What language is Thailand? What is the language in Thailand? Challenges of learning Thai that you'll have to deal with

When planning their first trip to Thailand, many tourists have a question about how to communicate with the locals. After all, few of our tourists know the Thai language, and knowledge of English is most often limited to the initial level. I once had such fears, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to understand the seller, negotiate a rental property, and wouldn’t understand anything at all. But after my first trip to Thailand, I realized that there is no problem with this and I will tell you how to communicate with Thais.

The official language in Thailand is Thai. However, the linguistic diversity of this country is quite large. As a result of many years of migration, different ethnic groups of people currently live in Thailand; their language is similar in many ways, but is not the same.

For example, in the north of Thailand there are many migrants from Laos who speak their own Lao language. Despite differences in languages, Laotians and Thais understand each other's speech well. In the northern part of Thailand, the so-called Lao-Thai language is spoken.

For the most part, local residents of Thailand communicate in Thai, which, depending on the region, may differ in its dialect and dialects.

At first glance, the Thai language may seem very difficult to a foreigner. The letters are kind of strange, looking like squiggles, not much different from each other. Words are not separated by spaces and written Thai speech looks like a large jumble of incomprehensible characters. No less strange is the pronunciation of words, which looks more like meowing than human speech. These were my first impressions of the Thai language.

But in fact, the Thai language is not difficult at all, it is just different. In it, words do not change according to gender, case and number, verbs have three tenses. But the words change depending on whether they are spoken by a man or a woman and in relation to whom. This is the main difficulty of the Thai language. However, compared to the Russian language, Thai is very simple.

English language

In Thailand, locals speak English quite well. Only a couple of times during my entire stay in Thailand were there cases when I turned to a Thai person, and he did not know English. Usually, when you ask a Thai if he speaks English, he will answer that he speaks a little. But when you start communicating with him, you realize that he doesn’t speak this language just a little, but speaks basic English very well.

The difficulty in communicating with Thais in English is that they have a special pronunciation of words. At first, I practically did not understand Thais speaking English, although I know English at a basic level. But after a few days I got used to their pronunciation and began to understand them. Now I communicate with Thais in English without problems.

Therefore, if you know at least a little English, you will not have problems communicating in Thailand. Almost all Thais living in tourist cities and islands speak good English. The only exceptions are places where tourists, as a rule, do not go. I once visited the non-tourist city of Surathani in Thailand. And when I went into the cafe, no one spoke English there, and the menu was written only in Thai. I had to choose a dish based on the pictures; it’s good that they were on the menu.

Russian language

But the Thais, unfortunately, do not know Russian. Although many establishments at popular resorts try to translate signs, booklets and menus into Russian. But due to the fact that many of them skimp on translators, the words are often written with errors or the meaning is not clear at all.

You can walk along a popular tourist street and see many signs with funny Russian names. Here you will find “Laundry”, “Pelimeni” and so on. Some Thais memorize Russian phrases and use them to invite people to visit their establishment. But nevertheless, the Thais do not know the Russian language, this is not Türkiye.

How to communicate without knowing the language?

What to do if you don't speak either Thai or English? In this case, you can use my recommendations:

  • Choose one of the most popular resorts in Thailand for your holiday, these include Pattaya and Phuket. There are areas targeted at Russian tourists, where you will meet a large number of your compatriots, you will find many signs and cafes with menus in Russian. There is even a Russian village in Pattaya.
  • Use gestures and translators to communicate with Thais. The most popular translation application is Google Translate. It can be installed on Android and iOS. It has voice translation and image translation functions. You can take a photo of the sign or menu, upload it to the app, and translate it into your native language. But to use this application you need an Internet connection. Read about how to connect it and which operator to choose in my separate article.

