Review of a trip to the mysterious Okunevo. A mysterious place of power - the village of Okunevo About UFOs, holes in the ground, or is it better to sleep at night

To the general public, especially the Russian one, the name Okunevo means nothing. Not widely - to several thousand Russians and the same number of non-Russians - it says a lot, almost everything.

These thousands of initiates know exactly where they can be saved during the inevitable end of the world (no, not according to the Mayan calendar, but at the end of the Great Cycle, the end of Kali Yuga and the change of the earth’s poles) and how they can be saved. The address is shocking - the remote village of Okunevo in the Omsk region, in Siberia.

From India - with love and destiny

And the “news” came from Germany. Apparently, this state is karmically destined to work off its evil before Russia, so Germany gave us an amazing gift.

Rasma Rositis, a Latvian by nationality, but a resident of Germany, saw in a dream Shri Babaji, a Hindu guru, the earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. He (in a dream) invited her to the Himalayas, where Rasma went to become a disciple of Shri Babaji for several years. In the Ashram (Hindu temple) she received the name Rajni, by which she was recognized in a Siberian village cosmically distant from India.

And Rajni ended up in such unusual places according to the last will of Shri Babaji. Dying, he ordered her to find in Siberia the place of residence of the ancient Aryans - there, hidden until time, there is an underground temple in honor of the god Hanuman and a huge magic crystal, a keeper of information and energy, with which the future salvation and revival of humanity is connected.

Arriving in Omsk, Rajni (not knowing a word of Russian!) found archaeologists, learned from them about ancient human sites, and, with the help of meditation and God's providence, a place of power was revealed to her - the Tatarsky Uval - not far from Okunev and almost 300 -x km from the city, among centuries-old forests and such snow that, it seems, even the sun cannot melt...

Who is on the field, who is to Thunya

How does a summer morning begin in a modern village? Yes, just like a hundred years ago. Here, raising sun-baked dust, rides a horse-drawn mower - the dew has dried, it’s time to mow the grass for hay; chickens raking piles near the cattle pen; Here a woman with a yoke and full buckets stopped and stood for an hour, talking through the fence with her neighbor; but a motley, “crazy” dressed procession of Hindus, singing, set off to perform the ritual...

Stop. Some kind of not quite Siberian and not ordinary village. If you walk further along the street, then doubts will increase: the inscriptions on the gates “guide”, “Ashram”, or even completely unknown native signs will seem strange to the guest, to say the least.

And if he lived here in the guest yard for at least a week, he would see flocks of Hare Krishnas, always offering something and joyful; and the fiery night rituals of the pagans - this year the holiday of Perun gathered about 2 thousand guests from all over Russia in Okunev; and Buddhists, coloring the austere Siberian forests with bright ribbons, bells, and especially themselves; and gloomy Old Believers-Yinglists, who keep faith in the great Belovodye; and Satanists (well, where would God be without Satan), during the decade of their stay here, they only encroached on the village chickens...

And there are countless tourists of all stripes and languages, on foot, on horseback, in groups and individually.

Babylon or Ark?

The symbol of the Okunevsky ark (as there is an ark: every creature - in pairs) has become a cult place on Tatarsky Uval, where 30 sq. m and a Buddhist wishing tree, and a pagan solstice, and an Orthodox chapel, and a Hindu Thunya.

Why is everyone here? Place of power. Are they fighting? No, they live peacefully and mostly kindheartedly. When, after the ritual, Hindus take a meal (sitting on the ground, with their hands and only vegetarian), the Orthodox priest comes out after the service and asks permission (!) to bless them.

Yes please! They are glad to all goodness and peace, because there is only one God and He is Love...

What is he looking for in a distant country?..

But it’s not just the variety of spiritual practices that amazes these unusual places – it’s the people.
Here is Seva Pogrebnyak, a permanent servant and caretaker of the Ashram. Only he lives at the temple permanently, the rest are guests. Seva is originally from Moscow. Graduated from a prestigious Moscow technical university. The parents went for permanent residence in the United States, and Seva fled to Okunevo...

Seva has the face of a very happy and wise person, despite her somewhat youthful years. At first he kept a vow of celibacy, but now he has a wife and a little daughter. And the Temple.

He still, for several years now, every day decorates, repairs, takes care of the Ashram, conducts rituals and kindly welcomes everyone who comes to this place of power for the purpose of self-knowledge, the search for meaning or peace of mind.

Alya Pugach is the program director of a radio station in Magnitogorsk. An amazingly versatile, educated and talented girl. Alya comes to Okunevo 4 times a year, evenly dividing her modest vacation. She remembers how her parents lost her when, having arrived in Okunevo for the first time, she was “stuck” here for a long time - she didn’t have the strength to leave! Now she has a family, but her husband has nothing against traveling: Alya returns from the Siberian village as a happy, light and new person, with whom she feels good and calm.

Tara is from Ireland. Her name completely coincides with the name of the river on the banks of which Okunevo stands and on the banks of which the temple of the ancient goddess Tara is hidden. Tara the Irish comes here for energy, just like the others.
The Italian musician has been coming to unusual Siberian places for 10 years in a row. Each visit brings new and universal harmony. And recently Mikhail Zadornov visited the village - he looked at everything, visited the magical lakes, and promised to give money for the Museum of Ancient (?) History.

The noisiest and most surprised by every moth and dung beetle are Americans. They are interested in everything, they don’t really understand where they came and why, but the life of an abandoned Russian village (and nothing has changed in the village itself) is almost more surprising to them than unknown temples and crystals underground.

Places of power know how to keep secrets - “Everything will reveal itself when the time comes” (words of a gray-bearded guest from St. Petersburg)

Unusual places in Okunev are friends with enthusiastic tourists and guests thirsting for miracles. Either “heavenly performances” are arranged for them in the form of luminous balls and temples, or they will be shown a huge dog, which, having swam across the river, becomes a huge man - you can’t even remember all the miracles. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, because it’s stupid to deny something without knowing it for sure.

But relations with scientists at the place of power are difficult. The Tatarsky Uval was developed by Omsk archaeologists a long time ago: people settled here for 8 thousand years in a row, traces of which were found by expeditions assembled from Omsk scientists and students. One of the permanent researchers and leaders was Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Matyushchenko, well-known far beyond the borders of our country.

The wonderful scientist, naturally, was an atheist. Local warnings about the curse of the burial grounds, in the depths of which, according to legend, the treasures of Khan Kuchum, only amused him. He didn’t even believe in signs or warnings. And one day his wife left the camp (she accompanied him on expeditions). They searched for her for 4 days and found her sitting under a tree - dead. Doctors did not find any signs of violent or sudden death. An absurd idea was put forward about starvation - in 4 days in the forest, where there are as many berries, edible grass and drinking water as you want?..

Other digger leaders did not go unpunished either. Their children got sick, they themselves got sick, someone started drinking, another went to prison quite unexpectedly and committed suicide there.

In addition to archaeologists, other diverse researchers also come to places of power. But since they don’t dig graves, but are mainly interested in energy flows and magical lakes (there are 5 of them - Lenevo, Shchuchye, Urmannoye, Danilovo and the most mysterious - Shaitan-Devi, for the locals - just Shaitan), then no one punishes them - so, the shaitan leads you through the forest, but he still lets you go...

Alexander Zaitsev, head of the geophysics department of the Physical Exploration of Moscow Objects JSC, and his group tried 3 times to get to Shaitan Lake, under the bottom of which there is supposedly an ancient temple with a crystal. But either there is bad weather, then they go somewhere wrong and the instruments do not help them, then what a sadness...

Three cauldron lakes from the fairy tale about the little humpbacked horse

But other lakes attract thousands of ordinary vacationers. People come here from Moscow, and from St. Petersburg, and from the Far East - despite the instability and “the most downshifting”. They go to swim in 3 lakes and be healed of all illnesses and misfortunes.

Remember Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and the 3 cauldrons in which Ivan the Fool bathed? Ershov most likely heard this motif, unusual for Russian fairy tales, in Tobolsk, where he graduated from school, and 3 cauldrons are connected with 3 healing lakes, according to a legend that existed in Siberia, after bathing in them in a certain sequence, a person seemed to be reborn. It’s true – the fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it...

