Carpathian region. An impressive mountain range, or where are the Carpathians on the world map? Is it worth going to the Carpathians

Another vacation was approaching. My friends and I decided to go on vacation. Between by sea and hiking in the mountains we chose the second option. Our choice fell on Carpathians, because the friends who were already there described everything so beautifully for us that there were simply no other options. The mountains were calling to us, and we carefully planned our trip.

Where are the Carpathians located?

From geography lessons I remember that The Carpathians are located in Central and Eastern Europe, and are divided into internal and external, which in turn are divided into western and eastern. Also The Carpathians are located on the territory of seven states. Probably, every country has its own zest, but I were interested in the Eastern Carpathians. For our small company the easiest thing was visit the Carpathians in Ukraine, because it is inexpensive and there are no problems with transport. Getting to the beginning of the route was not at all difficult, but this is a slightly different story, like our adventures along the route.

Routes of the Eastern Carpathians

Everyone knows that The Eastern Carpathians are located on the territory of Ukraine and Romania, as well as partly in Poland. In order to get to the mountains, you need to go to Ivano-Frankivsk or Transcarpathian region.

We decided go to the Transcarpathian region to walk the route along the Marmarosh ridge, which starts in Rakhiv district. Here we found ourselves in the border zone, and therefore we had to take permission in order to go along the planned route. We went to the mountains from the village of Delovoe (this is where the sign that symbolizes the center of Europe is located).

Our goal was to climb Mount Pop Ivan Marmaroshsky (height 1932 meters). On the mountain we discovered pillars that separate the borders of the two states. Interestingly, to the highest point Marmaros, which is located in Romania - Mount Farkeu, whose height is 1961 meters, You can go through without permission from the Romanian border guards, but they definitely won’t let you in any further.

If you open any geography reference book, you will see that The Western Carpathians are located on the territory of Serbia, Hungary, where mountains occupy a very small part of the country, and also in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

When we were traveling on the train from Ivano-Frankivsk, there was a guy in our compartment who works as a conductor in the Carpathians. He said that There are many interesting and unique places in the Western Carpathians. For example, it is best to go to Poland for a ski holiday. There is an excellent resort there. He also advised go to Hungary, there mountains occupy a very small part of the country, but it is in this country The highest point of the Carpathians is located, Mount Gerlachovsky Shtit,height which reaches 2655 meters.

For myself, I have identified several obvious advantages of going to the mountains:

  • beautiful nature, beautiful landscapes;
  • fresh air;
  • an opportunity to take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle.

In fact the Carpathians are very cool, it’s not for nothing that they say that The only things better than mountains are mountains.

Every Ukrainian, and not only Ukrainian, but also any resident of neighboring countries who is even more or less familiar with geography, will not be mistaken in saying that the Carpathians are located in the western part of Ukraine. In fact, a more accurate answer to the question “Where are the Carpathians?” there will be one that says that this mountain system is located on the territory of four Ukrainian regions at once: Lviv, Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk.

Information about the Carpathians

The beauty of the local nature, the opportunity to improve your health, enjoy skiing or green tourism arouses interest in these mountains and where the Carpathians are located, not only among residents of Ukraine or the countries on whose territory the ridges of this massive mountain picturesque system lie. Europeans, Americans, Russians, as well as tourists from Eastern countries often show interest in where the Carpathians are located.

Location of the Carpathians

These mountains contain a lot of natural mineral waters and muds, unique in their composition and healing properties. In summer, grasses flourish here, active sports and green tourism are developed. In winter, the Carpathian Mountains turn into a paradise for those who are fans of skiing. The growing level of service and reasonable cost of recreation in comparison with world-class ski resorts provide the Ukrainian Carpathians with steady interest not only from domestic tourists, but also from tourists from other countries.

Carpathian Mountains on the map

Ukraine is rich in enchanting natural beauty, most notably the magnificent Carpathian mountain range. Other countries can only dream of such a source of clean air, spring water and wildlife. The Carpathians are located on the territory of various countries - Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, as well as Slovakia, Hungary, Poland.

