The most terrible animals in the world - names, descriptions and photos. The most terrible animals in the world photos and videos Top 10 terrible animals

The diversity of the animal world of our planet is so great that it sometimes amazes and surprises with its richness and abundance. Among the creations of nature, there are not only cute and cute creatures. There are rare specimens that repel with their unattractive appearance, and are quite worthy of starring in horror films.

Made it to the top 10 the most terrible animals in the world, a list of which is presented below.

10. Madagascar crayfish

Opens the top ten ugliest living creatures, also known as aye-aye. This is a very rare species of animal, listed in the Red Book. The aye-aye lives in the tropical forests of Madagascar. The length of the animal can reach no more than 45 centimeters, and it weighs about 3 kg. The tail exceeds the length of the body and is 60 cm. The Madagascar monkey has huge eyes and equally large hairless ears. The animal feeds on insects, which it extracts from tree bark using its claws.


It ranks ninth on the list of the ugliest animals. The habitat of these individuals is considered to be the coasts of Tasmania and Australia, where they live at a depth of 600 to 1200 meters. The fish can reach 30 centimeters in length. The peculiarity of these sea creatures is the absence of a swim bladder, which helps other fish stay afloat. Instead of a bubble, this function is performed by the gelatinous body of a drop fish, which has a lower density than that of water. These marine inhabitants rarely move, waiting for the moment when the prey itself swims past.

8. Long-horned sabertooth

The eighth place among the most terrible animals is occupied by predatory fish. These are quite small individuals, reaching a length of 15 cm and weighing no more than 120 grams. The predator has a large head, and well-developed jaws with numerous, terrifying fangs. The fish's habitat is the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. They live at a depth of 500-700 meters. The sabertooth's diet consists of fish, squid and crustaceans.


Refers to the most unattractive living creatures on earth. They live mainly in Madagascar. A special feature of geckos is their protective coloring, which can change and adapt to surrounding objects. Adults can reach a length of more than 30 centimeters. Forest inhabitants are exclusively nocturnal. They have huge eyes that do not have eyelids. Geckos use their tongue to clean their organs of vision. Animals feed on insects, which they get from the ground.

6. Matamata giant tortoise

It ranks sixth among the ugliest animals in the world. These bizarre individuals can reach a length of 50 cm and gain weight up to 15 kg. What makes the turtle unattractive is its triangular head with a proboscis and long neck with numerous growths. Matamata is quite common and chooses standing waters as its habitat. The diet of the individual mainly consists of fish. It loves warmth very much, so it chooses bodies of water where the water has a temperature of at least +28 degrees. Under suitable conditions, it can live in captivity.

5. Goblin Shark

In fifth place among the most terrible animals in the world is the deep sea. The largest individuals of this species can reach 4 meters in length and weigh 200 kg. Such sharks are distributed from the Australian waters of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. They live at a depth of more than 200 meters. They feed on fish, squid and crabs. Goblin sharks have sharp and long front teeth, and their back teeth are adapted for crushing shells. Since the animal lives at great depths, it does not pose a danger to humans, since the chances of encountering it in the sea are negligible.

4. Monkfish

The fourth place in the list of the most unattractive animals is occupied by fish. The giant sea monster can reach a length of 2 meters and weigh up to 57 kg. Monkfish is an edible fish. Dishes made from its meat are especially popular in France. The habitat of the monkfish is quite wide, but most often it can be found off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The depth at which the sea creature is able to live ranges from 18 to 550 meters. The animal feeds mainly on fish. The predator hides at the bottom, and when the prey swims up, it swallows it along with the water. Thanks to its arm-like pectoral fins, the anglerfish can quietly crawl up to its prey or even jump up, catching it by surprise.

3. Sea lamprey

2. Star-nosed

Some of the ugliest creatures on the planet include star-nosed. The mammal of the mole family is capable of scaring away with its appearance anyone who meets on its way. It's all about the ugly growths on the animal's face, which together resemble a star. Hence the name star-nosed. These underground inhabitants grow up to 13 centimeters in length. The weight of an adult, as a rule, does not exceed 85 grams. The growths on the animal’s face serve as an organ of smell. Using it, he determines the suitability of the product for food. You can meet the starfish in eastern North America. Individuals lead an active lifestyle, both during the day and at night. They feed on earthworms and sometimes small fish.

1. Naked mole rat

Tops the ranking of the most terrible animals. The ugly rodent has a number of features: it is not sensitive to certain types of pain and has good immunity to cancer cells. Life expectancy is on average 30 years. The body of a naked mole rat, including its tail, most often does not exceed 14 centimeters, and they weigh no more than 80 grams. Underground animals have very powerful, developed jaws, which help them bite into solid soil, and very acute hearing. Bare wrinkled skin, on which there is practically no hair, has a pink color, sometimes with yellowish tints. Their habitat is considered to be dry savannas and semi-deserts of Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. The mole rat feeds exclusively on root crops and does not drink water. These rodents live in colonies, which can consist of 80–300 individuals. The length of the tunnel occupied by one colony is 3-5 km.