And strength appears

A fairy tale is not a fairy tale? Maybe people themselves created it, exhausted in this world, where something is always needed from you, where you always have to?..

Okunevo is truly a place of power. Here you return to yourself, to your soul. It is not necessary to swim in lakes or perform rituals serving numerous gods.

You can just sit on a bench under the pine trees on the shore and look at the dark water of cold Tara, at the red sun going to rest behind the dark forest - warm, quiet, affectionate... And the heart itself prays to something unknown and eternal, dear and deep.

And strength appears.

We have one magical and mysterious place near Omsk, which many who know a lot about miracles call the “navel of the earth.” This is the small village of Okunevo in the north of the region, surrounded by the winding Tara River, swamps and taiga. The village is like a village, at first glance unremarkable. But only at first glance…

Okunevo... Now there will be a thunderstorm!

The mysterious history of Omsk Okunevo began in 1993, when the head of an archaeological scientific expedition from Moscow, Alexander Sergeevich Zaitsev, visited there. He was the first to become interested in the “magical” water of the “cosmic” lakes located around the village, and, as they say, he was even able to recover from tuberculosis.
In 2006, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zaitsev was interviewed by correspondents of the newspaper Itogi. He said that the Okunev events can largely be explained from the point of view of geophysics: “The fact is that in these places there is a very strong electromagnetic field. It was formed due to natural reasons, tectonic faults and other factors contributed to this. But there really are two energy centers there - the Tara ridge and the Tara River. When I reported on the Okunev phenomenon at one of the conferences and said that instruments in the Okunev area registered an electrical frequency of 127 Hz, many of those present commented on it this way: a similar frequency of the electromagnetic field was recorded during the rituals of Indian magicians, when they fell into ecstasy.” . According to Alexander Zaitsev, such a field activates a person’s vitality, promotes faster recovery and sharpening of abilities. At one time, Alexander Zaitsev defended his doctoral dissertation on geovitagenic and geopathogenic zones, and Okunevo is precisely a geovitagenic zone.
In the summer of 1963, in the center of Okunevo, near Shkolnaya Gora, children found two very strange light gray slabs, polished to a mirror shine. Even then, it was assumed that these slabs were the fragments of some kind of structure, perhaps an ancient temple, built using a special, hitherto unknown technology. Then they did not attach any importance to this mysterious find and forgot about it for a while - those were not the times...


A whole 30 years passed, and already in 1993, builders laying a heating main discovered a large necropolis. Archaeologists who began excavating this religious building were very puzzled by its age, which contradicted both traditional ideas about the history of this area and the history of all mankind in general. Archaeologists who examined the Okunev excavations concluded that the structures found did not belong to any of the local cultures. Based on specific facts, Siberian scientists suggested that on the territory of Western Siberia 300 thousand years ago there was a highly developed civilization, which served as the source of many religions of the world.

In the same 1993, the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich “saw” an ancient temple underground, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters, which is now called the Hanuman temple. And 7 years later, under the same School Mountain where the strange mirror slabs were found, some kind of artificial structure was discovered with the help of seismic instruments. And this despite the fact that there are no rock masses in these places.

If you believe the famous Indian clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, then on the banks of the Tara River, many millennia ago, the oldest Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman, was built. By the way, this is also written in the ancient Indian source “Rigveda”. Satya Baba himself was a priest in this temple, and now he is called upon to establish a “golden age” on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation. The disciples of the great prophet claim that he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia.


The main attraction of the Hanuman temple was the Thinking Crystal - a magical talisman in the shape of an octahedron (according to another version, the crystal had 72 sides) 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained a constant connection between the Earth and space and was delivered from the planet Satra, whose representatives, according to one version, built an observatory temple for communication with space.


The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. It, like the most advanced computer, contained information: where the human race comes from, all the events taking place on Earth since the creation of the world were recorded. It contains saving information for all humanity, which has reached a dead end in its “development”, since it is the greatest energy carrier, capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also their way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.
During such communication sessions, the dome of the temple opened, and a greenish column of light rushed into the sky. Local residents have seen this phenomenon more than once. Eyewitnesses tell how a greenish column of light slowly rises from the lake into the sky, as if a searchlight is looking for something in the sky, or the sky itself suddenly begins to glow. Scientists believe that this is “the result of the outflow of plasma from the depths of fractures in the earth’s crust.”

Where is the Thinking Crystal now? Does it lie in a temple at the bottom of one of the healing lakes near the village of Okunevo or deep underground? Three clairvoyants, independently of each other, “saw” that currently there is only a temple underground, and the Crystal has been moved to another dimension and is actually inaccessible to earthlings. Only its energy projection is located here.

Around Okunevo there are five very unusual lakes in shape and origin - Linevo, Urmannoye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake and Secret. In all lakes, both the water and the mud are healing. There is an assumption that these lakes were formed as a result of the fall of some cosmic body - a meteorite or something even more interesting and beyond our imagination. The most interesting thing about these “cosmic” lakes is their water, which has extraordinary properties.
Until recently, only four lakes were known. They were indicated by Olga Gurbanovich, a clairvoyant from Nizhnevartovsk. She said that all the lakes were formed by a huge meteorite that fell to the ground and there are five such lakes. The latter is in full view of everyone, however, no one notices it - this is the Hidden Lake.

Other Siberian clairvoyants also claim that these lakes were “born” by the Cosmos. This is indicated by the results of research and eyewitness accounts. Firstly, the depth of the lake is from 16 to 18 meters, although, as echolocator studies have shown, in its left part there is a depression as much as 67 meters. Geologists believe that such a depth absolutely indicates its meteorite origin. Secondly, this is also evidenced by the elongated, butterfly-like shape of the reservoir, and this shape is characteristic of meteorite craters formed when celestial stones fall. When the group arrived at the site, drilled holes and conducted a thorough examination of the shores of the lake, it turned out that it was indeed very similar to a meteorite crater. According to scientists, the meteorite that fell in Okunevo was more than thirty meters in diameter and weighed about thirty tons.


This is also proven by an amazing find - two stones of unearthly origin that were found at the bottom of Danilovo. The first was about a meter in diameter and weighed almost half a ton. The second stone was discovered by geophysicists at a depth of three meters; this stone in the waters of Danilovo is about four meters in diameter and weighs approximately 30 tons. That is, the hypothesis about the cosmic origin of the lake is supported by the very fact of the existence of a stone, the formation of which is not typical of the Siberian lands.

According to the version, the meteorite split into five parts. The fragments of the meteorite that hit the earth formed huge depressions, which were later filled with water.

Three such lakes in the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is said to be holy. It does not spoil, does not bloom and cures many diseases. Moreover, not only water heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energetic, and possibly magical properties of these “unearthly” formations.

But specialists from the regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center did not find any substances in the waters of lakes Danilovo and Linevo that would treat people. The only thing that surprises is the impeccably clean water in the open reservoir of Lake Linevo.

Shaitan Lake is considered the most mysterious and most effective in terms of healing power. The water in it is so healing that it allows you to get rid of psoriasis, eczema and other ailments. But it is believed that the lake does not allow everyone to come to it, and it is difficult to find it, because the big Shaitan is not indicated on the map of the area. This lake has two bottoms. The first bottom is at a depth of about three meters. And underneath there is again a layer of water. And no one knows how far it actually is until the second bottom.

By the way, scientists examined the soil, took water for testing, and dived with scuba gear - there is no high silver content there and the lake water does not differ in quality from the Irtysh.
According to legend: correct, consistent treatment is necessary, that is, you need to swim or drink water consistently from all five lakes. Then the properties of the living water of all lakes, different in their mode of influence, will overlap and enhance each other’s actions.

The book “Okunevsky Ark” was written about this unusual place. It was written by the famous researcher of the Omsk region, writer Mikhail Rechkin. Why the ark? Yes, because according to many predictions, it is from here, from this place that humanity will be reborn after the “end of the world.” That's it...








The village of Okunevo is located in the Omsk region, and at first glance it is a completely ordinary, unremarkable small village with only five streets. But most people who have been there claim that Okunevo is a mysterious place in Russia, a visit to which causes fear.

