The smallest government in the world. The smallest states in the world. Video about the state - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Residents of Russia, who at best have only seen a few percent of their country's territory, often forget that not everyone is so lucky. There are small countries, such as Holland, Sweden or the Netherlands, and there are also very tiny ones, such that you can not only travel around them, but also walk around them in a day. But the smallest state in the world has quite serious political weight.


This is not just a country within a country – it is a country within a city. Actually, it resembles a nesting doll: in the state of Italy there is the city of Rome, and in the city of Rome there is the state of the Vatican. True, the Vatican does not have a capital; it simply does not fit there. But it has an incredible number of temples, cultural and art monuments. But the main thing is that it is the seat of the Holy See - the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

There are 557 citizens registered in this state. All of them are men. Most of them are priests, some are military, and only 43 are laymen. Of course, there are not enough of them to service all the museums, churches and other institutions, so the Vatican employs guest workers - residents of another state, in this case, Italy.

As for the territory of the Vatican, it is the smallest recognized state in the world. Its area is about 0.44 square kilometers, and the length of the border is only 3 kilometers.

This state is the second largest in area, it occupies a little more than two square kilometers. If it were presented in the form of a regular figure, it would occupy a rectangle with sides of 1 by 2 kilometers.

But, unlike the Vatican, which has less than a thousand people, Monaco is a fairly densely populated state. Its population is about 36 thousand inhabitants. Another significant difference is the housekeeper. It is clear that industry cannot be built on such territory, but this is not required. Tourists bring money to the Vatican, and most importantly, donations from believers. Monaco was able to build a completely viable and efficient economy. Monte Carlo, one of the largest cities in the country, is the gaming capital of the world, which, if inferior to Las Vegas, is not too much.

The country even has an armed force - 82 people. It’s interesting that there are 85 of them in a standard military band. This completely characterizes Monaco - this country has everything, but it’s miniature. Besides the budget. He's quite impressive.

The Vatican and Monaco are small states, but quite prosperous, with a high standard of living. But Nauru, unfortunately, is not one of them. Or rather, in the seventies, the economy of this island state flourished. Phosphates were mined and exported on the island, but when the deposit was depleted, it turned out that the island had nothing more to boast of. And in parallel with the development of resources, an environmental disaster occurred: the territory was polluted, natural biodiversity was almost destroyed.

Not a very picturesque island

Then the country tried to sell its citizenship, but not for too long and without success. Next came the era of offshores, which brought significant profits, but international groups quickly closed this shop. Tourism is undeveloped, there is no industry, there are no resources, there are no minerals, there is no (fresh) water. The territory is inhabited not by robots, but by ten thousand people, who are evenly distributed over an area of ​​21 square kilometers. They live mainly thanks to the help of nearby Australia.

The third and fourth states from the bottom are largely similar in territory - island states with a population of predominantly indigenous origin and a catastrophically underdeveloped economy. Tuvalu is classified not even as a third world country, but as a fourth world country, i.e., the poorest of all existing states.

There is little land, but there is a lot of water

Tuvalu receives income by selling the right to fish in its waters to ships of other states. But recently another good source has appeared - the sale of national top-level domain names. It is quite aptly called .tv, which determines good demand.

But even this does not make the life of 11 thousand residents of this state more prosperous. And the tiny territory, 21 square kilometers of land and the adjacent water area do not imply any special prospects.

It so happens that most of the dwarf states are located in Europe. And San Marino is no exception. This little one is another of the independent dwarf states located in Italy. Fortunately, Italy can afford to host more than one such country. Considering that San Marino is only 61 square kilometers in size, this is not difficult. True, it is quite densely populated - about 32 thousand people live in it.

The whole country on one mountainside

However, San Marino is unique in its own way. This is the oldest independent state. It declared its sovereignty on September 3, 301 (this is not a typo, really 301). The political map of the world was redrawn dozens of times, countries changed names and territories, but little San Marino seemed to remain outside this carousel.

Add to this fact thousands of years of architecture and culture, an endless number of monuments, museums and castles, and you have a real tourist trap. It is not surprising that most travelers visiting Italy spend 1-2 days to get to know this unique country.

Now you know which is the smallest state in the world in terms of area. However, its significance is enormous, because all Catholics in the world listen to the opinion of the Vatican, San Marno is a unique ancient state, Monaco is the gambling capital... In politics, size is really not the most important indicator.