Learn the most necessary words and phrases in English. These include:

  • hello (helou) - hello;
  • good-bye (good-bye) - goodbye;
  • thank you (senk yu) - thank you;
  • yes (ec) - yes;
  • no (know) - no;
  • OK (okay) - good;
  • I don’t understand you (ay dont understand yu) - I don’t understand you;
  • where is...? (ve is) - where is...?
  • how much is this? (how mach is zis) - how much does it cost?
  • rent house/motobike/car (rent house/motobike/ka) - rent a house/bike/car;
  • restaurant (restaurant) - restaurant;
  • toilet (tilet) - toilet;
  • hotel (wanted) - hotel;
  • beach (beach) - beach;
  • hospital (hospital) - hospital;
  • shop (shop) - store;
  • I’m sorry (aim sorry) - forgive me;
  • I need a room in your hotel (ay nid e room in e wanted) - I need a room in your hotel;
  • change money (chench money) - change money;
  • withdraw money (vizdro money) - withdraw money from the card.

Go to Thailand with confidence, even if you don’t know English; you can always communicate with gestures, ask a compatriot for help, or use a translator. The main thing is to show respect to the locals, smile often and be polite. Then your holiday will be wonderful.

Common phrases

mai siai










I don't understand


mai khau chai

What is your name?


what aray?

How are you?


saba:y di:may

Where is the toilet here?


ho: ng nam yu: thi nay?

What is the price?

Nee la ka tao lai?

One ticket to...


phom (chan) to:ng ka:n sy:tua...

What time is it now?



No smoking


ham sab buhri


Do you speak... English (French, German, Spanish)?

คุณพูด...ภาษาอังกฤษได้ไหม (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส / ภาษาเยอรมัน/ ภาษาสเปน)

hun-puhud pa-sa-ang-krit (ps-sa-fa-rang-sez / ps-sa-er-re-man / ps-sa-spen)

Where is...


…yu: thi nay


I need to order a room

mi: hong wang mai


I want to pay the bill

phom (chan) kho bin


nangsue deun taang

Room, number

Shop (shopping)



By card


tya:y duay bat khre: dit dai mai

To wrap up


chuay ho: hai phom (chan) no:y

No change

mai to:ng tho:n


Very expensive


tham mai phe:ng ya:ng ni:




taek si:


Please make a stop


ka ru na: tyo:t thi: ni:





kreuang bin




Emergency cases

help me


karuna: chuai duai

Fire Department


Bricard dub feling



mouth pha ya: ban:







I want to book a table


phom (chan) kho: then

Check please (bill)

kep ngen duay

Language in Thailand

What is the language in Thailand?

Official language of Thailand belongs to the Thai language family. The Thai language is most closely related to the Lao and Shan languages, the former spoken in Laos and the latter spoken in Eastern Burma.

Official language of Thailand however, it is not the only one spoken by the population of the country. In total, about 70 languages ​​are spoken there, the most popular of which are Isan and Yuan.

Thai is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. In addition to the fact that the Thai alphabet consists of 44 consonants and 32 vowels, as many as 5 different tones are used in conversation, which can completely change the meaning of a phrase.

Language of Thailand incredibly difficult to learn, but do not despair: in most establishments in Bangkok and other large cities, the staff speaks fluent English and some other European languages.

Most experienced tourists advise that before looking for any
attraction in Thailand, you need to find out exactly what its name sounds like
in Thai (at the hotel reception desk).

If you tell a taxi driver an address or name without Thai intonation accents, you risk ending up in a completely different place.

A colon after a vowel in transcription is a long sound. “I” in the masculine gender is “phom”, in the feminine gender it is “chan”.

In Thailand they speak Thai, of course. The Thai language mainly borrows from Mon, Khmer, Chinese, Pali, Sanskrit and English. The language in Thailand has a tonal structure with 5 tones: low, mid, high, rising or falling, unlike Western languages ​​which have divided structures. There is a famous sentence among Thai students consisting of the word “mai” repeated 4 times in different tones and meaning: “Isn’t the green forest burning?”, and in Thai sounding “mai mai mai mai”.


