Presentation for the art lesson “Architecture. Architectural monuments. Presentation on the topic “7 architectural monuments of Russia” Architectural monuments image of a beautiful building project

Your Motherland!

She is one, there is no other. This is the place where you and your parents live.

The homeland is also the environment: nature, buildings, fences, playgrounds, shop windows...

The city where you live.

Let's now look at our city:

The city of Biysk was founded by decree of Peter 1 on June 18, 1709. Next year we will celebrate

300th anniversary of our city.

Have you noticed that along with modern beautiful buildings in our city there are many old, no less beautiful buildings.

These buildings were left to us as a legacy by the people who lived here before.

Among the buildings there are also those that are called architectural monuments.

And the topic of our lesson today:

“Architectural monuments - the heritage of ancestors”

We will introduce you to architectural monuments using the example of our city of Biysk, try to work in the appliqué technique, and perform creative collective work: “The street of my city”

Architectural monuments are not just buildings, they are keepers of memory.

Architectural monuments can “tell” about their time, about those who built and decorated the city.

They carry living memory - every temple, ancient house, street, hut.

There are 272 architectural monuments in Biysk.

  • Monuments of federal significance:
  • Biysk Drama Theatre, formerly the People's House.
  • Assumption Cathedral.
  • Firsov's passage. Museum of Local Lore
  • , st. Lenina 134;
  • In the past, the estate of merchant Asanov
  • St. Sovetskaya 21a, formerly the Trading House of the Merchant Rozhdestvensky.
  • St. Tolstoy 144, Passage Vtorovykh.

    Slide 13-14

  • Architectural monuments of local significance:
  • St. Gorno-Altaiskaya, City Palace of Culture
  • St. Krasnoarmeyskaya 85, Alexander Cathedral (Electric furnace)
  • St. Krasnooktyabrskaya 200, Zarechny fire station.
  • Biysk tobacco factory

St. Mukhachev, Temple of Demetrius of Rostov.

    What beautiful buildings decorate our city!

    Guys, did you like the architectural monuments of our city?

    And now you know that monuments must be preserved and protected so that our city remains as beautiful, so that future generations can admire the beauty of these buildings. Now let’s also try to take part in decorating our city and do, which will be called “Street of my city”

    (The class is divided into 5 groups, a captain is selected in the groups.

    Each group, based on a photograph, is asked to make an appliqué of an architectural monument of the city of Biysk.)

    Guys, look, you have photographs on your tables.

    Now find a color template. Each group has its own template and its own photo.

    Let's compare the photo and the template.

    They are alike?

    What's missing from the template?

    Let's decorate our template using colored paper and fill in the missing details.

    Today we work with scissors. Let's remember how to hold and pass scissors correctly?

  • Practical work:
  • Select a group captain.
  • Compare the photo with the proposed template.
  • Think about what is missing from the template.
  • Based on the photograph, decorate the building using the applique technique.
  • Group captains make up the overall composition.

    At the end of the lesson, the group captains collect the works into a common panel, and the background is finalized. The result is a fragment of a city street.

    The panel is hung on the wall, and a song about Biysk is played.

Grades are given. Zamoskvorechye is one of the oldest corners of Moscow One of nine protected areas

capital, unique corners of Moscow, where everything valuable that has come down to us from the depths of centuries has been preserved: low mansions of nobles and merchants, elegant churches, slender bell towers. From the history of Zamoskvorechye The first mentions in the chronicles of the 14th century characterize it as a densely populated trade and craft settlement. On the lowlands sandy shores

The auction took place in Moscow. Zamoskvorechye protected the Kremlin from attacks by Tatar hordes from the south. At the beginning of the 17th century, about 50 thousand archers were concentrated here.

Population of Zamoskvorechye 1. Service of the royal court: royal coiners, kadashevtsy, interpreters, gardeners and others. 2. Posad people, traders, merchants. 3. Sagittarius (military people). On the streets of Zamoskvorechye one could hear the shouts and jokes of street vendors and artisans.

About modern Zamoskvorechye These ancient times are reminded today by the almost unchanged layout of Zamoskvoretsky streets and alleys and their names, coming from the streltsy and craft settlements of the 16th-17th centuries. Dubininskaya street, Stremyanny lane, Bolshaya Ordynka, Kadashevskaya embankment and others.

Art teacher

  • Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school"

– the art of designing and constructing buildings and structures (including their complexes). Architecture certainly creates an organized environment that people need for their lives and activities.

How are the buildings different from each other? architecture – plasticity of volumes, scale, rhythm, proportions, texture and color of surfaces, connection with the environment.

House of the merchant Dunaev.

A distinctive feature of Dunaev's house among the wooden buildings of Kurgan at the beginning of the 20th century is its façade decor. It is this that gives lightness and elegance to the composition of the entire house. The feeling of lightness of the composition is achieved by a whole system of small decorative details, finely drawn and precisely executed, interconnected in proportion and scale. The house plan was drawn up by city architect N.A. Yushkov. The house was built and decorated by local craftsmen.