The Southern Carpathians are located on the territory of Romania, and the Eastern ones are located in Ukraine (in the Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Carpathian Mountains on the map

Map of the Ukrainian Carpathians

At some point in the daily bustle, we realize that our body simply needs at least a short break. Even a few days spent in this nature reserve can quickly relieve psychological fatigue and charge you with optimism and good mood for a long time. Fast mountain rivers, fog that shrouds the valleys in the morning, mountains covered with sharp peaks of coniferous trees - this beauty cannot be described in words and is even more difficult to get around on foot.

The secret of spring holidays in the Carpathians is that it is based on complete freedom of action. Some will enjoy morning fishing, others will want to conquer local mountain peaks, while others will appreciate the quality of service, which is in no way inferior to advanced European resorts.

Interactive map of the Carpathian Mountains

Probably the ideal place for a May holiday in the Carpathians is the village of Slavske. There are several reasons for this. The natural location of the Beskid and Gorgan ranges around this settlement has created a unique local microclimate that provides constant windless weather. In spring, beautiful landscapes open up here with evergreen coniferous forests on the mountain slopes, which beckon you to take a walk along them.
Walking in the mountains can always be beneficial. Fans of excursions and national history will discover a lot of interesting things. To do this, you just need to visit local attractions: Kamensky Waterfall, Tustan Castle, Khashchovan Lake and many, many others. In Slavskoe you will definitely be advised to go and look at the Dovbush rocks - a legendary place where, according to legend, the people's avenger hid part of the gold taken from the rich. The cave monastery located right there will surprise even an experienced traveler.
The month of May is an ideal opportunity to recuperate after a cold winter, stock up on vital energy for a very long time, and I decided to give myself unforgettable memories, at the same time buy a corner shelving unit, I think I can find a suitable option in the online store. Of course, you can take this chance to go to distant overseas resorts, but such a vacation will be very expensive. It would be much faster, more comfortable and cheaper to spend the weekend in your native place. And there is such a corner! You can feel the full power of the awakening of nature and plunge into its bright green splendor in the Carpathian Mountains.
After spending the whole day in the fresh May air, in the evening you will certainly want to take a break from your impressions. We offer both comfortable hotel rooms and cozy private cottages. For a more active holiday, tourists are always offered shops, pharmacies, cafes, bars, restaurants, billiard halls, and discos.
If unity with nature gets a little boring, you can always visit district or regional centers, enjoy their architectural sights, and get acquainted with history. An hour or two by car, and now Lviv, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod and other cities will gladly open their doors for you.

The Carpathians are a huge mountain system in the central part of Europe which passes through Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Austria.

These mountains are located closer to the western part of Ukraine and have an average length of 280 km. The relief here is multi-tiered, there are foothill, low-mountain, mid-mountain and high-mountain areas. Their height can reach 2000 m.

These places are distinguished by particularly clean air and beautiful open spaces, which of course cannot but attract tourists and climbers. We hope that you will no longer be tormented by the question - where are the Carpathians.

The Carpathians are located in four regions of Ukraine:

  • Chernivtsi;
  • Transcarpathian;
  • Lviv;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk.

The most popular mountains among tourists are:

  • Hoverla;
  • Pop-Ivan;
  • Petros;
  • Hamster.

The height of these mountains sometimes exceeds 2000m, which is why they attract tourists. The atmosphere around is mesmerizing: virgin nature, clean air, absence of people, variety of trees, plants and aromas.

In addition to the stunning scenery, tourists, as well as local residents, are attracted here by fishing. Rivers of the Carpathians rich in a wide variety of fish.

It is not difficult to determine where the Carpathians may be located on the world map, since they occupy an impressive territory and are highlighted in brown.

Click on the map to enlarge

The Carpathians can be divided into 3 parts according to geographical location: Southern, Western, Eastern. Western Carpathians - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland. The highest point of the Carpathians is located on Mount Gerlach, whose height is 2655 m. In turn, all the Southern Carpathians are located in Romania, and almost the entire part of the Eastern Carpathians is located in Ukraine.

Usually, the most active tourism in the Carpathians in winter. From mid-autumn, the first snow appears here and vacationers come in anticipation of the beginning, warming mulled wine and a good mood.

Recently, the Carpathians have become one of the most preferred places for a ski holiday. Summer holidays here have their own charm. Everyone can choose something they like:

  • swimming in rivers;
  • interact with different animals on farm yards;
  • take up your favorite folk craft.

