Karmiel on the map of Israel. City of Karmiel. Karmiel - excellent location and climate

Here is a detailed map of Karmiel with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Karmiel located?

Karmiel is located in Israel. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Karmiel coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Karmiel with attractions and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Karmiel. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Karmiel is a small, modern, young and cozy town located in the upper Galilee. "Kerem" - vineyard, "El" - God - the name of the city speaks for itself - it is simply God's place. The town is very well-groomed, clean, calm and simply conducive to relaxation. Many tourists come here - local attractions attract them, as well as proximity to the famous Haifa - the city with the eighth wonder of the world, the Bahai Gardens.

Where to stay

There are many hotels in Karmiel that offer economy class rooms, double rooms, and luxury apartments. The hotels have restaurants and bars, swimming pools in the courtyard, and gyms with saunas and massage rooms. Karmiel Israel positions itself as a city for an economical holiday - after all, it is not noisy Tel Aviv, not expensive Jerusalem, not the most popular Haifa. By the way, hotels offer excursions to local attractions and trips to the ancient city of Acre.

Karmiel hotels accept both independent travelers (you can book a room in advance) and tourist groups. Free parking, laundry and ironing are provided. The staff is friendly and obliging - the rooms are regularly cleaned, bed linen and towels are changed 2 times a week. The most visited hotels in Karmiel are Kokhav HaGalil, Safid In, On Bar Gusthaus. Will a single room cost? 80-90, double - ? 130, and a “luxury” for two - ? 160.


Despite its distance from the most popular resorts in Israel, the city of Karmiel offers many options for filling the leisure time of its guests. Firstly, magnificent parks that amaze with their cleanliness, impeccable landscape design, neatly trimmed bushes, bizarre tree shapes and fountains. Here you can spend many hours without noticing the passage of time and enjoying the peace, tranquility and peace. A walk in the fresh air will always be beneficial. Ophira Park is located in the very center of the city - after shopping or excursions you can enjoy the coolness and silence of the park. Ramat Rabin Park boasts the ruins of a Byzantine church with miraculously intact ancient mosaics, while Mishpaha Park offers golfing and bowling.

15 km from the city of Karmiel there is a nature reserve - buses go there every day, so you can safely go to the bosom of nature. Here you will see an old mill (by the way, it is still working!), a small church and just enjoy the clean air and feel that time flows slowly and there is no need to rush. The cost of a bus ticket is ? 12.

The Tefen Industrial Park, located 12 km from Karmiel, is an open-air sculpture museum and a car museum - such an excursion will be interesting for both children and adults. The cost of the excursion is ? 9.

Small Karmiel presents Israel to its guests as the capital of dance: every year in July an international dance festival is held here. All 3 days (that’s how long the program lasts) various folk, modern and trendy dances are danced on the streets and parks, on squares and terraces of cafes - a spectacle worthy of close attention.

In addition, in March, Israel “transforms” Karmiel into an intellectual capital - a festival of the famous Russian game “What? Where? When?".

Where to eat

There are quite a lot of restaurants and small cafes in the city - literally on every corner there is a place where you can have a tasty meal and drink a glass of wine. And if you prefer coffee, then the open terraces of coffee shops are always at your service - leisurely sipping a drink, looking around the town, nature, sunset, you can get a lot of pleasant sensations. By the way, Mediterranean cuisine “reigns” in the restaurants here - fish, spices, meat, legumes and luxurious wines. Well, there’s no need to talk about vegetables and fruits, olive oil and herbs - these components are always present in dishes. Will a three course lunch + dessert + bottle of wine cost? 40.

Finally, I would also like to mention the shopping opportunities - there are 8 large shopping centers in the city, where you can buy absolutely everything - from a souvenir magnet to a luxurious coat. So in Karmiel you can not only relax peacefully, but also see interesting and historical places, take a walk around the city and buy many gifts for your loved ones and friends.

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Haifa is known throughout the world for its unique Bahai Gardens. But, if you think that there is nothing else to see in Haifa, then this is a mistake and a delusion! There are a lot of interesting places in Haifa that are no worse than the “eighth wonder of the world”. See for yourself.

It’s simply trivial to bring well-known souvenirs from Israel. I really want to surprise and amaze my friends and family, and leave the most pleasant and original gift for myself as a souvenir. There are a lot of such things in Israel and there is plenty to choose from, believe me!

