Fishing on Lake Kastel Crimea. Mountain lake castel. Relaxation on the lake. In a tent or private sector

The nature of Crimea is rich not only in the sea and beaches. The mountains of the peninsula provide many opportunities for an interesting, useful and enjoyable holiday. A lot of beautiful natural spots are located not far from your home and you don’t have to worry about how to get there. Lake Kastel in Crimea is one of them.

Where is the reservoir located in Crimea?

Lake Kastel in Crimea is mountainous, its height above sea level is 515 m. It is located a couple of kilometers from. The nearest settlement to it is the village of Vinogradnoye. Next to the reservoir rises the mountain of the same name (a large rock), quite famous in these places.

Lake on the map of Crimea

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Rocks, springs and a glacier - all this is Castel

The lake is surrounded by cliffs of yayla (plateau), and there are many rocks and stone fragments on its shores. It is filled with several springs. Kastel owes its spring origin to clean water, where a lot of fish live and you can swim without fear. Scientists suggest that the appearance is associated with the last glaciation of the Earth. The peculiar attractions of its shores are huge boulders rounded by the glacier. They are found in many places, but scientists cannot yet explain their appearance in Crimea. The stones are very ancient, many thousands of years old.

On the protection of the Crimean, mountainous land...

The name of the lake means “castle”, “fortress”, which is somewhat unusual for a body of water. Today it is impossible to find a fortification or its ruins on its banks. But it is known that in the Middle Ages there was no castle. Legends claim that it even had underground passages, that is, it was of complex design and could hold a long-term defense. Archaeologists have not yet been able to discover where exactly it was located.

The mountain and lake have retained the names given in honor of this fortress. Ancient fortifiers preferred to build in such places: on a hill where there was fresh water nearby. The surroundings of the reservoir were favorable for construction: many rock masses made it possible to hope that the enemies would not be able to undermine the fort. The search for the Kastel fortress is not completed; it is impossible to say for sure whether the legend is telling the truth.

Mountain Lake Kastel in Crimea is a place for those who love the silence of the forest. The banks here are overgrown with Crimean pine. Among the forest there are many bright clearings.
It is rich in mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs. Knowledgeable people find wild bees here and extract valuable forest honey.

The lake is not a protected area, but the preservation of its nature is still closely monitored. For tourists, there are special recreation areas equipped with tables and benches. There are also permanent fire pits: you can barbecue without risking a forest fire.

Often people come here either for a picnic for one day, or for several days with an overnight stay in tents. There are also specially designated areas for their installation. In spring and summer, entire tent cities spring up there, although the lake is not one of the most advertised vacation spots in Crimea.

Mountain lake - a paradise for fishermen

Tourists go to Kastel throughout the warm season, but the best holiday here is in spring and summer. The waters here warm up well enough to make it pleasant to swim in. But the main entertainment at this time is fishing. On Lake Kastel, the water promotes the reproduction of fish.

They often fish for carp, but other freshwater fish - gobies, crucian carp, and perches - are also well caught. Experienced fishermen
They prefer to fish in the early morning, when the fish readily take the bait. Among them, it is believed that carp love the smell of sweets in summer, so you need to add a little honey to the bait.

Even those fishermen who are left without a catch do not regret the time spent, since the morning on the shore of the mountain lake Kastel in Crimea is very beautiful. The surrounding rocks are especially picturesque under the first rays of the sun. You can fish during the day, but the bite will be less.

The surroundings of the lake are also appreciated by connoisseurs of herbal medicine. They prefer to collect medicinal and healing plants here: the area in this region of the peninsula is clean, the raw materials will not have harmful impurities. The richness of the flora is significant, and the useful harvests delight specialists.

Those wishing to relax on the picturesque shores of a mountain lake should take into account that this will not be possible in an evening dress or barefoot. You cannot get here by car - in any case, you will have to walk along the mountain path. The banks of the reservoir are rocky and you should walk on them with some caution.

  • Coordinates: 44°38′15″N (44.637469), 34°21′10″E (34.352803).

Crimea provides its guests with many opportunities for an unforgettable vacation. Don't limit yourself to just the beach and historical sites. The forests and reservoirs of the Crimean peninsula are beautiful, they can definitely give an unforgettable experience, a clear confirmation of this is the mountain lake Kastel. In conclusion, we also invite you to watch a video about it. Enjoy watching!

5-40 6-30 7-20 9-00 10-20 12-00 13-35 15-25 16-25 Mon. 8-15 10-15 12-20 14-25 16-15 16-25 sun. FS 77 - 68953 dated March 7, 2017, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Bogovarovo attractions suburban connection with the Kostroma Sea region and with the right bank of the Volga River. 5-50 9-15 11-10 13-50 17-10 16-35 Thurs. Suburban bus station An indoor point for selling tickets and sending buses, located in the building of the Kalinovsky market. 6-30 7-20 8-10 9-50 11-10 12-50 14-25 16-15 17-15 Mon. 18-10 weekdays to Kosmynino 18-35 Sat. On May 18, Kostroma will host the Night of Museums 2019. 19-05 weekdays from Kosmynino 19-00 Sat. Suburban bus station An indoor point for selling tickets and sending buses, located in the building of the Kalinovsky market. On May 18, Kostroma will host Museum Night 2019. 8-15 10-15 12-20 14-25 16-15 16-25 Sun. There is a suburban connection with the Kostroma Sea region and with the right bank of the Volga River. 5-50 9-15 11-10 13-50 17-10 16-35 Thurs. FS 77 - 68953 dated March 7, 2017, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications.

