Courses to prepare for entering a university. Orenburg Medical University: advantages, faculties, reviews Orenburg State Medical University list of applicants

Orenburg State Medical University announces enrollment of students for courses to prepare for entering a university in the 2019-20 academic year - full-time education using distance learning technologies in the subjects: chemistry, biology and Russian language.

Persons with completed secondary and secondary specialized education, students of 11 classes of general education organizations are invited.

Orenburg State Medical University announces enrollment of students for courses in preparation for entering a university for the 2018 - 19 academic year

At the Orenburg State Medical University, additional education programs are being implemented to prepare for entering a university.

On the basis of the department for career guidance and pre-university education of the Orenburg State Medical University, for the purpose of career guidance preparation of applicants for passing entrance exams, courses are organized to prepare for entering a university.

Courses operate full-time with varying durations. Enrollment for courses begins on October 1 of the current year and continues throughout the year.

Based on form and duration, courses are divided into:

Form of study Deadlines Category of course participants Duration of training
Full-time education 8.5 months Students of 11 grades of educational institutions in Orenburg and surrounding areas, College students, Graduates of schools, colleges and universities (October – June)
Full-time education 2 year training Students of 10th grade of educational institutions in Orenburg and surrounding areas (October – May)
Full-time education using distance learning technologies and e-learning 7 months Students of 11th grades of educational institutions, College students, Graduates of schools, colleges and universities (November - May)
Full-time education 6 months (December-May)
Full-time education 3.5 months Students of 11 grades of educational institutions in Orenburg and surrounding areas, College students, Graduates of schools, colleges and universities (April-July)

According to the new rules, admission to Russian colleges is carried out on a public basis. Applicants who have a certificate enter college without entrance exams in subjects.

Upon admission to the specialty of Nursing and General Medicine, entrance tests of a psychological nature are carried out.

Why are preparatory courses needed?

Firstly, leading colleges accept applicants through a competitive process based on their GPA. The courses provide an opportunity to systematize the basic knowledge acquired at school and thus improve your average score.

Secondly, the applicant gets acquainted with the chosen profession, the teaching staff, and the areas of secondary vocational education.

Another advantage of the courses is the foundation for successful studies in the first year of college. For example, high school students enter medical college based on their average certificate score, and behind them is a basic school curriculum in chemistry and biology of one hour per week in each subject. In the first year of college, they encounter these subjects in a completely different volume and at a qualitatively new level, which often leads to failure and retakes.

The courses provide an opportunity to adapt to the college program, focus on specialized disciplines even before admission, and learn in advance the requirements of college teachers. The training program will include several hours of professionally oriented events, for example, an “Introduction to the Specialty” course or master classes from specialists. As a result, high school students gain more information about college majors and can make informed choices.

Welcome to our college, our doors are always open for you!

The courses are accepted for persons who have completed secondary (complete) general education, as well as students of the 9th, 10th, 11th grades of secondary schools.

Classes are taught by full-time teachers 3 times a week from 16:00 to 19:00 in Russian language, chemistry and biology programs.

Groups are recruited for training at the sites

  • Leninsky Prospekt, 35a
  • Kashirskoe highway, 15, bldg. 2 (SP1)
  • Chuksin dead end, 6 (SP2)
  • st. Ivanteevskaya, 25, building 1 (SP3)

Cost of education: 24,000 rub.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov is the country's leading medical university. Today the University is the largest educational and scientific complex for training, certification and advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel. Fundamental exploratory and applied scientific research, the provision of highly qualified medical care to the population, and the promotion of medical and pharmaceutical achievements are closely related to the educational process. The university heads the educational and methodological association of medical and pharmaceutical universities in Russia.

The structure of the university includes the following faculties: medical, preventive medical, pharmaceutical, dental, higher nursing education and psychological and social work, as well as faculties of postgraduate professional education of doctors and pre-university education, management and economics of health care, pediatric faculty.

The educational process at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov is based on the State educational standards of higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, developed with the active participation of University employees. Currently, the University is implementing a multi-level system of continuous higher professional medical and pharmaceutical education.

Courses to prepare for passing entrance exams at Sechenov Moscow State Medical University are conducted at the Unified State Examination Center according to a program compiled in accordance with state-approved requirements and standards. The teaching staff of the Unified State Examination Center includes doctors and candidates of science, Unified State Examination experts, and current school teachers.

Since 1973, courses at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov prepare students for admission to universities.

Well-proven methods and the involvement of teachers working both in specialized schools of the university and with students in classes ensure consistently high USE scores every year.

Preparatory courses provide additional educational services in general education subjects taken for entrance examinations in medical and biological universities.

  • Classes in groups and tests are carried out according to the curriculum and class schedule. The course curriculum, work programs, calendar and thematic plans for subjects are compiled on the basis of educational standards.
  • Assignments for control events are compiled taking into account the form of entrance examinations at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov (internal exam, Unified State Examination).
  • Educational and methodological support for courses is provided by teachers from specialized departments of the University. Course teachers who have a Unified State Exam expert certificate in the subject and experience working in educational institutions (schools, lyceums) are also involved in the methodological work. The teaching staff of the courses is working to create and improve teaching aids and test assignments, which ensures the best assimilation of the program by students and effective control of knowledge. Teaching materials are adjusted in accordance with changes in the requirements of the Unified State Exam and internal testing of the University.


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