Which regions does central Crimea adjoin? Features of different regions of the Crimean peninsula. The Supreme Court did not return Hyde Park

Geography of Crimea

In the south of Ukraine there is one of its pearls - the Crimean Peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov Seas, as well as Lake Sivash. The peninsula is connected to the mainland by the narrow Perekop Isthmus. Most of Crimea is occupied by the North Crimean Plain with cold, dry winters, insufficiently moistened cool springs and autumns, hot and dry summers, with cultivated steppe and poor fauna. The southern part of the peninsula is occupied by mountains consisting of three ridge-cuestas, gentle from the north and steep from the south: External, Internal and Main. The highest point of Crimea is the city of Roman-Kosh, 1545.3 m. Mountain climate: moderately cold, little snow winter, cool, rainy spring and autumn, hot and dry summer, frequent winds in all seasons.

The flora of the mountains varies depending on the height and exposure of the slopes. Due to active human activity, most of the fauna has been preserved in the area of ​​the Crimean Nature Reserve. In the extreme south of the peninsula along the Black Sea coast, the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC) stretches in a narrow strip with low mountains, relatively warm, rainy winters, warm and dry spring and autumn, and hot and dry summers. The flora of the South Coast has been changed and turned into a continuous park and garden area with ornamental plants, fruit trees and vineyards. The diversity of nature and the wealth of historical monuments create all the conditions for recreation, excursions and tourism. In terms of recreation and tourism, the Crimean peninsula can be divided into two parts: flat and mountainous. Mountainous Crimea can be divided into three tourist areas: Western (from the city of Sevastopol to the Simferopol-Alushta highway), Central (between the Simferopol-Alushta highway and the Grushevka-Sudak highway) and Eastern (between the Grushevka-Sudak highway and the city of Feodosia).

Features of Western Crimea

Western Crimea, as a tourist area, is located between the railway and the Simferopol-Bakhchisaray-Sevastopol highway in the north, the Simferopol-Alushta trolleybus route in the east, and the Black Sea coast in the west and south. Two ridges pass through the area: The internal, relatively low ridge with numerous natural and historical monuments: cave cities and monasteries (Bakla, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, Chilter-Koba, Syuren Tower and etc.), canyons of the river. Chernaya, Kacha, Belbek; The main ridge, or Yayla, which begins as a narrow ridge from Cape Aya and goes to the town of Spirada, then the wide Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla goes to the lane. Endek with the highest mountain - Roca, 1346 m; further Yalta Yayla to the lane. Uch-Kosh with the highest mountain Kemal-Egerek, 1529 m; then the small Demir-Kapukskaya Yayla to the lane. Pisara-Bogaz in the northeast and lane. Nikitsky in the south with the highest mountain Demir-Kapu, 1541 m; further along the narrow Gurzuf ridge to the lane. Gurzuf Saddle or Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz; then comes the highest Yayla-Babugan to the lane. Kebit-Bogaz with the highest mountains of Crimea Roman-Kosh, 1545 m, Orman-Kosh, 1530 m, Zeytin-Kosh, 1537 m; then Chatyr-Dag-Yayla to the Angarsk pass and the Simferopol-Alushta highway with the highest mountain Eklizi-Burun, 1527 m. The northern slopes of Yayla are covered with deciduous forest, the southern slopes are covered with pine forest. There are many mines and caves on Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila.

The river valleys in the mountainous part are narrow and form canyon-like gorges, the most famous is the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the upper reaches of the river. Belbek near Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. The reserved part is very beautiful and interesting with natural and historical monuments, but entry there is only with the permission of the Administration of the Reserve, located in the mountains. Alushta. All sites in the foothills are located on the outskirts of populated areas. It is better to start routes from the mountains. Simferopol, city. Bakhchisaray or from the mountains. Sevastopol, in which KSS or KSO are located: city. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. (8-0652) 25-45-13; 25-31-58, KSS; mountains Bakhchisaray, st. Karl Marx, 31, tel. 3-28-57, KSO; mountains Sevastopol, st. Suvorova, 20, tel. 52-53-18, KSO.

Features of Central Crimea

Central Crimea as a tourist area is located between the trolleybus route Simferopol - Alushta in the west, the Grushevka - Sudak highway in the east, the Simferopol - Grushevka - Feodosiya highway in the north and the Black Sea coast in the south. Here are located: Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, Demerdzhi-Yayla, Karabi-Yayla, further to the east there are narrow ridges and mountains. There are many deciduous forests in the area. All stops and routes are remote from populated areas, but if necessary, you can go to populated areas within one day from each stop, going north or south.

The area is famous for monuments to partisans of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. There are many natural excursion sites along the route: karst caves and mines on Yaylakh (Red Caves, MAN caves, Soldatskaya caves, Buzluk, etc.), rock outcrops (Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi, Sk. Koktash, Mount Camel, Chatal-Kaya, Baka-Tash, etc.), waterfalls: Dzhurla, Dzhur-Dzhur, Voron), Kuchuk-Karasinsky canyon and many miniature canyons in river valleys. It is better to start and end routes from the trolleybus route or from the mountains. Zander. You can also start routes from any settlement located on the Simferopol-Feodosia or Alushta-Sudak highway, where local buses go. Release on tourist routes is carried out by the Republican KSS, mountains. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. 25-45-13, 25-31-58; CSR: hor. Alushta, st. Lenina, 8a, tel. 3-50-10, city. Sudak, Tavrichesky highway, 8, t. Hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

Features of Eastern Crimea

Eastern Crimea as a tourist area is located between the Simferopol - Grushevka - Nasypnoye - Feodosia highway in the north, the Grushevka - Sudak highway in the west, the Black Sea coast in the south and the Nasypnoye - Koktebel highway in the east. The relief of the region consists of low mountains and ridges. The highest mountain in the area is Tuaralan, 748 m, located on the ridge of the same name. On the territory of the region there is an ancient volcano - the city of Karadag, declared a state reserve. In the Old Crimean forests there are many monuments to the partisans of the Great Patriotic War. The routes on the mountains Ai-Georgiy, Alchak, Perchem, Sokol, Karaul-Oba, Echki-Dag in the mountain area are very interesting. Zander.

