Thermal lake Heviz. Lake Heviz in Hungary: treatment and reviews of the holiday. Lake Heviz: winter swimming among blooming lotuses What to see in the area

All about Lake Heviz. Answers to questions

1. At what time of year can you relax and receive treatment on Lake Heviz?

The city and lake of Heviz is a unique place that can be visited all year round. The town is really good all year round, and the Heviz lake water is always comfortable. In summer, the temperature of thermal water is 34 - 38 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below 22 degrees. The town of Heviz is filled with vacationers and tourists in spring and summer, autumn and winter. But of course there are much more vacationers in the summer.

2. During what period of the year are prices for accommodation in hotels, apartments and private accommodation in the city of Heviz higher?

Thermal Hungarian resorts, including Heviz, are popular all year round, so the occupancy of hotels, private apartments and, as a result, the price of accommodation does not experience strong seasonal fluctuations. But if you still want to save on accommodation, then do not plan a trip in the summer months, during the Christmas holidays and New Year. The lowest prices are in the month of February, this is the coldest and rather windy month of the year.

3. How much does it cost to enter the thermal complex of Lake Heviz?

The entrance ticket for a three-hour visit to the lake is two thousand six hundred forints, for four hours - two thousand nine hundred forints, and for one day - three thousand nine hundred forints.

You can buy a subscription for ten hours at a price of seven thousand five hundred forints and for twenty hours at a price of fourteen thousand forints. A ten-hour pass is valid for ten days after purchase, and a twenty-hour pass is valid for twenty days.

If you are going to come to the lake every day for several days, then it will be more profitable and convenient to purchase passes than to buy single tickets every day.

The price of entrance tickets is managed by the non-profit limited liability company "Heviz Medical Bath" and over the years it has changed upward, but only slightly.

4. What is it advisable to take with you to the lake?

I advise you to take with you a comfortable bag in which you can put a comfortable robe for the season, a towel, a change of shoes (rubber slippers), a swimsuit for women or swimming trunks for men. For swimming in the lake, buy a multi-colored swimming ring in advance, which are sold in many open-air shops and stalls in the city. It is not necessary to take a rubber swimming cap.

Leave all silver jewelry at home or in a hotel safe, as silver will darken under the influence of thermal water in Heviz. You can take a camera with you.

If your plan is to drink a cup of coffee or have something to eat at the bar on site, then it would be logical to take some cash forints with you. And if you have already purchased a subscription, then do not forget to take with you the plastic watch necessary to enter the lake.

5. Why do we need plastic watches, which are issued at the ticket office of the Heviz complex when paying for entrance tickets and season tickets, and how to use them?

At the time of payment, the complex's cash desks give you nice magnetic bracelets-watches, which it is advisable to put on your hand. For these hours, if you buy a subscription, an additional deposit of one thousand forints is paid at the box office. When entering the complex, this watch must be firmly attached to a special electronic turnstile with its round part.

From this minute the countdown of your paid time on the lake begins. When leaving, placing your watch on the turnstile stops the countdown time. If you purchased a subscription, then the magnetic clock remains with you until you use all the paid time. After the time has expired, the watch must be returned to the cashier and the deposit you left in the amount of one thousand forints will be returned to you. If you bought a one-time entrance ticket, then when leaving the complex, you must put your watch in a special compartment on the electronic turnstile.

6. Where is the entrance to the thermal complex of Lake Heviz?

The lake area can be accessed through three entrances. The main entrance is located opposite the building of the St. András Rheumatology Clinic. The second entrance is located near the bus station, from Deak Square and is open only in the summer.

There is another beautiful entrance in the newly built modern building of the complex, in the Festetics Bath, where those who wish have a great opportunity to relax in a well-equipped wellness area by purchasing an additional thin colored wrist bracelet at the ticket office for the price of one thousand seven hundred forints. If you are driving, there is convenient and inexpensive parking near the new building of the complex at a price of 200 forints per hour, and parking is free in winter.

Which entrance is more convenient for you to use is up to you, it will depend on where you live in Heviz or its surroundings. Just remember that you need to enter and exit the territory of the lake where you bought your entrance tickets and passes.

7. Where can I change clothes on the territory of the complex and leave personal belongings?

After you pass through the turnstile, you must further move to the locker room area. Before entering the locker rooms and directly in the locker rooms themselves, you can see small electronic boards on the walls. If you attach a magnetic clock to it, then on the display you will see the number of your individual locker and the paid time that you have left at the moment.

Remember your locker number, find it in the locker room area, open the locker in the way you already know (by attaching the round part of the watch to the lock), change into a swimsuit (there are special booths for this in the locker rooms), put your personal belongings in the locker and close it with using a watch. Make sure your locker is locked. Put on a robe, swim slippers, take a towel and a swimming ring with you and go to the bathing area along the long corridor.

8. Is it possible to leave valuables, documents and money in the locker room?

Of course, try not to take valuables with you to the lake, although we have never heard of cases of things going missing from lockers in the few years we have lived in Hungary. But I strongly advise against leaving cameras, phones and other valuables on chairs and sunbeds near the swimming area.

10. Is there an indoor swimming pool in the thermal complex?

If you entered through the central or new entrance, then after you have taken a shower, changed into bathing suits, and prepared for swimming, leaving the locker rooms, walk along the long corridor to the central part of the indoor bathhouse.

There are two swimming sections with warm, comfortable water and two sections with rather cool water, for those who like contrasting water treatments. In sections with warmer water there are always more swimmers; here you can also try an underwater massage, for which there is always a live queue on the water. The procedure is quite pleasant, so I recommend you try it.

Only if this happens during a cool or cold period of the year, you are unlikely to want to swim outside immediately after the massage, from the closed part of the bath to the lake, into the open air.

11. How to properly take water procedures on the lake?

In some places on the lake the depth is decent and reaches thirty-eight meters, so be careful when using a swimming ring. You need to know that doctors do not recommend active swimming on the lake, since the water is very active and the load on the heart is considerable. It is better to hang on the circle in a vertical position and try to relax without making sudden movements. This way, the maximum therapeutic effect of staying in Heviz water is achieved.

Do not organize sports swims on the lake, remember that you are not in the pool or at sea. You should be calm, relaxed and try to get maximum pleasure from being in the warm, crystal clear and healthy waters of the lake. A course of daily swimming in the lake will definitely help you cope with the stress that awaits us everywhere in our hectic life.

