Tamerlan is an Olympic champion in judo. Tamerlan Tmenov: “The chance to write your name in the history of the Olympic Games and the country is a great incentive for Russians. Irkutsk hosted the International Judo Tournament

It only happened that the crown sweep turned out to be fatal. She broke down - and in the last seconds of the final she deprived him of victory. When he already considered the gold medal his...

Fatal Silver

Tmenov brilliantly won the recent absolute European Championship in Moscow. He defeated Mikhailin himself, a three-time world champion, in the final. And our President Vladimir Putin personally presented the gold medal to him. And at home in Vladikavkaz, little son Arthur finally saw his dad - on TV - and was beside himself with pride, pointing his finger at the screen. And of course, numerous friends were already setting Ossetian tables - a hundred meters long. Favorite pies, wine, herbs, cheese, and pure vodka - a real feast!

Tamerlan flew home with great joy. So tired this season. It’s good that at least he had the opportunity to sleep on the plane... This was his second victory after the ill-fated World Championships in Cairo, where he again, as in the Olympic final, allowed his opponent to abandon him at the last moment. And again he came second: just some kind of silver rock!

And you won’t understand why it happens that multiple European champions never manage to win at least one world championship. And world champions may never win the Olympic Games. Like Viktor Igumenov, for example. Or Gogi Koguashvili. But ironically, the opposite happens - when people whom no one knows become Olympic champions. Just because I was lucky - I got a good lot.

Tamerlane probably thought about this a lot. Despite all his injuries, he earned trips to both Sydney and Athens. Both in 2000 and 2004, in a fair selection, he defeated his main rival, Alexander Mikhailin. But both are powerful fighters. You just have to share one Olympic category between two people - like the woman you love. It’s like a Bermuda triangle... Fate gave Tamerlan a chance twice, but he was unlucky - he didn’t win. The responsibility was too great - it simply overwhelmed him. But Sasha hasn’t had this chance at all yet... So go figure out which of them is worse...

- Tamerlan, maybe this is just a psychological barrier? Objectively, as many experts believe, you should be an Olympic champion. You have the richest arsenal of techniques in the world!

So what can we say about it now? I had no right to lose. There are no other medals for me except gold. But what happened happened.

Best of the day

Surprisingly, even at such moments his sense of humor does not let him down. Imagine, before the man had time to come to his senses - then in Athens - a lively girl flew up to him and began to palm off a mobile phone: Oh, please wish something for our listeners, Tamerlane! Come on, don’t be shy, wish, wish quickly, millions of fans are listening to you!

Of course, I wanted to send the girl, but my upbringing did not allow it. And Tamerlane blurted out the first (and most urgent) thing that came to mind: May their spleen never hurt!

Then he explained: Yes, at that moment my spleen itself was so twisted from pain after the contraction that I couldn’t think about anything else...

Tamerlane's eyes are kind and sly, like a child's. You will never understand whether he is speaking jokingly or seriously.

And I generally don’t accept people who don’t have a developed sense of humor. After all, it is the only thing that saves you in difficult moments.

- Can you reveal the secret of how you escape from depression - surely such a wise person has his own secret?

Yes, I just don’t fall into such states. And I don’t understand other athletes who, after defeats, can sit for three days without making a sound or moving, staring at one point. When you address them, they don’t listen. Just some kind of clinic. You can not do it this way. This is bad. We must immediately begin to prepare for new competitions.

- But sometimes, at least at the first moment, it’s really bad - what should you do at these moments?

Personally, I play with my child. With my little son. And immediately I become so happy.


After the finals in Athens, he waited exactly a year to compete again in serious competition. It was the 2005 World Championships in Cairo (in general, the World Cup is held only once every two years and is almost as prestigious as the Olympics). You should have known how he prepared for this tournament. Like a hermit - in one of the most beautiful gorges of Alanya. And most of the team trained at the Olympic base near Podolsk. Mikhailin was there too.

- Tell me, Tamerlan, one of the reasons for your “hermit” was that you simply did not want to train in the same gym with Sasha - is it too crowded for two leaders in the same gym?

Not that it's cramped. I just wanted to think, collect my thoughts, concentrate. And Sasha and I never fight in training.

In fact, coaches simply do not allow this sparring. They understand that this will not be limited to a training match, and the heroes in the heat of the moment can simply break each other. There is no fear in any of them.

Only at the World Championships do they differ: Mikhailin fights in the heavyweights, Tmenov in the absolute category (there is no category at the Olympics). And therefore Tamerlane placed a big bet on Cairo. I arrived at the championship literally on the eve of my own performance. So before the fight, only the coach had time to see him.

Before the World Championships, I celebrated my birthday, I turned 28,” the wrestler said, “and I felt like I was 23. As if there were no injuries, no operations. I was ready to move mountains.

- Weren’t you afraid to fly to the World Championships on the eve of your performance? There wasn’t even time to acclimatize.

I wasn't afraid. It seemed to me that I had clearly calculated all my strengths. But, alas, something was still missing...

Although he went ahead from the first fight. He tore apart and threw opponents like a proven champion. And suddenly he stumbled. At the very end. Again! Deja vu of the Olympic drama. He lay on the carpet, completely devastated. Then he suddenly got up, returned to the hotel, got ready and flew with friends to Sharm el-Sheikh.

I love diving and the sea. I urgently need to rest! - he had absolutely no time for an interview then. I just smiled as I walked out of the elevator - and the doors slammed...

From Cairo to Tver

And we met only a few months later - at the Russian Championship in Tver. Tamerlan didn’t have to perform there - the management let him go. But for him it was a matter of principle. And he came, he saw, he conquered! Moreover, in the favorite heavyweight category. Sasha Mikhailin did not fight then.

- Tamerlan, it seems that the current final of the Russian Championship almost repeated the Athens final for the third time. You were thrown at the Vasari again, only this time the enemy turned out to be a compatriot - Gadzhimurat Muslimov.

I missed this shot - I don’t know how. It even got colder inside...

- But, probably, I immediately remembered the World Cup, and anger began to boil inside - well, this time I will never give up the victory!

Yes, the feeling was that... In general, I ended up “dropping” my opponent on ippon.

