Book your seats. Online booking of seats on an airplane using an electronic ticket. How to correctly fill in passenger information

Azimuth Airlines offers passengers the opportunity to choose their seat on board the aircraft. You can select your preferred seat either directly at the departure airport at the check-in counter, or in the airline’s online services.

At the departure airport:

“Priority” and “Priority+” are a new service with additional amenities. The passenger who has used the service, choosing a seat at will, is seated in the front part of the cabin.

“Priority+” - selection of a seat on the 1st-3rd row of seats with reclining backs and an increased distance between the rows, with expanded legroom and placement in the front part of the aircraft cabin.

“Priority” - choice of a seat in 4-5 rows of reclining seats located in the front part of the aircraft cabin or a seat in 6-20(21) rows.

Services are provided for an additional fee and are issued at the ticket office of an authorized agent at the airport at the check-in stage no earlier than 3 hours before flight departure.

  • “Priority+” - 1,400 rubles including VAT.
  • “Priority” (4-5 rows of seats) - 600 rubles including VAT.
  • “Priority” (6-20/21 rows of AC block seats) - 600 rubles including VAT.

In online services:

Selecting a seat on an airplane is a paid service that gives the passenger the right to choose a seat in the airline’s online services. The service is provided only on regular flights of Azimuth Airlines on routes available for online check-in.

Seat selection is available in the following online services:

1. During the process of issuing an air ticket. The service is available regardless of the time before departure during the entire period of sale of air tickets. But at the same time, there remains the need to go through the passenger registration procedure for the flight.

2. During the online check-in process with simultaneous check-in for the flight. Online check-in begins 24 hours and ends 3 hours before flight departure.

In online services, a fixed fee is charged for the service under the following conditions:

  • Seats in rows 1-3 ** - 1,200 rubles* including VAT.
  • Seats in 4-5 rows - 500 rubles* including VAT.
  • Seats in rows 6-20/21 of the AC seat block - 500 rubles* including VAT.
  • Seats in rows 6-20/21 of the DEF seat block - 250 rubles* including VAT.

* When paying online on the website of AZIMUT Airlines JSC with a non-ruble bank card, currency conversion is carried out automatically according to the tariffs of the issuing bank that issued the card.

** The choice of seats on the 1st-3rd rows when issuing air tickets, depending on the aircraft layout, is available subject to issuing class air tickets on a free basis, and during the online check-in process for passengers with class air tickets is also provided on a free basis.

Confirmation of payment for choosing a seat in any of the services is an EMD and an electronic receipt from the processing system, sent to the passenger’s email.

A refund of the cost of the service is made in full if the service is not provided in the following cases:

  • Involuntary refusal of a passenger from transportation, provided for by the rules of AZIMUTH Airlines JSC and Art. 227 Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAP No. 82);
  • Termination by AZIMUT Airlines JSC unilaterally of the passenger air carriage agreement in accordance with Art. 230 FAP No. 82 (except for the case of unilateral termination by the carrier of the contract for air transportation of a passenger on the basis provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 230 of FAP No. 82, in which case the amount paid for the service is not returned to the passenger);
  • Voluntary refusal of the passenger from transportation in accordance with Art. 229 FAP No. 82;
  • Prompt replacement of aircraft type;
  • Prompt flight cancellation;
  • Transferring a passenger to another seat during a flight in order to ensure aviation security;
  • For other reasons affecting flight safety as decided by an airline representative or crew.

If it is necessary to transfer to another seat, the responsible flight attendant on board the aircraft places a note on a paper copy of the EMD, or on the boarding pass, or on the itinerary receipt of the electronic ticket that the service is not provided.

Refunds are made to the passenger when contacting the airline's Contact Center at infoavia@site with the obligatory provision of:

  • return application filled out in free form,
  • a scanned copy of an identity document, if necessary, a notarized power of attorney,
  • copies of boarding pass,
  • copies of a document confirming that the service was not provided during the flight.