Thai grammar is easy to master because there are no conjugations. Most words consist of one syllable and do not change by gender, case, etc. There are some interesting aspects of the language, which at first can cause certain difficulties for visitors. Polite address appropriate for ladies and gentlemen is determined not by gender, but by speech. When addressing a man, put “krup” at the end of the sentence, and “ka” when addressing a woman.


The alphabet used for writing is derived from the Mon and Khmer languages, similar to the South Indian one. There are a total of 76 letters in the Thai alphabet, of which 44 are consonants (21 with English sounds), and 32 vowels (with 48 simple sounds and possible diphthongs). Reading from left to right, often without spaces between words. If you're just traveling, use a phrasebook and basic phrases like “How are you? Everything is fine".

Search for cheap flights

Unfortunately, there is no universal transliteration system, and you will see the usual Thai greeting written in Roman letters - sawatdee, sawaddi, sawasdee, sawusdi and so on. Don't be afraid to get lost in the spell check. In many cities there is enough education to be understood. The structure of the language is often more similar to French than to English.


The language of Central Thailand is the official language of the entire country, written and spoken by Thais and understood by most Thais, but there are three important dialects: Northeastern, spoken in Isan and less commonly in Laos; Northern Thai, spoken in the northeast and Southern Thai, spoken in Chumphon province on the border with Malaysia. Each dialect is divided into several variants. In the north there are languages ​​more similar to Burmese and Tibetan. As in the English language, there are several degrees of decorum that are only acceptable in certain contexts. The most common word in cooking is rice, usually kin khao (to eat rice), thaan is a nobler term, raprathaan is forbidden in common usage (reserved for nobles).

Small Thai phrasebook:

The Thai language has a tonal structure with 5 tones: low, mid, high, rising and falling. Next we will cover basic words such as hello, hello, thank you, how are you in Thai.

Basic phrases and vocabulary:

Hello (address to a man) Sawadee-krup
Hello (address to a woman) Sawadee-ka
How are you? Sabai-dee rêu?
Everything is fine Sabai-dee
My name is (husband)… Pôm chê…
My name is (wife)… Deè-chân chê…
I came from… Pôm/Deè-chân ma jàk…
Do you speak English? Khun pût pasâ angkrìt dâi mâi?
I don't understand. Pôm/Deè-chân mâi khâo jai.
Sorry. Khor tod. (-krup, -ka)
Thank you. Khop khun. (-krup, -ka)
No, I don’t want... May âo...
Where is the toilet room? Hông sûam yù têe nâi?
I need a doctor. Pôm/Deè-chân tôngkan mâw.
Please call the police. Chwây riâk tam-rùat dûay.
It's okay, everything's fine. Mâi pen rai.

Traffic, transport

I want to get to… Pôm/Deè-chân yàk pai…
Where... Yù têe nâi...
Taxi rank têe jòt rót téksêe
Bus stop satânee rót may
Satânee rót fai railway station
Sanam bin airport
Boat station tâ rua

Bank tanakan
TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) office tông tiâw pràtêt tai
rong payaban hospital
What is the price…? Pai…tâo rai?
How long before departure? Kèe mong jà àwk jàk têe nêe?

At the restaurant

Coffee ca-fae
naam-châ tea;
juice nám-kuá-la-mâi
bottled water nam kwât
water naam
wine wine
bread ká-nom-pâng
rice kâo
chicken kài
beef núa
pork moo
fish pla
shrimp goong
fruit kuá-la-mâi
dessert kong-wan
I am a vegetarian Pôm/Deè-chân kin jay.
I don't like spices. Mâi chôp pet.
I love spices. Chôp pet.
Perfect! Ah-lòy!
check check-bin


How much does it cost? Taô rai?
Expensive Paeng
Are there any discounts? Lót eèk dâi mâi?
What is the best price you can offer? Raka tàm sùt tâo rai?
Do you have sizes (larger/smaller)? Mee (lék kuà/yài kùa) née mâi?
Do you have any other color? Mee sêe ùn mâi?


