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Impeachment translated from English means “mistrust, doubt.” The president is the first person in the state. If he fails to fulfill his responsibilities, parliament or another government body has the right to put forward a “vote of no confidence” in him.

What is presidential impeachment?

This term “migrated” to the Constitutional legislation of Russia from the USA. What does impeachment of a president mean? different countries Oh? This is a procedure for bringing to legal responsibility and subsequent removal from office a senior government official. Actions are performed according to the following scheme:

  • The “culprit” is charged with criminal offenses.
  • The formation of the conclusion takes place in the lower house of the Legislative Body.
  • The court verdict is made by the upper chamber.
  • Reasons for impeaching a president

    If in Russian Federation the main reason for the process is treason against the state, then in America and others Western countries oh this list is much longer. A high position requires compliance with legal and constitutional norms, utmost honesty, and the publication of information of national importance. Impeachment is the removal from power of a president who violates the established order and fails to cope with his official duties. The main reasons for starting the trial:

  • High treason (for example, in the USA this concept means military actions against America, supporting enemies, joining their ranks).
  • Other serious criminal acts: bribery; violation of civil rights specified in the Constitution, perjury, obstruction of justice; concealment of information of national importance.
  • Inability to perform direct duties due to health reasons.
  • Who can announce impeachment?

    In Russia, the process is initiated by the State Duma, in the USA – by the House of Representatives. The application goes to the Judiciary Committee, which formulates the “provisions of impeachment.” If the majority of members of the House of Representatives (USA) or 2/3 of the State Duma deputies (Russia) vote for them, then further progress is given to the matter. Who impeaches a president at the end of trials? The Senate (USA) or the Federation Council (Russia) considers the testimony of witnesses. The Chief Justice presides over the impeachment trial. He will also publish the adopted conclusion.

    How to impeach a president?

    The Federation Council (Russia) or the Senate (USA) makes the final verdict. In those countries where the Constitution does not provide for a procedure for removing the president from office, a popular referendum is held. At the 1st stage of voting, at least 1% of the votes of voters who previously voted for the approval of the candidate for the position of senior management must be collected. At stage 2, the number of votes must be at least 20%. At the last stage, the number of voters in favor of impeaching the president must be more than 50%.

    The main stages of the impeachment procedure

    In Russia, the impeachment procedure was carried out 3 times: twice in 1993 and in 1999. The procedure for conducting it was borrowed by the United States from Great Britain, and by Russia from America. Russian President Boris Yeltsin came under judicial pressure 3 times, Americans Richard M. Nicholson, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Brazilian Dilma Rousseff (the trial was completed on August 31, 2016).

    Impeachment - what is it from a legal point of view? In the Russian Federation, the process is regulated by Art. 93:

  • The State Duma issues an indictment for treason or other serious crimes.
  • Supreme Court makes a decision on the presence of signs and motives of a crime.
  • The Constitutional Court of Russia regulates compliance with the procedure established when a guilty verdict is issued.
  • The conclusion on the removal of the president from his position is announced - it is made by the Federation Council.
  • Impeachment - what is it in the USA, and according to what scheme does it occur? The process is carried out in 2 stages:

    • Stage 1 - a guilty verdict is brought forward by representatives of the Chamber;
    • Stage 2 – the conclusion is made by the Senate.

    Impeachment - examples

    An event that fits the working pattern of Western countries is the impeachment of the President of Brazil. The process began on December 2, 2015. The chairman of the lower house, Eduard Kuhn, accepted and considered the request to start a trial against President Dilma Rousseff. The presidential impeachment procedure lasted 2 years. Crimes related to:

    • unacceptable mistakes in government management during the period of execution job responsibilities;
    • covering the misuse of funds, violation of paragraphs V, VI of Article 85 of the Brazilian Constitution, Article 36 of the Law on Fiscal Responsibility;
    • development of 6 budget decrees, 2 of which were declared invalid.