On June 7, 1929, in accordance with the Lateran Agreements, the Vatican State was formed. You can learn about it and 9 other smallest countries in the world from our selection today

1. Maldives

The island country of the Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and is the smallest Asian country in terms of area. The area of ​​the country is 298 square meters. km. with a population of 396 thousand. Two thirds of the population lives in the country's capital, Male. Previously, the country developed thanks to the export of dried tuna, cowrie shellfish and coconut ropes, now the main income comes from tourism.

2. Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers, with a population of 84 thousand people. The archipelago is located north of Madagascar and consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands managed to develop thanks to the export of coconut, vanilla and cinnamon. But since 1976, when the country gained independence, tourism has become the main source of income.

3. Liechtenstein

This state has no access to the sea. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 square meters. kilometer Liechtenstein borders Switzerland and Austria and is one of the richest countries. There are more companies registered here than residents.

Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​the state is 21.3 square meters. kilometer The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. They gained independence in 1968, but the island was home to the Aboriginal people for 3 thousand years. Today the country's population is approximately 9 thousand people. The state of Nauru has no armed forces.

5. Vatican

The Vatican is a closed city-state located in one of the districts of Rome and covering an area of ​​44 hectares. It was founded in 1929 and is governed by the Pope. The Vatican boasts the most beautiful buildings in the world - the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, the residence of the Pope - the Apostolic Palace, etc. In addition, half of the country's territory is occupied by the Vatican Gardens. About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, and several thousand Italians commute here every day to work.

The second smallest country is Monaco. Over the past 20 years, thanks to the draining of the sea, the area of ​​the country has increased and now covers an area of ​​2.02 square meters. kilometer Monaco is the second smallest monarchical state. The country is one of the most populous countries in the world and has 30 thousand inhabitants. The main income for residents comes from tourism.

7. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located in the West Indies - between North and South America on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. The state is located on two islands with an area of ​​261 square meters. km. These were the first islands settled by Europeans. The main source of income is, of course, tourism, but agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

8. Marshall Islands

This state in the center of the Pacific Ocean consists mainly of coral islands. The area of ​​the country is 181 square meters. kilometer, population 62 thousand. In 1986, the Islands gained independence from the United States, but until now only American help helps them “keep afloat.” The country has no natural resources and imports of goods far exceed exports.

9. San Marino

San Marino covers an area of ​​61 square meters. kilometer and has the smallest population of the member states of the European Council. It is the oldest independent country in the world, founded on September 3, 301. In addition, San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, its income exceeds its expenses.

10. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is also located in the South Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​26 square meters. kilometers. The country also includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands belonged to the British Crown and were called the Ellis Islands. Tuvalu gained independence from the British in 1978. The country's population is 10.5 thousand people. Due to the lack of natural resources, Tuvalu has to rely on help from other countries.

Vatican City (0.44 km2)

As surprising as it may sound, the smallest state on Earth is the Vatican, located on the territory of modern Rome. Its area is only 0.44 km2, and the length of the border passing through Italian territory is 3.2 km. Population: 836 people, most of whom are subjects of the Holy See.

The Vatican is governed by the Holy See, whose sovereign is the Pope, who is elected by the cardinals for life. The judicial, executive and legislative powers are in his hands. However, the Pope appoints a governor to govern this dwarf state.

Despite its tiny size, the Vatican has its own economy, albeit mostly non-profit. The main source of income is donations from Catholics from all over the world. In addition, a considerable part of the profit comes from tourists, who sometimes leave quite large sums here, buying souvenirs, various gifts, Vatican euros (yes, they even have their own currency) and so on.

The country contains real masterpieces of architecture. St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Library, known throughout the world for its incredibly large collection of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, immediately come to mind. In addition, it contains more than 1.5 million books, 150 thousand manuscripts, a huge number of coins and medals, about 100,000 geographical maps and engravings.

It also has its own railway line, only 700 meters long, which, however, connects to the Italian railway network. The station was built in 1932. But there is no airport of its own, which is not surprising - it simply would not fit here. But there is a helipad, opened in 1976 - it is used by the Vatican for communication with the Rome airports of Ciampino and Fiumicino.