1 neung
2 songs
3 sam
4 see
5 hah
6 hours
7 days
8 pad
10 sip
11 sip-et
12 sip-song
13 sip-sam
20 yee-sip
21 yee-sip-et
100 neung-roi
1,000 neung-pân
100,000 neung-san
1,000,000 neung-lân

Upon arrival in Thailand, already at the airport tourists begin to be surprised by the local language and writing. It’s truly amazing and strange to hear the play and transitions in one person’s speech, just like a song or the meow of a kitten. This applies to many Asian countries, not only Thailand, but the language here is very interesting!

A fragment of the Thai epic Ramakiyan, which is sung as a song in Thai

Alphabet and keys

The first Thai alphabet was invented by King Ramakhamhaeng in the first Thai state of Sukhothai in 1283. He wanted to come up with a writing system that would be different from the Mon and Khmer languages ​​- Sukhothai's neighbors. Since then, the local population has been using that script, although in the course of history the Thai language has undergone some changes, but minor ones.
Today, the Thai language has 44 vowels and 4 consonants. Most words are monosyllabic, but tones are of enormous importance. There are as many as 5 tones in the Thai language, and changing the tone can change the meaning of a word. For example, the word “ma” with a change in tone can mean dog, horse or come. Or the word “pad” can carry meanings - spicy, eight or duck, if you add a slight aspiration. Europeans distinguish tones very poorly, so it is almost impossible to understand the difference between tones the first, second, or even third time. And tourists shouldn’t, there are other ways to communicate with the local population besides the Thai language.

You are in Thailand farang

“Farang” - that’s what all the locals will call you.

Language in Thailand

From the Thai language this word is translated as newcomer. By the way, the local guava - farang - is also called the same name. Many Thais do not pronounce the letter “r”, so they will call you nothing other than faLang, which is quite easy to remember by association.
The word “khun” is often added to this word - this is a respectful address. So, you are a khun farang. When addressing Thais, you can also use the word khun if you don’t know the person’s name or don’t know how to address him.
If they ask you where you are from, and you proudly answer: “Russia!”, there is a chance that they will ask you again and make a surprised face. Taking into account the Thai dialect, it is better to pronounce it as RATSIA, then they will definitely understand you.

In the tourist areas of Thailand there are a lot of signs already in Russian

How to communicate with Thais?

When communicating with the local population, never raise your voice - this is the first sign of disrespect. It is advisable to smile back, because it’s not for nothing that Thailand is called the land of smiles! If you do not speak English, or your accent is not understood by the locals, it is best to turn to sign language, but do not immediately raise your voice 2 tones higher; if you speak louder, this in Thailand certainly does not mean that you will be understood. The main phrases are “How much does it cost?” and thanks!" It is still advisable to know English or Thai. It is not necessary to learn, you can simply print out a short Russian-Thai phrasebook on one piece of paper and carry it with you. If, for example, you want to buy fruit at the market, then when you ask how much it costs, so as not to torment you or yourself with pronunciation of English numbers with a Thai accent, sellers, as a rule, show the cost on a calculator. Would you like to haggle? Just ask for a calculator and enter your price. This simple method will make communication much easier for you.

Thai numbers

Only a few languages ​​in the world have their own specific numbers. Thailand is no exception. Today, of course, in the vast majority of places, even non-tourist Thailand, Arabic numerals are used, to which we are accustomed 0,1,2...9, but just in case, you can also familiarize yourself with purely Thai ones:

Thai numbers are rarely used in writing

When coming to Thailand, you can easily get by with just a few phrases in English or Thai. Moreover, in the tourist areas of Thailand there are a lot of signs in Russian, and in restaurants and cafes you will most likely be offered a menu in Russian.

Welcome to Thailand!

