The most prosperous countries in the world. Best countries to live List of worst countries to live

The United Nations annually releases an extensive report on the world's best countries to live. A list of 180-197 states is becoming traditional for UN analytical comparisons, taking into account such indicators as the quality of life of the population, including medicine, education, nutrition, recreation, etc., life expectancy and per capita income. The data obtained turned out to be no coincidence: the main twenty first places were occupied by European countries, Russia was in 32nd place on this list. It is worth noting that the irreconcilable rival of the Russian Federation, the United States, did not make it into the Top 10 best countries, ending up only in 11th place. In last place in this ranking was the state of Niger, recognized as the worst country in the world.


Switzerland, a state located in Western Europe with the highest index of potential human development, is recognized as the best country in the world based on the totality of all indicators.

For almost 8 million of the country's population, Switzerland is a state with the most developed social infrastructure and a stable economic situation, thereby satisfying all the average criteria for the life of citizens.


Norway, with its population of five million, was for many years recognized as the best country in the world, but eventually lost its place in the ranking to Switzerland, despite the fact that the HDI (Human Development Index) index remains the highest in the world.

Achieving high standards of living is facilitated by developed oil and gas production and processing.


The Kingdom of Sweden, located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, ranks third in the list of the best countries in the world. Stable economic development and effective social reform of society have allowed this northern country to become one of the most livable people.

The population of Sweden is 9.7 million people, almost fully employed in all sectors of the economic sector, excluding unemployment.

New Zealand

Located in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand ranks fourth in the ranking of the best countries and becomes the first among non-European countries included in this list.

The country's developed market economy allows it to provide for the social sector of the state with a population of just over 4.5 million people. Despite the nominal GDP indicator, which is far from the first world positions, the HDI index is not just high, but is increasing.


The next state in this ranking was another Scandinavian state, Denmark, with a population of 5.96 million people, represented by a large percentage of highly qualified workers in various industries. Despite low inflation of no more than 2.4% and an unemployment rate of no more than 5%, huge taxes and a lack of competitiveness due to high wages prevent Denmark from taking a more prestigious place in the list of the best countries in the world.


In the endless list of European countries that have become the best in the world, fifth place is again occupied by the Pacific country - Australia, with a population of 23 million people. Adhering to the state's development strategy according to the index of economic freedom, GDP and a high level of medicine and education make Australia one of the best among the world's countries.


Once again, a state from Western Europe - the Netherlands - becomes the best in the world. With a population exceeding 16.8 million people, the country ranks one of the first on the Human Development Index.

Despite numerous controversial reforms and peculiarities of Dutch legislation, the level of social security here is practically the highest in the world. The inhibitory factor in the development of the population's life is high taxes and insurance payments.

Norway is the Scandinavian country that tops the Prosperity Index in 2015.

2. Switzerland

Switzerland comes in second place in the "prosperity index" for three years in a row in the "economy" position.

3. Denmark

Danes can enjoy a high level of education and high social capital, as this is a key feature of this country.

4. New Zealand

Strong social cohesion and community engagement have resulted in it having the best level of social capital on Earth.

5. Sweden

Swedes have achieved the highest level of entrepreneurial activity in the world. This country gets one of the first places this year.

6. Canada

Canada is the true land of the free, as its citizens enjoy the highest level of personal freedom.

7. Australia

Australia is a country that has been ranked seventh for three years in a row for having the best education system in the world.

8. Netherlands

The Netherlands is a leader in education, healthcare and personal freedom.

9. Finland

Finland has the best governance record in the world, but with a relatively poor economy, it ranks 33rd in the ranking.

10. Ireland

Ireland moved up two places in this year's index to become the fourth safest country.

11. United States of America

The United States of America is the most powerful country in the world in terms of health, which is also considered the safest.

12. Iceland

Iceland leads in three areas: personal freedom, security and entrepreneurship in 2015.

13. Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, citizens enjoy a high level of personal freedom and health, and the country is also famous for its high level of economy.

14. Germany

According to the Prosperity Index, Germany's economy ranks fifth in the world, putting it in a stable 14th position for the fourth year in a row.

15. United Kingdom - Great Britain

Britain lost two positions. This is due to failures in education and personal safety. But in terms of objectivity, one can note the clear leadership of the rating compilers (after all, the rating was compiled by the London Public Institute).