Scientists are unable to give a reasonable explanation for the strange phenomena that occur in the village, and many residents leave the place far away, considering this place a leper.

A little history

According to legend, it all started when a certain woman visited the village. Rasma Rositis, who also called herself Rajni. She was a student of the Babajist sect. Followers of this trend believed that on the site of the village and the entire Omsk region there used to be an ancient, very developed civilization, and on the coast of the Tara River a temple of the god Hanuman, who is revered in Hinduism, was once built. This god was a huge monkey, capable of flying and changing its appearance. She had incredible magical powers.

Babajists also believe that the temple may still exist, but ordinary people cannot see it. Rajni actually came to find this building. It was after her appearance that inexplicable things began to happen in the village.

Examples of unusual phenomena and theories of their origin

But, despite the possible danger, many curious people came and still stay in the village. Most of those who have been there say they have witnessed strange things with their own eyes, such as bright lights appearing in the lake, laser beams that suddenly appear in the sky, and even unidentified flying objects. It seems that there is simply an overabundance of energy in those parts, and this is an absolutely correct observation, since even experts admit that Okunevo is not only a mysterious place in Russia - it is also an active energy center.

According to some observers, the devilry that is happening in Okunevo is a consequence of the fact that the village is located at the intersection of 2 faults in the Earth’s crust. There the so-called entrance to parallel worlds opens, where people sometimes end up - either temporarily or forever. The glow, which can sometimes be observed above the lake, is explained by plasma from the bowels of the earth, appearing in places where the earth’s crust has fractured.

Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexander Zaitsev said in an interview that the events in the Okunev village can be explained from the point of view of geophysical data. In his opinion, a very strong electromagnetic field was discovered in those parts, which was formed as a result of natural events, these include tectonic faults. Zaitsev assures that such a place may well help a person recover faster and activate his vital energy.

The combination of these facts and scientific evidence gives reason to believe that Okunevo is indeed the most mysterious place in Russia. Although there are a dozen more similar phenomena in our country, this attracts special attention from lovers of mysticism and otherworldly phenomena.