Interestingly, the Vatican even has its own domain zone - .va. However, there are very few sites in it.

Monaco (2.02 km2)

Second place is occupied by one of the most famous states in the world - we are talking about the Principality of Monaco. It is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea and borders France. Despite the small territory that this country occupies, the number of local residents is more than 36 thousand people. And this is not to mention the tourists, of whom there are incredibly many here.

The economy of Monaco is developed primarily on tourism, as well as the gambling business. Among the advantages that attract wealthy guests are low taxes and banking secrecy. Monaco has an extremely low unemployment rate, no external debt, and a large foreign exchange reserve.

Monaco is a country for the rich. It is here, on one street, that you can meet as many exclusive Bentleys and Ferraris as you will never see in your entire life in any other European city.

Gibraltar (6.5 km2)

Number three on our list is Gibraltar. It is an overseas territory belonging to Great Britain. Member of the European Union.

The most developed industries in the country are tourism, banking and finance. In addition, shipbuilding can also be noted. The total length of roads is about 46 km, and the port houses more than 70 sea vessels. Despite its small area, Gibraltar has its own runway and airport.

The total number of residents is about 29 thousand people, according to estimates for 2008.

Gibraltar is the only European country where semi-wild Magot monkeys can still be found.

Tokelau (10 km2)

Tokelau is a three-island dependent territory administered by New Zealand. Located between the Hawaiian Islands and New Zealand.

Tokelau is home to about one and a half thousand people who survive mainly through fishing. At the same time, according to analysts, New Zealand helps the residents of the island, and in addition, relatives living in other countries send them money.

In addition to fishing, papaya, coconuts, bananas and some other fruits are grown here. Interestingly, a significant portion of the income comes from the .tk domain zone.

For a long time, all electricity here was generated using diesel power plants, but fuel costs were very high, so it was decided to switch to solar energy. The transition took place in 2012.

Cocos Islands (14 km2)

The next country on our list is Cocos Islands or Keeling. Keeling consists of 27 coral islands, which are located in the Indian Ocean near Australia. The local residents are Malays; there are about 600 of them here.

Most of the total population lives on the West Island, the largest of the 27. This is where the airport is located. Residents are engaged in the cultivation of coconut trees, the production of copra and serve the same airport. Keeling has its own domain, which, by the way, is also quite popular.

Republic of Nauru (21.3 km2)

Another dwarf state, which will be discussed further, is the Republic of Nauru. The country is located on the island of the same name, which can be found in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

Currently, Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth. It does not have an official capital. The island itself has an oval shape, its length is 5.6 km and its width is 4 km. The number of people living is just over 9 thousand people, and several years ago this figure was much higher.

Since the island does not have its own rivers, there is a severe shortage of fresh water, which is available thanks to just one desalination plant. Moreover, it periodically stops working due to problems with electricity. That is why local residents collect rainwater in basins and use it.

The fauna, like the flora, in Nauru is very stingy and poor.

Tuvalu (26 km2)

Tuvalu is a Pacific country in Polynesia. It is located on 4 islands and 5 atolls, with a total land area of ​​26 square kilometers.

The total number of residents is 9,500 people. Most of them live in the province of Funafuti. In fact, Funafuti is the capital of this country. Interestingly, the official language is English. In addition, the Tuvalu language is used in everyday life.

Fishing plays the main role in the state’s economy - most of the population is engaged in it, especially since the income from fishing is very large and amounts to about 50% of all state income.

Macau (27.2 km2)

Macau is a socio-administrative region that was ruled by Portugal for several centuries. Essentially, it is a peninsula that was once a separate island, but was then connected to the mainland.

Macau is a country known primarily for its gambling houses, casinos and nightclubs. In a word, various entertainments for the rich public. It is the gambling business that brings most of the income to the state's treasury.

It's no wonder that more than half a million people live here. However, they are engaged not only in gambling, but also in the tobacco industry and fishing.

Norfolk (34.6 km2)

Another small island located in the Pacific Ocean. It is located between New Zealand and Australia, but unofficially refers specifically to the latter. According to historical data, Norfolk was discovered by James Cook in 1774.

Population: 2300 people. The main profit comes from serving tourists, since tourism activities are very developed here.

Interestingly, local residents do not pay some taxes.