The most famous excursion sites in the region are the Genoese fortress and Byzantine monasteries in the mountains. Sudak, museum and grave of the writer A. S. Green in the mountains. Old Crimea, the Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach on the outskirts of the mountains. Old Crimea, museums of the artist M. Voloshin and gliding in Koktebel. In the mountains In Feodosia you can visit the art gallery of the artist I.K. Aivazovsky and the museum of the writer A.S. Green. It is more convenient to start routes from the mountains. Old Crimea, where you can get there by bus from the mountains. Simferopol or from the mountains. Feodosia. You can start routes from the village. Shchebetovka or Koktebel village, where there is a commuter bus from the mountains. Feodosia. Release on tourist routes in Eastern Crimea is carried out by the KSS of the mountains. Feodosia, st. Fedko, 32a, tel. 7-15-73 and mountains. Sudak, Tavrichesky highway, 8, tourist hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

Crimea is divided not into regions and parts, but into districts

There are 14 districts in Crimea; in terms of area, all districts are relatively the same size.

The most populated is the Simferopol region with the administrative center in Simferopol. Crimea is also conventionally divided into five parts: Southern, Eastern, Western, Northern and Central.

List of districts of Crimea

Sovetsky district located in the northeast of the Crimean Peninsula. The population is Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Belarusians. The climate of the area contributes to the favorable development of soil and land resources. The economy is developed due to agricultural crops, horticulture and grape art are developed.

Chernomorsky district

The Black Sea region is located in the west of the Crimean Peninsula. District center Chernomorskoe. Most of the territory has a flat topography. The climate is pleasant in summer with the coolness of the sea, and in winter the plains protect from the wind. This area has the lowest population in Crimea.

Simferopol district

Simferopol district located in the southwestern part of the republic. The center of the district is , it includes 12 towns and 92 villages. The territory of the region consists of steppe and mountainous terrain. The climate is moderate, summers are quite hot, and winters are not too cold.

Saki district

Saki district is located on the western coast of Crimea. The region is developed in all sectors of the national economy; local residents are distinguished by their hard work and desire for the development of the region. Shell rock is also being mined, which is used in the construction of residential buildings. The soils are favorable for growing agricultural crops.

Pervomaisky district

Pervomaisky district- This is one of the steppe zones of Crimea. The center of the district is the urban-type settlement - Pervomaiskoe. The population of the region is diverse, Ukrainians, Russians, Crimean Tatars, Belarusians, Poles, Moldovans. The main income in the economy is the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, grapes, and various grain crops. Favorable plant growth is facilitated by the climate and, of course, fertile lands.

Nizhnegorsky district

Nizhnegorsky district located in the east of Crimea. The population includes Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Belarusians and Poles. The Lower Mountains are one of the richest regions in the republic in terms of water resources; the largest canal in Europe, the North Crimean Canal, runs here.

Leninsky district

Leninsky district- This is the largest region of Crimea. It is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. Located in the eastern part of the republic, it occupies the territory of the Kerch Peninsula and the Arabat Spit. On the territory of the region there are two of the most environmentally friendly nature reserves - the Opuksky and Kazantipsky nature reserves.

Krasnoperekopsky district

Krasnoperekopsky district is located in the north of Crimea. It is washed by the Karnitsky Gulf and the waters of Sivash. The area has interesting natural features. There are 8 largest salt lakes here, which have been a source of salt production for a long time.

Central Crimea

Central Crimea known to all tourists if only for the fact that it is here - in - that all the railway tracks leading to the peninsula end. Therefore, almost all travelers are familiar with this Crimean part, regardless of the type of transport chosen for travel. But often this acquaintance is very fleeting, as everyone is in a hurry to get to the sea. Although in Central Crimea there is something to visit and see.

In the Crimean capital itself and its environs there are several sights worth visiting. For example, Simferopol museums are very interesting - the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Taurida and others. Wonderful walks can be taken in the local Gagarin or Vernadsky parks. But the most important attraction of the outskirts of Simferopol is considered to be a nature reserve - the ruins of an ancient city, where excavations are still ongoing.
Traveling a little further outside the city, you can visit the famous karst caves of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range: , Emine-Bair-Khosar and Emine-Bair-Koba. And if you go to the Red Cave, you can also see the underground part of the Kizilkobinki River, which breaks out to the surface in the form of the Su-Uchkhan waterfall.

Despite the fact that the capital of the peninsula is Simferopol, visiting card of Central Crimea rightfully considered. The most popular place in the city is. It covers an area of ​​about 4 hectares, so it will take several hours to carefully examine every corner of it. Even in Bakhchisarai, relatively recently (2013), a miniature park was opened, in which the entire Crimea with all its sights was created in a reduced form. In addition, there is a cave Assumption Monastery and many cave fortresses, for example, Chufut-Kale.

The next city in Central Crimea that attracts the attention of tourists is. Among the natural creations of its surroundings, the most popular, which has its own interesting history. And also crowds of tourists are constantly observed in, on 20 hectares of the territory of which more than 50 lions live.

Another town worthy of a visit is Old Crimea, located in a mountain valley near Feodosia. The nature of this place is very picturesque, even despite the remoteness of the sea - the main decoration of the Crimean landscapes. Moreover, here you can see many ancient monasteries and temples, which have been well preserved to this day.

