From Pulkovo 2 to 1. An abandoned terminal was opened at Pulkovo airport. Access to the terminal

Reconstruction at St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport is in full swing, but we are ready to give some advice to departing Petersburgers now.

First of all, forget about Pulkovo-2. The former international airport is closed and you do not need to go there. You will fly from the new terminal - either within Russia or abroad. It is located in the same place as Pulkovo-1. That is, by car you need to go to the airport that is further from the city, and the bus from Moskovskaya is number 39, not 13.

The car access route is not obvious. Take your time to leave the main road to the right. You need one of the last branches to the right, the widest one, with signs “Long-term parking”. However, long-term parking is accessible through barriers located on the right. If you go to the left, you will see another row of barriers nearby. Those to the left lead to “Arrival”, those to the right lead to “Departure” with an entrance to the ramp.

It’s better not to go to the left; there are never traffic jams to the right.

The most important thing: you can stay behind these barriers for no more than 15 minutes, after which the protective tariff is activated: 500 rubles per hour. However, the specified time is guaranteed to be enough to see off those departing and return back, or to check in your luggage yourself, and then calmly leave to park your car. However, below, at Arrival, a traffic jam of unknowing motorists and taxi drivers may accumulate, so it is better to meet guests on the upper ramp: an escalator and an elevator lead there from below.

Warnings about protective tariffs are difficult to ignore. But it’s easy to do it in 15 minutes.

Domestic departures are located in the southern part of the terminal, international departures are in the northern part. Separate inspection at the entrance; there may be queues at the entrance to the international part (for example, when tourist buses arrive); There is a smaller queue inside, but inside the hall is common, so you can go anywhere. Moreover, the fastest way to get to the registration hall is through the first floor, where it says “Arrival”: there is also a security check there, and there are never people. In addition, on the ground floor there are shops and catering, including McDonald's, so you can quickly eat something before your flight. From the first floor you will need to take an elevator to the third.

The queue before security at Pulkovo is inevitable due to the peculiarities of the baggage inspection system

A line awaits you, however, before the security check before entering the clean area. Don’t rush there after checking in your luggage: it will only be scanned in five to seven minutes at best, and you will have to wait at the control desk with other passengers. Only after this you can go through regular (left) or priority (right) inspection. There is a temporary business lounge behind priority screening. It is important that it does not announce boarding for flights - you need to follow the general announcements and departure boards.

For domestic flights, one gate with a jet bridge is used: D81; the remaining boarding gates are located in a temporary extension, accessible via the stairs of the same D81. Many people are obviously confused by the “D81” sign, so desperate airport employees wrote by hand that the other gates are further away, you can go there right away, and there are even cafes and toilets there. Moreover, there is another business lounge; however, less comfortable than located on the balcony. The temporary extension will remain in effect until the reconstruction of the old Pulkovo-1 terminal, which will house waiting rooms and gates for domestic flights, is completed. After the opening of the new landing gallery, the information is no longer relevant; we will update the article soon.

All that remains is to paint marks with arrows on the walls with spray paint.

Parking is both good and bad. It’s good because there is a lot of space in the paid parking lot: don’t be confused by the pile-up of cars when entering it: if you go to the far part of the parking lot, to the exit area, you will see an almost empty field: there is plenty of space. At the same time, there is a shuttle bus in the parking lot to the terminal and back. The shuttle itself may look like an inconspicuous minibus, but don’t be afraid of it: it will happily take you from the parking lot to the terminal and back for free. Moreover, you can sometimes stop him by raising your hand if you don’t have time to reach the parking lot.

