Places of power. Where problems are resolved and balance is found. Places of power of the Urals (November’15) Places of power of Chelyabinsk

The Chelyabinsk region is called by many the most anomalous place in Russia, as it is filled with mystical places, mysterious buildings, monuments with secrets and other things that will give goosebumps to the skin of an ordinary person. Especially in the mining region of the Chelyabinsk region there are many mysterious places. Since ancient times, people have encountered the unknown here. Literally everything in the area is shrouded in mysticism: the foothills, slopes and peaks of the mountains keep secrets that are incomprehensible to human perception.


The leader in the list of the most mystical places in the Chelyabinsk region is, of course, Arkaim. It is located in the south of the region at the foot of the Ural Mountains. This is the most mysterious archaeological monument not only in our region, but throughout Russia. It differs from the others in that four thousand years ago the “owners” of the city burned it and abandoned it, but it is still well preserved. From a bird's eye view, Arkaim looks like two almost perfect circles - these are the main ring streets. In the middle of the city there is a square for performing rituals. The entire layout of the streets with four exits from the city is built like a regular swastika, which in Paleolithic times was a sacred symbol of good luck and light. Arkaim has long attracted Russian and foreign tourists on excursions. Ordinary people claim that while in the fortress, their consciousness changed, their breathing slowed down, and an otherworldly whisper was heard in their ears. There are cases when ordinary people on an excursion could not cope with the force that fell upon them and lost consciousness. Some even temporarily lost their minds and left in an unknown direction. Later they explain this by orders that they heard in their heads and could not resist them. For people with psychic powers, the ancient fortress is a truly energetically rich place. But skeptics explain the energy phenomena simply by the location of Arkaim - in ancient times there was an active paleovolcano here.

Lake Shaitanka

It is located on the western border of the Chelyabinsk region, just south of the city of Asha, on the outskirts of the village of Uk. According to the Encyclopedia of the Ashinsky District, the depth of the lake is 200 meters. It is possible that the lake has not one bottom, but several. Local residents claim that Shaitanka is bottomless, which, of course, is unlikely. If you look at it from the air, its shape is almost an even circle with a very tiny diameter. This is because the reservoir is of karst origin. Even more interesting is that, according to some reports, down there, Shaitanka is connected to a giant underground water system. There is a legend that once upon a time there was a settlement on the shore of the lake, and the swamp that overflowed one day swallowed it up. And as if its depths still spit out smoothly hewn logs to the surface from time to time. According to local residents, robbers used to operate here. They robbed and killed mercilessly. And all the evidence (carriages, corpses) was drowned in this lake. Now the supposedly restless ghosts of innocent victims sometimes appear to those who find themselves on the shore of a reservoir at night. Asha residents also claim that they saw unidentified objects flying several times.

Ignatievskaya Cave

The cave is located in the Katav-Ivanovsky district, near the village of Serpievka. It is one of the most visited caves in Russia, because rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old were discovered in it. Therefore, it is called the oldest art gallery of primitive man in the country. The underground halls and galleries of the cave, located in hard-to-reach places and far from daylight, most likely had sacred significance and served as a place for ritual activities. Ignatievskaya Cave got its name from the cell attendant Ignatius, who lived in the cave and, according to legend, was buried in it. The table on which Ignatius healed has survived to this day. It is split in half, with one of its parts being cold and the other being warm. They say that touching a warm part and prayer can heal any ailment. According to legend, the spirit of St. Ignatius comes out to the edge of the cave at night and looks at the Moon. Tourists at night hear strange voices and footsteps coming from nowhere. In the cave itself and around it, batteries are quickly discharged, flashlight lamps burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, people feel someone’s invisible presence. And in one of the halls it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs - a “white transparent veil” appears on them.

Ilmensky Reserve

The reserve is located in the eastern foothills of the Southern Urals on the Ilmensky ridge, northeast of the city of Miass. In the spring, so-called “bottomless holes” appear in the reserve - gaps where melt water flows. Their diameter is about 15 centimeters, but their depth is so great that it is impossible to determine. It is believed that such holes form UFOs by extracting rare earth elements. However, the geological department of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve itself categorically denied information about the phenomenon of bottomless holes. In addition, in 2004, phenological anomalies were noted here: broom, viburnum, raspberry, and cinnamon rose bloomed in the fall.

Taganay National Park

In the Taganay National Park, located on the mountain ranges near Zlatoust, a full bouquet of anomalies is observed - UFO flights and landings, contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, chronomirages, ghosts, changes in the course of time. People there often feel inexplicable fear and anxiety. They also talk about sound mirages, “walking” fog, frequent ball lightning, rapidly changing weather, and even about Bigfoot and a certain Kialim grandmother.

Lake Itkul and Shaitan stone

Lake Itkul is located in the northwestern part of the Kasli district, local residents consider it “unclean”. Translated from Bashkir, Itkul means “meat lake,” since “it” (“meat”) and “kul” (“lake”). Scientists believe that the lake was given this name because of the abundance of various fish in it. Although there is a version that, on the orders of the Demidovs, several convoys of pork were thrown there in order to drive away the Muslims who lived near the reservoir and were protesting against industrial work. But it is not this fact that Lake Itkul is notorious for, but the fact that in the middle of its water surface the so-called Shaitan Stone rises threateningly. There is a version that in ancient times, sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of the harvest and good weather. Nowadays, many people drown in this place. And those who remain alive say that it is as if some invisible cord is passing through them, as a result of which the body is constrained and it is very difficult to get ashore.

Lake Turgoyak and Vera Island

A small island on Lake Turgoyak near Miass keeps an incredible number of secrets. Local residents say that at the beginning of the last century, the hermit Vera lived on the island in a stone dugout, and even earlier, Pugachev’s ally was hiding here, and in his honor the island was long called Pinaevsky. The oldest historical monument on the island is the Neanderthal site, which is about 60 thousand years old. But the main finds were megaliths - prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks connected without the use of cement or lime mortar. The most interesting is the megalith, which looks like a man-made cave. This is a stone structure measuring 6 by 19 meters. It seems to be cut into a rock and covered with massive slabs. Moreover, the weight of the largest slab is 17 tons. It was not easy for our distant ancestors to move it. It is more correct to call a megalith a dolmen - a burial box covered with a stone slab. It was in this dolmen that Vera supposedly lived. It consists of three chambers and a corridor, its dimensions are quite impressive, and inside you can stand up to your full height. Directions associated with the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the equinoxes and solstices are recorded on the megaliths of the island. Next to the megaliths is a stone mountain on which an iron cross is installed. This mountain is not man-made, it is a remnant, but it still attracts ecstatic visitors to the island today. People climb the mountain, pray, tie bright rags there, and leave food and money. Archaeologists believe that many thousands of years ago the island of Vera was a sacred, holy place, a kind of religious center. At all times, there were many religious buildings here, people came here for secret knowledge, and worshiped the created sanctuaries. There are opinions that there are some bioenergetic strong places within the island. Therefore, people come here to feel inspired, get rid of negative energy, and recharge with positive emotions.

Mahadi-Tash stone

The miraculous stone Mahadi-Tash is located in the Kunashak region near the village of Ust-Bagaryak at the junction of three regions - Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan (on a hillock, on the left bank of the Sinara River, a little above the village). According to the local population, this is a sacred stone; previously it was surrounded by a small fence. Believers took care of this place: they cleaned the stone and removed the garbage. The fence has long been gone, and there are not many true believers left, but still in dry weather you can see women praying by the stone, asking for rain. Mahadi-Tash does not perform other miracles, but it helps with rain. There is also a noticeable dent on it - the mark of Saint Mahadi. They say about Mahadi that he was from the Mishar Tatars, who moved to this area from the Caucasus or Volga. Whether it was a real person or not is now almost impossible to establish. There is also a legend that he descended from heaven onto a stone by the river and performed the ritual of ablution.

Averkin Yama Cave

Averkiev Yama Cave, or as it is popularly called Averkin Cave, is one of the most mysterious and mysterious places in the Southern Urals. It is located near the Old Pier on the rocky bank of the Ai River. The entrance to the cave is a 20-meter drop, inside of which there are two grottoes, as well as an underground lake with drinkable water. The cave is named after the schismatic Kerzhak Averky, who appeared on the shores of Ai over 100 years ago. He lived in this cave for several years and then suddenly disappeared. There are other legends that Averky was an escaped convict hiding from the authorities. One way or another, according to legend, he was helped by local residents who brought food. Some even considered him a saint. Some called him the Ural Rasputin. According to another well-established opinion, the remnants of Pugachev’s army hid here until their death. The gold stolen by Emelyan Pugachev was hidden here. They even say that ancient coins were found in Averkiev Yama. Scientists discovered a cave near Satka in 1924. Then the expedition found a dilapidated stone staircase, a wooden door, a machine of unknown purpose, a bed and human bones. A little later, the remains of an ancient pipeline were discovered in the cave. There is also a mystical story associated with the cave. Local residents know that she has two options. According to legends, in Soviet times, two young men found one of the exits, hidden by a stone, and opened it. One went crazy from what he saw, the second was speechless.

Neighborhoods of Satka and Lake Zyuratkul

From time immemorial, various kinds of legends and tales have been circulating about the surroundings of Satka. Here is the only high-altitude clean lake Zyuratkul on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. It is in these parts that mysterious events associated with the appearance of UFOs and Bigfoot occur. In these parts, people often disappear, and some are lost in one place for several hours, or even days. In February 2001, a UFO in the form of a “luminous pulsating sphere” was even captured on videotape.

