European countries will not go to Eurovision if Kyiv does not allow Samoilova to participate. The EBU warned Ukraine: if Yulia Samoilova is not allowed in, other delegations may not go to Eurovision. What was it?

There is a little more than a month left before the next, 63rd Eurovision Song Contest. This year it will be held in the Portuguese capital. The final selections are now taking place in all countries participating in the competition. Three participants have already been identified, who will represent Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Yulia Samoilova (Russia)

The Russian singer was supposed to represent her country at Eurovision 2017. She won the national selection and was preparing to go to Kyiv. However, the Ukrainian Security Service banned her from visiting the country for the next three years.

The fact is that back in 2015, Yulia violated Ukrainian legislation. She visited the Crimean peninsula, arriving there not from the Ukrainian side. Then the organizers of the competition suggested either replacing Samoilova with another performer, or holding Yulia’s performance remotely. The Russian delegation did not agree to both proposals and refused to participate in the Kiev Eurovision. It was decided to send Yulia without selection to the next competition.

Now the girl is getting ready for a performance in Lisbon. It is known that she will compete in the second semi-final. The song that Julia will sing has already been chosen. But the name of the song is kept secret for now.

Melovin (Ukraine)

Another performer who dreamed of singing at Eurovision 2017. However, last year, luck turned away from Konstantin Bocharov (the singer’s real name). Then in the final of the national selection he took only third place.

In 2018, the singer again sent an application to participate in the selection. The second attempt was successful. The young man beat his rivals in the final and will now compete in Lisbon.

On May 10, in the second semi-final, he will perform a composition called “Under The Ladder”. By the way, this song is about defeats, which sooner or later will lead to success.

ALEKSEEV (Belarus)

This year there will be two Ukrainians at the European Song Championship. Nikita Alekseev was born and gained popularity in Ukraine. But ALEKSEEV did not want to participate in the Ukrainian selection. The reason was that one of the organizers of the national selection was the singer’s former producer Ruslan Kvinta.

However, having won the Belarusian selection, he received a lot of criticism. Firstly, many of his compatriots did not like that Nikita decided to represent another country. By the way, some Belarusian media were also unhappy that their country would be represented by a foreigner.

Kyiv may also miss other delegations at Eurovision if it refuses to allow a participant from Russia into the country. The head of the European Broadcasting Union sent such a warning to the capital of Ukraine. Journalists had at their disposal an official letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine from Geneva. The text contains confirmation of what the Swiss press wrote about the other day. Ukraine may face sanctions and condemnation from Europe.

Anger and disappointment in the letter from the European Broadcasting Union. Everything they think about Ukraine’s decision was sent to Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman’s desk. Kyiv has been pondering the answer for the fifth day. But if Ukraine does not change its mind and does not allow the Russian participant into the country, then Ukraine itself may not be allowed into the next Eurovision.

“If your administration approves this ban, it will definitely have very large negative consequences for Ukraine’s international reputation as a modern and democratic European state. Please note that if we are unable to find an acceptable solution to this problem, this will undoubtedly call into question Ukraine's continued participation in future Eurovision Song Contests,” the letter says.

Judging by the date, the European Broadcasting Union sent the letter on March 23 - exactly one day after the Security Service of Ukraine banned Yulia Samoilova from entering the country. But the letter also contains another date - the office of the Ukrainian government accepted the letter for consideration only on March 27. Either the urgent message traveled in a roundabout way from Switzerland to Ukraine for five whole days, or Kyiv is simply stalling for time. But you won't be able to sit back. Eurovision in Kyiv, it seems, can take place not only without Samoilova.

“The current situation has angered our member broadcasters across Europe, and many have criticized the decision and are considering withdrawing from the event.”

Kyiv seems to have played it out. In the 60-year history of the competition, no country has ever allowed itself to prohibit performers from taking part in the competition. And the European Broadcasting Union does not want a precedent, especially since, as the letter emphasizes, the Russian singer does not pose any real threat.