The mountain range also belongs to Central Crimea. Fans of mountain tourism come to these places with pleasure. But the Valley of Ghosts, one of the mysterious places of the peninsula, made Demerdzhi famous.
Of course, the lack of sea in the central part of Crimea makes it less popular. But still, when you come here, you can have a good time and learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.

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Composition of the region

Simferopol district - Belogorsky district - Simferopol

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Tasks: Write down the largest settlements of this region; Determine the main features of the geographical location of the region; Write down the areas with which the Central Crimea region is adjacent.

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Geographical position

The position of Central Crimea is unique in its own way - the region is located at the junction of the flat and mountainous parts of the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, its southern and central parts are located within the Inner, Outer and even the Main range of the Crimean Mountains, and a significant northern part is part of the Plain Crimea. This unique location is significantly reflected in the contrast of natural conditions of different parts of Central Crimea.

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One of the main natural attractions of the region is an 800-year-old oak tree, in the shadow of which, according to documents, the famous Russian commander Alexander Suvorov negotiated with the Turkish Khan. The height of the oak tree is 18 meters, and it takes 12 people to grasp it. According to local historians, this oak tree, even though it stands in an open field, is never struck by lightning.

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Nature of the region Relief - Central Crimean Plain and foothills of the Crimean Mountains Soils - southern chernozems Climate - hot summers and relatively warm winters Inland waters - the region is better provided than all regions of Crimea Minerals - clays, building limestones, mineral waters, sand

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Plants and animals of Central Crimea

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    oak hornbeam ash

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    fescue feather grass Cyclamen Kuznetsova Katran Steven

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    Astragalus bristles Orchis-deified Crimean wolfberry Larkspur Palassa

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    gopher jerboa badger Kutora small

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    owl falcon lark red-bellied toad

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    Young archaeologist

    Several unique sites of primitive man were discovered on the territory of the Simferopol and Belogorsk regions

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    Archaeologists believe that the grotto was a site for Neanderthals who lived in the Old Stone Age during the Mousterian era, and this was approximately 100,000-40,000 years ago. This rare monument from the Middle Paleolithic was discovered in 1879 by K. S. Merezhkovsky. This was the first grotto of its kind on the territory of Crimea, opened in the Russian Empire.

    Wolf Grotto

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    Since 1947, this landmark has the status of a monument of world significance. There is no more ancient, preserved human dwelling on the territory of Europe, except for the Chokurcha cave. In ancient times, Neanderthals made tools here and sheltered from bad weather. Skeletons of people from the Paleolithic era were discovered in this area. Chokurcha Cave

    The Kiik-Koba grotto cave is located in the valley of the Zuya River, 8 km south of the village of the same name. Under the influence of groundwater and weathering of rock, a natural recess was formed at an altitude of about 90 meters above a mountain river, covered like a roof by a rocky ledge. The grotto is well hidden by forest thickets and a pile of huge stones. It has an area of ​​about 50 sq.m. In 1924-1925 archaeologists discovered in a cave the oldest site of primitive man in Crimea. The most valuable find was the remains of Neanderthals, a woman and a child. In addition, under the arches of the cave, up to 500 flint tools were found, used about 100 thousand years ago, and many bone remains of the extinct fauna of Crimea. The Kiik-Koba grotto cave is recognized as a scientific site of world significance. Cave-grotto Kiik-Koba

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    Yeni-Sala Caves 2 The bowels of the earth, the cave goes 75 meters deep, while deepening by 13 meters. The total area of ​​Yeni-Sala-2 is 385 meters. The Yeni-Sala-2 cave was discovered in 1960 by schoolchildren studying in a circle of young archaeologists. When we first visited the Yeni-Sala-2 cave, a large number of niches were discovered in which there were bones, skulls and horns of wild and domestic animals. During excavations in Yeni-Sala-2, scientists discovered the remains of ceramic products from different eras. Among the artifacts, items made of black Kizilkobin ceramics were found, which made it possible to assume that the Yeni-Sala-2 cave is nothing more than the ancestral sanctuary of the Crimean Taurians.

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    Mountain Crimea is the land of classical karst. Limestones are easily dissolved by water, and various karst landforms and voids are formed on their surface, as well as in the depths. Marble Cave is considered the most beautiful cave in Crimea. It was opened only in 1984. Located on the lower plateau of Chatyr-Dag

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    The Red Cave got its name from the iron oxide found in the local rocks. Thanks to him, the entire area around Kizil-Koba is painted in reddish-red tones.

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    Emine-Bair-Khosar is one of the most beautiful caves in Crimea. Translated from Turkic, Emi means “oak”, Bair means “slope”, Khosar means “well”, thus the whole name is translated as “well on the slope near the oak tree”.

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    Young hydrologist The longest river in Crimea is SALGIR Its length is 232 km. Together with the BIYUK-KARASU tributary, it represents the largest water system in Crimea. The upper reaches of the river are formed from the confluence of the ANGARA and KIZIL-KOBA rivers. In the area of ​​the village of Zarechnoye, a large tributary, the AYAN, flows into the river. The mouth of the river is SIVASH Bay. On the river in 1951 - 1955. The Siimferopol reservoir was built

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    From source to mouth, the Crimean River Salgir carries its waters at a distance of 232 kilometers. The longest Crimean river originates at the top of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, descends along the northern slope, and in its lower reaches flows through the steppe part of the Crimean Peninsula.