What is happening today in the village of Okunevo in Russia: video

Okunevsky Ark. Not far from the regional center of Muromtsevo, which is north of Omsk, there is the village of Okunevo, known not only in the region, but also far beyond its borders. This small village, located on the high bank of the Tara River, is rich not only in picturesque views of wildlife and local exotica. Old timersIn Okunevo, various mysterious phenomena have been observed here for many years.
For example, in the forest around the village there are trees with broken tops. There are a lot of trees twisted or bent in some incomprehensible way.
Near Okunevo, strange flying objects in the form of luminous balls and large spots of yellow, orange and red colors have been seen for a long time. They were noticed in the forest and meadows, on the Tatarsky ridge on the banks of the Tara, and even in their own garden. Someone saw a pillar of light in a meadow outside the village outskirts, and nearby were the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared above the girls. Then the former front-line soldier, seriously frightened, said that on a summer moonlit night he saw a huge dog, which, having swam to the other side of the Tara, turned into a huge human being, dressed in white clothes. Some hear the ringing of bells and unearthly music, others see beautiful horses rushing across the sky.And more than enough such strange stories have accumulated over many decades. But even before the beginning of the 90s, only local residents shared such “fairy tales” besides among themselves. This is understandable, there was no one to share our impressions with - the village is only 5 or 6 streets away. There was simply nowhere for visitors to come here. D Since 1992, no one knew about Okunevo except residents of the Muromtsevo district itself. But soon everything changed. The birth of faith. Initially this place was of no value. The Siberian village lived its own way of life and was not ready for revolutionary changes. The turning point for the future of Okunevo was the arrival there Rasma Rositis - students of the Indian Babajist Sri Muniraji. The path of the spiritual founder of the future Okunev ark was not strewn with roses. Rasma is Latvian by birth, but she almost never lived in Latvia. Her parents fled from the war from Latvia to West Germany in 1944.
There she received her education and became interested in theology, choosing an unusual direction - Babajism. Shri Babaji in India is considered a very authoritative saint and earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. A prophetic dream she saw one day led her on long journeys: Since her husband did not support her in this aspiration, Rasma went to the edge of the continent alone. In 1983, Rasma came to Babaji’s successor, teacher Muniraji, the “king of silence,” where she stayed for seven years, spending time working and praying. It was then that she was given a new spiritual name - Rajni. After completing her spiritual education, Rajni realized her mission to bring the light of knowledge to the vastness of the former Soviet empire. This idea came to her during one of her meditations and, being supported by the teacher, found its real embodiment. Rajni did not have any special money for such a large-scale project - her trips were financed by Indian Babajist foundations. Rasma went to Russia with a Russian-speaking friend, who became a guide in this foreign world. Having traveled to 18 places, the missionaries focused their attention on the Omsk region. And there were good reasons for that. Indian spiritual heritage does not tell us in a single source about the exodus of the Aryans from the territory of present-day Siberia to Hindustan. This is evidenced by dozens of Sanskrit toponyms and hydronyms, concentrated in several pockets in Siberia. One of the centers where many such names of rivers and places are located is the Omsk region. A striking example, the regional center of Omsk itself contains the syllable Om, sacred to the Hindus, which, according to their ideas, is endowed colossal divine energy permeating the Universe and - represents the Alpha and Omega of our material world. After some time, Muniraji’s teacher wrote a clarifying letter to Rajni, which included the following lines: You must find a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman . This is very important for Russia.According to the Indian epic Ramayana, Hanuman is the King of the Monkeys, one of the companions of Rama, who helped Him fight demons.In order to find information about Hanuman, the women went to libraries, museums and archives to find the information they needed. They communicated with psychics and scientists. The latter, that is, Omsk archaeologists, pointed out to inquisitive Indian women that in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo, a place had been found where some rituals were carried out in ancient times. In the already published book “The Complex of Archaeological Monuments on the Tatarsky Uval near the Village of Okunevo” there are the following quite ordinary lines: “...there was probably a cult place on the site...” The area itself where this village was located was also marked by Aryan traces. The regional center of Muromtsevo stands for: “ m"-recreation, revival; " ur" - a creative word. Okunevo is located on the Tara River, which also has a connection with the goddess “Savior” in the pantheon of Buddhist Gods. Having learned about so many strange coincidences between West Siberian and Indian cultures, the devotees went to Okunevo to check the information given by archaeologists, and if the result was positive, to revive the temple of King Hanuman. Having settled in one of the houses, Rajni began the implementation of her difficult mission. Having built the altar of the god Shiva, Rajni performed arti every day - the ritual of bathing, rubbing oil and decorating murti - divine figurines with flowers. On Sundays, she organized a havan on Tatarsky Uval - a fire ritual with the singing of hymns and offering rice, nuts, and raisins to Shiva. “It was very difficult, and at some point I thought I would board up the windows and leave.” Siberian winter, and also a confrontation with the traditional Orthodox Church. Rajni But she persevered and survived difficult times. And later in the summer I received my divine message, which determined the fate of this place: - I stayed in a tent near the village. I was alone. She fasted and prayed for five days. I didn’t even know which way the village was. On the fifth night, from 12 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the morning, I observed light phenomena: light floated around, luminous creatures came to me, I saw the likeness of machines woven from light, and heard unearthly music. This was confirmation for me that this was the place I was supposed to find. Rajni called the place where there was an unusual vision Omkar and a certain “Navel of the Earth”, and after that an ashram was founded in the village"Omkar Shiva Dham". This happened in 1992. And this year became the unofficial discovery of a new Okunev phenomenon. Soon Rajni had like-minded people - Omsk residents, Muscovites, and then people from different parts of Russia. Her hut turned into an ashram.Rajni lived at the new ashram for about five years, performing Vedic rituals daily. At that time, Russia was flooded with sects pouring in from abroad, so few were surprised at the presence of Hindus in a remote Siberian village. The new spiritual direction was occasionally written about in newspapers, which contributed to the influx of people into Okunevo who were captivated by the idea of ​​the Temple of the Divine Monkey. Friendship of religions. If before 1991 people had come to the Muromtsevo region, the only thing they would have been offered to see was the ancient Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built by Tsar Alexander II with donations from peasants. At first, as already mentioned, Babaji’s followers showed attention to this place, who began to gather in Okunevo after the mystical revelations of Rasma Rozitis about the “Navel of the Earth”. In 1994, the ashram was registered as a religious community and it became the Russian center of the international organization of Babaji’s followers “Haidakhan”
Rumors about the temple and the community spread throughout Russia and far beyond its borders. Pilgrims from all over the world began to come to Okunevo. In 1993, Omsk businessman Sergei Saulin built a hexagonal chapel as an indication that at the bottom of Lake Shaitan there was hidden a magical Crystal that was located in the Hanuman temple. And after this, the Russian Orthodox Church became seriously concerned about the state of affairs in Okunevo. Also in 1993, the then Archbishop of Omsk and Tara, Theodosius, personally came to Okunevo to “repel the Babajists.” The conflict, according to locals, did not seriously continue. The Russian Orthodox Church installed an Orthodox cross on the sacred tract. But the churchmen did not limit themselves to just this, and began to periodically sprinkle holy water on the dhuni - the ritual pit for offerings of the Babajists, or even completely destroy it, and also, from time to time, appropriated the construction of the pagan chapel for themselves. This sluggish conflict lasted for a couple of years until the pagans, the Ynglings, led by the well-known “extremist” in Russia, Alexander Khinevich, came to the aid of the Babajists. Being the founder and leader of the Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers, it was he who allegedly miraculously translated runic writings that were preserved somewhere, from which it followed that in ancient times, the mythical country of Belovodye stretched across the territory between the Urals and the Eastern Ocean. Its capital Asgard flaunted at the confluence the Om and Iriy (Irtysh) rivers, which corresponds to the current location of Omsk. According to these chronicles, Slavic-Aryan tribes settled Belovodye more than 100 thousand years ago. And in the area between the Irtysh and Tara rivers there was a temple complex built by the Supreme Priest of the Light Cult of the Goddess Tara, Khan Uman. On Omkara the Ynglings put their symbol - the eight-pointed swastika, Kolovrat. After them, Hare Krishnas, followers of Sai Baba, Buddhists, and other adherents of spiritual movements exotic for Siberia began to come to Okunevo. And after the resonant articles of scientists and researchers of the Okunev phenomenon, countless regiments of psychics, magicians, healers, and simply people with oddities moved to the village. The season officially opens with the annual festival dedicated to the summer solstice, which attracts thousands of pilgrims and lovers of ethnic parties. Throughout the summer, representatives of different religious denominations spend their holidays here. Babajists celebrate Navratri, pagans celebrate the night of Ivan Kupala, the Day of Perun and the goddess Tara. On special days, time on the Tatar ridge is scheduled by the hour: in the morning the Old Believers pray, then the Orthodox, then the Hare Krishnas sing for half a day. This is a common thing for the Okunevskaya outback.
In general, over time, Omkar turned into a cult place of Power near Okunevo, where all the listed categories of citizens celebrated their rituals, staging enchanting performances on their holidays, which were attended by many curious public. As Rajni predicted, Okunevo turned into a temple of religious tolerance. Even after the founder of the Okunev phenomenon left for her homeland in Latvia due to difficulties with a visa, interest in this place did not weaken, but grew even stronger and over time turned into a phenomenon on a global scale. And the main catalyst for this process was researcher Mikhail Rechkin. But even with all the disadvantages that excessive popularity and the unfulfilled end of the world gave this place, which seriously cooled the ardor of many, Rechkin did not rely on fantasies in his research. Several expeditions prepared and carried out by him, using the instrumental potential of various scientists, made it possible to almost physically confirm that there is something very phenomenal underground near Okunevo. And now I will tell you more about this. Expeditions of Mikhail Rechkin. A new impetus for developmentThe topics of the Okunev phenomenon after Rajni, as I said, were given by researcher Mikhail Rechkin. This all happened in 1993. - I came to the regional center of Muromtsevo in my small homeland from the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where I lived then, and went to the local editorial office of the newspaper Znamya Truda. The editor of the newspaper told me a story that a certain Indian woman, Rasma, came to the village of Okunevo. She claims that there, on the site of a village, in ancient times there stood a temple of extraordinary beauty. And the remains of this temple were preserved under a layer of sedimentary rocks. Rechkin Mikhail, of course, did not believe his friend then and after this conversation he returned to Nizhnevartovsk. But the information was embedded in the subconscious, and waited for the hour when the consciousness could perceive it. Rechkin’s slow “entry” into the topic began as if from afar. The catalyst was Lake Danilovo, located in the top three healing reservoirs of the Omsk region. Three of them are considered the most valuable: Danilovo, Linevo, Shaitan Lake . The next important point for Rechkin was the information that there are not three, but five healing lakes in this area. The last, fifth, most mystical. Only a select few know about it. It is in plain sight, but not everyone can see it. This lake, which Rechkin later called Hidden, according to the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. And to get this effect, you need to plunge into the waters of all five lakes in a certain sequence. Rechkin, of course, was very interested in this information and he set out to find and explore the missing two lakes and unravel the mystery of all five lakes. Further questions from the clairvoyant enriched Rechkin with new information. In