Everyone loves animals - cats, dogs, hamsters and other cute animals, but you are unlikely to want to have one of the creatures of nature presented in this collection as a pet. Not all creatures living on our planet look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but even the strangest and nastiest of them have the right to life, because evolution continues for millions of years, and each of these animals takes its own place under the sun (or in the depths of the ocean) .

The Ugly Animals Protection Society recently announced a competition for the most ridiculous and strange animal to become its mascot. Here you will find 12 “applicants” for this honorable position.

1. Drop fish

The Latin name of this sea creature is Psychrolutes marcidus (it is also called “psychrolute goby”). The blobfish lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania, usually at depths of 600 to 1200 meters - its jelly-like body allows it to withstand enormous water pressure. Due to increasing cases of illegal fishing, this not very attractive sea creature is in danger of extinction.

2. Proboscis Monkey

The proboscis monkey (lat. Nasalis larvatus) lives on the island of Borneo, and in addition to its huge, ridiculous nose, it is known for its extremely shrill and nasty voice. Only males can boast of a large nose, for whom this physiological feature, as well as loud screams, is a way of attracting females during the mating period.

3. Two-clawed turtle (pig-nosed turtle, lat. Carettochelys insculpta)

These inhabitants of the fresh waters of Australia and New Guinea are the only representatives of their kind in the family of soft-bodied turtles, belonging to living fossil animals. The long nose, similar to a pig's snout, allows turtles to breathe while underwater.

4. One-humped jumping slug

At first glance, the slug, which lives on the American continent and reaches six centimeters in length, is unremarkable, but nature has endowed it with a unique ability: when the slug senses danger, it can jump very high to avoid the threat.

5. Titicaca Whistler

This soft-bodied frog, living in Lake Titicaca, is the largest amphibian on Earth that never comes onto land. These animals grow up to 15 cm in length, and the structure of the surface of the skin allows the whistler to absorb oxygen directly from the water, so the frog appears on the surface only occasionally.

6. Axolotl

Under the unusual name hides a creature belonging to the species Ambisto of the amphibian class. In fact, the axolotl is a neotenic larva, that is, these animals reach sexual maturity at the larval stage of development, without turning into an adult. In addition, axolotls are known for their ability to regenerate lost body parts.

By the way, translated from the Aztec language, axolotl means “water toy.” These unique animals live in the reservoirs of Mexico City, and currently their numbers are rapidly declining due to environmental degradation.

7. Bats

These winged mammals are considered one of the most disgusting-looking creatures of nature, which is why 18 species are vying for the title of mascot of the Society for the Protection of Ugly Animals. The photo shows one of the most striking representatives of the order Chiroptera - the great horseshoe bat.

8. Toad lizard

Strange creatures, more like ugly toads than lizards, are common in the area from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico to Guatemala and Central America.

Nature has endowed some of the species of toad-shaped (or, as they are also called, horned) lizards with an interesting defense mechanism: when threatened, the reptile can squirt a small portion of its own blood from its eyes into the predator, which has a sharp, unpleasant odor.

9. Kakapo (owl parrot)

As a rule, when hearing the word “parrot,” many people imagine cute, bright birds capable of reproducing human speech. However, not all parrots can pronounce words, and, for example, kakapo, or owl parrots (lat. Strigops habroptilus), inhabiting the forests of New Zealand, do not even fly and do not have a particularly outstanding appearance.

10. Common river eel

The unsightly appearance of an inhabitant of the fresh waters of Europe cannot mislead poachers - the meat of river eels tastes excellent, so recently the predator has been mercilessly exterminated - in 2008, the European eel was included in the Red Book as a species on the verge of extinction.

11. Pubic louse

For more than three million years, these insects have been living side by side with people, or rather, in human hair. Few things in themselves can be more disgusting than finding such a “guest” in one’s hair, so humanity is taking all measures to protect itself from such a “neighborhood.” As a result, the number of lice around the world has sharply decreased, and scientists have sounded the alarm - one of the oldest species may disappear from the face (and hair) of the Earth.

12. African dung beetle

An animal sacred to the ancient Egyptians, known as the scarab, spends its entire life literally in shit, or rather in elephant and bull dung. In recent years, the population of African dung beetles has declined significantly, as as a result of improved sanitary conditions in cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find a suitable pile of dung, the quality of which scarabs are very demanding.

The beetles roll dung into balls and are able to travel quite significant distances with such “baggage”, and the dung is used not only as food, but also as an air conditioner - the evaporation of wet dung allows the scarab to effectively cool itself by climbing onto its ball.

By the way, scientists previously discovered that in their movements dung beetles are able to navigate the Milky Way, the Sun and the Moon so as not to lose their way.