Do not stay in the lake for more than half an hour continuously. After half an hour, doctors advise taking a short ten or fifteen minute break. You can drink mineral water, a cup of tea or juice, and lie on the sun loungers, of which there are quite a lot on the territory of the complex. If it's hot and sunny, you can sunbathe on the open terraces or on the grass next to the lake. With this regime, it is not recommended to stay in the water for more than one and a half hours a day.

12. Are there any contraindications for swimming in Heviz water and for what diseases are water procedures useful?

Doctors do not recommend swimming in Heviz water for children under twelve years of age. For children there is a separate beach on the territory of the complex and an outdoor small but very nice children's pool and playground.

Water procedures are recommended for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, for the treatment of rheumatism, the nervous system, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, and chronic gynecological diseases.

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tagPlaceholder Tags: travel, 2013

  • #1

    Hello, Natasha. Let me make a small clarification: the cost of a 10-hour subscription for September 2013 is already 7,500 forints. Thanks for the always up-to-date sketches.

  • #2

    Olga Konovalova (Thursday, 10 October 2013 08:25)

    Well, just a wonderful recommendation on how and what to do when you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the miraculous water of the lake. Heviz. This is important when you are there for the first time. Thank you, Natasha! But I still don’t know how to convert your forints into rubles, for example, in order to appreciate this pleasure.

  • #3

    Thank you very much for the detailed story. I received all the information I was looking for on the Internet. There is only one question left. Do I need to book an apartment in advance or can I find an apartment. upon arrival, just walking around the city or does it also depend on the season?

  • #4

    Natalya, thank you, very interesting!
    Where can you drink healing water directly from the source?

  • #5

    Andrey, in Heviz the public drinking pump room is located on Erzsebet Kiralyne street, not far from the St. Andras dispensary. Look for the inscription on the wall near the Ivokút entrance. And read the note Heviz medicinal drinking water:

  • #6

    Irina, I am of the opinion that it is better to book apartments in advance, rather than run around the city looking for housing.

  • #7

    Thank you very much Natalya! Very useful information, but what to do if you are hypertensive with musculoskeletal problems? Where can I get a consultation? Is it possible, and for how long? We arrive in Heviz at the end of November and could prepare (collect the necessary medical documents).

  • #8

    Good afternoon everyone! I would like to add about where you can drink healing water closer to the lake. This is inside the covered entrance to the lake park on the city side. There is also an entrance to the clinic. Admission is free, the fountain is free, there is never a line. There is also a pharmacy where you can buy dirt in a 5-liter bucket at a very reasonable price.

  • #9

    Be careful! German women steal swimsuits from lockers. Tested by our family!

  • #10

    Irina (Thursday, 10 October 2013 20:56)

    I think that for an open reservoir, the water temperature of 22 degrees in winter is very little. How are things going in November and April? Can you swim in the lake for a long time and how comfortable is it? Or should we rely on indoor baths?

  • #11

    There are always people who want to swim outdoors in the lake, all year round, but of course there are fewer of them than those who prefer an indoor swimming pool in the cool season. My husband and I often swim in the lake in winter, but no more than half an hour in the open air.

  • #12

    Oleg (Monday, 14 October 2013 01:00)

    Oh, how I missed this information in the summer, especially about lockers. I had to drag around with my bag and shove it under the sun lounger. It was probably noticeable that we were Russian. :)

  • #13

    Olga (Friday, 28 March 2014 05:38)

    I heard so much about the lake from a friend. Her sister has been living in Hungary for many years. I really want to visit this place. I’ve already tried to find out on the Internet what and how. Natasha, can you tell me what the approximate ratio of the forint to the ruble is?

  • #14

    Olga. if you want, you need to realize your desire and come to relax on Lake Heviz.
    Regarding the question of the ratio of the forint to the ruble, the Hungarian forint is equal to 0.158 rubles as of March 28, 2014.

  • #15

    Olga Johnson (Sunday, 06 April 2014 18:41)

    It was interesting to read about Lake Heviz. I really love visiting thermal spa centers; on our trips we always try to visit them if they exist. I have never swam in a thermal lake before. I was in Hungary many years ago and we went on an excursion to the thermal complex, but I don’t even remember the name :)

  • #16

    We’ve already been to Heviz three times, and now we’re going again in May. Before this we stayed in hotels, but now we decided to stay in apartments, we’ll see how it goes. In addition to the first time, we get to Heviz via Vienna - there are more convenient flights and a little cheaper. I really like Heviz - it’s a calm, pleasant European town, on weekends there are some concerts and fairs in the square near the lake. You can get to Balaton either by public transport, or by renting an inexpensive car (fox avtorent) or by bicycle min. 25. Excellent place.

  • #17

    Elena (Sunday, 08 June 2014 20:23)

    Oh, thank you for such an article, everything was explained so well. My husband and I are planning to go in a couple of weeks, we are looking for a more convenient place to rent...

  • #18

    Good article, we arrived from Heviz a week ago, it was nice to read.
    20 hours in the lake now costs 14,000 forints, the exchange rate is 1 euro - 300 forints (+ - 3f.)
    For those who are traveling for the first time, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a hotel; the villa will provide all the conditions for a much lower price. There are fewer Europeans in Heviz - there is a crisis, they are saving money, every second villa has a sign “Vacant rooms”. There are many more Russians than last year, and the staff of shops, salons and restaurants already speaks and understands Russian much better. And another important detail - an absolutely non-party place, the average age of a holiday-goer is 75-75 years old, no high heels, flip-flop shorts and relax! Everyone has excess weight, gray hair, wrinkles and a good mood)))

  • #19

    You can also organize a separate attraction with a swim in the lake))) After swimming in the lake, swim into the bathhouse through the cool sector into the hot one. Slowly open the heavy wooden sluice door, see the difference in the color and clarity of the water, and plunge from cool to hot. Cold water is bright blue, transparent, clean, and hot water is milky blue, opaque, with pieces of peat floating in it and a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.

  • #20

    Starting this year, you can wear a bracelet through any entrance. We preferred the distant one, there are much fewer people in the locker room, less fuss. Find the centrifuge in the locker room near the exit and wring out the swimsuits and swimming trunks before leaving.