ancient times, on the banks of the Tara, which at that time was full of water like the Indian Ganges, there was a temple. And in this temple in the central hall there was a “jewel of unearthly origin” - a power conical Crystal. The energy of this Crystal charges the waters of all five lakes through a common underground system. But at that time, the Crystal was intended to establish long-distance space communication with the civilization of creators from one of the planets of the Sirius star system. That’s when Rechkin remembered the words of the editor of the Muromtsevo newspaper about the temple near Okunevo. Now it was necessary to ask the Indian Rajni herself in detail about the temple that she sees in her visions and compare this information with the data of Olga Gurbanovich. In addition to the fact that Rajni told Mikhail Rechkin about luminous creatures and their machines woven from light, which she saw on the sacred Omkara, there was information that almost exactly coincided with what Olga Gurbanovich told - in the temple of King Hanuman there was a certain channel of long-distance space communication.Both women were definitely talking about the same thing. Now it was necessary to go and find out everything on the spot. In July 1998of the yearMikhail Rechkin conducted the first reconnaissance expedition, traveled through all the proposed lakes, studied the surroundings of Okunev and interviewed local residents about various unusual phenomena. In the village of Inciss, neighboring Okunevo, an old Tatar named Karymov told the researcher a very strange story about tEvery day the secretaries went into the taiga and returned from it late in the evening. But one day they did not return. Later, other people arrived in a car, loaded the belongings of the missing people and took them away. The old people from Inciss confidently stated that the lost disappeared in a special place. You can walk through this place a thousand times and nothing will happen, but at some point it becomes a trap. And as forThere have been more than enough facts of observations of various anomalous phenomena near Okunevo, starting with the arrival of the Babajists on this land, who, unlike the local residents, began to approach this process more carefully. Anomalous phenomena in Okunevo. Surveys of local residents, which Mikhail Rechkin began in the 90s, made it clear that the area near the village of Okunevo is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. The Okunevo - Alekseevka - Porechye triangle is especially rich in the manifestation of various anomalous phenomena. For many years, local residents have been observing mysterious phenomena in this area - luminous balls of yellow, orange and red colors, unusual glows in the form of rays coming from the ground. of mysterious origin, deep pit-adits near the village of Porechye and beyond the village of Okunevo where spring melt waters go. In the forties, paranormal phenomena were noted in these places. The Okunev children, playing outside the village, suddenly noticed on the banks of the Tara River a round dance of girls in bright sundresses that had come from somewhere unknown. Then three huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses began to appear above the round dance. Their height was several meters. In other years, the Okunev children observed a vision in the air of “a living horseman, absolutely real, dressed in the uniform of a commissar from the time of the Civil War.” Many of those who have been in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo have seen inexplicable phenomena: mysterious glows in the fog of lakes, “laser” beams unexpectedly piercing the night sky, UFO flights.IN In December 1997, in the evening, over one of the mysterious lakes, a “white dome with foggy streaks inside and a bright rainbow outside with a radius of three kilometers up and ten kilometers in width was observed, which stood for forty minutes and then melted...”.Rechkin himself heard the story about f
Subsequent studies of these phenomena gave scientists grounds to assert that the anomalous phenomena are the result of the outflow of plasma from the bowels of the earth at fault points in the earth’s crust, on which the village of Okunevo stands. This explains all kinds of light miracles, chronomirages, as well as the displacement of space-time worlds, as happened with the “secretaries” in 1947 near the village of Inciss. Since then, the number of anomalous manifestations of nature near Okunevo has increased every year. Most of the cases remained primarily in the minds of eyewitnesses, but many photographs and even videos of anomalous phenomena are still circulating on the Internet and published in the books of Rechkin himself, which personally convinces me of the energy-informational originality of the entire area near that Siberian village. And the point here is rather not about faults, but about something more significant that came to us from antiquity. Hanuman Temple. Several years before the start of active search activities, Mikhail Rechkin, using the information capabilities of the psychics, contactees, and dowsers involved in the work, the main one of whom was Olga Gurbanovich, was able to collect enough information to himself be involved in this interesting quest to find the cult place of the Indo-Aryans, first described Rajni as a Hanuman temple. - ZHere, according to a number of scientists, the ancient Indo-Aryan epic “Mahabharata” took shape, the images and characters of which are surrounded by local rivers, lakes, mountains, and valleys. Here, probably, was the cradle of the Indo-Aryans, some of them later went to the south of Asia, to the borders of Hindustan. V.I. Matyushchenko, professor What do the Indian chronicles tell us about the personality of King Hanuman himself? More than 15 thousand years ago, on the territory of what is now Siberia, there was a large civilization of immigrants from the lost Hyperborea. Global cooling pushed the Arcts to the mainland, where they occupied this territory. Before the exodus of the Aryans, a powerful civilization existed on the territory of Western Siberia, and on the banks of the “full-flowing Tara River like the great Ganges” stood a spiritual and scientific center associated with Rama’s associate, the sage and healer Hanuman. Much has been said about Rama’s campaigns, in particular in the epics “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”. According to legend, it was Rama who led his people to Hindustan. This happened after a planetary catastrophe that occurred 12.5 thousand years BC. which led to a sharp cooling in Siberia. It is also believed that the famous Indian saint Sai Baba, in one of his previous incarnations, was a high-ranking priest in the same Hanuman temple. In photographs he often appears with images of Hanuman, and in this black and white photo on the right, notice the shadow of Sai Baba.
Impressive? One word - Miracle Worker! Indian chronicles tell us that more than twenty-five thousand years ago, a war broke out between the crown prince Rama from the kingdom of Ayodhya and the demon Ravana from the island of Lanka because of the abduction of Rama's wife Sita by Ravana. And Rama won this war, using an army of monkeys led by Hanuman, who possessed extraordinary mystical power. And in memory of this feat, Rama gave Hanuman Siberia, where at that time there was a beautiful city. After which Hanuman stayed there, and in later times a temple was erected in his honor. Hanuman founded his kingdom in Siberia and ruled there for a long time. Subsequently, the Aryan peoples living in those places erected several temples dedicated to Hanuman, where they worshiped him as the incarnation of Rudra - the patron and protector of this area. With the onset of the Ice Age, the Aryans migrated south to the Hindustan Peninsula, leaving their place of residence under the influence of magical protection. The Aryans believed that at the end of one of the cycles of the era - Kali, there would be a revival of their race and it would begin where the great Hanuman, the earthly incarnation of Rudra, once ruled. According to psychics and contactees, the Hanuman temple complex was technologically very advanced. There was a thinking Crystal with great cosmic power. This Crystal was composite and was disassembled after the disaster. The same Olga Gurbanovich, who advised Rechkin, said that Apart from the fact that there was a certain technology capable of “drowning” the Temple in a short time, there is nothing to explain the disappearance of the entire Center. Over the millennia, a layer of sedimentary rocks could not have carried structures 50-100 meters high. And even with the crater formed, Tara would quickly dry out. The water would simply go underground along with the complex. In general, it is still pointless to discuss the high technologies of the ancients. Even if you don’t believe in the “fairy tales” of contactees, places near Okunevo have shown the presence of magnetic and other anomalies, which have been recorded by various scientists over many years of research. Now about these studies, which began, as I said at the instigation of Mikhail Rechkin. Expedition "Okunevo - 2000". Initially, to organize a future scientific expedition, Mikhail Rechkin planned to involve the department of the Novosibirsk academician Kaznacheev. His “Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine” for many years was engaged in the substantiation of various kinds of anomalous places and phenomena. In the early 90s, the institute’s staff experimented with Kozyrev’s mirrors to transmit thoughts at a distance. It was such a classic secret research institute from newspaper publications. The media write about such people that they are backed by military and special services, and they are helped by contactees and psychics. If you still managed to enlist the support of Kaznacheev, then organize under his controlIt was not possible to carry out a comprehensive research expedition and carry out in-depth research in the Okunev area. But Vlail Petrovich gave Rechkin practical advice: - Since the scientific tools for studying anomalous natural phenomena are still far from perfect, select a group of people with supersensitive abilities and start working with them, and only then examine the places they indicate using instruments. This is what Rechkin did, attracting various contactees and psychics to obtain information, who indicated the necessary energy-active points, and then geophysicists and other scientists followed in their footsteps, who, using instruments, tried to obtain material confirmation of the words of the spirit seers. This well-known scheme has been used more than once and has shown its high effectiveness. It was important to choose the right consultants. In addition to Olga Gurbanovich, Rechkin was advised by several other specialists, information from whom he tried to verify on the ground.
The starting point for organizing a scientific expedition to Okunevo was Mikhail Rechkin’s acquaintance with the Moscow geophysicist Zaitsev, who was already familiar with the Omsk region and had even been cured of tuberculosis on Lake Danilovo 57 years ago. He agreed to head the scientific department of the future expedition and try to lift the veil of secrecy. The expedition was financed by a sponsor who was interested in Rechkin’s stories about the Okunev ark. On July 22, 2000, the team went to the Okunev area. The first object of research was the so-called School Mountain, located on the banks of the Tara in the center of Okunev. According to historical chronicles, it was under this mountain in the summer of 1963 that the Okunev children discovered two mirror-polished stone slabs, which could have been part of some ancient structure. Scientists, using seismic instruments, needed to “probe” the space under this mountain. Upon Rechkin’s return from Muromtsevo, Zaitsev gave a sensation:- N and at a depth of 12 meters, a certain artificial structure was discovered, and next to it... a source of radio waves operating in the 30 MHz range, and this source turned on, like a radio beacon, between 17:00 and 19:00. Since there is no natural stone there, most likely there are indeed fragments of stone slabs there. Scanning of the land at the School site revealed several speed anomalies, apparently of anthropogenic origin. - Usually anomalous objects are characterized by higher speeds of propagation of longitudinal waves, sometimes up to 2000 - 3000 m/s against a background of 500700 m/s for surrounding soil. Such velocities of elastic waves are characteristic of dense inclusions such as stone fragments and slabs. Dimensions of anomalous zones in plan up to 812 m. Perhaps some of them are of archaeological interest. Rechkin The results of the survey gave scientists reason to assume that the two slabs found by schoolchildren in the area were not the only ones, but "temporary variations in the magnetic component of the radio field" in the eastern part of the site could indicate the presence of a radio beacon underground. Arrived in a day from Nizhnevartovsk, Olga Gurbanovich saw the ruins of some stone building under the school mountain, but did not confirm the presence of a radio beacon there. There is no source there. Radio waves are simply reflected from the surface of the plates and that’s all...- she explained. Then Olga began to “look through” the surroundings.
- There was a city here. And there,- she pointed to the ridges, – there was the main Temple, where the Crystal stood.She extended her hand and pointed to the place where on July 18, 1996, a strange lightning struck twice! Rechkin took note of this information, planning to carry out drilling and possibly excavation in this area in future seasons.