The suitcases have already been packed, the days before the trip are being crossed out on the calendar... All that remains is to book the most comfortable seat on the plane so that you can enjoy the trip from the very first minute.

Some prefer a seat by the window to look at the receding earth, clouds and sun, starry sky and moon. Others want to sit comfortably in a seat and sleep peacefully throughout the flight. How to choose the best seat on a plane

Buying tickets online

Today you no longer need to come to the airport in person to purchase a ticket. Tiring queues at the box office are a thing of the past. Just go to the website and issue an electronic ticket in a few clicks. You can do this:

  • through the airline's website;
  • through an intermediary site.

Both options are completely safe if you buy from the official website of the airline or choose well-known portals. Your data will not fall into the wrong hands.

It is often more convenient and even cheaper to purchase electronic tickets on aggregator sites. Their advantage is that on the desired date you will immediately be given a list of possible direct and indirect flights. And all you have to do is choose the most suitable one for all your needs. How to find the cheapest air ticket

through the Internet

What to do if you want to take a specific place? The fact is that the possibility of such a booking is not available with every airline. Some people have the “window seat” option, while others don’t give you the opportunity to choose at all when purchasing online. Still others, on the contrary, allow you to choose any chair you like.

Air carriers often reserve the most comfortable seats (in the first row, near emergency exits) for certain categories - tall people, parents with small children, pregnant women, pensioners. And if you fall into at least one of these categories, you may be lucky too.

If, when booking an electronic ticket, the site shows you a plan or diagram of the plane, where you can choose the seats you like, then there is no problem. What you specify is yours. And it is advisable to buy a ticket in advance - at least a month before the trip.

However, most airlines do things differently - they open online check-in about a day before departure and close it a few hours before boarding. In this case, you can also book a seat on the plane using an electronic ticket without leaving your home. The advantage of this action is that you no longer have to stand in line and can go straight to the control. Some companies, by the way, can give their passengers pleasant bonuses for online registration.

When purchasing and registering online, be sure to print your ticket. This not only guarantees that you will find a seat quickly. This is also reference information about departure time, terminal number, etc. In the rush of collecting fees, such information can easily fly out of your head.

How to book air tickets online without paying

Do you want to save money, book plane tickets and choose the most attractive seats without leaving your seat? This is quite possible if you buy air tickets online. A huge number of tourists no longer stand in queues at ticket offices and do not travel across the city to the airport in order to purchase an aircraft ticket. Now you can buy or book a plane ticket directly from home.

Security issue

Let's look at two options for booking tickets:

  1. Booking with an air carrier.
  2. Booking through an intermediary portal.

Booking with the carrier is completely safe: you go to its website and select a flight and seat. Ordering through an intermediary site is also safe, if, of course, you use normal and well-known portals. Data transmission channels are always protected: your personal data or card number will not get into the network. There is no need to print out a ticket purchased online - you simply give your name at the check-in desk and calmly board.

Buying and booking plane tickets online is completely safe

The principle of booking seats

The principle of boarding on an airplane is different from that of a train: you buy a ticket, and the check-in counter offers you a seat. Therefore, previously, in order to take the best seats on the plane, you had to come to check-in first and ask the airport employee to find a better seat for you. When flying together, you need to approach the counter together, otherwise there is a fairly high chance that the group will be seated throughout the aircraft.

With the advent of modern technology there is no longer a need to do this. How to book plane seats online? When you choose a ticket, you see the general layout of the plane and the available seats. You can choose your own seat near the window, on the aisle or in the front row, and it is guaranteed to be yours. Therefore, if the choice of seating is important to you, then try to purchase tickets in advance (a month or more in advance).

Please note: airlines often “book” advantageous seats themselves, especially on popular flights. If you see that everything is already occupied, but you still want to fly near the window, then arrive at check-in early and politely ask at the counter for a seat by the window. Most likely, your request will be granted.

Some carriers deliberately do not offer comfortable seats for booking (in the first row, near the entrance or emergency exits), in which you can freely stretch your legs. At check-in, they are given to pregnant women, tall passengers, parents with small children, etc. If there are no such tourists on the flight, then you can get the coveted seat for yourself.

