"seas" without shores. Why does the tropical zone occupy a much smaller area in South Africa than in North Africa? Why does Lake Chad change its shape throughout the year?

a) Central South America;

B) Southern and Central parts; c) narrowed southern part of the continent.

2) the length of the Amazon River is: a) 5971 km; 6) 6437 km; c) 6537 km.

3) In the Amazonian lowland there is a unique in its size and degree
moisturizing natural complex of the Amazon. Which of the above reasons does not affect
its formation:

A) flatness of the territory;

B) penetration of trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean into the interior of the continent

B) position in equatorial latitudes;

D) the cold Peruvian Current along the Pacific coast.

4) The South American coast was mapped in the 16th-11th centuries.
mainly thanks to swimming:

A) English; b) Spaniards; c) Portuguese.

5) The relief of South America is dominated by plains, but unlike Africa here:

A) lowlands prevail; b) hills and plateaus predominate;

C) lowlands and plateaus occupy approximately equal areas

6) The most important distinctive feature of the geographical location of South America
from Africa and Australia is that the South American continent:

A) crosses the equator;

B) is washed by the waters of two oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic;

7) The Guiana Plateau is formed mainly by:

A) sedimentary cover of the ancient platform;

B) protrusions of the ancient crystalline foundation of the platform

C) an area of ​​new folding.

8) The Andes stretch: a) along the eastern coast; b) along the western
coast; c) from west to east of South America.

9) The largest alpine lake in the Andes:

A) Cotopaxi; b) Titicaca; c) Chimborazo.

10) Moist equatorial forests in S.A. are called: a) hylea; b) jungle; V)

11) Descendants from marriages of Indians with blacks are: a) sambo; b) mulattoes; c) mestizos.

12) South America is located on the territory of several climatic zones.
The largest area on the continent is occupied by: a) equatorial;

B) subequatorial; c) tropical climate zone.

13) The Amazon forests are the center of snakes. A giant water boa constrictor lives here:

A) anaconda; b) mamba; c) viper.

14. The main sources of moisture in the Atacama Desert are:

A) precipitation; b) fogs; c) groundwater.

15) Tropical deserts occupy a smaller area in South America than in Africa
or Australia. This is explained by:

A) a significant part of the continent is occupied by humid equatorial forests;

B) South America has a smaller extent from west to east in the tropical

C) South America has a large extent from north to south.

Help if anyone can, I want to pass the test normally, please help!!!

1. What are the coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa?
A) 16° S 3°E
B) 10° N 51°E
B) 51° N 11 east
D) 16° N 3° W
2. What conclusion can be drawn about the climate of Africa based on the fact that the continent is crossed by the equator and both tropics?

3. Which researcher made a great contribution to the study of Africa - discovered Victoria Falls, studied Lake Nyasa?
4. What is located north of the East African Plateau?
5. In southern and eastern Africa more than in northern:
6. In the subequatorial zone of the Northern Hemisphere in Africa, precipitation falls:
7. In the tropical latitudes of southern Africa, more precipitation falls along the east coast than along the west, because there:

8. The deepest river in Africa, deep throughout the year, does not form a delta, this is: A) Nile, B) Congo C) Zambezi D) Niger
9.Which lake is Africa's deepest?
10.What plant or animal is not typical for the savannah zone?
12.What peoples live in northern Africa?
13.Which country in Africa is the largest in terms of population?
A) Egypt B) South Africa C) Algeria D) Nigeria

1) Describe the coastline of South Africa

2) What is the absolute altitude of the territories of most countries in South Africa?
3) Where are the lowlands located in South Africa? Mountains?
4) In the basins of which rivers and oceans is South Africa located?

