Nord Wind airline fleet. North Wind Airbus A321 Nord Wind year of manufacture

When you purchase tickets, you should pay attention to several details:

  1. Do not choose places that are close to business premises. Passengers will be going there all the time, and you will not have the opportunity to rest.
  2. It’s also not worth purchasing tickets for seats in the back of the plane - here the problems already noted are complemented by the inability to recline the seat. Agree, it is inappropriate to choose a seat where the backrest cannot be reclined. After all, being in one position for a long time is very uncomfortable.

When choosing a seat on this aircraft, you should avoid proximity to technical blocks and the last row of seats

The fact that some airliners do not have blocks 13 and 17 is associated only with the personal motives of the manufacturers; this has nothing to do with safety precautions. In addition, the design features of the airliner suggest such changes.

Finally, we note an important nuance for beginners. Try to purchase tickets in advance and be sure to consult with an airport employee about the specific characteristics of the selected seat. A printout of the board diagram, which the tourist keeps with him, can also significantly facilitate the choice of seat and protect him from a ruined trip.

The video below shows the standard interior of the new modification of the described model, Boeing 700 300.

The Boeing 777 200 made its first flight in the mid-nineties, but many airlines still use this aircraft today. Diagram of the cabin of one of the airliners of Rossiya Airlines. Symbol of the best seats in the cabin of the Boeing 777 200 of the Nord Wind company. The cabin of this airliner can hardly be called comfortable. -for three blocks of seats in each row Layout of the airliner cabin used by Aeroflot Seats in the first class compartment of the airliner When choosing a seat on this aircraft, you should avoid proximity to the technical blocks and the seats of the last row The most comfortable flight is guaranteed by business class seats This airliner is capable of flying impressive distances and can accommodate quite a lot of passengers, but it cannot be called a model of comfort

Worst places

But here are the places that you should not choose under any circumstances:

  • Rows 30-39. According to reviews from passengers, air conditioning does not always work here, which means it is stuffy. Not the best option for older passengers.
  • Rows 38 and 39. You should not choose seats in the last row. Behind them is the wall of the toilet room, which means that the backrests will not recline all the way. In addition, due to your proximity to the restroom, people will crowd around you, and food and drinks will be served to you almost last.
  • Rows 57 and 58. Although the side seats in these rows are arranged in pairs, there are still disadvantages. They are similar to 38 and 39 next to each other, there is a wall behind them, the backrests recline weakly, people often pass by, and noise will be created. In addition, these are the very last rows on the plane, if the exits do not open at the back, then you will be the last to leave.

You can survive the flight in any seat, but if the choice of seat is important to you, then you should not choose these particular seats.

The best seats on the plane

For some it is important to sit by the window, while for others it is better to sit by the aisle. The interior layout will help you decide on the most suitable seats:

Best places:

  • The first row is business class seats. Here the seats are arranged in pairs, the distance between the seats has been increased. The backrests can recline more and there is additional legroom. The seats themselves are more comfortable here than in the other class. They look something like in the photo:

  • Fifth row. This is where economy class begins. The interesting thing is that in this row there are only central seats D to G. There are conveniences here: there will be a partition in front of you, not seats, which means that the seats will not recline towards you. But, on the other hand, because of the partition you won’t be able to spread your legs, and you’ll also have to look at the wall, because there aren’t even any windows nearby.
  • Sixth row. This is the first row for economy class, where all the seats A through K appear. But the most comfortable seats here are the side ones - A, B, C, H, J and K. These seats have increased legroom, the partition will not confuse you. Plus, lunch will be served to you first, so you won't have to wait long.
  • Rows 20 and 21. A bit similar to rows 5 and 6, but they are located not behind business class, but behind the toilet. There is a little more legroom, but the proximity to the restrooms may seem like a big disadvantage to some as there will be a lot of people walking around. There is also a buffet nearby, from where the smells of food can be heard, but for some this may be a plus.
  • Rows 45 and 46. The same as the previous ones. There will be a wall in front of you, a toilet room located next to it - all these are, of course, disadvantages, but the advantages are legroom, the absence of neighbors in front.