Devil's swamp near Miass

The Devil's Swamp is a small lake overgrown with grass and bushes, where various anomalies occur. Although the lake is small, it is impossible to approach it. No matter who tries, everyone is overcome by some inexplicable fear. Residents of nearby villages tell visiting ufologists that they often see barely visible balls in the sky, hovering over this swamp. Only a few days pass after such “reconnaissance”, and at night a mysterious glow appears here. And at least once every six months, the sky above the reservoir seems to be illuminated by a huge, powerful spotlight. On such nights, the village dogs hide in their kennels with their tails between their legs. Livestock, on the contrary, are rushing about in barns and trying to break free. Such mystical nights affect not only animals, but also modern electronic equipment.

Sugomak cave

Sugomak Cave is the only cave in the Urals formed in marble rock. This natural monument is located near the city of Kyshtym. The length of the cave is 123 meters. It is the main local attraction and is a cavity consisting of three grottoes, which are connected by narrow passages. The third grotto is partially filled with water. There, speleologists allegedly found small crustaceans unknown to science. And representatives of Cosmopoisk, using an echo sounder, discovered at least three strange objects here under a layer of silt. The echo sounder showed that disc-shaped hollow structures of unknown origin lie in the lake at a depth of up to eight meters. There are also flooded passages underwater, leading, in all likelihood, to new sections of the cave. According to one of the legends about the cave, there was an exit in the ceiling of the second grotto, which is now blocked; according to another, there are exits in the southern part of Kasli and in the courtyard of the old Kyshtym hospital; according to the third, there are underwater routes to the Kasli lakes, and secret tunnels lead to Kyshtym Demidov's house. They also say that Emelyan Pugachev was hiding in a cave, and the Old Believers lived before him, which is why the second grotto is called “Old Believers”. The boldest assumption was made by Fyodor Konyaev in the book “The Urals and the Bible” (1927), moving biblical scenes to the Southern Urals, proving that Noah on his ark landed at Mount Arakul, and not at Ararat, after which “Noah’s family went to live to Mount Sugomak and lived here in a cave.” The world-famous story of the Kyshtym Aleshenka is also connected with the Sugomak cave, allegedly he was born there, and then came out to people. The mountain itself, in which the Sugomak cave is located, is considered a “place of power.” Local psychics come here to “recharge with energy.”

Kyshtym dwarf Alyoshenka

The small town of Kyshtym is located 80 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. In 1996, an unusual story took place here, which has been worrying not only Russian and foreign ufologists, but also lovers of the supernatural for many years. Despite the many unsaid things, this incredible story is distinguished from thousands of others like it by the presence of photographic and video evidence of its veracity.

It all started in the summer of 1996, when a local pensioner picked up a strange humanoid creature not far from her house - only 25 centimeters tall. The stranger lived with her for two weeks, during which the neighbors saw him, and they confirmed that Alyoshenka was alive, ate sweets and whistled. Eyewitnesses described him as follows: there were no genital organs on his body. Alyoshenka did not even have a navel; her body was gray-green, “like the screen of a turned off TV.” His head, reminiscent of a pointed ancient Russian helmet, seemed to be composed of four petals. There was a small fold in the middle of the face, almost not separating two huge eyes with cat-like vertical pupils. By the way, these eyes did not close with eyelids, but seemed to fall inside the head. The creature had tiny holes where its ears should have been. The mouth was a slit-like slit with two small teeth and a clearly atrophied lower jaw. But the arms and legs were much more mobile than those of people, thanks to the special structure of the joints; the long fingers ended in claws.

When the pensioner’s condition worsened, she was taken to the hospital, but Alyoshenka remained at home. Left in an empty house without the minimal care that his grandmother provided him, the “baby” died. But the house, although sealed, became a godsend for the daughter-in-law’s unemployed roommate, who made a living by stealing and reselling scrap metal. He climbed into the house and found a tiny corpse there, already covered with some kind of larvae. He really liked the “curiosity,” and the man washed it, removed all the insides, “dried it in the sun” and put it in the refrigerator. Alyoshenka was discovered by the police during a search. After it was established that the creature did not belong to the human race, the criminal case of its murder was closed.

The Kyshtym dwarf Alyoshenka himself was taken home by an investigator and placed in the freezer. However, the investigator could not stop without finding out exactly what kind of creature it was and where it came from on Earth. To answer his questions more accurately, an expensive DNA examination was needed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to conduct this study at that time. But the investigator’s wife began to be indignant at the fact that there was a corpse in her refrigerator, and the man had to give the body to unknown individuals who introduced themselves as researchers of paranormal creatures. The further fate of the alien is shrouded in darkness. It was not possible to find those people, and one can only guess where the Kyshtym dwarf Alyosha is now. The mystery of its origin still interests millions of people. Unknown sources report that DNA testing was nevertheless carried out. As a result of this study, it became known that Alyoshenka, the Kyshtym dwarf, is actually a mutated human embryo.

As it turns out, his DNA contains only female chromosomes. This means that Alyoshenka is not a boy at all, but a girl. Scientists attributed the fact that this creature is significantly different from humans to radiation, which is elevated in the zone where it was found. The cause of radiation contamination was the Chelyabinsk accident, which happened in 1957. Therefore, experts do not deny the possibility of a gene mutation that the Kyshtym dwarf could have suffered. According to ufologists from Cosmopoisk, Kyshtym is one of the most popular cities in the world among aliens. Every year, local residents see dozens of unexplained phenomena and UFOs. Creatures similar to Alyoshenka were also found in South America. The last time a “relative” of the “Kyshtym alien” was discovered in Chile was in 2003.

Devil's Gate (Dragon Wings, Stone Gate)

They are located on the northwestern spur of Mount Teplaya (height 615 m). The rocks are an elongated stone ridge at the top of the mountain. But the attention of tourists is attracted by a stone outcrop with an arch. The path will lead you exactly to it. The height of the rocks, composed of granite gneisses, reaches approximately 10 meters. The mountain is surrounded mainly by birch forest - a consequence of frequent logging. The main feature is an oval-shaped through hole, formed as a result of weathering of rocks. The rock in this place turned out to be less stable, so it gradually collapsed under the influence of wind and water. The height of the arch is almost the height of a person. You can climb into it from the south side. To the north the rock breaks off vertically. Once upon a time, the Stone Gate was considered a sacred place where wishes were made. Since ancient times, hunters have come here to beg for good luck and to make their weapons more accurate and deadly. Nowadays, people come here to see, to be amazed by the rock, as well as the magnificent views that open from the mountain to the surrounding area. Fans of esoteric teachings claim that the rock is still a kind of energy point - a “place of power.” Also here, equipment breaks down, batteries run out, people get lost, and other mystical phenomena occur.

Mountain and Lake Sugomak

Not far from Kyshtym there is a low mountain with a bald rocky peak. The height of Mount Sugomak is close to 600 meters above sea level. An interesting fact is that the mountain has not one, but three peaks. There is a saying among local residents: “The first hill, the second hill, the third is the mountain.” Many consider Mount Sugomak miraculous, the so-called “place of power” that heals, fills with health and energy. There are many variations of the legend about a strong and brave warrior named Sugomak and the beautiful girl Egoza. But the main plot line boils down to the fact that the lovers’ relatives are against their union; they belong to two warring families.

Despite all the prohibitions and obstacles, Sugomak and Egoza began to live together away from their tribes. But this decision only increased the hostility of their relatives towards each other. Then the young man and girl turned to the gods for help. They begged for peace and harmony. The wish came true, but at what cost: the Gods turned the lovers into two mountains (Sugomak and Egozu), standing side by side. And the tears that they shed from unhappy love formed the most beautiful Lake Sugomak. They say that Bashkirs still believe in the magical power of the lake and try to come here with their newborns to dip them in the waters of the lake. Perhaps they dream that their sons will become as strong as Sugomak, and their daughters as beautiful as Egoza. Tradition says that the poet and hero Salavat Yulaev appeared among the Bashkirs precisely because his mother bathed him as a newborn in Lake Sugomak

Arakul Shihans

Arakul Shikhany, more often referred to simply as Shikhany, is a granite rock mass of the Middle Urals, the southernmost and highest (more than 40 meters). The Shikhans received their name from the widespread dialectism “shikhan” in the Southern Urals and the name of the Bashkir clan group “uvan” - “high cone-shaped mountain”. The length of the stone ridge, composed of granites, is more than two kilometers. The height of the steep cliffs reaches 60 meters, and the width of the ridge is up to 40-50 meters. They are composed of huge granite slabs and blocks, hewn by the elements over centuries, which gives them an old and majestic appearance. Shikhan resembles the Chinese Wall or an impregnable fortress in appearance. Archaeologists have found several sites of ancient people near the rocks (Bronze Age and Early Iron Age), a total of 13 archaeological sites. The age of the finds varies from the Chalcolithic to the second half of the 19th century. Of particular interest are the man-made depressions located at the top of the ridge. The diameter of such bowls reaches two meters, and the depth reaches a meter.

According to one version, our distant ancestors performed sacrifice rituals and lit ritual fires in these stone bowls. In addition, this place is rich in legends about a certain Grandma Shikhanka, who lives in Arakul Shikhany. Rumor has it that an evil spirit, taking the form of a frail old woman, roams the mountains and brings disaster to tourists. Meeting her does not bode well. They say that those who saw Babka Shikhanka only have time to tell about their meeting, and then they inevitably die. Of course, under the most mysterious circumstances.