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    RIVERS of Central Crimea WET INDOL - CHOROKH-SU Zuya Burulcha Biyuk - Karasu

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    Many Crimean rivers in their bed form picturesque waterfalls Cheremisovsky waterfalls Uskutsky waterfalls

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    Uchan-Su Waterfall Jur-Jur Waterfall

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    The Three Saints Waterfall is located on the territory belonging to the Toplovsky St. Paraskevievsky Convent

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    Central Crimea is one of the most water-rich regions of the peninsula. Dozens of ponds and several large reservoirs have been created on its territory. Simferopol reservoir Taigan reservoir

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    Balanovskoye Reservoir Partizanskoye Reservoir

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    A little history In the village of Mirnoye near Simferopol, on May 8, 2015, the grand opening of a memorial dedicated to the prisoners of the “Red” concentration camp took place. There were several concentration camps in Crimea between 1942 and 1944, but “Red” was the largest of them. Partisans, prisoners of war, underground fighters and simply civilian Crimean residents were kept in the camps

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    Simferopol district The priority areas in the development of the region are: grain cultivation, vegetable production, cultivation of essential oil crops and sunflower seed oil, development of fruit growing and viticulture; in livestock farming – dairy and beef cattle breeding, poultry farming, pig farming, sheep breeding.

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    Belogorsky district Its main specialization is growing grain, essential oil crops, livestock farming, and poultry farming.

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    A few kilometers north of Belogorsk, a steep Inner Ridge rose, topped with the picturesque Ak-Kaya rock. From a distance it looks like an elegant white-stone palace. The impression of a palace with perfect architectural forms is enhanced on a sunny summer day by the dazzling whiteness of the limestones and marls that make up Ak-Kaya. Therefore, its Crimean Tatar name is very apt, meaning nothing more than White Rock. White Rock covers an area of ​​2028 hectares. The height above sea level is 325 m, above the valley White Rock rises 150 m. White Rock was formed as a result of erosion and weathering of Upper Cretaceous limestones and marls. White Rock is of interest for geological excursions.

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    Simferopol has many attractions - the status of the capital of Crimea obliges it. First of all, this is the Simferopol railway station - the first thing that tourists who come to Crimea on vacation see. In the center of Crimea, museums preserve the memory of Crimean history and peoples: the Republican Museum of Local Lore, the Simferopol Art Museum, the Crimean Tatar Museum of Art, the original TNU Zoo Museum and even the Museum of the History of Chocolate. The most beautiful places in Simferopol are, of course, the Botanical Garden of TNU named after. Vernadsky (on its territory there is the House of Count Vorontsov), the Simferopol Reservoir and the Gagarin Park are favorite vacation spots for Simferopol residents and city guests. It is also worth getting acquainted with the archaeological monument of Scythian Naples, the ancient capital of Scythia. There are many monuments in Simferopol that depict milestones in the history of the city and famous people of history - monuments to Prince Dolgorukov, Alexander Pushkin, the Aivazovsky brothers, and commander Suvorov. Simferopol is the cultural center of the peninsula; the most significant Crimean theaters and places of entertainment are concentrated here: Russian Drama Theater, Crimean Ukrainian Musical Theater, Crimean Tatar Theater, Tezikov Circus

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    The ruins of the ancient city of Scythian Naples today constitute a historical and archaeological reserve on the outskirts of Simferopol. Excursions are conducted on part of the territory; the buildings dug out of the ground form an open-air museum exposition.

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    The largest safari park in Europe, where several dozen lions live without cages (they can be observed from special overpasses), as well as hundreds of other animals: giraffes, camels, rams, parrots, and numerous monkeys. Unlike other zoos, most animals (except for predators, of course) can be touched, stroked and even hand-fed. Huge peacocks, for example, roam freely around the area, like pigeons in our parks.

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    “FederalPress” presents the latest issue of the column “The main things of the week in the regions of the Russian Federation.” With the help of our experts, we will tell you how Russian regions lived this week.

    Central Federal District

    Ivanovo region

    Voskresensky was offered to visit an ambulance station with bedbugs

    Regional Duma deputy Dmitry Shelyakin and member of the regional OP Roman Kruglov visited the ambulance station in Kineshma and invited the head of the region, Stanislav Voskresensky, to personally verify the deplorable state of the local vehicle fleet.

    Shelyakin and Kruglov arrived at the emergency medical station in Kineshma after a series of high-profile publications in the media in which workers complained about poverty wages, falling apart cars and the lack of conditions for rest between calls.

    Dmitry Shelyakin:

    « I have never seen such collapse and devastation before. Working conditions leave much to be desired, cars fall apart, they are repaired on the street, and there are not enough spare parts. Well, the most important thing is the miserable wages. A and. O. Governor, I would strongly recommend coming to the Kinesha ambulance station with bedbugs and taking a ride in one of the service vehicles».

    The press service of the head of the region stated that Voskresensky is in Moscow and cannot respond to this proposal.

    Kaluga region

    Residents of Tarusa protest against garbage from the Moscow region

    In Tarusa they are protesting against a landfill. Residents of Tarusa are organizing protests and collecting signatures against an illegal landfill on the territory of a former brick factory. According to them, garbage from the Moscow region from Kuchino began to be transported there.

    The territory of the former plant is located within the city and only two kilometers from Oka.

    On Monday, March 26, a group of protesters entered the former plant and discovered piles of fresh garbage. Several thousand people signed a petition addressed to Governor Anatoly Artamonov demanding that the landfill be closed. In addition, city residents sent a collective request to the prosecutor's office.

    Political scientist Vitaly Chernikov:

    « What worries residents most is that “the garbage they will be carrying is not ours.” The amount of territory allocated worries people, because Kaluga waste does not require so much territory.

    This means that garbage will be brought in from outside. Where it comes from is also clear. The closest waste supplier experiencing severe problems with disposal and storage is Moscow and the Moscow region.People are ready to set up factories if they have their own garbage. It’s another matter if a commercial project is being done, from which someone from the outside will make money, and the residents will reap all the negativity.

    And there are two points here: either there is complete disregard on the part of the authorities for living people, or an inability to convey information to people, to explain the need for measures taken, even if the authorities are right».