    You can often hear the word “impeachment” on TV screens. What is this in simple words? Who was subjected to this procedure and in which countries?

    Usually, he is remembered during a political or economic crisis. You can learn more about this from the article.

    Definition of the concept

    The word has English roots and is translated as “distrust.” What is impeachment? This definition implies a special judicial procedure for officials with their subsequent removal from their positions. An official means both a minister and a president.

    History of origin

    The meaning of impeachment originated in the fourteenth century in England. received the right to bring the king's ministers to trial by the lords. The basis was a criminal case. Previously, only the ruling monarch had the right to make such a decision.

    Over time, this procedure was enshrined in US law. Judges and governors may be subject to impeachment.

    In the legislation of different countries

    Now it is clear what impeachment is. In simple words, this is the removal from office of a public servant. There is a similar procedure in most states. Basically, the issue of impeachment is decided at the government level. However, in Liechtenstein the procedure for removing a prince from power is carried out on the basis of a popular referendum.

    In the United States, the question of impeachment is put forward in the House of Representatives. Then there must be a majority vote (two-thirds) in the Senate.

    In Ukraine, the institution of impeachment relates to the office of the president. This is described in the third article of the Constitution. The Verkhovna Rada removes him from power. 226 deputies or more must vote. The reason could be another crime.

    "Impeachment Parade"

    To better understand what it is in simple words (impeachment), real examples should be given. In Europe, there are practically no cases of cases being completed. I can only remember 2004. Paksas was accused of granting citizenship to businessman Yuri Borisov in exchange for a donation of four hundred thousand dollars. Rolandas Paksas did not admit his guilt, but was suspended.

    The situation in the states is much more interesting South America. So in Brazil the Senate opposed the president. Fernando Colora di Melo resigned, but the government decided to see the matter through. The president was impeached on charges of corruption.

    The Venezuelan government brought a similar charge against Carlos Perez. The president was removed from power and placed under house arrest for two years.

    In 1997, a trial began in Ecuador against Abdala Bucaram. He was accused of several counts: illegal use of armed forces, inappropriate behavior and corruption. As a result, the Ecuadorian "dancing enthusiast" emigrated to Panama.

    In 2000, an incident occurred in Peru. The President fled the country to Japan. The reason for this was mass protests, which were provoked by corruption among Alberto Fujimori’s entourage. The leader of Peru resigned, but Congress did not accept it and brought the impeachment procedure to an end. He was accused of "persistent moral failure."

    Sometimes impeachment led to worsening relations with other countries. So in 2012, in Paraguay, the president was accused of improper use of his official duties. Parliament removed him, but many states Latin America They considered that a coup d'état had taken place in Paraguay and recalled their ambassadors.

    In the United States, three attempts were made to remove the president: Richard Nixon. But in two cases they were acquitted by the Senate, and Nixon resigned without waiting for the government's decision.

    In the legislation of the Russian Federation

    In Russia there is also an institute that is difficult to understand in simple words. The procedure is described in the ninety-third article of the country's constitution. If the president has committed a crime, the State Duma brings charges against him. The Supreme Court and the Federation Council also give their confirmation.

    Attempts to remove Boris Yeltsin

    The meaning of impeachment lies not only in the removal of a president or a senior government official from office. It is necessary to bring him to trial. Although most often there is talk of impeachment when the president and the government cannot agree. What impeachment of a president is is also known in the Russian Federation.

    In Russia, three attempts were made to carry out the removal procedure. All of them were directed against Boris Yeltsin. The first time this happened was in 1993, but by decision of a popular referendum the president retained his post. In the same year, another conflict situation arose between the leader of the state and government officials. To resolve it, we had to use weapons.

    In 1998, a parliamentary commission was created under the State Duma. She prepared charges for which Yeltsin was threatened with impeachment, but none of the points received a majority of votes from deputies.

    Every removal from power carries political consequences. Even if it was done in a legal way.


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