Mount Iremel

Mount Iremel is located on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, but on the border with the Chelyabinsk region, from which it is easier to get to the mountain. Iremel is the second highest peak in the Southern Urals. The Bashkirs have long considered the mountain sacred. It was closed to ordinary people. Iremel has its own mysterious story. The name of the mountain came to us from time immemorial, this is what the Turks who inhabited these lands called it (the ancestors of modern Bashkirs). Translated from ancient Turkic, the word “Iremel” means “a place that gives a person strength,” and the name of the village of Tyulyuk, located at the foot of the mountain (founded two centuries ago), is translated as “desire.” It is because of the proximity of Tyulyuk to Iremel that the legend originates that supposedly on the top of the mountain any desires can be fulfilled, you just need to present a gift to the spirits of the mountain. In ancient times, human souls were brought to spirits. According to legend, the priests of ancient peoples performed bloody sacrifices on the top of the mountain in order to appease the gods and beg them for a rich harvest. Nowadays, the mountain is of great interest not only among tourists, but also among esotericists. Sports tourists, nomadic esotericists and simply curious people have recently flooded the mountain. Some jokingly, some in all seriousness, tell their stories about Iremel. Some believe that this is a “portal”, an “energy center” and come here to “recharge”. The most common joke of the mountain is the disappearance and then sudden reappearance of tourists' belongings or the inability to go home. It is believed that spirits guide people, causing them to wander “in three pines.” Ufologists, of whom there are also quite a few, claim that somewhere here there is an underground UFO base and claim that they regularly see “flying saucers.” Sorcerers and psychics come here to collect magical plants. For example, only here does Rhodiola Iremelica, listed in the Red Book, grow. This plant, also called the “golden root,” is included in many alchemical recipes for immortality. Some put Iremel on a par with such iconic peaks as Kailash in Tibet and Belukha in Altai. Psychics say that there is very strong energy here. They classify Iremel as a place of power.

Moskal Ridge (Witch Mountain)

The Moskal ridge is located on the territory of the Zyuratkul National Park, in the southwest of the lake of the same name, in the Satka region. To the west of the ridge is the valley of the Malaya Satka river, and beyond it is the Bolshaya Suka ridge (emphasis on the last syllable). In the north, the Zyuratkul ridge is a continuation. The meaning of the word “Moskal”, “maskal” is derived not from the name Russian, popular among some fraternal peoples, but from the Bashkir “meskey” - “witch”. Hence its second name - Witch Mountain. Among the mountain ranges of the ridge, geologists discovered a unique paleovolcano, and in its crater - a real underground storehouse. The Moskal “box” contains more than 70 minerals. And this is on an area of ​​just one square kilometer. Fans of esoteric teachings compare the Moskal ridge with Tibet, and Mount Big Kalagazu with the sacred Mount Kailash. Unnoticeable to the uninitiated, streams of energy, they say, actually flow in these places. The silence and peace of the surrounding areas promotes spiritual relaxation, meditation and self-contemplation.

Nurgush mountain range

The Nurgush ridge is one of the most beautiful places in the Southern Urals; translated it means radiant (light, magnificent) bird. This is one of the best places for tourists. The main peak of the Bolshoy Nurgush ridge (1406 meters) is the highest point in the Chelyabinsk region. According to reports from tourists and hunters, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you can periodically observe a UFO in the sky above the mountain, and in the surrounding forests you can meet the Bigfoot, the encounters with which Satkinsky local historian Vitaly Cherentsov spoke about on the pages of his book. It was in the vicinity of Nurgush that a cryptozoologist from Chelyabinsk, Nikolai Avdeev, was lucky enough to take a photograph of Bigfoot, but like all materials on this topic, the picture turned out to be blurry and poorly informative. A mysterious and tragic story happened in 2001. While climbing to the top, a 10-year-old boy, Rostislav, disappeared. He climbed up with a group from Zyuratkul, where they had a tourist camp, but in the middle of the way he got tired and asked to go back to the camp. Nobody saw him again. Many search groups searched for the boy for a whole year, they searched very carefully, they combed everything, but alas, he disappeared without a trace. According to the parents, they turned everywhere, including to clairvoyants. Nobody thinks the boy is dead. If he had died, the dogs would probably have picked up the scent and found the place. In a word - a mystery.

Holy Simeon (Novo-Tikhvin) Monastery

A mysterious, anomalous church, popularly called simply the Freedom Church (Kasli district), is a place where instruments malfunction, a compass does not work, in the dungeons of which lies a secret that six nuns did not give up and were shot, whose souls still hover in the vicinity of the church. It is here that, according to assurances, the revival of human civilization will take place. Geophysicists with their instruments, together with dowsers with their frames, walked around the contours of the cathedral and received signals about the presence of underground galleries. Detailed studies were carried out on the site in front of the apse. It turned out that two underground passages emerge from under the altar hall of the temple at an angle to each other. Their general direction is deep into the once densely built-up monastic territory. This direction is consistent with the location of some dry wells, as if they, these wells, are either ventilation devices or exits from underground areas.

The miraculous grave of Blessed Evdokia Makhankova (Saint Dunyasha)

The grave of Evdokia Makhankova, better known among the people as Saint Dunyasha (Dunyushka), turned the small village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district, into a place of pilgrimage. People come here not only from the Chelyabinsk region, but also from other regions. Evdokia Makhankova has not been canonized to date; documents are being collected to canonize her. But many already consider her a saint for her righteous lifestyle and for the fact that she grants miraculous healing after her death. Many come to Dunyasha specifically for help, others simply want to venerate the grave of the local righteous woman. Information is passed on from mouth to mouth that finding this place in the cemetery is absolutely simple: people go there so often that the path to the grave is always well trodden and cleaned. And being near the healing grave, many feel more at ease; someone notes that the problems that previously weighed on the heart are beginning to go away. Most often, families who come to the martyr ask for recovery for their child, as well as women who cannot get pregnant. There is no need to bring photographs to Dunyasha’s grave - they say that Dunyasha herself will understand who needs help and what. At the same time, Dunyasha is picky and will not help someone who is “disliked” to her. They notice that strange things often happen when visiting Dunyushka’s grave. For example, the sun suddenly begins to shine brightly during rain.

Kiselevskaya Cave

This cave is a natural monument of regional significance. It is located four kilometers from the city of Asha. The cave begins with a small narrow opening and an obliquely downward passage leading to the grotto of Wintering Bats. It is followed by a whole chain of large grottoes, connected by short passages: Musical, Manezhny, Temperature Anomaly, Organ Hall, Empty, Pearl, Banquet Hall. Each has its own morphology and its own characteristics. The largest is the Banquet Hall. Its length is 100 m, width from 10 to 40 m with a ceiling height of 2 to 10 m. Ice stalactites of various heights and snow crystals form in the cave in winter. But not only this natural phenomenon can attract tourists to the Kiselevskaya Cave. According to scientists, different light effects appear in the cave for inexplicable reasons. In addition, there are eyewitnesses testifying that time distortion often occurs in the cave.