  • #21

    I arrive in the morning in September at Budapest International Airport.
    How to get from the airport to the Nepliget bus station, I found out that buses depart from it to Heviz.

  • #22

    Tell me, how advisable is it to buy dirt in a 5-liter bucket with you? Is it dry? I’m just wondering how long it lasts and whether it loses its healing properties.. Thank you!

  • #23

    Victoria, the mud is sold ready-made. Once opened, the bucket is stored like any other. How long it will last you will depend on the amount of application and coverage areas. You need to buy it and try it. Dirt can cause allergic reactions, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • #24

    Natalya, I once wrote a story about Budapest, I often look at your site.
    My husband and I are going to Hungary for 2 weeks. I’m collecting information, planning a trip for the beginning of August, for 10-14 days. I wrote an advertisement on your website regarding rental housing, but there is no response, the hotel has not yet been booked. Do you sometimes rent out housing? I really need information about restaurants, cafes in Heviz, Keszthely, Veszprém, Székesfehérvár and Tikhon, location, prices, reviews, where it’s delicious. Is it possible to travel by boat from Keszthely to Tichony and back? I know that this type of transport runs around Balaton, but I can’t find either ticket prices or schedules, although I understand Hungarian. What else can you see there besides the abbey and sunset. Thanks for the information about the lake, although I still have a couple of questions. Are sunbeds free of charge or can you bring a towel for relaxation and an umbrella or a wide-brimmed sun hat? Is it possible to bring your own swimming ring? Can I use sunblock? :) I'm looking forward to your answer.
    I will be glad to meet you in Heviz.

  • #25

    Hello. Please tell me about contraindications. I read in one of the reviews that varicose veins are also a contraindication. And I started planning the trip, although I haven’t bought tickets yet. Judging by the information you give, you are a real specialist. Please answer, is it worth going to Lake Heviz if you have varicose veins?

  • #26

    What is the weather like in May and the water on Lake Heviz? who can tell?

  • #27

    Great tips! Thanks a lot! I received all the answers to the questions that were bothering me!

  • #28


  • #29

    I can’t understand - you buy a 10-day subscription and you can stay there every day for as many hours as you want? But the subscription is called ten-hour for 10 days. How do you understand - this is an hour for every day?

  • #30

    Tatyana, The subscription is valid for 10 hours and can be used for 10 days. Do you want to relax for an hour in the bathhouse for ten days? Do you want 5 days, two hours each? Whatever suits you.

  • #31

    Please tell me how to get to Heviz from Vienna? From Ufa there are direct flights to Vienna.

The Hungarian thermal lake Heviz attracts tourists not only because of its healing power and indescribable beauty. Many independent travelers choose it because of the opportunity to relax very economically while receiving a range of medical procedures. Another positive point is that flight options and methods of moving from the airport to Heviz itself are easily accessible to the average resident.

Lake Heviz – a world-famous health resort

The 4.7 hectare lake is located in the center of a large park. The source, which releases about 85 million liters of hot water daily, ensures that the water ball is completely renewed within 28 hours. The maximum depth is about 36 m. Summer water temperature is 34-36 degrees, winter – not lower than 23-25 ​​degrees.

There are recreation centers and sanatoriums on the lake and around it. They operate all year round, so tourists planning a holiday on their own do not need to worry about choosing the optimal time to travel.

Features of healing Heviz water

The history of the hydrogen sulfide lake as a mineral spring dates back to 1975. Then its owner was Count Dyorgy Fashtetic. He was the first to use his entrepreneurial skills and open Heviz as a resort and health complex. The lake also has a significant history - after swimming in it, the daughter of a count from the Tatika castle, paralyzed on both legs, recovered.

Multiple medical studies and repeated cases of recovery do not question the effectiveness of water. Welcome to the most economical and truly therapeutic Hungarian resort!

How to get there

The main point: to Hungary you need a valid Schengen visa (you can get it at the Hungarian consulates in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg). The service fee is 35 euros. See the website ​​for all the information you need.

Via Vienna (180 km)

Austrian Airlines provides direct flights to Vienna from Domodedovo (by the way, they have flights from St. Petersburg), Aeroflot sends from Sheremetyevo, and Transaero is also successfully engaged in transportation. The minimum price of a two-way ticket is approximately 7 thousand rubles. If you book a ticket through the airline’s website, you will have to pay about 500 rubles more.

In order to “tailor” the hotel reservation to the departure of the plane and thus not overpay for the hotel if the time is slightly different, we do this: when issuing an air ticket, indicate cash payment, the system will issue an automatic plane reservation for 72 hours (so that you have time to pay in cash). Next, we search for a hotel and book it specifically for the time of arrival. After booking the hotel, we call the airport operators and ask them to change the form of payment to electronic. We pay for the ticket. An electronic ticket will be sent to your email. The registration itself takes place within 24 hours before departure.

There is a regular bus from Vienna to Heviz. Another cheap way: airport-metro-train station-Keszthely or Balatonszentgyorgy-bus to Heviz. In total, both methods cost 25-40 euros.

Transfers. The pricing policy of travel agencies on average is 100-120 euros for 2-3 people one way (taxi - over 120 euros). For example, you can use the services of

Via Budapest (200 km)

The best option is to use Wizz Air airlines (you can book on the company’s website). The plane lands in Sarmallek (Hévíz-Balaton airport). The price of a two-way ticket is from 70 euros. The distance to Heviz is 13 km, there are buses (for example, a tourist bus costs 25 euros/person in two directions; one of the transfer companies is Schedule of regular buses on the website

You can fly to Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport (ticket prices from Moscow, St. Petersburg from 60-70 euros), from there order a transfer or get to Heviz by regular bus. By the way, popular travel companies that can take you to Heviz are Robinson Tours, 1000 Roads, Vedi Tour Group Hungary, etc.

Accommodation and meals

We all understand that if a town is a resort town and world famous, then there are plenty of options for living in it. You can choose a hotel for yourself on many websites, for example, Among the most popular and positive hotels in Heviz are “Carbona”, “Evropa Fit”, “Danubius”, “Lotus Therme Rogner”, “Palace Hotel Hévíz”, etc. Prices are indicated on the websites of hotels or from tour operators. Nutrition and procedures are an individual choice. At the hotel, the average price for breakfast is 10 euros, dinner – 20 euros. When making a reservation, pay attention to bank commissions and who is charged this commission. There are cases when, due to the presence of intermediary banks that do not advertise themselves during the transaction, the total commission amount was equal to 30%!