It would be unfair to associate the Carpathians only with Bukovel, Dragobrat, Hoverla and tourists. We are talking about the tourist background of the region and 15 original mountain places near Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv, where in addition to skiing you can try hiking, rafting and even ziplining, ride a mountain bike, learn how to make wurda and Hutsul “lizhniki”, see mountain lakes, Austrian architecture, viaducts and stave churches. And breathe in freedom, of course.

The Carpathians and Transcarpathia are a tourist region with a European background. Until the end of the Second World War, it developed in the context of the Austrian, Czech and Polish economy and culture, which undoubtedly benefited it. In 1895, the first tourist train departed from Lviv to Skole, and tourist shelters began to appear on the mountain slopes of the Carpathians - a kind of “hostels” where travelers could take a breather during mountain hikes, warm up and sleep for free. The first hotels opened in the main tourist cities - Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Beregovo, Vinogradov, Rakhiv, Khust. By 1939 there were at least 20 of them. The entire tourist infrastructure of Transcarpathia at that time was built thanks to the activities of the Czechoslovak Tourists Club. The club developed and marked tourist routes, opened tourist houses, shelters, hotels, restaurants and even a boat station, and published tourist guides in several foreign languages. About the same thing happened on Polish territory - in Galicia.

Tourists came to the Carpathians to look at castles or their ruins, monasteries, Dacian and Roman settlements near Velikie and Maly Kopani, study folk crafts, ride a narrow-gauge railway and rest on some mountain slope in a tent. But suddenly the Czechoslovak Republic collapsed, World War II happened, the territory of Transcarpathia was captured by the Hungarians, and later by the Soviets. During this period, much of the tourism infrastructure was destroyed. Soviet power turned the Carpathians into a sanatorium and resort paradise.

Over the past 25 years, the tourism sector of Transcarpathia has been developing spontaneously and chaotically, mainly thanks to the activity of caring people, the innate entrepreneurship of the locals and the capital of some oligarchs, of course.

Today's Carpathians are a cocktail of European charm, original Hutsul culture and Radiana relics. Immediately buy a ticket to Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk or Lviv to enjoy it as quickly as possible.

Vizhnitsa - Hasidim, rocks and mushroom paradise

If the train brought you to Chernivtsi, and your soul craves the mountains, go to Vizhnitsa (75 km from Chernivtsi) - The Carpathians begin from here.

In the 18th century, the main feature of Vizhnitsa was the Hasidim - the founder of Hasidism, Rabbi Israel, lived there. During the Austrian period, Vizhnitsa was a famous ski center. And during the Romanian occupation, the name of this village was associated with the famous cabaret. Today in Vizhnitsa you will find both - colorful culture and good tourist infrastructure.

Things to do

View Austrian and Romanian architecture

Vizhnitsa resembles an open-air museum: a typical provincial European town of the early 20th century. Many Austrian and Romanian buildings have been preserved here in fairly good condition. Be sure to take a look at the railway station, the town hall, the main synagogue, the gymnasium building, the district hospital building and the college of applied arts - all these buildings have been here for more than 100 years. On Ukrainskaya Street, look at the building of a once popular cabaret (now a children's art house), and near the market, do not pass by the former Romanian border outpost.

Conquer rocks and huge boulders

If you feel like a confident rock climber, then don’t forget to take the necessary equipment on your trip, because in the vicinity of Vyzhnytsia there are several huge rocks and boulders (30-40 m): Sokilska Skele (village Tyudiv), rock massif “Protyate Kaminnya” (near the Nemchich pass), “Dovbush Pechera” (next to Nemchich). These rocks are also quite suitable hiking targets. They stand in a beech forest on a low mountain, from where you can see the Carpathians in all their glory. You can pitch a tent in the forest. The climb is not difficult - it is possible with children.

Rafting down the Cheremosh mountain river

The Cheremosh River was once the border between Romania and Poland, and now separates the Chernivtsi region from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. This is the most popular river in the Carpathians among lovers. By googling, you can easily find about 10 companies that organize not only rafting, but also a comprehensive adventure program with rafting and mountain climbing.