Bogovarovo attractions

FS 77 - 68953 dated March 7, 2017, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. 6-30 7-20 8-10 9-50 11-10 12-50 14-25 16-15 17-15 Mon. 18-10 weekdays to Kosmynino 18-35 Sat.

When traveling to Crimea, don’t stop at visiting local beaches and historical attractions - this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you dig a little deeper, you will be amazed at how rich the nature is on the peninsula, how high the mountains are, how powerful the rivers are and how charming the lakes are.

The latter includes the amazing Castel reservoir. It is nestled at the foot of the mountain of the same name, at an altitude of 515 meters above sea level. The interest of vacationers, attracted by the beauty of its surroundings, the purity of the water and the opportunity to go fishing, is also supported by the competent care of all this property.


The lake appeared naturally. Some scientists consider it one of the consequences of glaciation. It is still not clear where the large glacier-rolled boulders, whose age reaches several thousand years, came from near the coast.

The name of the object in translation means “fortress”. Once upon a time there was a fortification on Mount Kastel. This is a very advantageous solution for defense: the approaches to the walls were guarded by steep slopes, it was impossible to dig undermining, and the population did not suffer from thirst either - there was a fresh reservoir nearby.


The smooth surface of Kastel looks very picturesque among the mountain villages that protect its peace, like the stone walls of the towers that once existed here. Their slopes to the very edge of the water are covered with dense thickets, dominated by Crimean pine. It dilutes the freshness of the mountain air with a pine aroma, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract of vacationers.

Traditionally, people try to come here not for one day, but at least for the weekend. Some people prefer to spend their entire vacation in the wilderness of these fluffy forests. There are many sunny meadows where you can comfortably have a picnic, pitch a tent and make a fire. Along the perimeter there are several equipped areas with tables and benches, as well as permanent fire pits. The territory, in general, is very carefully monitored, although it does not belong to the category of protected areas.

If you are keen on fishing, then feel free to take all the necessary gear with you. The rich underwater fauna is replete with species such as carp, crucian carp, perch, and goby. They prefer to peck in the early morning, and this is the time when nature, still recovering from sleep, looks especially inspiring. The main thing is not to be lazy and wake up at the right time. Otherwise, you will have to try your luck during the day, under the burning rays of the sun.

Also, these places were chosen by another type of hunter: for mushrooms, berries and even honey! Collectors of medicinal herbs are not far behind, and their production is highly valuable in the form of miraculous healing bouquets.

How to get there

The lake is located near the village of Vinogradnoye. From Alushta you can get there by trolleybus. You will have to walk for about a kilometer further, so if you arrived by personal car, you need to leave it in the parking lot or under the supervision of local residents.

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It is considered to be the mountain lake Kastel, located at the very foot of Mount Paragilmen. It is located at an altitude of 514 meters above sea level. At first glance, the name of the lake does not correspond to reality at all, since translated from ancient Greek it means “Fortress”.

However, if you study history, you can find a worthy explanation for this name of the lake. So, not far from the reservoir in the Middle Ages there was a watch fortress with underground passages. This architectural structure has not survived to this day, but the rock massif on which it was located was named “Castel” in its honor. It is still located near the lake - most likely, this is why the nearby reservoir received the same name.

The mirror of the lake reflects the light cliffs of the yayla and the dark green forests of majestic pine trees. There are many species of trees and shrubs, including fruit trees, medicinal herbs and mushrooms. A mountain lake with clear water, filled from a spring, where you can not only swim, boat, but also fish. You can pitch a tent by the lake. Barbecue lovers will appreciate the equipped parking areas. Near the lake there are several springs. The lake is part of the “Mountain Lake” public recreation area.

Lake Kastel is surrounded by a gorgeous dense forest, consisting mainly of Crimean pines. Thanks to the clean ecological environment, there are many medicinal herbs that do not go unnoticed by tourists. The shoreline of the lake in most places consists of light cliffs of yayla. Many places have rock terraces. Here you can see towering massive boulders that contain millions of years of history, since the reasons for their formation are still unknown to anyone.

In the area around Lake Kastel, many species of trees and shrubs grow; in addition, a variety of forest fruits, medicinal herbs, mushrooms are collected here, and even wild honey is collected for cellulite. The castel is fed by crystal clear water from a local spring. The water in the lake is so pleasant that many not only cool off in it, but also come here for fishing. But it is well known that fish cannot live in polluted water. Well-equipped recreation areas are a great help for lovers of active recreation and barbecue on the weekend. Near the lake, researchers of the surrounding nature can easily find several springs with clean fresh water.

Here you can not only swim or boat, but also fish. You can actually camp near the lake. Recently, the lake has become private property, and parking has become paid. You can get to the village of Vinogradnoye by trolleybus, and then about one kilometer you need to walk along mountain paths in a westerly direction.


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