Another accommodation option is renting apartments. The cheapest ones cost from 10 euros/day for 2 people. For a complete therapeutic holiday, you can go to any hotel and purchase a package of procedures without staying on site. The package amount is on average 150 euros/6 procedures. A huge plus is that for this money you get access to swimming pools and a thermal complex. If we consider the price range of each individual procedure, it is 10-20 euros (for example, a general massage is about 16 euros/50 minutes).

Meals in the apartments. Many shops, catering establishments, cafes, restaurants and a functioning market 3 times a week will not let you die of hunger. By the way, vacationers prefer to buy cheeses, local sausages, smoked meats, domestic chickens, berries and fruits, honey, nuts, and various preserves at the market (the signature thing is “smiling” jars). Prices in stores and on the market are approximately equal to Russian prices, and in some cases food is even cheaper than at home. For example, you can treat yourself to a sweet cake for about 70 rubles or three scoops of ice cream in a bowl for 35 rubles.

Special mention should be made of Heviz wines. Dry wines in Hungarian are “szaráz”, sweet wines are “edes”, semi-sweet wines are “feledes”. Not far from the lake there is a “Wine Hill” - the choice is incredibly chic. Here you can try homemade wines by the glass - 500 forints/liter. Vintage wine "Heviz" costs 2200 forints/bottle - it has a very special and memorable taste. The average price for wine is 2000-2500 forints.

Features of relaxation on the lake

To get to the lake itself, you need to buy a subscription. For example, a 20-hour subscription costs 40-50 euros. For a deposit of 3 euros, you will be given a special bracelet, which is an electronic key to all services in the bathhouse. When entering, this bracelet must be applied to the turnstile. Your personal locker will be displayed at a special display using a bracelet. When leaving the bath, you must put on a bracelet to stop time.

Apartment owners often offer discount coupons to their tourists. Do I need to take anything to the lake? It is advisable to take bathrobes, dry towels, beach slippers, swimming circles (in stores their price ranges on average from 3.8-4.5 euros, but you can ask for a circle in the pool, then it will cost free).

The Heviz pass includes mud in the open part of the lake and a salt cave. If you have any questions, please contact the staff; among them there is always at least one Russian speaker (by the way, the badges indicate the flags of the countries whose language the employee speaks). In addition, there are a lot of Russians on the lake - it’s incredibly easy to find a soul mate!

  • Many vacationers recommend buying a ten-hour pass. In total it is much cheaper than all the others.
  • There are Sberbank ATMs in Heviz, which is very beneficial for saving money while traveling. There are also ATMs with a choice of Russian menus. Try to use cards when paying for services, food, rent, etc. Terminals are available at most service locations. Think about how much you can save in euros without cashing them out unnecessarily (of course, you should always have the cash you need to enter the country with you, but smart tourists take it home later).
  • (especially for those staying in apartments). It is best to make an appointment with your chosen doctor by email! The hotel will most likely tell you that there are no places available or will offer you a date in a week or a week and a half.

What to see in the area

All life in this place is centered around the lake, but, nevertheless, if you want to see the surrounding area, soak in the history and see colorful Hungary, pay attention to the excursions advertised everywhere. The price of these is 40-80 euros for a variety of directions.

While relaxing on Lake Heviz at your leisure you can see:

  • Festetics Castle in Keszthely;
  • Balaton coast;
  • Badacsonytomaj distillery and Peter Varga distillery;
  • Sümeg fortress (knight tournaments);
  • surroundings of Tihany, Zalakaros, Tapolca, Kehida, etc.

Useful information: renting a car in Heviz costs about 40 euros/day. The longer the car is rented, the cheaper the cost. For example, from 15 days it turns out to be 25 euros/day. Speed ​​limits are 40-90 km/h. Paid parking – 1-2 euros/hour.

I read about Heviz from Axler. I had never heard of the existence of this place before. I read about a healing thermal lake, after which the lame throw away their crutches and begin to actively cut circles in the surrounding pine forest and thought: “Oh, I wish I could go there to treat my legs and spine!”
And then, when we had the idea of ​​going on vacation to Hungary, I immediately decided: we’ll visit Heviz too! Even though we only have 8 days in Hungary (half of which are in Budapest itself) and they usually go to a sanatorium for three weeks, but still!
And we were very pleased!

From Budapest to Heviz it takes about 2.5 hours by bus. Heviz is located just 6 km from the western tip of the famous Lake Balaton (they were once one body of water).

Road to Heviz. Sunflower fields. On the horizon is Lake Balaton (we drove around it in a wide arc for quite some time).

Heviz is a small southern town. There are about four and a half thousand permanent residents there. Even the school, it seems, is only one. But this is a popular year-round resort, because people go there for the healing lake, and its temperature in winter is +24, and in summer up to +35.

Apart from a few multi-storey sanatoriums, Heviz is a town of two-storey cottages. "Villas", as they are usually called there. Local residents live in cottages and rent cottages to visitors. The town is extremely cute and picturesque. All the cottages were built with imagination, with decorations, all are different, all of them stand on well-groomed plots, literally buried in flowers and greenery. We would think about the owner of any such cottage that “a rich businessman, he stole.” And everyone lives there like that, there is no other housing. Perhaps some of these cottages have several apartments, I don’t know.
The town is very clean and green. What makes the town even more picturesque is that it is located at the foot of the mountains and itself stands on hilly terrain. The streets go up and down. And suddenly, from the next intersection, you will have a magnificent view of the valley below, and beyond it - the mountains.

"Villa Natalia" where we lived. The two-story building has six “apartments,” three per floor. Very cozy. Two rooms - "living room-hall-hall-aka-kitchen" and a bedroom. We got a room on the second floor, with skylights. The ceiling is naturally sloping. Someone at booking complains about such rooms, but on the contrary, we really liked it. On each floor there is a large common veranda with plastic tables and chairs, and each room has its own drying rack for swimsuits and towels. And swimming circles were included with the numbers.

The owner of our villa speaks Russian well, and many Russians stay with him. Which he had taken into account. :) Interesting choice. ;)

All sorts of other houses.

