Double-decker Russian Railways cars. New passenger cars: reviews. Double-decker Russian Railways cars: description, photo Double-decker train luggage on the second floor

According to Russian Railways' plans, by 2020 almost all long-distance train cars will be replaced with double-decker ones. Their advantages for the only Russian company providing passenger rail transportation are obvious. Double-decker cars are almost 2 times more spacious than regular ones, and this allows you to get a lot more money in one trip. And the passengers themselves will probably find the new unusual motorhomes quite comfortable.

A little history

Currently, only two double-decker trains run on the country's roads: Moscow-Adler and Moscow-St. Petersburg. The cars for both trains were assembled at the Tver plant. This design is by no means a modern invention. Such carriages plied the roads of our country back in 1905. By the way, they were produced by the same Tver plant. A century later, the management of this enterprise decided to revive the old project. Of course, the new double-decker cars of Russian Railways bear little resemblance to their counterparts of the last century. They are made from modern materials and have a more advanced shape. Well, of course, there can be no comparison between these two models in terms of technical equipment.

Differences from conventional carriages

The new trains traveling from Moscow to Adler and St. Petersburg have another interesting feature. The types of Russian Railways passenger cars are different - reserved seat, general, SV, KB, etc. Double-deckers are classified as compartment cars. There is no reserved seat or SV here. Tickets for such a carriage are not too expensive. You will have to pay a little more for the trip than for a reserved seat on a regular train.

Features of double-decker carriages that are unusual for domestic travelers include the presence of compartments and toilets intended for the disabled, a bar (in addition to the restaurant), and magnetic cards for opening/closing compartments. Those who like to spend their free time on the Internet will certainly appreciate the availability of free Wi-Fi and 220 V sockets near each lower berth on trains. The double-decker Russian Railways cars look very modern and quite stylish inside.

Conductor's compartment

In addition to a standard sink, there is a microwave, a thermopot and a coffee machine. If you wish, you can ask the guide to warm up the food you took with you or order coffee. The control panel no longer flashes strange colored lights. In double-decker carriages it is more similar to those found in the steward's cabin on an airplane. The conductor can regulate the climate in compartments and corridors, as well as administer magnetic access systems. The same remote control also controls the car's power system. Among other things, the conductor's room is equipped with a video surveillance screen. The cameras themselves are installed in the corridors of both floors.

Passenger compartment

In addition to sockets, there is a radio point. Unlike regular trains, you can catch your favorite channels on your own. Each compartment, as in a regular train, has a folding table and four berths. The new double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped quite well. However, their passengers will have to experience some inconveniences. For example, there are no third shelves in the compartment for luggage. All suitcases and large bags will have to be placed under the lower berth. Of course, due to the design of the carriages, the ceilings in the compartments are much lower.

The sleeping berths in double-decker trains are quite long, but still somewhat less comfortable than in regular trains. Firstly, the windows in the compartment of a double-decker train are located very low. Therefore, you won’t be able to lie down and admire the landscapes passing by. Secondly, due to low ceilings, there is very little free space on the upper shelves. It’s not possible to sit with your legs dangling down in any case.

In addition to Wi-Fi and radio, the compartments of double-decker cars are equipped with climate control systems. The doors have magnetic locks. You can open/close them using a special card. Of course, there is also individual lighting for passengers in the compartment.


A passenger who has just entered a double-decker carriage will not see anything particularly new (except for the stairs leading up). Externally, the corridors are very similar to those that everyone is used to seeing on long-distance trains. There are dry closets on both sides, and a carpet is laid out on the floor. The only difference is the location of the windows (almost near the floor) and lower ceilings. On the second floor there is a mirror in the corridor. It is necessary so that people going up and down the stairs can see each other in order to avoid collisions. On the lower and upper floors, the corridors are made from different sides. Therefore, double-decker passenger cars of Russian Railways are quite convenient in terms of observing the landscapes rushing past while moving.


Moving from carriage to carriage on a double-decker train is safer and not as scary as on a regular train. Passengers will not hear anything rattling or clanking here. The vestibule doors also do not slam, but close and open automatically using a special button. Smoking on double-decker trains is strictly prohibited. Therefore, there are no ashtrays in vestibules. It is unlikely that you will be able to smoke in the toilet. Control systems are installed here. Smoking passengers can relax with a cigarette only after getting off the train at the stations.


