Pinos is a treasure island in Cuba. A short lyrical introduction

Juventud Island (Spanish version - Isla de la Juventud) - an island in Caribbean Sea, located approximately 50 kilometers south of the coast of the island of Cuba in the Gulf of Batabano. The name of the island is translated from Spanish as “Island of Youth”. Previously, until 1978, the island was called Pinos (in Spanish - Isla de Pinos).

Geographic coordinates of Isla Juventud: 21°44′41″ N. w. 82°51′30″ W d.

The area of ​​the island of Juventud is more than 2,400 square kilometers, which makes it the second largest island in the Republic of Cuba.

At the moment, Juventud is administratively a special municipality of the Republic of Cuba and is an integral territorial part of this state.


In the pre-European era, the Taino Indian tribes lived on the island of Juventud, who settled here around the second century AD, coming here from the island of Cuba. It is worth noting that the population of the island at that time was not particularly dense, and the Spaniards who discovered the island considered it uninhabited for a long time.

Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Juventud in 1494, giving it the name Pinos and declaring it a possession of the Spanish crown.

In 1515, when the island of Cuba was conquered by the Spanish conquistador Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, a small Spanish detachment also landed on Pinos Island and founded a small fort on its coast.

The Spaniards began to develop mines on the island of Juventud later than in Cuba, and therefore the indigenous population of the island was exterminated much later than in Cuba. Slaves imported from Africa began working both in mines and on plantations.

In 1802, the city of Nueva Gerona was founded by American pioneers.

In 1823, a popular uprising broke out in Cuba, which spread to the island of Juventud, but the Spaniards brutally suppressed it. The last pockets of rebel resistance were suppressed by the Spaniards just on the island of Juventud in mid-1824.

After the US victory in the Spanish-American War, Spain renounced its claims to the island of Cuba, but Juventud (Pinos) was not mentioned in the provisions of the peace treaty that defined the borders of Cuba, which then caused territorial disputes between independent Cuba and the United States. In 1907, the US Supreme Court ruled that the island did not belong to the United States, which became the basis for the transfer of Juventud to Cuba in 1925.

In 1953, Fidel Castro was imprisoned in the prison of the city of Nueva Gerona on the island of Juventud with a group of associates after an unsuccessful assault on the Moncada barracks.

After the pro-Soviet government came to power under the leadership of Fidel Castro, agriculture and mines began to be developed on the island of Juventud, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Cuban economy fell into crisis, tourism began to be developed on the island, which is currently almost the main source of income funds to the local and state budget.

Origin and geography of the island.

The island of Juventud, like Cuba, is part of the surface part of the underwater North Caribbean mountain range, which rose in the area of ​​​​the collision of three geological plates during the Miocene period, approximately 7-8 million years distant from us. And this gives reason to say that Juventud is an island of volcanic origin.

Geographically, some experts classify the island of Juventud as part of the Los Canarreos archipelago, but from a geological point of view, it would be correct not to include this island in Los Canarreos due to the rather striking structural differences between the subjects.

Juventud is located approximately 50 kilometers south of the coast of the island of Cuba. It is washed by the waters of the bays of Casones and Batabano, as well as the waters of the open Caribbean Sea.

The island of Juventud has an almost regular round shape with a fairly straight coastline, which forms the Ensenada de la Suguanea Bay, which is quite large in area, in only one place. The shores are mostly low and flat with sandy beaches, in some places swampy and overgrown with mangroves. The island's topography is mostly hilly, with two main groups of hills: Las Casas and Sierra de Caballos. The highest point of the island is Santanos Hill, 162 meters above sea level.

There are quite a few small rivers on the island of Juventud, among which, in terms of length, is the Rio Casas, which is a navigable outlet to the Caribbean Sea. In addition to rivers, there are quite a few small lakes and swamps, some of which are freshwater and some with salt water.


The climate on the island of Juventud is largely similar to that of the island of Cuba. It should be classified as a tropical trade wind. The air temperature throughout the year in Juventud does not undergo significant temperature fluctuations depending on the season. On average, its indicators are + 22-25 °C. The coolest time on the island is in January, at which time air temperatures range from + 20 to + 23 °C. The hottest weather in Juventud is in August, when the average temperature rises to +27-30 °C. Juventud receives quite a lot of rainfall in the form of tropical showers, with an average annual average of about 1300-1400 millimeters. Precipitation, lakes and swamps create high humidity on the island, which is perhaps the only inconvenience for visiting tourists.


The population of the island of Juventud is more than 86 thousand people. As on the island of Cuba, it represents a persistent ethnic group, formed over a significant period of time, called Cubans, which consists of descendants of Indians and immigrants from Europe and Africa.