Some carriers charge money for early booking of airline seats online

Also consider the fact that many airlines charge passengers additional fees for the seat reservation service. For example, the same British Airways will charge you $16 for booking in economy class for a short flight (up to three hours) and $32 for a medium and long flight (more than 3 hours). To book a seat in business class you will have to pay about a hundred dollars.

Please note: if you are flying business class, you should not overpay for your reservation. Absolutely all places in the business are comfortable: you can relax, stretch your legs and have a good rest.

How to book air tickets online without paying?

The easiest way to search and buy air tickets is on special aggregator sites. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet - study reviews of large portals and choose the most suitable and convenient one for you. The beauty of these sites is that they give you many options from hundreds of airlines: you clearly see not only the ticket price and departure date, but also interesting parallel offers. For example, if you have chosen a Saturday for your flight, the portal will offer you several options for a direct flight, a flight with a transfer, as well as flights on Friday and Sunday (flying on Sunday is usually much cheaper than flying on Saturday). But airlines give a strict result based on your request.

Buying on these aggregators is completely safe and convenient. The portals do not increase the price for the end user, but operate through a commission from the air carrier. Moreover, booking a flight ticket through them is often cheaper than booking it directly.

Please note: many portals do not allow users to reserve seats upon purchase. But if you indicate your wishes in the note, the agent will definitely fulfill them.

Possibility of booking upon online registration

If you use online check-in, you also have the opportunity to reserve a seat on the plane. Many airlines operate according to the following principle: online check-in opens 24 hours before departure and closes 1.5-2 hours before departure. If you have a ticket, you can go to the airline’s website and choose a suitable seat. In this case, you will be able to book a plane ticket online without paying, unlike early booking. This method has many advantages:

  1. You don't need to arrive at the airport three hours in advance to check in and get a comfortable seat.
  2. You will not waste time at the counter, but will immediately go through control.
  3. You will not overpay for your booking.
  4. If you try, you can catch a good spot first.

Please note that when checking in online, you will need to print your boarding pass yourself. Don't forget it, as there may be problems finding a seat at the airport.

Don't forget your boarding passes when checking in and making online reservations

This service is not available for those flying with small children or animals. Many carriers give their passengers who make online bookings various bonuses. For example, extra pounds added to luggage.

With this method of booking, you need to familiarize yourself with the aircraft diagram. You can find its model on your ticket, and its diagram on the carrier’s website. Remember that different models have different seats, so be sure to look at the diagram of your particular aircraft.

If you haven't booked your place yet

If you forgot or didn’t have time to book a good seat and you were seated anywhere, then don’t be upset. If there are empty seats in the cabin, you can easily change seats. Call the flight attendant and tell her that you would like to change seats. In most cases you will not be refused.

How to book a seat on a plane

Anyone who flies frequently knows how much depends on a well-located seat in the aircraft cabin. Previously, you could only choose between seats by the window or near the aisle. Thanks to online registration, today you can choose a free seat in any part of the cabin.

You will need

  • -e-ticket
  • - computer


Almost all airlines today have switched to issuing electronic tickets, also called e-tickets. An electronic ticket can be printed on a regular sheet of paper or even remain in the computer’s memory. The most important information is contained in a unique alphanumeric code - the reservation number. Online check-in for a flight usually begins 24 hours before departure, so you can do it at home in a relaxed environment, rather than jostling in line at the counter. The presence or absence of luggage does not affect the check-in method in any way; you will check it in as usual at the airport. Find the reservation number on your ticket, go to the carrier company’s website, and start online registration. By entering the reservation number indicated on the ticket in the appropriate field, you will see in front of you a diagram of the seating arrangement on the plane. All you have to do is choose the one you like the most. The first rows, located immediately behind business class, are considered the most comfortable. Seats near emergency exits are also in high demand; there is more space between rows there than usual. But book this seat only if you are absolutely sure that in case of an emergency you will be able to open the escape hatch and help other passengers get out.