The fauna of the planet is diverse - animal species, their structure, functions and ornaments amaze with abundance and show everything that powerful nature is capable of. There are a variety of inhabitants in all corners of the world, and many of them are truly terrifying and repulsive.

Top 10 - the most terrible animals in the world:

10) “Man-eating fish” or Anoplogaster cornuta. This fish lives in the deep ocean and has rough skin. The teeth of the needletooth look like terrifying nails - when the fish itself closes its mouth, it hides them in special cavities located in the jaws. The scary-looking fish is small in size: the length of an adult is 15 centimeters. It feeds on smaller representatives of ocean fauna.

9) Hagfish is a jawless fish. The hagfish attacks its prey in an unusual way - it makes a hole in the skin of the fish, enters its body and gradually eats all the insides of the victim, leaving only the skin and skeleton.

Video: Hagfish (Witch Fish)

8) The Madagascar monkey is a primate that has an extremely repulsive appearance for members of its species. In appearance, the little monkey is a cross between a small monkey without hair and a rat. It feeds on larvae and insects obtained from trees with the help of dexterous fingers.

Ai ai, or Madagascar's little hand

7) The giant squid Architeuthis is an ocean dweller that can reach a length of 20 meters. The long tentacles of the squid are covered with suction cups and barbs, which allows them to attack even large fish.

6) Idiacanth, or “dragon fish”. This deep-sea inhabitant has an elongated body covered with spines, as well as an unusual skull in which the jaws can move in any direction.

5) Vampires are bats. These animals feed on the blood of large animals, and their sharp fangs allow them to bite through the skin.

Bat in the house

4) Anaconda, a giant snake reaching a length of 5 meters. Due to its mass, this snake can kill even large prey. Cases of attacks on people followed by strangulation are not uncommon.

3) Tasmanian devil, which has enormous bite force. With the help of strong jaws and sharp fangs, the Tasmanian devil crushes even thick bones.

2) Although the star-nosed mole is not dangerous to humans, meeting him is a whole test for the psyche. A multitude of skin growths on the animal’s face will scare and terrify even the bravest.

Star-nosed or star-nosed (lat. Condylura cristata)

1) Man is the most terrible animal for nature, which for the most part does not care at all about the safety of other species and brutally destroys representatives of flora and fauna. The Red Book is filled precisely with the works of man, who constantly finds justification for his ungrateful attitude towards nature. The animal is insidious - many individuals look peaceful and pleasant.


Of our planet. Animal species are amazing in abundance and indicate that powerful nature is capable of much... A wide variety of inhabitants exist in all corners of the planet, and many of them repel and terrify us. After reading this article, you will find out what the most terrible animals in the world are. We will describe each of them in detail in order to prove that it was no coincidence that they were included in our list. It's called "The most terrible animals in the world: top 10."

Long-horned sabertooth

This predatory fish lives in the subtropical and tropical waters of all the oceans of the Earth. The weight of an adult is about 120 g, length - 15 cm. The long-horned saber tooth has a terrifying appearance. The color of this fish is jet black. She has a very large head with sculpted ridges. The long-horned sabertooth has many fangs on the lower and upper jaws. Teeth are like nails. When the fish closes its mouth, it hides them in special cavities located in the jaws. The sabertooth has the longest teeth of any other fish known to science. The skin of the long-horned saber-tooth is rough to the touch.

The fry are very different from the adults. Their color is lighter, their body structure is different, and they have pointed spines on their heads. Adults live at approximately a depth of 500 to 700 meters, and fry - 100-200 m. This species, one of the top most terrible animals in the world, feeds on squid, small fish, and crustaceans. The young are food for large predators such as alepisaurs and tunas. Interestingly, the juvenile sabertooth differs so much from the adults that scientists even named it differently and considered it a different species for 50 years.

Hagfish (or witchfish)

Many of the most terrible animals in the world are inhabitants of the deep sea. The witchfish is one of the most repulsive fish on Earth. It feeds on both small inhabitants of the waters and the dying and dead. It attacks the victim in an unusual way - it makes a hole in the skin of the fish, after which it enters its body and gradually eats all the insides of its victim, of which only the skeleton and skin remain.

This is a jawless fish. The hagfish has a reputation for being the slimiest creature on Earth. On both sides of its body, pores secrete huge quantities of sticky, viscous mucus, which predators can choke on. It also plays the role of a lubricant, allowing the hagfish to climb out of the body of a dead fish, where it has climbed in order to feast on it. The witch fish, moreover, is the only one that can sneeze. Thanks to this, she frees her nostril from mucus. The hagfish is also the only vertebrate that can curl up into a knot. This allows the fish to crawl out of its victims and cleanse the body of mucus.

Hagfish live in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic in large groups (up to 15 thousand in one territory). Very large eggs are laid by females in small quantities. This suggests that hagfish have a very low mortality rate. Baby fish have both female and male reproductive organs. As they grow older, they choose their own gender. It depends on the demographic situation in the group.