Many passengers consider the double-decker carriages of Russian Railways to be quite comfortable due to the presence of new, modern bathrooms. In appearance and functionality, they are more similar to airplane toilets. The stops do not close on time, which, of course, is good news. Each toilet has a comfortable toilet, a neat sink, a mirror and a hand dryer. There is no top-opening trash can under the window opposite the bathroom on double-decker trains. Instead, several containers are installed. The garbage is sorted by type.

Dining car

Of course, passengers on the double-decker train have the opportunity to have a tasty lunch on the way. Actually, the restaurant hall itself with tables and comfortable sofas is located on the second floor of the carriage. On the first floor there is only a kitchen and a bar. The dishes are prepared by highly qualified chefs. They are served upstairs in a special mini-elevator. The second one is exactly the same and is intended for lowering dirty dishes. The cost of meals in the dining car of a double-decker train is quite acceptable for people of average income. For soup or borscht, for example, you will have to pay about 250 rubles. Non-alcoholic soft drinks are available at the bar.


Thus, we have found out how a double-decker passenger train car differs from a regular one. Next, let's look at how service in such trains is different from service in regular ones. So, the ticket price for a double-decker train includes:

  • bed sheets;
  • packed lunch, including yoghurt, sausage, tea bag, bun and mineral water;
  • magazines, newspapers.

Ticket price

The price of a travel document depends on the time of its purchase. The fewer seats left in the carriages, the higher the cost of tickets. The road from Moscow to St. Petersburg, if you buy a travel document the day before the train departs, will cost about 3,500 rubles.

Disabled spaces

The designers who developed the double-decker Russian Railways cars also took care of people with disabilities. If necessary, you can get into the carriage without getting out of the stroller. For this purpose, a special platform is provided at the entrance. A disabled person in a wheelchair simply drives onto her, and she lifts him into the carriage. In addition to special compartments, there are also special wide toilets for people with disabilities.

Double-decker Russian Railways cars: reviews

As you can see, a trip in such a train will cost a little less than traveling in a regular train compartment. In this aspect, passenger reviews of double-decker trains are enthusiastic. Many people also like the introduced technical improvements. Although Wi-Fi is not available in many places along the route, it is still available in the carriages. The opportunity to listen to your favorite music on the radio is also good news. In general, the double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped better than even some of the old branded ones.

However, reviews of new formulations are not always so rosy. Of course, double-decker cars also have some disadvantages. Passengers primarily include:

  • Service. Since there are more people in a double-decker carriage than in a regular carriage, and the number of conductors has not changed, you will have to wait longer, for example, for tea.
  • Risk of injury. When moving, the double-decker train sways very much. The stairs in the carriages are quite steep.
  • Overcrowded toilets. In a regular compartment car there are 2 for 36 seats (one for 18 people), in a two-story carriage - 3 for 64 (1 for 21 people).
  • The absence of third shelves, of course, also does not add convenience to the carriages.

As you can see, on the one hand, double-decker cars are beneficial to the Russian Railways company and are quite convenient for passengers. You will have to pay less for a trip in this composition. However, passengers on the new trains will still have to experience some discomfort, primarily due to cramped conditions. For clarity, a little higher in the article, a diagram of a double-decker Russian Railways car is presented to your attention.

I have already shown an aerial photo from and, and now it’s the turn of the double-decker carriage with which I returned from the Kuban borders. A very interesting experience that I deliberately asked for. So, for the return trip, I took a ticket for the bottom berth in the second floor compartment, seat 109. The train goes very quickly, less than 19 hours from Krasnodar to Moscow. But his passage there is very inconvenient - around four in the morning. However, what can’t you do for the sake of an interesting experiment! :)

Below is a story not about the path, but about the two-story building itself and its passenger properties.
Let's look at what's good about it and what's inconvenient, and what the overall balance is.

Double-decker train No. 104 at Liski station

2. 04.10 am. We are waiting for our train on the platform of the Krasnodar station, it has already been announced. Now Anapa, the usual one, will come to the neighboring track, and in five minutes our One Hundred and Fourth will come.

I have already published a video of his arrival, but I will repeat it here again:

3. The carriage is tall, unusual for our region. If I understand correctly, it remains 75 cm from the top point to the contact network. The first floor is below the usual level, the second is much higher.

The train has arrived, I get on. Seven more people sit down, despite the night. Behind me is a mini-scandal: the next passenger’s conductor does not allow the person seeing him through, who wanted to carry a heavy suitcase upstairs. According to the instructions, the conductor is right - the parking time is less than 7 minutes, but dragging a suitcase up the steep stairs to the second floor is also not a fountain. She didn’t let me in.