The mountain, whose Bashkir name is “ir? m? l”, is located in the northeast of the Beloretsky region. You can admire the beauty of Bashkir nature and recharge yourself with the energy of the place, even without any climbing equipment. At the foot of the mountains there are small rivers. You need to find the small river Tygyn. It flows next to the Belarusian region. Its length is 19 km. The place of power is that part of the river from which Iremel is clearly visible
. The mountain itself is also a strong natural energy center. Wash your face in clean water and look at the surface of the Tygyn River for a few minutes. Contemplation of nature near Mount Iremel will give you energy and restful sleep.
Legends of Mount Iremel.
Mount Iremel is a symbol of the beauty of the southern Urals. Climbing Iremel is an unforgettable experience that you can get, attention, only in our mountains! The freshness of the taiga air, the reflection of the sun in the splashes of mountain water! Heaven above the peaks... the Ural mountains at the birth of the earth were the highest on the planet. Each stone contains the memory of past greatness. The mountains attract with their beauty, the warm charm of powerful mossy rocks and the pure light of the highlands.
Iremel has always attracted people (in translation Iremel means “Sacred Mountain”. It cannot be otherwise. Iremel, majestic and at the same time hospitable, looks like a great building - a monument to beauty, built by nature itself. Everything is extraordinary: from the composition of the forests, to the shape of the top.
The high mountain plateau is surrounded by the most beautiful Ural forests, which surround the “Sacred Mountain” in three rings.
The first consists of light mixed forests with fragrant fir bushes and glades where fireweed blazes in the summer.
The second ring, like a castle wall, high and ancient, consists of centuries-old spruce and larches.
The third ring is high-mountain meadows, where in the spring the honey aroma of flowering sorrel spreads, and in the summer the Ural herbs, similar to a jungle, reign! And already behind the third ring, like a miracle, like a stream of pure joy, the beautiful peaks of the Iremel Mountains appear to you.
The peaks have the following names: big Iremel, small Iremel, wild boar and stallion. The main peak, the large Iremel, rises to a height of 1582 meters. According to legend, big Iremel personifies a man, small Iremel his son, a boar and a stallion his domestic animals.
The top of the big Iremel looks like a gigantic trapezoid, crowned with a platform of 1000 meters around the perimeter. From the top of the big Iremel there is probably the best view of the mountains of the southern Urals. On the one hand - the highest peak of the southern Urals Yamantau and the Zigalga ridge, on the other hand - a view of the Nurgush and Avalak ridges. All the mountains of the southern Urals are clearly visible!
The peaks themselves consist of huge boulders, intricately but monolithically forming a single whole. The Ural Mountains are the oldest on the planet, and every stone preserves the memory of the birth of the earth.
Magnitogorsk businessman Yuri Bakhtin told us about a cross carved into a rock, a secret lake and some other “Miracles” of the highest mountain in the southern Urals. He sent his notes to Elektronka, and we quote them.
“On the Bakhty ridge,” wrote Yuri, “there is a huge cross, hollowed out in the rock. It can only be seen from afar; close up the cross disappears. And it opens to the eye only from one point, and only to those who are destined to see it. And the sun should be in a certain place (as in the film "McKenna's Gold". 113.
Isn’t this the place about which Paracelsus said (XIV century: “The Banner of the Cross Will Be Planted on One of the Mountain Tops of This Mountainous Country, and the Light of the Cross Will Shine on All the Humiliated and Outcast”?
In the next letter, Yuri indicated: “in this photograph is the lake that I dreamed of as a child and which I found 50 years later near the sacred Mount Iremel! It was really hidden among the swamps, as it was said in the avesta about this lake, the existence of which is not known Even the local guides knew, only one hermit - Abdullah.
This lake is located in a unique healing zone, where in addition to the healing mud of sapropel there are springs where asthma is especially treated. It was in this place that it was decided to build, first of all, a health center for children who are extremely ill, possibly for permanent residence.”
And finally, another mystery was the runes of Iremel - mysterious signs carved on stones that Yuri Bakhtin discovered on the slopes of this mountain. In the letter, he limited himself to photographs alone, promising to tell everything in detail at the meeting. But the meeting has not yet taken place.
Mount Iremel is one of the most beautiful and highest in the southern Urals. In Bashkiria, on whose territory it is located, Iremel is considered a sacred mountain.
There are many places on earth that man has declared sacred. Most of these places have been worshiped by people in different eras. Therefore, it is quite possible that Iremel was considered a sacred mountain in ancient times, when the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans lived around it.
Analysis of geographical data from the books of ancient Iranians and archaeological discoveries made in the Urals at the end of the 20th century suggests that Mount Iremel was the prototype of the sacred mountain of Khukarya.
The fact that at the top of Iremel - the Khukars all the waters and rivers begin can be easily verified by referring to geographical maps. Iremel is a kind of water center of Eurasia. Along the rivers you can sail from it to the Arctic Ocean, the Caspian Sea, and through the Volga-Don Canal to the Azov, Black and Mediterranean Seas. And if we take into account that the Volga-Don canal was laid along a dry riverbed that previously connected the Volga and the Don, it turns out that from Mount Iremel even in ancient times it was possible to sail to Greece, where the sacred Olympus was considered the place of singing and feasts of the gods.
However, given that the Greeks are one of the branches of the Indo-European peoples, there is reason to believe that the real Hellenic Olympus in the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans had a prototype. Northern Europeans, the youngest in the family of Indo-European peoples, believed that their gods lived in the fortress city of Asgard, built on a high rock in the center of the earth.
When you see Iremel, you get a strange feeling - the giant mountain seems to have been built artificially, and the rocks on its top resemble the ruins of a fortress...
Legends have preserved information that the ancestors of the Slavs once lived at the sources of the sacred Ra River. Researchers believe that Ra is the Volga River, when in ancient times its source was taken to be the source of the White River, originating in the Urals from the slopes of Mount Iremel. In the Urals there lived clans that kept secret knowledge. Here the "Book of Veles" or the book of "Svyatogor" was perceived.
It is tempting to assume that Iriy is a paradise in the minds of the ancient Slavs and Mount Iremel is one and the same place. And it was the Slavs who left the sacred mountain in the Urals a name that has come down to our time.
The Slavs imagined Iria as a heavenly island. And when you stand on the top of Iremel today, obviously, you experience the same feelings that people who visited this place thousands of years ago - there is earth under your feet, and only the sky around - an amazing sight, an incomparable feeling!
It is impossible to describe. It can only be experienced.
Why are people drawn here who want to know the spiritual essence of man? Why is it on the slopes of Iremel that people discover some hitherto hidden possibilities within themselves and comprehend life differently? It turns out that not only our contemporaries came to Iremel to communicate with the unknown, this has been the custom since ancient times. As a rule, such places are called places of power.
Iremel has its own mysterious story. The very name of the mountain came to us from time immemorial, this is what the Turks who inhabited these lands called it (the ancestors of modern Bashkirs. Translated from ancient Turkic, the word “Iremel” means “a place that gives a person strength”, and the name of the village of Tyulyuk, located at the foot of the mountain ( founded two centuries ago), translated as “desire”. It is because of the proximity of tuluk to Iremel that the legend originates that any desires are supposedly fulfilled on the top of the mountain, you just need to present a gift to the spirits of Iremel. In ancient times, human souls were given to the spirits. According to legend, the priests of ancient peoples performed bloody sacrifices on the top of the mountain in order to appease the gods and beg them for a rich harvest.
Nowadays, they say, it is enough to tie a ribbon to the wish tree growing at the top. Be that as it may, at all times Mount Iremel was considered sacred by the Bashkirs.
Some people see in the scattering of stones on the top of the mountain the remains of once large man-made blocks...
Insidious spirits.
For many years, only priests or heroes were allowed to climb the mountain. Even in our time, someone zealously defends the “Holy Mountain”. There is a known case when tourists placed an Orthodox cross on the top of Iremel, but after some time it was found thrown off the pedestal...
Iremel appears in many legends of both the Bashkir and Russian people. They say that its depths contain untold wealth acquired by the mysterious people - the Chud. People believed (and still believe) that the water in the rivers originating on the slopes of Iremel has miraculous properties - it gives a person strength, heals the sick, and at night, on certain days and hours, it glows!
The path to the top of the “Holy Mountain” is not open to everyone. Thus, if a person goes to Iremel with a pure soul, then the mountain accepts him with joy, but if his thoughts are black, he builds all sorts of intrigues on the way, as if not letting him reach his goal.
Modern tourists themselves are creating legends about the tricks of Father Iremel. The most common joke of the mountain is the disappearance and then sudden reappearance of tourists' belongings or the inability to go home. It is believed that spirits guide people, causing them to wander in the three pines.
Nowadays, experts on anomalous phenomena say that you can often observe a UFO over the mountain, meet Bigfoot and see such monsters that don’t even have names yet. After all, according to esotericists, it is on Iremel that the channel for the release of positive energy from the earth is concentrated.
New Hyperborea?
There are hypotheses according to which Iremel is the ancestral home of the entire Slavic civilization, something like Hyperborea. This hypothesis is based on archaeological excavations carried out near the village of Akhunovo (Chalinsky district), allegedly indicating that it was on Iremel that the Slavic civilization began. It is even possible that it was in those places that the Slavic Vedas, the “Book of Veles”, as well as the “book of carols” were written. And the village of Akhunovo itself is the abode of the god of light, Roof.
According to adherents of this hypothesis, the legend of Hyperborea is confirmed by the healing properties of the water of Lake Iremel, located near the village of Baysakal (about 12 kilometers from Iremel. This lake has the outline of a regular circle, which suggests a bowl of surya - a miraculous solar drink, which was brought by God is the roof, and the lake itself, according to legend, is the abode of the mystical bird Gamayun, on which God flew in to generate light - to light the “white - Combustible Stone”.
Not far from Iremel there is a stone slope, popularly called a tribune. It somewhat resembles the head of a bird. And ten meters from the mountain, there lies a huge snow-white boulder. Is this just a coincidence, or does the legend of the roof actually have real roots?
There are many legends about Hyperborea; they are looking for it in the north, in Siberia, but, as we see, there is a hypothesis that it is located in the south of the Ural Mountains.
Legends about miracles.
DSC_5947 There have long been legends that a certain mysterious people lived in these places a long time ago - the white-eyed Chud. In popular beliefs, Chud are skilled artisans and sorcerers. According to legends, these people lived in the Iremel caves shortly before the inclusion of the Urals into the Moscow kingdom.
Old residents of the surrounding villages say that in reality there once existed a people who lived on the slopes of the local mountains. He was peaceful, lived quietly next door to other people. The Chud had their own religion, the mysteries of which they did not initiate strangers into. Allegedly, to this day one can still find sacred altars of miracles in the Iremel caves. According to legend, people found out that the miracle had untold riches. And they wanted to profit. But Chud was not going to share it with people, realizing that they would not be left alone anyway. And these people decided to hide forever in the depths of Iremel in order to take with them all their secrets and riches. What kind of knowledge the Chud so zealously guarded, the legend is silent.
To this day, people believe in this legend, but slightly modified. So, among tourists there is a legend about gnomes - a small people living in the mountain. There are supposedly caves, after climbing into which a person forever becomes a prisoner of the short mountain people, dragging the unfortunate person deep underground.
Once the author of these lines managed to write down the following story from a Baisakal old-timer: “there is one littered cave on Iremel. Somehow a treasure hunter crawled into it. He didn’t find anything, but later he told me that he saw some books and ancient writings in the cave ".
Esoteric tourism.
However, no matter how incredible the legends about the “Holy Mountain” may seem, people go to Iremel with specific goals, to improve themselves and strengthen their spirit. Many of those who visited here noted that they began to think and look at life differently, and acquired spiritual values ​​that they could not even imagine before. Some, after visiting the mountain and solitude at the top, where, as they say, people “Look into Their Souls,” return home and never return to bad habits. According to esotericists, it is in this unique place that a person experiences harmonization of subtle bodies, replenishment of energy, and spiritual rebirth. The reason for everything is the emergence to the surface of the earth of that very positive energy for which Iremel is famous among the initiates.
According to experts in anomalous phenomena, Iremel is a region of higher knowledge of the laws of nature, high concentration of spiritual energy, as well as a more subtle transmission of energies in time and space, the relationship between man and the universe, and connections with the information field of the earth - the noosphere.
Secrets of the sacred mountain.
There are many legends about Iremel, and its steep and difficult slopes still keep many secrets. Mount Iremel is the key to understanding human nature. Translated from ancient Turkic, Iremel is a place that gives strength - a point of energy release on the planet. It is no coincidence that the Persian kings sent expeditions to the Urals at the beginning of the first millennium AD. Ancient sources say that the legendary Zarathustra, who lived 5 thousand years ago in the southern Urals, left on Mount Iremel the secret knowledge of humanity, recorded on gold plates.
Everyone who climbs this mountain, using special techniques based on the knowledge of the ancients, undergoes purification. At the same time, the internal structure of a person is harmonized and the energy balance of the body is restored. This is due to the healing properties of the water that forms here. In order to touch mystical knowledge and feel the energy of the universe, it is necessary to ascend at certain times and seasons.
In 2008, an expedition from our gymnasium, while climbing the Iremel spur, came to a statue carved from a single tree trunk. As tourists told us, it was sculpted and covered with bronze paint by Buddhist monks, who were amazed by the energetic power of Iremel.
The legend of the sacred treasure on Mount Iremel.
It was as if fifty years ago, a father and son went to Mount Iremel to pick berries, unharnessed their horses near it and began to pick berries. There were few berries. They were advised to go up the mountain, where there are more berries. There were indeed a lot of berries higher up. They saw a path.
The son asked:
- What kind of path is this?
Father says:
- Let's go along this path.
They rose even higher and saw a small lake at the very top. The stones are all sharpened, there are inscriptions on the stones. They move on. They see the cliff is huge, like a house. A bird sits on it and shakes its head. We came closer to the ridge - the bird fluttered, and then with a ringing sound it scattered and fell. Suddenly a white-haired boy in a red shirt and blue pants appeared at this place. Appeared and then disappeared. Father and son looked for him, looked between the stones, but never found him. Old people talked about this. They believed that there was a sacred treasure on the mountain. Ezomir.