The Boeing 777-200 aircraft is designed specifically for long flights. The aircraft was created in the early 1990s and has been in active service since 1995. The length of the aircraft is 63.7 meters, the wingspan in various modifications varies from sixty to 64 meters, and the cabin width is almost six meters.

The Boeing version 777-200LR holds the record for the longest non-stop flight.

There are many configurations of this aircraft; depending on the seating arrangement, it can accommodate from three hundred to five hundred and fifty passengers.

Boeing 777-200 of Nordwind Airines

If you are flying Nordwind

Nordwind Airlines has two Boeing 777-200 aircraft in its fleet, in the 777-200ER configuration, which includes 393 seats, divided into business and economy classes. Below is a layout of the Boeing 777-200 cabin and the best seats in the cabin to choose from.

Nordwind Airines Boeing 777-200 cabin layout

This modification of the cabin provides the following breakdown of seats by row: three in the first row, three in the last and four seats in the middle. Toilets are located at the beginning and end of the cabin, there are two bathrooms in different parts of the cabin, utility and kitchen facilities are located at the head and tail of the aircraft, one kitchen is located in the middle of the cabin. Only six seats are included in business class, all of which are located at the front of the cabin. Economy class starts from the fifth row.

The fifth and sixth rows of seats are good in their own way, but there is also a fly in the ointment. The downside of these seats is that in front of you there will be a blank wall separating business class from the rest of the cabin. In addition, you won’t be able to stretch your legs, there simply won’t be enough space, and the dining table will have to be taken out of the armrest. But in front of you there will be no annoying neighbors who would recline their chairs. The same advantages and disadvantages are observed in the entire 20th row, as well as in seats D-G of the twenty-first row, only instead of a business class wall, there will be a toilet in front of you.

Business class aircraft

Rows twelve to fourteen (except for the last three seats in row 12) have a small radius of seat back adjustment because they are located next to the kitchen. In rows 38 and 39 the same problem is observed, only the reason is the proximity of the bathrooms. Another disadvantage of the close location of the WC is the constant flow of passengers past your seat.

The seats in the 45th row are comfortable, since this is where the emergency exits are located, which means there is additional space. But the row 46 next to it is limited in maneuvers - again the proximity of the toilets is to blame.

The seats in the last rows from 54 to 56 are quite comfortable where there are two people. The fuselage narrows at the tail, so there are fewer seats. But rows 57 and 58 are an extremely bad choice. The seats do not recline, and there is a toilet and utility room behind.

Presented to you is a Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind, the cabin layout of which contains the best and not so good seat options. When buying a plane ticket, be sure to pay attention to what seat you are buying, don’t get into trouble - choose seats in which you will enjoy the flight.

Choosing Aeroflot aircraft

Aeroflot has at least thirteen such aircraft. The airline operates aircraft of the 777-200ER modification, the most modern of all existing ones.

The aircraft cabin is divided into three classes: business, comfort and economy, and can accommodate 402 people.

Toilets and galleys are located at the tail and head of the aircraft, as well as at the beginning, middle and end of the cabin. The seats are arranged according to the pattern: “three chairs-four-three chairs.” The fuselage tapering towards the tail suggests a two-four-two configuration. The most seats are in economy class, thirty are in business class, the rest of the seats belong to the “comfort” category.

When flying on a Boeing 777-200 (cabin diagram), the best seats are, of course, located in the highest-level classes. However, if your choice is economy class, then pay attention to the following rules for choosing a comfortable seat so that the flight brings you only joy.

Economy class starts from the 17th row, where it is quite convenient to fly, since there is an emergency exit in front of the seats, and this guarantees free space around. Two seats in the 18th row, namely C and H, are the most comfortable, as they are located far from the utility rooms, and there are no other seats in front of them.

The seat pitch in the economy row is 74 cm.

The Boeing 777-300ER is one of the largest and most popular wide-body aircraft in the world. The Boeing's wingspan is 61 meters, comparable to the width of a football field.

The length of the aircraft itself is just over 63 meters. The height from the asphalt to the tip of the tail is 18.5 meters.

The Boeing 777-300ER can lift into the air a mass equal to a little more equal to itself.