4. And here is the passage of the second tier, in the light of the lamps. The windows are unusually low, at stomach level; Below there will be a daytime photo with people, you can see it more clearly there. This photo clearly shows the emergency exit of the 2nd floor from the passage side. By the way, it’s interesting: the passage of the 2nd floor is located above the compartment of the 1st floor. So, when they walk and sit down at the stations, the stomping is heard by those riding on the first tier.

5. Early in the morning we drove through Rostov-Glavny. Those leaving and entering are filmed en masse “against the background” - the train is perceived as very unusual, after six months they have not gotten used to it.

6. Here's more :) And even on the stages, people look at the train with curiosity, or even take out their phones to take pictures.

Well, now let's look at the coupe.

7. The very first thing the eye falls on are the sockets. Yes, there are two of them per compartment, at the head by the window! And this is very good. Finally the energy is with us! But the window became noticeably smaller. It’s good that the light panels were placed not on the side, but directly along the lying course - now the light does not fall on the opposite passenger. But... The curtains have completely disappeared - which the FPC apparently recognized as an unnecessary rudiment. So now you won’t be able to shield yourself from the sun - only if you lower the thick visor and plunge into the darkness.

8. The most radical change is that the space on the top shelf has decreased. And strongly. Although, to be fair, on the first floor of the carriage there is more space for the “upper” ones. But here, on the second - very little. Now it’s no longer possible to even sit on top. Just lie down, or stand up, but remain in a half-bent position. However, a 7-9 year old child can sit down, but not an adult.

9. Tea is served in glass holders, honoring traditions. For the first time, I came across not just a standard Russian Railways cup holder, but also one with an overprint below “JSC FPK”. The tea they give is Greenfield mesh tea, not trashy. This is good. A glass with tea leaves - 20 rubles, with sugar-lemon - 30 rubles. The ticket also includes meal kits, they are located further by the window. Water 0.25, mini pate, two biscuits, waffles, jam, plastic cutlery and something else.

10. The required set includes a press (pictured). We traveled on May 4, the press was for April 29-30. Second freshness, frankly speaking;)

11. Linen included, hygiene kit (brush, toothpaste, napkins).

12. The train is positioned with wi-fi. In the corridor there is a coverage map showing solid speed values.

13. In real life, everything is much more prosaic: the network is taken from Megafon’s 3G traffic, so where it is - that is (10-15% of the travel time), and where it is not - don’t blame me. There are at large stations, in some places closer to Moscow after Ryazan, near Rostov and its satellite cities... perhaps that’s all. The routers are located right next to the passages down the stairs; my Wi-Fi connection in the carriage was excellent. But this, as you understand, is not identical to the presence of the Internet.

14. The overhead storage bins, of course, have disappeared. On the first floor too. Now the passenger in the top bunk can only place his luggage at the bottom, sharing space with the “lower” ones. That is, relative to a regular compartment car, the luggage space for 4 passengers has decreased by approximately 2.2 times - taking into account the slightly reduced distance under the bottom bunk.

15. However, the most important ambush for the “summer” passengers became clear already in the middle of the day, in the Michurinsk area. It turned out that the car's designers placed the air conditioning not only at the top, from the roof, but also at the bottom under the window, shown by the arrow. And if, God forbid, you lay down to rest your head against the window on a pillow, then the air will blow right into your ear. In general, a sure way to get ear infections and colds on the way to the resort. We, of course, did not expect such an ambush - upon arriving home, I had to suppress the creeping cold with a heavy dose of vitamin C.

The three of us were traveling in a compartment; a neighbor with her 9-year-old son also got in at night in Krasnodar. Interestingly, she also took a ticket to the second floor, partly out of curiosity to try it. Partly because of the speed, the train goes very quickly and arrives in Moscow at 11 pm. In general, along the way, she and I discussed what was good there and what was not.
Then I also got into a conversation with the conductor - a Krasnodar Armenian woman of about fifty. She was such a talkative person, friendly, but corrosive. I ask:
- And there are only two of you left for the carriage, after all, there are 2 floors?
- Yes, it remains that way...
- Is it hard to constantly climb stairs back and forth, from floor to floor?
- Well, bear with us... we’re used to it... but it’s difficult to go down after a while, you get tired. Going up is not nearly as tiring as going down frequently. Especially with tea or laundry in hand.