Like all truly strong people, Tamerlan is very modest in his interactions. And speeches like “do you even know who I am?!” will never allow himself. And just in Tver there was an indicative case: we went to celebrate his victory, but one of our friends was in sports uniform, and they didn’t want to let us in. And while we were indignant: “How can it be that you hold the tournament yourself, but don’t let the winners in?!” - Tamerlane quietly left.

- We recently had Baroev (Hasan Baroev - Olympic champion of Athens in Greco-Roman wrestling) here, we didn’t let him in either! - the doorman shouted after us with pride.

“They’re wretched,” Tamerlan shrugged. - But I’m still the kind of person who feels comfortable everywhere, like at home. And I don’t take offense at anyone.

- Even in a situation like this?

This is the problem of those who created it. And I can eat sushi in another cafe.

- So you like Japanese cuisine?

Yes very. There were even thoughts of opening a Japanese restaurant in Vladikavkaz.

- Will you always live in Vladikavkaz?

It is likely that I will move to Moscow.

- You can say, cosmopolitan: you were born in Vladikavkaz, you play for the St. Petersburg club “Yavara-Neva”, and are you going to live in Moscow?

Actually, I haven't decided yet.

- Vladikavkaz, if you look at it, is a real Mecca of great wrestlers. Andiev, Fadzaev, Khadartsev, Musulbes, Baroev - you probably all communicate, are friends?

Of course, we maintain relations.

- And when the tragedy occurred in Beslan, did you somehow help the victims?

I don't think it's right to talk about this. Naturally, we did everything we could. They collected money and toys. They supported us with all our might.

Tamerlane, why do you have such a “life-affirming” nickname - Gypsum?

Because I am no longer alive due to my injuries. All 4 menisci are excised. Plus the shoulder is torn. I had 5 operations, four of them were performed by my favorite surgeon here in Vladikavkaz - Kazbek Kudzaev.

- Many athletes nowadays prefer foreign clinics. They think they are more reliable.

That's nonsense. For me, there is no one more reliable than Kazbek. By the way, people come to him from everywhere - he is a God-given surgeon. And I had one operation in Moscow. There is such a good hospital not far from Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in Volynsky - Stalin’s dacha used to be there.

Sacrifices to the gods

- Tell me, are you a believer?

Certainly. The only thing is that I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim. I am a pagan.

- So, you pray not to one God, but to holy stones or trees?

Yes, for example, our family has its own holy bush in the Khetag grove. (This grove is considered the natural temple of the Ossetian celestial Uastirdzhi. There is a legend that, by the will of the Almighty, he hid Prince Khetag in this grove from his pursuers who wanted to kill him.) It is there that the ancient Ossetian holiday of Khetag is celebrated in mid-July. And each family makes a sacrifice to its bush: three pies, sturgeon and three lamb ribs. It is also customary among us that if you sin and want to atone for your sin, make sacrifices to our gods. Also pies and animal bones. And we have one amazing holy place - high in the mountains. Only men can come there. Once you get up there, your strength will increase tenfold. They say that there were cases when the energy flows turned out to be so powerful that people were simply torn to pieces.

- Why aren’t women allowed in that place?

Women have their places. One for mothers praying for their children and pregnant women asking for a happy birth. Another is for girls who crave love...

Tamerlan keeps all his awards at home. Previously, my mother collected them, now - Alan’s beloved wife. Surprisingly, she is also an athlete. Moreover, she is a fencer, and a fencer at that. And she could have made her own career, but she chose to sacrifice medals for the sake of home well-being. And then, two athletes in one Caucasian family is nonsense. The older generation would hardly accept this.

Human rights activist

- Have you thought about the future, how you will end your sports career?

I thought about it, of course. But I definitely won’t be a coach - I don’t have enough nerves.

- What will you do?

Actually, I have a legal education, I graduated from Vladikavkaz State University. And soon I will defend my PhD thesis at the St. Petersburg Military Physical Education Institute named after Lesgaft.

- Wow, what topic?

- “Legal information in professional development in the military sports field.”

- Are you planning to be a sports lawyer?

I think yes. Moreover, this profession should now be especially in demand. Because in our sport the legal framework is very weak.

- Will you be preparing for Beijing?

It's too early to say. It was in my youth that I was young and hungry. Then it seemed: I want everything, I can do everything. Now you look at things more realistically.

- But you have been the captain of the Russian national team since the age of 20. A reliable shoulder for the entire team. It probably happens that you want to take a break from the fight, to unwind somehow?

You know, I've been so interested in snowboarding lately. I even ordered a model specifically for myself. So that it can withstand 180 kg. The snow has already fallen in our mountains, so I’ll soon be diving into the Cheyskoye Gorge, where we have a ski resort. I’ll probably spend the New Year there too - I’ll drive through virgin lands. Bliss!

- Maybe you have some other hobbies?

But what about cars, for example. I think they should be treated the same as mobile phones.

- In terms of?

I mean change it whenever you want. Of course, it's not cheap. So what! I believe that an athlete should not save on himself.

Date of birth: 07/27/1977

Weight: 120 kg

Tamerlan Tmenov is an outstanding judo fighter and rightfully occupies the captain's place of the Russian Federation team in this sports discipline. The athlete is currently opening his own school, where he plans to train future judo champions.

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Biographical information

The future champion and master of sports of international class, Tamerlan Tmenov was born in the city of Ordzhonikidze, now Vladikavkaz, on July 27, 1977. He is a graduate of a state university from North Ossetia. At the moment, Tamerlan Tmenov is receiving additional education, studying by correspondence in the 3rd year at the same university.

In addition to sporting achievements, he has other awards to his credit:

Order of the 2nd degree “For Services to the Fatherland”, which he received in 2001;

Medal “For Services to the Fatherland”, 1st class, which he received in 2006.

As an athlete, Tamerlan Tmenov performs both in Russian and international sports arenas, where he honorably represents the Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense.

Professional career

Tamerlan Tmenov is famous for his achievements not only in the Russian Federation, but also on world sports grounds. The athlete first declared himself by winning the European Junior Championships in 1995. The next year was no exception, and Tamerlan again took first place, only this time not in the European, but in the World Championship of Young Athletes. Taking part in the 1997 World Championships, he received a bronze award. Exactly the same award awaited the athlete after taking part in the 1998 World Cup. From 1998 to 2000, he was the permanent European champion. In September 2000, the Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia, in which Tamerlan Tmenov won a bronze medal in judo in the weight category over 100 kg. He began competing for the national judo team of the Russian Federation in 1998.

