How to make a winter screen for fishing. How to make a fishing screen. Making a fishing screen with your own hands

This unsightly homemade fishing tackle is widely popular among fishermen. People call it a “TV” because it is shaped like a TV screen.

How to make it yourself

The fishing screen has a very simple design, consisting of a rectangular frame measuring 1.5x1.5 meters. The frame can be made of any material: wood, metal, etc. The frame is made in such a way that the screen is securely held both in still water and in currents. This gear requires a load, so many fishermen weld a frame of metal rods with a diameter of 6-8mm. The design turns out to be moderately light and interesting: not as massive as it is obtained from wooden beams.

  • A woven mesh cloth is attached to a metal or wooden frame. We can immediately say that the thinner the material of the net, the more attractive the tackle for fish. The canvas is attached to the frame using durable artificial thread. In this case, it is necessary to fasten each cell of the canvas.
  • There is one nuance here: do not stretch the canvas. The more it sags, the more effective the tackle will be. Loops are formed at the corners of the screen to apply a powerful rope to them, with the help of which the screen is pulled out of the water. The design is as follows: a piece of rope up to 1.5 meters long is tied to the loops, after which all four ropes are tied into one knot, and a longer rope is tied to this knot. It allows you to pull the fishing screen out of the water without any problems.
  • A weight is attached to the bottom of the canvas, which causes the mesh to sag, otherwise the screen will not be effective without it.
  • The fishing screen is cast either from the shore or from a boat. Moreover, the technology for its use is such that it must be suspended in the water column, otherwise there will be no sagging of the net fabric. This is easy to organize from a boat, but if you fish from the shore, you will have to experiment a little. You can tie a long stick to a rope and use it to lower the screen into the water.
  • Screens can be used to catch small fish (for live bait) or large ones. To catch live bait, you should use a canvas with small cells (up to 20mm), and to catch large fish, you should use a canvas with cells of 35mm or more. To further attract fish, you can tie bait to the bottom of the screen. This could be topcoat, bread crusts, etc.

    A good fisherman has in his arsenal many types of gear, baits and other components for any fishing season. In addition, any professional fisherman needs to have in his fishing gear a fishing device such as a fishing screen. Many fishermen have been familiar with it since early childhood. It is easy to make and does not require large investments to make it. Since not all fishermen have enough finances to buy it in a fishing store, let's see how you can make a homemade fishing screen, or, as it is otherwise called, a fishing TV, right at home and save your hard-earned money.

    In fact, you shouldn’t expect a big catch with the help of a fishing screen, but both adult fishermen and children love this device. With it, you can catch enough fish in the fish soup or just fry them, but the most important feature of the fishing screen is that it does not pollute the fish’s habitat, that is, the reservoir, and does not harm the fish. You can catch about the same amount of fish with this device as with a spinning rod or fishing rod, but the only difference is that you cannot catch large fish with it. After all, the pleasure is not in what kind of fish you catch, but in the process of fishing itself.

    Materials for a homemade fishing screen

    If you haven't changed your mind and still want to make a fishing screen, let's get started. For this you will need the following materials:

    • float made of foam plastic;
    • a metal rod or, as it is called differently, a rod;
    • wooden slats;
    • fishing line;
    • mesh fabric;
    • nylon thread or cord.