Karmiel (Hebrew: כַּרְמִיאֵל‏‎) is a city in Israel. Located in Western Galilee, 35 km from Tiberias, 22 km from Acre, 45 km from Haifa. The population for 2010 is 44.2 thousand people. The city was founded in 1964. Karmiel is the commercial, cultural and industrial center of the region. The city, whose population consists of both natives of the country and repatriates from 80 countries, has a developed industry, from wood and metal processing to the production of plastic materials, modern electronics and computer equipment. The city is located at an altitude of 250 m above sea level, surrounded by picturesque hills, located 20 km from the Mediterranean coast. The climate is dry, temperate, strikingly different from coastal cities with coolness in the summer months and mildness in the winter. The city is initially built taking into account the master construction plan with individual design for each district. To create a better environmental situation, the industrial zone in Karmiel is completely separated from residential areas, and numerous parks and squares have been planted.


Karmiel is located 20 km from the Mediterranean coast in the Western Galilee in the Beit Kerem Valley, on the border with the Upper Galilee. The height above sea level is from 250 to 400 m. The topography of the city is mountainous. The city is located 26 km from Lake Tiberias. The climate in the city is mountainous, with relatively low humidity: 55% from April to October and 65-70% from November to March. Highway 85 passes through Karmiel, leading from Acre to Lake Kinneret. Also in the city area there are highways 784 and 854.

Official symbols

The city flag represents the national flag of Israel (white with two blue stripes) with the city's coat of arms located in the center. The coat of arms is a heraldic shield with an image of an anemone flower against the backdrop of mountains and the rising sun.


As of 2010, Karmiel has a population of 44,200. The majority of the city's population are Jews and Arabs. The average age of residents is 28 years. Since the beginning of the 1990s, more than 20,000 immigrants from the USSR and the CIS have arrived in Karmiel. Repatriates from the countries of the former USSR make up more than 30% of the population. 60% of the population are natives of the country and old residents, about 40% are repatriates from more than 75 countries. The master plan for the development of the city envisages population growth to 100-120 thousand within 20 years.


Back in the 1950s, the Jewish Agency raised the question of active development of the Galilee. At the junction of the Upper and Lower Galilee, the land department of the Jewish Agency decided to found a new city. The idea was supported by the settlement department of the Jewish Agency, as well as its head, Levi Eshkol. In 1960, planning, design and construction of the new city began. The purpose of its founding was to increase the Jewish population in an area of ​​predominantly Arab population. Also strategic was the city's location in the middle of the Akko-Safad highway. After the appointment of Levi Eshkol as Prime Minister in 1963, it was...

It has barely turned half a century old, but it has already earned the title of industrial, cultural and commercial center. A huge industrial zone created according to modern optimized designs, a well-established trading network, modern architecture and carefully thought-out infrastructure. This progressive potential of the city is complemented by widespread improvement of the entire territory and active social policy. All this allows Karmiel to develop rapidly every year and attract attention not only from Israeli residents, but also from foreign tourists.

Some facts about the city

Sights of Karmiel

Looking at the young age of Karmiel, there is no point in looking for ancient cultural and architectural monuments in it. The only things that have survived from time immemorial are the ruins of a church and mosaics from the Byzantine period. But this does not make Karmiel less popular among tourists. Thanks to the clear planning of the construction of each individual district, the overall panorama of the city looks very harmonious and holistic. Residential areas of the same type are diluted with beautiful architectural compositions and figured park areas. Walking around Karmiel, you will definitely stop your gaze at the unusual buildings that add original architectural accents to the overall exterior. Among them:

In the Saga area there is a small memorial with beautiful flower beds and sculptures. But the most outstanding attraction of Karmiel is its parks. The most famous of them:

There are also many interesting things in the vicinity of Karmiel: memorial Beit Lohamei ha-ghettaot, Grottoes of Rosh HaNikra, nature reserve in the valley of the Tsalmon River with an old mill, Tefen Industrial Park etc.

You can go on one-day excursions to the nearest major cities -, Capernaum,. Each of them has a lot of historical, architectural and cultural attractions. The impressions received from such a rich program will last for a long time.

Things to do?

The city of Karmiel lives an active social life. City parks host some kind of event or sporting competition almost every weekend.

If you are planning to visit Karmiel in the summer, you have a chance to attend one of the most popular dance festivals in Israel. It lasts three days and is an incredible sight. After all, except for the contestants on the official stages, everyone and everywhere in the city is dancing at this time. To highlight the scale of this event, it is enough to just say that about 300,000 guests come to the festival annually (this is almost 7 times more than the residents of Karmiel).