The official and most commonly used language in Juventud is Spanish.

The administrative center of the special municipality of Juventud and the largest population center on the island is the city of Nueva Gerona, located in the north and inhabited by approximately 37 thousand inhabitants. In addition to Nueva Geron, in terms of population and economic importance in Juventuda, Paraiso, El Guayabo, Punta Franca and others.

The monetary units currently in circulation on Isla Juventud, as well as throughout the Republic of Cuba, are the Cuban Peso (CUP, code 192) and the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC, code 931), consisting of 100 centavos.

Flora and fauna.

It is worth noting that both the flora and fauna of Isla Juventud are relatively poor. Tropical forests, which previously occupied more than 50% of the area, are now almost all cut down for plantations of sugar cane and other agricultural crops.

Among the most striking representatives of the animal world, it is worth highlighting several species of birds, both sea and land, a number of which are considered migratory.

The coastal waters of Isla Juventud and the islands of the Los Canarreos archipelago are home to a large number of fish, most of which are commercial fish. Sharks and large electric stingrays are also found off the coast of the island.


Tourism on the island of Juventud began to develop around the early 90s of the last century, when the Cuban economy fell into decline. During this period, without any special capital investments, beaches and existing hotels began to be developed here, transforming them into tourist complexes. Now, like on the island of Cuba, tourism on Juventud has acquired an extraordinary scope.

You can get to the island of Juventud for a holiday by contacting, which provides services for organizing tours to the island of Cuba and adjacent islands.

You can get to Juventud Island by both sea and air transport. In addition to small seaports, tourists are also welcomed by the Rafael Cabrera International Airport, located on the outskirts of Nueva Gerona. Tourists are accommodated in 4 hotels, combined with beaches and various clubs in the hotel-beach complexes of Bibijagua, El Gallego, Estudiante and Colombo, located in the north of the island.

For lovers of sights in Huvendud, you can visit the El Abra ranch, which is the National Museum of the hero of the national liberation movement Jose Marti, who lived here in exile after his release from the Nueva Gerona prison, the Presidio Modelo prison, where the future leader of Cuba Fidel Castro was held in cell No. 3859 , and the Municipal Museum in the city of Nueva Gerona, whose exhibition is dedicated to piracy and poaching in the Caribbean.

We present one of the largest islands in the Caribbean - Juventud, also known as the Island of Youth, the Island of Youth and the Island of Pinos (as Columbus called it in 1494).

The area of ​​the island reaches 2200 km².

The capital is Nueva Gerona.

Incredible, stunning effect Juventud impresses at first glance, all because it has fantastic landscapes, sparkling beaches and nature reserves. Rumor has it that he became the prototype of the book island in the novel “Treasure Island”. Caribbean pirates chose this remarkable place after its discovery and lived there until 1822. It is still believed that their treasures are hidden somewhere here.

Columbus nicknamed the island Pinos, which means pine in Spanish, since a significant part of the island was covered with pine forests. Now this vegetation has been fairly tidied up, planting citrus plantations in its place and clearing the territory for pastures.

Cuban history is intertwined with the island. Once upon a time, exiled Jose Marti lived there, and Fidel Castro was imprisoned with his comrades. In 1959, when victory in the revolution came, everyone who did not agree with the policies of the ruling authorities, as well as prostitutes, were sent here. Now some of those prisons have become museums.

Juventud unofficially called the island of parrots, since the bird populations here are extremely large. In addition to the flora and fauna, tourists are attracted here by fishing, and sporting fishing, fortunately there are a lot of fish in the sea. And besides people, sea turtles flock to the island, because the island is a real ecological reserve!

The island has developed caving tourism(karst caves allow), beach holidays, hunting and fishing, diving. The latter entertainment is worth talking about separately. The print edition of National Geographic recognized the seabed, and specifically its preservation, as one of the best on Earth. Underwater photography competitions are held here, which is not surprising.

One of the attractions of Juventud is Modelo prison, located five kilometers from Nueva Gerona. What's interesting about it? Well, first of all, the “famous” cells, in one of which Comandante Castro lived. It is no less interesting to visit the Museo Provisional museum, which is located in the capital. Fascinating exhibitions will tell you about the history of Juventud in the pre-Columbian era (modern times are also told).

For ecotourists There are places to roam on the island, for example, in the large natural reserve of Los Indios, not far from the city of San Felipe. Quite a few sculptures can be found in various parts of Juventud.

