Faroese visa, Danish visa. Visa application and holiday in the Faroe Islands Processing period for documents for a visa to the Faroe Islands

If you apply to the Embassy other than through an accredited travel agency to obtain a tourist visa, the applicant must provide the following documents:

1. Confirmation of hotel reservation, which must be signed by a hotel employee and duplicated directly to the Embassy by fax (+ 495 775 01 97).
2. Original foreign passport, the validity of which must be 3 months longer than the validity of the visa.
3. A copy of the page of the foreign passport containing the data of its owner (on an A-4 sheet).
4. Copies of previous Schengen Union visas, as well as US and UK visas, including entry/exit stamps and checkpoint stamps (on an A-4 sheet).
5. Application form completed in English in one copy (printed on a sheet of paper on both sides)
6. Two color photographs on matte paper, light background, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm (the applicant’s face must occupy at least 70% of the image and measure 2.5 cm from the top of the head to the chin). Photos must be age appropriate for the applicant. One photo must be glued to the application form (stapling is not allowed!), the second must be submitted additionally.
7. Certificate from the place of work of the established form indicating the details of the enterprise, certified by the seal and signature of an official, with the following content:
- date of entry into this workplace;
- position held;
- duration of the proposed vacation;
- guarantee of job security.
8. If the applicant is a private or individual entrepreneur, the following documents must be provided:
- original and copy of the registration certificate of a private or individual entrepreneur;
- original and copy of the license for the right to work (if this type of activity is subject to licensing);
- original and copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
- original and copy of the income statement for the reporting period, certified by the seal of the tax authority.
9. Original and copy of international health insurance policy: the policy must be valid for 15 days more than the period of the requested visa. The insured amount is at least 30,000 euros. In the “territory of coverage” column it must be clearly stated that the policy is valid not only in the territory of the Schengen countries, but also in Greenland and/or the Faroe Islands.
10. Bank document confirming the availability of financial resources at the rate of at least 50 EURO per day per person.
11. Booking a flight ticket
12. Consent to the processing of personal data

The embassy may request additional documentation or call the applicant for an interview.

The visa fee is non-refundable.

(or one of the Schengen countries) + separate visa to the Faroe Islands. To obtain a visa to the Faroe Islands, the following set of documents is provided. A visa to the Faroe Islands is issued at the Danish Consulate.

Documents for a visa are provided no later than 3 weeks before the start of the tour. Tourists from the Northwestern Federal District apply for a visa in their region.

Important information!
Please pay attention to changes in the requirements for a visa to Denmark from November 26, 2016. All documents must be provided in original (internal passport (at the discretion of the consulate), birth certificates, marriage certificates, consent to travel, etc.) and in color copies

. After checking the documents, the visa center employee returns the documents, and only color copies are sent to the embassy. With us you can make color copies of documents
for the Danish Consulate. The service is paid additionally.
1 page A4 40 rub. (with a volume of 1−99 pages)

1 page A4 35 rub. (with a volume of 100 pages or more).

Basic package of documents
1. A valid foreign passport, valid for at least 3 months after the expiration of the visa, containing at least 2 blank pages and issued no later than 10 years ago.
2.1 2. Other valid and/or canceled passports. Color copies
3. all pages of other valid and/or canceled passports. If the original is provided, copies are not required. Color copy of all marked pages passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Also provided original
(at the discretion of the consulate), which is returned after verification of documents by a visa center employee. 4. Questionnaire (in format.doc or in format. ). pdf
5. Their parents sign for minor children. Danish Embassy with the personal signature of the tourist. For children under 15 years of age, the application form must be signed by a parent/guardian with a full transcript of the signature.
6. Two color photographs on matte paper, on a light background, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Head from crown to chin from 32 mm to 36 mm. The photo must not be older than 3 months. Please sign photos on the back side
7. Medical insurance. You can issue health insurance with us . If you arrange your own insurance, please note:
insurance must cover the entire period of stay + 15 days corridor
the amount of minimum coverage must be 30,000 euros per person
when visiting the Faroe Islands and Greenland, the medical insurance policy must be valid in these territories as well
8. Confirmation of employment:
for persons employed in an enterprise of any organizational form: a certificate from the place of employment indicating the company details, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the company seal and an average monthly salary of at least 35,000 rubles. Confirmation of employment must contain the following information: date of hire, position, salary information and information about the provision of leave with job protection. Date of issue of the certificate: no later than 1 month before the date of the intended trip.
for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities: a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur
9. Bank account/credit card statement for at least the previous three months, showing the availability of funds at the rate of 70 euros/day. Statement date: no later than 1 month before the date of the intended trip.