Tamerlan has been an Honored MS (Master of Sports) since 2000. He received a certificate of this during the Moscow international tournament. Unfortunately, this undoubtedly gifted and talented athlete was unable to take part in these competitions, because shortly before, he had surgery on his knee. It was also the reason why Tamerlan Tmenov, participating in the 1999 World Championships in Birmingham, took only seventh place. Although one of the tasks of obtaining an Olympic ticket was completed, it left a rather unpleasant mark in the athlete’s soul.

On July 14, 2010, Tamerlan Tmenov decides to end his sports career, during which he became a multiple medalist in both Russia and the world, and also received a 7-time European championship. Currently, he is one of the vice-presidents of the Judo Federation of the Russian Federation. Tamerlan Tmenov, of course, occupies a significant position in the world of judo, possessing outstanding technique and filigree application of techniques, he has won many victories during his career, and thanks to the breadth and openness of his soul, he shares his experience and knowledge with the younger generation, which makes it possible to grow more than one young athlete.

Honored Master of Sports in Judo

Silver medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games and 2005 World Championships, bronze medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games, bronze medalist of the 1999 and 2003 World Championships, Grand Prix winner (2001), winner of the 2007 Super Cup in Germany, 5-time European champion, multiple champion of Russia.

Tamerlan Tmenov was born on July 27, 1977 in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia. Graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of North Ossetian State University. Currently, he is a student at the correspondence faculty of law at the same university. Member of the Russian national team since 1995, captain since 1998. Winner of the European Junior Championship (1995), winner of the World Junior Championship (1996).

About Tmenov:

Captain of the Russian judo team, competes in the heavyweight division. European champion in 1998 and 1999, second prize-winner in 2000, third prize-winner in the 1997 World Championship in 2004. Winner of the 1995 European Youth Championship and the 1996 World Championship in light heavyweight. Three-time Russian champion. Tamerlan Tmenov received the certificate of Honored Master of Sports of Russia during the Moscow International Tournament 2000. However, the talented athlete himself did not participate in the competition, as he underwent serious surgery on his knee. Because of this unfortunate injury, Tamerlan performed unsuccessfully at the 1999 World Championships in Birmingham - only seventh place. And although he completed his main task - he won an Olympic ticket to Sydney, the bitterness from the two defeats remained for a long time.

On September 22, 2000, at the Sydney Olympics, he won a bronze medal in the men's judo competition in the weight category over 100 kg.

Judoist Tamerlan Tmenov, whose sporting successes in the Russian, European, world championships, and at the Olympic Games are well known, needs no introduction. And he is also one of those who is closely acquainted with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This acquaintance began at the time when, under the tutelage of Vladimir Putin, who then headed the FSB, the Yavara-Neva judo club was created in St. Petersburg.

“There have long been specialized judo clubs abroad, but we, in Russia, have never had anything like this,” said Tamerlan Tmenov. – These clubs mainly unite the strongest judokas. It is prestigious to play for them. But personally, I didn’t want to play for some foreign club. And it was nice that Vladimir Putin, who himself was involved in judo, took up the opening of the Yavara-Neva club, and even became its president. He considered it necessary to invite me to this club, and I gladly agreed.

Vladimir Putin is a very attentive person. He doesn’t just rejoice at our sporting victories. He congratulates us on the holidays, does not keep his distance during meetings, and when you communicate with him, you note that he does not behave like a high official in front of whom you are shy, but like an ordinary, approachable person. In general, I think he is truly a statesman. I can say this with good reason, because during my performances at the Yavara-Neva club I communicated with him more than once in an informal setting. And one of our memorable meetings took place in Magnitogorsk at the international tournament for the Cup of the President of Russia in December 2000, when on behalf of our republic I presented him with an Ossetian beer cup. You should have seen his delight and amazement! We, athletes, are brought together by the fact that he is a sports person and in a series of government affairs he always finds time to communicate with us. This cannot but inspire confidence in him. And it inspires hope that sports and youth are among his state priorities.

Tamerlan Tmenov. King of the sweep

Heavyweight judoka Tamerlan Tmenov is a 5-time European champion. He won his first continental gold in 1998, at which time he became captain of the Russian team. He also has two bronze medals at the World Championships (1997, 2003) and an Olympic bronze at Sydney 2000.

Tmenov is an extraordinary personality. From the very first minutes of communicating with him, you feel some special energy of this person. And Tamerlane’s bewitching manner of speaking resembles the magnetism of a mountain stream. His low, velvety voice captivates with its slowness and unusual intonations. Tmenov gives the impression of a modest, polite and diplomatic man, and at the same time he is one of those who are called the soul of the party.

According to the honored coach of Russia Alik Bekuzarov, his ward has a sense of humor. I had the opportunity to verify the truth of these words two years ago at the President's Cup in Rostov-on-Don, when, after the victory of the team of his club "Yavara-Neva", Tmenov answered one of the questions during a press conference in such a way that about forty people present in the hall roared with laughter.

Why do you think Tamerlan was chosen as captain of the national team at the age of 20? - I asked the senior coach of our men’s team, Avel Kazachenkov.

I think thanks to his strong-willed, purposeful character and amazing performance. In addition, he is not only an outstanding athlete, but also an excellent family man and a wonderful friend. In general, an example worthy of imitation.

Can you compare Tmenov with any of the other famous judokas?

No. This is a unique athlete. In terms of its psychological qualities, morphology and technical readiness, it is unique.

Eternal Wanderer

A real man spends his entire life on the road, Ossetians believe.

It is not for nothing that in their religion a special place is occupied by Saint Uastirdzhi, who in Orthodoxy corresponds to Saint George. Uastirdzhi patronizes warriors and travelers. So Tmenov is in his native Vladikavkaz very rarely, mainly in pauses between training camps and competitions.

As a child, he was a wonderful baby with radiant eyes and dark curls,” recalls his mother Sima Vladimirovna. - The name Tamerlan (translated into Russian - winner - “SE”) was chosen by his grandmother on his father’s side. Later Tamerlane had brothers: two years later - Aslan, three years later - Soslan.