If you drive 30 kilometers southeast of Nueva Gerona, you can visit a huge crocodile farm, home to about five hundred animals.

Juventud is a Caribbean pearl, cut by natural beauty and human care.

Located 100 km from the coast of the country. Area - 2,200 km².

Isle of Juventud in different translations means Island of Youth or Island of Youth.

The island became known to Europeans after it was discovered by Columbus in 1494 and was declared Spanish territory. Following the victory of the United States in the Spanish-American War, Spain was forced to renounce its claims to Cuba. At the same time, the island was not mentioned in the agreement that defined the borders of Cuba, which caused disputes between newly independent Cuba and the United States over the ownership of the island. In 1907, the US Supreme Court ruled that the island did not belong to the United States, and in 1925, a final agreement on its ownership was signed between the United States and Cuba.

Many pages of Cuban history are connected with the island of Juventud. Jose Marti lived here in exile. After the storming of the Moncada barracks, Fidel Castro and his fellow fighters were imprisoned on the island. After the victory of the 1959 revolution, the island became a place of exile for those who disagreed with the policies of the authorities, as well as prostitutes. Several of the island's prisons are now museums.

The island is one of Cuba's main agricultural provinces. Citrus fruits, including those for export, and vegetables are grown here.

Juventud is popular among sport fishing and diving enthusiasts. There are many beaches here that are popular with tourists.

Last changes: 07/07/2011

Attractions of Isla Juventud

Presidio Modelo Prison
- Infamous since its inception in the 20s of the 20th century, this prison is a copy of the American prison "Joliet", Illinois. It has four circular galleries of five levels each, and was designed for 6,000 prisoners. The current President of Cuba, Fidel Castro, and a group of his comrades served their prison sentence here after they stormed the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba on July 26, 1953.

The last prisoner left the prison in 1967. Currently, on the territory of the prison, which has been declared a national monument, a museum has been organized, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the assault and underground activities of the Cuban leader. The old prison administration building now houses a school.

El Abra– this estate, which became a museum, belonged to the Catalan and national hero of Cuba, Jose Marti, who lived here for some time after his release from prison, where he was imprisoned for his political ideas.

Natural Reserve Los Indios - San Felipe- is located in the eastern part of the island of Juventud and is interesting for its highly endemic flora and fauna.

Bibijagua Beach
– located near the city of Nueva Gerona, this beach differs from other beaches on the island because of the black color of its sand - this is a consequence of the erosive effect of the sea on the basalt rocks.

Punta del Este- This is a one and a half kilometer long beach, considered the best on the southern coast of the island of Juventud, and a terrace made of limestone rocks, allowing you to admire the amazing scenery. In addition, there is a cave in which approximately 200 rock paintings of the ancient inhabitants of the island were discovered.

Punta Frances is a national marine park located in the southwest of the island. It is notable for the beauty of its landscapes and small beaches, which lie protected by coral barriers and are separated by coastal rocks and cliffs.

Last changes: 01/13/2013

Isla Juventud is a large island in the Caribbean Sea. It is part of the Los Canarreos archipelago. The island is famous for its white beaches and rich history. The name of the island is translated into Russian as “island of youth”.

Isla Juventud is the second largest island that is part of the Cuban Republic.

It was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage in 1494. Later, pirates settled here and made the island their base. It was Juventud that became the prototype of Treasure Island in the novel of the same name by Robert Stevenson. The island has left its mark on modern history - in the local prison Presidio Modelo in the early fifties, the permanent leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, served his sentence for two years.

Gold and marble are mined on the island of Juventud. Citrus fruits and vegetables are grown on local plantations.

The island has many beaches and diving centers. Natural lagoons and underwater caves make Juventud an interesting place to explore the underwater world.

Caves with Indian rock art

According to one story, at the beginning of the 20th century, a shipwrecked sailor climbed ashore off the island of Juventud. In search of refuge, he discovered a number of caves that became his refuge, and at the same time discovered the main attraction of the island - Indian rock paintings created in the pre-Columbian period. The black and red pictogram designs represent concentric circles through which arrows pass, pointing to the east. Perhaps these drawings represent a solar calendar. The main cave is called the Sistine Chapel.

In addition, there are still legends that pirate treasures are buried on the island. Or hidden in caves.

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Presidio Modelo Prison

The Presidio Modelo prison, located 5 kilometers from the city of Nueva Gerona, was built in 1926-1931 in the form of a circular gallery of four five-level buildings and was intended to hold 6,000 prisoners. From 1953 to 1955, Fidel Castro, the future president of Cuba, was imprisoned here along with 25 of his comrades after the famous storming of the Moncada barracks in the city of Santiago de Cuba on July 26, 1953, in cell 3859.

