The most criminal city on earth. “Crime” rating: police named the most dangerous cities in the Moscow region. TOP most criminal cities in Russia for theft

There are not only cities in the world that can surprise you with their architectural treasures or centuries-old culture. There are also those where it is better not to come; in these cities, violence, murder and other sins are considered commonplace and the norm.

This is the capital city of the state of the same name, which has always been famous for its dashing character and rebellion. Already from the beginning of the 13th century, Guatemala became a stronghold of the struggle against the Spanish-speaking colonialists. Immediately after them, the Mexicans came to try to expand their colonial possessions. But nothing worked out: Mexico was only able to “enjoy” Guatemala for a year.

Alas, the country was tormented not only by external interventionists. In 1826, an internal civil war broke out and engulfed the city. Thanks to this war, the government changed, new reforms took place, as well as the rapid growth of trade and market relations. Then, in 1839, after another conflict, Guatemala City became the capital of the country. But even today, active past feuds make themselves felt: the city is very unstable in terms of the criminal situation. The police cannot cope; more than thousands of murders occur every year.

Mexican city with a population of about 600 thousand people. It appeared in the 1530s, the Spaniard de Guzman founded San Miguel de Culiacan. The town served as a starting point for Spanish colonialists to advance deeper into continental America. Well, ordinary Europeans also followed suit. In 1830, Culiacan began to bear the honorary title of the capital of the state of Sinaola, and active measures were taken to improve the life and living standards of the townspeople. In the 1950s, a large dam was built within the city limits, spurring agricultural and economic development. But with development, Culiacan learned the other side of the coin: the shadow drug market was actively developing, and with it the overall crime rate. As a result, this city is not the best place for safe tourism, as there are more than 500 murders and a lot of robberies a year.

This is one of the most ancient cities in Brazil. It was founded by the Portuguese back in 1585. The name of the city changed quite often. At first the city was named with the beautiful name Filipia, then the Dutch changed the name Frederikstaid, and from 1817 - Paraiba. The Brazilian town owes its current name to its governor, Joao Pessoa, who was killed. That is why you should not go to Pessoa without a reason, since the probability of catching a stray bullet is quite high. The number of murders here is about 80 per 100 thousand people per year.

The capital of the state of Lara in northwestern Venezuela with a population of about one million people. The city was founded in 1552 with the aim of developing and exploiting gold deposits, of which there were many in this area. Barquisimeto was seriously damaged by the powerful earthquake of 1812. About 20 thousand people died. The city is one of the centers of Venezuela for tobacco and leather production. Agriculture is developed, there is a functioning university.

But with all this, Barquisimeto is a very dangerous city. There is hardly a day when someone does not die a violent death. It is not for nothing that in 2011 the UN rightly considered Venezuela to be a country with one of the highest crime rates in the South American region.

A small Mexican town with a population of 350 thousand people. This city is home to one of the largest border crossings, through which much of the Mexican-American trade takes place. Also, due to this, there is a high level of illegal defectors who, by hook or by crook, try to illegally cross the Mexican-American border. This increases the crime rate, the real scourge of which was drugs.

In the mid-2000s, Nuevo experienced a wave of mass murders committed by drug cartels. On average, several thousand people were killed every year. This is the result of a frantic war between drug lords. In 2010, one of them, Edgar Valdez, went to jail, which reduced the overall level of insanity. But, alas, the bar set by the criminals remained quite high. Currently, it is better to be careful in the evening and at night, as the likelihood of robbery or violence is very high. Crimes are committed almost every hour...

This city in western Colombia was founded in 1536. The Spanish colonialists, led by Sebastian De Belalcazar, successfully survived the indigenous Indians inhabiting the Cali Valley.

Modern Cali is one of the largest cities in Colombia, second in population only to Bogota and Medellin. Recently, the city has been actively developing, there are even skyscrapers. The Cali Tower is the tallest building in Colombia. The height, taking into account the antenna spire, is 211 meters. This is a local landmark and business card of the city.
But not everything is so rosy, because this city is also a bone of contention for drug cartels, of which there are many thanks to the extraction of narcotic raw materials. As a result of the divisions of criminal groups, there are about 80 murders for every 100,000 population.