In addition to the main package of documents

For non-workers (tourists under 18 years of age, students, pensioners and other persons): a bank account/credit card statement for at least the previous three months, showing the availability of funds at the rate of 70 euros/day, confirmation of the availability of real estate in Russia, etc.
For students and schoolchildren: certificate from the place of study (original). Date of issue of the certificate: no later than 1 month before the date of the intended trip.
For pensioners: color copy pension certificate
For tourists under 18 years of age ( actual age at the time of submitting documents to the embassy):
1. Color copy birth certificates (even if you have a Russian passport). If the surname of the child and the parents (one of the parents) are different, then it is necessary to provide documents confirming the change in surname
2. Color copy with announcements from parents. The consent must contain the phrase “to the Schengen countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and Articles 20 to 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” must also be indicated. It is also necessary to indicate who is responsible for the child (group leader, teacher, etc.). Consent for the child’s departure must be issued no more than one year before submitting the documents.
If the child does not have one of the parents, then you must provide one of the following documents:
a certificate from the police stating that the parent’s location has not been established;
a single mother's book;
death certificate;
a court decision to deprive one of the parents of parental rights;
documents on the adoption of a child by another person.
If the surname of the child and the parents (one of the parents) are different, then it is necessary to provide documents confirming the change in surname
For a group school trip: a general list of children leaving or a certificate from the school for each child. You must also provide a letter from the school principal authorizing the proposed trip.

Attention! If a child is included in the parent's passport, the child's photo must be pasted into the passport no matter how many months or years old he is. The photograph must bear the stamp of the authority that issued the passport.

Applying for a visa to Greenland and the Faroe Islands

Greenland and the Faroe Islands are autonomous territories of the Kingdom of Denmark and are not part of the Schengen agreement. The Schengen visa for entry into Denmark and other Schengen countries is not valid for entry into Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
To visit these territories you must obtain national visa, valid for entry into Greenland and the Faroe Islands, in addition to a Schengen visa to Denmark.

The process for obtaining a Greenland or Faroe Islands visa is the same as the process for obtaining a Schengen visa for Denmark:

1. A separate set of documents is required (similar to the kit for a visa to Denmark)
2. The amount of the consular fee is similar to the fee for a visa to Denmark
3. The processing period is similar to the processing period for a visa to Denmark.

  • Application form for a Danish visa (original signature on pages 3, 4). For minors: the application form must be signed by one of the parents or official guardian with a transcript. Please, if possible, print the form double-sided!
  • A certificate from work indicating the company details, with the seal and signature of the responsible person. The certificate must contain the following information: date of hire, position, salary, leave for the duration of the trip with job retention;
  • Financial guarantee (bank account/credit card statement for at least three previous months, currency exchange certificate, travel checks) confirmation that the applicant has 70 euros per day;
  • For students and schoolchildren, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the place of study;
  • international passport: original and copies of all pages (even blank ones), as well as other valid and canceled passports. Please copy 2 spreads per sheet in color.
  • Internal passport: original and copies of all pages (even blank ones). Please copy 2 spreads per sheet in color.
  • Original of other valid and/or canceled foreign passports and their copies of pages with visas, stamps, marks; - If canceled passports have been confiscated, you must provide a free-form letter about the confiscation;
  • If you already have tickets in hand, you must provide a photocopy;
  • Reservation of round-trip air tickets or confirmation of another means of transport (car, train, etc.). If you are traveling in your own car, you need to provide copies of the car's technical passport, driver's license and international car insurance (Green Card - if available). If the car is rented, provide a rental contract.
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of stay, valid for all countries of the European Union and covering all expenses that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical care, emergency hospitalization or death during the stay. The minimum coverage amount must be 30,000 euros. A copy of the medical insurance policy is accepted; those issued electronically and printed from a computer, issued manually are not accepted. (IF AVAILABLE);
  • For individual entrepreneurs:

    For persons engaged in self-employment and entrepreneurial activities - confirmation of economic activity (for example, form 2NDFL or 3NDFL, extract from the trade/tax register or certificate of individual entrepreneurship)

    • A copy of the registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur;
    • A copy of the certificate of registration with the Tax Inspectorate;
    • Certificate of payment of taxes for the reporting period (quarter/year).

    For children:

    • A copy of the birth certificate (in color);
    • If the applicant is a student or pupil, a certificate from the university or school confirming the status must be submitted.
    • Proof of funds available (e.g. bank/credit card statement for at least three previous months showing availability of funds at the rate of €70/day, or proof of sponsorship).
    • Notarized consent of parents or legal guardians is required in cases where a minor travels alone or accompanied by only one parent. If one parent has sole parental rights (i.e. when the other parent is ill or incarcerated), a death certificate or court order is required.
    • A color copy of the valid Schengen visa of the parent(s) traveling with a minor for whom a visa was not applied for at the same time as the parent(s).
    • A notarized power of attorney for the child to travel abroad from the parents, as well as copies of the first pages of Russian passports from both parents if the child is traveling alone. If a child is traveling with one of the parents, the consent of the second is required, as well as a photocopy of the first page of the parents’ Russian passport;

    To visit the Faroe Islands, you must obtain a visa. A visa to the Faroe Islands is available:

    • tourist;
    • for a private trip.

    In both cases, they provide a foreign passport, a high-quality color photograph, and a certificate confirming their financial solvency.

    The tourist option allows you to stay on the islands for 15 days. The applicant is obliged to provide the diplomatic institution with correct information about his route in English/Russian.

    In addition to the above documents you will need:

    • copy of ID;
    • original old passport;
    • photocopies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • questionnaire;
    • provision of a reserved room at a hotel/hotel;
    • medical insurance policy;
    • tickets (originals, photocopies).

    Visa for private travel

    Instead of information about the reserved room, the diplomatic institution is provided with fax letters from the inviting party in English/Danish (can be sent by email).

    Traveling with a minor

    If you plan to take your child with you, the package of documents must be accompanied by a birth certificate, a notarized permission from the parent remaining in the home country, as well as a separate application form. When a minor travels on his own, a power of attorney from his father and mother is provided.

    Depending on the case, you may need:

    • original and copy of the death certificate of the parent;
    • original and copy of a single mother's book;
    • certificate from the police station.


    The visa price is determined by the visa and service fee. Payment (2600 rubles) is made in cash at the visa center office (service fee 27 euros). If the application is rejected, funds will not be returned.

    The Faroe Islands are an autonomous region of Denmark, but are not part of the Schengen Agreement.
    When entering the territory, you must have a valid double or multiple entry Schengen visa (entry into the Faroe Islands is possible mainly from Denmark and Iceland) and a national Faroese visa. The validity of a double or multiple entry Schengen visa must cover the entire duration of the trip, including the days of stay in the Faroe Islands.

    A national visa to the Faroe Islands is issued only if you have a valid Schengen visa covering the duration of the trip to the Faroe Islands, or in conjunction with a Schengen visa through the Danish Embassy (only if this is due to the travel route).

    If you are planning a trip to the Faroe Islands through our company and you do not have a valid national visa for travel, our company is ready to provide services for obtaining one for your trip.

    NB! If you have a valid Schengen visa and upon receipt of it you did not submit your biometric data - a digital photo and 10 fingerprints, you need to submit them in person at any visa center convenient for you (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don -Don, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Perm, Omsk, Saratov, Murmansk, Almaty, Minsk). The following are exempt from submitting biometric data:
    - Children under 12 years of age.
    - Persons for whom fingerprint collection is physically impossible.