Pitcairn (47 km2)

The final tenth place is the Pitcairn Islands, which are located in the Pacific Ocean and border French Polynesia. Despite this, they are the only overseas territory of England located in the Pacific Ocean.

This state is known for the fact that only nine families live here, which consist of 67 residents. They are mainly engaged in farming, but young people prefer to go to New Zealand to earn money.

The smallest state in the world (photos below) is the Vatican. It is the smallest on the planet both in terms of area occupied and in the number of citizens. It should be noted that in this case only officially recognized countries are taken into account. The residence of the Pope is located here, which is why this miniature city-power is considered the center of the entire Catholic world.

general description

The smallest state in the world by area occupies a territory whose size is only 0.45 km 2. It is located in the heart of the Italian capital - Rome. The total length of the Vatican border is 3200 meters. The state is surrounded on all sides by high walls. On its territory there is its own post office, police station, train station, publishing house and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since the nineteenth century, it had its own monetary unit - the Papal State lira, but after the introduction of the euro in Italy in 2002, this currency began to be used in the Vatican.

Short story

The country has been small throughout the history of its existence. In ancient times, no one lived on the territory of the modern Vatican. The fact is that in Ancient Rome this place was considered holy. It began to be inhabited in 326, after the construction of the Basilica of Constantine over the supposed burial site of St. Peter. In the period from 752 to 1870, the smallest state in the world by population occupied an area of ​​​​about 41 km 2. At this time it was called the Papal States. The country was captured by a united Italian army in the mid-nineteenth century.

The current situation was resolved in 1929. It was then that the Lateran Treaty was signed, according to which the independence of the state was proclaimed, and Pope Pius XI in return recognized the Kingdom of Italy.


As noted above, the Vatican is the smallest state in the world in terms of population. About 850 people who are citizens of this country permanently live on its territory. All of them have the status of servants of the Holy See. Vatican citizenship can only be obtained in this way. Once this work is completed, it is instantly cancelled. The local army numbers one hundred people.

During the daytime, there are about three thousand hired workers in the country, who are mainly engaged in menial labor. They are not subjects of the Vatican and live outside it. The vast majority of these people are Italians.

Political system and language

Based on international law, the smallest state in the world is an absolute theocratic monarchy, governed by the Holy See. In other words, all executive, legislative and judicial power here is concentrated in the hands of the Pope, who is elected for life by the cardinals. He governs, in fact, only the Holy See, while the country is governed by the governor of the Pontifical Commission appointed by him.

All legislative acts issued by the Vatican come into force only after they are published in Italian and Latin. Thus, we can say that both of them have official status in the country. At the same time, work in any world language is allowed here, which is due to the presence of representatives of many nationalities among church ministers.

Financial policy

There are no industrial enterprises in the Vatican, and therefore the smallest state in the world receives almost all its financial income from investments, donations and tourism. This money is mainly used for ordinary expenses, including salaries, reconstruction of buildings, maintenance of the Holy See, and so on. The annual state budget of a country whose economy is of a planned type averages 310 million US dollars. At the same time, the state is known for the charitable activities of the pontiff. In particular, funds are allocated to support people who have suffered from natural disasters, as well as to build churches in all corners of the planet.

Social politics

To ensure close contact and dialogue with Catholics, as well as disseminate the teachings of the Church, the Vatican has created its own television channel. It hosts live broadcasts of state celebrations and services of the Pope, and also produces documentaries. In addition, it has its own radio. It is available not only on shortwave AM and FM, but also via the Internet. Recently, the social policy pursued by the smallest state in the world has been criticized by parishioners. In particular, many of them do not like conservative teachings, which do not correspond to the realities of our time.

Tourist attraction

As previously noted, tourism is considered one of the main sources of income for the Vatican. This is not surprising, since millions of people come here every year who want to see with their own eyes ancient architectural ensembles and world-famous works of art created by great masters. The most popular among them are the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museum and Library, as well as the gardens, which occupy most of the country.

The Vatican received the status of the official residence of the Pope back in 1377.

Any visitor to the country has the opportunity to use the local postal services, in particular, send memorable postcards with unique stamps to their relatives and friends anywhere in the world.

Local museums are the third most popular on Earth, behind only the Louvre and the British Museum.

