A story about one memorable day of my vacation. An essay on the theme of a memorable day of summer vacation. The most interesting and best day of the summer holidays


1. Summer holidays are the best time of the year

2. Memorable day of summer holidays

3. What special happened on this day

4. What feelings and sensations did I remember?

Summer is my and my friends' favorite time of year. No more getting up early in the morning and going to school. And after school there is still a long time to do homework. For the summer I am going to my beloved grandmother in the village. I have many friends there who also come for summer holidays. This year, one of the days of the summer holidays became the most memorable for me.

My grandmother suggested that I invite my girlfriends to visit and have a picnic in our garden. I was very happy and agreed. Grandma prepared a lot of treats for us. I chose a clearing in the garden and spread a large tablecloth on it. I also decided to inflate balloons and hang them on trees. All my friends came and started helping us have a picnic. set the table. The girls were great too, they brought a lot of different sweets with them.

We had a great time. We had fun, played volleyball, picked dandelions and made wreaths, and just walked. And then, when they were tired, they sat down and began to share their secrets. On this day we learned a lot of interesting things about each other. We didn't want this day to end. On this day I felt the happiest. I will never forget the smiles on my friends' faces.

The girls and I decided that we would have picnics more often. And my grandmother is my favorite person. She tries to make every vacation unforgettable. But this summer she organized a meeting with friends for me that I will remember for a long time.

Hello, my name is Elena and I am again ready to show the events of one of my days to the general public. If you wish, you can read my previous days if you hover your cursor over my userpic. And now it’s the turn for July 17 of this year. My holidays take place outside the city, in a real forest near the village of Prostokvashino Nepryakhino, Chelyabinsk region. Here we rented a country house for the whole summer. Last summer we rented this house for the weekend, we really liked it here and I also wrote a post about it in OMD. And now we managed to agree with the owner of the house to rent it to us for the whole summer. And so on April 21, we left environmentally unfavorable Chelyabinsk for a real forest on the shore of Lake Sunukul, where we remain to this day. We are me and my husband Ivan. Ivan won’t be on this day, he went on a business trip on July 16, so you can see what I’m doing in the absence of my husband; my day also includes cats, a rabbit, photos of food, and Ural landscapes. If you still don’t want to read about all this, I invite you to the cat.

1. I wake up early to the singing of birds and the first thing I see is a curtained window. It's already quite light.

2. I don’t wake up alone, a watchful eye is watching me. Meet Phil the Scottish Fold. We affectionately call him Filyunty or Filyuntik. We have a pet cat, he lived for almost seven years in a city apartment on the 9th floor, and then he was suddenly taken out into the wild. At first he was in shock, but little by little he gets used to it and even began to dare to go for a walk. Filya here is not very happy about getting up early, it’s written on his cat’s face.

3.But once I woke up, I have to get up. At first he stands for a short time, swaying, and then runs out of the bedroom to go about his business.

4. I have the usual things to do - check the weather and Instagram.

5. After some time, Filyuntiy returns to the bedroom and, realizing that the hostess does not yet intend to get up, jumps onto the bed again.

6. It is necessary to stroke it, this is our every morning ritual. The cat is happy.

7.But I still have to get up soon, I open the curtains, the weather promises to be great. Happy new day!

8.Next follow the water procedures, prepare clothes for my morning activity and get dressed.

9. Now you can show yourself to the world. Hello! Not the best photo, but it’s what it is. No makeup, there's no need for it here. I washed my face, cleaned my face, applied cream and headed off to the wine warehouses to meet the new day.

10.And here is the view from the other side, from the living room, it will definitely be a good day.

11. But first we need to feed our little brother.

12. Another local friend is waiting on the terrace, yeah, he spent the night right there, and when he sees me, he stands at attention.

13. Red, a local cat, he is on the allowance of the guards, he is entitled to 500 rubles a month for food and is fed normally, but he comes to us to indulge in milk. Well, you can’t refuse!

14.And I go out onto the terrace with a glass of water. First I prepare myself the so-called detox water. I add lemon, cucumber and strawberries to the water; I should also add mint or basil, but unfortunately all the herbs are gone. By the way, here we drink water straight from the tap; there are filters. We ordered a test of local water and compared it with the result of testing the drinking water that we buy in the store. So the local water is much cleaner and healthier.

