Hell is empty, all the devils are here from here. Hell is empty. All the demons are here. W. Shakespeare. These are developed people who are balanced within themselves, they think and feel synchronously, without separating these processes, which allows them to see and penetrate with their consciousness into the depths of the context

25/4/17, 03:00 pm

One day a good man was talking with God and asked him:
- Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is...

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one and led him inside. There was a huge round table, in the middle of which stood a huge bowl filled to the top with delicious-smelling food.
The kind man felt his mouth water.
But the people sitting around the table looked hungry and sick.
They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands. They could reach the bowl of food and scoop up the food, but the handles of the spoons were so long that they could not bring them to their mouths.
The good man was shocked by the sight of their misfortune.
The Lord said:
- You just saw Hell.

Then he led the good man to the second door and opened it.
The picture that opened was identical - the same huge round table, the same giant bowl that made your mouth water. The people sitting around the table held the same spoons with very long handles.
Only this time they looked well-fed, happy and noisy.
The good man said to the Lord:
- I don't understand...
“It’s easy,” the Lord answered him, “these people just learned to feed each other.”
Hell and Heaven are structured the same way.
The difference is within us.

CHARACTERS Alonzo, King of Naples. Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo return. But help me take off my magic cloak! He forced my servants to serve himself, lured my friends to him; city ​​gate , He let His accomplices into Milan, And that same night we were taken into exile by His minions. You wept bitterly... Miranda Alas! I don’t remember how I cried then, But now I’m crying about it again: There are enough reasons for my tears. Command - and Ariel will fulfill everything! deserted place He sighs, wringing his hands in anguish. Prospero What have you done with the royal ship, with the sailors and with the rest of the fleet? Or did he make his way into the ice-bound bowels of the Earth? Hey Caliban! You rude brute! Have pity! Ariel The ship is anchored in that bay, Where you called me one night at midnight to collect the dew of Bermuda. ! But if I were where they speak it, I would be the first of all who speak it! Prospero (to Ferdinand) Follow me! Do you hear? Obey!

I locked the entire crew tightly in the hold: There the sailors were lulled to sleep by their fatigue and my magic.

And the royal fleet, which I scattered across the Mediterranean Sea, has united again and is on its way Home to Naples, with sad news: After all, everyone saw that the ship crashed and that the king died.

Prospero Yes, Ariel!

You completed the assignment perfectly.

But there is more to it. What time is it now? Ariel It's already past noon. Prospero Two hours, no less.

We have to get everything done before six.

Ariel Are you sending me to new labors?

Let me remind you then, sir: After all, you promised me... Prospero How? Discontent? What do you want from me? Ariel of Freedom!

Neighbors turn into a threat, and life next to them becomes unbearable - there are no good neighborly relations, there are only enemies and this is bad for both sides.

Peace can be restored only in one case - if the warring side wants to have peaceful ties, and if a person does not want to, then you cannot force him to be friends with someone.

Those who know how to live in peace do not need to be persuaded, they themselves are interested in peace, this determines their quality of life - those who do not know how to do this need to be persuaded, convinced, stimulated to peace.

Ishaya Gisser - about working with people, the tireless search for answers and the relationship of religions (fragment of the article), - edited in the tone of the topic - Svetlana Oriya


25 Timeless William Shakespeare Quotes

1. Silence is not a sign of soullessness at all. Only that which is empty from within rattles.

2. So sweet is honey that it finally disappears ek. Too much flavor kills the taste.

3. We get irritated over trifles when we are offended by something serious.

4. Mother nature is wise, but her son is brainless.

5. Where words are few, they have weight.

6. Love flees from those who chase it. And those who run away are thrown on the neck.

7. Folly and wisdom are caught just as easily as infectious diseases. Therefore, choose your comrades.

8. Hell is empty. All the devils are here.

9. Most people prefer stupidity to wisdom, because stupidity makes you laugh, but wisdom makes you sad.

10. Men look like April when they are courting, and like December when they are already married.

11. The hope of pleasure is almost as pleasant as pleasure itself.

12. Don’t make the furnace too hot for your enemies, otherwise you will burn yourself in it.

13. The success of a witty word depends more on the ear of the listener than on the tongue of the speaker.

14. What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose, whether you call it a rose or not.

15. Every madness has its own logic.

16. You can fall in love with beauty, but you can only love the soul.

17. The crow will smear its wings with mud. No one will notice anyway. And the swan, despite all its efforts, will not be able to remove the stain from its whiteness...

18. With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it.

19. A coward dies in every danger that threatens him, but a brave man dies only once.

20. The poor squashed insect suffers just like a dying giant.

21. Three rules for achieving success: know more than others; work harder than others; expect less than others.

22. There is nothing good or bad in this world. There is only our attitude towards something.

23. The best thing is a directly and simply spoken word.

24. Vows made in a storm are forgotten in calm weather.

25. You are so eager to judge the sins of others - start with your own and will not reach others.

(from internet resource)


Change is on the horizon
There are people who feel the weight of life's problems on themselves, their loved ones, and in the environment, but feel completely helpless - especially when listening to news that does not contain answers to improve their lives.

And those who are supposed to improve life in their positions create these problems by managing public life in such a way that it regularly fluctuates from very bad to just bad.

And there are people who have gone through all these zones of experience (if not thisy, then definitely in past lives), they have freer views and they are not tied to any ideology, they have free creative thinking, they have an excellent command of information, know the laws, are oriented in current events and therefore have a very non-standard view.

They are the ones who observe what is happening, understanding the causes and consequences of problems, are able to analyze situations, research them, stock up on knowledge and patience.

They can formulate their opinion, conduct a reasoned dialogue, and influence with their thoughts the majority of people who have an interest and desire to better understand what is happening.

These are developed people who are balanced within themselves, they think and feel synchronically, without separating these processes, which allows them to see and penetrate with their consciousness into the depths of the context.

They know how to cooperate, they distinguish quality, they do not need double standards to hide their mistakes - they are open and responsible. They are not interested in the struggle of one group against another - they are the ones who will be able to develop solutions that will form the basis of reforms and bring the necessary healthy changes to the entire society.

In every country there are such people who are potential for the whole society, they work in different fields of activity, they are not only innovators in their profession, but they are people with a different consciousness.

They value their life and know how to enjoy themselves, spreading positive impulses around them - the lives of other people are of the same value to them, so they are not indifferent to what is happening in their society.

I described people who are aware of their wisdom, which is free from embarrassment and complexes, free from old standards and patterns - political, social, personal.


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