16. The conductor was so imbued with my interest in the carriage that she opened an unoccupied compartment and gave me the opportunity to take pictures. General view of the shelves and space.

And the shelves here were put in place, short ones... Not transformers.
- Yes, I can see it.

17. The shelves are really short, reserved seat. And tougher than in the new Tver coupes. I found it uncomfortable to lie down. The general feeling is “clean, but poor.” A sort of coupe-light. The most unpleasant thing is that they were shortened not only in length, but also in width - they became narrower. Not much, 2-3 centimeters - but you can really feel it!

18. The door on the inside is completely mirrored.

19. Another serious minus - now you can’t just move the pillow to the other side and lay your head down on the aisle, as in Ammendorf (if, for example, air conditioning is blowing into your head or the sun is shining directly in your face, without curtains). There is a big gap and the pillow falls down. Pichalka. The shelves are short...

20. We were not given cards from the compartment. But there is a technical possibility.

21. A big plus of the bottom shelf of the second floor is an ideal high view of the area. In addition, the glass on the second floor has fewer contamination factors, so it is clean and good to look at. But if you were unlucky and took a ticket to the top, then alas. You can’t look from there, or look in the aisle - you have to bend double.

22. This is what ordinary trains look like if you look at them from our level.

Now let's get out of the compartment and walk around the carriage.

23. Here you can estimate the height of the second floor corridor and the level of the windows. The windows are good for a child 6-9 years old, and in the aisle tall men, somewhere from 180, are forced to bend down.

24. Let's go to the first level. A ladder with a mirror - you can see if anyone is coming from below. A wi-fi router is also visible. Under the mirror is a trash can.

25. Let's go down...

26. And here it is, the first floor.

27. He is, of course, freer than the second. The distance to the ceiling is higher, the windows are at a comfortable level for an adult. In general, driving here is noticeably more comfortable. I didn’t dare rent the inside of the compartment with other people, but it was clear that the top bunk had more space on top. The windows do not open anywhere - only air conditioning. If he’s not there, the air feels a little stale.

28. At the non-working end there are three toilets. They are united on 2 floors. Previously there were 2 toilets with 36 seats, here there are 3 with 64 seats.

I also took off the toilets, remembering the blogger law “there is no successful trip without photographing the glasses,” but they were very smudged, as luck would have it. So, just take my word for it - narrow, but very clean. Everything is inside, from wipes to moisturizer and liquid soap. Bio toilets also work at stations.

31. Passage from carriage to carriage. Here you need to press a button, and not open it mechanically with a handle. The door slides back if not blocked.

32. View from the toilets to the first floor from the compartment.

33. In the working side of the car there is a service compartment for conductors and a working compartment.

34. There is a mini-buffet right there, you can buy sweets, water, and chewing gum. An unpleasant change - the titanium with boiling water was halved and hidden by the conductor. Now you can’t just walk up to him and get some boiling water at any time, even at the station, even when the conductor has left or is sleeping. Only when it is there:(((

35. We go up again. The tour of the carriage is completed. As a reminder, the 2nd floor is 81-112 seats, the 1st floor is 1-32 seats.

And some views from the platform. Filmed in Liski, where we stood for 15 minutes.

36. Comparative view of a 2-story carriage and a tall covered carriage on the other side.

37. Exit from the carriage. Yes, the doors are now only with one sides.

38. The height of the car in comparison with the locomotive (driven by the newest EP20).

39. ...and arrival under the arches of the Kazansky railway station in Moscow. End of the road.

Overall balance: on the ground floor - closer to a normal compartment and more comfortable; on the second - it’s cramped and worse in size than the reserved seat.
The view at the top is perfect, good. Carrying things around is hard. Space for things has been reduced by more than half.
You can drive it just for fun, but in general it’s better to drive in a regular, simple coupe.

Then I'll try to tell you more

The other day I was traveling from Moscow to Kazan on a new double-decker train. Russian Railways has several such trains. They mainly run between Moscow and Sochi, but they also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price is less than a regular coupe.

So, in this composition there is no reserved seat. Only coupe and St. Since the carriages are double-decker, it is logical that there are more passenger seats in one carriage than in a regular single-decker. Accordingly, the price should be lower. Let's see.

1. Russian Railways now has a new pricing system. If, for example, you look at tickets for this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the diagram of a double-decker carriage looks like on the Russian Railways website. You can choose your seat when purchasing a ticket:

3. On the platform of the Kazan station, the train looks, to put it mildly, unusual. In aviation parlance, this train is wearing Olympic livery. They launched it for the Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go into the carriage:

5. Workspace for conductors. Here, as in the old carriages, there is boiling water. There is no boiling water on the second floor:


7. At the entrance on the left there is a staircase leading to the second floor, exactly the same on the other side of the car. Just below the first floor compartment.