A tourist traveling to the eastern kingdom for the first time always has a lot of questions, the main one being: what is the language in Thailand? Don't be afraid that communication with locals here will be difficult.

Of course, the official language is here Thai and it is spoken by every native of Thailand. But we must not forget that the kingdom is a paradise for tourists. That is why in the country it is in second place in terms of prevalence. Taiglish- a mixture of Thai and English. It is enough to have a little knowledge of at least one of the two languages ​​(easier English) to understand the local interlocutor.

If you vacation where there are a lot of Russians, for example in Pattaya, then it is quite possible to communicate in our great and mighty. Thailand is thriving largely thanks to tourism, and since most of the vacationers here are from the CIS countries, the Thais, in pursuit of profit, create the most comfortable conditions for their guests, trying to protect them from the language barrier.

Well, the fourth language of Thailand, which is universal and suitable for all countries of the world, is sign language. Perhaps the easiest to learn, because... there are no rules and the funniest.

Basic rules of communication in Thailand

Thais are enough friendly And polite people. Tourists often fall in love with such relationships between people, especially in contrast to our countries. However, the Thais to themselves same attitude.

If you don't understand each other when talking, then no need to raise your voice, because

Russian-Thai phrasebook

this is a clear sign of disrespect, which often leads unknowing tourists to conflicts.

Also don't touch the Thais Per head– this is prohibited by their religion and causes negative feedback in Thai society. We recommend you learn a few more important and valuable tips regarding your stay in Thailand from the video below.

How to make communication easier in Thailand

In today's time, in the age of the Internet, our land is gradually turning into one large settlement. Boundaries are erased and communication between people from different cultures becomes easier. They provide unbearable help in this online translators and special applications.

Among all the variety of offers, service remains the best for us GoogleTranslate thanks to the following features:

  • wide range of languages;
  • audio pronunciation function of translated words;
  • text recognition in pictures and photographs;
  • the ability to work without an Internet connection (for this you need to download the language pack to your phone in advance).

Once we figured out Google Translate and doesn't matter, what is the language in Thailand or in any other country.


In order for you to be able to produce good impression to the local population, below we have given you a list of basic Thai phrases that will help you in communication. You can memorize the simplest of them or add our page to bookmarks so you can quickly access it when needed.

Now you understand which language is the main one in Thailand and, knowing which one, you can relax comfortably in the kingdom. During your stay among the foreign contingent, you will be able to do well learn English, which will serve you well on future trips. We wish you success!

Today, Thailand attracts millions of tourists from all over the world with its rich culture, history, unique nature and entertainment industry. More and more of our compatriots are choosing this colorful country not only for recreation, but also for work. This fact explains the increased interest in the Thai language. Even a general idea of ​​what language is spoken in Thailand will help you get to know this unique country better.

What is the language in Thailand

Thai is considered the official language of the Kingdom of Thailand. Today it is spoken by more than 40 million people.

The national language of Thailand includes four regional dialects: Southern, Central, Northern and Northeastern. The Central dialect is mainly represented in Bangkok and forms the basis of the national literary language, which is taught in schools and broadcast in the media.

Despite the phonetic and lexical differences between the dialects, residents of different provinces understand each other quite well. This is facilitated by active communications, which gradually blur the boundaries between dialects.

Before making a tourist or work trip to the country of white elephants and exotic beaches, it is always useful to familiarize yourself with what language is in Thailand and what its features are.

Features of the language

The vocabulary is based on native Thai words. There are also borrowings from Sanskrit, Chinese and other languages, which is due to the historical influence of various cultures on Thailand.

Most Thai words have one syllable and do not change by case, gender or number. Foreign words are polysyllabic. In the Thai language there are no firm rules by which a word could be unambiguously assigned to one or another part of speech. Depending on the place a word occupies in a sentence, it can be a verb or a noun.

Rules of politeness require the use of special prefixes when addressing each other. Their choice depends on the gender of the person from whom the appeal comes. Thus, men use the prefix “kraap”, and women use “kah”.