This modification of the aircraft flies at a higher speed than its smaller relatives; the average cruising speed of the Boeing 777-300ER is 909 km/h, and the maximum is 965 km/h.

For comparison, 20-30 years ago only fighter and bomber combat aircraft flew at such speeds. Also, this modification of the Boeing 777-300ER has a significant flight ceiling; it can rise into the air to a height of 13,100 meters.

The possible maximum flight range of the Boeing 777-300ER (loaded) is: 10,110 kilometers, therefore this type of aircraft makes not only short-haul, but also long-haul flights.

The minimum crew for a Boeing 777-300ER flight is 2 people, a pilot and a co-pilot, which gives us the right to say that this aircraft is quite easy to fly and modern.

To make the maximum flight on a Boeing 777-300ER, the aircraft's tank must be filled with 181 tons of fuel.

All aircraft in the Boeing 777 series, including the Boeing 777-300ER, are equipped with 2 engines; this type of aircraft can operate even without the engines turned on, and continue to fly on 1 engine if one of the engines fails.

These aircraft are purchased by well-known airlines, including:

  • Emirates (Emirates);
  • Turkish airlines;
  • North wind;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Nord Wind (Nord Wind).

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Since the Boeing 777-300ER has a fairly large cabin size and can accommodate up to 550 passengers, the aircraft is equipped with many different amenities.

The design of Aeroflot's Boeing 777-300ER is made in the company's style, the greatest sophistication is presented in first class - these are always the best seats, a little worse, so to speak, in business class, the difference between them is not big, except for the size of the seats.

Boeing 777-300ER cabin layout

Rows 1 – 5 of business class are the most comfortable seats on the plane.

You can not only sit in them, but also lie down, like in a real bed.

All the advantages and delights of these seats can only be checked in flight; their price corresponds to their level, especially on long-haul flights.

Compared to other classes, there is a huge distance between seats of 160 centimeters, fresh press, a huge selection of menus and much more.

When choosing business class, it is better not to choose the DGHK 1st row seats, as they are located next to the toilet, and now you can’t hear any cufflinks, but the sound of soda being flushed is very strong and can wake you up or distract you.

In other airlines there is a thin partition between economy and business class, but this is not about Aeroflot; there is enough distance so that you don’t hear economy class, you can safely choose row 5.

6 – 11 row

This is a new class for flying at Aeroflot, called comfort, no longer economy, but not yet business; a good range of service levels can be compared to business.

The distance between the chairs is slightly smaller compared to a business, the chair can be reclined 120 - 130 degrees, you will also have the latest press at your disposal, each chair in front will have a personal screen where you can listen to music or watch movies.

In the comfort class, the last row is 11, separated from the economy class by a thin partition, so it is also better not to choose this row.

17 – 51 row

Economy class, the largest class on an airplane, has a standard distance of 81 centimeters between rows in most cases.

In economy class, you can recline the backrest to the standard 105-110 degrees; before booking tickets, you can order a special meal from Aeroflot, a very large selection of different meals that differ from the usual, but even if you don’t order, the food at Aeroflot is good.

Economy Class Inflight Meals

17, 24 and 38 row

Seats in these rows can be classified as privileged, since, firstly, no one will be able to recline the backrests on you, secondly, you will be able to recline the backrests, and thirdly, you will have legroom as in business class.

These rows are the best in economy class– there is a lot of space, but there is a minus: they are located next to the toilets, since economy class is the largest class, there is a possibility of a crowd of people near your seats, some people do not like having people standing over their souls, and the sound of a flush can also wake you up or distract you water from the toilet, due to the vacuum, it turns out to be highly resonant.

But despite all this, these are ideal places to sleep.

On some aircraft, in rows 23, 36, 37, 50, 51, the seat back may be blocked due to the fact that they are located near the toilet.

Also, in these rows people will walk more often because there is a toilet nearby, this is the same as the rows above, only the back of the chair does not recline, but in front of you reclines and besides, you do not have much distance for your legs, so the data It’s better not to choose rows.

Row 23 – similar

Note that the 23A and 23K do not have a full-fledged porthole.

A small window is placed on the emergency door. The display and table are located in the armrest.