Attila duck.

Here's a decoration - a display case with cacti, right on the street. Nothing is written about any sale, so it's just like that.

And this is the decoration of the site. Take a closer look at what the flower pots are attached to. ;)

This is also a street. Leads to the lake. A town on the hills.

We didn’t have hats, so when we went for a walk, we took a bottle of water with us and constantly wet the top of our heads - my mother’s old method. There were no problems with heat strokes. Although it was very hot. In order not to forget about precautions, I had to remind myself: “we are almost in Crimea.”

There is no public transport. It's just not there at all. ;) The area of ​​the entire town (somehow I’m drawn to numbers) is about 8 square meters. km, why do they need transport? ;) Everyone has their own car. From the small, quiet bus station, buses run several times a day to Budapest and the nearby town of Keszthely, which is located on the shores of Lake Balaton. It is only 5 km away. If we had an extra day, we would just walk there.
The only “public transport” in Heviz is a children's train with several carriages, like in our parks.

Once every half hour it departs from the main square and makes a circle around Heviz. The cost of the “circle” is 1000 forints (a little more than 200 rubles). But it is not children who ride it, but adults. It is especially in demand in the late afternoon, when the swimming pool on the lake closes, and tourists (naturally, the locals don’t go there) go to the “wine hill” to restaurants.
Although... for some it’s a “wine hill”, and for others it’s the ancient village of Egredy... This is the outskirts of Heviz. The way there is an upward climb, but the climb is not particularly steep, and you can walk there in about 25 minutes. At the top there are small family vineyards. Locals are engaged in winemaking and also run restaurants. This is where people go to party in the evenings with a gorgeous view of the valley.
It’s good to take a walk in Egredy in the morning, while there are no tourists there yet. We went on Sunday, set off at about 11 o'clock, and were rewarded - everything around was as if extinct, quiet, beautiful, and it all belonged to us alone. ;) Details to come.


Although you will read about Lake Heviz that it is the largest thermal lake in Europe, but in comparison with their hefty (and famous) Balaton (which is marked on any map of Europe), Heviz, as the famous song says, is “like God spat.” ;) It is written on the Internet that the area of ​​the lake is 47,500 square meters. But, for example, this doesn’t mean much to me; I normally imagine square meters in my imagination only if they are approximately the same order of magnitude as the rooms in my apartment. ;) Let's just say that if Lake Heviz had the shape of a regular circle, then the diameter of this circle would be 122 meters - this is approximately the length of a standard football field + there are about 12-14 rows of stands on both sides. This is the lake. :)
The word viz means "water". He-viz is some kind of water. I wanted to ask the locals, but didn’t get around to it. The Internet claims that this is a “warm spring”, “hot spring”, “flowing hot water”.

Picture from Wikipedia.

The depth of Lake Heviz is from 2 to 38 meters. There are warnings about this everywhere so that people can calculate their strength. You can't get to the bottom even right next to the shore. The maximum is that your feet will sink into the silt, which cannot support a person. The thickness of the silt layer is about half a meter. It is soft, pleasant to the touch, and if you trample on it, bubbles with a faint smell of hydrogen sulfide will rise up.
Where the bottom allows, handrails are made on the lake, secured in the bottom with supports. There are many of them. They are only absent in the main crater of the lake, which is located next to the central bathhouse. At the bottom of the crater there is a spring feeding the lake. The bathhouse has a mini-museum telling the history of the lake. It's a pity that I didn't take pictures there. I was sure that everything was on the Internet, but in the end I had difficulty finding one picture that someone had taken in that very museum.

But in the park there is a model of the lake and the surrounding area, where the bottom topography is clearly visible. (Especially when the water dries out in the evening, which is added there “for clarity”).

The bottom of the crater ends with a channel leading to a cave, which was explored by Hungarian scuba divers in the 70s. They discovered that the cave was divided in half by a layer of mud, and in one part there was a “cold” spring (about +17), and in the other there were about a dozen hot springs (with temperatures from +23 to +38). All of them, mixing, feed the lake. Two channels flow out of the lake. It is written that in about a day the water in the lake is completely renewed. Its temperature does not depend at all on the time of day. We went swimming both in the morning and at the end of the day (a hot southern summer day) - we didn’t feel any difference in temperature.

People go to the lake to swim with circles. The water in it is warm, the body in the water immediately becomes covered with bubbles, like the walls of a glass of soda. Mineral water bath. ;) You immediately feel soft and don’t really want to swim. Both the circles and handrails are needed so that people can use the entire area of ​​the lake. Well, for safety too. There are a lot of elderly and disabled people there. For disabled people there are special descents to the water, even something like a wheelchair lift. And the lifeguard on duty floats around the lake all day long in something between a boat and a catamaran. ;) He didn’t have to save anyone with us, but he sometimes whistled at naughty teenagers.

Sociological retreat. ;) In general, Heviz is a very calm resort, by no means a “cattle resort”. It has a reputation for healing, so people don’t stop going there. There are very few young people. There are also much fewer children than in ordinary seaside resorts. Obviously, they simply take children with them if there is nowhere to place them. They take dogs in the same way. ;) There are a lot of vacationers in Heviz who come with their dogs. Of course, they are not allowed into the lake;), but in a cafe, giving the dog a bowl of water while the owners are having lunch is not a question.

As for the nationalities of vacationers, the most heard in Heviz, of course, is Hungarian. In second place are German and Russian. A lot of Russians, yes. And it’s very convenient in such a place. Russian grandmothers always know everything in the smallest detail - where, what, how, where is better, etc. :) Less often, but also more than once, we heard Polish speech. And finally our neighbor in the villa told us that he is Croatian. That's all. In general, we didn’t see a single Chinese, Japanese (there are a lot of them in Budapest) or Africans (but there are very few of them in Budapest).
The retreat is over. :)

It is written everywhere on the Internet that it is not recommended to stay in the lake for more than 30 minutes at a time. And we understood why. After 30 minutes you are already so wet, warmed up and softened that you yourself want to dry off and cool down.