The most memorable and unusual “places of power” in the Urals, where the whole family is worth going

1. Cherdyn in the Perm region

The most ancient city of the Urals. Arriving in Cherdyn, it’s like being transported into a time machine into the past. Walking along the local streets, it seems that you are in the 19th or early 20th centuries. Here, like nowhere else in the Urals, many ancient buildings have been preserved. And in many ways, the way of life.

It is often noted that Cherdyn, like Rome, stands on seven hills. " Ancient Rome lay on seven hills. Old Moscow settled on seven hills. By the same quirk of history, Cherdyn - the oldest city in the Urals - is located on seven hills of the right bank of the Kolva", writes Professor G.N. Chagin.

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak about Cherdyn:

“Thanks to the high water, our steamer could approach Cherdyn itself - in the summer this is not always possible, because Kolva quickly becomes shallow in the heat. From a distance the view of the city is very beautiful. On the right high bank of the Kolva, town houses were picturesquely crowded together, and ancient churches stood out in front of everyone. It turned out something like a Kremlin...

Cherdyn, like the eternal city of Rome, is located on seven hills... On three sides, thanks to steep ravines, it was completely impregnable, and only the western part was protected by an earthen rampart... The view from this Kremlin on the left bank is one of the most beautiful in the Urals: under the cliff of the bank The bright Kolva rolls deep below, followed by flood meadows, and then a continuous forest begins, with a wide sweep approaching Polyud-Kamny. This mountain crowns the picture. Imagine the pedestal of the monument to Peter I, enlarged several tens of thousands of times - here you have a portrait of this mountain. The polyud stands sideways to the city and stands out in relief on the horizon, like the crest of the rising ninth wave..."

Cherdyn is a real open-air museum. There are many architectural monuments and natural attractions here.

2. Gubakha in the Perm region

Local residents call Gubakha “Ural Switzerland” for its natural beauty. In winter people come here to a ski resort, and in summer you can wander through the mountains and caves. In total, more than a hundred caves are concentrated in the city area. Of which forty are widely known. Among such famous caves in the Gubakha region is the cave Dark, the length of the cave reaches almost two kilometers, and its depth is one hundred and thirty-two meters. Inside the cave you can find underground lakes and sites of primitive people.

Another natural attraction of the city is Cross Mountain. Today this mountain has the official status of a geological monument. Its height above sea level reaches four hundred seventy-one meters. It was thanks to the discovery of iron ore deposits in this mountain that the city of Gubakha appeared.

3. Landscapes of Bogdanovich in the Sverdlovsk region

Unearthly lunar-Martian landscapes on the site of former clay quarries. Coming here, you find yourself on another planet.

4. Kachkanar in the Sverdlovsk region

Buddha statue on Mount Kachkanar

Kachkanar is famous for its mountain with bizarre rock outcrops and a Buddhist monastery. Read more about traveling to a Buddhist monastery

5. Zyuratkul in the Chelyabinsk region

Zyuratkul National Park
located in the Satka district of the Chelyabinsk region. This is one of the most famous and visited national parks in the Urals.

You can relax on the shore of Lake Zyuratkul, which is the highest mountain in the Southern Urals. Or walk along the Ecotrail route.

Right up to the foot of the ridge it is lined with boards, so it is easy to walk along it. The path passes by a recently discovered geoglyph. The views from the trail are wonderful.

The main attraction of the Zyuratkul ridge is the light stone remains, which are called “bears”. In their form, they can really resemble those.

Source – Uraloved website

Places of power are special territories filled with strong energy. A person, entering such a place, feels noticeable changes, both physically and emotionally. There are two types of places of power - those created by nature and those prayed for by man. Today we will talk about natural places of power in the Southern Urals. The Ural Mountains are considered the most ancient on the planet. The local peaks and landscapes keep secrets dating back thousands of years. We invite you to go along the Ural ridge to get acquainted with the beauty and fertile places of the Southern Urals. An experienced traveler, the founder of the Everest active recreation company, Evgeniy Konovalov, helps us with this.

Conscious rest is an emptiness in the head

The word “rest” evokes different associations for each person. For some it is peace and quiet, while for others it is noise and crazy fun. For some it’s a lake or mountains, for others it’s a bar or a rock concert. The bustle of the city takes us away from the state of peace, we are all running somewhere, we are late. The rectangular, clear architecture of the city replaced the soft lines of nature. The city does not give time to stop, which is why diseases of the nervous system have become so common in society. The word “depression” has become firmly established in our vocabulary. It is believed that the happiest people are those who live and (which is important!) do physical labor in nature. The combination of contemplation of natural beauty and activity is the key to a good rest.

“The result of a good rest is moderate muscle fatigue, emptiness in the head and new acquaintances. In the city, few people work physically, muscles atrophy, and because of this, neuroses and insomnia occur. Sleep after mild physical fatigue is much better: deeper and more useful. As for communication, our tourists joke: “Everest connects hearts.” Young people look closely at each other during hikes, then create couples and families. In just four years, we have already played about 10 weddings of the ripples who met on our hikes,” said Evgeniy Konovalov.

According to Evgeniy, for him, places of power and nature in general are the territory where all insoluble issues are resolved. The young man calls Turgoyak his favorite place. Moreover, swimming in the lake is not a priority for a guy. The main thing is the opportunity to see the famous reservoir.

“Turgoyak is my personal place of power. I can sit on the shore of the lake for half a day and still feel the energy flowing. When some difficult question arises in my life, the best option is to come here and meditate, or climb some mountain, fortunately there are many of them in our region,” says Evgeniy Konovalov. – I know people who, on the contrary, are helped by walking, because this is also a kind of meditation, rhythmic movements bring a person into a kind of trance. And so on the go, it also becomes clear in my head that a solution to the problem is found.”

Evgeniy is sure that nature helps to find balance and calm down. It is in this state that a person can soberly assess what seemed insoluble to him.

Outdoor recreation is good to combine with various practices. Recently, the guys from Everest have begun to actively develop yoga tours. According to Evgeniy, nature and learning are a smart combination. For yoga tour participants, trip organizers prepare only vegetarian food. On regular trips, two types of menus are prepared. Another good combination is hiking plus a sauna. Then, in addition to the purification of the mind, the purification of the body is also added.

Choosing a tourist route

Big Nurgush

The park got its name from the high-mountain lake Zyuratkul, translated from the Bashkir “Yurak-kul” or heart-lake. The reservoir is surrounded by five high ridges and mountains: Urenga, Lukash, Nurgush, Moskal and Zyuratkul. The highest point in the Chelyabinsk region is Bolshoi Nurgush with a height of 1,406 meters. The one-way journey will be 14 km.

Tourists start their journey early in the morning from the shelter “At the Three Peaks”, this is the last place to rest before the ascent; there will be no other warm corner on the tourists’ way. It’s better to leave heavy things here so you can walk lightly. Experienced travelers advise going to Big Nurgush in summer or winter; late autumn is also good. In the off-season, when everything in the city has melted, the mountains are still full of water, and if you fall under the snow, you can end up with your foot in a stream. So during this period, spare clothes and shoes will come in handy.