Another Brazilian city that is among the top most dangerous. It is the capital of the state of Amazonas, founded in 1669 by the Portuguese military. Initially, the city was a small but well-fortified fortress. Then the fortress grew into a village, and then it was given the status of a city.

In the mid-1800s, a wave of rebellious movements and protests swept through the city - Kabanazhen. People fought against poverty and hard life. As a result of this struggle, most of the population died. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, Manaus was subject to “rubber fever.” This was the name given to a large number of socio-political as well as economic events, the result of which was the rapid development of industry and infrastructure, but at the same time a deterioration in the standard of living and working conditions.

In 1896, the Amazon Opera House was opened, which attracted and continues to attract performers from all over the world.
Unfortunately, Manaus still has a fairly high murder and crime rate. About a thousand people die every year.

This city is the capital of Venezuela, surrounded by a picturesque mountain valley. The population of Caracas is about 3 million people. Caracas was founded in 1567 on the site of a destroyed Indian village. The city was built by Spanish colonialists. Caracas was constantly under attack: either dashing pirates would arrive, or a French siege would break out. There were also internal conflicts and uprisings.

In modern times, there are many slums in the city, which keeps the crime rate at a consistently high level. And President Hugo Chavez's attempt to break down barriers between rich and poor has led to an even greater increase in crime.
The number of murders is staggering: There are about 130 violent deaths per hundred thousand inhabitants. Street fights, stabbings and robberies are common.

This city is the largest in the US state of Louisiana. The population of Orleans is 384 thousand people.
The city was founded in 1718. Initially, it was the French port of Nouvelle Orleans, which grew to the size of a city. New Orleans constantly changed hands between the French and the Spaniards. Sometimes, there were times when no one knew which country the city currently belonged to. But in the end, the city went to the United States, after which active development began in all areas.

This city is included in the list of the most dangerous due to the number of murders. Every year, about a hundred people die at the hands of criminals. This is due to gang violence, as well as the availability of firearms.

The city, with a population of more than 700 thousand people, is the second largest in the Republic of Honduras. San Pedro Sula was founded by the Spanish conqueror in 1536 in the Sula Valley. Initially, the city was a gold mine of Spain, as it produced 1/5 of the country's gold. The production was later moved to Gracias a Dios.

Its proximity to the sea exposed the city to constant and frequent attacks by pirates, who robbed everything and everyone with consistent regularity. This caused the city to move inland, where it is still located today. In turn, the distance from sea trade routes led to a rapid decline, which began to fade only in the 1920s, after the emergence of numerous banana plantations.

In modern times, this city is the most dangerous settlement on planet Earth. For every 100 thousand people there are more than one and a half hundred murders per year. It's worth thinking deeply before rushing into sightseeing.

No. 25. Recife, Brazil.

Recife is the fifth most populous city in Brazil. More than three million people live here. “Brazilian Venice,” as it has been dubbed, is so far “famous” only for its crime situation - about a thousand people are killed here every year.

No. 24. Medellin, Colombia.

There are 1,175 murders per year for 2,393,000 inhabitants. There is an opinion that the reason is the ongoing wars of local factions that are trying to divide the city among themselves. Homicide rates have begun to decline recently, with 6,349 murders accounting for a smaller share of the population in 1991.

No. 23. Cucuta, Colombia.

The crime rate in Cúcuta, a small city, makes you wonder whether to include Colombia on your tourist itinerary: there are more than 320 murders per year for its 637,300 inhabitants.

No. 22. New Orleans, USA.

New Orleans is one of the most crime-prone American cities. There are more than 100 murders per 343,100 inhabitants. Crime is mainly, as in Colombia, a consequence of gang wars and “showdowns” between drug dealers.

No. 21. Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

This city is divided among themselves by drug cartels, which is why the crime rate is high. It jumped up after the Sinaloa cartel came to town to oust the Los Zetas drug lords.

No. 20. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

According to an EU report, approximately 900 people are killed a year in Barquisimeto, out of a population of 1,211,600.

No. 19. Joao Pessoa, Brazil.

This city is "famous" for teenage murders - every third teenager here dies before the age of 19. Overall, the population of 723,600 accounts for about 560 homicides per year.

No. 18. Manaus, Brazil.

The name "Manaus" means "Mother of all Gods". However, the city itself cannot be called “divine”: 1,000 murders for 1,343,011 people.