16. Austria

Individual successes, such as ranking among the top 10 countries for health care and business opportunities, were not enough to stop Austria from slipping down one place this year.

17. Singapore

Singapore took first place in 2015 due to its economic achievements.

18. Belgium

Belgium ranked tenth in terms of healthcare quality. The wealth index fell one notch compared to 2014.

19. Japan

Citizens in Japan care about their health; according to this indicator, the country ranks seventh in the world, but the degree of personal freedom here, according to the British compilers of the rating, is insufficient (33rd place).

20. Hong Kong

Hong Kong has achieved great success in the field of public safety, and in terms of the conditions created for entrepreneurs, it is one of the ten best places on the planet.

21. Taiwan

Taiwan, an island state, until recently was outside the TOP 20, but in 2015, high indicators in safety and security allowed the country to take an honorable sixth place.

For those who are tired of wandering around the world in search of an ideal place to live in the most comfortable conditions on Earth, we have selected the Top 10 most favorable countries for living. Let's figure out where you can safely drop anchor in a free life and finally go ashore.


A country of fearless Vikings and sailors, as well as a rich history and incomparable nature, which has endowed this corner with fabulous landscapes of rocky mountains and rushing streams. For many years, Norway has been the most prosperous country in the world, and was also considered the most favorable country to live for seven years.

Social well-being, one of the lowest crime rates in the world, access to healthcare and completely free education at all levels make the country of fjords and trolls one of the most desirable places to live. However, as throughout Scandinavia, Norway has very high taxes, although thanks to almost no corruption, you can be sure that taxpayers' money is spent wisely.


Swedes have a noticeable love for the environment and take care of it as best they can. For example, the famous Scandinavian furniture design, which is distinguished by simplicity and waste-free production, came to us from Sweden, and the Swedish furniture company Ikea became a pioneer in this matter.

Among other things, Sweden boasts high quality education, which is also free, one of the lowest levels of corruption, and one of the highest levels of life satisfaction. As in Norway, in Sweden anyone can get a higher education completely free of charge, the same applies to foreign students: all you need to do is submit documents and provide the appropriate diplomas and certificates.


More than a hundred years ago, the Kingdom of Denmark united three states: Denmark, Sweden and Norway. However, time passes, Norway and Sweden became independent, but the cultural ties of Scandinavia have not disappeared to this day. Being close to each other, all three countries share similarities in their languages.

In particular, the Danes understand the Norwegians very well, and they understand them. Denmark has ranked first in terms of happiness more than once. But it’s true that free medicine and education, as well as the sense of unity and solidarity of the Danes rightfully make them the happiest people on the planet.


Finland is often classified as a Scandinavian country, although this is completely incorrect. Scandinavians are descendants of the northern Germans and speak very similar languages, and in ancient times they were a single ethnic group. Finns belong to the Finno-Ugric language family, and their closest relatives are the distant Hungarians. Finland is famous not only for its saunas, of which there are countless, but also for its unique school education system, in which the program is tailored individually to the student and in which there is no competition for grades.

Finns believe that all children are gifted in their own way and each has their own talent, which is why the usual grades are not there. The favorable northern climate and abundance of forests are especially suitable for lovers of active country holidays, and social security and the absence of crime can be additional reasons to move to Finland as soon as possible.


The land of Van Gogh and tulips has long attracted huge crowds of immigrants with its tolerance and social benefits. The Dutch, being quite modest in spending, managed to bring their country into the ranks of economic leaders, on a par with Germany and France. The Dutch are very scrupulous about their health, which is why the usual transport is an ordinary bicycle: fortunately, the infrastructure allows you to travel literally throughout the country. But you should still be on your guard, because bicycle thieves are not asleep!

Contrary to the popular stereotype, the Dutch are not as big on addictions as marijuana and tobacco. In particular, to combat teenage smoking, the Dutch government pays 200 euros monthly to those teenagers who prove through tests that they do not smoke either tobacco or marijuana. Regarding crime, the media recently reported that due to the sharp decline in crime rates, some prisons were forced to close. These and many other advantages of living in the Netherlands attract people to move to this wonderful country, namely, the number of immigrants living in the Netherlands already amounts to more than 1 million.


One of the most stable and successful economies not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The only country is a confederation where four official languages ​​are at once: German, French, Italian and Romansh. A country where gun ownership is not only completely legal, but also encouraged by the state. Switzerland is known to many as a financial Mecca, where countless capitals of the powerful are kept.