A guide to an alternative “free parking” - a sign about FC Zenit

Free parking is chronically full; Don’t rely on your ability to fit into any hole: if there are no empty seats, you will most likely spend a lot of time trying to get away from the same seekers, and there are places either early in the morning or late in the evening. There is only one place you can try your luck: turning back towards the city, take the first turn to the right, which will be located approximately opposite the entrance to the free parking lot. There is a small road leading to the construction site and parking is free along this road. True, there is not much space there, and to get to the terminal, you will have to cross a six-lane highway (of course, there is no crossing), and also walk to the shuttle bus. However, the 39th stops right opposite. But since there was such a booze, why don’t those who like free parking leave their car at any other bus stop? For example, at Lenta on Pulkovskoe Highway?

It is easier to find a space in unofficial free parking than in official parking, but it is difficult to call it convenient.

However, for sure, like in other cities, alternative paid parking lots will appear in relative proximity to the airport with a low tariff (for example, in Moscow the standard is 200 rubles per day) and free transportation to the terminal. For those flying away for a long time - a great solution! Or you can

The terminal of Pulkovo-2 Airport in St. Petersburg, which has stood abandoned for the past 4 years, is reopening: it will be used during the World Cup, which will take place this summer. True, if you find yourself in this terminal now, you won’t recognize it: the interior space now looks completely different and slightly post-apocalyptic. Let's take a look together!

Only one half of the terminal, which previously housed the departures area, will be open. It is designed for 1,000 passengers per hour, but it will serve passengers of only one flight at a time - either arriving or departing. This is done to prevent fans of opposing teams from collecting too many likes from each other.

The layout is “reverse”, that is, arriving passengers go in the same place as departing passengers, only in the opposite direction. We will show the full route in photos and videos.

It is interesting that in the terminal passengers will only check in for flights and go through passport control: until this moment no one will be allowed inside, and on the station square there will be a special waiting area with catering establishments, dry closets and tents.

Only passengers of organized charter flights with fans, both domestic and international, will be able to fly from Pulkovo-2. Regular trains are served in a centralized passenger terminal. You can get to Pulkovo-2 and back using special shuttle buses for fans.

To assess the readiness of the infrastructure to receive fans and rehearse the work of services, Northern Capital Gateway announced a recruitment of volunteers to participate in operational tests of the temporary terminal. The testing is supervised by a specially created project team, which includes specialists from several operational departments of the airport. The tests began on April 12 and will last until April 26 (six days in total, two per week). Volunteers recruited by Kelly Services will act as passengers during the simulated standard airport operations and will walk the same route as fans will during championship days. All procedures for departure and arrival are worked out, including obtaining boarding passes in case of loss, checking in and receiving baggage, passing pre-flight inspection, border and customs control. In total, about 1,000 volunteers and over 300 airport and government employees will be involved in the tests.

And now the report:

The advertisement from four years ago is still up, but volunteers are here today

Inside are old airline signs. It is impossible to climb to the second floor gallery, a wall has been built. This part of the terminal was opened 15 years ago.

We purchased new suitcases for the volunteers, with which they will “fly.”

They brought in new reception desks...

All documentation, by the way, is real and is filled out during the test.

Volunteers wearing mandatory vests are allowed into the terminal one by one. Everyone has their own task

For example, I had a NOREC - a passenger missing from PNL. However, they gave me a printed boarding pass right away at the counter, so it’s not even interesting. But the real passenger will do without any hassle.

The luggage is sent to a baggage scanner, the rest are sent straight to pre-flight inspection

Inside, everything is simple: baggage reception is in the clean area on the left, the rest are right up to the stop

The racks are the simplest with improvised weights. They are located just in the middle of the hall

And these are the future passport control booths; they will be placed throughout the hall so that it is impossible to pass by.

But there is no baggage handling system yet. These are the remains of the old, dismantled one.

They promise to install the new one by summer.

In the meantime, the luggage ends up nowhere.

Or rather, it doesn’t get anywhere at all.

The old introscope has not been working for a long time and is just taking up space.

The toilets are still old fashioned

The escalators to the second floor are boarded up, and there are no more boarding bridges.

Here you can relax before your flight

But the equipment is already working at the gates

But there will be no TVs throughout the terminal, as before.