    Stages of making a fishing screen

    1. To make a fishing screen, you will need a square or rectangular frame. You can choose the sizes by eye. The dimensions depend on the depth of the pond and the place where you are going to throw it.
    2. The float or the top of the screen is made from a bamboo or wooden stick, which must be painted with varnish. This process is necessary to ensure that the wooden structure does not swell in water. You can, of course, not varnish, but this can subsequently destroy the structure. The weight or lower part must be made of heavy materials to immerse the screen to the bottom of the reservoir. For the lower part of the fishing screen, you can use a metal rod. Then we cut the mesh fabric to the size of the prepared frame in the lower and upper parts of the fabric and pull the cord. This must be done on each cell or at least every other one.
    3. When you have a prepared frame, you need to attach a mesh fabric to it using a strong thread. This is done in the following steps: first we fasten the end of the thread to the bamboo stick, then the mesh cell must be tied in other places using thread. And this continues until the mesh fabric is completely attached to our frame. A similar procedure must be done with a metal rod.
    4. After this, from the side of the canvas we pass the prepared thread in the form of a spiral, starting from the stick and ending with the rod, while not skipping a single cell. This is necessary in order to relieve the tension of the mesh under water, and when raising the mesh to the surface of the water.
    5. We attach a cord to the stick in the middle, then attach a float to it, for the manufacture of which foam plastic was used. The presence of a float is necessary in order to know where the fishing screen is located.

    Note: a mesh made from fishing line is the most catchy compared to a mesh made from twisted rope, while a mesh made from fishing line has a shorter service life than a mesh fabric.

    When fishing with a fishing screen, it’s worth knowing a few tricks, which we’ll look at below. The size of fish caught depends on the size of the mesh used. When using an 18 mm mesh, you catch a small fish that is suitable for bait when hunting a predator. If you use a 24 mm mesh, then there is a chance of catching big fish. Whatever cell you use, you always need to feed the fish, then you will get a good catch for fish soup and a wonderful outdoor recreation.

    No matter how ridiculous it may sound, a fishing screen, or as people call it a fishing TV, is a very effective fishing tackle. It is very popular due to its simplicity, ease of manufacture and maximum catchability. The TV catches both small fish up to 100 grams, usually used as live bait, and fish up to 1 kilogram, depending on the mesh of the net taken. Although the fishing screen is used everywhere, it still remains one of the prohibited methods of fishing.

    Fishing TV device

    A screen for fishing is almost always a square piece of net, with sides measuring up to 1.5 meters; this TV size is the most convenient, both for fishing and for transportation.

    Depending on the buoyancy characteristics of the upper bar and the weight of the lower one, you can fish both at the surface of the water and at the bottom of the reservoir. If we fish from the bottom of a reservoir, to signal that fish are in the net, we use a float that is always on the surface and is attached directly to the net using a nylon cord. Depending on the depth of fishing, the float must be adjusted, giving a certain tension.

    Installation of fishing screen

    Of course, the best way to install the TV is from a boat, since it does not limit the fisherman in choosing where to fish, and the gear can be thrown anywhere in the reservoir. Convenient installation of a TV is also possible, from low bridges and piers; of course, this significantly reduces the chance of a good catch, but with the right bait, the chances of successful fishing increase.

    Installation from the shore is, of course, also possible, and is successfully used, but for normal installation, a long pole or fishing rod is required, unless, of course, the weight of the entire gear is not too large. Throwing into the water with a flourish is not recommended, since there is a high probability of damaging the fishing screen and often by such a cast, the TV does not open as expected, into its working position, which makes it practically useless.

    Fishing tactics

    A fishing screen is not used as one of the main fishing gear; rather, it is an auxiliary fishing tool, usually used for catching live bait or catching a small number of fish with a quick catch. But despite this, you still need to understand how to use the gear as efficiently as possible.

    Fishing TVs are installed in areas of the reservoir where there are potentially a lot of young fish and where fish move along the paths; these can be either passages in coastal reeds or gaps in aquatic vegetation where predators hunt small fish.

    Applications of bait

    To increase fishing efficiency, anglers use bait in many ways. You can attach bottom feeders to the bottom of the TV, having previously filled them with either specialized bait or home-made bait based on cereals, flour, bread, flavorings, and whatever you have enough imagination for.

    Also, bait scattered around remains no less effective, because in the end we need lure the fish as close as possible to the installed gear, and getting into the net is a matter of chance.