The hagfish lives at approximately depths of 100 to 500 meters, mainly off the coast of East Greenland, Iceland, Europe, and North America. You can sometimes find it in the Adriatic Sea.

The size of this fish is small. It reaches a length of 35-40 centimeters, although sometimes specimens of 79-80 cm are found. The color can be different. The predominant colors are gray-red and pinkish.

Hagfishes are very tenacious. They tolerate being without water for a long time well, and can also starve for a long time and remain alive, even receiving very serious injuries. One case is described when a hagfish continued to swim 5 hours after it was beheaded.

You will agree, after reading this article to the end, that many of the most terrible animals in the world are significantly inferior to the hagfish! Witchfish are edible. However, people generally refuse to eat them. Well, who would agree to eat a half-meter worm...

"Aye-aye", or Madagascar little hand

This is a primate that has a very repulsive appearance for representatives of its species. The little hand is a cross between a rat and a small monkey. It feeds on insects and larvae, obtained from trees with the help of dexterous fingers.

The Madagascar monkey belongs to the order Prosimians. The animal lives in the bamboo thickets of Madagascar. This species was discovered by Pierre Sonner, a naturalist. Based on all the characteristics, scientists attributed the little arm to lemurs. But outwardly, aye-aye doesn’t look at all like monkeys. It is most likely akin to a squirrel or a cat. And in size this animal resembles a domestic cat. The weight of the animal is only 3 kg. In length, including the head, its size reaches only 40 cm. But it has a fluffy tail, reminiscent of a squirrel, which is much longer than the body. Its size is 60 cm!

The animal's teeth resemble those of a rodent. He has 18 of them. Interestingly, only on the outside are they covered with enamel. The little arm gnaws through the skin of a nut or stem with its front teeth. She then selects the pulp with her long finger to feed on. These animals eat fruits, mangoes, coconuts, as well as various larvae and beetles.

The animal is nocturnal. It does not tolerate daylight well, which frightens the little hand. After sunset, these most terrible animals in the world frolic, grunting merrily...

This exotic species is of serious concern to the scientific community. The danger of its extinction has become urgent not only because of deforestation in the habitats of the bat. People's prejudices also threaten the extinction of the aye-aye. There is a legend according to which a person who meets a little hand in the forest will die soon if he does not kill this animal.

Giant squid, or Architeuthis

Architeuthis is a genus of deep-sea squid that forms an independent family. This is one of the largest invertebrate animals. Many believe that Architeuthis is the most terrible animal in the world. The length of its mantle is about 2.5 meters. In females it is slightly larger than in males. Without taking into account the hunting tentacles, the length of the squid is about 5 meters. Reports of finds of 20-meter squids have not been confirmed by scientific data. Its long tentacles are covered with serrations and suction cups, which allows the squid to attack even very large fish. Architeuthis, like all other squids, has a mantle, as well as 2 hunting tentacles and 8 arms (regular tentacles). Their terrifying appearance suggests that this is the most terrible animal in the world.

Dragon fish or idiot

Idiacanths are deep-sea fish whose body mainly consists of a head and a long body. To this set, females also have monstrous teeth, which prevent the fish from literally closing its mouth. Idiacanths live in the tropics, as well as in the temperate zone of the Indian and Pacific oceans and the Atlantic. Outwardly, this most terrible animal in the world looks like a snake - the same thin and long body, almost invisible fins. It has photophores, like most inhabitants of the depths. Photophores are luminous organs. Their location is different for females and males. In the latter, a developed photophore occupies about a third of the head, and in females, luminous spots are “scattered” throughout the body, and in the teeth there are special planes with a luminous substance. There is also a difference in size between females and males. The male grows to a maximum length of 7 cm, while the female can reach half a meter in length. Having completed manipulations to procreate, he dies. In general, the male gives the impression of an extremely absurd creature: he has no teeth, his intestines are underdeveloped (that’s why he cannot eat). All that is available is a giant photophore that lures the female in the deep-sea darkness. But the latter lives for several years, having managed to bear offspring several times during this time.

The bats

Many people believe that these animals are vampires. This is only partly true. Many of their species are harmless. However, some do drink the blood of large animals. Sharp fangs allow them to bite through the skin. Bats are a suborder of the order Chiroptera, uniting 700 species, which are distributed into 16 families.

They eat mainly insects, although large bats (giant noctule, for example) can feed on frogs, lizards, birds, and some - fish. Species are known that prey on other bats. There are three types of vampires in South America that feed on the blood of vertebrates - mammals and birds. Some are vegetarians: they eat nuts, pollen, nectar, berries, fruits (for example, these are leaf-noses). In an hour of hunting, an insectivorous bat can eat up to two hundred mosquitoes.


While describing the 10 most terrible animals in the world, we did not forget about the anaconda. This giant snake reaches five meters in length. Thanks to its mass, it can kill even very large prey. There are frequent cases of this species attacking people and then strangling them.