Pick mushrooms

Bukovyna is a region of beech forests in which giant boletus mushrooms grow. If you are planning an autumn trip to the Carpathians and want to join the sacred act of mushroom picking, go from Vyzhnytsia to Vyzhenka (6.5 km) - there are the most mushroom places and you can find a guide from local seasoned mushroom pickers.

To ski

Near Vizhnitsa there are two ski resorts at once - the modest Nemchich Pass and the reputable Migovo.

"Nemchich Pass" is a small tourist complex, which includes a hotel, restaurant, ski slopes, 2 rope tows and a rental point. You can ski here extremely inexpensively: € 0.15 for a one-time lift, from € 3 for a subscription, from € 2 per day for ski/snowboard rental.

"Migovo"- a reputable ski resort with a hostel, several hotels, restaurants, clubs, and a spa center. Some call Migovo the main competitor of Bukovel, but the prices here are incomparably lower: from € 1 - one-time lift, from € 16 - a day pass, from € 3 per day - ski/snowboard rental.

Where to stay

The best way to choose accommodation in Vyzhnytsia, Vyzhenka and Migov is on the website Unlike Booking, you can find accommodation options there in estates, guest houses and mini-hotels. Prices in Vyzhenka and Vizhnitsa start from € 14 for a double room, in Migov - from € 30, and in Nemchich for € 30 you can rent a double room with two meals a day.

Where to eat

The largest and most popular restaurant in Vyzhnytsia - "Kupalska Nich"(O. Dovbusha vul., 1a) . Try here “trout in sour cream”, “deruni in glechika” and draft beer, and for dessert have dumplings with cherries. Just get ready for the fact that you will find yourself in a traditional Hutsul establishment, where service and speed of service are not the strongest points.

How to get there

From Minsk: by plane to Chernivtsi (UIA - from € 84). By train or bus via Kyiv, Lviv or Kovel (from € 25) to Chernivtsi. From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsia. Next - hitch a ride/taxi.

From Brest: by bus Brest-Kovel (from € 4), from Kovel by train to Chernivtsi (from € 3.5). From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsia. Next - hitch a ride/taxi.

From Kyiv: by train to Chernivtsi (from € 6), by plane to Chernivtsi (UIA - from € 38). From Chernivtsi - by minibus to Vyzhnytsia. Next - hitch a ride/taxi.

Verkhovyshchyna - two-thousand-meter mountains, waterfalls and a cultural reserve

High mountain city Verkhovyna (Ivano-Farankovsk region) and its satellite villages are considered the center of the ancient Hutsul region, this is true Western Ukraine, surrounded by two-thousand-meter mountains. In Verkhovyna itself, be sure to visit the private museum Roman Kumlika (I. Franka vul., 35) , where, in addition to authentic Hutsul household items, he collected a rich collection of musical instruments.

Things to do

Recharge your creativity and get acquainted with the Hutsul culture in Kryvorivna (Kryvorivnya)

Hutsul is a Ukrainian highlander, a free-lover who loves to dress himself and his home in order to appear before his neighbors in all its glory. Therefore, the jacket of a normal Hutsul is embroidered with gold and decorated with pom-poms, and his house is decorated with carpets, embroidered towels and intricate carvings. You can see all these cultural artifacts in the village Kryvorivnya(7 km from Verkhovyna), where there are 14 (!) museums. The “Hutsul hut-grazhda” and the historical and cultural museum in the school building are an obligatory part of the program of every decent tourist.

Krivorivnya is not only a terry Hutsul region, but also a once bohemian center, a fashionable resort, where the cultural elite gathered - writers and public figures - Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka with her friend Olga Kobylyanska, Osip Makovey, Vasyl Stefanik and Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky. And Sergei Parajanov filmed “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” here. In general, Krivorivnya is full of creativity. To get into the atmosphere, go to the “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” museum and the Ivan Franko Literary and Memorial Museum.

The cultural program can be diversified by hiking. In the vicinity of Krivorivnya, hiking routes begin to the rocks of Pisany Kamen and to the peak of Igrets (1,311 m).