No. 17. Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala.

"Extreme" city. The population asks the state and the police to take control of the situation: for 3,062,100 people there are 2,063 murders.

No. 16. Salvador, Brazil.

Salvador is considered the Brazilian "capital of happiness", all because the city regularly hosts street carnivals and parties. At the same time, murders occur regularly in the city - 2,400 murders in a population of 3,411,628 people.

No. 15. Culiacan, Mexico.

Mexico is rapidly losing popularity among tourists. This is not surprising: Culiacan, for example, is the fourth most dangerous Mexican city with a rate of 620 murders per 860,100 inhabitants.

No. 14. Fortaleza, Brazil.

Despite being the fifth largest city in Brazil, people are increasingly looking to leave it. 1,628 murders for 2,452,185 inhabitants.

No. 13. Vitoria, Brazil.

Of the 1,685,384 inhabitants, 1,020 people are killed here every year.

No. 12. Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Tourists avoid this city. There are approximately 360 murders for a population of 640,188.

No. 11. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Although this city is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, a positive trend has nevertheless emerged: in 2011, 2,046 murders accounted for 1,340,648 residents, and in 2012/2013 the same figure dropped to 750.

No. 10. Guyana-Essequibo, Venezuela.

578 murders each year in a population of 1,050,283. The state has already launched a program to neutralize crime, so we can expect positive dynamics in the coming years.

No. 9. Detroit, USA.

There are 386 murders per year per 606,585 inhabitants. The city is recognized as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.

No. 8. Sao Luis, Brazil.

Another South American city was included in the list of the most dangerous cities in the world: 510 murders per 1,014,537 inhabitants per year. The city is known for its wonderful ports and beautiful beaches. If not for the gang war, San Luis would attract the attention of tourists.

No. 7. Cali, Colombia.

1,189 murders in a population of 2,294,650. It is believed that the wave of murders was provoked by the relocation of drug lord Rodriguez’s accomplices, Gilberto Orejuela, nicknamed “The Chess Player.”

No. 6. Maceio, Brazil.

There are 820 murders for 930,750 inhabitants.

No. 5. Torreon, Mexico.

Although Torreon is an important economic and political center of Mexico, the crime rate here is off the charts: 1,090 murders for 1,147,650 inhabitants.

No. 4. Federal District of Francisco Morazan, Honduras.

High crime, with 1,126,560 residents accounting for 1,150 murders per year, does not surprise anyone in the district. There are 1,700 residents per police officer. The authorities are not even trying to take control of the situation.

No. 3. Caracas, Venezuela.

3,862 murders for 3,247,971 inhabitants. Out of a hundred crimes, only 7-8 are investigated by the police.

No. 2. Acapulco, Mexico.

The once very popular tourist city is losing its tourists. The crime rate is increasing every day. In 2013, there were 1,170 murders in a population of 818,850.

No. 1. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

The city is recognized as the most dangerous place on earth: every year there are more than 700 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Even in countries with low crime rates, you can find corners where you shouldn’t go, especially for foreigners. When heading to a distant country to admire its beauty, you need to remember that there are places where travelers are not at all welcome. Take, for example, South Africa, Mexico or Colombia - each of them has a lot of beauty and interesting places, but in one drug cartels rampage, in another no one is surprised by mass violence, in the third there is constantly excessive political struggle and terrorists. And there are socio-economic problems in every country. Here is the TOP 10 most dangerous cities in the world, which are not recommended to visit.

1. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

In the northwest of the most dangerous country in the world, Honduras, is its most dangerous city, San Pedro Sula. Thus, in 2014, the murder rate per 100 thousand people here reached 171 deaths.
This appalling figure was achieved in a city that is not in the middle of a theater of war or a revolutionary situation. Every day about three people die violent deaths here. The city has a thriving drug and weapons trade, and there are endless bloody clashes between local gangs, accompanied by incessant murders. And there is no one to take the necessary steps to curb the ongoing wave of violence. Local residents have long accepted that the city is ruled by drug cartels that do not care about the lives of some people, and law enforcement agencies here have suffered a complete collapse. From the example of San Pedro Sula, one can understand that poverty, corruption and instability are not the worst things in life.
Meanwhile, the city is a major industrial center of the country, although in fact it is one of the drug capitals of the world, since here cocaine is refined, packaged and sent north to the main consumers, the USA and Canada. Drug addiction, corruption and poverty of the local population have turned city streets into a dangerous jungle not only for tourists, but also for the townspeople themselves. As a result, the Peace Corps evacuated its people from here, and local thugs killed the Englishman, trying to take his camera.

