Crimea getting into the cave is a legend. Underwater cave Legend (Fedela). Who would be interested in visiting the Legend Cave?

The entrance is located near the former wine library of Prince Golitsyn (Chaliapin's grotto) under the Eagle rock. The two entrance holes are located side by side at sea level under a small rock ledge (see photo).

The right entrance has a length of 4 m, the left – 6 m. Both go under water to a depth of about 1 m and emerge above sea level already in the cave, forming siphon channels. The siphons are narrow and it is difficult to row with your hands. Movement underwater is possible using a stretched rope.

In the entrance hall there are sinter formations (see photo), which are absent in other parts of the cave.

At the end of the cave there is a lake-source of fresh water measuring 2

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The entrance is located near the former wine library of Prince Golitsyn (Chaliapin's grotto) under the Eagle rock. The two entrance holes are located side by side at sea level under a small rock ledge (see photo). The right entrance has a length of 4 m, the left – 6 m. Both go under water to a depth of about 1 m and emerge above sea level already in the cave, forming siphon channels. The siphons are narrow and it is difficult to row with your hands. Movement underwater is possible using a stretched rope. In the entrance hall there are sinter formations (see photo), which are absent in other parts of the cave. At the end of the cave there is a lake-source of fresh water measuring 2 Save changes

In Crimea, among the many caves, there are some that everyone would like to visit. This is how Legend has been luring crowds of tourists for decades, and this is not only due to its tenacious name. It attracts extreme sports enthusiasts and speleologists because it still remains poorly explored: researchers don’t even have a clear opinion about its origin, and the extent of the cavity remains a mystery. Having visited it, you will get a lot of new impressions from contemplating the kingdom of underground lakes, springs and sinter figures.

The Legend was first mentioned only in the 90s of the last century. Scientists showed interest in it in 2000 - their first publications date back to this time. Previously, no special research was carried out in it, there is not even a plan of passages, there is no entry in the Cadastre of karst cavities.


The cave is one of the many attractions of the New World, but it stands apart because it gives you the opportunity to feel like an extreme sports enthusiast. It is located behind the Eagle rock (Koba-Kaya), not far from the famous Golitsyn wine depository - Chaliapin's grotto. It is called underwater, but the cavity itself is located above sea level. But the entrance to its boundaries is flooded. The whole difficulty lies in crawling a few meters through the underground tunnels.

In total, there are two entrance siphons, hidden under a rocky canopy: the right one stretches 4 meters, and the left one – 6. The depth in this place reaches the knees of an adult (about 1 meter). The inconvenience is that it is almost impossible to swim inside the holes, as they are too narrow. Therefore, most visitors, and especially newcomers, are escorted into the Legend with the help of a tight rope.

Having overcome this obstacle, you will find yourself in a spacious gorge with vaults up to 8 meters high. In the first grotto there are stalactites and stalagmites that have taken on the most unusual guises. But in the depths you won’t find any deposits, but you will come across a lake (2 by 5 meters). It is suggested that there are wells in it that lead far into the depths of the massif, but so far no one has discovered them.

Not everyone will be able to get to this place - a certain level of preparation is required; and not always: in bad weather, even boats should not come close to the entrance. But on a clear, hot day, it’s time to go underground to cool off, because the air temperature there does not exceed +15 degrees even in the summer heat. Excursions to Legend are led by experienced instructors who will help you understand all the intricacies of the route.

The riches of the sunken robber ships buried in the cave have not yet been found. They also say that Prince Golitsyn kept, or even hid, his best wines in the Legend.

How to get there

To get to the cave entrance, you can use a boat or speedboat. It is also not far from the Golitsyn trail.


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Tough Survivors

Clothes-free area

Vishenka, 6 Feb 2017



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Every person knows that it is difficult to find nature more magnificent and exotic than on the Crimean peninsula. The perfect combination of warm sea and high mountains. Throughout the peninsula, the mountains are literally dotted with various caves, both underwater and above water. There are, of course, many caves, but there is one truly unique one. Every year it attracts thrill-seekers.

This place is located under Mount Eagle. Not far from Chaliapin's grotto and the village of Novy Svet. The underwater cave has a very unusual and sonorous name “Legend”. This is one of the most mysterious attractions of Crimea. Despite the fact that the place became popular more than twenty years ago, scientists are still exploring the cave. After all, its origin is not known for certain, and the depth of the cave also remains a mystery. Rock samples are taken regularly. There is also a theory that the lake, which is located inside the cave, has many siphons. They are completely unexplored and therefore are of particular interest in the world of professional speleologists.

The cave is a kind of impregnable fortress. Not every tourist dares to go there. Even many brave souls may not be able to enter the cave. The fact is that the entrance is located at a depth of more than one meter from the sea, and even hidden under a stone canopy. Immediately from the entrance there are two small tunnels of 4 and 6 meters respectively. It is almost impossible to squeeze through them on your own. Therefore, you have to resort to the help of a rope and experienced comrades.