8. Since my ticket was on the second floor, the photos will mostly be from there. The first one is exactly the same. We go up to the second floor. A mirror has been installed to prevent collisions with other passengers. Under the mirror there is a trash drawer:

9. Second floor corridor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because... There are two of them in each compartment:

10. Compartments are opened using magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards were not distributed in our carriage. Perhaps because the travel time to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I was traveling in the last compartment on the second floor. One:

12. The compartment is a little cramped. This is felt due to the fact that the distance between the top shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in a reserved seat between the passenger shelf and the luggage rack. Well, maybe a little more:

13. Because downstairs everything is like in a regular compartment. Same volume. Not at all cramped. Sockets on each bottom shelf, very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest disadvantage of double-decker cars is the lack of an upper luggage rack as in a regular compartment. There simply wasn't enough space. All luggage must be placed under the lower shelves:

15. There is also not much space below. There was also some kind of metal casing in my compartment. I suspect that not all compartments have it and, accordingly, there is more space for luggage:

16. One of the advantages is the mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you don’t need to constantly adjust your bed, which treacherously rolled out of its place in the old compartments:

17. There is a mirror on the inside of the door, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There is also a regular, mechanical one:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and look at the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. There are 3 of them per car and located in only one place. They are located at the opposite end of the car from the conductor.

21. The toilet itself. Everything is clean, still new and nice:

The first double-decker cars in Russia were created at the Tver Carriage Works back in 1905.
The history of modern Russian double-decker cars began on June 16, 2009. It was then that Russian Railways OJSC approved the technical specifications for the model range of locomotive-hauled double-decker passenger cars - compartment, SV and staff. The project is being implemented by the Tver Carriage Works.

Serial production of double-decker passenger cars began at TVZ in 2011.

At the moment, double-decker cars run on the following routes:

  1. Moscow - Kazan as part of the branded train No. 23/24 - launch date - June 1, 2015.
  2. Moscow - St. Petersburg as part of the branded train No. 5/6 - launch date - February 1, 2015.
  3. Moscow - St. Petersburg as part of the branded train No. 7/8 - launch date - February 1, 2016.
  4. Moscow - Adler as part of the branded train No. 103/104 - launch date - October 30, 2013.
  5. Moscow - Voronezh as part of the branded train No. 45/46 - launch date - July 31, 2015.
  6. Moscow - Samara as part of passenger train No. 49/50 - launch date - December 3, 2015.
  7. St. Petersburg - Adler as part of the branded train No. 35/36 - launch date - May 28, 2016.
  8. Moscow-Yaroslavl - planned to launch in 2016.

Characteristics of 2-decker cars

Compartment carriage: 64 berths (instead of 36).

SV carriage: 30 seats (instead of 18).

Staff compartment car: 50 seats (instead of 18-24).

Dining car: 44-48 people in the dining room.

The carriages consist of 4-seater or 2-seater insulated compartments located on 2 floors.

Each compartment has: a table, places to lie, stairs for climbing to the top place, mirrors, lamps, shelves for small things. The compartments are glazed with double-glazed windows.

The compartments are equipped with 2 sockets for connecting electric shavers, mobile and other devices with a power of no more than 100 W.

In 2-seater compartments (SV), each seat is equipped with an LCD display for viewing video programs.

Access to compartments is based on individual magnetic key cards.

All carriages are equipped with:

  • three dry closets that can be used during stops;
  • air conditioning and heating systems, which provide a comfortable microclimate;
  • energy-saving LED lamps;
  • comfortable stairs with handrails;
  • compartment for people with disabilities and a wheelchair lift (in the staff car);
  • rigid sealed inter-car passages;
  • video surveillance system, control system, access control and security of a passenger train.

The energy supply is provided by an electric locomotive, which ensures that the train is environmentally friendly.
The staff car is equipped with satellite communications and navigation equipment (GLONASS).

Advantages of 2-decker cars

  • Reducing the cost of travel in compartment and SV carriages by increasing the number of seats in the carriage.
  • convenient schedule and shortest travel time for a larger number of passengers;
  • environmentally friendly operation (cars are created using new technologies, equipment and materials).
  • The composition has become more comfortable for people with disabilities. They have a number of amenities that are not available on regular trains.
  • Each compartment is equipped with electrical outlets (two per compartment).