There is no airport on Vatican territory. At the same time, the smallest state in the world can boast of having a helipad that has been operating since 1976. From here the pontiff usually flies to Roman airports or to his residence Castel Gandolfo.

The country has its own railway with a station. Its length is 700 meters.

The Vatican is characterized by an extremely high crime rate. There is an average of one crime per year per local resident. As a rule, these are thefts. However, it should be taken into account that they are mainly committed by service personnel or tourists.

Marriages and children are almost never born in the state.

The literacy rate of local residents is 100%.

Other tiny countries

As a rule, the smallest states in the world have a very rich history and are highly attractive for tourists. Below, in descending order, are the five tiniest countries on the planet.

In fourth place on the list is the Pacific island country of Tuvalu. It gained its independence from England in 1978. The local population is about 10 thousand people. The state is located on 4 islands and 5 atolls with a total area of ​​26 km 2.

The third position belongs to Nauru, an island state located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has the status of an independent republic and is distinguished by the absence of a capital. The area of ​​Nauru is 21.3 km 2, and the population is about 9.5 thousand people.

Monaco ranks second in the “Smallest States in the World” ranking. The Principality borders France and is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea. The area of ​​the country, which is home to about 36 thousand permanent residents, is 2.02 km 2 . Thanks to tax incentives, the capital of the richest people on Earth is attracted here. The capital has a similar name.

The world's smallest state is the Vatican, which was discussed in more detail earlier in this article.

It’s hard to believe that in such a big world there are entire countries so small that they could easily fit in one of the districts of Moscow. People living in such countries are no different from those who inhabit countries with large cities and villages; they do not feel that they are somehow different from the rest. But for residents of countries with large territories, they are considered as exotic as any plant. If you ask the question what is the smallest country or state in the world, only a person with a broad outlook, one who is interested in the unusual and surprising, will answer correctly.

Considering the smallest countries, it is worth saying that there are also very small states in the world. In order not to confuse them, you need to know how a country differs from a state. So, a country is a community with its own culture, history, and land. At the same time, a country is considered a state if it has sovereignty, so to speak, political freedom.

Some may think: what could be interesting in a country with such a tiny territory? But it turns out that they are quite interesting not only for their exotic nature, but also for their history, picturesque landscapes, etc. So, let's get acquainted with the smallest countries and states on our planet.


Among the blue expanses of the Indian Ocean is the Republic of Maldives, which is considered the smallest country in Asia.

Many people know it as the Maldives or Maldives. It consists of many tiny islands. The area does not exceed 298 square meters. km. The Republic is home to 396 thousand people. The capital is Male, where approximately two-thirds of the inhabitants live. It gained its independence in 1965, and a couple of years later the Maldives became a republic.

If not so long ago the residents were more engaged in the export of dried tuna and other gifts, coconut ropes, but today the main profit of the islanders is tourism.

Video about the Maldives:


The smallest state in the world, namely in Africa, is the Seychelles.

A couple of decades ago, the islands were completely subordinate to Great Britain; they became independent in 1976. To ensure a decent life, residents exported vanilla, cinnamon and coconut, and with independence, tourists began to come here. Thus, today the main income of local residents is tourism. The Seychelles can be found on the map north of Madagascar and consists of 115 small islands in the Indian Ocean. According to the data, the archipelago has an area of ​​455 square meters. km, where 84 thousand people live.

Video about Seychelles:


A tiny state located next to Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is a real find for businessmen.

The low tax rates in force in the state attract many businessmen from all over the world who are registered in it. At the same time, rich businessmen are not embarrassed that the state does not even have its own, and the nearest one is in Zurich.

In terms of area, Liechtenstein occupies about 160 square meters. km, population approximately 29 thousand people. The country thrives mainly on the export of food, dental instruments, microchips and postage stamps. It is also visited by many tourists, who bring additional income to residents. The state is inhabited by Austrians, Germans and Swiss. The main language is German, but you can find residents speaking several dialects. The city of Vaduz is the capital of the tiny state.

Video about the state of Liechtenstein:


If you travel the Pacific Ocean, then know that in the south in Micronesia is the Republic of Nauru - a tiny island nation of the world. On an area of ​​21 sq. km is home to approximately 9 thousand people.

Even in the last century, the inhabitants of the island were considered the richest in the whole world. They made huge fortunes from phosphate mining. The authorities of the Republic employed almost all the inhabitants of the island, made education and medicine free. True, few people valued secondary school; only a few children attended it.