The anaconda is the most massive snake in the world. The weight of the largest female reached 97.5 kg, and its length was 5.2 meters. There are reports of larger individuals, the size of which ranges from 9 to 11 meters, but they are unreliable. Anaconda, purely theoretically, can have a length of up to 6.7 m.

Its color is mainly grayish-green. There are two rows of brown spots of oblong or round shape, alternating in a checkerboard pattern. A row of slightly smaller yellow spots, surrounded by black rings, run along the sides of the body. The anaconda's coloring effectively camouflages the snake as it lurks in calm water, covered in tufts of algae and brown leaves.

Tasmanian devil

This animal has enormous bite force. The Tasmanian devil, with the help of sharp fangs and strong jaws, can crush even large bones. Due to its stocky body, black color, as well as its huge mouth, increased aggressiveness and terrible taste preferences, Europeans called this animal the “devil”. There is something sinister even in its Latin name. Sarcophilus is translated as "lover of flesh." This animal can now be found only on the island of Tasmania, in its western, northern and central parts. Previously, this species also inhabited mainland Australia, but disappeared 400 years before the first Europeans appeared here. However, with the advent of Western people on the island, a struggle began with the Tasmanian devil, in particular due to the fact that this animal ravaged chicken coops. In addition, its meat, which tasted like veal, was liked by local residents. As a result, the animal's population declined sharply. The population was still restored. In June 1941, a law was passed banning the destruction of this species.

The marsupial devil is indiscriminate in food and gluttonous. It feeds on almost everything: medium and small animals, insects, birds, snakes, amphibians, edible roots and tubers of plants. His diet also includes carrion, which is almost the main dish. The animal eats any corpses, preferring rotten, already decomposed meat. These are Tasmanian devils, the most terrible animals in the world. A photo of a representative of this species is below.


Various "World's Scariest Animals: Top 100" lists invariably include the star-nosed fish. What did he do to deserve such a bad reputation? Although this mole is not dangerous to humans, meeting him can be a whole test for the psyche. On the animal’s face there are many skin growths that will terrify and scare away even the most courageous.

The naked nose of the starfish is surrounded by twenty-two (11 on each side) small processes. Their length ranges from 1 to 4 mm. Their shape on the face resembles a star, which is why the animal got its name. The body length of the starfish varies from 17 to 20 cm, and the weight ranges from 35 to 70 grams. Like other moles, this animal has a cylindrical, thick body with clawed and powerful forelimbs. Its fur is black or dark brown on its sides and back, and its belly is light brown. The tail of the animal is quite long, from 6 to 8 cm. In winter, the star-nosed fish stores fat reserves in it, which is why its tail increases 3-4 times in volume.


The most terrible animal in the world is man. And now we will prove it. Man is the most terrible species for nature because, for the most part, he does not care at all about the safety of others and brutally destroys representatives of fauna and flora. It is through human labor that the Red Book is filled, which includes not only the most terrible animals on the planet. The human race constantly finds excuses for why it is so ungrateful towards nature. This mammal is insidious - yet many individuals look pleasant and peaceful. This is the most terrible animal in the world, whose name is man.


SNAP TOOTH- a mammal from the order of insectivores, divided into two main species: the Cuban slittooth and the Haitian. The animal is relatively large compared to other types of insectivores: its length is 32 centimeters, its tail is on average 25 cm, the weight of the animal is about 1 kilogram, and its body is dense.

MANED WOLF. Lives in South America. The long legs of the wolf are the result of evolution in matters of adaptation to the habitat; they help the animal to overcome obstacles in the form of tall grass growing on the plains.

AFRICAN CIVET- the only representative of the genus of the same name. These animals live in Africa in open spaces with high grass from Senegal to Somalia, southern Namibia and in the eastern regions of South Africa. The size of the animal can visually increase quite significantly when the civet raises its fur when excited. And her fur is thick and long, especially on the back closer to the tail. The paws, muzzle and tail end are completely black, most of the body is spotted-striped.

MUSKRAT. The animal is quite famous due to its sonorous name. It's just a good photo.

PROCHIDNA. This miracle of nature usually weighs up to 10 kg, although larger specimens have also been observed. By the way, the length of the echidna’s body reaches 77 cm, and this is not counting their cute five to seven centimeter tail. Any description of this animal is based on comparison with the echidna: the legs of the echidna are higher, the claws are more powerful. Another feature of the echidna’s appearance is the spurs on the hind legs of males and the five-fingered hind limbs and three-fingered forelimbs.

CAPIBARA. Semi-aquatic mammal, the largest of modern rodents. It is the only representative of the capybara family (Hydrochoeridae). There is a dwarf variety, Hydrochoerus isthmius, which is sometimes considered as a separate species (lesser capybara).