Have you heard that Tamerlan started practicing judo on your initiative?

Most likely it all happened by chance. When our family moved to a new area, Tamerlan went to third grade, and on the first of September we decided to enroll him in the judo section - the only one where classes were free. Then the son ended up in Alik Bekuzarov’s group. This coach immediately made a good impression on us. It was clear that he knew how to raise boys properly. And Alik also seemed very strict. When he appeared in our yard, the children were swept away like a broom.

Were you interested in sports before?

I have always liked athletics and figure skating. But when you have three sons, you involuntarily become interested in football.

Some parents dream of their children becoming champions, achieving fame and material well-being. Why did you decide to send your guys to judo, and even to such Karabas-Barabas?

Our family is ordinary. I am a sales worker, my husband, Ruslan Mayramovich, worked for a long time at a car service station, and not so long ago we opened our own shop. When Tamerlan started practicing judo, none of us thought about wealth or popularity. I just wanted him, and then the other sons, to be busy with work, not hanging out on the street all day or not hanging around aimlessly at home. This is what happened with Tamerlan: since he became a judoka, we haven’t seen him at home.

Has his character changed over the years?

As a child, Tamerlan was very calm and gentle. And now he is a strong-willed, disciplined, sometimes even a little tough person who wants to be a leader everywhere and in everything. He says that no matter how difficult the opponent may be, you must always be determined only to win. He teaches his younger brother the same thing.

How does he cope with defeat?

Very hard. I remember what a shock his third place in Sydney was for him and for all of us. But when Tamerlane returns victorious, it is a holiday for the entire district.

Doesn't Tamerlane complain about being tired of nomadic life?

No. He loves judo too much. And in general, Tamerlane does not like to complain. He is a very caring son and is afraid of upsetting me with anything. If something is wrong, he will never say it or even show it. He always says: “Mommy, the less you know, the better you sleep.” But I still see how difficult it is for him sometimes. It is well known how professional sports affects health.

20 years ago could you imagine that your son would become a famous athlete?

No. When Tamerlan began to take first places, I had two feelings - pride and anxiety at the same time. But when Tamerlan is with Alik, I am calm for my son.

Bekuzarov is probably already like a family member for you?

Absolutely right. He is even called the second pope of Tamerlane. At his son’s wedding, he was “kukhyl hatsag,” that is, the most important person. Alik had to take the bride out of her house and deliver her to my house.

Are there any traditional holidays in your family?

Certainly. We always celebrate birthdays and New Years at home together. And, of course, the Khetag holiday, which is celebrated in Ossetia every year in mid-July. On this day we go to the holy bush, bringing with us three pies, sturgeon or three ribs. By the way, when Tamik leaves, I always bake him meat pies for the trip, which he loves very much, and take him to the holy bush for a blessing.

Is Tamerlan a famous person in the city?

Still would! In Vladikavkaz they recognize me on the streets. People often come to us from television.

Does he keep his awards at home?

Yes. Our hill is covered in trophies. I sometimes joke: if you were awarded not with medals, but with money, where would we put it? Before my daughter-in-law arrived, I looked after the prizes, but now Alan takes all the care of them.

Is Tamerlan a good husband and father?

Not that word. But he is so rarely at home! He will give us his smile - and again we will be on our way. When he calls, he will definitely ask who to bring what. He misses him very much, especially his son Arthur, who is one and a half years old.

It must be hard for you to be a mother, and for Alana to be the wife of a famous athlete?

Certainly. But I miss you - that's not so bad. And the wife is young...

Signature reception

For the stern look with which Tmenov hypnotizes his opponents before a fight, he was nicknamed the bear. But once the fight begins, this seemingly somewhat slow bear turns into a nimble lion. His body becomes flexible, his movements become precise, his throws become unexpected. One of Tmenov’s main trump cards is the sweep. In performing this technique, he now has virtually no equal.

The sweep is a universal technique that can bring success to a wrestler of any category. But sweeps are especially helpful for heavyweights, says Tmenov. - My opponents are sometimes so massive that it’s not easy to even move them. This is where sweeps come in handy.

Which ones do you like best?

Any. And I choose one or the other depending on the situation.

Do you often get hooked yourself?

Along with attacking skills comes an understanding of how best to defend against the corresponding technique. Therefore, when you yourself are good at any element of the attack, you usually have a clear idea of ​​how to get away from it.

What does it take to make a great hook?

You need to successfully and reliably grab your opponent and throw him off balance. Judo, like any other form of wrestling, has its own specific movements. If you do everything right, it turns out beautifully. You need to feel the sweep well, and then it doesn’t matter how much your opponent weighs - 60 kg or more than a hundredweight.

They say that in martial arts the most important thing is the eyes, followed by the legs and courage. I have heard that during a fight, opponents look at each other with some special “false look” - at their legs and shoulders at the same time...

A strong character is what a judoka definitely needs to have. Without him, no fight will be possible. And another capture. We use false captures very often. After the first touch, you feel in what position your opponent feels uncomfortable.

Do you study your opponents in advance?

Certainly. I watch videos of fights. I prepare for a fight with each opponent individually.

Do you often perform painful techniques?

It happens. When wrestling on the ground, the arsenal of actions is limited, and if there is no attack, both wrestlers are lifted into a standing position. In addition to painful techniques, I often use choking techniques and holding.

How long can you endure the pain yourself?

I try not to fall for a painful hold so that I don’t have to endure it.

Over the past 4 years, have new techniques appeared in your arsenal?

Of course. Besides, with each tournament you become more experienced and wiser.

I know that during Bekuzarov’s training you carry sandbags. Is one-on-one training with a personal trainer very different from what you get at a boot camp?

In principle they are no different. It’s just that at the training camp they lead you to a specific start. The difference in workload is small, but there are much more sparring partners at the training camp.

When I was brought to the section, I honestly didn’t even know what it was. I don’t know what specific pedagogical methods the coach used, but every day it became more and more interesting for me to study with him. Then the results began at international competitions, sports passion appeared, and then a love for judo. If a person likes the work he is doing, he gives it his all.

If you came across a goldfish, what would be the first thing you would ask of it?