15.I make the bed.

16.Phil is full and asks to go for a walk.

17. I go out with him too, we don’t let him go alone.

18. Meanwhile, I follow Exupery’s principle “Woke up in the morning - clean up your planet, otherwise it will be overgrown with baobabs.” Baobabs do not threaten my planet, but we need to restore order in the morning. Clean the chair from Red's fur and sweep the terrace and the area around the house. There is always something falling from the birch and pine trees, so daily cleaning is necessary.

19. My pelargoniums have finally bloomed; I’ve been waiting for them to bloom for a long time.

20. That’s it, the minimum program to put the planet in order has been completed, the cat has been fed and walked, now I need to devote some time to myself. I take Nordic walking poles and go for a walk around the territory.

21. Today there are poles, and yesterday there was a bike. I’ll take a walk, get my morning exercise and at the same time show you what we have here and how. Ahead along the paths, pine and birch trees grow everywhere, and meanwhile I approached the gate, behind which you can see the lake. But now we won’t go to the lake, we turn around and continue walking.

22. We pass by the neighbor’s house and observe the evolution of the bicycle.

23. We step further and an exhibition of the Soviet agricultural industry opens before our eyes.

24. We pass by the neighbor’s vegetable plantations; the greenhouse has already been opened.

25. And we approach the large enclosure where the rabbit lives. She refused to come closer, but if you look closely, you can see her inside the structure that stands in the middle of the enclosure. And the rabbits' neighbors are chickens, roosters and ducks.

26. I believe there used to be some kind of recreation center here, because there are also summer houses on the territory. To tell the truth, at first I thought they were abandoned, but recently people stayed in them; with the onset of summer, it’s good to live in such huts.

27. Some craftsman lived in this house, and that’s how many toys he made.

28. And I keep walking.

29. Strawberries grow here right next to the paths, I’m making myself a snack.

30. I walked almost three circles and on the way to the house I decide to walk through the pine forest to check how things are going with the mushrooms. There are almost no mushrooms, very small, I’ll have to visit here the next day.

31. So I’m approaching our site. We have two houses on our site, both are rented. So we are on equal terms with our neighbors. In the photo you see the neighbors’ house.

32. That’s what I wanted to do today, now have breakfast and head to the lake.

33. I approached the porch, and another representative of the cat family came to say hello. This is the neighbors' cat, his name is Timofey.

34. Phil meets me and exchanges glances through the door with Timofey.

35.I turn on music, one application every morning makes a playlist according to my preferences, very convenient.

36. I'm preparing breakfast. I need to figure something out quickly in order to get to the lake while there is no aggressive sun there. So I steam the oatmeal and at the same time the coffee maker prepares coffee for me.

37.I have breakfast, of course, in the fresh air.

38.Phil, meanwhile, settled down on a chair and will not leave this place until the evening, until he gets hungry, I know him.

39. And I collect everything I need and go to the lake.

40. The exit to the lake is closed to prevent tourists from roaming around, of which there are a huge number here on the shore of the lake, especially on weekends. I unlock the gate.

41. And here it is, our beach and Lake Sunukul itself.

42.If you look to the right of the beach, then the whole lake is overgrown, almost a swamp. But the view is beautiful.

43. And this is the view from the left side. We have our own pier here, but I’ll go to another, bigger one. And the whole beach is covered in marks from dogs’ paws, apparently they were walking here yesterday.

44. I approach another pier. It’s more convenient to swim here. But my plans are to do exercises first and then swim.

45. I lay out the mat and do my routine. Then I swim, but, naturally, I don’t have any photos of me swimming, since I’m here on the pier alone. There’s not a soul around. There’s no one to ask to take a photo.

46.Now sunbathe! While the sun is still gentle. And I was still alone on the pier, only some men on a boat sailed past, probably fishermen.

47.I watch the clouds.

48. I lay around with a book on the pier for about an hour and a half, but the sun began to get really hot, and I decided that was enough. The neighbor's twins abandoned their bikes in the middle of the road, and this is our house. I'm coming back.