SEA CUCUMBER. HOLOTHURIA. Sea capsules, sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea), a class of invertebrate animals such as echinoderms. Species eaten as food are commonly known as sea cucumbers.

PANGOLIN. This post simply could not do without him.

HELL VAMPIRE. Mollusk. Despite its obvious similarity with octopus and squid, scientists have identified this mollusk as a separate order Vampyromorphida (lat.), because it is characterized by retractable sensitive whip-shaped filaments.

AARDVARK. In Africa, these mammals are called aardvark, which translated into Russian means “earthen pig”. In fact, the aardvark is very similar in appearance to a pig, only with an elongated snout. The structure of the ears of this amazing animal is very similar to that of a hare. There is also a muscular tail, which is very similar to the tail of an animal such as a kangaroo.

JAPANESE GIANT SALAMANDER. Today it is the largest amphibian, which can reach 160 cm in length, weigh up to 180 kg and can live up to 150 years, although the officially recorded maximum age of the giant salamander is 55 years.

BEARDED PIG. In different sources, the bearded pig species is divided into two or three subspecies. These are the curly bearded pig (Sus barbatus oi), which lives on the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra, the Bornean bearded pig (Sus barbatus barbatus) and the Palawan bearded pig, which live, as the name suggests, on the islands of Borneo and Palawan, as well as on Java , Kalimantan and small islands of the Indonesian archipelago in Southeast Asia.

SUMATRAN RHINO. They belong to the odd-toed ungulates of the rhinoceros family. This type of rhinoceros is the smallest of the entire family. The body length of an adult Sumatran rhinoceros can reach 200–280 cm, and the height at the withers can vary from 100 to 150 cm. Such rhinoceroses can weigh up to 1000 kg.

SULAWESI BEAR COUSCUS. An arboreal marsupial living in the upper layer of lowland tropical forests. The fur of the bear cuscus consists of a soft undercoat and coarse guard hairs. Coloration ranges from gray to brown, with a lighter belly and limbs, and varies depending on the geographic subspecies and age of the animal. The prehensile, non-haired tail is approximately half the length of the animal and serves as a fifth limb, which facilitates movement in the dense tropical forest. The bear cuscus is the most primitive of all cuscus, retaining primitive tooth growth and structural features of the skull.

GALAGO. Its large fluffy tail is clearly comparable to that of a squirrel. And his charming face and graceful movements, flexibility and insinuation, clearly reflect his cat-like traits. The amazing jumping ability, mobility, strength and incredible dexterity of this animal clearly show its nature as a funny cat and an elusive squirrel. Of course, there would be a place to use your talents, because a cramped cage is very poorly suited for this. But, if you give this animal a little freedom and sometimes allow him to walk around the apartment, then all his quirks and talents will come true. Many even compare it to a kangaroo.

WOMBAT. Without a photograph of a wombat, it is generally impossible to talk about strange and rare animals.

AMAZONIAN DOLPHIN. It is the largest river dolphin. Inia geoffrensis, as scientists call it, reaches 2.5 meters in length and weighs 2 quintals. Light gray juveniles become lighter with age. The Amazonian dolphin has a full body, with a thin tail and a narrow muzzle. A round forehead, a slightly curved beak and small eyes are the characteristics of this species of dolphin. The Amazonian dolphin is found in the rivers and lakes of Latin America.

MOONFISH or MOLA-MOLA. This fish can be more than three meters long and weigh about one and a half tons. The largest specimen of the sunfish was caught in New Hampshire, USA. Its length was five and a half meters, there is no data on weight. The shape of the fish’s body resembles a disk; it was this feature that gave rise to the Latin name. The moon fish has thick skin. It is elastic, and its surface is covered with small bony projections. The larvae of fish of this species and young individuals swim in the usual way. Adult large fish swim on their sides, quietly moving their fins. They seem to lie on the surface of the water, where they are very easy to notice and catch. However, many experts believe that only sick fish swim this way. As an argument, they cite the fact that the stomach of fish caught on the surface is usually empty.

TASMANIAN DEVIL. Being the largest of modern predatory marsupials, this animal is black in color with white spots on the chest and rump, with a huge mouth and sharp teeth, has a dense physique and a stern disposition, for which, in fact, it was called the devil. Emitting ominous screams at night, the massive and clumsy Tasmanian devil looks like a small bear: the front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs, the head is large, and the muzzle is blunt.

LORI. A characteristic feature of the loris is its large eyes, which can be bordered by dark circles; there is a white dividing stripe between the eyes. The face of a loris can be compared to a clown mask. This most likely explains the animal's name: Loeris means "clown".

GAVIAL. Of course, one of the representatives of the crocodile order. With age, the gharial's muzzle becomes even narrower and longer. Due to the fact that the gharial feeds on fish, its teeth are long and sharp, located at a slight angle for ease of eating.