    Fishing season

    The best period for fishing with a fishing screen, of course, will be the warm season, when the fish are more active and the installation of gear is more comfortable. But even in other periods, the TV is capable of successfully catching live bait if you put a little more effort into organizing the fishing.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that a fishing screen is a wonderful piece of equipment, not difficult to make with your own hands, with good catch rates.

    I repeat, such tackle is more of an auxiliary fishing tool and many fishermen do not associate it with full-fledged fishing, due to the passivity of the fishing method.

    A screen for fishing is a primitive tackle and, moreover, illegal, but fishing with a screen is still considered effective among fishermen. The availability of materials and ease of manufacture make this device widespread. Therefore, this tackle is very popular among fish hunters. Let's find out what it is and how to do it?

    Among the numerous fishing tools, there are those that are so simple that they do not require special skills or abilities. Such tools also include a screen or, as it is also called, a TV for fishing.

    This fishing device consists of the following parts:
    1. Wooden slats or sealed tube.
    2. Square or rectangular grid.
    3. Metal rod-weight.
    4. Cord.
    5. Float.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this gear and it is easy to make with your own hands.

    Fishing on the screen is easy and simple. It is enough to throw it into the intended place of parking or feeding of fish and after a while take it out with the catch.

    Despite the fact that the tackle is considered poaching, the parts for its manufacture can be purchased at the store and made by yourself. This will not take much time from the angler.

    As already mentioned, the net is bought at a fishing store or a piece is cut off from an old unnecessary net. You also need to find a wooden strip and a metal rod.

    In addition, to make a screen with your own hands you need to have on hand:
    • roulette;
    • scissors and knife;
    • twine or thick fishing line;

    You immediately need to decide on the size of the TV. Usually its dimensions are no larger than 1.5 by 1.5 meters. In addition, you need to choose the mesh size, which should match the fish you plan to catch.

    Using a screen is convenient for catching live bait, and for this purpose a smaller mesh size is required. If the angler’s goal is a large fish, the mesh size increases accordingly.

    When starting to make a TV, you first need to cut the rail to the size of the mesh. After this, mark at regular intervals on the rail the points at which the screen “display” will be attached. The rod at the bottom of the TV should be equal in length to the rail.

    Having drilled holes at the ends of the rail, we attach the mesh to it using fishing line or strong synthetic thread. Then we attach the rod to the bottom of the net using fishing line. Some people use PVC tape to secure the net.

    We tie a strong twine or thick fishing line to the holes in the ends of the slats so that the made screen hangs on it. In the middle of this twine we knit a cord, at the end of which a large foam float is attached. It is needed to indicate the location of the TV, as well as to control the presence of fish on the screen.

    Here's how to make a TV for fishing with your own hands - simply and with a minimum of cost.

    Fishing on a TV is not particularly difficult. It is best to place the screen from a boat, although you can throw it into the water from the shore. To do this, you can use a kind of “rod” from any suitable twig or branch.

    The gear is placed at the place of feeding or migration of fish, at the border of aquatic vegetation, in small channels, etc. To attract fish to the TV, some anglers tie some kind of bait in the center of the screen: a piece of cake, a small bag of bread, porridge, etc.

    There is a more original way to lure fish into a net. This is ordinary Christmas tree tinsel, pieces of which are tied in different places on the grid and attract fish with their shine. In this way you can catch predatory fish.

    It must be remembered that gear called “TV” or “screen” is considered poaching, and the angler using it may be fined.

    Currently, many fishermen refuse to use such gear. But nevertheless, this method of fishing attracts the attention of fishermen for various reasons.

    Here are some of them:
    1. Simplicity.
    2. Availability.
    3. Cheapness.
    4. Mobility.
    5. Versatility.

    Considering these reasons, we can confidently say that fishing using a screen will be used in Russian reservoirs for a long time.

    Most fishermen fish with rods as a matter of principle; it is pleasant, interesting and they enjoy the process of fishing. There is also the opposite group of fishermen who prefer to get results; they are either not interested in pleasure at all, or a big catch is the main interest of the fisherman. Fishing screens are offered to everyone who wants to get a good catch without straining. Next we will talk about how to properly attach a fishing screen, use it and tie it by hand.