The next day the researchers decidedand check out the so-called Tatarsky Uval, which is an ancient multi-layer burial ground. It was near this place that Rajni saw her prophetic visions. Quote from the geophysicists' report: - At the “Chapel” site, seismic exploration discovered several anomalous zones and objects in the soil, primarily on profiles that are likely of anthropogenic origin and are of archaeological interest. They usually have the character of denser inclusions in the soil, less often they are characterized by lower density. The depth of occurrence of these anomalous objects is usually from 1.5 to 4 m, less often up to 6–8 m. According to radio wave measurements, the most informative sections of the section are located 140–200 m south of the chapel. It was obvious that archaeologists had not yet dug here, and judging by the results of seismic exploration, there was a lot of interesting things in the ground from later eras. Although Rechkin was interested in something else - the Temple, which Olga Gurbanovich described. Where is the energy center itself? Contactees and clairvoyants pointed to the interfluve of the Tara and Irtysh. There the center of the Temple was supposed to be located - the most energetically powerful place. But on the ground it turned out to be a huge field 15 by 25 km. One of the psychics helped determine the place where the tunnel leading to the Temple should be located. I marked this place
a lonely pine tree, which was the only one within a radius of several kilometers. Based on this tip, the expedition found the place.
Beat the profiles: five hundred meters south from the pine tree and five hundred meters north. There's a tunnel underground! Ancient tunnel! We need to catch him! He will lead us to the Temple!- Rechkin shouted excitedly. The scientists settled down with their equipment and began to probe the ground. Then they discovered a unique “waveguide effect”, which they designated as "Energy Center - 1". The wave underground spread with enormous speed, which was only possible if there was some kind of emptiness. And this is what is remarkable when the head of geophysicists A.S. Zaitsev turned to the Institute of Earth Physics with the results of his research, but they did not believe him. According to classical geophysics, this simply could not happen. It was this waveguide effect that indicated the probable presence of an ancient tunnel underground!To verify this, it was necessary to drill. If the core of a drilling tool brings to the surface a column of solid material (stone, concrete, metal or glassy melt), then the fact of the existence of a tunnel will become almost indisputable. This is what Mikhail Rechkin decided: “I think it would be more correct to track it along its entire length using seismic instruments and use it to find one of the temples.” Besides this, uhThe expedition continued the search for the fourth and fifth lakes, where, according to clairvoyants, parts of that same Crystal were supposed to be located. With the help of Olga Gurbanovich, the researchers identified the fourth lake. It turned out to be Lake Shchuchye, located near Lake Linevo. And the fifth, most mystical, had yet to be found. Expedition "Okunevo-2001". Inspired by the first results of his research, Mikhail Rechkin planned to organize an expedition in the summer of 2001. To search for information, he brought in new psychics, one of whom, after looking at maps of the area pointed to the isthmus of the Okunevsky Tyup.Tara makes a huge loop in this place, inside which scientists discovered a powerful geopathogenic zone last season, which they called a “darkness.” I will say that in 2008 I visited this island, in the center of which there is a curved dead tree. The anomaly of this place is clearly felt even without any instruments. A large circle has been trampled around the tree by the hooves of local cows, which are driven here for grazing. A trance place affects not only people but also animals. But Moscow psychic Snezhanna Tomilova pointed not here, but to the isthmus where the pasture enclosing fence stands. - There is a very strong flow of some kind of energy here!- she stated confidently. Rechkin remembered that it was here that eyewitnesses once saw a pillar of light with the ghostly figures of two women. On July 19, 2001, the expedition arrived in Okunevo. The scientific composition of geophysicists remained the same this time. Alexander Zaitsev took over the leadership. Literally the next day, after carrying out work on the isthmus of Tara, scientists recorded a powerful flow of high-frequency energy there. Probably the appearance of chronomirages is associated with this feature of the place, when at certain moments temporary worlds overlap and pictures of past times appear in space. Anomalies are anomalies, but the researchers were interested in the material artifacts of ancient civilizations, so the expedition, plunging into a UAZ, went to further examine an object code-named “Energy Center-1,” which scientists found last year between the Tara and Irtysh rivers. As last year, the researchers limited themselves to only probing the area and found another abnormally emitting object at a depth of 15-20 meters underground. The question of whether to drill or not to drill has become acute. Scientists were afraid to let some genie out of the bottle in the form of dangerous viruses like Ebola, preserved in dungeons for many millennia. And Rechkin, even with numerous sponsors, apparently did not find the funds for such an expensive operation, otherwise he would not have taken into account the opinion of the “opposition.” Going through the drill does not mean you personally climb into the anomalous underground tunnels leading to the Hanuman Temple. - The researchers decided to check the entire length of the tunnel from the surface. We went around several points, found a chronal anomaly, but it was all wrong.No, we need to drill. Definitely drill! - Rechkin decided then. On the morning of July 22, Mikhail goes to look for drillers who were seen in the village of Petropavlovka busy drilling an artesian well. Having explained the situation, he I quickly agreed with the locals to carry out the work... only in two days will it be completed here. These two days, the researchers decided to test other versions. The first day was devoted to exploring the Temeryak region, where they “combed” the coastal zone, but contrary to the statements of one of the psychics, they found nothing. The next day we moved to the facility"Energy Center -1" . For a long time they could not find that lonely pine tree, but when they deployed the seismic station they were able to find the northern continuation of the tunnel. A dispute arose again about drilling here. Sokulina categorically objected., which is located four kilometers from Cordon Bergamac. Local residents have long noticed that lightning strikes the same place with amazing accuracy. What is the reason for such accuracy, whether it was metal deposits or something else, scientists had to find out. Olga Gurbanovich repeated the same thing: “There is a city underground!” Electromagnetic measurements showed voltage surges, and again the same question:"Do you need to drill?" Starting from August 1, researchers began their work on Shaitan Lake. At its northeastern end there is a suspiciously regular domed hill on which a Tatar castle once stood.The instruments again showed that there was something in the depths of the hill; it was necessary to conduct seismic surveys. And she also gave a positive result. The question of drilling has again arisen. The result of the expedition was mainly confirmation discoveries of last year. Following a tip from clairvoyants, new territories were also checked, which led to new discoveries. But there was no sensation, since it was never possible to carry out exploratory drilling... Expedition "Okunevo-2002". Mikhail Rechkin decided to organize the new season with the aim of verifying new information received from clairvoyants. Their number increased every year, which brought real confusion to the development of the topic. Some data contradicted each other, some were so unrealistic that it was simply impossible to verify them. In almost every case, geophysicists recorded something, but things did not go further than that. Everything really came down to drilling, which was not carried out this time either. - I decided to invite scientists to start the 2002 season by studying it, and then try to use instruments to find another object marked by it: an underground wall in the western part of Okunev. The so-called School Mountain also needed to be subjected to more thorough research. Underneath it, Elena Borisovna saw a certain structure, alsoresembling a wall. Rechkin Then the most attractive for prospecting work could be the earth's horizons located under the engine yard. Geophysical studies in the places where the supposed presence of the “corner structure” and the “western wall” were supposed to exist did not reveal anything in the places indicated by the clairvoyant. But in the engine yard, the instruments recorded “something.” One of the biooperators later described it as a huge dome-shaped structure at a depth of 15-20 meters. Biophysicists Smirnov were scanning Shkolnaya Gora and observed “a pronounced signal of an anomalous nature” on the screen of their laptop.Research into the location of the Main Crystal, located underground north of the village of Inciss, was also successful. The instruments revealed the “fertile anomaly” of this place.On July 28, Mikhail Rechkin decided to bring the main scientific team to the location of the Main Crystal in order to confirm or refute the data obtained by the Smirnov biophysicists. The instruments actually showed anomalous magnetic field potentials in this place. Scientists it is assumed that at a depth of 6 9 meters away there is a certain platform (or slab) 6 meters wide and 140 meters long. Expedition Okunevo-2003. On July 29, the intensity of the electromagnetic field above the water surface of the lake increased many times, while on the shore everything was within normal limits. All this contributed to saturating the aura of the people who were there at that time. A similar anomaly was reflected in the report of doctors led by Yulia Yatsenko, who examined 10 people and identified such “deviations” from the norm. The participation of Omsk geophysicists from Geodezond and Siberian Submariner wasshort-term. But they actually confirmed the presence of a certain dense structure discovered by Moscow geophysicists at Energy Center-1. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the “waveguide effect” that the Muscovites discovered indicates the likelihood of a pipeline or tunnel being underground.To finally verify its presence at a depth of 15–18 meters, it was necessary to carry out exploratory drilling. - If drilling confirmed the existence of an ancient tunnel, then we could (on the surface of the earth) using ground penetrating radar, track it along its entire length and... reach the Temple! - this is what Mikhail Rechkin decided. An examination of the domed hill by Omsk residents allowed them to identify a well filled with loose rocks 18 meters deep, located on its top, where the Tatar castle had once been located. Expeditions of Geostroykom LLC, A. Zaitsev. 2004-2008 The main news of this year 2004 was the discord between Mikhail Rechkin and Zaitsev’s geophysical group, who decided to work independently and transferred their findings to the “Academy of National Security” of St. Petersburg ufologist Valery Uvarov. Therefore, this and subsequent years are indicated by a large gap in Mikhail Rechkin’s reports. Perhaps the reason for the gap was the fact that Rechkin in 2003 decided to turn to other geophysicists for help, or his excessive PR in the media regarding the Okunev phenomenon. In any case, the well-coordinated team was broken and since 2003, Rechkin never worked with Zaitsev’s group again, although he referred to them in his publications. He also failed to come to an agreement with other geophysicists, as well as to carry out drilling work and actually confirm the presence of artifacts hidden underground, contrary to the statements of his contactees: In the group of Alexander Zaitsev, the main metaphysical informant was Nina Sokulina. Now she pointed out to geophysicists the places where they needed to scan the earth to find something interesting. Zaitsev’s interest in the surroundings of the village of Inciss manifested itself during the period of his work with Mikhail Rechkin. Perhaps he was very impressed by the story of the disappearance of secretaries in 1947 near Shaitan Lake. In future seasons, Moscow geophysicists more than once focused their attention on three centers of anomalies: Energotsentr-1, Okunevo, Inciss. All materials about the results of Alexander Zaitsev’s expedition are stored in two archives: the Russian Federal Geological Fund and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, aboutMoscow branch: - Report on the results of a geophysical survey in areas of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( expedition Okunevo-2004) inventory number 2362. expedition Okunevo-2005), Moscow, Geostroykom LLC, inventory No. 2390. - Sokulina N.V., Report on the results of a geophysical survey in areas of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( Okunevo Expedition - 2006), Moscow, Geostroykom LLC, inventory No. 2461. - Sokulina N.V., Vanichkin Yu.V., Report on the results of a geophysical survey in areas of the territory of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( expedition Okunevo-2008), Moscow, Geostroykom LLC, inventory No. 2522. The opening of the 2004-2005 season was the discovery underground on the Shaitan Hill of two halves of certain cylinders lying crosswise on each other. Subsequently, scientists will conclude that this may be some kind of technological device similar to the “mirrors of time of Academician Kozyrev.” - In 2005, we were mainly engaged in background research on objects that we identified last year. There are only eight of them. From these objects, and they lie at a depth of up to 145 meters, strong energy-information radiation emanates. So far we have only studied the ridge and bend of the Tara River near the village. Sokulina, interview with the newspaper “Znamya Truda”, September 9, 2005. Before the 2005 expedition, Nina Sokulina, at the direction of her spiritual mentors, specially traveled to Mexico to get acquainted with the pyramids there.