    Ural Federal District

    Sverdlovsk region

    Deputies of the Legislative Assembly are preparing to adopt a bill to abolish direct mayoral elections in Yekaterinburg

    The Committee for the Development of Local Self-Government of the Legislative Assembly of the region considered two bills last week, the initiator of one is the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev, the second is the deputy of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Wegner. In the first option, it is proposed to abolish direct elections of the mayor. In the second, combine the powers of the mayor and the head of administration into one position.

    The adoption of any of the bills will lead to the abolition of the two-headed management system in the capital of the Urals. Deputies of the committee for the development of local self-government by a majority vote chose the option proposed by the head of the region. The issue will be brought up at the next meeting of the Legislative Council.

    If the bill is adopted, the head of Yekaterinburg will be chosen not by people at the polling stations, but by a special commission, which will include officials from the regional government and city Duma deputies. This scheme is already “working” in almost all municipalities of the region. Among the exceptions are Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil.

    « I am convinced that we made the right decision. Similar experience has already been gained in the Sverdlovsk region. Practice shows that not all candidates have the work experience to manage a city. One head once admitted to me that he had won, sat down in the head’s chair, but didn’t know what to do. For two years he dealt with his responsibilities and the city lost participation in many programs during this period. The person chosen by the deputies must be elected and from the next day sit down and work. The responsibility of people's representatives for the candidacy they supported also increases.“,” a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region commented on the bill to a FederalPress correspondent Anatoly Sukhov.

    Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika visited the Middle Urals

    Yuri Chaika was in the capital of the Middle Urals for a two-day visit. As part of it, the Prosecutor General of Russia held a meeting on protecting the rights of investors in the Far Eastern, Siberian and Ural districts. According to Yuri Chaika, a third of permits for applications for the provision of a “Far Eastern hectare” were issued in violation of the deadline.

    Yuri Chaika also took part in the meeting dedicated to business problems. In addition to the topic of reducing administrative barriers for business, the upcoming prosecutor's audit of housing and communal services tariffs was discussed at the meeting. Boris Titov, Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Russia, also took part in the meeting. The meeting itself was held behind closed doors.

    City Duma elections have started in Yekaterinburg

    The Sverdlovsk United Russia party was the first to announce the start of preparations for the elections to the City Duma. The election campaign was discussed on March 29 at the regional political council of the party. In particular, it was decided that the primaries for the city Duma elections would be held according to the first, so-called “open” model: everyone can take part in them. Preliminary voting will take place on June 3, and 75 people will be selected for nomination based on the results of the primaries.

    “The list scheme is quite complex, but it was already used in Nizhny Tagil last year. We will have 18 single-mandate members, 18 territorial groups of three people and three people on the citywide list", explained the head of the Sverdlovsk United Russia Victor Sheptiy.

    Chelyabinsk region

    Searches and arrests took place at the Assembly of Deputies of the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk Region

    In addition to the Assembly of Deputies, security forces raided the local departments of education, as well as property and land relations. Investigative measures took place as part of a criminal investigation into a bribe in the amount of eight million rubles (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The defendants were, according to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Chelyabinsk Region, the head of the preschool education department of the Miass administration Tatyana Bieva, a certain deputy of the city assembly of deputies, an expert and a local resident. The investigation believes that in 2017, the suspects conspired and used budget funds to purchase the building at an inflated price. The transaction was concluded on the basis of a fictitious expert assessment.

    « There is a long-standing conflict in Miass, it is very problematic in terms of the merging of crime and power since the 90s. The fact that everything is still not all right within the city government is evidenced by the constant confrontation between the deputy corps and the head (Gennady Vaskov - editor's note). In this state, the city cannot function normally. Everyone tried to unravel this “Gordian knot,” starting with Sumin and Yurevich. In my opinion, we need to cut without waiting for peritonitis in the form of a popular revolt. Now there is a danger of serious protests there"- the political scientist commented on the situation Andrey Lavrov.

    Tyumen region

    Tyumen will compete to host international biathlon competitions

    The Tyumen region will qualify to host major international biathlon competitions in the 2018-2019 season. At the same time, the issue of holding the Biathlon World Championships in Russia remains difficult.

    « Technically, the 2021 championship is no longer in Tyumen. In September 2018, the bid to host it will again be competed at the IBU Congress. The conditions are more stringent - the Russian Anti-Doping Agency needs to become a member of WADA. At the same time, WADA demands that Russia recognize McLaren’s report, which we will never do. It is quite difficult to predict how this situation will develop."- said the head of the region Vladimir Yakushev.

    In Tyumen and Ishim, after the fire on Olimpiyskaya, 35 buildings with flammable facades were found

    During an inspection of the facades of buildings in Tyumen and Ishim, 35 objects were identified that were finished with flammable materials, including one apartment building. Violations were identified during 47 examinations conducted jointly with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The results of the inspections were presented at a meeting of a special interdepartmental working group to ensure legality in the housing and communal services sector.

    « Prosecutors have taken a set of response measures aimed at eliminating the identified violations and bringing the perpetrators to justice. 15 proposals were made to eliminate violations of the law and 6 administrative cases were initiated under Part 1 of Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“violation of fire safety requirements”). The regional prosecutor's office continues to work to ensure the rule of law in the housing and communal services sector“- reported the press service of the prosecutor’s office of the Tyumen region.

    Kurgan region

    Public hearings on the development of a uranium deposit were held in the Trans-Urals

    On March 29, in the village of Trud and Znanie, Zverinogolovsky district, Kurgan region, public hearings were held on preparations for the development of a uranium deposit. The discussion was about the planned economic activities and the preparation of Terms of Reference for the development of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project “Pilot site for borehole underground leaching of uranium at the Dobrovolnoye deposit.”