If your arrival does not coincide with the date of the dance festival, do not be upset. You will definitely find how to have fun. One of the favorite activities of tourists in Karmiel is shopping. After all, in this relatively small town there are 8 large shopping centers: "Kikar Air", "Lion of Carmiel", "Big", "Khutsot Karmiel", "Tiv Taam", "Rainbow" etc. Here you can buy almost any goods of Israeli and foreign production at competitive prices.

Art lovers can visit one of the art galleries: in the Palace of Culture, in the municipal building or the gallery of the College named after. Brauda.

Karmiel Hotels

There are no large hotels in Karmiel, but you can book a cozy house or apartment with all amenities. Popular accommodation options in Karmiel:

Just 10 km from Karmiel you can rent accommodation in the cities of Kfar Vramdim, Moran or Gilon. A little further, 15 km away, there are also several mini-hotels and guest houses in Amirim, Inbar and Ein Yaakov.

Where to eat?

Each of the Karmiel shopping centers has several cafes of various formats, from a sushi bar to a simple coffee shop. There are also quite a lot of establishments around the city where you can eat delicious food. Pizzerias, burger joints and other cafes with fast food menus are especially popular here. But there are also full-fledged restaurants with traditional and international cuisine.

Popular places in Karmiel:

Each city park also has small cafes, bistros and street food stalls.

Weather in Karmiel

Despite the fact that Karmiel is located only 25 km from the Mediterranean coast, the climate here is different from the weather in cities on the seashore. Summers are slightly cooler and winters are milder.

The lion's share of precipitation falls in the winter months, with the rainiest month being January. Summer is quite dry; it happens that during all three months clouds never appear in the sky.

Throughout the year, the temperature in Karmiel is comfortable for relaxation. There is no stifling heat here. The hottest month is August. Average temperature +27°C. You won't freeze in winter either. Usually the thermometer does not show less than +11-14°C.

How to get there?

The city of Karmiel is located at the intersection of several busy highways. Therefore, you can easily get here from almost any region of the country. Distance to Karmiel from major resort centers:

  • from Tiberias 35 km;
  • from Haifa 45 km;
  • from Akko 22 km;
  • from 130 km;
  • from 176 km.

Highway No. 85 (Akko) passes through Karmiel, along which it is convenient to reach the city from the west or east, and also highway No. 784, running from north to south, is located nearby.

Karmiel - I adore and love dearly. First of all, because she herself lived in this city for more than 25 years. But there are many other reasons! Karmiel is a very nice, cozy and green city. Well-groomed and clean streets, houses of unusual architecture, an abundance of flowers and freshness all around. Almost every courtyard is designed in such a way that there is somewhere for children to walk and for parents to sit. But first things first.

Our city is very young - founded in 1964 in Western Galilee. The name Karmiel ("Vineyard of the Lord") comes from the Hebrew name of the Beit HaKerem valley in which it is located. This valley is mentioned in the holy books of Judaism, and literally translated its name means “house of the vineyard” or “vineyard.”

Karmiel - excellent location and climate

Karmiel is surrounded by the picturesque Galilee mountains and numerous pine forests. If you like to take beautiful photographs of nature, do not hesitate - in the vicinity of Karmiel they turn out wonderful and memorable! The climate in the city is very favorable, temperate and dry. Unlike other coastal cities, ours is not so hot, low humidity, pleasant freshness in summer and mild winter. For people who can't stand the heat -this is a big plus.

Karmiel - industrial center of the north

But, what is important, the industrial zone is separated from residential areas, and this makes it possible to maintain an ecologically healthy environment in the city. As the Times newspaper notes, the level of air pollution here is one of the lowest on the planet. In Karmiel there is a unique research institute called Protalix, which produces a cure for the disease Grief; it is unique in that it is a biopharmaceutical research and production institute for the whole world.

In the eastern district of the city, which is located separately, there is an industrial zone with more than 100 plants, factories and workshops (high-tech, metalworking, plastic products and other areas). Near Karmiel (15 km) there are industrial zones Teradion, Tefen and Bar-Lev (8 km), where many city residents work. There is also military production, producing unparalleled systems, etc. So you definitely won’t be left without work!


Karmiel is located on highway No. 85 (Akko-Safet). Both bus services and minibuses are well developed. From the central bus station you can easily reach Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, Acre, Safed, Kiryat Shmona. At the seaside I go to Acre, if not during rush hour, then to the beach near the hotels it’s exactly 15 minutes in the green lane and 18-20 in the red lane... but depending on your luck:)

The city has a convenient network of bus routes with average intensity of up to 15 minutes of waiting time. Soon the railway will come into operation directly, without transfers, it will be possible to travel from Karmiel to Tel Aviv or the airport. For city residents there will be free travel for six months, followed by a 50% discount for the next two years.

