Ghosts living in an abandoned house. History of Real Haunted Houses Abandoned Haunted Places

Everyone has a craving for the unknown to one degree or another. But what if children's horror stories suddenly become reality?

Editorial website made a selection of places where, according to eyewitnesses, you can meet creatures from the other world.

There are many legends about the fact that ghosts live in our cities and villages. Eyewitnesses even provide "evidence". For example, in this photo “the silhouette of a man is clearly visible near an abandoned house.” Do you see him? Locals They also claim that some anomalies are constantly happening to this building. For example, they have already tried to demolish it several times, but the equipment constantly fails, and strange incidents happen to the workers.

Another “haunted house” is located at the intersection of the street. Togoloka Moldo and etc. Zhibek Zholu. They also tried to demolish the dilapidated building several times, but all attempts ended in failure. At night, again according to the testimony of neighbors, it is clear that some transparent silhouette with a candle in his hand is wandering around the house.

The Frunze House Museum has its own ghost. This is the owner of the house himself - Mikhail Vasilyevich.

Ghosts live not only in ancient houses and abandoned castles, but also in the gatehouse located near the Frunze-1 military unit. Soldiers observed strange things more than once during night duty. For example, a flashing light and a hum of unknown origin. It is especially scary to spend the night there for recruits who are not yet ready for such tests.

A good ghost lives in the Russian Drama Theater named after Chingiz Aitmatov. According to theater workers, the ghost has a gentle disposition and gets along calmly with the group. Sometimes during performances, actors even feel the presence of a ghost on stage.

Another otherworldly guest was spotted at the Institute of Geology. Two employees immediately say that they encountered unexplained phenomena while working in the building at night.

The "Girl in White" is a common trope in ghost stories. different countries. Drivers often see it during night trips. We are told that a girl in a white dress can be found in a bunker abandoned since Soviet times in the Kirkstrom area.

The ghost of a little boy can be found at night in an abandoned compartment of the fifth city clinic. According to eyewitnesses, the sight can not only shock, but also drive you crazy.

In 2013, a story about the ghost of pre-trial detention center No. 1 appeared on the Internet. The capital's detention center, even without paranormal activity, had a bad reputation with all the riots and murders that took place there, and the legend of the ghost only added negativity to this place. According to rumors, the cells are visited at night by an evil spirit who deals with prisoners with extreme cruelty. The prisoners claim that the evil spirit does not treat everyone so bloodthirsty, but those who are not lucky enough to meet him go crazy. One of the prisoners even gouged out his own eyes, claiming that he had seen something very, very terrible.

Imagine: three o'clock in the morning. You wake up to the sound of your daughter saying, “Mommy, I'm scared,” and crawling into your bed. Her little arms hug you from behind. A minute later, you remember that your daughter is at summer camp and shouldn't be back for at least a week. You turn around sharply to see who called you, and... no one is next to you. But then you look up at the door and see her standing, looking at you. The body stiffens, and the girl grins and disappears right before your eyes. At three fifteen in the morning you know you won't be able to sleep. You should have listened to those who said you were moving into a haunted house... one of many haunted houses.

This little story may be fictitious, but many people have claimed to have experienced this in the houses on this list. From the "House of Despair" in Mexico, where a series of brutal murders took place, to the DeFoe house in New York, whose story inspired the legendary horror film "The Amityville Horror", we are sure that you would try your best to avoid a night in one of these houses ( and that would be wise of you). So, we present to your attention 25 creepy haunted houses that not everyone dares to visit.

Abandoned houses are fraught with many mysteries, but American photographer Seph Loveless is not looking for answers to questions, he simply photographs these houses and learns their sad stories. Next, we will introduce you to the most mysterious haunted houses that are empty to this day.

In 1941 this house was a brothel. Years later, several bodies were found in the basement, each of which had all its organs marked out in perfect circles.

According to history, a family with four children lived in this house. After their parents committed double suicide, the children grew up alone in this house for 10 years.

Another family drama played out in this house in the mid-20th century. A certain Benjamin Albright first killed his son, and then his wife and himself. Since 1958, the house has stood untouched, preserving the history and all the family's personal details.

This house in Detroit is known locally as a haunted house. In 1942, a triple murder took place here, after which the house was abandoned.

In the 70s, the mansion was a small hotel and became known for several very strange deaths.

The Milan mansion was notorious in the area. It is said that a practicing witch lived there, and neighbors were afraid of the place. Rumor has it that after her death the witch was buried right in the house.

The Doll's House from Philadelphia got its name from its very strange interior. There is no furniture or other evidence of life, but the entire house is filled with dolls and metal racks containing saws and other tools.

This house in Hartford is notable for the fact that, in addition to the accompanying ghost stories, it became the source of the idea for the famous TV series “ American history horrors."

This house was home to serial killer Michael Madison, who used the basement as a place to kill his victims.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the family who lived in this house mysteriously disappeared. The investigation yielded nothing, but they say that residents then repeatedly saw the silhouettes of the residents in the windows of the house.

This abandoned orphanage became infamous in the 20th century thanks to Robert Berdella, also known as the "Kansas City Butcher" - one of the most famous serial killers in US history.

Show maximum care for everything that concerns you, because your life and your property are in great danger;
to see a ghost or angel suddenly appearing in heaven - the loss of a close relative or some other misfortune;
a female ghost appears in the sky to your right, and a male one to your left, and both look joyful - a rapid rise from obscurity to glory, but your star will not shine for long, for death will come and take you away;
the ghost of a woman in long robes moves calmly in the skies - you will achieve progress in scientific pursuits and become rich, but nevertheless there will be a tinge of sadness in your life;
the ghost of a living relative - your friends are planning something evil, be careful in concluding business contracts;
the ghost looks exhausted - this person will die soon;
a ghost haunts you - strange, unpleasant events;
runs away from you - there will be little concern;
for young people - be careful in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex.
Also see Clothing.

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