    What is a fishing screen?

    A fishing tackle screen is a device with equal sides along the length (sometimes rectangular in shape) that catches unsuspecting fish in cells. It is classified as a handicraft fishing device; it is easy to tie by hand, and the result will not be long in coming. Screens are often used by fishermen to catch live bait for predatory fish; they are installed near the shore and during the time of collecting gear they manage to catch from several to ten small things.

    They often use a screen on different bodies of water, but this is most justified on rivers with minimal flow, on reservoirs with standing water. They show themselves most effectively on the warm days of late spring and summer, when small fish come to the shore to profit. An analogue of this device is a scarf, which is adapted for winter fishing and is made of a triangular shape. The scarf is lowered into the hole and a float, a piece of wood, is tied to it, signaling the capture of fish.

    It is better to use three-walled fishing screens, as they are stronger than single-walled ones, but are also more visible to fish.

    Screens are often used to catch live bait on predatory fish.

    Open water screens can be installed in two ways:

    • at a distance from the shore, a boat is used to deliver gear;
    • close to the shore. It is often possible to catch large fish near the dam or when casting a screen from a bridge close to support columns.

    This specific fishing gear is easy to use, but to get a large catch you will have to use a swimming device. Using a boat makes it easier to get the gear into a suitable place. Fishing with a screen far from the shore is often more effective, but near the shore you can only catch small fish, usually in small quantities.

    When making a fishing screen, we recommend that you additionally make a wooden pole to which the rope is attached. At the end of the rope there is a hook that can catch on a floating line. The device makes it easier to remove the screen from the water.

    Is fishing with a fishing screen legal?

    The use of fishing screens (“TVs”) is illegal and is subject to fines throughout Russia. With the help of the assembled screen, it will not be possible to catch a lot of fish; in terms of catchability, the tackle is inferior to donka and nets, but even taking this fact into account, the Fishery Supervision Authority prohibits the use of the device.

    This is a risky tackle that is used at your own peril and risk. Even a small structure made by yourself is subject to fines. During spawning, the law is especially strict; now it is more correct to completely abandon fishing, even with fishing rods.

    More often than not, fishing with a screen far from the shore turns out to be more effective.

    When and where can you use a fishing screen?

    There are no difficulties in using the “TV” both for a beginner in fishing and for a seasoned fisherman. If you have a boat, it is better to place the screen in the water, but as a last resort, cast from the shore. Those who often fish with “TV” often make a special fishing rod for delivering gear. When fishing, a long stick becomes an improvised fishing rod.

    It is better to install fishing nets and screens in the place where prey feeds; it is also effective to install gear in narrow channels where fish migrate. To increase the effectiveness of the bait, you need to tie a common bait in the center: bread crumb, porridge, cake, etc.

    Fishermen have come up with a very unusual method of luring prey using Christmas tree tinsel; its particles are attached on all sides of the net and lure the fish with glare from the falling sun. The method is applicable for peace-loving and predatory fish.

    Before calculating a fishing screen, it is important to determine the type of potential prey in the reservoir. Usually small, medium-sized specimens of the most common fish in the reservoir are caught in the nets. When making a screen, they often rely on the size of a small crucian carp, rudd.

    Despite the obsolescence of equipment and penalties for fishermen, three-wall fishing screens without equipment are actively sold online and are used throughout the country.

    The popularity of this fishing method is due to:

    • ease of manufacture;
    • accessibility of all gear elements;
    • low screen cost;
    • high mobility of the fisherman;
    • universal use.

    Because of the listed advantages, knitting three-wall screens will be popular for many years to come.

    Effectively installing tackle in a place where fish feed

    Making your own fishing screen

    At the initial stage of mastering fishing, many anglers simply buy gear in stores or from other fishermen. As your knowledge increases, you will want to make your own tools to become independent and save money.