Medicine, education and leisure

There are representative offices of all 4 Israeli health insurance funds in Karmiel. There is a Terem emergency room and a day hospital for emergency care, and if necessary, two hospitals are within a 30-40 minute drive. We never had any problems with medical care.

I raised four children in Karmiel and was always happy! There are good nurseries and gardens - both municipal and private. There are also 12 primary and two secondary schools. According to statistics, there are about 30 students in classes. At the Ort Braude Academic College you can obtain master's, bachelor's and junior engineering degrees in various specialties and areas.

The city administration makes great efforts to ensure that our children can get the best opportunities to develop both their creative and physical abilities. Choose to suit every taste: a conservatory, 3 vocal studios, a drawing studio, classical ballet, a theater studio, 2 international-class ballroom dancing schools, 6 sports dance schools, 4 aerobics studios, Zumba, oriental dancing, chess, etc.

Well, for those who love sports, there are also many sections: swimming school, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, 3 football clubs, 3 basketball clubs, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, boxing, judo, Krav Maga Israel - a type of hand-to-hand wrestling Israeli commandos, karate, ayquando. There are many interesting playgrounds and outdoor exercise equipment in Karmiel. Karmiel is a city where it is easy and pleasant to raise children!

Let's relax in style

In our city you can always have a good rest and fill your soul with beauty. There is a Cultural Center, a summer amphitheater for 25 thousand people and three art galleries. In the city library you can find more than 80 thousand books, including, of course, in Russian. At the Top Club swimming pool and fitness center you can maintain your physical fitness and get into shape.

Every summer, a 3-day international dance festival takes place in Karmiel - the central event of the summer season in Galilee. Both amateur and professional groups from all over the world and from all over Israel come to the festival. Be sure to attend this unique event - you won't regret it! A variety of styles, from folk dances to modern, participants from children to “pensioner” age - a sea of ​​colors, fiery emotions and joy will be provided to you! And the main thing is that at the Festival in Karmiel everyone dances everywhere: on the streets, on lawns, on stage venues and in parks. They just dance. Some can do it, some can, but they dance as if every dance is the first and the last:)

Wonderful parks and gardens of Karmiel

I especially want to mention the pride of Karmiel - the wonderful and diverse city parks. There are six of them in our small city. HaGalil Park is one of the largest and most beautiful city parks in Israel. Picturesque landscapes, places for romantic walks, an amphitheater, flower beds, which are beautifully illuminated in the evening. A charming, peaceful atmosphere can be felt near the decorative lake in which lilies grow. Think about the eternal to the sounds of falling water near artificial waterfalls.

The Mishpacha (family) park is truly a pleasant place to relax with the whole family. Children can have fun on interesting playgrounds, play big chess, and travel in a maze of bushes. Well, parents won’t be bored either - there are mini-golf and bowling grounds, and a cafe.

The park in the Ramat Rabin area is associated with the history of Israel. On its territory there are the ruins of a church from the Byzantine period, on the floor of which remains of an ancient mosaic are preserved. You can also see the building of the ancient monastery, built during the Crusader period. There is also Ophira Park in the city center, Alon and Makos parks.

Shopping in Karmiel

We have no problems at all with buying groceries and all sorts of different things. Prices are quite affordable, large selection of products. There are 8 large shopping centers built in the city. There is a market, however, it does not work every day. The large shopping center "Big" is located in an industrial zone, there are more than 50 stores of Israeli and international chains. The shopping complex "Lev Karmiel" (Heart of Karmiel) is located near the Southern District and HaGalil. The huge 3-story building has more than 85 shops and boutiques, post office and bank branches, and cafes. There is underground parking. "Kikar Air" ("City Square") is also a multi-storey shopping center with a large assortment of all sorts of things.

Repatriates from the former CIS countries like to use non-kosher stores of the Raduga, Tiv-Tam and other private stores. In addition to Israeli products, you can buy native products from Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and other former republics and Europe. Supermarkets have clean and tidy shelves, a variety of product varieties, and many discount promotions.

In grocery stores at the end of the week, after one o'clock in the afternoon, prices are reduced to a minimum. There is nothing like this even in Haifa :)

Karmiel is a city with many faces, somewhere quiet and cozy, somewhere cheerful and fiery. Karmiel has its own unique flavor and unique atmosphere. It seems to me that this is an ideal option for soft repatriation in Israel. Come get to know the city and see for yourself!

Alla Khankis

A resident of Karmiel for 25 years, I love my city. Producer, artist.


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