To get a better idea of ​​what language is spoken in Thailand, it is necessary to say a few words about pronunciation. Tonality is of great importance in the Thai language, as it has a direct impact on the meaning of what is said.

There are five tones in the Thai language: rising, falling, high, neutral and low. Each syllable is pronounced in its own key. The same word, colored with different melody, takes on a new meaning. Therefore, when learning Thai, one of the main aspects is mastering tonality.

The specifics of its grammar also indicate what language is in Thailand.

Thai language

Texts are written, as in Russian, from left to right, but without punctuation marks and capital letters. Words are written together, only sentences are separated by spaces.

Today, many Thais speak English, but native Thai remains the main language of communication and the calling card of the country.

Thailand annually attracts more and more Russians who go there not only as tourists, but also for permanent residence. And many migrants are wondering how to learn Thai.

Why learn a language?

Before asking yourself the question of how to learn the Thai language, you need to decide why to do it. Setting the right goal will allow you to quickly learn speaking and prevent discomfort from the language barrier. It could be:

  • journey;
  • business;
  • migration.

How to learn a language?

If the goal is clear, then you need to start studying the lexical minimum. This concept was introduced by the Swedish polyglot Erich Gunnemark, who believed that when learning any language you need to master:

  • lexical minimum (about 400 words);
  • phrasal minimum;
  • grammatical minimum.

The same can be said about the Thai language - words and minimum phrases need to be learned thoroughly in order to answer without hesitation or hesitation. Practice shows that you can learn from 10 to 50 words per day.

Features of the Thai language

The Thai language has the following features:

  • words are written together, only sentences are separated by spaces;
  • there is no inflection in it, that is, there is no declension or conjugation;
  • the function and meaning of a word determines its place in a sentence;
  • the meaning of a word also directly depends on the tone of the voice - a word spoken in a falling or rising tone will have a different meaning (there are 5 tones in Thai - falling, rising, low, high and neutral);
  • most of the words are borrowings from Sanskrit, Pali, Old Khmer, Chinese and English;
  • The vocabulary is very rich - depending on the context and style of speech, concepts can be expressed in different words.

Based on its peculiarities, it is, of course, possible for a Russian speaker to learn the Thai language quickly and independently, but the process will have a number of difficulties. To avoid them, you should initially try to listen to Thai speech and practice a lot. The course "Thai language for beginners" includes mastering the alphabet, correct use of tones and learning the minimum vocabulary.

Alphabet and grammar

The Thai alphabet is a mixture of the alphabets of 3 languages ​​- Thai, Pali and Sanskrit. Total: 76 letters, some of which have the same pronunciation.

Grammar is the framework of any language, as it allows its native speakers and foreigners to understand each other. But unlike there are no word changes, and the main thing here is the correct setting of tone.

Thai language: verbs

The list is compiled based on the most frequently used words in the English language.