49. Now take a shower, but first you need to do a dry massage. A very useful procedure before taking a shower.

50. I feel hungry. I decided to have a second breakfast. It’s hot outside, so I’ll make myself a smoothie bowl. It's almost like ice cream, only healthy.

51. I’ll also make tea from currant leaves and add strawberries. I love.

52. I go out onto the terrace again. Red is putting together a campaign for me.

53. But Phil didn’t leave his place. I told you.

54. I also want to lie down after all my activities, but I need to vacuum the house first. Having a cat in the house is great in every way, but you have to vacuum it every day.

55. That’s it, now I’ll take a horizontal position with a book. I’ll settle down on the terrace.

56. I lay around for 30 - 40 minutes, even took a little nap, but I need to prepare lunch. I decided to bake vegetables. I’m cooking.

57.I cut vegetables, and rosemary grows on my terrace. I took it there. You can put it in the oven.

58. Done!

59. While I was cooking, I grabbed first one thing and then another, I didn’t seem to want to eat. I decided to leave the vegetables for dinner. And Phil clearly felt hot, he moved to the floor and began to show himself in all his glory.

60. But my plans for that day were also to go pick strawberries in the forest. That’s what I did. An hour of bending and squatting and an almost full container is ready!

61. Grind the strawberries with sugar and put them in the freezer for storage.

62.And again on the terrace - relax and move some of the photos from the phone to the computer. The redhead has registered on our terrace, you can’t kick him out.

63. It’s time to have dinner; I’m preparing an omelette for the vegetables.

64. This is my dinner.

65. I couldn’t help but please myself with a strawberry dessert. Was I in vain collecting it? So Red approves.

66.And I didn’t notice how dusk came. At half past nine, after she puts the children to bed, my neighbor and I go swimming at the lake. It happened this time too. We arrived at the same pier. And the sunset seemed to be beautiful; I only managed to capture a small part of it. It's a pity. But the water is fresh milk. Great swim before bed!

67. I'm coming back.

68.And they are already waiting for me.

69. Now it’s time for a pleasant (at least for me) evening ritual. I'm making tea. The name of the tea is appropriate.

70. This is the final point of this day. I sit on the veranda, drink tea, look at the fire, and thank the universe for allowing me to live this day like this and for the fact that I have the opportunity to spend this summer in nature, and not in a stuffy city.

71.This is my activity for the day. She paced quite well.

72. Now I’ll make the bed, take evening water treatments and go to bed!

73. Turn off the lights and good night.

Summer is a wonderful time! This is the time when you can take your time for fear of being late for school.

I love summer very much, because every year my family and I go to the sea. This August we were in an Abkhazian city called Pitsunda. This is an amazing place where you are surrounded by unique nature. There are magnificent flower trees all around. And what water is there in Abkhazia! There is no such water anywhere.

We took an excursion to the high mountain lake Ritsa. The road is difficult, but very interesting. Along the way we went to a honey and wine tasting. We got acquainted with many types of tea.

And finally, the emerald blue lake. Its purity and grandeur amazed me. I will also remember lunch on the lake for a long time. The aroma of barbecue and fried trout hung in the air, exciting the appetite.

They left happy!

Preparing to write an essay on this topic

In order to write essays on this topic, you need to remember your summer, or rather, one day of summer. It’s always pleasant to remember summer, but if it’s difficult for you, then you can open photos from the summer, then the memories should immediately come flooding back to you. Next, when you remember and decide which day of your wonderful summer you will describe, try to formulate in your head sequentially what why are you telling me? A well-written essay plan helps with this. If you make a plan for writing an essay, then you will not miss what you would like to write. Let's make a plan for our essay.

  1. Summer is my favorite time of year.
  2. Trip to Yalta.
  3. The best excursion of my life.
  4. Yalta is a wonderful city.

Now let's move on to writing an essay according to this plan.

Essay on the topic “One day of my summer”

Summer is my favorite time of year. Despite the heat, everyone is looking forward to summer. For everyone, summer becomes special in its own way. Schoolchildren are just as excited about summer as adults, as the long-awaited holidays are coming for them. I, like any person, try to visit different places in the summer, admire the beauty of mountains, parks, seas, zoos and everything else possible.