It is prohibited to block the access to the emergency hatches with hand luggage.

It is also prohibited for a certain group of passengers to sit in these seats: with animals, children, elderly people and disabled people.

If not for one significant advantage, one could call the data the most uncomfortable on board. But, due to the placement of the escape hatches, there will be plenty of legroom in front.

This is a significant advantage, especially on long, long-haul flights.

ABHK row 47 seats can also be considered privileged they are located in the rear of the plane, and they have a fairly large distance between the front seats, and their advantage is that they are located near it and they have one of the best views from the window.

All other seats in economy class are no different, but if you choose a seat among them, choose one next to the window if you are not afraid of flying, and if you are afraid, choose a seat right in the very middle, where it is easiest to fall asleep and forget about your fear or his completely lose.

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Where are the best seats on Aeroflot's Boeing 777?

The best seats on an Aeroflot Boeing 77 and any other Boeing 777 are located in business or first class, and more seriously, it primarily depends on what you will do, sleep or do anything.

If you sleep, choose places with plenty of space and away from places where people with small children are usually accommodated.

General tips and tricks for choosing the best seats on the Boeing 777-300ER

On all Aeroflot Boeing 777 aircraft flying on long routes there is an individual 110-volt socket, as well as an individual display where you can insert your flash drive with your movie, and everyone also has headphones.

Also in Aeroflot, as in other companies, there is a restful sleep function; they will not wake you up when serving food, newspapers or drinks; for this you need to press a special button in the business class cabin, and in other cabins ask for a do not wake up sticker and stick it on the seat , and you can calmly become.

As for food, in all classes you can choose a special menu in advance (when purchasing a ticket) or choose the food that is already on board.

On such huge planes there is always a wide selection of food and drinks for all classes, not even talking about business.

When choosing a place, avoid places that are located near technical buildings, toilets, and kitchens.

The location of the seats in the Boeing 777-300ER - their disadvantages and advantages

  1. Most passengers always consider the window seats to be the best seats in any class. These places always have a good view, they are comfortable to sleep in and no one will ask you to go, but if you need to go out often, it is better not to choose them.
  2. If you need to get up often your choice is obvious - these are seats located along the aisles. It’s easy to get up, you don’t have to wake up anyone, and it’s just as easy to sit down. A small, but for lovers of sleep, a significant disadvantage of these places is that you may be asked to let you pass, or if you sit wide, passers-by may touch you or, even more unpleasantly, step on you.
  3. Well, if you don't care about the view, you can choose a seat in the middle of the central row, there, just like at the window, no one will disturb you and you will sleep peacefully.

The Russian airline North Wind was created in 2008, has licenses for passenger and cargo transportation, and organizes charter flights around the world. The carrier is a subsidiary of the tour operator Pegas-Touristik. The base airport in Moscow is Sheremetyevo, in Siberia? Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk) and Emelyanovo (Krasnoyarsk). The company leases its aircraft to several international airlines.

The Northern Wind fleet consists of 32 aircraft: eight Boeing 757-200ER, eight Boeing 767-300ER, eight Airbus A321-200, four Boeing 737-800, three Boeing 777-200ER and one Airbus A320-232. The airline also signed a contract to purchase three aircraft from Irkut Corporation.

Classes of service

North Wind Airlines offers its passengers two service options:

  • Economy class. The aircraft cabins are equipped with soft, ergonomic seats, and an atmosphere of coziness and comfort is created around. During the flight, a varied menu and a large selection of entertainment films are offered, which you can watch while enjoying a fruit cocktail. Throughout the journey, you can monitor the location of the aircraft on a special screen. For passengers who wish to spend their flight in silence, earplugs are provided in the seat pocket.
  • Business Class. Restaurant cuisine and a wide range of entertainment are provided. The menu is prepared by our chefs. You can drink both non-alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks. If desired, the chair can be transformed into a bed and sleep. After arriving at your destination, the flight attendant will announce the end of the flight.

Baggage transportation

A business class passenger has the right to carry several pieces of baggage with a total weight of up to 40 kg, including hand luggage. In this case, the weight of one unit should not exceed 32 kg. Dimensions in height, width and thickness must be no more than 160 cm. An economy class passenger can carry up to 20 kg of luggage.