Some airlines offer a “seat selection” service during the purchase process. Unlike online registration, this service is paid, but it gives you the opportunity to immediately take the seat you need.

Helpful advice

If you are unable to check in for your flight online, arrive at the airport early to be among the first to check in and request a seat that is convenient for you.


How to book a seat on a plane

In the modern age of technological development, there is no need to stand in line and wait for a ticket to be issued for any type of transport. Now you can buy it using the World Wide Web.

Emerging nuances

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Using the Internet, you can buy an electronic ticket for any type of transport - from a water bus to an airplane.

It is very comfortable! You can take your time choosing a flight that is convenient for you and booking your seats.

There are many benefits that come with purchasing train or plane tickets. When buying electronic train tickets, you can not only choose a convenient schedule, but also the carriage and seats.

The situation is approximately the same with airplanes. Previously, when buying a ticket, it was impossible to guess which seat you would get.

They were distributed already during check-in for the flight, which took place directly at the airport.

Now, one day before the flight departure, online registration opens on the airline’s website.

It allows you to book the seats you need in real time. This is especially convenient if a family or mother and children are flying on the plane.

What benefits does it provide?

There is one and most important advantage - you can choose those seats that are comfortable for a particular passenger.

For example, if a mother is flying with her children, then it is more convenient for her to have everyone nearby and near the aisle.

If an elderly person is flying, then he wants peace, and he will reserve a seat near the window.

In addition, when you go to the airline’s website, you can immediately see the location of seats on the plane, depending on what model of plane is flying.

Online check-in gives passengers a choice. When checking in at the airport, there is practically no such choice.

And possible disadvantages

The procedure also has its disadvantages! Selecting a location does not guarantee placement. It may happen that different passengers need the same seat.

And one of them will complete the procedure faster! The second applicant will have to choose another chair. And the choice can be fundamental!

For example, a mother and 2 children are flying on vacation. She decided to book 3 chairs nearby so she could keep an eye on each child.

She had already booked two seats side by side, but didn’t have time for the third - someone beat her to it. It turns out that mother and children are separated! In addition, an airplane is not a train, and swapping seats is not encouraged.

There is one more nuance - these are the seats near the emergency hatches. As you know, these seats are convenient because they do not have seats in front, and, therefore, passengers are less cramped. Therefore, they can only be booked at the check-in counter at the airport.

General rules for the operation

Each airline has its own rules for completing the online check-in procedure.

But there are also general principles that all carriers use. This:

Examples of the procedure

To understand how to complete online check-in, you need to give specific examples for some of the most popular airlines in Russia.

But, before you start registering online, you need to buy an electronic ticket.

Some airlines provide a pre-booking service at the purchase stage. But this is rare.

To buy an electronic ticket via the Internet you need:

Visit the official website of the airline or another online resource that is the official seller of transport tickets in the Russian Federation
Now you need to select the date when the flight will take place if the traveler knows when he will fly back, then he can immediately select the date of the return flight. Some airlines provide passengers with a discount when purchasing round-trip plane tickets at the same time
Now you need to select the departure time to your destination after that you can proceed to payment
When the passenger decides on the departure date and time he must reserve a ticket. To do this, he indicates his full name and passport details
There are several payment methods on the sites but the most popular is from a bank (credit or debit) card. When the client confirms payment by card, he will need to enter all the necessary information in the appropriate fields
After payment has been made an electronic version of the ticket can be downloaded to a computer or other gadget
If the passenger checks in online then there is no need to print them

In AK "Russia"

Rossiya Airlines is a subsidiary of Aeroflot and is part of a huge holding company. That holding has its own rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage.