Look at the waterfalls and climb to the mountain observatory

If the main purpose of your trip to the Carpathians is hiking, head to Dzembronya - a high-mountain village where no more than 300 mountaineers live. From here it is most convenient to climb Mount Pop-Ivan and, in general, begin the ascent to the Montenegrin ridge.

You can climb Pop-Ivan in different ways, but to see the cascades of Smotritsky waterfalls along the way, head towards Mount Ushastiy Kamen. From this point it’s just a stone’s throw to the top of Pop Ivan and the old observatory.

The stone observatory - the White Elephant - on Mount Pop Ivan was built by the University of Warsaw in the late 30s. last century for observing stars and weather. The building was abandoned for several decades. Recently, in a small part of it, volunteers set up a tourist shelter where rescuers live and tourists exhausted from mountain climbs stay.

Try vurda, try on Hutsul embroidered shirt and see the Carpathian two-thousanders in Iltsy

In the Carpathian dreams of seasoned tourists - the conquest of the Montenegrin ridge - six two-thousand-meter mountains. If you are a beginner and spend more time in the office than in the gym and on the treadmill, we advise you to start with the Kostrych ridge. Climb Mount Kostrych (1586 m), which is located directly opposite the Montenegrin ridge, and watch how powerful two-thousanders prop up the clouds with their snow caps. You won’t see such a picture from any other point in the Carpathians! And here’s another pleasant bonus: the slopes of Kostrych are strewn with blueberries in summer, and porcini mushrooms in autumn.

Take some cash with you on your hike and don’t pass by the kolybas - small wooden houses, there are several of them on the ridge. In the summer, Hutsul shepherds live in the kolybas, who graze cows, sheep and goats in the surrounding area and immediately prepare cheeses - feta cheese, budz and vurda. From late autumn until April, no one lives in the kolybas, and tourists use them for overnight stays.

You can climb Kostrych from the village of Iltsy or from the Krivopolsky pass, which can be reached from Verkhovyna. In Iltsy, don’t forget to look into museum-estate of the poetess Galinka Verkhovinka(village Iltsi, settlement Velikiy Grabovets) to learn everything about Hutsul embroidery and try on the image of a Hutsul. In winter you can go skiing in Iltsy. To do this, there are three slopes of medium difficulty (length - 700 m), two rope tows and an equipment rental point.

See how the Hutsul “lizhniki” are made and grill your own trout in Yavorov

In the village Yavorov(Yavoriv) in many houses they still create “lizhniks” - woven blankets made of sheep wool. The ability to weave here is inherited. Until recently, children studied lizhnikarism at school and even took a compulsory test in it. Today, wicker bedspreads are used less and less in everyday life, but local craftswomen have updated their product and began to sew raincoats, coats and jackets from it. Go to Yavorov (21 km from Verkhovyna, there is a bus) to become familiar with the ancient Hutsul art. At the Hutsulska Grazhda folk art center you can take part in a master class.

If you like to fish, here’s another reason for you to be in Yavorov - trout farming "Eco-trout", where you can catch a few fish and then place an order for them to be cooked. Be sure to try the trout in sour cream sauce and banosh. While your fish is cooking, go see the local waterfall, which is modestly called Yavorskaya Niagara.

Where to stay

A double junior suite in a private estate in Verkhovyna can be rented for €15-20, although finding a room for two is not so easy - most cottage owners rent them out entirely. Find a suitable option on the website or Pay attention to the private estate of the Djurak family, especially if you are planning mountain hikes. The owners of the estate promise to help with an instructor.

If you are traveling with a large group, take a closer look at the cottage "Trembita" 8 with a sauna, fireplace, gazebos and barbecue.

There is a cozy guest house in the village of Krivopilya "FIREPLACE" with a beautiful terrace, fireplace room and large windows in the rooms that look at the mountains. You can order food from the owners.

Where to eat

To a restaurant with panoramic windows "Panorama Verhovel" (Ivana-Franka st., 1, Verkhovyna village) go for a comprehensive aesthetic pleasure. Unlike many other Hutsul establishments, they worry about beautiful presentation of dishes. Panorama Verhovel serves excellent bograch, trout in sour cream sauce and banush with porcini mushrooms. Don't forget to try the liqueurs here.