Pronunciation in ThaiTranslation in Russian
  1. Naenam
  2. Hi, mop hi
  3. Tam ngaan
  4. Mong haa
  5. Raakaa
  6. Bpit bang
  7. Dtaam
  8. Vaay naam
  9. Yot yang
  10. Jaai
  11. Glaao
  12. Kap rong
  13. Rap Fang
  14. Pak pon
  15. Cha long
  16. Leuak
  17. Dtoong gaan
  18. Goong
  19. Go hok
  20. Vaang
  21. Fan fi
  22. Mop high
  23. Sop bo ri
  24. Hai Sanya
  25. Dat sin
  26. Dtong gaan
  27. Cop coon
  28. Klaan
  29. Deem laang
  1. Advise
  2. Close
  3. Sleep
  4. Take
  5. Giving
  6. Sit
  7. Stand
  8. Die
  9. Do
  10. Believe
  11. Work
  12. Learn
  13. Know
  14. See
  15. Lose
  16. Find
  17. Search
  18. Cost
  19. Send
  20. Be in love
  21. Warm up
  22. Write
  23. Cut
  24. Hide
  25. Count
  26. Use
  27. Swim
  28. Run
  29. Follow
  30. To help
  31. Swim
  32. Interfere
  33. Paint
  34. To pay
  35. Fly
  36. Think
  37. Speak
  38. Afraid
  39. Read
  40. Listen
  41. Hear
  42. Come
  43. Reply
  44. Rest
  45. Invite
  46. Congratulate
  47. Understand
  48. Choose
  49. Wait
  50. Want
  51. Remember
  52. Transfer
  53. Deceive
  54. Lie
  55. Pray
  56. Putting
  57. Dream
  58. Present
  59. Have
  60. Make a fool
  61. Promise
  62. Decide
  63. Need
  64. Start off
  65. End
  66. Thank
  67. Forget
  68. Stop
  69. Visit
  70. Iron
  71. Crawl
  72. Travel

List of required words: adjectives

Minimum required words for a tourist

Thai for tourists includes words needed when traveling around the country. When speaking, you need to add at the end of the sentence: kkhrap (men) and kha (women). These words are an analogue of the Russian ending -those in verbs take lunch and etc.

  • Savatdi / Lakon - Hello / Goodbye.
  • Kop kun - Thank you.
  • Sabai di mai - How are you?
  • Chew aray - What is your name?
  • Phom chyu - My name is.
  • Khotkot - Sorry.
  • Di chai thi dai phop khun - Glad to meet you.
  • Mi khray phut pahasa angkrit (ratsia) - Does anyone speak English (Russian)?
  • Ni thao rai? - What is the price?
  • Mai pheng / Pheng maak - Inexpensive / Expensive.
  • Ni aray - What is this?
  • Tay rup dai mai? - Can I take a photo?
  • Yu thi nai? - Where is?
  • Tea / Mei tea - Yes / No.
  • Naam plao - Water.
  • Cafe - Coffee.
  • Chha - Tea.
  • Roon - Hot.
  • Ian - Cold.
  • Aroy maak - Very tasty.
  • Mai phet - Not spicy.
  • The check struck - Please, the bill.

If you doubt the correct intonation during pronunciation, you can use a translator with audio pronunciation, which can be downloaded to your phone or tablet in advance.

Resources for learning Thai

When learning a language, you do not need to ignore the achievements of modern technology. These include everything related to the Internet:

Helpers in learning the Thai language include sites dedicated to grammar and vocabulary, as well as sites with music and films.

    Channels on Youtube - a search query produces hundreds of answers for those who want to learn Thai through user channels. But only a few can be called leaders. Among them is the little girl Eva, who will teach the alphabet. On the next channel, you can move from letters to conversation and dialogues. On the Siam Sunrise school teacher's channel you can learn to read Thai in just 6 hours - that's 18 lessons of 20 minutes each. Teacher Anatoly Borets promises to teach speaking without an accent with the correct setting of tones.

    Public pages and groups on social networks are another good way to learn Thai. The advantage of public pages is that here you can share knowledge or, conversely, learn new things from other people learning the language. One of the popular public pages on VK is called “Thai Language”, which offers materials on Thai, films, links and music in the original.

    Applications for phone and tablet. It is difficult to imagine learning a language without digital materials such as audio, video and dictionary. Therefore, developers do not sleep and create programs that make learning the Thai language easier. iPhone owners can download the L-Lingo application, which allows you to learn the language through pictures and audio with pronunciation from native speakers. You can check your success using tests. For owners of phones based on the Android OS, the “Thai with Nemo” application is suitable - 100 phrases, a dictionary, a phrasebook and a recording studio for practicing pronunciation will allow you to learn Thai without any problems.

There are many ways to learn a language. The main thing is to choose one that is convenient for yourself and, having developed a plan, follow it every day.


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