In order to check in for a flight online, you must:

Get your e-ticket in your hands It can be printed on a regular sheet of paper or downloaded to a mobile device. The main condition is that the special code is visible, as well as information about the passenger
Now you need to type in any Internet search engine like this "AK Rossiya" The system will display the official website of that airline. You need to follow the link to it. Read the registration rules
This must be done no earlier than 24 hours in advance. And no later than 45 minutes before the plane departure
Now you need to proceed directly to registration It’s not at all difficult to do this, since the system gives quite a lot of hints, and it’s difficult to make a mistake
You need to enter your flight number and departure date The system itself will show whether online check-in is open or not. If open, a diagram of the seat location on the plane will appear on the device screen
Next you need to enter a special number Assigned to each passenger and located on the electronic ticket.
  1. Choose a convenient place.
  2. Enter your details.
  3. Book it by clicking the appropriate button.
    Once the reservation is confirmed, the corresponding seat will change color on the diagram on the plane. No one else will be able to choose him for themselves.

Now, when a passenger arrives at the airport, he will only need to go to the counter (as a rule, there is a separate counter for passengers who have completed electronic check-in) and give his documents to an airline employee for verification. He will print out the boarding pass and you can board.


Since Aeroflot is the parent company of a huge holding company, it is it that dictates the rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage. It is this company that all other AK subsidiaries focus on.

In order to register for Aeroflot flights, you must:

Type in any search engine Aeroflot company name and go to the official website
Enter the flight number in the appropriate fields The website will immediately display information about whether online check-in for a given flight is open. If yes, then a diagram of the aircraft will appear in front of the passenger, depending on the model and brand that is flying. Attentively! Opens one day before departure and ends 45 minutes. When flying to the USA or Tel Aviv, check-in ends 1 hour before departure
Next you need to choose a convenient place and enter all the necessary information that the system requires
Now you just need to book it by clicking the appropriate button on the website
As soon as the reservation is confirmed this chair will turn a different color and become “inactive”. No one else can take it


In this airline, booking a seat on the official website follows the same procedure as with other airlines. All actions must be done through the official website.

But, if a passenger flies in economy class, then pre-booking a seat is available for them only for a fee. For others, this procedure is free.

On the official website of this airline, you need to follow the “check-in for flight” link. Next, enter the flight number and passenger's last name. And then - according to the instructions.

This airline has a bonus program for its customers. By purchasing a ticket, each passenger earns miles from the purchase amount. Subsequently, he can exchange these miles for tickets.

Other companies

Almost all Russian airlines provide their passengers with a service such as online check-in. You can get more detailed information on the official website of a particular company.

The registration procedure via the Internet should not cause difficulties, since the system itself provides all the necessary tips.

The suitcases are packed, because there are only a few days left before the trip. Now you need to book your seat on the plane to enjoy your trip. Some people like to watch everything that happens through the window and choose seats near the window, while others, on the contrary, prefer to sleep during the flight in comfortable seats. There are many ways to book a place, which we will consider.

Booking at check-in

This is the traditional method of choosing a good location. It involves arriving at the airport early during the check-in period. To do this, you need to be the first to approach the employees and ask for the desired place. Registrars often ask themselves about passengers' preferences. Basically, such wishes are granted and you will get a window seat in any part of the plane. This is the best way to book when traveling alone or as a couple.

If a family with children is flying, it is more difficult to book seats nearby. To do this, you need to approach the counter with the whole train with passports, so that at another counter no one has time to reserve a seat next to the first passenger. More often than not, airline registrars contribute to a favorable outcome. It’s not worth offering a bribe, because employees won’t risk losing their jobs for the sake of a few hundred rubles. A few years ago, this method of registration allowed you to reserve the desired place. But the emergence of an electronic registration system and virtual ticket purchases has provided an opportunity to be guaranteed to get the desired seat.

When purchasing a ticket

Official websites sell tickets and offer customers a scheme with available seats. If you buy a ticket in advance, then there is still a large choice of seats; if there are only a couple of weeks before the flight, then the desired seats will no longer be available (they often appear just before check-in). When checking in for a flight, you must tell us about your reserved seats. But some airlines don't allow you to reserve seats near emergency exits, which have plenty of legroom. This is explained by the fact that such seats are given to passengers who are overweight and too tall. At the same time, there are companies that charge an additional cost for choosing a location.