Don't know. And in general this is the wrong way to pose the question. I'm used to achieving everything myself.

What would you have become if you had not chosen judo?

I can't imagine.

Support from the President

Have you, the captain of the Russian national team, ever had to bring your comrades to their senses after nervous breakdowns?

Thank God it never came to this. Our team is all adults, courageous people, and not some hysterics. But the captain constantly has to support the guys before the fight and help them get ready for it. This is his responsibility.

It is known that you are familiar with Vladimir Putin. How did you meet?

Several years ago I received many offers from foreign clubs. But soon the Russian club “Yavara-Neva” was created, to which Bekuzarov and I were invited. And Putin became its honorary president. Since then we have kept in touch.

Has the President ever given you purely wrestling advice?

No. He understands that this is the job of a coach who knows well the strengths and weaknesses of his student. But Vladimir Vladimirovich provided me with support. For example, when I had health problems and needed surgery, he helped ensure that good specialists did it.

Do you have your own support group in North Ossetia?

Certainly. Wrestlers are highly respected in Vladikavkaz. I know that quite a few guys are going to go to Athens by bus to cheer not only for the judokas, but also for the freestyle wrestlers and classics.

How do you assess your chances at the Games?

I rate it normally. We will fight.

"Sport Express"

Russian judoka Tamerlan Tmenov improved his Sydney achievement. At the 2000 Games he brought Russia a bronze medal, and in Athens he won silver. Now the Russian Government will pay Tmenov a monetary reward in the amount of $20 thousand. If Tamerlan had achieved victory in the final match, he would have received another $100 thousand from the funds allocated to encourage Russian athletes who won the Olympic Games of the Nafta-Moscow State Oil Company.

In the final, Japanese Keiji Suzuki won a clear victory (ippon) over Tmenov in the weight category over one hundred kilograms. In the semi-finals, Tmenov himself defeated Mahmudreza Miran from Iran by ippon; in the 1/4 finals, the Russian defeated the Estonian Indrek Pertelson, who managed to win bronze through repechage fights; in the 1/8 finals, Tamerlan. Maybe if your correspondent had a chance to visit Sydney at the final heavyweight bout in Greco-Roman wrestling between Alexander Karelin and Rulon Gardner, now I wouldn’t have to be surprised. But yesterday, for the first time in my life, I saw an athlete for whom Olympic silver was not a defeat, not a setback.

And it became a tragedy. The end of the world. And when at a press conference Tamerlan Tmenov squeezed out with a sorrowful face: “No, this is not a tragedy,” even a three-year-old child could not believe it.

At first glance, what terrible thing happened? Why was it necessary to expect gold from the captain of our judokas? Tmenov is not Karelin after all. Being a multiple European champion, he has never risen above the third step at the Olympics and world championships. Opposing him was the young Japanese Suzuki, the current world champion. And we haven’t seen first place in Olympic judo since 1992. In fact, since 1988, because Azerbaijani Huseynov and Georgian Khakhaleishvili won two gold medals in Barcelona as part of the Unified Team. Moreover, according to his passport, Tamerlan is 27 years old, which means he has at least one Olympics ahead of him.

But that’s the kind of person he is, Tmenov. Apparently, it was no coincidence that his parents gave him the name Tamerlan, which translated means winner. And second place is not a victory. Not to mention the third. Four years ago, in bronze Sydney, the Olympic newcomer was dying because in the middle of the semi-final bout his liver was seized, which allowed the Japanese Shinahara to carry out a fatal move. Despite the fact that immediately after winning the fight for third place, he fainted in front of the public!

Now Tamerlan lay on the tatami for a long time, clutching his head. Then he stood, bent double. Then he sat. Long long time. But there could not be a comfortable position for him at that moment. And tonight, I don’t doubt for a second, he didn’t sleep for a second.

For victories - to Japan?

Suzuki only had one moment in the 38th second of the second minute of the fight to make a sweep - and finish everything ahead of schedule. “There are so many throws in judo, but I missed the sweep,” the Russian later was killed. When asked what feelings he was experiencing, he answered: “If you had turned off the recorders, I would have told you.” Turned off. And they heard a savory tirade addressed to themselves, which Tmenov in no way deserved...

Until the final, he did whatever he wanted with his opponents. Romanian Munteanu, Brazilian Hernandez, Estonian Pertelson, Iranian Miran - none of them lasted until the end of the fight. But, for example, in the same Hernandez - 145 kg of live weight. 25 more than in Tmenov. A category without upper limits - look, Leonel Wilfredo Ruiz from Venezuela has as many as 178 kilograms of these!

The most difficult thing was with the Iranian. Miran did not fight himself and did not give it to Tmenov. As a result, the Iranian became more passive - a minute before the end of the fight he received a third warning, which meant Vasari's assessment - half the victory - for the Russian. Well, when the opponent was forced to reveal himself, Tamerlan took full advantage of it. First - Yuka. The desperate Iranian tried to make a sweep, but Tmenov removed his leg in time and instantly laid Miran, who had lost his balance, on the tatami. Ippon!

But he didn’t have time to stop Suzuki’s hook in what had been an equal fight until that moment...

When at a press conference a Japanese journalist asked Tmenov about his attitude towards Suzuki, the Russian answered in perfect English:

How can this attitude be if I always lose only to the Japanese! These are some amazing people - it’s not for nothing that in Japan judo is treated not as a sport, but as a two-hundred-year-old national tradition. In each weight they have five or six equal athletes. Before the next Olympics, maybe I’ll go to Japan to train. And then I will win a gold medal!

“This is how you conducted this tournament - four ippons,” I ask Tmenov. - What happened?

Perhaps there wasn't enough class. Or maybe he missed this sweep because he wanted to win too much. Unlike many others, I came here only to win. But the final throw put everything in its place.

At the press conference, Tmenov presented a striking contrast to the bronze medalists, the beaming Estonian Pertelson and the Dutchman van der Geest. Pertelson (who, by the way, won bronze in Sydney together with Tamerlan) exclaimed that he was glad to bring the country a medal on Estonia’s Independence Day. Van der Geest, who completed the unique fraternal bronze doublet (his brother became third the day before), even managed to speak in Russian. When one of our journalists asked whether it was true that Van der Geest Sr., father and coach, periodically beats him and his brother, the judoist suddenly said in fluent Russian: “No.” A little later it turned out that he did not understand the question and answered at random. When the question was translated into English, the hero laughed: “You see, I guessed right!”

