Beauty and Health Center “Harmony. Bor suburban bus schedule Borsky suburban bus schedule

BOR SCHEDULE OF SUBURBAN BUSES We draw your attention to changes in the bus schedule. No. 104 “Station - Razvilye”. Flights from the Station at 6:40, 17:00 are extended to Shpalozavod. Flights from the Station at 9:55, from Razvilye at 10:55 are introduced daily. Bus departure times: from the Station - 4:25, 6:40 (to Shpalozavod), 9:55, 12:15, 17:00 (to Shpalozavod ); from Razvilye – 5:25, 8:10, 10:55, 13:11, 18:30; from Shpalozavod – 7:55, 18:15; from Likhachi – 8:20, 11:05, 13:20 . No. 106 “Shpalozavod – Gardens (Kurochkino)” on Saturdays and Sundays: Bus departure time: from Shpalozavod – 7:35, 8:45, 9:55, 15:20, 16:30,17:40, 18:50 .s Gardens (Kurochkino) - 8:10, 9:20, 10:30, 15:55, 17:05, 18:15, 19:25. No. 109 "Station - Pikino". Flights from the Station at 9:05, from Pikino at 9:51 are introduced daily. Bus departure times: from the Station - 6:05 (weekdays), 6:35 (Sat., Sun), 9:05, 14:05, 17 :35; from Pikino – 6:51 (weekdays), 7:21 (Sat., Sun), 9:51, 14:51, 18:21. No. 114 "Station - Belkino". Flights from the Station at 9:00, from Belkino at 10:15 are introduced on Saturdays and Sundays. Flights from the Station at 16:50, from Belkino at 18:05 are introduced on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Bus departure times: from the Station - 9:00 (Sat., Sun), 16:50 (Fri., Sat., Sun .); from Belkino - 10:15 (Sat., Sun), 18:05 (Fri., Sat., Sun.). From Monday to Friday, buses of routes No. 111, 113 arrive in the village of BELKINO. Bus departure time along the route No. 111: from the Station - 4:45, 7:15, 10:25, 13:20 (check-in Tuesday, Thursday Belkino), 16:20 (check-in from Monday to Thursday Belkino), 18:55 (check-in daily Yamnovo) .from Ch. Borskoe – 5:45, 8:20, 11:25, 14:15 (check-in Tuesday, Thursday Belkino), 17:15 (check-in from Monday to Thursday Belkino), 19:45 (check-in daily Yamnovo) .Check in the village of BELKINO: at 14:35 (Tuesday, Thursday), 17:35 (from Monday to Thursday). Check-in at Yamnovo: at 20:10. Departure time of the bus on route No. 113: from the Station - 4:20 (from Monday to Friday check-in Belkino), 4:35 (Sat, Sun), 8:20, 11:55 (check-in daily Selishchi), 15:00 from Yamnovo - 5:50; 9:40 (daily), 13:15; 16:15. Check-in at the village of BELKINO: at 5:30 (from Monday to Friday). Check-in at Selishchi: 13:00. No. 118 "Station - Ivonkino-Ivanovo cordon." Flights from the Station at 11:45, from Ivonkino at 12:05, from Ivanovo cardon at 12:25 are introduced daily. Bus departure times: from the Station - 4:55, 6:25, 7:40, 10:15, 11: 45, 13:35, 15:05, 17:15, 18:45; from Ivonkino - 5:50, 7:15, 8:35, 10:35, 12:05, 13:55, 15:25, 17 :35, 19:05; from Ivanovo Cardon - 5:35, 7:00, 8:20, 10:55, 12:25, 14:15, 15:45, 17:55, 19:25. No. 124 "Station - PPK". Flights from the Station at 9:30, from PPK at 11:00 are introduced daily. Bus departure times: from the Station - 5:45, 9:30, 13:00, 17:40; from PPK (to the market) - 7:00, 11:00, 14:20, 18:50. No. 236 “N. Novgorod - Metrostroitel Gardens” - on Saturdays and Sundays: Bus departure time: from N. Novgorod - on Saturdays 8:00; from Metrostroitel Gardens - on Sundays 18:00. (Bus departure time: 04/30/2016 - 8:00 N. Novgorod; 05/03/2016 - 18:00 Metrostroitel Gardens; 05/07/2016 - 8:00 N. Novgorod; 05/09/2016 - 18:00 Metrostroitel Gardens) No. 237 “N.Novgorod - Gardens 1st Factory” Bus departure times on weekdays: from 1st Factory – 5:35, 6:35; from Gardens 1st Factory (weekdays) – 8:00, 16:17 , 17:30; 18:27 (to the station); from N. Novgorod (weekdays) – 6:05, 7:20, 15:40, 16:55, 18:00; Bus departure time on Saturdays and Sundays: from N. Novgorod – 7:00, 8:20, 9:00, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 13:00, 14:20, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17: 40, 18:20, 19:00; from Gardens 1st Factory – 7:40, 9:00, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:40, 15 :00, 16:20, 17:00,17:40, 18:20,19:00, 19:40. No. 19A “Station - Pichugino”. From May 01, 2016 to May 10, 2016, it is introduced daily. Bus departure times: from the Station - 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15; from Pichugino ( cemetery) – 10:35, 11:35, 12:35, 13:30, 14:35. Administration of Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Borskoe PAP" Tel. 2 13 94, 2 34 70