    Tourists who independently apply to the visa center to obtain a visa for a trip booked with our company are provided with free assistance and advice in the process of preparing documents:

    Preparation of documents justifying the purpose of your trip to the Faroe Islands: cover letter/route description and confirmation of booked hotels.

    Consultation on filling out the application form in English.

    Tourists who have chosen a visa center in St. Petersburg or Moscow have the opportunity to fully prepare and submit documents to the visa center through our company. You will only need to visit the visa center once to submit biometric data (pre-registration is valid!).

    Tourists who previously submitted their biometric data when applying for a Schengen visa under the new rules can submit documents without personal presence, using the services of our company. Please take into account the fact that sometimes the Danish Embassy does not see previously submitted biometric data and may be required to appear at the nearest visa center.

    Below you will find the necessary information.

    Cost of visa application

    List of documents for visa application
    (each applicant must be provided with a complete set of documents)

    1. Personal information (download).

    The application form is filled out in Russian by hand or on a computer and submitted to Scandica LLC to prepare the original application form for the Embassy.

    2. Original application form for the embassy (download).

    The application form must be signed personally by the applicant. You only need to sign where the “V” is marked. For a minor child (under 18 years of age), the application form is signed by one of the parents or legal representative (guardian).

    3. Valid foreign passport.

    The passport must be issued within the last 10 years and valid for at least 3 months and 15 days from the date of return from your last trip. The passport must contain: the signature of the owner* and at least 2 blank pages for each visa sticker, including for each child who is included in the parent’s passport and travels with him.

    * In the passport of a minor child 0-13 years old, a dash is placed in the “Personal signature” column. In the passport of a minor child 14-17 years old, in the “Personal signature” column, instead of a dash, the personal signature of the minor is placed.

    4. Other valid and/or canceled foreign passports.

    If your current foreign passport contains Schengen visas that were issued within the last 3 years, then there is no need to provide previous passports. The original of the previous passport is provided if the current passport does not contain Schengen visas. If your current passport contains Schengen visas but does not contain Danish visas, and your previous passport contains Danish visas, then the previous passport must be provided. And if the current passport contains both Schengen and Danish visas, but it is valid for less than 3 years, then a previous passport is also needed, since information about the applicant’s visa history for the last 3 years is required.

    5. COLOR copy of pages with visas, stamps, marks of another valid and/or canceled foreign passports, if the passports are not transferred to the Embassy. When applying, you must present original passports and their copies.

    6. 2 recent color photographs 3.5 x 4.5 cm on a light background.

    Photo quality requirements: color, clear photo with good resolution, natural colors, matte paper, without edging, corners or ovals, taken no earlier than 6 months before submitting documents.

    The background of the photograph must be LIGHT (preferably gray/blue intensity 10% or white), without shadows, flashes, spots and red-eye.

    Facial expression and head position: The photo should show one person, without foreign objects or people. Must look straight into the camera with a natural facial expression and closed mouth, hair should not obscure the face. The head size (from crown to chin) should be 30 mm. The top of the shoulders should be visible, so that the face takes up 70-80% of the photo itself.

    Glasses: Eyes must be shown clearly, without reflections on glasses or tinted lenses. It is advisable to avoid massive frames. Glasses frames should not cover your eyes.

    Headwear: Headwear is prohibited, except for religious purposes. If a woman is wearing a headscarf (hijab), then her face should be completely open from forehead to chin inclusive.

    7. COLOR copy of ALL pages of the internal passport (from 14 years old).

    A copy of the passport must be made on A4 sheets, 2 spreads per sheet on each side.