Can you imagine a laughing Tmenov at this press conference?.. won a clear victory over the Brazilian Daniel Hernandez, and in the first round the army judoka was stronger than the Romanian Gabriel Munteanu.

Latest information:

On May 6, at the World Judo Super Cup in Moscow, the silver medalist of the 2004 Olympics, Russian Tamerlan Tmenov, won in the weight category over 100 kg. Second place also went to our compatriot Soslan Dzhanaev. Tamerlan Tmenov himself told a special correspondent of the Sports Information Agency “All Sport” about the competition.

(see video clip of this fight on

“Now I remember and understand that this was probably my most pleasant ending in 12 years of my career,” Tamerlan Tmenov smiled. – Soslan, one might say, is my student, we train with the same coach – Alik Bekuzarov, in the same club – “Nart”. And I, as an elder, as an uncle, look after Soslan. Today he was just great, he surprised me. The guy is 20 years old, competing at almost the second serious tournament in his life - and immediately reached the final. I think the fight we had is a huge plus for all of Russian judo. At this tournament I won all fights with ippon. Such a victory brings double pleasure - it’s nice for me, and it’s nice for the audience to see a beautiful fight. However, there are some nuances that I will try to correct for the World Cup. I think at the world I will compete in the absolute category, and Alexander Mikhailin in the up to 100 kg category. And then we’ll see who will show what, and then go to the Olympics.”

After the end of the competition, Tamerlan Tmenov was also awarded a diploma of a candidate of pedagogical sciences. Tamerlan Tmenov defended his dissertation on legal information in sports at NIIFK.

Message from 09.14.2007

“Russian Tamerlan Tmenov became the silver medalist of the World Judo Championship in Rio de Janeiro. According to RIA Novosti, in the final fight for gold in the over 100 kilogram category, Tmenov lost on points to the Frenchman Teddy Riner.

“Today Tamerlan had a real opportunity to become a world champion, but, unfortunately, he lost in the final,” head coach of the Russian men’s judo team Sergei Tabakov told RIA Novosti.

Famous Russian judoka, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, ex-captain of the Russian national judo team. He competed in super heavyweight (over 100 kg).

"Connections / Partners"


The Governor's Judo Cup will be held in Chelyabinsk for the nineteenth time

Chelyabinsk will host the Governor's Judo Cup for the nineteenth time in history. The already traditional tournament will take place this Thursday, February 21st. As the organizers note, during its existence the Governor's Cup received the status of one of the strongest in Russia.

Its winners at different times were such stars of domestic judo as Vitaly Makarov, Tamerlan Tmenov, Dmitry Morozov, Elena Ivashchenko, Renat Mirzaliev, Ivan Pershin. The competitions are “masterful”: their winners can fulfill the standard and receive the honorary title “Master of Sports of Russia.” Based on the results of the team competition, the best region is awarded the main prize - the Governor's Cup. In the entire history of the competition, the main trophy has never left the Chelyabinsk region.

Olympic champion Tamerlan Tmenov held an equal dialogue with Kostroma students and judokas

The famous Russian judoka, Olympic champion 2002-2004, Master of Sports of Russia Tamerlan Tmenov met with students of Kostroma State University and took part in an open judo lesson at the Dynamo Children's and Youth Martial Arts School named after V.A. Shershunova.

Tamerlan Tmenov completed his sports career

The captain of the Russian judo team, Tamerlan Tmenov, announced the end of his sports career. The silver and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games and World Championships, multiple champion of Russia and Europe, made this difficult decision for himself. Tamerlan admitted that he is not going to move far from his favorite sport and will now follow a path parallel to judo. In this, he was convincingly supported today by the head of North Ossetia, Taimuraz Mamsurov, as well as the President of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, who awarded Tamerlan the Order of Honor.
link: http://www.judo.ru/news/2563/

Tamerlan Tmenov switches to coaching

According to Ossetian media, the most titled judoka in Russia, two-time Olympic medalist Tamerlan Tmenov is going to switch to coaching and open a specialized judo school in his native Vladikavkaz. The captain of the Russian national team said that in his homeland, North Ossetia, he intends to engage in the further development of judo, including women’s, which has recently become increasingly popular in the republic.
“I’m going to start coaching.

On April 17, there will be a presentation of the Aslan charity foundation, which, in cooperation with the North Ossetian Judo Federation, will develop a program for the development of children's and youth judo. I plan to actively participate in this program and conduct master classes, including with the participation of famous athletes,” said Tamerlan Tmenov.
link: http://www.judo.ru/news/2420/

Tamerlan Tmenov: an atmosphere of unity reigns in judo

Present as an honorary guest at the championship is Tamerlan Tmenov, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Athens in the weight category over 100 kg, bronze medalist of the Sydney Olympics, bronze medalist of the 1999 and 2003 World Championships, 5-time European champion, multiple Russian champion. Tamerlan is the captain of the Russian national team. He does not participate in the championship, but watches all the fights. Tmenov’s eighteen-year-old brother, Soslan, fought in the 90 kg weight class, although he hasn’t achieved anything yet.
link: http://cheljudo.ru/index.php? action=texts&id=132

Judo as sport and philosophy

The first international judo tournament was held in Irkutsk over the weekend, in which about 800 athletes from 14 regions of Russia, as well as Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan took part. A huge surprise was the appearance at the Trud Sports Palace of two-time Olympic champion, vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation Tamerlan Tmenov. The famous judoka answered questions from the Regional Newspaper.
link: http://www.ogirk.ru/news/2012-10-29/25514.html

Tamerlan Tmenov - “The champion can get high for five minutes”

Prize-winner of two Olympics, multiple European champion, winner of world judo championship awards in the over 100 kg category, captain of the Russian national team and vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation Tamerlan TMENOV shared with MK his impressions of the performance of the country’s national team at the European Championships held in Vienna. The famous judoka also explained why he abandoned his coaching career and outlined his point of view on what qualities any potential champion must have.
link: http://judoka.ucoz.ru/news/

The international judo tournament was held in Irkutsk.