However, it is not only the deposits of oligarchs and corporations that form the basis of the country's wealth, but also the economic policies of the Swiss government, which has skillfully controlled inflation at around 1% annually for many years. In addition, only a Swiss citizen can become the head of a Swiss company, which certainly gives the Swiss more power to manage their national wealth independently. Education in Switzerland is free and available to everyone, even foreign citizens. However, even with all its advantages, obtaining Swiss citizenship is very difficult, because a prerequisite for obtaining it is living in Switzerland for at least 12 years.


The world's northernmost island nation, with a population of just over 320,000 people. Thanks to their small population, Icelanders literally know each other by sight. For example, in Reykjavik (the capital of Iceland) you can easily find the mayor, prime minister or president walking around the shops in their free time from official duties. Icelanders are among the youngest people on the planet, with the average age of Icelanders being only 36 years old. Icelanders are brought up in a free manner, teaching their children to art and sports from childhood.

This is why there are so many artists, musicians and writers among Icelanders. The cold northern climate has instilled in Icelanders a sense of cohesion and mutual assistance, so your neighbors are always ready to come to your rescue in any life situation. By the way, Icelanders are the descendants of the Scandinavian Vikings, who moved to this northern island many hundreds of years ago. Having lived for centuries in comparative isolation, the Icelanders managed to keep their language almost unchanged and left a huge amount of Viking folklore, recounted in sagas, which modern Icelanders can read in the original. Icelandic society is considered the only one in history in which there is absolutely no upper class - a clear example of this is the Icelandic national football team, which more than half consists of amateur football players: a coach-dentist, a goalkeeper-director, a defender-garbage collector, etc. It’s worth giving credit to the Iceland team that really showed their class this year, reaching the quarterfinals of Euro 2016.


Who hasn't heard of maple syrup and Canadian hockey? But are these the only advantages of living in Canada, since we also have hockey? Of course not. Canada can be said to have realized the idea of ​​universal welfare, thereby being a social state that guarantees its citizens free medicine, education and other pleasant social benefits.

In addition, possessing a Canadian passport guarantees you visa-free entry into 170 countries, thereby making the Canadian passport one of the most sought after and influential in the world, along with Norwegian, Finnish and Japanese. And also an undoubted addition to the Canadian passport for lovers of active travel will be the endless beauty of Canada’s nature. There are not so many people living in Canada for this entire vast territory, so it’s unlikely that anyone can stop you from contemplating nature by the fire in solitude.


Let's move from the northern hemisphere to the southern and get acquainted with the continental country - Australia. Australia was once a prison for prisoners who were sent there from all over the vast British Empire. However, the descendants of the convicts and their guards managed to transform this initially dangerous, wild and uninhabited place literally into a blooming garden, and then into a modern state. The advantages of living in Australia include the highest level of ecology and minimum air pollution, and the mild Australian climate is suitable for those who cannot tolerate the climate of northern latitudes.

As for the social sphere, although education is paid in Australia, every university offers student loans for education, which students must repay within the first five years after graduation. The cleanliness of the streets will amaze anyone, because local housing and communal services operate at full capacity and do not spend taxpayers’ money on their needs. The final factor for moving to Australia can be the absolute economic stability of the state; suddenly little happens in Australia, crises do not affect the lives of the population, and therefore, you can calmly plan your future and the future of your children, knowing that nothing threatens your family.

New Zealand

Another Commonwealth of Australia country, the filming location of The Lord of the Rings, and one of the safest places on the planet. Imagine New Zealand has an absolute ban on the creation or use of atomic bombs, along with a ban on any type of nuclear program. New Zealand has a very low or almost non-existent crime rate. For many years, New Zealand has been among the top 10 most prosperous countries. Yes, in New Zealand even mosquitoes will never bite you, because they simply aren’t there!

By the way, New Zealand has a labor immigration program that allows people with the most valuable professional skills to obtain New Zealand citizenship as quickly as possible. With New Zealand citizenship, you can visit 168 countries, including the UK and US, which certainly opens up huge opportunities for tourism, work and business.

It doesn’t matter where you dream of going on a permanent basis or, so to speak, to see people and show yourself, the main thing is to never give up on your dream, follow it and do everything to make it come true. However, before choosing a country to move to, we advise you to first learn the local language, get to know the customs and culture, and only when you are completely confident in your choice, boldly move towards your dream.