    More than 120 area residents took part in the hearings. They made their additions and comments to the draft documents presented. These include proposals to include in the EIA sections on the protection of subsoil and aquifers, monitoring and forecasting the impact on aquifers, as well as the requirement to conduct studies of statistical data on morbidity in the areas where Dalur JSC operates, the Zverinogolovsky district and average values ​​in the Kurgan region .

    In total, more than 50 proposals from villagers were received, which they were promised to take into account in future work.

    Anatoly Yuzhalin, leading geologist of the subsoil use department of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Kurgan Region:

    « The hearings were conducted by the Zverinogolovsky District Commission. Many people came who actively spoke out and supported the opening of a new production facility. There were also his opponents, but there were almost no concrete proposals from them. But I note that Nikolai Afanasyev, one of the activists of the Kurgan Antiuran group, this time proposed sensible things. He noticed that the terms of reference lacked a study of the condition of the old wells that were drilled during prospecting work. He also proposed monitoring the condition of the open basin of the Tobol River. This is also necessary. Now all proposals, including written ones, must be processed within a week and the minutes of the hearings must be published».


    The hockey team "Ugra" was expelled from the KHL

    The Board of Directors of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) decided to exclude the Ugra team from the list of participants. In May 2017, Ugra took last place in its own KHL ranking. Not only the sports results of the teams were taken into account, but also factors such as the cost of paying players, the attractiveness of television broadcasts of home matches, the occupancy of the arena, the presence of debts to players and staff, etc.

    « Before the start of the last season, a number of criteria were announced, and “Ugra”, judging by the results, does not meet them. But everything can change“- said the director of the district sports department Igor Gubkin.

    The deputy from Ugra was expelled from United Russia

    Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma from Yugra Alexei Anosov was expelled from the United Russia party. The reason for this was a violation of the party charter. The decision was made at a meeting of the primary branch of United Russia in Khanty-Mansiysk. Anosov was accused of organizing the work of observers during the March 18 elections from the headquarters of another candidate, Pavel Grudinin.

    « He violated the charter and party ethics and insisted on organizing the work of observers from the headquarters of another candidate. A person should think about how to ensure compliance with the decree of the party congress on supporting the current president. However, he made this decision. I am sure that this person has no place in the ranks of the party"- said the secretary of the primary branch of United Russia in Ugra Konstantin Penchukov.


    The Yamal team became the leader in the amount of gold at the Arctic Winter Games in Canada

    The team of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug shared with the Alaska team first place in the overall standings in terms of the number of gold medals at the Arctic Winter Games in Canada. During the competition, Yamal residents won 51 gold medals: 20 medals of the highest standard were won by biathletes and 13 by figure skaters, 12 by tennis players, four by representatives of the Arctic all-around and two by snowshoe runners. In addition, the athletes won 38 silver medals and 20 bronze. In total, the Yamal team has 109 medals.

    « The famous Selkup song ensemble “Machit Koymy” introduced the competition participants to the cultural traditions of Yamal. Yamal artists performed daily throughout the Games. In addition, they took part in a gala concert in Fort Smith“- note the press service of the head of the region.

    The head of the Ministry of Transport spoke about the start date of construction of the Northern Latitudinal Railway

    The start date for construction of the key facility of the Northern Latitudinal Railway, the bridge over the Ob River, will be set in the near future, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said at a meeting of the final board.

    « The lion's share of cargo transportation passes along the Northern Sea Route from the implementation of the large Yamal LNG project. The construction of railways in the future will multiply these volumes", noted the head of the region Dmitry Kobylkin.

    Northwestern Federal District

    Saint Petersburg

    The US Consulate will be closed

    The US Consulate General in St. Petersburg must stop working this Saturday, this decision was made the day before by the Russian Foreign Ministry in response to the closure of the Russian diplomatic mission in Seattle. Previously, options for closing US consulates in Yekaterinburg or Vladivostok were considered. After the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the British city of Salisbury, in which the UK accuses Russia of involvement, 24 countries expelled some of their Russian diplomats. In particular, 60 diplomatic mission employees were expelled from the United States, 23 directly from the UK, and 13 from Ukraine. According to the latest data, the United States will lose not only the consulate building on Furshtadskaya Street, but also the mansion on Grodnensky Lane, where the American residence is located.

    « As part of a symmetrical response to the closure of the Russian diplomatic mission in Seattle, the US Consulate in Russia should naturally be closed. If many countries expelled diplomats en masse, reproaching them for espionage, it would still be possible to formally agree with such a formulation, expel the same number from Russia in mirror image and calm down at that, the political scientist and Americanist told FederalPress Mikhail Sinelnikov-Orishak.But now it is very strange under what pretext this was done and what actions followed. Today diplomats were expelled in connection with the Skripal case. Tomorrow they will find a Kalashnikov assault rifle casing somewhere. Who invented the Kalashnikov assault rifle? Russia. So it's her fault».

    According to him, the inconvenience for St. Petersburg residents due to the closure of the US Consulate General in the city is not a reason for the inaction of the Russian authorities. It should be noted that the issuance of visas in St. Petersburg was stopped in September 2017 after the first mass expulsion of American diplomats.

    Poltavchenko threatens officials

    Georgy Poltavchenko promised resignations to city officials, up to the heads of districts, for poor cleaning of roofs and the fall of ice and icicles, which can injure people, however, only from next year. “I'm starting to not like it. Spring will come soon, but starting next year we will take into account the effectiveness of the heads of administration, according to residents’ assessments and the number of negative facts,” said the governor, who has headed the city since 2011.

    The problem has been around for many years – Valentina Matvienko, when she was the mayor, proposed fighting “icicles” with the help of lasers. This winter alone in St. Petersburg, according to media reports, several dozen people were injured by falling ice. In mid-February, Poltavchenko demanded that district officials remove the icicles “in three days,” but this did not help: after this, several more city residents were injured, and one died.