Schedule of route No. 2 “Market - 2nd microdistrict”

Departure from the market: 6-46, 7-52, 8-58, 10-31, 11-37, 12-43, 14-06, 15-12, 16-18, 17-24, 19-08, 20-25.

Departure from 2 pm: 6-13, 7-19, 8-25, 9-58, 11-04, 12-10, 13-16, 14-39, 15-45, 16-51, 18-35, 19-46, 21-05.

Schedule of route No. 3 “Market - M. Pikino”

Departure from the market: 5-48, 6-06, 6-24, 6-42, 7-00, 7-18, 7-36, 7-54, 8-30, 9-06, 9-42, 10-18, 10- 36, 10-54, 11-12, 11-30, 12-06, 12-42, 13-18, 13-54, 14-30, best remortgage 15-06, 15-42, 16-18, 17- 05, 17-37, 18-09, 18-24, 18-42, 19-00, 19-08, 19-48, 20-23, 21-06, 21-42, 22-18, 22-54, 23-45.

Departure from M. Pikino: 5-30, 6-06, 6-24, 6-42, 7-00, 7-18, 7-36, 7-54, 8-12, 8-48, 9-24, 10-00, 10-36, 10-54, 11-12, 11-30, 11-48, 12-24, 13-00, 13-36, 14-12, 14-48, 15-24, 16-00, 16-36, 17-21, 17-53, 18-24, 18-42, 19-00, 19-18, 19-36, 20-06, 20-41, 21-24, 22-00, 22-36, 23-10.

Schedule of route No. 4 “Pristan - Yurasovskaya”

Departure from the Pier: 6-30, 7-30, 8-30, 10-30, 11-30, 12-30, 14-30, 15-30, 16-30, 17-30, 18-30, 19-30.

Departure from Yurasovskaya: 6-00, 7-00, 8-00, 9-00, 11-00, 12-00, 13-00, 15-00, 16-00, 17-00, 18-00, 19-00, 20-00.

Schedule of route No. 5 “Market - 2nd microdistrict”

Departure from the Market: 6-20, 7-30, 14-30, 15-40, 16-40, 17-40.

Departure from 2 pm: 7-00, 8-10, 15-10, 16-10, 17-10.

Schedule of route No. 8 “Station – 1st factory”

Departure from the Station: 5-35, 6-35, 7-35, 9-35, 10-35, 11-35, 13-15, 14-15, 16-20, 18-15, 19-15, 20-15.

Departure from the 1st factory: 6-05, 7-05, 8-05, 10-05, 11-05, 12-05, 13-45, 14-45, 15-45, 17-05, 18-45, 19-45, 20-45.

Schedule of route No. 9 “Market - 2nd microdistrict”

Departure from the Market: 5-50, 6-50, 8-30, 14-05, 15-05, 16-05, 17-10, 18-30, 19-40.

Departure from 2 pm: 6-20, 7-20, 9-00, 14-35, 15-35, 16-35, 17-40, 19-00, 20-10.


Departure from the Market: 5-50, 6-50, 8-30, 9-30, 10-30,11-30.

Departure from 2 pm: 6-20, 7-20, 9-00, 10-00, 11-00, 12-00.

Schedule of route No. 19 “Station - Bolshaya Pikino”

Departure from the Station: 6-00, 6-30, 7-00, 7-30, 8-00, 8-30, 9-00, 9-30, 10-30, 11-30, 12-30, 13-00, 13- 30, 14-00, 14-30, 15-00, 15-30, 16-00, 16-30, 17-00, 17-30, 18-00, 18-30, 19-30, 20-30, 21-30, 22-26, 23-15 (Market).