Climbing the highest hill in the Chelyabinsk region, you can see the rising of the “European” sun. The viewing range is more than 100 kilometers. From here you can see how the day begins in Europe. At the top of Big Nurgush there is a huge mountain plateau with an area of ​​nine square kilometers, which tourists compare to alpine meadows. By the way, Lake Zyuratkul is the highest mountain lake in Europe, and at the same time the freshest lake in the Urals. There is a belief that If you wash in this lake, you will be happy in love. The pilgrimage of lovers and those who want to find love continues to these lands all summer. It’s true that even in the hot season, plunging into the waters of Zyuratkul is a feat. The water here is constantly cold, as it does not have time to warm up.

Where is it located: Satkinsky district, Chelyabinsk region, nearest settlement: Satka


The Kasli district of the Chelyabinsk region is rich in mysterious places. Thus, many people know the stone remains on Shikhan near Lake Arakul. Shikhan was formed by huge granite slabs and blocks, as if washed by water. The origin of the remains is unknown; some individual researchers even suggest that they appeared after the Flood. The length of the Arakul Shikhan lasts more than two kilometers, the maximum width of the chain is 50 meters, and the height is 80 meters. On the stones there are bizarre, ideally shaped depressions - bowls. The most common version is that they were created by man and were used as fire pits. However, there is a version that this is the work of a UFO. In good weather, from the height of Shikhan there is a magnificent view of 11 lakes!

Where is it located: Kasli district, Chelyabinsk region, nearest settlement: Vishnegorsk village


Another mysterious place in the Kasli region is the Allaki sanctuary. The stone blocks on the shore of Lake Bolshie Allaki are called “stone tents”. This is truly a fascinating sight. On a small hill there are blocks of stone pressed against each other, and around there is not a single rock, mountain or even a tree - a continuous plain. Archaeologists believe that the “stone town” served as a sanctuary. The height of the stone remains reaches 10 meters, they stand approximately 50 meters from the water. In each rock, tourists see different images - some - the face of a person, some - an animal. In total, there are 14 blocks located on the shore of the lake.

Where is it located: Kasli district of the Chelyabinsk region, nearest settlement: Kasli (focus on the village of Krasny Partizan)


Taganay Nature Park is a fabulous mountain “country”. Taganay translated from Bashkir means “stand for the moon.” The geographical border of Europe and Asia passes through the park. The uniqueness of the Taganay National Park is that many valuable ecological systems have been preserved here almost untouched - mountain tundras and meadows, relict forests. Black Rock, Double-Headed Hill, Responsive Ridge, Aleksandrovskaya Hill, Mont Blanc, Kruglitsa (the highest point of the ridge - 1178 meters) - these names are familiar to any self-respecting South Ural tourist, even those who, if they have not yet visited Taganay, are definitely going to do it soon.

We advise you to get to the Double Head Hill, where the large Kamennaya River is located - an elongated chaotic pile of stone blocks up to six kilometers long. The weight of each block reaches 10 tons. The origin of the “river” is not fully understood, but externally the stones are very similar to the bed of a water artery. According to the most common version, the stone channel appeared in the place where a giant ancient glacier descended from the mountains, smoothing out part of a large mountain.

Where is located: Zlatoust urban district, nearest settlement: Zlatoust

Ignatievskaya Cave

Ignatievskaya Cave is an ancient art gallery. There are only three similar caves with Paleolithic paintings in Russia, and all of them are located in the Southern Urals (in the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkortostan). The cave is surrounded by many myths and legends. One of them is associated with the elder Ignatius, after whom the cave is named. It is believed that the hermit was none other than Alexander I, whose death is questioned by some researchers. So, according to this version, the king faked his death in order to live as a hermit. There is also a more prosaic legend, according to which Ignatius was an escaped convict who atoned for his sins in a cave. Nevertheless, according to the testimony of people of that time, the elder healed everyone who came to him from ailments.

But still, the fame of the cave was brought not by dubious legends, but by obvious drawings of primitive people discovered by scientists in 1980. It is believed that rock art appeared here about 14 thousand years ago! Various animals are depicted on the walls and ceiling, as well as geometric symbols. Ancient artists used red and black ocher for painting. Another interesting find is a natural bas-relief on the wall, in which one can guess the image of a woman. It is believed that this is the face of the Mother of God. Pilgrims still come here in the hope of being healed of various diseases. The entrance to the cave is located above the Sim River, on its right bank. The total length of Ignatievskaya passages is more than 500 meters.

Where is it located: Katav-Ivanovsky district, the nearest settlement is the village of Serpievka


One of the most interesting “places of power” is the ancient settlement of Arkaim, located in the South Ural steppe. Today Arkaim is a world-famous open-air museum-reserve; it is called the Ural Troy. Created according to a pre-thought-out plan, with a clear urban planning idea, complex architecture and fortification, Arkaim makes us understand that the culture of the Arkaim people was at a very high level. Arkaim is one of the so-called “proto-cities” that existed in the Southern Trans-Urals four thousand years ago, together with other similar monuments (“Country of Cities”) and claim to be one of the centers of world civilizations.

It is surprising that the residents of Arkaim already at that distant time equipped their city with treatment facilities so that dirty wastewater would not flow into the rivers. It was an eco-friendly city whose people lived in harmony with nature. Researchers even suggest that the Arkaim people possessed the technology of processing and recycling waste. By the way, not all travelers coming to Arkaim visit the settlement itself. Many, getting to the tent camp and hills, believe that they have visited a place of power. But to get to the settlement itself, where the reconstruction of the dwellings of the Arkaim residents is now presented, and where the houses themselves were previously located, you need to walk several kilometers (the general route there and back is 5 km); an excursion can be booked at the travel agency near the tent city.

They also avoid several peaks far from the camp. As a rule, tourists climb Shamanka, Mount of Love, and Mount of Repentance, located near the tents. Rarely does a tourist get to Mount Reason, which is located 16 km from the camp. It is believed that this mountain gives clarity of mind, and the path to true knowledge is never easy! Many here begin to feel dizzy and feel worse. Some researchers claim that the mountain is a source of radiation of powerful energy flows. Seven kilometers from the camp stands the Mountain of the Seven Seals, which is considered the place where the “third eye” can open. Routes in different directions from the camp can turn into interesting hikes as part of a visit to Arkaim.

By the way, the Bolshaya Karaganka River, which goes around the settlement of Arkaim, is considered sacred by esotericists and is called the sister of the Ganges. There is a local belief that in order to look one year younger, you need to descend into it as many times as the person is old.

Location: Bredinsky district, Chelyabinsk region. Nearest settlements: Amursky village, Bredinsky district and Aleksandrovsky village, Kizilsky district

Turgoyak. Vera Island

If anyone hasn’t heard yet, Turgoyak is the younger brother of Baikal. The composition and level of purity in both lakes is approximately the same. There are more than 3,000 lakes in the Southern Urals, but Turgoyak is rightly called the pearl. Fresh clear water allows you to see the bottom of the reservoir more than 15 meters deep. The shores of the lake are high and steep, the reservoir is framed by centuries-old pine trees. The freshness of crystal clear water, the beauty of the rocks and forest air allow you to quickly restore strength and health, and fill yourself with energy.

The surroundings of Turgoyak are recognized as one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. There are more than a dozen picturesque islands on the lake, but the island of Vera, overgrown with mysteries and secrets, attracts tourists more than others. The main finds of scientists on the island are megaliths - stone structures connected without any mortar. The megaliths of Vera Island are classified as dolmens - religious buildings. A Neanderthal site and the remains of Old Believers’ monasteries were also discovered on the island. The island is named after the hermit who, according to legend, lived here in a stone dugout at the beginning of the last century.

Where is located: Miass urban district, nearest settlement: Turgoyak village


Iremel is one of the most beautiful and highest peaks of the Ural Mountains. According to the most common version, the name of the mountain means “saddle of a hero.” The peak is located on the border of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region. The climb to Iremel will give tourists many pleasant moments and beautiful scenery. The highlands are surrounded by magnificent Ural forests - among the trees there are even relict spruce forests. In summer, the aroma of Ural herbs is dizzying, and the forests are full of berries - lingonberries and blueberries. The slopes of the Bogatyr's Saddle are covered with huge boulders - kurums, which will not be easy for an inexperienced traveler to overcome. On the slopes, even in the hot summer, you can find non-melting glaciers.

Since ancient times, Iremel has been revered as a sacred peak, the abode of the gods. In ancient times, the passage here was closed to mere mortals. Local Bashkirs forbade ordinary people to climb the mountain. But these days the mountain is of great interest not only among tourists, but also among esotericists. Iremel is compared to the peaks of Tibet and Altai. Here tourists rush to make their cherished wish. It’s true that a place of power can either bless its guests or simply not let them in. As Evgeniy Konovalov says, he led groups to Iremel more than 16 times, and only reached the top three times. Why – read about this in the rules for visiting places of power.

Where is it located: on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region. Nearest town Tyulyuk

Places of power: visiting rules

Evgeniy Konovalov, hike organizer:

– It is believed that Iremel is protected by a powerful spirit. Despite the fact that the mountain is officially open to tourists, in fact it continues to deny access to those it does not consider worthy of climbing. If there is a person in a group with a bad mood, I already have a feeling that we will not get to the top. It happened that we were walking, and suddenly fog appeared, there was no way further. You can get lost.