    The Supreme Court did not return Hyde Park

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not return the status of “Hyde Park” to the Champ de Mars, which the city authorities deprived it of after mass protests by Navalny’s supporters in the summer of 2017. The Supreme Court upheld the decision of the city court, which had previously rejected the administrative claim of activists against the ban on the only “Hyde Park” in the center of St. Petersburg. The rest are not popular because they are located on the outskirts.

    « We regularly see manifestations of crafty, dishonest, disrespectful practice of approving public events for the residents of St. Petersburg; far-fetched and formal pretexts and the organization of fake events are regularly used to refuse. The actions of Alexei Navalny received the greatest popularity, but an incomparably larger number of refusals were received by organizers of public events with other goals,” - said the Commissioner for Human Rights in St. Petersburg Alexander Shishlov. “The authorities need to change their approach to coordinating mass actions. The only place in demand by the organizers of mass actions on the Champ de Mars was liquidated in August. A selective approach to coordination contributes to the radicalization of public sentiment, actually provoking people with an active civic position, especially young people, to carry out uncoordinated actions", he added.

    The Greeks will build a waste plant near St. Petersburg

    The Greek consortium Heelector-Actor plans to begin construction of a waste recycling plant near St. Petersburg by the end of 2018 and implement the project within three years, said Simos Panagiotidis, general director of Levashovo Waste Processing Project LLC (LMP, the project investor, established by the consortium). The cost of the project is estimated at 306 million euros, financing will be provided by the Eurasian Development Bank. Currently, the Investment Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, together with LMP, is reviewing the financial model of the project. The plant will also launch a line for the disposal of sewage sludge coming from the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg”

    « The implementation of the project will not only help solve the problem of garbage in the north of St. Petersburg, but will also eliminate the problem with the smell from the Novoselki MSW, which bothered residents of the surrounding areas“, says Mikhail Timofeev, an analyst at the G-Urbanica research agency.

    Leningrad region

    The governor introduced a moratorium on quarries

    Alexander Drozdenko today introduced a temporary moratorium on the development of new sand and crushed stone quarries in the region. The restriction will begin on May 1 and will continue until 2020. The governor explained that the pace of work is high, and there will be enough minerals from the existing quarries.

    « The extraction of sand, crushed stone, and granite has been going on for decades, and there is really no urgent need for new developers, given that, according to official data, sand in the region is mined on a huge scale, - Doctor of Economics, teacher at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) told FederalPress Alexander Osipov.– There are 179 licenses for sand extraction alone – with a total volume of 1 billion cubic meters. Quarries that have already existed for many years make it possible to provide materials for construction projects not only in the Leningrad region, but also in other regions of Russia. So a temporary moratorium will not undermine market opportunities».

    Republic of Karelia

    Control was returned to the Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance of Karelia and the republican prosecutor's office entered into an agreement on joint suppression of financial violations. The reason was changes in the structure of the regional government. Previously, financial audit was carried out by the State Control Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but after the arrest of its head Vitaly Galkin, the state structure was liquidated.

    « With this agreement we streamline the interaction that is carried out in practice anyway. Naturally, all acts of audits that are carried out by employees of the Ministry of Finance after the liquidation of the Control Committee have already been addressed to us and will continue to be addressed. The agreement will streamline this interaction - said the prosecutor of the republic Karen Gabrielyan. – Well, it also describes here how joint checks will be carried out. All this is ultimately aimed at controlling the expenditure of budget funds, including those that will be received during the implementation of the federal target program for the development of the republic until 2020 and other programs».

    Pskov region

    Vedernikov “replenished” the regional budget

    Pskov deputies adopted amendments to the regional budget. Its revenue increased by 2.1 billion rubles; the region will additionally receive most of the funds – 1.6 billion – from the federal budget. The funds will be used both for the implementation of the President’s “May” decrees and his instructions following his address to the Federal Assembly, and for infrastructure projects. 450 million rubles are intended for the construction of an overpass in Velikiye Luki, 300 million rubles - for the construction of the second stage of the bypass road around Pskov, the so-called Northern Bypass. The region received 244 million rubles to create additional places in nurseries. The region received more than 100 million rubles for the purchase of mobile medical complexes. 77 million rubles will be spent on monthly payments to families in connection with the birth or adoption of their first child. The flow of funds for the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing is also increasing - the Housing and Communal Sector Reform Assistance Fund sent 99.5 million rubles to the region.

    The noticeable replenishment of the regional purse is associated with the active work of Acting Governor Mikhail Vedernikov with the government and federal departments. " Attracting additional funds to the regional budget is active work, primarily the work of regional authorities with the federal center,” - noted the deputy of the regional Assembly (A Just Russia faction) Natalya Tudakova. Her colleague, chairman of the committee on economic policy, agro-industrial complex, ecology and environmental management of the assembly Andrei Kozlov notes that the funds arrived at the beginning of the year . “This will allow them to master the quality", - he said.

    Novgorod region

    The mayor reported for the last time

    On Thursday, the mayor of Veliky Novgorod, Yuri Bobryshev, reported to the deputies on the work done over the year. This is his last report in the current convocation. In previous years, the mayor's office experienced a conflict with the City Duma and two rejections of the report, which exposed an open conflict between the head of the city and ex-governor Sergei Mitin. Over the past two years, the Duma and the mayor have reconciled. This time, only two deputies gave an unsatisfactory assessment - LDPR member Vladimir Danilov and non-party member Elena Mikhailova. The Yabloko faction, consisting of two people, abstained, while the rest positively assessed the mayor’s work. It recently became known that the mayor may seek a new term, although he previously stated his reluctance to become the head of the city for the third time. Deputies-opponents of Yuri Bobryshev mentioned new prospects at the Duma meeting. “Thank you, but then we are on our own, with God’s help,” said deputy Danilov.