But in Ukraine, the mere mention of it makes politicians hysterical. However, not only them. A Ukrainian contestant was asked to evaluate Yulia Samoilova’s song, but the rock musician, it seems, did not hear either words or music, but saw something else.

“This is an absolutely brilliant move, I don’t know who came up with this, the Russian special services, maybe. I want to urge everyone to be careful in their comments, because there is an information war going on, and Yulia, she is an information soldier,” said Eurovision 2017 (Ukraine) participant Evgeniy Galich.

Yulia Samoilova was registered as a soldier because in 2015 she went to perform in Crimea and did not ask permission from Kyiv, which the peninsula continues to consider its own. The Ukrainian authorities were offended and banned Samoilova from entering the country for the next three years.

“The decision was made based on the data we received about her violation of Ukrainian legislation. The law is the same for everyone,” said SBU press secretary Elena Gitlyanskaya.

It turns out that it is not for everyone. 30th of March. National Palace of Ukraine. Full house. There were no tickets available for the performance of Russian comedians from Comedy Woman. They write that even deputies were at the concert. Obviously, that’s why there were no questions for the speakers.

But everyone knows very well that “Comedy Woman” often tours in Crimea. The artists do not hide this; they publish photographs on social networks. The result is humor outside of politics, but not music. The Ukrainian authorities apparently hoped that no one would notice anything. But a famous Ukrainian video blogger noticed. Almost half a million people have already watched Anatoly Shariy’s video.

“The SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all the deputies of these and previous convocations, who said that she was not allowed in because she was in Crimea. Seriously? Clean yourself up, dogs! And come up with some more or less plausible version, and don’t say that you don’t know who performed in the main concert hall of Ukraine. Assholes! - says Anatoly Shariy.

Nothing personal, everything is according to the law - the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister for Humanitarian Affairs convinced the country of this for an entire hour live. Not convinced. Behind him is a survey of the population. More than 20 thousand Ukrainians voted - two-thirds do not support the decision not to allow the Russian participant into the country. Someone even decided to call the studio and explain why, but at the most important point the call was “miraculously” cut off.

And what? What a pity, the call was interrupted.

According to the latest information, the Ukrainian authorities are still writing a response to the ultimatum of the European Broadcasting Union. Prime Minister Groysman called a whole support group to help him find the words before the end of the day. The agreed general response is composed by the mayor of Kyiv, the ministers of internal and foreign affairs, culture and the head of the television committee. And it is not yet known whether the answer will be immediately published on the Internet, or whether it will simply be sent by mail to Switzerland.

There has not yet been a public response from Vladimir Groysman, but the reaction of the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Pavel Klimkin has just appeared: concessions are impossible, no matter what. The law is the same for everyone, Klimkin repeated the same thesis, answering reporters at a press conference after a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. Klimkin was on the list of those whom the prime minister instructed to prepare an agreed response, but whether this response was agreed upon is still unclear.

Eurovision 2017 was the most scandalous in the history of the competition. The results of this year’s event have already raised a storm of discussions and statements, oddly enough, more at the political level.

UPD: The Eurovision final in 2017 took place on May 13, the semi-finals took place on May 9 and 11. Russia did not take part in this event.

Eurovision 2017 winner

So, first of all, who won this competition? An artist from Portugal took first place at the annual Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Salvador Sobral.

The young man performed the composition Amar Pelos Dois (“Love is Enough for Two”), written by his sister, at the Eurovision final. Sobral received 758 votes from viewers and the jury.

The Portuguese singer is 27 years old, and again he turned out to be an unusual singer - he has a congenital heart defect. As media reported, the man needs to find a donor by the end of the year.