Anyone who decides to try himself in an extreme sport must be prepared not only for powerful emotional outbursts, but also for serious damage...

2. Acapulco, Mexico

Next comes the famous Mexican city of Acapulco, glorified in songs and more than once becoming a film set. There are magnificent white sand beaches here, but all this is deceptive - the city is dangerous for life. It increasingly appears in crime news, which describes gruesome details about dismembered or mutilated bodies found on beaches or city streets.
When Beltran Leyva, the head of the local drug cartel, died, a bloody war broke out over the routes for delivering drugs to the northern neighbor. If previously respectable businessmen were involved in the development of tourism, now they find themselves embroiled in disputes between local gangs. There are 140 murders per 100 thousand people in Acapulco every year.

3. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border with the United States, and in recent years has become extremely dangerous to live in. The reason is still the same - a fierce war between drug cartels and gangs over drug trafficking to the north. This forced many city residents to flee in search of safer places. Out of 100 thousand people, 130 are killed here every year. You can’t kick a local resident out of their house at night, although it’s not at all safe here during the day - you can be kidnapped or simply get shot here at any time.

4. Baghdad, Iraq

Iraq's best times are long gone. After the American occupation of 2003 to the present day, the streets of Baghdad have become the scene of military operations, where government forces constantly exchange fire with rebels, suicide bombers and car bombs explode. Added to this is mortar and rocket attacks on residential areas of Baghdad. As a result, almost the entire city is littered with garbage and is in disrepair; electricity and water are supplied hourly.

5. Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Another city from small Honduras, where bandits run the show. They collect taxes from residents, set a curfew, after which you can live on the street for very little time. If someone refuses to pay, then the best thing that threatens him is blackmail, but there may also be torture, however, most likely the stubborn person will simply be killed. When there was a significant reduction in the budget for prisons in the United States, members of the MS-13 gang were deported to their homeland, after which the crime rate in the city jumped sharply. To emphasize their status, thugs returning from the states strive to commit more high-profile crimes, often senseless. All police forces were thrown into solving the most serious crimes, and no attention was paid to robberies and minor offenses. Out of 100 thousand city residents, 102 people die every year.

6. Maceio, Brazil

Externally, this Brazilian city looks very attractive: palm trees, bright sun, white beaches and blue water. But according to statistics, Maceio is one of the most dangerous cities on earth, because every year there are 135 murders per 100 thousand people. There is a huge difference between poor and rich residents in the city. It is little consolation for local authorities that so far it is their own tourists who are dying here, not visiting tourists.

7. Mogadishu, Somalia

In the capital of this African country, an endless civil war has been raging for over 20 years. Half the population has already left the city. Almost every day you can hear shooting and explosions here, people are kidnapped, hospitals are full of wounded people who receive only first aid. Mogadishu is divided into two parts, with the southern one considered safer. In order to move from one part of the city to another, it is necessary to cross the dividing zone, but only on foot and with a thorough search.
There are almost no entire houses left in the city, and people have to live in ruins or in refugee camps set up in the buildings of ministries, universities and schools. It is impossible to even find out exact information about the number of victims here, but it is clear that there are a lot of them here.

8. Karachi, Pakistan

Due to lawlessness, political instability and high crime rates, the capital of Pakistan has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Any problems here are solved, if not with money, then with weapons. For not too much money, it is easy to hire a mercenary who will eliminate a competitor, no matter who he is - a businessman, a policeman or a politician.
There are about 600 human traffickers operating in the city. Religious fanatics are not far behind, and they can easily start throwing lead at passers-by from a car speeding through the city. Street gang shootings, constant terrorist attacks in the middle of the day, religious clashes and the resolution of political differences by force have made Karachi a city of horror. In recent years, armed robberies, car thefts and arson have become particularly common here.