By the way, at some point I was worried whether we would enjoy swimming in such heat in a thermal lake, and not in refreshing cool water. Okay, we got it. ;) It's nice to swim. It’s very pleasant to go into the lake; you don’t have to get used to the water. :) It’s nice that it is completely warm, and not just the top, heated layer, as in the reservoirs we are used to. It’s nice that it’s good to just sit in it (well, that is, hang), without necessarily moving. And then you come to the surface - and the air is cooler than the water. ;)

There is a separate mud bath in the lake, where a shallow pool is specially made, into which silt is shoveled (or it deposits itself) from the bottom. There, everyone is smeared up to their ears with healing mud, and many men even smear it on their bald spots. The depth there is such that if you kneel down, your shoulders will stick out of the water. Many people stand there with their knees and feet in the mud.

The water in the lake is not salty, but tastes fresh. It's full of mineral salts, but not sodium chloride. They not only bathe in the healing water, they also drink it. Near the lake itself, a good prestigious place is occupied by the St. Andras Hospital (which on Russian signs is called the St. Andrew Hospital, this “im.” touched me separately). And in the hospital lobby, everyone is given free access to such a beautiful pump room.

Due to some peculiarities, water from the lake cannot be bottled, only drunk on the spot. Apparently, it is only passed through the simplest filter to retain pieces of silt and all that. The taste is the most common, like plain water, but when drinking you can smell hydrogen sulfide. Drink medicinal water on an empty stomach; it is recommended to drink it slowly, in small sips, while walking. Therefore, before breakfast, people head to the pump room, fill the dishes, and then slowly go home, drinking some water along the way. For the first time, while drinking, I very quickly had a feeling, like during a gastroscopy, when the stomach is “inflated” with air so that it expands. Then this gas gradually leaves you for half a day. ;) The next time the feeling was weaker.
But the most interesting thing! I went to the lake without any prior belief about the healing effect. In general, I am the kind of person (tested by experience) for whom the placebo effect does not work. If the drug or procedure itself works, it works. But convincing my body of something is almost impossible. ;)
In general, I did not feel any orthopedic changes after swimming in the lake. Logically, we were there for only 4 days and went swimming only 5 times. But... I arrived in Hungary with a slight exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis (and, accordingly, a supply of medications). So, after two days of drinking this water from the lake, I suddenly joyfully and bewilderedly woke up in the morning without a girdle pain in the middle of my stomach, and after eating there were no more problems. Everything went so nicely.

About flora and fauna.

Lotuses grow in the lake all year round. There are two varieties - native local, lilac (which for some reason is called “white lily” in the museum) and bright pink, imported from India in the 19th century. The Indian guest settled down perfectly in Heviz and became a symbol of the city; he appears on the coat of arms of Heviz and on numerous souvenir magnet postcards. Which is not entirely fair at all. ;) Indian lotuses bloom at night and close around 11am. Therefore, I was not able to really photograph them - I took the camera to the lake only when we went there in the evening. But local lilies bloom all day. I really wanted to take a closer picture of them. In the end, I decided on this adventure: I put on two circles, carefully picked up my camera and slowly, using only my legs, swam to the flowers.

The first photo clearly shows both varieties side by side.

There are also large numbers of ducks on the lake. They are used to it, swimming almost among groups of tourists, relaxing on the handrails in the middle of the lake. The stands clearly warn: do not pick lotuses, do not chase ducks. :)

Part of the area around the lake has been turned into a relaxation area. There are plenty of comfortable sunbeds, chairs, small cafes, and some slides for kids. There people dry off and sunbathe between swims.

But there is no access to part of the shore. There is beautiful wildlife and duck habitat there. :)

Fry swim in large numbers in the lake. Several species of fish live there. I remembered carp and pike perch. True, there are no fishermen on the lake. Maybe, of course, some watchmen fish at night? ;)

There are also many swallows there. There are two types - the classic "city swallow", black and white, and the "country swallow" with a yellow throat and bluish underwings. Swallows make their nests under the floor of the bathhouse, where there are supports. You can only see them from the water.
Once while relaxing in the lake right next to the bathhouse, I noticed several fully grown swallows sitting on a bracket above the supports of the bathhouse. One was sitting in the nest, and two were on the “perch”. From time to time another swallow would fly there, and then they would all start screaming loudly. Having looked closely, I saw that a swallow had arrived and was feeding those who were sitting there. They open their mouths wide and scream, and she shoves food into their beaks. At the same time, the sizes of the sitting swallows and the arriving one were exactly the same - not some kind of chicks. What kind of lazy, over-aged people are these? ;) I decided to restore justice. First I threw a piece of mud at them. The silt did not reach, but the swallows, as A. said, glanced at him in bewilderment and indifference and remained in place. "Oh, yes!" - I said and splashed water at them. With an indignant squeak, the swallows took off and whistled very cheerfully over the surface of the lake somewhere towards the shore. It's full of dragonflies and other insects. That's right, they're big already, there's no point in counting on mommy and daddy.
The one in the nest was not touched. Although the time has already passed for the little chicks, but in the end, you never know...

And here is such a beautiful main entrance to the bathhouse and the alley leading to it.

Small Hungarian town Heviz known throughout the world as the bathing city. Tourists from many countries around the world come here both in winter and summer. They come to plunge into the waters of the world's largest thermal reservoir - Lake Heviz, known for its healing properties since the mid-17th century.

Lake Heviz is unique both in its size and in the chemical composition of its water. In Europe - the only one, but on the planet - the second.

The area of ​​the lake is 4.7 hectares.
The springs feeding the lake are located in a sub-lake cave with a diameter of 18 m. From here come two thermal springs with water temperatures of +42°C and +38°C, and one mineral spring, with a water temperature of +17°C, and here they mix.

The lake has the shape of a funnel, the depth of which reaches 38 m. In the summer months, the water temperature is +30 +32°C, and in the coldest winter months +24 +26°C. In winter, when the air temperature drops, steam rises above the lake. Locals say: "The lake is smoking."

The water in the lake is completely renewed within 28 hours and always remains clean.

The hot water coming from the source, breaking up on the surface into radial jets, slowly rotates clockwise. Due to this constant mixing, the water temperature is the same at all points of the lake. Cooled water from the surface circulates downwards, and hot water from the depths rises up. Counter currents and clouds of steam are formed in the lake, enveloping Heviz, due to which the water temperature in it is approximately uniform throughout the entire space. Moreover, the water in Heviz is completely renewed and always remains clean.