The athletes' fights were watched by the tournament's guest of honor - champion and Olympic medalist, vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation Tamerlan Tmenov. During a conversation with journalists, he noted that it was his first time in Irkutsk. The minus temperature outside was invigorating. But the local fans, of whom there were quite a few in the stands, were a delight. Tamerlan also said that the purpose of his trip was to see how judo is developing in the Siberian region.
link: http://www.aisttv.ru/ru/

Irkutsk hosted the International Judo Tournament

link: http://www.38i.ru/news/sport

The Judo Federation of the Volgograd Region is headed by Mikhail Markelov

Mikhail Markelov himself admitted that for him such an appointment is very honorable and responsible. He is already getting up to speed, and he was introduced to the key problems of this sport by the famous Russian judoist, multiple Olympic medalist and European champion Tamerlan Tmenov, with whom Markelov worked in the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the North Caucasus Federal District.

Volgograd is a special city for me,” admitted Tamerlan Tmenov. - In 1994, I won the Russian Championship here, and that’s where my big victories began. There are very good conditions for the development of judo, there is a large hall. But we need to develop sports in the region and try to open at least small gyms there. Mikhail already has certain ideas in this direction. I plan that in the future we will work closely together - implement various projects and conduct master classes.
link: http://gorvesti.ru/gazeta/186

Tamerlan Tmenov defended his Ph.D. thesis

On December 14, in St. Petersburg, at the Military Institute of Physical Culture, the silver medalist of the Athens Olympics, captain of the Armed Forces Tamerlan Tmenov, defended his Ph.D. thesis. According to the judoka himself, the title of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was not easy. Tamerlan Tmenov, the owner of two higher educations - legal and pedagogical, collected materials for more than six months, read all the necessary information from various scientific works and manuals in the fleeting intervals between important competitions. As a result, with the active support of the scientific supervisor, Boris Arkadyevich Rotenberg, by the beginning of December, a multi-page work was written on the topic: “Legal information in the professional development of military sports specialists.” Immediately after defending his dissertation, Tmenov shared his impressions:

— On behalf of the National Judo Union, we congratulate you on the successful defense of your candidate’s thesis. Tell us in more detail how your dissertation defense went?
link: http://www.judo.ru/news/193/

Irkutsk hosted the International Judo Tournament

750 participants from 6 countries and 15 regions of Russia gathered in the hall of the Trud Sports Palace. They competed for 136 awards and medals. The largest team - more than a hundred people - came from Krasnoyarsk. But the Mongolian team was represented by 60 athletes. 17 children aged from 11 to 18 years competed from Irkutsk. The guest of honor of the tournament was Olympic medalist in judo Tamerlan Tmenov.

— Judo is a sport that is for both girls and boys. This sport develops both physically and mentally, and a person can stand up for himself, and there is no need for special efforts,” says Vice-President of the Russian Judo Federation Tamerlan Tmenov.

Undoubtedly, only unusual people can raise and organize a worthy person. Tell us about your parents. Maybe you remember your grandparents?

My father, Ruslan Mayramovich, worked as a car mechanic all his life. If you remember, such a car as the Volga 2410 was very popular, but my father knew everything about its engine! And my mother, Sima Vladimirovna, worked for 20 years as the deputy head physician of clinic No. 7. Surprisingly, I still remember the taste of kefir from the children's kitchen.

I remember my paternal grandfather very well. He raised me and nursed me. I regret that he didn’t get to see my victories and achievements. He would be immensely proud. Everyone notes that I like him in figure, character, and willpower. Genes are a great power...

What traditions have you created in your own family?

We have an ordinary Orthodox Ossetian family. We honor all the traditions of our people, celebrate all holidays. And if we talk about family holidays, then, of course, we try to celebrate, for example, New Year, with the whole extended family. I love celebrating this holiday with my family or in the mountains, or somewhere else, but always together. And not so that they celebrated and left fifteen minutes after the chimes struck. I really love it when friends and families come to visit, and then pay them return visits.

Why did your father or mother punish you?

Oh, rather, we can list what we could not have been punished for. Well, imagine, three boys, all with explosive characters. Yes, a couple of us, three times a day, definitely had to be punished! And without this it is impossible to keep the boys “in line.”

Do you punish your children?

Despite the abundance of newfangled methods, I adhere to the theory that any person, even a small one, needs to be conveyed “what is good and what is bad.” And punishment is precisely one of the levers by which this is achieved. Of course, beating children is not pedagogical. But punishment is not limited to flogging. Besides, a slap on the butt in some cases is the best motivation. So, I am rather a supporter of punishment for misconduct.

Probably my wife is softer.


I am softer, of course, but I fully support Tamerlane on this issue.

Is there an action in your life that you are still ashamed of?

I don’t remember right away.


This means there is nothing so serious, otherwise I wouldn’t have forgotten!


Although, you know, there is, perhaps, one such person. But I won’t talk about him. The past cannot be changed, so there is no need to talk about it.

Tell us about your childhood, about the moment that became a turning point in your life when you were brought to the judo section?

In my childhood, our city was not yet built up like this, but there were practically no playgrounds. On the field, where there used to be an airfield, now everything is built up with houses, my friends and I played football. One day, passing by on a tram, we were noticed by a football coach, the famous Papilashvili. He invited us to play at his place. I even managed to do a couple of training sessions. And at this time, a judo section was opened next to us, and our neighbor Alik Bekuzarov trained the guys there. And so, since it was very close to home, and even under the supervision of a neighbor, my mother insisted that I go to judo. I got involved, and then successes and awards came. It turned out that judo is my sport. In addition, people gathered around - real professionals. These are all my friends from childhood - Vitalik Khugaev, Kazik Tsagaraev, Irbek Aylarov, Soslan Kadiev. They are all training young people now.

Fate intervened, who knows, maybe they would have become a mediocre football player...

Who told you this?! I am sure that if I had played football, I would have reached no less heights. This is true in any sport, in any business. The main thing is to go to the end, through pain, injury, defeat. Perseverance and you can conquer any peak. If I had not reasoned like this, I would not have become what I am now.

Tell us about your acquaintance with Vladimir Putin.
How much does it help you in life now, or are you, on the contrary, trying not to advertise it?