If you buy tickets from intermediary companies, the cost does not increase, but you can no longer choose a seat. Of course, when filling out an application, you can specify your requirements, but there is no guarantee that they will be met.

Online registration

Today, most people check in for their flights virtually. For this, there are special counters at airports or official websites. This can be done within a certain period of time, which is set by the airline.

  • Some allow reservations up to 24 hours before takeoff. Thanks to this, there is no need to arrive for your flight in advance to select seats.
  • You need to arrive an hour in advance to undergo standard procedures.
  • Passengers must present tickets with the indicated seats to the registrar. But passengers with animals and children, as well as luggage, are not allowed to register seats in this way.
  • Some companies, on the contrary, offer bonuses for online check-in, for example, increasing the size of your luggage.

Selecting seats using a mobile application

Life without smartphones is not possible for modern people, because with its help you can control almost everything, including checking in for a flight and choosing suitable seats. Popular airlines have developed special mobile applications that can be downloaded from their official websites. Such applications are as convenient as possible, but have one drawback - the higher cost of the ticket.

Tricks and nuances of booking

  • Low-cost airlines offer seat reservations for an additional fee, which you need to remember. The cost depends on numerous nuances, for example, aircraft class, seat.
  • Aggregator sites offer better prices for tickets because their work is carried out through payments from airlines.
  • There are companies that book the best seats on the most popular flights. To do this, you need to arrive on your flight a few hours in advance and politely ask to choose the required seat.
  • If after landing you find empty seats, you can ask the flight attendant for a transfer.
  • Each aircraft model has its own seat layout. You can find this information on your air ticket.

There are many ways to book seats in the cabin; all you have to do is choose the most suitable one.

If you look at the cabin of the plane, you will notice that it tapers towards the tail. The chairs here are located closer to each other, and the people sitting in these chairs, when distributing magazines, newspapers, etc., have to choose from what is already left. Therefore, people who often fly on planes are always faced with the question: how to book a seat on a plane, and what will determine their comfort during the flight. In this century, thanks to the development of technology, namely the advent of online check-in, it has become possible to choose any seat, and therefore the question of how to book a seat on an airplane can be easily resolved. However, airlines often do not talk about the existence of such a service as seat reservations, because this is extra work for operators.

Almost all airlines today offer electronic tickets, called "e-tickets". The ticket itself, which allows you to book seats on the plane, can be printed on a printer, on plain paper, or even left on the computer. Online registration opens one day before departure. Thanks to this, you can safely register at home without jostling in a noisy line at the cash register. This process is not affected in any way by the presence or absence of luggage.

Baggage is checked in at the airport as usual, just before boarding. One condition - there shouldn’t be a lot of it. So, how do you book a seat on a plane using the Internet? Everything is very simple. To reserve your seat, you need to find the reservation number on your ticket, visit the airline’s website and check in online. In this case, you must enter the reservation number in a specially designated field, and a diagram of the seating arrangement in the aircraft cabin will appear on the screen. Then all you have to do is choose the place you like.

The best and most comfortable seats in the aircraft cabin are considered to be the first rows, which are located immediately behind the business class area. The main advantage of booking a ticket in this area will be that people sitting here will be one of the first to receive drinks, pillows, blankets, magazines, etc. The seats near the emergency exit are also comfortable - there they are 15 centimeters wider. But alas, the seats most often do not recline, and there is nowhere to put them, which can create inconvenience during a long flight. In addition, these seats are best reserved for those people who are confident that if an emergency suddenly arises, they will be able to open the emergency exit and help passengers leave the plane. When wondering how to book a seat on a plane, you should remember that airlines tend to sell seats near the emergency exit at a higher price.

No doubt, thanks to the Internet era, booking airline seats has become easy and affordable. But it also has its drawbacks. For example, many companies block the ability to reserve a seat near an emergency exit through online registration. The reservation cannot be used if the flight will be carried out with children. Therefore, online check-in is most often available for business people, businessmen and passengers who travel light.


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