If you go to Yavorov, go to a colorful restaurant for lunch "Babay" (Rivni settlement, on the Kosiv-Verkhovyna highway) . Try the signature dish “Babay in Glechika”, Hutsul cabbage rolls and banosh, and for dessert - tea with mountain herbs and pancakes with cottage cheese. The restaurant has a good selection of wines.

How to get there

From Minsk: by bus to Ivano-Frankovsk (from € 30), by plane to Ivano-Frankovsk (UIA - from € 70). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Verkhovyna, Iltsov.

From Kyiv: by train to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 4), by plane to Ivano-Frankivsk (from € 47.5). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Verkhovyna, Iltsov.

Vorokhta - 100-year-old viaduct, zipline and mountain lake

Yaremcha, together with Bukovel and Dragobrat, is one of the three most famous ski resorts in the Carpathians. Life in these villages revolves around tourists. They built a good tourist infrastructure here, sacrificing their authenticity and sincerity for this. Therefore, we advise you to choose Yaremcha or Bukovel, only as a last resort - if your main interest is a good ski slope and comfort. And for vibrant culture, hiking, (cheap living) and rural romance, it is better to go to the neighboring high-mountainous Vorokhta or Mykulychyn, making forays from there into the surrounding area, including Bukovel or Yaremcha.

Things to do

Take a walk under the arches of the century-old viaduct in Vorokhta

The two longest viaducts in Ukraine (100 and 130 meters) appeared in Vorokhta in Austro-Hungarian times. Despite their advanced age, they still help trains climb the slopes of the mountain. And they still amaze with their greatness.

Climb to a mountain lake

The tourist base "Zaroslyak" in Vorokhta is the starting point for mountain hikes to the nearby mountains of Spitz and Kukul, and to the main mountain of the Chernogorsk range - Hoverla. If your body requires hiking, and your soul requires beautiful views, but multi-day hikes are not part of your plans, choose Mount Spitz (1863 m) with Lake Nesamovite (1750 m) and/or Kukul as your goal. One day is enough to conquer these peaks. The route to the lake is well marked, so you are unlikely to get lost. There are many legends associated with Lake Nesamovite, each of them hinting that you should not swim in the icy (even in summer) waters of the high-mountain reservoir. But this does not stop most frost-resistant tourists.

If you are an advanced skier and like to freeride, the western and northeastern slopes of Mount Kukul are the right place for this. The other slopes of this mountain are quite gentle, so climbing to the top will not take much effort. And if you suddenly go on a walk until it gets dark, you can spend the night in one of the Hutsul kolybas. Look for them in the mountain valley. If you find yourself in Vorokhta in the spring (April), be sure to climb Kukul to see the purple slopes strewn with crocuses.

Go down the 720-meter zipline in Vorokhta

The first one in Ukraine appeared in Vorokhta (B. Khmelnytsky St., at the beginning of the forest) . The descent is divided into two sections: 550 and 170 meters. The height difference is 18 meters.

Climb an abandoned ski jump in Vorokhta

A ninety-meter springboard for extreme training appeared here in the 30s of the last century, when Vorokhta was part of Poland. For the last 20 years it has been idle, despite periodic attempts to “restart” it. If you come here to take some interesting photos, check out the Hutsul market next to the ski jump, where everything that warms the soul of a Belarusian tourist is sold: traditional cheeses, honey, mushrooms, berries and woolen socks.

Try craft beer in Mykulychyn

In a small Hutsul brewery "Mykulychyn" (Mykulychyn village, Grushevkogo street, 68b) They have been brewing beer for 15 years: light, dark, honey, wheat and rye. In addition, here you can try real Carpathian honey, homemade cheeses and buy natural “beer” cosmetics. A visit to the brewery can be combined with a walk to the 15-meter Zhenetsky (Guk) waterfall, which does not dry out even in summer.

Where to stay

Vorokhta welcomes tourists to several dozen cottages, private estates and mini-hotels. Prices for double rooms start from € 10. It is better to look for options at or If you want to live higher from the highway and look out of your window at Hoverla, take a closer look at a private hotel "Huts on stumps" (Mikhaila Grushevsky St., 5) , run by the good-natured Orestes. There is a bathhouse with two swimming pools, a vat, a trout pond where you can go fishing, your own small restaurant and a rooster that won’t let you sleep through all the fun.