- Three months after my return, I was shown a lot of similarities between the Mexican pyramids and the Okunev crystals, in particular. And next year this commonality should appear. That is, there is an opinion that these crystals are somehow connected with Sirius. The Mexican pyramids are also associated with Sirius. Apparently, some kind of chain should be illuminated here that will help us reach new knowledge, still unknown. Sokulina

That year, Sokulina first stated that there were pyramids underground in Okunevo and its environs, although from my observations I can say that the sites of the pyramids everywhere look like at least irregularly shaped hills, which make it clear that there is something underneath them. But no particularly bright pyramidal hills were found in Okunevo, with the exception of Shaitan Hill.

- After 2005, the Omsk Environmental Management Committee stopped funding Moscow expeditions. Even the scientists’ conclusion about the revolutionary essence of the discoveries did not help:

We began researching the unique Okunevsky phenomenon in July 2000; in July-August 2005, the sixth research expedition took place. The results obtained are more than encouraging and, without a doubt, promising. The anomaly of the study area (zone) has been repeatedly confirmed. In particular, the participants of our expedition constantly came into contact with unusual phenomena during seismic exploration (with so-called signals), too high values ​​of electromagnetic field strength, “standing” electromagnetic waves; the photographs revealed glows and white balls that were not visible with normal vision. An example is the so-called Tatarsky Uval, which is an ancient, multi-layered burial ground occupying a very large area with a modern Orthodox chapel built on the highest point of this burial.

Inside it, during studies in 2004 and 2005, an increase in tension was recorded by 1.5 - 2, and “spikes” were noted in the vertical and northern directions, exceeding background values ​​by 1.5 - 2 times.

Regular geophysical field work was carried out in the Okunev area in July–August 2005 with the aim of detecting and studying anomalous geophysical zones associated with natural, archaeological and other objects while simultaneously studying geophysical fields.

Research was carried out at 10 sites. In this case, shallow seismic instruments were used: the refracted wave method (REM); the reflected wave method (REW), which allows increasing the research depth to 120 m; measuring the electrical intensity of the natural electric field using the ERA device...

Having lost funding and support, geophysicists had to limit themselves to only instrumental recording of anomalies and clarifying the results of previous seasons. And after 2008, things didn’t work out at all for Muscovites. Perhaps the reason for this was the notorious crisis, which is dear to Russians, in the conditions of which we have been living since 1991 and the group was unable to simply find funds to conduct expeditions. Perhaps people are simply tired of beating around the bush without being able to rise to a higher information level and dig up at least something. Let me remind you that Sokulina was initially against drilling wells and climbing into tunnels and the wreckage of ancient buildings. And Mikhail Rechkin to this day conducts his educational trips in the Okunevo region, mostly collecting material for writing the next book “Siberia will save humanity”, and also trying to attract sponsors for drilling in long-known points where, as is known, there are tunnels underground, leading to the Hanuman temple. And there... the thinking Crystal! Psychic visions of the Temple complex and the Crystal. 1. Clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich: - In that area (in ancient times) there was a large city in which stood a temple of indescribable beauty with seven domes, and each dome had its own purpose. The temple is both a spiritual and scientific center. In its main hall there was an unearthly Jewel that served as a means of long-distance space communication. This is an octagonal Crystal approximately 1.2 m high, pinkish-lilac tones. Crystal is an artificial Mind of the highest level, created outside the Earth. With its help, you can establish connections with other worlds - this is its main purpose. The energy concentrated in it is capable of covering almost the entire Western Siberia with a protective energy screen.Four “rays” are separated from the main Crystal, which are located in the area of ​​healing lakes; it is thanks to their energy that the water acquired healing properties.These fragments must be found and the integrity of the Crystal restored!The significance of the Crystal for modern civilization is enormous - it is our salvation, since humanity is on the verge of self-destruction! . Now the temple-observatory and the city are hidden undergroundThe creatures who built the Temple are from another planet, they can take on a human form or any form in general, they are still among us now. They communicate with each other only through mental images.

They have a special energy zone, with the help of which they are able to manifest themselves in our world and communicate both with you and with each other. In human form they are distinguished by deep-set eyes. Actually, they don’t need purely human vision, they are able to see around them at the same time... They will come into contact with you and help you. N

To the general public, especially the Russian one, the name Okunevo means nothing. Not widely - to several thousand Russians and the same number of non-Russians - it says a lot, almost everything.

These thousands of initiates know exactly where they can be saved during the inevitable end of the world (no, not according to the Mayan calendar, but at the end of the Great Cycle, the end of Kali Yuga and the change of the earth’s poles) and how they can be saved. The address is shocking - the remote village of Okunevo in the Omsk region, in Siberia.