1. What number on the map indicates Cape Agulhas?

A) 1 B) 2 C)3 D)4
2. What are the coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa?
A) 16° S 3°E
B) 10° N 51°E
B) 51° N 11 east
D) 16° N 3° W
3. What type of climate is indicated by shading on the map?
A) Subequatorial
B) Tropical desert
B) Tropical humid
D) Equatorial
4. Which country is indicated on the map by a contour line?
A) Congo
B) Egypt
B) Somalia
D) Ethiopia
5. What conclusion can be drawn about the climate of Africa based on the fact that the continent is crossed by the equator and both tropics?
A) Africa receives large amounts of heat all year round
B) Africa is in the zone of trade winds
C) Africa has tropical and equatorial climate zones
D) All of the above conclusions
6. Which researcher made a great contribution to the study of Africa - discovered Victoria Falls, studied Lake Nyasa?
A) Vasco da Gama B) V.V. Junker B) D. Livingston D) N.I. Vavilov
7. What is located north of the East African Plateau?
A) Cape Mountains B) Drakensberg Mountains C) Mount Kilimanjaro D) Ethiopian Highlands
8. In southern and eastern Africa more than in northern:
A) Oil B) Phosphorites C) Uranium ores D) Gas
9. In the subequatorial zone of the Northern Hemisphere in Africa, precipitation falls:
A) Throughout the year B) in summer C) In winter D) In ​​September and March
10. In the tropical latitudes of southern Africa, more precipitation falls along the east coast than along the west, because there:
A) humid equatorial air masses act
B) cold currents cool the air and promote the formation of precipitation
B) Monsoons occur in the southern hemisphere in summer.
D) Trade winds bring moist air from the Indian Ocean
11. The deepest river in Africa, deep throughout the year, does not form a delta, it is:
A) Nile, B) Congo C) Zambezi D) Niger
12. Which lake is the deepest in Africa?
A) Victoria B) Nyasa C) Tanganyika D) Chad
13. What plant or animal is not typical for the savannah zone?
A) Hippopotamus B) Gorilla C) Acacia D) Baobab
14. What peoples live in northern Africa?
A) Arab peoples B) Bushmen C) Negroids D) Pygmies
15. Which country in Africa is the largest in terms of population?
A) Egypt
B) South Africa
B) Algeria
D) Nigeria

King's Square (Plaça del Rei – Plaza del Rey) is one of the main attractions of the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. It is an almost completely enclosed space: you can get to Plaza del Rey from Veguer Street (carrer del Veguer) and Santa Clara Lane (baixada de Santa Clara), on the other three sides the square is surrounded by the medieval buildings of the Viceroy's Palace (Palau de Lloctinent), The Great Royal Palace (Palau Reial Major) and the Chapel of St. Agatha (Capella de Santa Àgata) with a high bell tower dominating the square. Another dominant feature is the five-tier Watchtower (also known as lookout or watchtower) King Martin Tower (Mirador del rei Martí), towering over the Great Royal Palace and the Viceroy's Palace (by the way, it is often called the Count's Palace and the Viceroy's Palace). The steps on the right lead to the Saló del Tinell - the main hall of the royal palace, which was used for celebrations, receptions, and later for meetings of the Spanish Inquisition.

CC BY-SA 3.0, maximdankov.ru)">

The King's Square has repeatedly changed its outline. In its modern form, the most ancient of its listed buildings are the Chapel of St. Agatha, built on the remains of Roman walls, at the beginning of the 14th century, and the Great Royal Palace, more or less finally formed at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries. The Viceroy's Palace and King Martin's Tower appeared a little later - in the 16th century. At one time there was a fountain on the square, and one of the columns of the Roman Temple of Augustus was installed here. Currently, all four surviving columns can be seen in the Catalan Excursion Center (Centre Excursionista de Catalunya), located near Plaza del Rey - on Carrer Paradís.

CC BY-SA 3.0, commons.wikimedia.org)">

Another building of the modern King's Square, which we have not yet mentioned, is Casa Clariana Padellàs. It was built in the 14th century and significantly renovated at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries. However, this building was originally located in a completely different place, on Carrer Mercaders Street, and was moved to Plaza del Rey literally brick by brick in the 30s of the 20th century. At the same time, the ruins of the Roman Barsino were discovered under the square, including streets, houses and even wineries. All these finds were preserved in their places - underground. However, they can be seen - King's Square hides the History Museum of Barcelona (Museu d'Història de Barcelona). In fact, the entrance to the museum is located in the house of Clarian Padellas, which was moved here.

Lake Chad is the only large body of water of its kind located in Central Africa, as well as one of the most significant and famous attractions. The lake is located in the west of the republic, near the lands of Shari. By the way, it is worth noting that these waters are today the most ancient springs in Africa, due to which the republic received its current name. Chad is considered one of the most volatile lakes in the entire world. This can be done based on the fact that the lakes are constantly changing their external outlines, sometimes expanding in length, sometimes losing width, sometimes shrinking to unimaginable sizes, sometimes, on the contrary, increasing tens of times. The lake has no external drains, the waters are slightly salty and not intended for drinking; here people can only have a good beach holiday and swim to their heart's content. The maximum depth here is only eleven meters. The territory of the lake today is one of the richest territories of the Chadian Republic, because it is here that an unimaginable accumulation of wildlife is collected, which is rarely seen in such arid regions. Numerous vegetation grows around the lake, which annually serves as a home and cozy corner for thousands of different animals and birds. Today the waters serve for local residents, to a greater extent, as a source of seafood and a territory for fishing. It is no secret that at least over fifty species of marine life live here.