One July day, my parents and I went to Yalta. Yalta is incredibly beautiful, with high mountains on one side and the Black Sea on the other. Everywhere you look there is beauty. We arrived in Yalta, rented a house and immediately began making plans to have time to see as many famous places as possible.

Without hesitation, we came up with our own route and went to the embankment. From the embankment, my parents and I boarded a boat and sailed to the Swallow's Nest. It was very beautiful there. On a rock, there is an unusual building in architecture, it looks a bit like a castle floating in the air. We stood there for a while, breathed in the fresh sea air and went up the steps to the road to continue our journey. The next point was Mount Ai-Petri. It is very difficult for me to find words to describe this beauty. It’s like you’re in the clouds, and below you there are such small houses, such a small Yalta. And how beautifully the sea matches the horizon. We wandered there for several hours.

And now it was time to go home, since it was already evening. I would like to say that evening Yalta is simply divine. The embankment is full of life until the morning. I want to go back there every year.

Option #1

This summer turned out to be especially interesting and memorable for me. I thought for a long time about which day of the summer holidays I would devote my essay to and decided to focus on the day when my dad and I went into the forest to pick mushrooms. On the morning of this day, we quickly had breakfast and hit the road. We got to the forest quickly, rode a minibus, and then walked a little.

There were many different birds in the forest. They all sang their beautiful songs. We picked mushrooms and were about to go home, when suddenly, walking past a small Christmas tree, I accidentally touched it with my foot and a small bird flew out of it. I decided to see what was under the Christmas tree. Bending down, I saw a small nest in which lay five blue eggs. At this time, the bird sat on the nearest tree and chirped pitifully.

Dad immediately told me: “Don’t touch the nest, otherwise the bird won’t hatch its chicks.” We noticed where the nest was and headed home. The next time we came to the forest, we went to the nest to see if the testicles were still there. We were wondering when the chicks would appear and what they would be like. And so they hatched, small, small, with their eyes covered with film.

When we once again came to see what “our” chicks had become, they were no longer there. Dad said that the bird took her babies to another safer place. She was afraid that we would take her chicks.

Option No. 2

August turned out to be very hot, even muggy. One day our whole family went to the reservoir. Dad had already gone there fishing, so we got there quickly and didn’t get lost.

The road wound among corn fields, sometimes surrounded by spruce forests and birch groves. The path was not close and along the way we managed to stop several times to have a snack. During such breaks, I photographed various beautiful places.

Here is the reservoir! It was almost no different from the sea, only a narrow strip of the opposite shore was visible. Low waves splashed lazily at our feet. I wanted to lean towards them and stroke their cool back. And I still bent down to dip my hand into the depths, slipped and... Plop!

The water was very cold and I jumped out of it screaming. Then we cooked delicious kebabs with tomatoes and eggplants, I threw flat pebbles into the sea, watching each of them jump through the water like a frog. In general, it was very interesting, and I will remember this day for a long time... maybe because of an unplanned swim, or maybe just because of a pleasant day spent in nature.

Read along with the article “Essay “A Memorable Day of Summer Vacation,” 5th grade”:


Essay 1

One warm summer day, my father and I went into the forest to pick mushrooms. The forest was full of sounds and voices of birds. This time we were very lucky with mushrooms - we quickly got a full basket with the top. It was time to go home. There were small fir trees growing along the forest path, and I accidentally touched one of them with my foot. Suddenly, a bird flew up from there. Of course, I decided to be curious about what was there under the Christmas tree. He bent down, parted the branches and saw several bluish eggs lying in the nest. But the bird, it turns out, did not fly far. She sat down on a tree nearby and began to chirp pitifully. I had to call my father for help - I didn’t know what to do next. The father advised not to touch the nest - otherwise the bird would not return there. We remembered the place itself and returned home safely. And then, when some time had passed, they decided to return to see if the chicks had appeared. And in fact, they appeared! Small, still blind and helpless. We returned again a week later. This time there were no more chicks. Probably, the mother took them with her, wanted to protect and keep them safe.