    8. Certificate from the place of work.

    The certificate is provided on the organization's letterhead, indicating the company details, certified by the signature of the responsible person (manager/chief accountant/chief of the OK) and seal. The certificate of employment must indicate: position, date of hire, salary/wages, phrase about the provided paid leave with job protection. If it is not possible to provide a certificate of employment, other proof of availability of financial resources is provided, for example:

    — an extract from the applicant’s bank account/credit card for at least 3 months preceding the month of submission of documents;

    — confirmation of the availability of real estate in Russia;
    — confirmation of sponsorship (sponsorship letter only in printed form (download) + a certificate from the sponsor’s place of work or an extract from the sponsor’s bank account/credit card for at least 3 months preceding the month of submission of documents;
    — for individual entrepreneurs - a copy of the registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur and a copy of form 3-NDFL for the previous year with the stamp of the tax office;
    — for pensioners/students/schoolchildren/unemployed - confirmation of status (for example, a copy of a pension certificate or a certificate from an educational institution) and an extract from the applicant’s bank account/credit card for at least 3 months preceding the month of submission of documents or confirmation of sponsorship (sponsorship letter only in printed form (download) + a certificate from the sponsor's place of work or an extract from the sponsor's bank account/credit card for at least 3 months preceding the month of submission of documents.

    9. Confirmation of the applicant’s financial means (70 euros per day).

    Bank account statement for the last 3 months, currency exchange certificate, travel checks, etc. in the amount of 70 euros/day of travel.
    NB! It is required to be provided regardless of the presence of a certificate from the place of work.

    Additionally, if applicable

    For applicants who have purchased air tickets to/from the Faroe Islands and/or independently purchased medical insurance

    1. A copy of the air ticket for entry and exit to/from the Faroe Islands.

    2. Copy of health insurance.

    Insurance for traveling abroad, covering the entire planned period of the trip, valid throughout the Schengen area and Faroe Islands, and covering possible expenses associated with repatriation on medical grounds, important treatment, emergency medical care or death during your stay. Coverage of at least 30,000 EUR.

    NB! The spelling of the first and last name in Latin letters, as well as passport data in documents, must correspond to the data in the foreign passport.

    For minor applicants (under 18 years of age)

    1. COLOR copy of the birth certificate.

    2. COLOR copy of the consent for the departure of minor children and the original.

    If a child (under 18 years of age) travels without parents/guardians, accompanied by a relative/other accompanying person, then it is necessary to have a notarized consent from both parents/guardians for the person accompanying the child.

    If a child is traveling with one of the parents/guardians, a copy of consent from the other parent/guardian is required. The consent must be issued no earlier than 3 months before the trip, be valid for no more than 1 year and be valid at the time of submission of documents to the visa center. The consent must indicate:

    - territory of travel - to the Schengen countries, including Denmark - the name of the country at the Consulate/Embassy of which a visa is MANDATORY + Greenland is indicated separately. You can indicate all the intended countries for travel during the year if the consent is issued for 1 year, for example Egypt, Turkey, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, etc.;

    — articles 20 to 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” and the phrase that the content of these articles was explained by the notary;

    — who is responsible for the child (group leader, teacher, etc.);

    — the period for which consent is issued. When applying for a single-entry visa, it is recommended to extend the consent period by at least 15 days in addition to the dates of the intended trip.

    In the absence of one of the parents/guardians, a document certifying their absence is provided in one of the following forms:

    - death certificate;
    — an extract from the court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
    - a certificate from the police stating that the relationship between the child and one of the parents is not supported and his whereabouts are unknown;
    - a photocopy of the single mother’s identity card.

    If the surnames of a minor child and the parent/guardian traveling with him are different, then it is necessary to attach documents confirming their relationship. If the power of attorney is issued to a person who has a visa, then a copy of the pages of the foreign passport with personal data and a valid visa is provided. If a child is traveling accompanied by parents/guardians with visas, then copies of the pages of the international passport with personal data and a valid visa for both parents/guardians are provided.

    Please note that the Danish Embassy may request additional documents if necessary.

    Having a visa does not automatically give you the right to enter the destination country. The visa holder must present the documents required to cross the border (valid travel document, valid visa, invitation and tickets).

    NB! The validity period of the provided documents (certificates, extracts, etc.) is 1 month.


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