Disadvantages of 2-decker cars

  • no luggage rack
  • The ceiling height in the compartment of a double-decker car is lower than in a single-decker, so you won’t even be able to sit on the top bunk.

Double decker train photos

Double-decker passenger trains have already gained some popularity in our country. For example, they can be found on the routes "Moscow - Sochi", "Moscow - Kazan", "Moscow - Samara". Last year I traveled in such carriages several times, and today I will compare them in detail with single-decker branded trains. ..

I'll start with the advantages of a double-decker train. Oddly enough, they exist. :-)

Mainly it is the ticket price. Due to the larger capacity of each car, it is lower than for a similar single-decker train.
For example, let's look at the prices for the Moscow - Kazan train on February 2:

If a ticket in a compartment of a single-decker branded train No. 002 costs 3,672 rubles, then a similar seat in a double-decker train costs only 2,075 rubles, which is comparable to the price of a reserved seat in a single-decker. Those. for the same money, you can travel in a higher class.
A two-story SV is also cheaper than a regular one. There are no reserved seats on double-decker trains.

There are other "advantages". For example, in the compartment of a double-decker carriage there are as many as 2 sockets instead of one, and they are located not under the table, but in more accessible places:

You can also note containers for separate waste collection, which I have not yet seen in single-deck cars:

There is, however, the question of how the garbage is removed from them: with the division preserved or not, and where it is sent in the future - I don’t know. But the very fact that people are taught to sort is already a good thing.

And now about the shortcomings. Unfortunately, there are more of them.
Let's start with the ease of entry/exit. When you have luggage or a baby stroller, this is of no small importance. And here the double-decker train loses to its one-decker counterpart. Even if your ticket is in a compartment on the first floor, when entering the carriage you will have to go down a few steps, the floor level here is lower:

The passage to the second floor looks like this:

Don’t forget that getting out of the carriage at the final station will most likely take longer, simply due to the fact that the capacity of a standard double-decker carriage is almost 2 times higher than that of a similar single-decker: 64 people instead of 36.

Of course, the height of a double-decker car is not 2 times higher than a single-decker, but about 1.5. Due to this, passengers have less space to live. The upper shelves on the first floor look like this:

The severity of the problem is not very clear from the photo, so let me clarify that an adult will not be able to sit on the top bunk! You can only sit there lying down or reclining. And climbing onto such a shelf is also extremely difficult; the likelihood of hitting your head on the ceiling is very high. :-)
In single-deck carriages there are no such problems, even less so.

And, in my opinion, this is the main disadvantage of double-decker cars. I wouldn't wish anyone to get a ticket with a top seat...

How such an outrage could appear in a carriage designed and built in the 21st century is incomprehensible to me. After all, in single-deck cars there is a convenient panel with a full-length folding top, with several convenient compartments:

Why was it necessary to return to these grids from the Soviet past? Mystery!

A few words about toilets. There are 3 of them in a double-decker carriage. Of course, bio, i.e. parking lots are not closed. But by simple arithmetic operations we find that in a single-decker carriage there is 1 toilet per 18 passengers (there are 2 of them), and in a two-decker carriage there is 1 toilet per 21 people. Those. the likelihood that he will be busy in the morning when you go to brush your teeth is higher on a double-decker train.

There is no traditional “titanium” with boiling water in double-decker cars:

Instead, there is a regular office cooler in the conductors' compartment. Who cares, for me this is also a minus - what kind of romance with a cooler is now? :-)

On double-decker trains, the ticket price does not include hot meals, as in many single-decker branded trains. Only small sets available

This is how I saw double-decker carriages. And in this short review I tried to remain as objective as possible.

All other things being equal, in the future I will choose single-decker trains, but if I need to save money, I will probably prefer a double-decker compartment car to a single-decker reserved seat car. Still, in my youth I “ate up” on a reserved seat for many, many years to come. And it seems that Russian Railways plans to eventually abandon reserved seat carriages altogether - I think this is the right vector of development.

In principle, if you choose the lower seats, then by and large there is nothing criminally unpleasant in double-decker cars. Yes, they lose in nuances, but someone will be able to travel in a compartment instead of a reserved seat for the same money.

P.S. Yes, I almost forgot about one cool and undeniable advantage of a double-decker carriage - children can run in circles there. Of course, this is much more interesting than going back and forth along the corridor on a regular train. :-)


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