Pashkov's house.

The Pashkov House in Moscow opposite the Kremlin is also an architectural monument. This white slender building was a real palace in the past.

Moscow University (MSU)

The high-rise building of the Moscow State University is also an architectural monument. state university. It looks proud, majestic, solemn, as if it reigns over everyone. How quickly its spire soared into the sky!

Kizhi. Wooden architectural complex.

Architectural monuments can be seen even in a small village or village.

  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • – Did you succeed in everything in this task?
  • - What didn’t work? Why?

  • ON THE. Goryaeva. art. Art is all around us. 3rd grade: educational. for general education organizations / [N.A. Goryaeva, L.A. Nemenskaya, A.S. Piterskikh and others] ; edited by B.M. Nemensky. – 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2013. – 144 p.: ill. – ISBN 978-5-09-029698-4
  • Internet resources

Monuments and Architecture Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi

Architectural monument: 11-12 centuries, located in the village of Aisha Bibi, Zhambyl district, Zhambyl region, 18 km from the city of Taraz.

It is an architectural monument of republican significance.

Aisha Bibi was the lover of Karakhan, who built a mausoleum in memory of her.

The base of the mausoleum is cubic. Massive columns are located at its four corners.

The design used small niches, small columns, vaults, pointed arches, and terracotta facing tiles.

Mausoleum of Karakhan

Architectural monument: 9th century, located in the central part of the city of Taraz at the intersection of Tole bi and Baizak batyr streets.

The mausoleum is part of a cult-memorial complex; since 1982 it has been included in the list of monuments of republican significance.

Folk legends connect the construction of the mausoleum with a man who was the khan of the Karakhanid dynasty, which ruled in the 10th-12th centuries.

It is a square, portal-dome structure. It consists of a central hall and three small corner rooms; the fourth corner of the mausoleum is occupied by a staircase leading to the roof of the structure.

In 1906 it was rebuilt, the structural principle was preserved, but the original architectural and decorative decoration was lost. A stepped tombstone has been preserved inside the mausoleum.

Mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan

Architectural monument: 13th century, located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, 40 km from Zhezkazgan on the bank of the river. Kengir.

Since 1892, the monument has been under state protection

According to legend, the eldest son of Genghis Khan, Zhoshy Khan, is buried in the mausoleum

It has a portal-dome structure. The dome has not survived; it used to rest on a stellate 17-sided drum of a very rare shape and was lined with tiles and turquoise glaze. The inner shell of the dome, covering the square chamber, rests on arched sails. In the depths of the chamber there is a tombstone. The floor of the mausoleum is paved with brick. The interior is illuminated by two arched openings located in the side chambers.

Mausoleum Skin of Akhmet Yassawi

Architectural monument: 14th century, located in the south of Kazakhstan in the city of Turkestan.

The mausoleum is included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

The structure was erected in honor of the ancient Turkic poet and preacher of Sufism Kozha Akhmet Yassaui, who lived in the 12th century and lived in the East.

Is architectural complex, which combines the functions of a mausoleum, mosque, khanaka, administrative and utility premises. Externally symmetrical, the compact plan includes up to 35 rooms connected by passages, staircases and corridors. . Accurate choice of design scheme, high quality materials and construction work ensured the building's strength and stability for centuries.

Mausoleum of Alash Khan

Architectural monument: 11-12 centuries, located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, 2 km southwest of the village of Malshybay on the right bank of the river. Karakengir.

Since 1892 it has been included in the list of historical and cultural monuments and is under state protection.

The tomb was erected by folk craftsmen in honor of Alash Khan, whose name is associated with the emergence of three Kazakh zhuzes .

Has the shape of a rectangle. The building was built of brick, only wood was used to decorate the window openings and doors. In the center of the main facade there is a double-leaf door, behind which there is a deep double-arched niche.

Among the buildings there are those called

architectural monuments.

We will talk about the architectural monuments of our city and

we feel proud of our ancestors.

St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral)

1555 1561 Ivan the Terrible .

As if he came from a fairy tale. Small buildings with domes are like a round dance

They are led around the largest, central building.

A variety of shapes, rhythms, festive sounds of colors, whimsical patterns.

The temple has a complex shape, like an outlandish palace with fabulously decorated onion domes.

Pashkov House

1784 1786 captain-lieutenant Peter Pashkov.

Russian State Library

building of Moscow State University (MSU)

The central building of the university complex.

Built in 1949 - 1953. Height with spire - 240 m, number of storeys - 34.

It looks proud, majestic, solemn,

as if he reigns over everyone.

How quickly its spire soared into the sky!

Moscow Kremlin

Moscow fortress, presidential residence Russian Federation Trinity

Triumphal Arch

1829 1834 Patriotic War of 1812 Kutuzovsky Prospekt Victory Square Poklonnaya Gora

Grand Theatre

Russian Opera Ballet Moscow Theater Square 1776


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