The weight of hand luggage for both classes must not exceed 5 kg. Diplomats, handbags, printed publications, baby food, umbrellas, outerwear, video equipment, laptops, cribs, wheelchairs, and crutches are accepted on board the aircraft.

Family Travel Service

“Family travel” is suitable for passengers flying with small children. For a child under 1 year old, a permanent cot is provided. At the client's request (24 hours before departure), a special children's menu can be prepared. Children under 2 years old are not provided with a separate seat. Passengers with children are not seated near emergency exits or safety equipment. It is also possible to transport pregnant women in this class, but only after the written permission of her attending physician and no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth.

In 1994, a new Boeing model, developed only with the help of computer graphics, made its first flight. This is a Boeing 777 200 aircraft. The airliner is still operated by several major Russian air carriers. Let's look at the characteristics of this aircraft and determine the optimal passenger seats for a comfortable flight.

Based on the 200, the developers supplemented the design with two more series: ER - an aircraft with an increased flight distance - and LR, which flies over extremely long distances. Since domestic companies use the basic series and ER models, let’s talk about the characteristics of these particular boards. In addition, we will discuss what the Boeing 777 200 is, the cabin layout, the best seats - we will highlight all these points in our article.

Boeing 777 200 made its first flight back in the mid-nineties

With an aircraft length of 63.7 meters and a wingspan of 60.9 m, the airliner is capable of covering up to 14,300 kilometers, while developing a cruising speed of 905 km/h.

The interior of these models comes in several types of layout. We list the following typical class options:

  • one-class economy – 440 seats;
  • two-class economy + business – 400 seats;
  • three-class economy + first + business - 306 seats.

Wherein The overall cabin width of the ER series aircraft is 5.87 meters, and economy class seats are arranged in a 3:4:3 format. In the first class cabin, the seats are arranged in a 3:3:3 configuration, while the business class offers passengers seats in a 2:3:2 configuration. In addition, in the standard cabin of the airliner on blocks 39–42, the seats are arranged in a 2:4:2 format. There are only four seats on the last, forty-third line of seats (Russia Airlines).

The above diagram will help you more accurately understand what the interior layout of such a board is. Accordingly, people who prefer to watch the flight from the porthole window choose seats marked A or L in any row. Let’s discuss some nuances regarding the flight and passenger convenience in more detail.

Layout of the basic modification of the side

Today such aircraft are offered by one of the major aviation companies - Nord Wind. The Boeing 777 200, the interior diagram of which is shown in the photo below, is represented here by two airliners. Consider the plan of the airplane.

These are two-class models, where the business class cabin has only 6 seats with a 2:2:2 layout. Thus, out of 58 rows, a single block is allocated for a line of seats with special comfort. The seats here are located at a sufficient distance from the partitions. Therefore, passengers occupying these seats are unlikely to experience any inconvenience during the flight.

The common salon begins from the fifth row. Moreover, there is no strict numbering here - there is no line of seats numbered 13 here for superstitious reasons. In addition, rows 15–19 and 40–44 occupy utility rooms. The interval between the seats of the line is about 74 centimeters, so such planes are considered not very comfortable for flying.

There are only 4 seats in block 5. The main disadvantage here is their placement along the central axis of the board. That is, while sitting on this line, passengers will not be able to watch the flight through the window. Passengers occupying seats 6 A and 6K are luckier in this regard. People occupying the remaining seats in this line will have to look at the wall that separates the business class cabin.

Behind rows 14, 39 and 58 there are emergency exit doors and technical units. Accordingly, the seats on lines 12, 14, 37, the middle section of lines 38, 57 and the entire 58 line are unlikely to be reclinable. And the proximity of kitchens and toilets will not be an optimal neighborhood.

20 seat line The layout is similar to row 6. Here, passengers also look into the partition of the on-board bathrooms throughout the flight. However, experts are not inclined to compare these two options.

Row 20 is very noisy due to constant queues for the restrooms. In addition, there is much less space between the seat and the wall. The only advantage here will be the double seats. The seats C and H of the 21st row have similar characteristics, with the difference that passengers on these seats will be able to comfortably place their legs - the distance to the wall allows this.