But the views are beautiful

New equipment for passport control was delivered

And they haven’t delivered it to the office premises yet.

But you can wash yourself

Meanwhile, volunteers are fed lunch

This is the diet. Would you mind doing this on an airplane?

If the volunteer is full, then the terminal will be open

The fastest way to get there is by plane, but this method is by no means the cheapest. You can fly from Moscow to St. Petersburg in less than an hour. Planes from Russian cities arrive at Pulkovo-1 airport, located fifteen kilometers from the city.
Air tickets can be purchased at the Aeroflot office (Rubinshteina str., 1/43, tel. 483-55-73), as well as at the Rossiya airline office (Nevsky pr., 61, tel. 1ЗЗ-22-22). It should be noted that “Russia” is the current name of the former Pulkovo Airlines.

How to get to St. Petersburg from Pulkovo Airport 1

The cheapest way to get to St. Petersburg is by buses No. 39 and No. 339; they regularly go to the Moskovskaya metro station. The cheapest way to get to the city from the airport is by city bus 39. It stops right in front of the airport terminal, opposite arrival hall No. 1. In 15–20 minutes it will take you to the nearest metro station “Moskovskaya”, and then you will take the metro. Buses run from 6.30 to 23.30 with an interval of 20–30 minutes. The fare is 16 rubles. (the cost of transporting a piece of luggage is 14 rubles).

How to get from the airport to St. Petersburg by minibus

You can also get to the Moskovskaya metro station by minibus 39. Its stop is located opposite the exit from the arrival zone for domestic flights in sector B. The cost of a minibus is 22 rubles, the travel time is the same.

How to get to St. Petersburg from the airport by taxi

If you prefer to get to your destination by taxi, then the most economical option is to go to the control desk of the Taxi-Lux company in the arrival hall and order a taxi there. The dispatcher will immediately issue you a receipt with a clearly defined cost (usually within 900–1000 rubles) and direct you to a specific car. If you take a taxi on the street, negotiating directly with the driver, you will most likely be charged at least 1,300 rubles. Telephone numbers of the Taxi-Lux dispatch service: 332-59-59 and 333-32-33. In addition, you can call a taxi to the airport from almost any taxi company in the city by phone

St. Petersburg International Airport Pulkovo 2

St. Petersburg Pulkovo-2 International Airport (tel. 104-34-44) is located 17 km south of the city center. There is an ATM in the baggage area. There are also stands with information about taxis, as well as an exchange office, which is open from 10.30 to 21.30. If you arrive later, when this exchange office is already closed, there is an exchange office in the next building that is open longer. Phone cards can be purchased from the cart rental desk in the baggage area.

How to get to St. Petersburg from Pulkova Airport 2

Bus service (route number 13) is very cheap. Minibus taxis (number K-13) are somewhat more expensive. They run every 20 minutes to Moskovskaya Square, from where you can continue your journey by metro. It takes about 20 minutes to get to Moskovskaya Square.
If you have a lot of luggage or don't want to take public transport, you can take a taxi. There are many taxis, both official and unlicensed. Price is negotiable. Getting to the center costs around 1000 rubles, but the first price that drivers name is 1500-2000 rubles. Tourist groups and individual tourists who have booked rooms at the Astoria, Pribaltiyskaya or Grand Hotel Europe are transported to the city by special minibuses.

When leaving St. Petersburg, you need to arrive at the airport in advance, with plenty of time - at least an hour and a half before departure. Allow at least an hour to get from the center by public transport. There is bus number 13 or one of the minibuses that depart from the Moskovskaya metro station to the airport. When boarding a minibus, just in case, check with the driver whether it goes to Pulkovo Airport. Check-in for passengers of foreign airlines begins one and a half hours before departure, and for Aeroflot passengers - two hours before departure. Passengers often have to wait up to half an hour in line to get through the only working metal detector. Then they present your luggage for inspection and get in line for check-in. Then you need to go through passport control.


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