Every year the UN publishes a report containing ratings of the most favorable countries to live in. The assessment is carried out from the point of view of general well-being, population health, level of general education, life expectancy, etc.
We offer you the top 10 countries where, from the UN point of view, people live most comfortably.

10. New Zealand

Residents of this country live the longest - on average 82 years. When you are surrounded by blue mountains, amazing wildlife and such fabulous views, you can live happily ever after.

9. Canada

Canada has the highest level of education - 68% of residents have higher education and work in their specialty.
In addition, Canada is a real paradise for those who love to travel. There are a huge number of beautiful national parks for every taste, with rocky mountains and wide open spaces.

8. USA

There is one of the highest levels of financial well-being here. The average annual income for the average American is approximately $51,843.

7. Ireland

The country with the lowest crime rate. In addition, the fewest suicides occur here - 1.2 per 1000.

6. Germany

People with the highest health indicators live here. The average life expectancy of Germans is approximately 83 years.

5. Netherlands

This state is often called the country of equals. It has the lowest level of income inequality between different segments of the population and has continued to decline since the mid-90s. There are also 30,000 km of bike paths in the Netherlands. If you are thinking about moving, be sure to buy a bicycle.

4. Denmark

Education and healthcare in Denmark are completely free. The difference in wages between men and women in the country is 15%. This figure continues to decline due to worker protests. In the USA, for example, this ratio sometimes reaches 64%.

3. Switzerland

A country that produces so many types of the most varied chocolate cannot, by definition, be unhappy :) Switzerland has one of the most affordable educations in the world. Tuition at many schools is as low as $1,000.

2. Australia

Over the past ten years, the Australian government has been systematically increasing investment in education. As a result, today, the majority of Australians study for up to 20 years.
Australia also has a very low level of environmental pollution from human waste, despite the national love for massive barbecue parties.

1. Norway

For the second decade in a row, this country ranks first in the ranking. There is a high level of education, social well-being, personal freedom and security, as well as high life expectancy.
It is believed that climbing one of the local mountains called Skala takes away all of a person's worries and concerns. Maybe this is the whole secret of the Norwegians?)

It is quite logical that people who want to immigrate to Europe, along with the question “what kind ofbest country to emigrate? interested . We tried to answer the first question in one of ours. Now let's talk about cities worthy of visiting.move to permanent residence, obtain a residence permit or citizenship.

Research in the spirit of "top 10 best cities in the world” are held annually, so there is plenty of material for thought. Let's take a look at one of the most recent - from the consulting company Mercer. It is indicative by what criteria analysts evaluate the quality of life in European cities. We recommend that you take these criteria into account.

There are 39 of them in total, the main ones are:

  • political, social and economic environment;
  • crime situation and crime rate;
  • quality of medical care;
  • the quality of education;
  • provision of water and electricity;
  • transport infrastructure and public transport;
  • level and number of sports facilities;
  • environmental cleanliness and degree of air pollution, etc.

The top ten included cities in Germany (Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt), Australia (Sydney), New Zealand (Auckland), Canada (Vancouver), Switzerland (Geneva), Denmark (Copenhagen), and the Austrian Vienna topped the ranking.

The best cities that are friendly to migrants

Of course, the above cities are among the world leaders in quality of life. However, it is sometimes simply impossible for citizens of the CIS countries to become residents of most of them. Germany, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Canada impose many extremely difficult conditions on migrants.

At the same time, there are a number of European countries offering special investment programs for migrants. By becoming a participant in such a program, you can, by investing a certain amount in the development of the national economy, obtain the status of a residence permit, and in some countries, permanent residence or even citizenship immediately. Such countries in Europe include Austria, Great Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, Greece. Note that two cities from the above-mentioned rating areVienna and Geneva– are among the countries that are most welcoming to migrants.

You can compare programs for obtaining residence permit/permanent residence/citizenship in these countries on this our site.

The best city for rest and work

Let us note that cities from the countries we mentioned regularly occupy high places in individual rankings. In particular, this year the leader in the ranking of the best cities in the world to live, published by the British newspaper The Times, wasPalma de Mallorca (). According to experts, it is ideal not only to relax, but also to work.

Pleasant climate, picturesque nature, high level of infrastructure and... more than 300 sunny days a year. Plus favorable conditions for doing business, inexpensive real estate (houses from 100 thousand euros) and high-quality healthcare services. All this makes this city one of the best places to live in Europe for people of varying incomes.