Essay 2

How we all wait for the coming of summer, and how disappointingly short it turns out to be! We’ve only just gotten the hang of it, and now September is just around the corner! And all that remains is to regret: we didn’t have time, we didn’t go there... Now, alas, plans will have to be postponed until the next holidays. And no one can take away our memory! It’s a pity, of course, that in the fall nature begins to prepare for a long winter’s sleep: the leaves fall, the grass dries up, and there are fewer and fewer sunny days, and bad weather, on the contrary, becomes more and more frequent...

What do I remember from last summer? Of course, a July trip with my mother to Sochi. A heavenly place - sea, sun, seagulls, endless sound of waves and much more. There was one trip that was especially memorable. There is such a famous place in the vicinity of Sochi - Matsesta. There is a huge building there and it seems that you are in Ancient Greece - it is made in this style. There are many columns and sculptures made of marble. The columns located in the main room are especially striking in their beauty. And the ceiling is also special, carved! Here you can relax and, if necessary, taste mineral water to quench your thirst. If you believe the legend, their name was Matsesta. For the sake of her parents’ health, she sacrificed her personal happiness: she surrendered to the mountain spirit. So the legend is very beautiful, tragic and instructive at the same time. All kinds of diseases are treated here, as well as scars and burns. I couldn't help but like the excursion here! It’s wonderful that there is such a place and the people who built it.

Essay on a memorable day of summer holidays

Why do we all love summer? This is already understandable - holidays, no lessons for you, a lot of free time, it’s warm outside, even hot, and you can safely wear shorts, a T-shirt and sandals on your bare feet. Yes, and you can swim even until the evening - as long as there is a river or pond nearby. Usually we try to have an interesting time every summer and go somewhere. This year my mother decided that we would go to Crimea.

This place is completely special - wild beaches, the sound of the surf, many interesting places and you want to go everywhere, climb rocks, ride yachts, climb into the ruins of ancient fortresses. I remember Bear Mountain, Balaklava, but first of all, an excursion to a mountain called Demerdzhi, and then to the Valley of Ghosts. It seemed like nothing special, but the whole “trick” of this excursion was that part of the way had to be ridden on horseback. When the bus brought us to a farm near the mountain, I saw all kinds of horses. Of course, I ran closer to them to get a better look. The colors of the horses were both black and red, and in terms of age they were both foals and adults, slender, beautiful, with long manes. So, the long-awaited moment came when I climbed into the saddle. The horse under me was called Mike. We somehow immediately liked each other and became fast friends. Moreover, I had not only seen horses before, but also ridden them. Therefore, I felt calm, confident and joyful here. Mike felt me, I felt her, so our desires coincided, and somehow we quickly and imperceptibly found ourselves ahead of all the other excursionists. We were the very first to arrive at the foot of Mount Demerdzhi. There they waited for the others. All around you could see very special sculptures - they were carved from stone by the wind itself over many years and even, most likely, centuries. Then the next stop is at the place where the famous Soviet film comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was filmed. Yes, yes, almost the entire film was shot there, in Crimea. Only the scenes with the mountain river had to be filmed in the Caucasus. By the way, it turned out that the Crimean nature was useful for the location shooting of another film - “Hearts of Four”. I also saw the film, so, of course, I wanted to climb all the stones that are shown in the film. Next we visited the place where there once was a village. There was a mountain collapse - not uncommon in these places - and it was covered with huge boulders. Only the key remains in memory of this village. The water in it is clean, cold, spring water. And there is also the “Broken Heart” stone there. There is a legend associated with him. According to it, if someone dares to crawl through the crevice straight into this very “heart”, and at the same time manages to make a wish, then it will certainly come true soon. There were several of us boys. We didn't want to crawl through the crevice again, so we decided to go back on horseback. The final destination of the excursion was the Funa fortress, a very ancient one. There was almost nothing left of her; time had done its work. Almost all the ruins are hidden underground. On the way back, Maika and I were again far ahead of everyone else. It would seem far away - but already on the Tatar farm, where our journey began. There we were fed dinner.

But the time has come to say goodbye. I really didn’t want this! I hope there will be an opportunity to return. And although the excursion took only one day, it was worth many days. I really fell in love with horses. This is not only man's most faithful friend, but a beautiful, hardy, proud creature. Be sure to come to Crimea!


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