    Before making a fishing screen with your own hands, it is important to prepare the materials.

    What materials are needed for a homemade fishing screen?

    The following materials will help you manually make fishing screens from fishing line:

    Instructions for making a fishing screen

    It is better to buy a net for tackle, since it takes a long time to weave a net, and the benefits are minimal. If a fisherman prefers to weave himself, he will have to stock up on fishing line and endurance.

    Fishing line screens can be made by hand

    How to weave a fishing screen from fishing line:

    1. Initially, we make the elements - the main part of the grid and screen; a network is assembled from a number of such elements.
    2. Along the edges, the parts are fixed with a strong rope or wire that acts as a frame.
    3. We plant the mesh. There are 3 main types of landing: 1:2, 1:3, 1:15, which involves attaching a mesh every 2, 3 and 15 meshes.

    You won’t be able to knit a fishing screen with your own hands that is too large; most often the dimensions range from 1.5 m2.

    Before assembling the fishing screen, it is important to determine the mesh size of the mesh. The dimensions of the cell depend on the size of the expected catch:

    • 2 cm - for live bait and small things;
    • 2.5-3.5 cm – for perch and roach;
    • 4-5 cm – for medium crucian carp and small bream;
    • 12-14 cm – for a large pike.

    Making a fishing screen with your own hands:

    Advice! You shouldn’t pull the net tightly onto the frame; it’s better to tie it with a little slack, then the fish won’t feel the danger the first time it touches the fishing line.

    Tactics and fishing techniques

    There are no special secrets to how to use a fishing screen. “TV” is not the fisherman’s main tool, but performs only an auxiliary function: catching live bait on a predator, catching small things to prevent unwanted bites and catching small things to attract predatory fish. The screen also helps catch fish on the ear and is only used as a last resort for catching trophy fish.

    How to equip and use the fishing screen:

    • Elements are tied in the center or along the edges to attract attention: a garland, a bait;
    • installed on “fish paths” where prey constantly moves;
    • thrown in the gap between the algae;
    • hooks along the edges of the screen cannot be used, otherwise there is a high risk of snagging and stuck fish will scare away other peace-loving relatives;
    • when knitting a mesh, it is better to use a thin fishing line that is invisible to the fish eye;
    • You should not use wooden sticks as a frame, as they float and you have to install a heavy weight.

    There are no special secrets to using the fishing screen

    Installation of fishing screen

    The most promising fishing places are narrow channels, areas without vegetation on the bottom, places where predators chase fry. This is the best place to install the screen. The casting process itself is extremely simple. If you are using a boat, just swim up to the area and smoothly lower the gear. In the absence of a floating device, a long and strong stick is used for casting, and the “TV” is also simply lowered with it. A similar method - lowering the screen is carried out from a bridge or other surface structure.

    How to properly plant a fishing screen:

    1. We take the shuttle and attach the fishing line to it.
    2. We tie the end of the shuttle to the last cell, and tie the picking cord behind it.
    3. We thread the shuttle every 3.5 cells (selected individually).
    4. We attach the cell to the cord and continue fastening until the entire mesh is tied to the base.

    And finally, a few tips:

    • the tackle is effectively used in the summer, in places where there are no obstacles for installing the screen;
    • the screen is convenient to use in still water, but in currents the design is not very stable;
    • It is better to attach the bait in the center of the screen or fix it next to the sinker;
    • It is worth adding bait periodically; careless fish will get caught in the net while collecting food;
    • You cannot overdo it with bait, otherwise the fed fish will swim away;
    • Some fishermen treat their nets with scents that attract fish from distant parts of the reservoir.

    There are very two opinions about fishing “TVs”: some people love them because of the ease of manufacture and the passive method of obtaining a catch, but many people “cannot stand them” because the tackle is not sporty and of little interest. Regardless of opinions, the tackle shows good results, so it will be relevant for a long time.


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