the only decent skate skis under 5000 rubles. Race differs from Top in having a better sliding surface and applied structure for different types of snow. They are selected only by height, the rigidity is standard for each length.

How to choose Fischer skis for skating

On Fischer skis, the skier's weight range is not written; the FA index is used to determine stiffness. Using the index, using the table, you can accurately select skis for the weight of the skier, the features of the route and the level of training. Amateur and recreational models are selected only by height - for each ski length there is a standard stiffness. Read more about the numbers on Fischer skis in the article, and a brief overview of the entire Fischer model range in the article.

Skate skis Salomon and Atomic

Rossignol skating skis

Skate skis Madshus

On Madshus skis, the skier's weight range is written on the NIS platform, a more accurate selection is made through the End Flex indicator. , structures and technologies, read our article.

Peltonen and Yoko skate skis

We have combined Peltonen and Yoko into one chapter because both brands can only be accurately selected using a flex tester. Our articles contain only indicative stiffness tables.

Play sports, move and travel! If you find a mistake or want to discuss the article, write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate. 🙂


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