Best city for quality of life

Vienna ()repeatedly takes first place in the ratings "10 best cities in the world" in terms of quality of life. Central location in Europe, stable economy, excellent ecology, personal safety of citizens, perfect legislation - these are the main advantages of Austria. And many wealthy gentlemen from all over the world consider opening a business in Vienna and purchasing real estate there as a profitable investment.

It is also an ideal city for studying - Viennese universities are always among the leaders in European education. This option is suitable for wealthy people who are ready to participate in the Austrian investment program.

Best city to do business

The ease of starting your own businessLondon ()Many experts put it first in the EU and call it the business capital of Europe. The local administration has simplified the conditions for doing business as much as possible. It is especially profitable here to develop or invest money in the IT sector.

In addition, the standard of living in London is one of the highest in Europe. World famous universities are located here. You can get a residence permit here within 4 months. At the same time, you have the opportunity to visit 174 countries of the world on business trips without a visa. This option is also suitable for wealthy people, as it involves significant investments to obtain a residence permit.

Best city to buy real estate

This year, the city confidently entered the top ten European cities attractive for real estate buyers.Lisbon ().In 2014, investments in commercial real estate in Portugal doubled compared to 2013. And the lion's share of investments came from Lisbon. Considering that in this country you can get a residence permit for the purchase of real estate worth 500 thousand euros, this is a good option for people who are confident about the future.

Real estate in the city is becoming more expensive, as is the cost of renting luxury offices. At the same time, Lisbon ranks 41st in the ranking of cities with a high quality of life. It is easy to do business here, and the cost of living for a family is at the average European level - about 2 thousand euros per month.

Best city in terms of accessibility

In order to settle inBudapest ()and getting permanent residence or citizenship here doesn’t require nearly as much money as in other European countries. It is enough to invest 300 thousand euros in the economy or buy real estate for any amount that meets the requirements of the law. Budapest is mentally closer to people from the CIS countries, and here it will be easier for our compatriots to adapt, although the Hungarian language is not the easiest.

There are many historical places and ancient buildings here. The standard of living and social benefits in this city correspond to the average European level. At the same time, prices for products, services and housing are much lower. In addition, permanent residence status or Hungarian citizenship allows you to freely move around other EU countries, which is important for people doing business.

The city with the greatest potential

In 2015, specialists from PwC and the Urban Land Institute setAthens ()in 5th place in Europe in terms of the benefits of investing and doing business. The thing is that the Greek government, in order to overcome the crisis, has simplified the taxation system as much as possible, which attracts investors from all over the world to the country. The most popular, of course, is the capital of the country.

At the moment, it is premature to talk about the stability of the Greek economy, but most experts believe in its development potential. In addition to being called an open-air museum, Athens has the lowest taxes in Europe. In addition, the cost of living here is one of the most affordable in the EU, but the products and services meet the European level of quality.

The best cities to live in Europe

City A country Advantages Program
Palma de Mallorca Spain Mild climate, one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, good conditions for doing business. Residence permit for an investment of 500 thousand euros (+10 thousand euros for registration) with a return guarantee for 5 years.
Vein Austria The highest quality of life in the EU, guarantees of personal and economic security, profitable investments in real estate, quality university education Citizenship for a significant contribution to the economy (+ registration costs 50-100 thousand euros) - most often more than 6 million euros.
London Great Britain Ease of opening and running a business. The highest possible standard of living, quality education. Residence permit/citizenship by investment of £2 million.
Lisbon Portugal A profitable investment in real estate. Average European prices with a fairly high standard of living. Residence permit through an investment of 500 thousand euros (+ 10 thousand euros for registration).
Budapest Hungary With an average European quality of life, low prices for housing, services, and products. Ease of obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship. Permanent residence for an investment of 300 thousand euros (+ 60 thousand euros for registration) with a return guarantee for 5 years.
Athens Greece Low level of taxes compared to other EU countries. Low prices for products and services with average European quality. Residence permit through investment 250 thousand euros (+10 thousand euros costs). Receipt period: 1 month.

Where is the best place to emigrate?

Choosing best city to live in Europe, be based on your own capabilities and expectations. Only an accurate calculation and comparative analysis of available information will allow you to choose the ideal place to live abroad.

If you have any opinion or experience regardingwhat is the best city in Europe to live in?, share your thoughts with us - leave comments.


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