If we talk about places of power that are located on mountain peaks, then this moment is very important here. Many people say that they are going to conquer the mountain. But this is a priori the wrong mood, you can’t get up with this. The mountain allows us to ascend, so it is correct to say: “to climb.” We ask the mountain for permission. And then the tourist is in the role of a guest, and not a leader. And of course, when planning to climb a mountain or visit another place of energetic power, you need to leave a bad mood long before the trip. Free yourself from resentment, anger, irritability and go hiking in a good mood. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to get to the desired place of power.

Ekaterina Salakhova

00:49 / 03 Nov 2014

In the mid-80s, that is, about 30 years ago, almost by accident, in the middle of the steppe in the Southern Urals, archaeologists dug up an ancient city - either a Russian Mecca, or a settlement of priests, or even the cradle of true Aryans.

Why you can’t knock down stone pyramids on Arkaim, why are there dolls without faces and who built the concentric circles on the mountain

On weekends you can do more than just lie on the couch, but also drive a couple of thousand kilometers, visiting the Southern Urals - Bashkiria, drive like good morning from Asia to Europe and from Europe to Asia

AND ON THE WAY...visit France


The Far East with its hills...

And Mongolian yurts of nomads...

...In the mid-80s, that is, about 30 years ago, almost by accident, in the middle of the steppe in the Southern Urals, archaeologists dug up an ancient city - either a Russian Mecca, or a settlement of priests, or even the cradle of true Aryans.

All the photos showed mysterious concentric circles and people, as if under hypnosis, circling along ancient stone round labyrinth paths.

Scientists could not really say anything about the highly developed civilization that inhabited these places. Where did it come from? Where did you go? On the other hand, well, it went and went, but the Place of Power remained. Almost like on dolmens. Or at Stonehenge. Wishes come true, blood flows through the veins faster, health is renewed, and strength appears. As soon as you step on this earth.

So we went - step. Update. Unwind. Get in touch.
Be curious.

The place there is popular, but far from major roads - you won’t get there by accident. You have to go specially.
So we went.

The journey from Yekaterinburg was a long one - more than 600 km, 7-8 hours of travel by car.
But we went.

The first day. Early rise

Unfortunately, Of course, I had to get up early. The nightmare of my childhood was waking up early for pleasure trips into nature. “Will you go with us to the forest? Will you go? It's good there! Just remember, you have to get up EARLY! At half past four! - Dad said in a tone that did not foretell anything cheerful. “So today you MUST go to bed EARLY!” The combination of these factors made me want to hang myself in advance, without waiting for the fun.

And I made a promise to myself, that when I grow up, I will never travel anywhere in my life if I have to get up at half past four. And at half past five too. And to those who seduce, I will give a decisive and, in some cases, aggressive rebuff.

That's why I got up at half past seven.

Of course, I didn’t get enough sleep, I packed everything I could lay my eye on for the trip, from rubber boots, a blanket and a pillow, to a dining tray, a tablecloth and one iron teaspoon. As well as a suitcase of things and three bags of food. I consoled myself with the fact that the car is a big bag, everything will fit into it! You don’t have to carry it around and choose between a spoon and a blanket.

Dressed up for the trip in the best traditions of nomadic gypsies- bright. Madrid Day after all. Pink lounge pants, white rubber flip-flops, a blue scarf around the neck and a winter down jacket. It’s not that I wanted to somehow stand out from the crowd, no. It’s just that after Varvara I threw away/gave away/added almost all my sports belongings, including dark pants and sneakers.

Pink pants were a strategic mistake, as time has shown, but in the meantime my companions showed up. They didn't dress so radically.

Actually, there was such a crowd of us

No, it's a joke!

It was cloudy, it was raining sluggishly.

Is Ekaterinburg cursed?

The usual Ural landscapes have gone - a forest near the road

Then the forests began to gradually retreat, grouping them into clumps and heaps, the view became wider, and in the sky the clouds lined up into intricate three-dimensional pictures.

The Sverdlovsk region has changed Chelyabinsk... And Bashkiria. Republic of Bashkortostan. With appropriate names. Birgilda river, Ulkundy village, Irendyk mountain, Yalmambetovo village.
But we were interested in Breda.

Somewhere, in their depths, was located the ancient magical Arkaim.

There was already forest-steppe all around, and the Ural Mountains on the horizon. The further we moved away from Yekaterinburg, the better the weather became.

Olga was motivated by the idea that there are eternal clouds and darkness over Yekaterinburg, like over the Funnel of Damnation, but I love Yekaterinburg, and I saw bad weather in different cities and countries, so Olga’s thesis sounded solo.

First impression of Arkaim

Arkaim itself as a tourist place at first, and in general at the end, it gives a strange impression of some kind of diversity. Steppe. Steppe and steppe all around. Suddenly several low hills appear, overgrown with grass, ants and trees. People actually walked on them.

In a bowl between these hills- a flock of several houses with cheerful roofs, here and there tents, a bunch of stalls with souvenirs, a canteen under a canopy, like tractor drivers in a field, and something like a central area with an iron tree - a monument to himself - with a few people tied to it wish ribbons.

Not too many people, but not deserted. Various. Starting from characters in headbands and bandanas, and ending with bards with guitars and men and women in rain jackets and sneakers. Everyone exists somehow relaxed, like before going to bed in a tourist camp. Some of the characters - who looked like lovers of esotericism - were even a bit overdone, which is why I, being in a sarcastic state from fatigue, called the Sacred Land a madhouse on the road.

My companions expressed themselves neutrally. In the sense that yes, there is some disorganization and the place doesn’t “sell itself” at all, but the air is good, the weather is good, and the world is at peace.

Abundance around the hippie species fellow citizens said the same thing. The territory was truly unpolluted, clean and conducive to contemplation.

Looking for ancient stones

Entry to the territory free. Walk, walk, chant mantras, sit, lie down, sleep, swim - do whatever you want. Parking in a tent costs 150 rubles, by car – 50, excursions with a guide – from 200 rubles, but you can go on your own for free.

There are houses without amenities- “hotels” of a general type, more comfortable houses, but also with a toilet outside.

Understand in this situation, where, in fact, the ancient stones are, where to go to recharge, where to look for a guide, what, where and why - it was quite difficult. Although the very first, and therefore the strongest, impression was not from this disorganization, but from the wind. This is something with something!!!

The wind turbine is like this, which takes the baseball cap off his head. The kind that whistles in your ears! At the same time, the sun is hot, + 20-25 degrees C, and you slowly fry in your jacket, but when you take it off, you find yourself in a hellish draft. The grass in the steppe lies horizontally in the wind. The eyes narrow into narrow slits. You don't know where to hide from the wind. There is snow on one mountain, snowdrops are blooming on another. There is a hubbub of rooks all around, they build nests on birch trees and scream like traders at a market.

They say that in Arkaim there is the largest colony of rooks in the region, something attracts the birds here. Later, the guide said something about rooks, I was distracted and didn’t hear the beginning, but was only tuned in by the words that local rooks poop phosphorus and their droppings corrode both trees and the very surface of the earth. But the locals have gotten used to it and no longer hear the hubbub.

What do the locals do and who are they?

Local- this is a flock of historians who conduct excursions, stray people like sellers of souvenirs, honey, dolls, medallions, pies...

....workers, security guards in the parking lot and in the houses, a couple of Cossacks with orders and caps on the porch of a trailer with the inscription "Ministry of Emergency Situations", a cook in a canteen with a psychedelic design name

(written “Let’s eat”)

Administration(a nerd in glasses, a pumped-up guy, a red-haired denim girl and a tourist lady in a rain jacket) was based in another trailer house, with hours and types of excursions written in chalk on a board nearby. Just looking at the names of some of them made my teeth ache with melancholy. The strength never came to me.

I wanted to lie down, but I had to run

After long hours on the road and the next “breakfast on the grass” I wanted to sit down somewhere, preferably in the shower, then on the sofa, then in the restaurant, and then on the bed. But we overcame the impulses of the flesh and went on an excursion. The group “just left and you’ll catch up with them there, they’ll go at a walking pace...” 200 rubles from the nose and off they went.

If you told me, that the goal of our excursion, which we were catching up with by running, was that barn in the steppe, to which we had to walk a couple of kilometers, I would hardly have gone, to be honest.
Here, in fact, an ancient civilization lived here. Here's a tourist attraction for you. Here it is, your sweetie, for which you drove eight hours.

Not do you see the barn? Yes, of course. Here he is! A breathtaking sight, isn't it?

We walked and walked

walked and walked...

"Not surprising, - I told my companions, - that the ancient Aryans have left here. They can be understood."

Finally they arrived.

We stood in an open field around a guide - boys in a tracksuit, who was cheerfully saying something near some kind of poster. I even turned on my sad camera to take a picture of the boy with a twig-pointer. People's creativity has reached its apogee.

But at this moment a turning point came. Like on the Kursk Bulge.

Who came up with the myth about Arkaim

The boy turned out to be a skillful storyteller, historian-archaeologist, clearly, succinctly and concisely, with appropriate humor in the right places, interestingly and moderately fascinatingly told us the history of this place.

There was and is a steppe here.

Nearby collective farms in the 20th century they specialized in cattle breeding. Cattle need land and also need water. A lot of. Therefore, without thinking twice, they decided to build a dam, flood the valley and get a reservoir. But, according to the rules, geologists and archaeologists study the flood sites as a matter of form. You never know.

Explored. And they found an ancient city - 4 thousand years ago. For simplicity, the place was named Arkaim after one of the nearby mountains.