The bookmakers also predicted a victory for the Portuguese, who competed with 25 other participants. However, according to their forecasts, the second was to be the singer from Italy Francesco Gabbani, and the third prize-winner would be closed by a native of Moscow and participant in the children's “Voice. Russia” Bulgarian Christian Kostov is another Eurovision 2017 star. Here video with its execution:

As a result, Kostov was awarded second place, and the third place was taken by representatives of Moldova - the SunStroke Project group.

Russia did not take part in this competition; details are below.

European forecast for 2016

Sweden was predicted to win a second consecutive victory this year. Large and reputable British bookmaker William Hill assessed the countries' chances of winning as follows: first place - Sweden, second - Russia . According to forecast, Ukraine would take a maximum of fifth place, beating Azerbaijan, Germany, Iceland, Cyprus, Norway and France in this niche. Sergey Lazarev had every chance to become the winner; his composition “You are the only one” for the first time in the history of Eurovision hit the charts even before the competition.

As for Jamala’s song “1944” about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, bookmakers also rated its success very highly. Let us remind you that at the international music competition until this year, tracks with political overtones were not welcomed. On the eve of her first performance, the representative of Ukraine provoked a major scandal, which even the Kyiv press wrote about. Jamala posted a photo of herself with an upside-down Ukrainian flag on Instagram. In May, after the second semi-final, the opinion of experts changed: Russia, Ukraine and France could take the final places.

Details of voting at Eurovision 2016

Sergey Lazarev commented on the current situation. In his opinion, the jury clearly spared points for the performance of the Russian representative. Lazarev's leadership was obvious from the level of preparation of the performance, the popularity of the chosen composition, and the many views of the pre-competition video. He and Australia's Dami Im competed for first place, but were beaten by Jamala.

The voting table will demonstrate what the reality turned out to be:

Victory went to Ukraine. Sergey Lazarev ended up in third place. But he managed to set a record at Eurovision 2016. He received the maximum number of points from spectators among participants from Russia in the last 10 years. Lazarev himself, after returning from the competition, noted that jury members from 21 countries gave his performance 0 points in the final, contrary to the opinion of television viewers in the same countries, who gave Sergei’s song the highest score. In the semi-finals, the same judges gave positive marks to the Russian representative. Has Eurovision 2016 been reclassified from a musical competition to a political competition?

What is the future of Eurovision 2017

The results of 2016 move the next, 62nd, Eurovision to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko received a petition on his official website of the head of state asking him to transfer the right to host the competition to Australia or Russia, who took second and third place. The author of the petition gives three reasons to do so:

  1. There is still unresolved fighting in the country, and there is no hope of ending the conflict by next year. This situation is unsafe for tourists and participants; it is also unethical in relation to the situation in Ukraine.
  2. Organizing the competition will require the expenditure of huge financial resources, and the country is experiencing a deep economic crisis.
  3. It is unwise for the government to count on an IMF loan in this situation; funds are needed more to restore order in the state.

More than 25 thousand votes are required for the petition to be considered by the president. The costs of holding Eurovision in Ukraine will be about $40 million, which is a significant amount for the budget.

Date and place of Eurovision 2017

The date for Eurovision 2017 was determined at a meeting of the heads of delegations of the participating countries. The Eurovision 2017 final is scheduled for May 13, the semi-finals will take place on May 9 and 11.

There is already the first news about preparations for this event. It is not known exactly where Eurovision 2017 will take place. According to the terms of Eurovision, the competition should not be held in the open air. The mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko shared disappointing information on this matter. It was planned to transfer the capital's Olympic sports complex for these purposes; a roof there, according to Klitschko, was provided, but its construction did not begin.

The biggest obstacle, besides deadlines, is the lack of full funding. "Olympic" will replace the not yet built "Kyiv Arena", while only the foundation has been laid. Other cities have also announced their readiness to host contestants. The mayor of Lvov, Andrey Sadovoy, proposed the Arena Lviv complex. Odessa, Kherson, Cherkasy also expressed their desire to receive guests. Ukraine held its last competition in 2005 in Kyiv at the Sports Palace. The authorities promised to finally decide on the venue for Eurovision 2017 in June 2016.