The prison existed until 1967. Now on the territory of the former prison, declared a national monument of Cuba, there is a museum, the main exhibitions of which tell about the events of July 1953. There is a school in the administrative building.

The most popular attractions of Juventud with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Juventud on our website.

Isla Juventud is located 70 km off the southern coast of Cuba. The second largest archipelago is steeped in stories of sea piracy and treasure chests. It once served as a refuge for such famous corsairs as Henry Morgan and Francis Drake. Legends also say that Juventud became the prototype for Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”. True treasures were found here only once, and today they are replaced by the fertile lands of the island, where tropical fruits grow for export. The capital, Nueva Gerona, is more of a village, but a touch of the countryside is present in many cities in Cuba. Tourists here are attracted by the local beaches and the remains of colonial buildings, and for divers there are some of the best spots in the world. Lying on the sand in Juventud can easily be varied with walks around local attractions, and you can get a boost of delicious vitamins from absolutely luxurious local fruits.

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How to get to Isla Juventud

The most convenient way to get to Isla Juventud is by plane or ferry from Havana. Cubana de Aviación operates flights between Havana and the capital of the island, Nueva Gerona, three times a day. Tickets can be easily purchased at the company's office - more details on the official website. Ferries and catamarans depart from Batabano Harbour, which can be reached by bus from Terminal 10 at Plaza de la Revolutión. The journey to the pier will take at least 1 hour 30 minutes, and the journey to Juventud will take about 2-3 hours. You can get on the ship every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 08:30 and 14:30.

Hotels on Isla Juventud

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In Juventud, everything that is proudly called attractions can be found in the capital and its surroundings. Some wooden buildings remain from the American invasion, and traditional colonial architecture from the British. The main place to visit is the Presidio Modelo prison, 20 km from the city, whose prisoner was Fidel Castro himself. Now it houses the Museum of Revolutionary Struggle. The exposition of the pirate trade is located on the ancient ship El Pinero, which itself once served as filibusters. It will most likely appeal to children and very romantic people.

Connoisseurs of flora and fauna should visit the Los Indios-San Felipe Natural Reserve in the eastern part of the island, where pristine tropical forests lie. More interesting animals can be found only at a crocodile farm 30 km south of the capital and a turtle nursery in the town of La Faye. The best beach in Juventud is called Punta del Este, and, in addition to the stunning landscapes, it is interesting for its cave with a collection of rock paintings. The dream of all divers - the El Colony dive center is located on the west coast. Suffice it to say that the island has 56 dive sites, including shipwrecks.

There are quite a few nice places on Juventud, but it is better to limit its exploration to an excursion for a couple of days. Accommodation on this island will not be as atmospheric as in Havana or Varadero. Having tried your luck in searching for treasures, you can return to the island once again in the pages of Stevenson’s immortal work.

Shopping on Isla Juventud

The main part of the shops, bars and restaurants is located on Calle 39. There is also a gallery (La Galería), which exhibits the work of local artists. Entry is free. There are also small souvenir shops at hotels. The assortment includes the standard Cuban set of cigars, rum and various craft products.

Diving on Isla Juventud

Caribbean Treasure Island is considered one of the best diving destinations. The island is home to the Punta Frances Marine Park with coral reefs, caves and tropical fish. Not only professional divers, but also beginner scuba divers, as well as all fans of sport hunting, ecotourism and underwater photography come here.

There are a total of 56 interesting diving spots on the island, including places where ancient ships are well preserved. Advanced divers will be interested in diving in Pared de Coral Negro with an abundance of black corals, the blue grottoes of Cueva Azul and the walls of Lon Indios with huge schools of fish. The Jibacoa and Sparta wrecks lie in shallow waters and are suitable for all levels, and the best location for macro photography is at El Cabezo.

Clear water and shallow diving depth allow sunlight to penetrate and provide a good overview. Of the marine life, turtles, stingrays, barracudas, cat sharks, perches, lobsters, crabs and shrimps are found almost everywhere.

Within the park there is the international diving center El Coloni, equipped with all the necessary equipment. The center also has its own hotel and an excellent beach with fine white sand. Usually there are no more than 2 dives per day, the price for 1 is about 39 cookies, 2 will cost 78 cookies. If diving is the main mission when visiting Juventud, then you simply cannot find a better place on the island. Here, a trip to the underwater world is pleasant to alternate with relaxing on the beach in the company of a mojito. The capital of the island is quite far from El Colonie, but excursion trips to explore the city will be quite enough.


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