OKAPI. FOREST GIRAFFE. Traveling through Central Africa, journalist and African explorer Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) more than once encountered local aborigines. Having once met an expedition equipped with horses, the natives of the Congo told the famous traveler that in their jungle there were wild animals very similar to his horses. The Englishman, who had seen a lot, was somewhat puzzled by this fact. After some negotiations in 1900, the British were finally able to purchase parts of the skin of the mysterious animal from the local population and send them to the Royal Zoological Society in London, where the unknown animal was given the name “Johnston's Horse” (Equus johnstoni), that is, it was assigned to the equine family . But imagine their surprise when a year later they managed to get a whole skin and two skulls of an unknown animal, and discovered that It looked more like a dwarf giraffe from the Ice Age. Only in 1909 was it possible to catch a living specimen of Okapi.

WALABI. TREE KANGAROO. The genus of Tree kangaroos - wallabies (Dendrolagus) includes 6 species. Of these, D. Inustus or the bear wallaby, D. Matschiei or Matchisha's wallaby, which has a subspecies D. Goodfellowi (Goodfellow's wallaby), D. Dorianus - the Doria wallaby, live in New Guinea. In Australian Queensland, there are D. Lumholtzi - Lumholtz's wallaby (bungari), D. Bennettianus - Bennett's wallaby, or tharibina. Their original habitat was New Guinea, but now wallabies are also found in Australia. Tree kangaroos live in tropical forests of mountainous regions, at altitudes from 450 to 3000m. above sea level. The body size of the animal is 52-81 cm, the tail is from 42 to 93 cm long. Wallabies weigh, depending on the species, from 7.7 to 10 kg for males and from 6.7 to 8.9 kg. females.

WOLVERINE. Moves quickly and deftly. The animal has an elongated muzzle, a large head, with rounded ears. The jaws are powerful, the teeth are sharp. Wolverine is a “big-footed” animal; its feet are disproportionate to the body, but their size allows them to move freely through deep snow cover. Each paw has huge and curved claws. Wolverine is an excellent tree climber and has keen eyesight. The voice is like a fox.

FOSSA. The island of Madagascar has preserved animals that are not found not only in Africa itself, but also in the rest of the world. One of the rarest animals is the Fossa - the only representative of the genus Cryptoprocta and the largest predatory mammal living on the island of Madagascar. The appearance of the Fossa is a little unusual: it is a cross between a civet and a small puma. Sometimes the fossa is also called the Madagascar lion, since the ancestors of this animal were much larger and reached the size of a lion. Fossa has a squat, massive and slightly elongated body, the length of which can reach up to 80 cm (on average it is 65-70 cm). The fossa's paws are long, but quite thick, with the hind paws being higher than the front paws. The tail is often equal to the length of the body and reaches up to 65 cm.

MANUL approves of this post and is here only because he has to be. Everyone already knows him.

PHENEC. STEPPE FOX. He assents to the manula and is present here insofar as. After all, everyone saw him.

NAKED MORAVARY gives the Pallas's cat and fennec cat pluses in their karma and invites them to organize a club of the most fearful animals in RuNet.

PALM THIEF. Representative of decapod crustaceans. Its habitat is the western Pacific Ocean and the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean. This animal from the family of land crayfish is quite large for its species. The body of an adult reaches a size of up to 32 cm and a weight of up to 3-4 kg. For a long time it was mistakenly believed that with its claws it could even crack coconuts, which it then eats. To date, scientists have proven that crayfish can only feed on already split coconuts. They, being its main source of nutrition, gave the name palm thief. Although he is not averse to eating other types of food - the fruits of Pandanus plants, organic substances from the soil, and even his own kind.

The name of this fish in Latin sounds too boring, so it’s easier to call it FISH WITH A TRANSPARENT HEAD. She has a transparent head through which she can see with her tubular eyes. The head, through which the fish watches for prey, helps protect the eyes. First opened in 1939. It lives at a much greater depth, so it has not been fully studied. In particular, the principle of fish vision was not entirely clear. She was supposed to have great difficulty due to the fact that she could only look up. Only in 2009 was the structure of the eye of this fish fully studied. Apparently, when trying to study it earlier, the fish simply could not tolerate the change in pressure.

ECHIDNA. Well, that's all.

LESS RED PANDA. Today, the red panda in its natural habitat can only be found in the mountain bamboo forests of the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, in northern Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and northeast India.

SIFACA. Monkey of the Indriidae family. A relatively new genus of primates, discovered only in 2004. Silky sifakas live in the eastern part of the island of Madagascar. The area is approximately 2.2 thousand square meters. km. The distribution area is limited in the north of the island to the Marojejy Massif region, and in the south it reaches Anjanahari. Adult individuals have a body length with a head from 45 to 55 cm, a tail 45-51 cm long. Weight is 5-6.5 kg.

SLOTH. A very interesting species of mammals, possessing a number of distinctive features that make it unlike any other existing species. It lives mainly in Central and South America.