Where to eat

The main (by local standards and the most expensive) restaurant in Vorokhta is "Stara Vorokhta"(Danila Galitsky vul., 66) with typical Western Ukrainian cuisine. Try trout on herbs, porcini mushrooms and liqueurs here.

If you want to have dinner in a real Carpathian kolyba, go to Yaremcha in "Red Manor" (vul. V. Ivasyuka, 6) . Feel free to order potato pancakes in glacek, veal cheeks with pea puree and shish kebab, which will be cooked for you on the grill right in the center of the hall. Rumor has it that they serve the most delicious horseradish in the Carpathians.

How to get there

From Minsk: by bus to Ivano-Frankovsk (from € 30), by plane to Ivano-Frankovsk (UIA - from € 70). From Ivano-Franovsk by minibus to Vorokhta. Or by plane to Kyiv (UIA - from € 65), by train to Kyiv (from € 35). From Kyiv by train to Vorokhta (from € 4.5) or Yaremche (from € 8.5).

From Kyiv: by train to Vorokhta (from € 4.5) or Yaremche (from € 8.5).

Synevyr park to climb to the mountain lake of the same name. See brown bears that have received a new life in Rehabilitation Center(Sinevirskaya Polyana village) , is no less worthy reason to come this long way. Most of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center are former “workers” of circuses and entertainment venues. Almost all bears end up in this shelter with psychological trauma and a bunch of diseases. Owners give up some emaciated animals voluntarily, while others are won back by employees of the Rehabilitation Center through the courts. In their new home, the bears are treated, restored and learn to live in natural conditions (they even have dens here!).


Synevyrska Polyana is an excellent location for relaxation in the off-season (spring, autumn), if you want to breathe in some fresh air, take a break from people and get around a little. At the market in Mizhhirya you can buy everything you need for this - Transcarpathian wine, homemade milk and eggs, feta cheese and meat. And then settle in one of the cottages of Synevyr Glade, spend days walking by the mountain lake, conquering local peaks (several marked routes start from Synevyr), and in the evening barbecue on the grill, drink wine and listen to the stories of local Hutsuls.

Visit the village-museum of Kolachava

The village of Kolochava, which at different times belonged to Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania, is a mix of languages ​​and cultures. A textbook on express immersion in Carpathian culture. There are 10 museums here and 20 unusual monuments, including one to a teacher from Vkrajina and a shepherd. Here you will see the most picturesque scansen in Ukraine “Old Village” (from March 20 to April 20 it turns into a valley of blooming crocuses) and a train that once traveled on a narrow-gauge railway, you will walk along the corridors of a Czech and Soviet school.

When you're walking around "Old village" don't pass by the kryivka "Steer's Bunker"(headquarters of the Kolochava rebels) and Jewish "Wolf's Tavern", where you can look through the debt book with the names of villagers who drank in the establishment on credit.

Another feature of Kolochava is the shepherding school - together with an instructor you can walk to the slope of Mount Strimba, where sheep graze from May to November, see how vurda is cooked, try the miraculous “zhentitsa” and listen to trembita.

Conquer Gymba in Pylypets

The mountains in the area of ​​Volovets, Podobovets and Pylypets are called Borzhavskaya Polonina - they are not very high (up to 1500 m), but very picturesque. From above they look like a restless sea, playing with blue-green colors. To see them, climb Mount Gymba (1491 m), which even children can easily conquer. And all because a chairlift takes tourists from Pylypets to an altitude of 1100 m (it works even in summer). If after conquering Gymba you are still cheerful, cheerful and full of desire to see more - take a walk to the neighboring mountains Stand (1681 m), Great Top (1598 m), Mount Play ( 1330 m) and Temnatik (1343 m). After this you can go down to Volovets.

In winter, Pylypets turns into a ski resort - the second highest after Dragobrat - with the longest ski slope in Ukraine (20 km). The cost of one chairlift ride starts from € 2, a day pass - from € 17, ski/snowboard rental - from € 2.5. There is a professional ski school where, for € 5/hour, an instructor will teach you how to be handsome on the slopes.

Ride a bike through the mountains in Pylypets

In the village of Pylypets there is


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