Departure from B. Pikino: 5-30, 6-00, 6-30, 7-00, 7-30, 8-00, 8-30, 9-00, 9-30, 10-00, 11-00, 12-00, 13-00, 13-30, 14-00, 14-30, 15-00, 15-30, 16-00, 16-30, 17-00, 17-30, 18-00, 18-30, 19-00, 20-00, 21-00, 22-00, 22-51, 23-45.

Schedule of route No. 20 “Station – Pos. Okyabrsky"

Departure from the Station: 5-20, 5-44, 6-07, 6-30, 6-54, 7-17, 7-40, 8-05, 8-40, 9-15, 9-50, 10-25, 11- 00, 11-35, 12-10, 12-45, 13-20, 13-45, 14-10, 14-34, 14-57, 15-20, 15-44, 16-07, 16-30, 16-54, 17-17, 17-40, 18-25, 19-20 Market – 20-35, 21-47, 23-10.

Departure from the village. October: 5-55, 6-19, 6-42, 7-05, 7-29, 7-52, 8-15, 8-40, 9-15, 9-50, 10-25, 11-00, 11- 35, 12-10, 12-45, 13-20, 13-55, 14-20, 14-45, 15-09, 15-32, 15-55, 16-19, 16-42, 17-05, 17-29, 17-52, 18-15, 19-00, 19-55 Market – 21-11, 22-25, 23-45.

Schedule of route No. 102 “Station – Kerzhenets”

Departure from the Station: 4-40, 7-55, 11-30, 14-50, 18-00.

Departure from Kerzhenets: 5-45, 9-00, 12-35, 15-55, 19-10.

Schedule of route No. 103 “Station – Kr. Sloboda"

Departure from the Station: 6-50 (weekdays), 20-20 daily.

Departure from Kr. Sloboda: 7-20 (weekdays), 20-50-daily.

Schedule of route No. 104 “Station – Razvilye”

Departure from the Station: 4-25, 6-40, 9-55, 13-15, 16-30, 18-35.

Departure from Razvilya: 5-25, 7-35, 10-55, 14-11, 17-35, 19-35.

Schedule of route No. 107 “Station – Rustai”

Departure from the Station: 5-20, 17-10 ) Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

Departure from Rustai: 7-00, 19-00


From the Station: 9-10, 17-10

From Rustai: 11-00, 19-00

Departure on route No. 107-123 – Bor – “B. Orlovskoye – Rustai”

From the Station: 4-00, 17-45) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday From Rustai: 5-35, 19-25

Schedule of route No. 109 “Station – Gorodishchi”

Departure from the Station: 6-05, 13-05, 17-35, (6-35 – Saturday, Sunday)

Departure from Gorodishchi: 7-00, 14-00, 18-30, (7-30-Saturday Sunday)

Schedule of route No. 110 “Station – Filipovsky - Popovo”

Departure from the Station: 4-44, 9-25, 12-30, 17-05.

Departure from Gorodishchi: 6-55, 10-50, 14-55, 18-15.

Schedule of route No. 111 “Station – Ch. Borskoe”

Departure from the Station: 4-45, 7-15, 10-25, 13-20, 16-20, 18-55. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday flight 18-55 - arrival at Yamnovo)

Departure from Ch. Borsky: 5-45, 8-20, 11-25, 14-20, 17-30, 19-55. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday from Yamnovo 20-10)

Schedule of route No. 112 “Station – Zavrazhnoe”

Departure from the Station: 5-20, 11-55, 15-30.

Departure from Zavrazhny: 6-35, 13-10, 16-45.

Schedule of route No. 113 “Station – Yamnovo”

Departure from the Station: 4-35, 8-20, 11-20 summer, 11-55 winter.

Departure from Yamny: 5-50, 9-35, 13-15, 13-01 – winter 12-45 – summer, 15-50

Schedule of route No. 114 “Station – Belkino”

Departure from the Station: 4-45, 9-00 (Saturday, Sunday), 12-25, 16-50.

Departure from Nikitino: 6-00, 10-15 (Saturday, Sunday), 13-40, 18-05.

Schedule of route No. 115 “Station – 3 train stations. Sitniki"

Departure from the Station: 4-55, 7-05, 17-10.

Departure from 3 a.m. Sitniki: 5-55, 8-35, 18-25.

Schedule of route No. 118 “Station – Ivonkino – Iv. Cordon"

Departure from the Station: 4-45, 6-25, 7-40, 10-15, 11-45, 13-35, 15-05, 17-15, 18-45, 20-15.

Departure from Iv. Cordona: 5-35, 7-00, 8-20, 10-55, 12-25, 14-15, 15-45, 17-55, 19-30, 21-00.