Passengers planning to fly in the middle part of the board should remember that there are no windows on certain rows from 20 to 39. Therefore, if you want to take a seat by the window, check this point in advance with an airport employee or airline representative.

Overall more comfortable for the flight. On line 45, the seats are located only on the sides, and in front of them there is a passage through the emergency exit doors. The inconvenience here is the proximity to restrooms and, as a result, increased noise.

The seats in the central part of the 46th row are completely identical to the similar arrangement of seats in the 21st row. The seats from rows 54 to 56 are also relatively comfortable. Indeed, in this part of the aircraft the seat layout is located in a 2:4:2 format. The last rows are traditionally considered the worst seats on board.

777 200 ER series overview

Now let's look at the airliners that it offers to fly. The Boeing 777 200 ER, the best seats in which we will now look at, assumes a slightly different interior layout. There are three comfort classes: business, superior and economy. The business class cabin has two rows of seats in a 2:3:2 layout. Here the flight will be quite comfortable and is unlikely to cause inconvenience.

The improved seat layout starts in the third row and ends in the sixth line of seats. Moreover, the last block is arranged according to the 2:3:2 scheme. Therefore, in this part of the airliner, it is optimal to choose seats 6A, 6C or 6J and 6L - they are located along the sides of the aircraft. But in general, the advantages and disadvantages of the first rows after the partition are similar to the previously discussed example.

The central block of the salon starts from line 10. The seats on the sides border on the partitions of the bathroom, and the axial section borders on the kitchen. However, the distance between the chair and the wall is quite sufficient for a comfortable position of the body. Therefore, the main disadvantage here is considered to be the increased noise level. When deciding to take seats from rows 12 to 27, keep in mind that on some lines there are no portholes. It is advisable to clarify the specific location of such “unfortunate” places with the company’s employees for a specific board.

Seat backs 29 and 43 lines On this plane, the seats are limited in their ability to recline or do not recline at all. The reason for such inconveniences is not the most successful solution of the designers - the close location of the partitions of the technical blocks.

Seats in the first class compartment of the airliner

30 line located immediately behind the emergency doors next to the toilets. Accordingly, there is enough space in front of the seats to stretch out the legs, but, again, it is noisy. In addition, experts note the fact that the turbulence of the aircraft is noticeable in the rear part of the board more than in the nose block.

Seating rows 40–41 marked A, C, J and L - paired, not triple. For this reason, they can be called a good option for young couples. As for the similar chairs in the last two sections, a drawback can be noted here - its close location to the bathroom. In addition, it is impossible to recline the seats in the last row - they are located almost close to the wall.

Features of seat selection

When you are there, you should pay attention to a few details:

  1. Do not choose places that are close to business premises. Passengers will be going there all the time, and you will not have the opportunity to rest.
  2. It’s also not worth purchasing tickets for seats in the back of the plane - here the problems already noted are complemented by the inability to recline the seat. Agree, it is inappropriate to choose a seat where the backrest cannot be reclined. After all, being in one position for a long time is very uncomfortable.

When choosing a seat on this aircraft, you should avoid proximity to technical blocks and the last row of seats

The fact that some airliners do not have blocks 13 and 17 is associated only with the personal motives of the manufacturers; this has nothing to do with safety precautions. In addition, the design features of the airliner suggest such changes.

Finally, we note important nuance for beginners. Try to purchase tickets in advance and be sure to consult with an airport employee about the specific characteristics of the selected seat. A printout of the board diagram, which the tourist keeps with him, can also significantly facilitate the choice of seat and protect him from a ruined trip.

The video below shows the standard interior of the new modification of the described model, Boeing 700 300.

The Boeing 777 200 made its first flight in the mid-nineties, but many airlines still use this aircraft today
Diagram of the cabin of one of the airliners of Rossiya Airlines
Symbol of the best seats in the cabin of the Boeing 777 200 of the Nord Wind company
The interior of this airliner can hardly be called comfortable due to three blocks of seats in each row
Diagram of the aircraft cabin used by Aeroflot


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