Having gone through all the difficulties, the tourist finds himself in a wonderful world. A large gorge, the height of which reaches at least eight meters. There are springs and fresh lakes, stalactites and stalagmites everywhere. Do not forget that it is quite cool in the cave. For this reason, you should dress accordingly, because even in the hottest summer, the room temperature never exceeds 15 degrees.

The place is truly amazing, but also unsafe. You need to remember that you can get into this cave only in sunny weather. Provided there is complete calm at sea. In bad weather, you shouldn’t even swim to the entrance. The guides always provide detailed instructions, because you will have to move not only in beautiful rooms, but also in narrow tunnels in complete darkness, and this is often very dangerous.

The Sudak region attracts lovers of extreme recreation and speleology (cave exploration). For strong impressions, many go to the village of Novy Svet, where under Cape Kapchik, not far from the famous Golitsyn wine grotto, there is a cave of unknown origin - Legend. Today, the cave remains a little studied speleological site, but its popularity is only growing from year to year.

Entrance to the attraction is only possible from the sea. Visitors will have to dive to a meter depth under a stone canopy, and then move along a narrow stone tunnel, holding on to the rope of an experienced guide. It is impossible to get into the cave without a rope, because there is no room in the tunnel to row with your hands. Two channels leading into the cave, 4 and 6 meters in length, open into Fidel's Cave at an altitude above sea level.

The space inside appears to travelers in the form of an underground kingdom with its treasures in the form of stalagmites, stalactites, underground lakes of fresh water and crystal springs.

The first hall of the cave is a narrow fissure in the rock. Next you have to climb on ropes among large stones to a giant karst hall.

Some interesting facts about the object

Who would be interested in visiting the Legend Cave?

The cave will give an unforgettable experience and a wide range of emotions to everyone who is not afraid of extreme entertainment and has minimal diving skills.

Useful information for tourists

A visit to the Legend Cave is carried out only under the guidance of an experienced instructor from a diving organization and using special equipment. All tourists undergo preliminary instruction.

Independent diving without the necessary skills and support is not recommended. It is better to check the cost of excursion services at the site with diving organizations. As a rule, tourists are delivered to Fidel’s cave by boat, which travels from the city of Sudak.

The surrounding area of ​​the resort town of Sudak is replete with interesting sights. The New World Nature Reserve, where relict plants and rare tree species have been preserved, fantastic mountains, famous natural grottoes - anyone can see all this by going on a walk along the Prince Golitsyn trail. Connoisseurs of champagne wines will enjoy an excursion to the Novy Svet factory, which received the Grand Prix at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 for the high quality of drinks. Of great interest are the Valley of Ghosts, the ruins of a fortress and a monastery in a cave, the source of St. Anastasia, the Temple of Elijah the Prophet and the wineries of the Sun Valley.

L. Gaidai’s comedies “The Diamond Arm” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed in these places, and today there is an excursion trail.

Many travelers are happy to purchase souvenirs depicting famous sights of Crimea, such as the Genoese fortress: magnets, miniature copies, glasses. In Sudak there is a large selection of herbal drinks, Crimean wines, essential oils and other natural cosmetics, juniper products, and crafts made from onyx stone. Among edible souvenirs, purple Crimean onions, juicy and sweet, are especially valued.

The Sudak region is in demand, first of all, due to its affordable prices. In the villages of Novy Svet, Morskoye and Solnechnaya Dolina, everyone will find unity with nature, which allows them to take a break from everyday work and restore peace of mind. Getting to Sudak by car, bus or minibus from the villages is not difficult.

How to get to the Legend Cave?

Object address: Republic of Crimea, Sudak district, Novy Svet village, behind Cape Koba-Kaya, under Cape Kapchik (section of the Golitsyn trail).

Fans of active and eventful recreation should definitely visit one incredible attraction in Crimea - the Legend Cave.
It is located in the southern part of Cape Koba-Koya, in the vicinity of the village of Novy Svet. The entrance to this cave is located not far from Chaliapin's grotto - the former legendary wine library of the famous winemaker Prince Golitsyn. This cave is not very well known due to the fact that the entrance to it is located from the sea, and, basically, only professional diving enthusiasts know about its existence. After passing a couple of meters of a stone tunnel, which is about a meter deep, you can get into this cave. Two entrance holes, 4 and 6 meters long, located under a small rocky overhang, lead inside the cave. It is extremely difficult to swim through them, since the channels are very narrow, and therefore ropes were stretched inside them. Also, in addition to a small reservoir of fresh water, in “Legend” you can admire numerous stalagmites and stalactites.
In 2019, you should definitely dedicate time to an excursion to this magical place, especially since admission is free.
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