Over time, the phosphate deposits ran out and almost the entire territory of the island ceased to be useful. Today, the only reminders of the residents’ former prosperity are the exhausted and abandoned mines. But that's not all: there is no island in the world where people suffer from obesity as much as Nauru. Most residents lead a sedentary lifestyle, consume very fatty foods and a lot of alcohol, the result is obvious - they suffer from diabetes. The state cannot defend itself because it does not have armed forces, but in 1999 the UN took it under its wing.

Video about the Republic of Nauru:


If you want to know which is the smallest country in the world, then you should visit the Vatican.

The most beautiful buildings in the world, such as the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace, and St. Peter's Basilica, are located in the small but powerful Vatican. It is located in one of the Roman districts. 770 people live on 44 hectares and work there. The Vatican is the residence of the Pope.

The Swiss Guard maintains order and... The Guard consists of one hundred people, but to join it, a person must be a single Catholic and a resident of Switzerland. The Vatican's main income consists of donations that flow into the treasury from all over the world; additional income also comes from book sales and tourists visiting the country.

Video about the Vatican:


Among the smallest countries in the world, Monaco takes second place.

On an area of ​​2 sq. km there are about 24 thousand inhabitants. More recently, the Grimaldi family, which originated from Genoa, was considered the rightful ruler here. Today their place has been taken by the Prince and the National Council. Monaco is next door to France and is located on the shores of the beautiful Ligurian Sea.

The country is very attractive to the world's richest people as it offers them attractive tax incentives. Despite the fact that tourism is very developed in the country, many residents are successfully engaged in agriculture and offshore banking.

The small country became famous thanks to the world famous casino, which is located in Monte Carlo. The Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco was held here. The capital of the country is called Monaco.

Video about Monaco:

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

On the islands in the Atlantic between North and South America there is a tiny state - the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which has an area of ​​261 square meters. km and inhabitants 50 thousand.

In addition to tourism, they are engaged in the electrical industry, the export of sugar and shellfish, which brings good profits.

Video about the state - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:

Marshall Islands

The smallest state in Europe is the Marshall Islands, which consist of many coral islands, tiny in size, and reefs. State of 180 sq. km is inhabited by 52 thousand inhabitants.

Mostly English is spoken here. The islands are known for their turbulent history, having been under the governments of Germany, the Japanese Empire and Spain. As a result of the events of World War II, the United States liberated the island from the Japanese government, but residents received final freedom only in 1986. Thanks to the support, the island is still thriving today, despite the fact that it does not have its own resources and well-established exports. Residents of the Marshall Islands sell fish and copra. Additionally, the treasury is replenished thanks to developed tourism.

Video about the Marshall Islands:

San Marino

In the heart of Italy, on the slope of Mount Titan, rises the miniature state of San Marino.

On an area of ​​61 sq. km is home to approximately 28 thousand people. The spoken language of the residents is Italian. The state has its own ancient history, which all residents are proud of. They tell about the mason Marinus, who came to these lands back in 301, fleeing the Christian hater and persecutor Emperor Diocletian. To prevent the emperor from finding him, the mason hid in the Titan Mountains, where he later created his own Christianity. The owner of the mountain registered it in the name of the Christian community, so the territory was first known as the “Land of St. Marinus”, and later as San Marino.

This tiny state, at the end of the war, was also considered the poorest, thanks to which it was able to maintain its independence.

After millions of tourists began to visit the country every year, San Marino's treasury began to rapidly replenish. In addition to tourism, the state exports quality goods, including wine, ceramics, stone for construction and chemicals. Today, the inhabitants of the tiny country can safely be called the richest residents of Europe.

Video about San Marino:


Although the sea level is constantly rising, residents of the tiny state of Tuvalu are in no hurry to leave it.

The country is located in the Pacific Basin and consists of four islands and five atolls. At 26 sq. km live 10.5 thousand people. It became independent relatively recently - in 1978. Previously, the British crown ruled here and were known as the Ellis Islands.

To survive, residents fish and farm, but this is not enough, so they receive great support from Australia, Japan, the USA, and New Zealand.

Video about the state of Tuvalu:

So you got acquainted with the smallest countries and states.


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