9. Cape Town, South Africa

Tourists from all over the world flock to Cape Town to admire the nature reserves and beautiful views that open from here. But even this once popular tourist area has suffered from unrest in the streets, poverty and rampant crime. Walking around Cape Town at night can be compared to playing Russian roulette. It is not safe to withdraw money from an ATM here even during the day - local bandits are not only ready to free a tourist from cash, but also to injure him and even kill him. Given the extremely high crime rate, it should be taken into account that almost 4 million people live in the city, which makes the picture even more terrible.

10. Caracas, Venezuela

The Venezuelan capital has turned into the business center of Latin America; there are many business centers, offices of large companies, and universities. But the socio-economic stratification of the population here is huge. The rich families of Caracas live luxuriously, but nearby there are hundreds of thousands of residents who are barely making ends meet, and many even have nothing to eat. High inflation complicates matters. There are brutal gangs operating on the streets, but the slum dwellers, who receive small handouts from them, idolize them and are ready to turn a blind eye to their most terrible crimes.
As a result, Caracas has become a very dangerous world capital. Every year, out of 100 thousand city residents, 115 people are sent to the next world, and in 2012, for example, 101 policemen died in the line of duty here.

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There are a huge number of different kinds of city ratings. They compete in terms of comfort and beauty, attractions, hotels, beaches, and so on. But there is an equally interesting meter - crime. We will talk about cities that have earned themselves the title of the most criminal in the world. So, if you are planning to visit this town, think carefully about whether you are ready to become an action hero, because they do not always have a good ending.

It's worth starting with a city in Mexico. Ciudad Juarez is located on the border with the United States, where mainly those involved in drugs live, because huge quantities are transported through the city to the States. Having become a transit point for all drug dealers, the city earned itself a disgusting reputation and literally became gangster. Today there are 191 murders per 100 thousand people per year, how do you like this figure? There was a case when 49 people were killed in a club in just one night.

You've probably already heard about the second city on our list; we're talking about Caracas, Venezuela. Every year, 130 people per 100 thousand people are killed here, these are the official figures, the unofficial ones are even worse - 160-190 people. So, they don’t particularly like and favor tourists here, so think a hundred times before going to Caracas, and you should also think about your luggage, don’t bring anything valuable to Venezuela.

The third city on our dark list is located in Honduras, we are talking about San Pedro Sula. This city has such disappointing statistics: 119 murders per 100 thousand people. Tourists are asked not to go out unaccompanied, on foot, or alone. This is a very dangerous place, but people still come to see a culture that is unfamiliar to them.

Now let's move to El Salvador, here our attention is drawn to the city of San Salvador, it is here that there are 95 murders per 100 thousand people, crime is rampant throughout the country in El Salvador, everyone knows about it very well, even the local population is afraid. A large gang called Mara operates in the country; it is the most violent in El Salvador.

Next on the list is Guatemala in Guatemala, as strange as it may sound. So, here the figure is 90 murders per hundred thousand population, which is quite a lot. The city is divided into 22 zones, among them there are calm and safe ones, as the guides who accompany tourists in all directions say.

Life and vacation in the city of Cali, Colombia are no less dangerous. We are talking about 72 murders per 100 thousand population, this figure is also not small, for sure. Here the drug cartels keep everyone in fear, they have created their own state within the country and are not going to give up power to anyone.

An American city is also included in our rating, we are talking about New Orleans, there is a huge number of former prisoners, so the crime rates are quite high. One should also take into account Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed everything in its path and left New Orleans in ruins. Today it is the most dangerous city in the United States, 67 murders per hundred thousand population, this is the indicator.

There is a city in South Africa called Cape Town, some call it a piece of Europe in Africa, where the murder rate reaches 62 per 100 thousand people. Complete slums and immediately beautiful new buildings, this is the contrast of the city, everything here is very confusing and incomprehensible. By the way, before the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the world did not know what problems South Africa had with ensuring the country’s security.

It is worth saying a few words about the city of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The climate here is very dry and there are some problems with agriculture; more than half of the city’s population lives below the poverty line, 54 murders per 100 thousand population, this is the same figure in the city.

The holiday season is coming, which means you need to decide where to go on vacation, and where you definitely shouldn’t go unless you are an inveterate extreme sports enthusiast who does not value your life and wallet. And just in time, Numbeo - the largest site on consumer prices, crime rates, quality of medical care and other statistical data about various cities and countries - released its Crime Index. This is annual ranking of the most criminal cities in the world.