Despite the striking find, the area was still being prepared for flooding. They built a dam, brought in equipment... But then Great Scientists and Art Critics intervened and managed to defend the place. It was annexed to a nearby nature reserve. According to one version, goldfish may be found in these places, in industrial quantities, and therefore “Moscow” also gave the go-ahead for the conservation of the site. Putin came and praised the place. Locals believe that it is unlikely that he came to look at the ruins, but rather to whisper with local industrialists.

One way or another, work here stopped, construction and private activity too. Scientists, to their joy, dig into the ground, tourists watch, sun worshipers and other people worship Yaril. There is a tectonic fault here, so the magnetic fields are slightly disturbed. And once they are violated, then if you want and have the ability, you can see, hear, feel everything you want. From aliens to the High Priest. In addition, the nature here is beautiful, it’s easy to breathe. All hands are raised to the sun, you raise them. It's good for everyone - it's good for you too.

What the scientists who excavated the Ancient City saw

It was for 1000 inhabitants. Usually, settlement sites are layered with less ancient ones; history, like a cake, goes on in “cultural layers.” No one else settled here, simply because the steppe was large, there was enough space for everyone, and since they didn’t settle, everything remained untouched. Relatively.

This "barn"- This is a modern reconstruction of the building wall.

The city actually looked quite decent - with a fortress wall and apartments located in a circle, with a common wall with their neighbors.

Neighbors theme- this is my strong point, so from this place I listened carefully, and even wrote down some of it. Maybe they can send mine along the route of the ancient Aryans?

Ancient people dressed in 21st century fashion

The ancients had a completely European appearance and height from 170 to 180 cm.

(anthropologists made a reconstruction based on the found skull)

And the look was also quite modern - trousers, tunic, leather ugg boots, jewelry, short haircut like Kotovsky))

We already filmed this at the local museum later.

Who did you work with? By occupation, these citizens were townspeople, smelted copper, made sickles and knives, practiced ballet (crossed out) and ceramics. The city had practically sewerage and a developed infrastructure system. True, they lived only a short time - up to 35 years old. They suffered from colds and other ailments.

Where did you go? The city stood for 100 years, and then they simply decided to build in another place - a large steppe.

The boy told us for an hour and a half, Maybe. The group listened and then asked questions.
It’s strange, after some time I stopped feeling hot, the wind stopped bothering me, I seemed to have rested and was full of strength and even some enthusiasm.
The sun shone through the clouds in a quite esoteric way.

The same tectonic fault the inside makes this place really look like a bowl, and in summer the heated air flows upward, dispersing the clouds. This is the root of the myth that the sun ALWAYS shines over Arkaim in the summer. And the Moon. The way it is. But not because of the Aryans.

...Such settlements in the Southern Urals Scientists have dug up more than 20. They were all of the same type, located at a distance of one day's horse ride - 60-70 km, and have the modern name Country of Cities. The steppe was ruled by nomads, their level of development was lower, which is why it is believed that the Arkaim people were quite a civilization.

Monument to Hope

After such a powerful cultural swim, nothing prevented us from finally meeting with dinner, lodging for the night and a bed. Olga refused to spend the night in a house without amenities, and we rushed 200 km to the booked hotel.

On the site the hotel looked very inviting

No, no, in life she looks the same)))

Second day. Uncle Pasha

Didn't have time to fall asleep– I had to get up again, because morning had come.

This time it was half past seven.

Went out onto the hotel porch, and then, from an overabundance of impressions, I went a little crazy and felt tempted that I was in the south. Fresh summer morning, clear air, mountains, a huge blue lake like the sea, nightingales are singing... Natural.

Where did Emelyan Pugachev wash?

We spent the night on Lake Bannoe. It got its name thanks to Emelyan Pugachev, who loved to organize bathing procedures on this crystal clear lake. In the local language of the Turkic peoples, another name for the reservoir is accepted - Yaktykul, which in translation means “bright lake”.

The place is also called Russian Switzerland.

And we went to the city of Paris.

There are such villages in the Southern Urals - Paris, Leipzig, Arsinsky, Berlin, Ferchampenoise... The names were given in honor of the victories of Russian troops in Italy, Germany and France in 1799 and 1813-1814: at that time the Nagaibak Cossacks made up a separate group in the Russian army regiment.

But we were driving back to Arkaim.

Arkaim version of grandfather Shchukar

With a sly grin, who had promised us the day before a walking voyage around Arkaim to the accompaniment of tales, myths and legends, and who had not forgotten to take a “small advance payment,” was already waiting for us at the appointed place.

Here is Mount Shamanka... Here is the Mountain of Ancestors... There is the Mountain of Love...

But the labyrinths are stone, guys, this is a remake - archaeologists posted them here last year out of self-indulgence. If you want, go back and forth, the rules are like this... Don’t want to? Let's move on...

We didn’t want to, but people came.

Moreover, people come here for treatment and meditation. not only people

The owner brought a lame cat. Not for the first time. The cat feels better after Arkaim. Well, good luck, right?..

What is Yarilo doing?!

Next to a gaggle of regular weirdos, Uncle Pasha almost gave me a slight heart attack

He says: “When my group is large, we stand in a circle at this point, hold hands and call for the sun. You have to shout loudly, with expression, theatrically three times...,” here he takes a full breath of air and yells, “E..S.” , YARILO!!!" (3 times)

Firefighters nearby almost fell off a cliff, and so did I. Our people, I see, are standing, calmly listening, nodding. Without changing his face. And TV presenter, healer and clairvoyant Gennady Malakhov said that the most useful thing in life is to look at a nodding woman! But the best remedy is, of course, ski ointment with pureed cast iron and a decoction of wild cottage cheese.

It turned out that Uncle Pasha shouted “Appear, Yarilo!” and not what I heard.

In a black-black valley there are black-black pyramids

Uncle Pasha says that in this black valley (from where the stones for the dam were taken) sorcerers gather at night and set up pyramids - spells. Each pyramid contains someone’s illness or misfortune. If the pyramid is accidentally knocked down or stepped on, or damaged, then the illness will pass on to you.

But then I forgave Uncle Pasha everything, because he said the Main thing.

And in the end they all got married

One of the symbols of Arkaim is this pedestal with an incomprehensible plot.

I honestly, without banter, believed that it was a horned goat. Well, as a symbol, I don’t know what it is – speed, mountainous terrain, cattle breeding, unity with nature...

Or maybe Yin and Yang? The monument is double-sided - a woman’s face on one side, a man’s on the other. From there, from the head, either large round ears emerge, like those of a mug, or hands... The place is mysterious - the sculptures too.
At Yin-Yang, our companion Zhenya posed for a long time, competing with profiles, choosing an angle for his future avatar.

Uncle Pasha said: the monument is called “Jesus Christ marries Russia.” She is also the Revival of Russia.

After that, Arkaim, although it gave me good health and a couple of unforgettable days, became for me the “everything is clear with you” class.

How a Finn fell in love with a Russian woman and who came out of it

Anna is a daughter who was born to a Finn and a woman of unknown (to us) nationality after Arkaim. The Finn himself believes that hands from the earth are the connection between past and living generations. And the locals nicknamed high art “Field of Miracles,” which you know where.

Souvenirs from a place of power

Bought souvenirs for friends at a local shop

A singing bowl, for example, which harmonizes the chakras, water, if poured, and the entire space around. At the same time.

(by the way, a week later the bowl suddenly cracked in half - now with new owners)

The owner of the shop, a handsome, blue-eyed, middle-aged man with a model haircut, voiced to us the quintessence of Arkaim. No one is fighting with anyone here. There's enough room for everyone. Choose what is closest to your soul.

We bought baubles and bracelets. I’ll tell you about their meaning some other time.

Correct dolls - without faces. To prevent evil spirits from possessing the doll. They checked that the hem of the dress was torn - not cut off, the cross on the chest was red, the hair was made of flax, everything seemed to be done without needles or scissors.

And Lenin is so young

We're going home! Seven to eight hours of travel - and we will be home!

"Homo-oh-oh! Southern beauties, wipe away your tears Domo-oh-oh! Full throttle and the past Remains like a veil below..."

Let's go, a car full of amulets, talismans, - and stopped after 30 km. Tightly.

The car could not withstand the jumps on the bad, hmm... asphalt, or more correctly, stones, she jerked and stood up. We are standing, although not in the steppe, but in some village near a portrait of Grandfather on the entire wall and calling the service 500 kilometers away.

"When the trophy "Gitane" ended, When the rain stopped, We were told that we could go back..."

Outside the window– pleasant coolness and freshness. Cloudy, +5 C. Clouds, breeze. “Nothing changed in the city while we were not there,” Olga said with disappointment in her voice, “no new buildings appeared, the old ones remained in place.”

... all the way back We couldn’t remember the name of the settlement that we had seen the previous evening in the dark and which caused us to burst into nervous laughter.

Elimbetovo village Abzelilovsky district.

This word “Elimbetovo” concentrates for us all the insanity of bad roads and the outskirts of the world, and the oddities of fate. But we passed Elimbetovo, thank God, and then we couldn’t even remember the name. We went through everything- starting from Eldyrino and ending with the completely indecent.

And then we drove by in the light of day and saw that Elimbetovo is a village half-sunken by the spring flood.

According to Wikipedia, only 38 people remained there in 2010. And a year earlier – 377.

Our country is big and diverse.

Beautiful, strange, sad and funny. She has a thick mixture of charm, romanticism, paranoia, recklessness, selfishness, intelligence and a sense of humor. Yes, and we are the same, although each carries a personal combination of greatness, squalor, arrogance and spiritual breadth...


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