I met Vladimir Vladimirovich in 1997 after I won a bronze medal at the World Championships. Then I was invited to play for foreign clubs - Germany, France, Croatia, Austria. But I always believed that “where I was born, I came in handy.” And so the president, to my happiness and to the happiness of many, many guys who had the opportunity to train, had the idea of ​​​​creating the Russian judo club “Yavara-Neva”. My great friend, who oversaw this endeavor, Taimuraz Boloev, and Arkady Rotenberg played a significant role in this. These are the three people thanks to whom there is such a sports club, the most titled club in Europe. All good athletes received a wonderful opportunity to realize themselves in their homeland and bring medals to their country. Many thousands of children were given the opportunity to train for free, which sounds like a utopia these days. And since that year, Vladimir Vladimirovich and I have maintained warm relations. Whatever is in his power, he always helps, whatever is in mine, I never let you down.

A champion on the mat, you also became a champion in your personal life by winning such an extraordinary girl. Tell me, do you remember how you decided on your choice of life partner?

Well, Alana can tell you about this better than me. And also about how he and his friends treated judokas!


Tamerlan and I studied at the same physical education department at SOGU. I took up fencing. And my friends and I always joked that the one who behaved badly would marry a judoka. I probably behaved the worst of all, and I was incredibly lucky. I became Tamerlane's wife. Speaking seriously, then, of course, it is a great success to find your person with whom you can reliably go through life. I have known Tamerlan for a long time, but I still discover new facets of his character; he will never cease to be interesting to me. Because he is the kind of person with whom it is not boring, it is calm. Of course, there is a great lack of communication: my husband is constantly busy. But when he is nearby, it is a real holiday for me and for the children.

Does your enchanting schedule, constant absences, training leave time for children?

This is a very painful topic for me. I hardly see my family. But my children always surprise me. This is probably not difficult when you communicate with them so rarely. I thought that when I finished my career as an athlete, free time would become easier. But it was not there. New responsibilities appeared, and with them new problems. We need to continue to realize ourselves and feed our family. But I have a reliable rear. I am calm for my children - they are in reliable, caring, strong hands. It is very important for a man to make the right choice so that there is a wise woman nearby whom he can rely on in everything. Then you can move mountains!

So, the next question is more likely for Alana. Tell us about your children, what are they already showing talents in?

Arthur is already 9 years old. He tries to realize himself in football, he is indifferent to judo. But he kicks the ball with pleasure.

Teona is 5 years old. Recently they sent her to rhythmic gymnastics. Now is the period when intense stretching is taking place. She, of course, doesn’t like this very much, but I hope that she has her father’s tenacity.

The children are now completely on me. I hope I can raise them worthy of such a father.

Do you plan for their future, or rely on fate, which in your case was not mistaken?

I wouldn’t say that fate decided anything for me. For example, I see a pattern in everything. I would like them to realize themselves in sports. But if they choose something else, I won’t mind. If only they did it with full dedication. We try to give our children everything, and now there are much more opportunities for this than we and our parents had. And by doing so we are doing them a disservice. My children, of course, do not have the need, which I once had, to start earning money at seventeen. But when their time comes to make an important decision about their future, I am sure that they will approach it seriously, consciously and will not make mistakes. Younger people need to rely on the opinions of their elders. This has always been the case among our people. We must not forget about this, so as not to cease to exist as a great people.

Family is not only spouses, children, parents. These are brothers and sisters. In this regard, you are a rich person, do you have them? Tell us about them.

I am the older brother. Our Aslan passed away in 2006. I don’t want to comment on this, and those who lost a brother will understand me. Soslan became a member of our parliament. There is also Vasily - we have a common father. Thanks to the wisdom of our mother, he is our brother. Vasily works in law enforcement agencies. Brothers and friends are my support, my support, my luck.

Not long ago you received a law degree... Outside of sports, do you see yourself as a lawyer?

Well, it's been quite a while now. But recently, in 2008, I graduated from the North-Western Academy under the President of the Russian Federation. You see, any athlete will tell you this: when the time comes to end a sports career, the question of further self-realization arises. And a person leaves big sport at the very prime of his life. Many people lost themselves and did not know how to define their lives further. My studies gave me the opportunity to try my hand at being a member of parliament. Now I hold the position of adviser to the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District.

Do you have a dream that you strive for with all your heart?

I guess I’ve come to that point in my life when you understand that dreams are something ethereal and intangible. I don't dream. I am realizing my aspirations. I have a great desire to open a sports school and train young people. Much has already been done for this. And my friends too. There are judo halls at the Dynamo stadium, in schools No. 43 and No. 24. About three thousand children of our republic train in them. And what’s interesting is that more and more girls are interested in our sport. And these days, girls just need to be able to stand up for themselves. After all, judo gives not only some skills and abilities, but also the psychology of self-confidence.

What would you never forgive a person for?

Probably betrayal. In any form, even a lie is a small betrayal. And also meanness.

What about a loved one?

And loved ones, too. Sometimes I was disappointed in people, and not because they were bad people, but at certain moments they behaved in a way that forced me to break off the relationship. I do not rule out that it is my fault in such situations. A good doctor is time. I was convinced of this.

Is it a shame for a man to cry?

I don't think it's shameful to show your feelings. How can you not cry in moments of grief? Some may cry from happiness. If a man cries, it does not humiliate his dignity, no. It is a shame for a man to be insensitive.

Of course, for your children you yourself are the main role model, and what other examples do you teach and educate them by?


Is it possible to find a better example than Tamerlane?! A father is a man who cannot afford to do wrong. Talking about how someone is a good person, that you should follow the model of his life, but stumble yourself? No - that's wrong. I only use my husband as an example for our children.

What is Tamerlan Tmenov afraid of?


If the opportunity presented itself to live life next to the same people, but calmly, without sports, without leaving, without inhuman stress, would you take it?

No. Without sports I wouldn't be me. And another person would not be of interest to Alana, and I would not be interested either. I don’t regret anything, the only thing I would change is start keeping a diary. There were so many interesting meetings, places... And at the end of my life I would have started writing memoirs based on it.

Do you think that you have realized all your ambitions as an athlete, son, father, man?

Of course not! I think seventy percent of my potential is yet to be realized!

Interviewed by Marina Cherchesova (No. 25/2013)


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