The Shari River with its tributary Logone carries its waters into Lake Chad. Fluctuations in water flow in the river are quite significant. At N'Djamena, near the confluence of Logone, the Shari in early June has a width of 84 m, but when it floods in November, its width reaches 600 m.

The Shari is rightfully considered one of the most fish-rich rivers on earth. The largest fish, called captain, can reach two meters in length and weigh 80 kg, and it also has a very delicate taste. According to Nachtigall, the influx of water through rain and rivers is 100 cubic meters. km, and the loss of water through evaporation is 70 cubic meters. km. Due to the absence of a visible source of water from the lake, while the water of the lake remains fresh, Nachtigall suggests the existence of an underground channel in a north-easterly direction to the Aegean and Borku. Near the river mouths the water in the lake is fresh, in the rest of the lake it is slightly brackish; the insignificance of mineralization is apparently explained by the constant change of water in the lake due to the underground outflow of infiltration waters. In a very rainy season (which happens extremely rarely), with unusually high levels of the water's edge, a temporary surface runoff of the lake is formed in the northeast (along the dry bed of Bahr el-Ghazal). The dark, dirty water of the lake is thickly overgrown with algae in places. From July to November, under the influence of rains, the water level gradually rises and the low southwestern coast is widely flooded almost to Cook. Over a considerable area, the lake is very shallow (you can wade across it on horseback); The western part near Ngornu and Maduari is distinguished by great depth. The maximum depth during the rainy season is 11 meters. The banks are mostly marshy and overgrown with papyrus; to the northeast the area has the character of a steppe, and only the southern coast is distinguished by rich tropical vegetation.

In the eastern part, the lake is covered with a network of islands (up to 100 in number), of which the Buduma, Karka and Kuri groups are inhabited (up to 30 thousand people) by people from neighboring tribes (Buduma, Kuri, Kanemba, Kanuri, Bulala and Datsa).

In 2006, the lake with an area of ​​23 thousand square kilometers, located on the borders of Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and the Republic of Chad, shrank 26 times and continues to dry out, which became known thanks to Earth monitoring carried out by the international Disaster Monitoring Constellation system. It is known that Chad is drying out for the seventh time in the last millennium. Scientists-paleontologists established this from the remains of animals found there.

The region of the upper reaches of the Shari is the most fertile and populated in the country. The population density here reaches 15 people per 1 km 2 (with an average density in the Republic of Chad of 3 people per 1 km 2).

The Republic of Chad is divided into two parts: northern and southern. In the south there live black tribes who speak many languages ​​and dialects. Some of them profess Christianity, others are loyal to local traditional cults. The population of the south is engaged in agriculture. Fertile soils make it possible to grow here, along with food, valuable industrial crops for export.

The northern part of Chad is mostly desert and semi-desert. There is no fertile land there. The population has long been engaged in nomadic cattle breeding.

The water in the lake is darkish due to thick algae. During the rainy season, the maximum depth of Lake Chad can reach up to eleven meters. Most of the shores of the lake are swampy, overgrown with papyrus, only the southern shore of Lake Chad is rich in tropical vegetation. There are small islands in the eastern part of the lake.

It should be noted that in the northeastern part of the coast of Chad there are deposits of natural salt.

The presented lake is home to unique animals - manatees, crocodiles, and hippos. Also on the territory of this lake you can see a large number of beautiful marsh and water birds. This lake is home to a large variety of fish.

Why does the tropical zone occupy a much smaller area in South Africa than in North Africa? Why does Lake Chad change its shape and area throughout the year? Why is Antarctica considered the highest continent on Earth?


1) North Africa is elongated in the sublatitudinal direction, and South Africa is elongated in the submeridional direction, therefore a feature of Africa’s configuration is the unequal land area north and south of the equator. The northern part of the continent is more than twice as wide as the southern one: the greatest distances between the extreme eastern and western points of the northern and southern parts of the continent are 7600 and 3100 km, respectively. 2) If it were not for the southern rivers Shari and Komadugu-Yobe, which feed the lake with their waters, it would have disappeared long ago. These tributaries flow from the slopes of the relatively low mountains that separate the Chadian drainage basin from the basins of the great African rivers Nile and Congo. About 500-600 millimeters of precipitation falls here throughout the year. This amount of moisture is enough to feed both the rivers and Lake Chad. Confronting the desert, the lake often changes its boundaries, and as a result, the area of ​​the water surface changes dramatically. 3) Antarctica is covered by an ice shell, the average height of which is 2040 meters (2.8 times the average height of the surface of all other continents). Near the South Pole, the thickness of the ice shell reaches 3800 meters. The total mass of frozen water concentrated in Antarctica is 30 million cubic kilometers. Under its weight, the earth's crust on this continent bent up to 950 meters.

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