PLATYPUS. In principle, everyone knows it. But this photo deserves attention...

ANT-EATER. It won't surprise anyone either. But the shot is great...

TARSIER. A small mammal from the order of primates, the very specific appearance of which created a somewhat ominous aura around this small animal weighing up to one hundred and sixty grams. Thus, the indigenous population of Indonesia and the Philippine Islands associated the absurd appearance of the tarsier with the tricks of evil spirits. However, many of our contemporaries, who see the tarsier for the first time in its native habitat, remain amazed by its non-standard appearance.

MARGAY. These wild cats are distinguished from their “relatives” by their body size and proportions, as well as their lifestyle. For example, the margay is very similar to its closest relative, the ocelot, which, moreover, is quite often found in the same place where the margay lives. It is not difficult to distinguish these cats - the ocelot is noticeably larger, since it prefers to hunt on the ground, and the margay has longer legs and tail, due to life mainly in trees.

MUD JOPPER. It is found in intertidal areas and in areas such as tropical swamps formed by mangrove trees. Mudskippers especially like to settle in places where fresh water meets sea water. And although from a scientific point of view they are fish, many perceive them as amphibians. Well, in a way it is.

HERBIVORE DRACULA. Bats (“Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum” lat.) This species lives in the north of South America (Amazon River basin and mountains). These bats, oddly enough, are herbivores.

BELT-TAIL. The habitat of belted tails extends to the rocky regions of Africa, which have an arid climate, mainly on the southern side of the Sahara Desert. In addition, belted tails live in certain numbers on the island of Madagascar. There are more than forty species of belttails in the world. The sizes of belt-tails vary quite widely and range from 12 to 70 centimeters in length. The entire body of the belt-tail is covered with rectangular plates - scales, which cover the bony base of the reptile.

In my opinion, a modest fellow.

PURPLE FROG. Some animals have managed to adapt to these, at first glance, very difficult conditions and have even learned to benefit from the changing seasons. So the indigenous Indian purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis), which as a species was discovered quite recently - in 2003, uses the monsoon time to its advantage - to continue its kind.

ISOPOD. Giant isopod woodlice, approximately 30 cm long, live at sea depths of about 1.6 km.

SUN BEAR. The Malayan biruang bear, or, as it is also called due to its characteristic color, the sun or honey bear, lives in India, Myanmar, as well as on the islands of Borneo, Java and Sumatra. It is of quite great interest to both zoologists and wildlife lovers, since this species is one of the smallest, most aggressive and smallest representatives of the entire bear family. By the way, it was precisely the threatening small number of this genus that became the reason for the inclusion of biruangs in the Red Book.
An adult sun bear has a very difficult character. However, quite a lot of interest in his person is caused not at all by his habitat, and not by his character, but by his stunning appearance, which immediately catches the eye from any photograph.

TIBETAN FOX. Found in Tibet, northwest India and northern Nepal at high altitudes.

JELLYFISH. Just a giant jellyfish.

GOLDEN TIGER. This is what tigers with a similar color are called. The reason for the unusual color is that one of the genes did not work. Count like an albino...

AY-AY. ARM POD. The Madagascar monkey or aye-aye, a mammal of the suborder of prosimians; the only representative of the family of arms. Body length 40 cm, tail 60 cm. The head is large, the muzzle is short; The ears are large and leathery. The tail is fluffy. The coat color ranges from dark brown to black.

GUYDAK. A large gastropod weighing up to one and a half kilograms. Found off the west coast of the USA. From under the thin fragile shell of the guidac (about 20 cm in length) protrudes a “leg” that is three times larger than the shell. The English name for this mollusk (geoduck, gweduck) appeared at the end of the 19th century, is derived from the name of these mollusks in the language of the Nisqual Indians (which is why it is pronounced “guiduck”) and means “deep-digging” - these mollusks really bury themselves quite deeply in the sand.

MARSPAL WOLF. It is an extinct marsupial mammal and the only representative of the thylacine family. This animal is also known as the “marsupial tiger” and “Tasmanian wolf”. At the beginning of the Holocene and the end of the Pleistocene, the marsupial wolf was found on the Australian mainland and the island of New Guinea. About 3,000 years ago, Aboriginal settlers brought the wild dog dingo to the island, as a result of which the marsupial wolf disappeared from the area. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Tasmania was considered the main habitat of the marsupial wolf, but in the thirties of the 19th century, mass extermination of the animal began, which was mistakenly considered a destroyer of domestic sheep. In addition, the thylacine was credited with hunting poultry and exterminating game caught in traps. Most of these legends turned out to be untrue.

STARBEARER. An insectivorous mammal of the mole family. Externally, the star-nosed snake differs from other members of the family and from other small animals only in its characteristic stigma structure in the form of a rosette or star of 22 soft, fleshy, mobile bare rays. In size, spade-shaped forelimbs, thick velvety fur (black or dark brown) it is similar to the European mole.


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