The ranking includes 378 cities, which are ranked by crime index. Cities with a crime index below 20 are considered very safe, while cities with a crime rate between 60 and 80 are considered very crime-prone. It turned out that the safest city in the world is Abu Dhabi (crime index - 15.51), followed by Munich and Taipei.

Top 10 most criminal cities in the world

10. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (crime index - 77.87)

In the fun city of carnivals, you can encounter criminals not only in marginal areas. The most common crimes are street robbery and theft. Therefore, if you are determined to go there, take into account a few simple rules. They will also come in handy when visiting other cities on this list.

  • Don't walk alone on the street after 10 pm. This doesn't mean you shouldn't visit restaurants or bars in the evenings, or enjoy Rio at night, but unless it's Carnival week, stay inside (or outside, but with the crowds).
  • iPhone is easy money in Brazil. Given local absurd markups on luxury goods, the price of an iPhone in Brazil starts at $1,000. This means that if you talk on your iPhone while outside, you are likely to lose it. Buy a cheap phone for travel or stash your iPhone in your pocket when outdoors.
  • Do not take anything to the beach other than a swimsuit and towel. Many criminals, acting in groups, literally comb Brazilian beaches in search of things that careless tourists leave on sunbeds when going swimming.
  • If possible, travel around the city only by taxi, metro or bus. It's cheap, fast, with a breeze, that is, air conditioning, and signs in English.

9. Pretoria, South Africa (77.99)

Although Pretoria is second to Johannesburg in the number of violent crimes, it is definitely not worth going there on holiday with your family or alone. It is very easy to spot a tourist in Pretoria in a crowd of passers-by, and since the majority of local residents are poor, a rich European is a desirable prey for them. The most common crime in Pretoria is pickpocketing.

8. Recife, Brazil (78.00)

This seaside town is famous for both frequent shark attacks (18 people have died due to them since 1992) and murders. Violence is usually limited to the poorer areas of the city, but are you willing to test it out for yourself?

7. Johannesburg, South Africa (78.49)

Petty pickpocketing, break-ins and car thefts are what most often await tourists in the beautiful but dangerous Johannesburg. There have been incidents involving foreigners traveling from Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg to their destination by car. They were robbed, often at gunpoint.

6. Durban, South Africa (78.58)

The central and "tourist" areas of Durban are fairly safe and violent crime is rare there. But outside these areas, robberies are commonplace. If you come to this city for work or pleasure, travel by taxi.

5. Selangor, Malaysia (78.90)

The top 5 most dangerous cities in the world opens with the Malaysian metropolis, where pickpocketing is very common. However, compared to the third number on the list, Selangor is a paradise on Earth, because murders and kidnappings with subsequent ransom demands do not occur often there.

4. Fortaleza, Brazil (83.90)

In the most dangerous city in Brazil, you must always be on guard and not put your phone or valuables in your pockets. Perhaps only in the inner ones, and even in the pocket of panties. And it's not a joke. They know how to steal in Fortaleza. And the number of murders in the city is 60% per hundred thousand population. In addition, kidnappings for ransom are not uncommon.

3. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (84.23)

The main criminal element is concentrated in the local slums (townships) and it is highly not recommended to enter them even during the day. Murders, robberies and violence are not uncommon there. And white tourists are at particular risk. In Pietermaritzburg there is a serious problem of school crime and the police carry out entire raids to confiscate weapons from black high school students. However, all tourist areas (restaurants, shopping centers, shops, attractions) are guarded and you can feel relatively safe there.

2. San Pedro Sula, Honduras (85.59)

The second largest city in Honduras is rife with drug trafficking, murder and police brutality, who often brutalize not only gang members, but also those who pass by. There are 169 murders per 100 thousand people in San Pedro Sula.

1. Caracas, Venezuela (86.61)

The list of the most dangerous cities in the world is headed by the capital of Venezuela, where the urban center (still relatively safe in terms of crime) is surrounded by poor areas, where the unwary traveler will be robbed, tried to sell drugs or beaten (or all three) with great pleasure and dexterity. You shouldn’t rely on the police for help; they don’t look into dangerous areas. Yes, and near a fashionable hotel, a tourist can be waylaid by criminals, but not alone, but by representatives of gangs. In general, you should not choose Caracas as a city for a relaxing holiday.


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