Lake Heviz is surrounded by a protected forest with an area of ​​50 hectares, which provides the resort with a special, unique healing microclimate.

The silt that lies in a multi-meter layer at the bottom of the thermal lake has extraordinary healing properties. The bacterial flora of sludge produces a weak antibiotic, so there are no pathogenic bacteria in the water.

Biological studies have shown that the mud covering the bottom of Heviz with a meter-thick layer contains hormonal substances - estrogens. But these studies were carried out much later. It turned out that sulfur, carbon dioxide, radon, which are contained in water, play a big role in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Water procedures and mud applications are also useful for rheumatic and gynecological diseases, venous circulation disorders, and inflammation of the nerves.

Water lilies of unusual shape and color, reminiscent of exotic countries. A botanist brought these plants from India. He decided to plant them in a warm lake, and the experiment was a success. Over time, water lilies became a kind of calling card of Heviz and were even depicted on the city’s coat of arms.
Heviz owes much of its fame to the Hungarian aristocrat Festetics, who was seriously involved in the development of local infrastructure - he built baths and bathhouses. And, importantly, he disseminated information about the healing lake among his fellow citizens.

Treatment on Lake Heviz

When treating at the Lake Heviz resort, physiological, natural healing factors for the body are used: a unique microclimate, healing thermal water and peat mud.

Therapeutic procedures of the Heviz resort

LAKE HEVIZ resort specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

diseases of the musculoskeletal system (all types of arthrosis and arthritis, osteoporosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, gout), rheumatism, gynecological diseases (chronic pelvic inflammatory processes, infertility, menstrual disorders, genital hypoplasia, menopausal problems, sexual disorders)

chronic inflammatory processes (chronic adnexitis adnexitis chron. with the possibility of cure), chronic parametritis, adhesions, certain anatomical incurable changes - to facilitate the process. Consequences of abscessus cavi Douglasi and purulent appendicitis with persistent consequences. Postoperative inflammatory processes.

hormonal hypofunctional conditions of girls and young women. Obesity, infertility, oligomenorrhoea (G.Langendörfer, R.Peter).
hormonal disorders (some forms of diabetes, thyroid)
dermatitis (allergic reactions, psoriasis)
postoperative and post-traumatic rehabilitation.

The mineral springs of Heviz are also suitable for drinking and treat chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Please note that the hotel " Europe Fit 4* superior"At the Heviz resort there is an opportunity to take a drinking treatment course based on such famous Hungarian medicinal waters as " Mira», « Hunyadi Janos», « Ferenc József», « Paradis», « Salvus", which have a beneficial effect on the treatment of many diseases of the digestive system.

Consultations on drinking medicinal waters are provided by the hotel's therapists. This service is included in already compiled treatment packages.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Heviz

One of the highly effective healing factors of the Heviz resort is highly saturated with minerals mud, which cover the bottom of the lake with more than a meter layer.

They include organic substances - products of humification of plant residues, mineral compounds, the elements of which come from traso-dolomites and Pannonian limestone, the chemical composition largely repeating the composition of lake water, hormone- and vitamin-like substances. The microflora of the mud produces antibiotics in small quantities, due to which pathogenic bacteria and blue-green algae are not found in the lake. Another distinctive feature of Heviz mud is the absence of an unpleasant odor, which makes it especially suitable for therapeutic wraps and compresses.

The main groups of gynecological diseases for which mud therapy is indicated:

    Chronic inflammatory processes (chronic adnexitis adnexitis chron. with the possibility of cure)

    Chronic parametritis

    Adhesive process

    Certain anatomical incurable changes - to facilitate the process

    Consequences of abscessus cavi Douglasi and purulent appendicitis with persistent consequences

    Postoperative inflammatory processes.

    Hormonal hypofunctional conditions of girls and young women. obesity


    Oligomenorroe (G.Langendörfer, R.Peter).

Swimming in Lake Heviz

The healing water of Lake Heviz allows healthy people to swim for no more than 1.5 hours, and for rheumatic people - no more than half an hour.

Please note: thermal waters are unsuitable for beach swimming due to their pronounced biological effects. A long stay in the water of Lake Heviz causes increased stress on the heart and circulatory system.

The effect of the water of Heviz in Hungary is achieved by a combination: the temperature of the water and the healing mud and gas it contains. The bottom of Heviz is 80% composed of inorganic substances covering the bottom of the lake: sodium and calcium. Millions of gas bubbles and particles of dirt in the water, nicknamed “Heviz dandruff”, create the effect of a micro massage of the skin. The bubble gas covering the skin on the body penetrates the body and has a healing effect.

  • balneotherapy Based on the healing water of Lake Heviz, it occupies an important place among therapeutic procedures.
  • underwater pull-out bathtub used for various diseases of the spine.
  • hydromassage– a modern form of underwater massage: improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles; simultaneous use of aromatherapy relieves nervous tension.
  • various types of massage:
  • medicinal,
  • sports,
  • relaxing massage
    • mud applications: The therapeutic mud of Lake Heviz, due to its high content of microelements and heat-preserving ability, is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic gynecological diseases (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor).
    • contrast baths for hands and feet improve blood circulation, a galvanic bath has a beneficial effect in case of paralysis of nerve endings, and also has an analgesic and muscle-relaxing effect.
    • cryotherapy(cooling therapy) is used for inflammation of the joints, as well as for injuries.
    • medicinal compresses indicated for wear and tear of joints, they provide a good analgesic effect.
    • therapeutic exercises– one of the main procedures not only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also in case of disorders of the respiratory system and blood circulation.
    • magnetotherapy It is mainly recommended against insomnia, as well as headaches.
    • mineral bath recommended for improving blood circulation, as well as for high blood pressure.
    • electrotherapy:
  • diadynamics,
  • interference, infrared lamp, inhalation, iontophoresis,
  • combined ultrasound-electrical influence, oxygen therapy
  • TENS
  • ultrasound,
  • Electrotherapy has an analgesic, muscle relaxing, muscle strengthening effect and also improves blood circulation.
  • Water composition:


    * approximate rate 1 EUR = 300 HUF

    Visit to the lake (3 hours) 2,600 HUF
    Visit to the lake (4 hours) 2,900 HUF
    Lake visit - all day 3,900 HUF
    Visiting the lake with a subscription (10 hours) (A 10-hour subscription is valid for 10 days from the date of purchase of the ticket.) 7,500 HUF
    Visiting the lake with a subscription (20 hours) (A subscription for 20 hours is valid for 20 days from the date of purchase of the ticket.) 14,000 HUF
    Family ticket (2 adults) (3+1 hour), for each child under 16 years old: +1,000 HUF 5,200 HUF
    Wellness + 1,700 HUF
    Hot&Cold (2 hours) 3,000 HUF
    Relax (4 hours) Lake + Wellness 3,700 HUF
    Visit to the lake (3 hours) (with student card) 2,100 HUF
    Discounts for group visits (more than 20 people) (3 hours) 2,500 HUF
    Visitor ticket 30 minutes (deposit: 2,000 HUF) 7 00 HUF
    Supplement for additional time spent on the lake 20 HUF/min
    Cabin (Main season) (deposit price for the cabin key is 1,000 HUF) 1,000 HUF
    Towel (deposit price of a towel is 1,000 HUF) 1,000 HUF
    Swimming ring (deposit value 1,000 HUF) 600 HUF

    When purchasing a subscription, a deposit of HUF 1,000 is required. (~4 Euro) for each magnetic watch (bracelet). After the subscription expires, the magnetic watch (bracelet) must be returned to the cashier along with a check for the deposit, after which the deposit is returned. Refund of the deposit within 2 days after the end of the subscription period.

    Children under 6 years old go to the lake for free

    Opening hours of the thermal complex Heviz

    The lake is open every day.

    Opening time:

    Closing the cash register:

    Finish swimming:

    Lake closure:









    The new entrance to the lake is open from 09:00, the ticket office closes at 20:00. The new entrance building has a wellness area with saunas and jacuzzi, access to which costs an additional 1,500 HUF/person. (~6 Euro). Wellness closes at 20:30.


    • pregnancy
    • malignant tumors
    • infectious diseases
    • open wounds
    • increased thyroid function
    • acute heart failure
    • severe forms of bronchial asthma

    I was in Heviz in January. The weather was wonderful, from +3 to +10 degrees. heat. Lived in a hotel

    The location of the hotel is excellent, in the very center of Heviz, close to quiet streets with shops.

    4-5 minutes to a source of drinking water; to the thermal lake Heviz –Same; to the market – the same 4-5 minutes.

    The hotel has a large swimming pool, several Jacuzzis with different modes, saunas: Finnish, Turkish, aroma sauna and infrared sauna. The rooms are large. In many rooms located near the reception, the Internet works, and at the reception too.


    The best experience. When visiting the lake (you can buy a one-time ticket; you can have passes for 3 days, 10 days, etc.), after the locker room you walk through a long glass gallery on stilts to the main hall of the thermal pools and exits to the lake.

    Room it's indoor, with four fairly large pools and glass walls. The indoor air temperature in winter is +27. In 2 pools the water is +30, in 2 the same as on the lake, in winter it is always +24 +25 degrees. You can go down the stairs into the lake, or you can get into the lake directly from the two pools through the locks.

    In the lake it’s also +24, +25 in winter. (in summer up to +35). This entire structure is on stilts, like a platform, there are sun loungers, showers and changing cabins. There is also a cafe, etc. After visiting the lake - delight!

    Excursions to Budapest are offered from Heviz,

    Vienna, Bratislava, Bucharest, around the cities of Lake Balaton and other standard excursions. Full-day excursions (and they are mostly like that) cost between 80-100Є.

    We bought 2 excursions: to Budapest and to the cities of northern Lake Balaton. Both excursions are very interesting. But when traveling to Budapest there was a lot of fog, we didn’t see half of it, we didn’t see a panoramic view of the Danube River and the Parliament, etc. For those who travel to Heviz in winter, you need to keep this in mind.

    Now about the cons. Don't change money at the airport! Losses can be up to 25-28%. In many hotels you can change money on the spot.

    The prices are the same as at exchange offices. Do not buy goods and products in a hurry unless you intend to waste your money. For some reason, in Hungary because of our own mistakesthere were the greatest losses. Mostly prices for goods and products are in forints, but excursions, medical consultations and procedures are in euros. Many treatment services are offered partly in euros, partly in forints, it can get confusing.

    A consultation with a doctor costs 31-35 euros and lasts 7-10 minutes. The translator is with you, but you must formulate your questions in advance, and it is better to consult a doctor at home.

    It is best to go to Heviz for treatment of a person’s musculoskeletal system, if the cardiovascular system allows, otherwise the quality of stay and treatment there may decrease by 50-60% due to contraindications and well-being. At the same time you can drink min. water from wells. Only a few hotels offer 4-5 types of mineral water. In most hotels you don’t need to count on professional treatment; the obstacle is language and lack of time. Of course, there are all kinds of massages and procedures everywhere (by the way, in salons and on the streets they are much cheaper than in hotels).

    But the main treatment is the water of Heviz Island, the lake is unique, beautiful and you can come there at any time of the year.

    Purchases. Bags made of genuine leather, reasonable prices. There is a very large selection of swimsuits, you can choose (at least in winter), the models and quality are very good. Prices from 10-15 euros to 45-60 euros.

    Products. I liked the marzipans. The cheeses that are praised on the Internet are less tasty than cheeses produced in Holland, there are only a few varieties, and the price is not much cheaper than Dutch ones.

    I really liked the Hungarian cuisine. Meat of all types: venison, wild boar, pork, beef, duck, chicken, poultry (quail); Both in hotels and in cafes, the food is very tasty.

    And one last thing. Anyone at the airport hoping to get a 20% refund on goods purchased in Hungary worth over 300 euros (with receipts) needs to be at the airport 2-2.5 hours in advance. After passing through passport control, persistently deal with this issue. After you achieve this, you will be charged another 7-8% for the conversion.

    After all, it is possible that passengers will board the plane on foot, along a corridor fenced with wire, along some temporary structures. Well, Hungarians don’t like Russians, and at the same time Ukrainians, as Russian speakers. In hotels and public places, Hungarians will treat you very kindly and correctly, but in other places they will not be particularly friendly. I liked my holiday in Heviz, but I don’t want to go a second time.

    Best regards L.

    website 10.0 from 10 based on 28 ratings. Total 21 customer reviews.


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