From India - with love and destiny

The name of their planet is Setram, and it is located in the Sirius system.

Rasma Rositis, a Latvian by nationality, but a resident of Germany, saw in a dream Shri Babaji, a Hindu guru, the earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. He (in a dream) invited her to the Himalayas, where Rasma went to become a disciple of Shri Babaji for several years. In the Ashram (Hindu temple) she received the name Rajni, by which she was recognized in a Siberian village cosmically distant from India.

And Rajni ended up in such unusual places according to the last will of Shri Babaji. Dying, he ordered her to find in Siberia the place of residence of the ancient Aryans - there, hidden until time, there is an underground temple in honor of the god Hanuman and a huge magic crystal, a keeper of information and energy, with which the future salvation and revival of humanity is connected.

Arriving in Omsk, Rajni (not knowing a word of Russian!) found archaeologists, learned from them about ancient human sites, and, with the help of meditation and God's providence, a place of power was revealed to her - the Tatarsky Uval - not far from Okunev and almost 300 -x km from the city, among centuries-old forests and such snow that, it seems, even the sun cannot melt...

Who is on the field, who is to Thunya

Bookmarked: 0

Stop. Some kind of not quite Siberian and not ordinary village. If you walk further along the street, then doubts will increase: the inscriptions on the gates “guide”, “Ashram”, or even completely unknown native signs will seem strange to the guest, to say the least.

And if he lived here in the guest yard for at least a week, he would see flocks of Hare Krishnas, always offering something and joyful; and the fiery night rituals of the pagans - this year the holiday of Perun gathered about 2 thousand guests from all over Russia in Okunev; and Buddhists, coloring the austere Siberian forests with bright ribbons, bells, and especially themselves; and gloomy Old Believers-Yinglists, who keep faith in the great Belovodye; and Satanists (well, where would God be without Satan), during the decade of their stay here, they only encroached on the village chickens...

And there are countless tourists of all stripes and languages, on foot, on horseback, in groups and individually.

Babylon or Ark?

The symbol of the Okunevsky ark (as there is an ark: every creature - in pairs) has become a cult place on Tatarsky Uval, where 30 sq. m and a Buddhist wishing tree, and a pagan solstice, and an Orthodox chapel, and a Hindu Thunya.

Why is everyone here? Place of power. Are they fighting? No, they live peacefully and mostly kindheartedly. When, after the ritual, Hindus take a meal (sitting on the ground, with their hands and only vegetarian), the Orthodox priest comes out after the service and asks permission (!) to bless them.

Yes please! They are glad to all goodness and peace, because there is only one God and He is Love...

What is he looking for in a distant country?..

But it’s not just the variety of spiritual practices that amazes these unusual places – it’s the people.
And the “news” came from Germany. Apparently, this state is karmically destined to work off its evil before Russia, so Germany gave us an amazing gift.

Seva has the face of a very happy and wise person, despite her somewhat youthful years. At first he kept a vow of celibacy, but now he has a wife and a little daughter. And the Temple.

He still, for several years now, every day decorates, repairs, takes care of the Ashram, conducts rituals and kindly welcomes everyone who comes to this place of power for the purpose of self-knowledge, the search for meaning or peace of mind.

Alya Pugach is the program director of a radio station in Magnitogorsk. An amazingly versatile, educated and talented girl. Alya comes to Okunevo 4 times a year, evenly dividing her modest vacation. She remembers how her parents lost her when, having arrived in Okunevo for the first time, she was “stuck” here for a long time - she didn’t have the strength to leave! Now she has a family, but her husband has nothing against traveling: Alya returns from the Siberian village as a happy, light and new person, with whom she feels good and calm.

Tara is from Ireland. Her name completely coincides with the name of the river on the banks of which Okunevo stands and on the banks of which the temple of the ancient goddess Tara is hidden. Tara the Irish comes here for energy, just like the others.
How does a summer morning begin in a modern village? Yes, just like a hundred years ago. Here, raising sun-baked dust, rides a horse-drawn mower - the dew has dried, it’s time to mow the grass for hay; chickens raking piles near the cattle pen; Here a woman with a yoke and full buckets stopped and stood for an hour, talking through the fence with her neighbor; but a motley, “crazy” dressed procession of Hindus, singing, set off to perform the ritual...

The noisiest and most surprised by every moth and dung beetle are Americans. They are interested in everything, they don’t really understand where they came and why, but the life of an abandoned Russian village (and nothing has changed in the village itself) is almost more surprising to them than unknown temples and crystals underground.

Places of power know how to keep secrets - “Everything will reveal itself when the time comes” (words of a gray-bearded guest from St. Petersburg)

Unusual places in Okunev are friends with enthusiastic tourists and guests thirsting for miracles. Either “heavenly performances” are arranged for them in the form of luminous balls and temples, or they will be shown a huge dog, which, having swam across the river, becomes a huge man - you can’t even remember all the miracles. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, because it’s stupid to deny something without knowing it for sure.

But relations with scientists at the place of power are difficult. The Tatarsky Uval was developed by Omsk archaeologists a long time ago: people settled here for 8 thousand years in a row, traces of which were found by expeditions assembled from Omsk scientists and students. One of the permanent researchers and leaders was Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Matyushchenko, well-known far beyond the borders of our country.

The wonderful scientist, naturally, was an atheist. Local warnings about the curse of the burial grounds, in the depths of which, according to legend, the treasures of Khan Kuchum, only amused him. He didn’t even believe in signs or warnings. And one day his wife left the camp (she accompanied him on expeditions). They searched for her for 4 days and found her sitting under a tree - dead. Doctors did not find any signs of violent or sudden death. An absurd idea was put forward about starvation - in 4 days in the forest, where there are as many berries, edible grass and drinking water as you want?..

Other digger leaders did not go unpunished either. Their children got sick, they themselves got sick, someone started drinking, another went to prison quite unexpectedly and committed suicide there.

In addition to archaeologists, other diverse researchers also come to places of power. But since they don’t dig graves, but are mainly interested in energy flows and magical lakes (there are 5 of them - Lenevo, Shchuchye, Urmannoye, Danilovo and the most mysterious - Shaitan-Devi, for the locals - just Shaitan), then no one punishes them - so, the shaitan leads you through the forest, but he still lets you go...

Alexander Zaitsev, head of the geophysics department of the Physical Exploration of Moscow Objects JSC, and his group tried 3 times to get to Shaitan Lake, under the bottom of which there is supposedly an ancient temple with a crystal. But either there is bad weather, then they go somewhere wrong and the instruments do not help them, then what a sadness...

The locals also avoid this lake - even the local horses, dogs and children, who are certainly not afraid by nature. But no: the water, clear as glass, inspires unquenchable horror even as it approaches. And it has always been like this, and did not start with the arrival of the Indian guest. Back in the 60s, a group of military researchers disappeared in the area of ​​Shaitan Lake (in these places there are many secret objects and quite man-made ones - but that’s another topic).

Three cauldron lakes from the fairy tale about the little humpbacked horse

But other lakes attract thousands of ordinary vacationers. People come here from Moscow, and from St. Petersburg, and from the Far East - despite the instability and “the most downshifting”. They go to swim in 3 lakes and be healed of all illnesses and misfortunes.

Remember Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and the 3 cauldrons in which Ivan the Fool bathed? Ershov most likely heard this motif, unusual for Russian fairy tales, in Tobolsk, where he graduated from school, and 3 cauldrons are connected with 3 healing lakes, according to a legend that existed in Siberia, after bathing in them in a certain sequence, a person seemed to be reborn. It’s true – the fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it...

And strength appears

A fairy tale is not a fairy tale? Maybe people themselves created it, exhausted in this world, where something is always needed from you, where you always have to?..

Okunevo is truly a place of power. Here you return to yourself, to your soul. It is not necessary to swim in lakes or perform rituals serving numerous gods.

You can just sit on a bench under the pine trees on the shore and look at the dark water of cold Tara, at the red sun going to rest behind the dark forest - warm, quiet, affectionate... And the heart itself prays to something unknown and eternal, dear and deep.

And strength appears.


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