Russia's participation in Eurovision 2017

The conflict between Moscow and Kyiv casts doubt on Russia's participation in the next Eurovision. The economic crisis and hostilities in the country threaten the fate of the competition in 2017. Sergei Lazarev speaks of a clear feeling that the jury boycotted his performance for political reasons. Judges from Ukraine, Germany and Estonia gave the performance of the Russian representative 0 points, and the audience vote in these countries gave the highest score of 12 points. Despite anti-Russian propaganda in Europe, during the voting, viewers brought Sergei to third place. Based on all the listed facts, Lazarev concludes that it is pointless to participate in Eurovision in 2017, also on the territory of Ukraine. The idea will not be worth the effort, money and time spent.

Who will go from Russia to Eurovision 2017

Nevertheless, the question of who will represent Russia at Eurovision 2017 is being actively discussed in the media and among social network users. The most popular candidates: Sergei Shnurov, Joseph Kobzon and Natalya Koroleva.

UPD: On March 12, 2017, it was announced that Russia will be represented at Eurovision in Kyiv by Yulia Samoilova, who sang at the opening of the Paralympics in Sochi.

UPD: Russia has completely refused to take part in Eurovision 2017, and Channel One will not broadcast it. But on May 9, Yulia Samoilova will perform a concert in Sevastopol (this will be the start day of Eurovision).

Video with her:

Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Popular Front faction Anton Gerashchenko said that Ukraine may not allow Samoilova to visit Kyiv if she makes any political statements in support of Crimea.

The Kremlin does not see a provocation in the choice of a Russian participant in Eurovision 2017, while the possibility of singer Yulia Samoilova’s entry into Ukraine should be regulated by the rules of the competition.

However, on March 22, the Security Service of Ukraine banned this Russian participant from this event from entering the country for three years because she openly declared her support for the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

We are talking about Yulia Samoilova’s participation in the “World of Sports and Goodness” concert, held on June 27, 2015 in Kerch. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the singer’s actions are a violation, since all foreigners must obtain permission in Kyiv to visit the territory of Crimea. The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that these actions of Ukraine are another outrageous, cynical and inhumane act.

It has already been stated that if Russian singer Yulia Samoilova does not make it to Eurovision 2017, she will represent our country at this competition in 2018, regardless of where it is held.

Other candidates

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin chose Sergei Shnurov as the representative of Russia. He announced this on his official Twitter page, motivating his choice by the fact that Shnurov “will not win, but he will send them all somewhere.” The leader of the Leningrad group himself responded to the proposal with agreement on Instagram, comparing the possible trip to a trip to a “creepy European kingdom.”

Joseph Kobzon stated that he would like to participate in the competition, but Ukraine added his name to the sanctions list. Kobzon would have sung his songs in his native Ukrainian language, since this country is his homeland. Alas, entry into the territory of Ukraine is closed for him.

Natalya Koroleva wrote in her microblog that she would like to sing on the Eurovision 2017 stage in order to convey to listeners the idea of ​​​​reconciling the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. The Queen, like Kobzon, is from Ukraine.

Vitaly Milonov, a St. Petersburg deputy known for his harsh statements regarding the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, proposed sending performers from the music, song and dance ensemble of the Russian Armed Forces to the competition in Ukraine. Milonov explains that such a step “will be a completely unambiguous message regarding the entire competition, its political component and location.”

The future of Eurovision 2017 is more uncertain than ever. Not only does the competition foreshadow many more scandalous news, its very holding in Ukraine remained in doubt for a long time.

is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid was no longer visible through telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not on the 9th, but on another date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will collide with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the likelihood of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid crossing its orbit with our planet as 1 in 7300 (0,00014 % ). ESA placed 2006 QV89 in 4th place among celestial bodies posing a potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of “flight” of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.


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