Schedule of route No. 121 “Market - Vladimirovo”

Departure from the Market: 6-25, 7-25, 13-35, 15-00, 16-20, 17-40, 18-55.

Departure from Vladimirovo: 5-50, 7-00, 8-20, 14-10, 15-30, 17-00, 18-20, 19-20. 11-00 (additional flight from the market) 11-30 (additional flight from Vladimirovo)

Schedule of route No. 123 “Station - Bolshaya Orlovskoye”

Departure from the Station: 4-40, 13-40, 17-45.

Departure from B. Orlovsky: 6-05, 15-05, 19-10.

Schedule of route No. 127 “Station - Ivanovskoye”

Departure from the Station: 5-20, 12-45, 17-05.

Departure from Ivanovsky: 7-00, 14-30, 18-55.

Schedule of route No. 129 “Station - Vagankovo”

Departure from the Station: 6-15, 7-30 (Sunday), 15-45.

Departure from Vagankovo: 7-05, 8-20 (Sunday), 16-35.

Schedule of route No. 585 “Station – Makaryev - Mikhailovskoye”

Departure from the Station: 7-15, 14-30.

Departure from Makaryevo: 9-00.

Departure from Mikhailovsky: 18-00.

Schedule of route No. 236 “N. Novgorod - Metrobuilders Gardens"

Departure from N. Novgorod:(Friday) 18-00.

Departure from N. Novgorod:(Saturday) 8-00.

Departure from Metrostroiteley Gardens:(Sunday) 18-00.

Schedule of route No. 237 “N. Novgorod - 1st factory Sady"

Departure from N. Novgorod:(Saturday, Sunday) 7-00, 8-20, 9-00, 9-40, 10-20, 11-00, 11-40, 13-00, 14-20, 15-40, 16-20, 17 -00, 17-40, 18-20, 19-00.

Departure from the 1st factory:(Saturday, Sunday) 7-40, 9-00, 9-40, 10-20, 11-00, 11-40, 12-20, 13-40, 15-00, 16-20, 17-00, 17 -40, 18-20, 19-00, 19-40.

Schedule of route No. 245 “2nd mik-n – N. Novgorod”

Departure from the 2nd microdistrict: 4-40, 5-04, 5-28, 5-40, 5-52, 6-04, 6-16, 6-28, 6-40, 6-52, 7-04, 7-16, 7- 28, 7-40, 7-52, 8-04, 8-16, 8-35, 8-54, 9-13, 9-32, 9-47, 10-02, 10-17, 10-32, 10-47, 11-02, 11-17, 11-32, 11-45, 11-59, 12-12, 12-25, 12-39, 12-52, 13-15, 13-38, 14- 01, 14-24, 14-47, 15-06, 15-25, 15-44, 16-03, 16-15, 16-27, 16-39, 16-51, 17-03, 17-15, 17-27, 17-39, 17-51, 18-15, 18-45, 19-15, 19-45, loan equity 20-15, 20-45, 21-15, 21-45, 22-15, 22-45.

Departure from N. Novgorod: 5-40, 6-04, 6-28, 6-40, 6-52, 7-04, 7-16, 7-28, 7-40, 7-52, 8-04, 8-10, 8- 16, 8-28, 8-52, 9-04, 9-16, 9-35, 9-54, 10-13, 10-32, 10-47, 11-02, 11-17, 11-32, 11-47, 12-02, 12-17, 12-32, 12-45, 12-59, 13-12, 13-25, 13-39, 13-52, 14-15, 14-38, 15- 01, 15-24, 15-47, 16-06, 16-25, 16-44, 17-03, 17-15, 17-27, 17-39, 17-51, 18-03, 18-15, 18-27, 18-39, 18-51, 19-15, 19-45, 20-15, 2045, fast short term loans no credit check 21-15, 21-45, 22-15, 22-45, 23 -15, 23-55.

Schedule of route No. 125 “Station – Ch. Pustyn”

Departure from the Station: 5-10, 13-10.

Departure from Ch. Pustyn: 7-05, 15-05.

Bus route 12 operates every day. Regular opening hours: 5:40 - 21:27

Alerts for the bus MUP "Borskoe PAP"

To view alerts for the Borskoe PAP bus, please go to . You will also receive the latest information about bus status, delays, bus route changes, stop transfers and other changes.

12 (MUP "Borskoe PAP")

The first stop for bus 12 is Neklyudovo, and the last stop is 2nd Microdistrict, Konechnaya. Route 12 (Direction: 2nd Microdistrict) operates every day.

Additional information: Line 12 has a total of 29 stops and a trip duration of approximately 43 minutes.

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