    “At the mayor’s report, city Duma deputies Mikhailova and Danilov, suggesting that Bobryshev not try to participate in the competition for the position of head of the city administration, opened the hunting season for this position. I think for now these first heralds are not engaged, they simply sense the trend and are in a hurry to become the first creators of a big process that will determine the fate of the city for several years to come", a Novgorod political strategist told FederalPress Mikhail Shimanovsky.

    Kaliningrad region

    University classes are opening in schools

    In April, the selection of schools in the region will begin in which classes for pre-professional and early specialized training will open in five areas that are promising for the socio-economic development of the region. University classes are being created as part of the innovative educational project “Star of the Future.” It involves in-depth study of specialized subjects and application of knowledge in practice. For example, graduates of medical classes will be able to work as nurses caring for patients immediately after graduation. In addition, schoolchildren will be trained in specialized secondary and higher education programs for admission to universities. The first intake for the 2018–2019 academic year will be a pilot. This year, grades 10 and 11 will be involved in the project, and from 2019, specialized education will begin in grade 6.

    « The Star of the Future project will train schoolchildren in five areas: IT, engineering, pedagogy, medicine and the social and humanitarian sector. Only a few schools will participate in the pilot project, but students from all over the region can enroll in this class. When entering 10th grade, they can apply to selected schools. We expect that the competition for a place in this class will reach five people, – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region told FederalPress Ilya Barinov. – The project is unique. For example, in Moscow there are several medical and a number of engineering classes, but no one has an organized project covering the entire region. It is important that enterprises at the regional, federal and international (for example, CISCO) levels are actively involved in the development of curricula; they will help us create a dual training system. I am confident that the created system will motivate our students to achieve high results».

    Far Eastern Federal District

    10 companies immediately became residents of the free port of Vladivostok

    A dozen companies became residents of the free port of Vladivostok - the total amount of declared investments in the projects amounted to 8.8 billion rubles. Today, more than 500 companies are residents. It is expected that the implementation of all projects will create 41 thousand new jobs.

    Press service of the Ministry for Development of the Far East:

    « In one day, ten new residents with projects worth 8.8 billion rubles were registered in the Free Port of Vladivostok. Investors acting under agreements with the Far East Development Corporation will create more than one and a half thousand new jobs in the Far East».

    Primorsky Krai

    Planes from South Korea will begin to be repaired in Primorye

    This was reported by the press service of the Primorsky Territory administration. Russian aircraft that operate in South Korea are planned to be repaired at the 322 aircraft repair plant.

    Managing director of the enterprise Alexander Shpakov:

    « Now we are actively increasing production: we have agreed with South Korea on the repair of Russian aircraft operated in this country, and together with the Vladivostok branch of the Dubna Machine-Building Plant we plan to produce parts for cameras used in aircraft. We are also working on creating a laser technology center, but we need federal support».

    Magadan Region

    Australia wants to invest in Kolyma

    The conference “North-East: Territory of Development” ended in Moscow. The event was organized by the governments of the Magadan region, Chukotka, the Institute of Geotechnologies and the organizing committee of “Mineks Far East”. As part of the conference, a meeting took place between the head of Kolyma, Vladimir Pecheny, and the Ambassador of Australia to the Russian Federation, Peter Tesch. The ambassador reported on the interest of Australian businessmen in cooperation with industrial enterprises in the region and the possibility of investing in the mining industry of Kolyma.

    Governor of the Magadan Region Vladimir Pecheny:

    « A large group of Australian businessmen and representatives of the Australian Embassy in Russia are going to visit us in September. This is another step in the development of the Kolyma mining industry, this is new potential investment in the region».

    Siberian Federal District

    Kemerovo region

    Deadly fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center

    On Sunday, March 25, a fatal fire occurred in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo. According to the latest official data, 64 people died, 41 of them children. As part of the criminal case, 7 people were detained, including the manager of the shopping center and the general director of the confectionery plant that owned the building. According to the investigation, the head of the plant, Yulia Bogdanova, was responsible for the fire safety of the center. At the same time, according to the testimony of her employees, she was repeatedly reported about problems in the fire safety system, but no measures were taken to correct it.

    « Fire safety is quite an expensive proposition in shopping centers. Well, and the question of saving money... Although, as far as I know, the systems were installed there. Why they did not work properly is a question for the relevant competent authorities, who will establish this during the investigation. Any building structure has certain fire resistance limits. You need to understand that the temperature at the source of the fire reaches over 1000 degrees, and, naturally, reinforced concrete structures can withstand the temperature for a strictly defined time. It took more than 15 hours to extinguish the fire; naturally, the ceilings could not withstand such a temperature. The fire and rescue units did everything they could to save people. When the collapse of structural elements began, the personnel were withdrawn to a safe place in order not to increase the additional number of victims.

    When extinguishing this fire, there were quite a lot of small fires left, especially inside the rubble. Accordingly, during pouring and disassembly, repeated fires are possible, which are eliminated by means that are on site. When coming to any shopping center or public place, you need to be able to navigate the area. Our people, as a rule, focus on the route they took to enter the building, not paying attention to alternative escape routes. Until this culture is vaccinated, there will, unfortunately, be a large number of victims.

    You need to understand that the floors were burning with a large presence of children, whom their parents left in children's rooms and cinema halls. And those people who got out towards the emergency exits found themselves at doors that were not unlocked. The casualties could have been avoided if the evacuation had been properly organized: the emergency exits that were built there had been opened, if the personnel had been properly trained, inspected and acted in accordance with this knowledge, rather than trying to evacuate first“,” the executive director of the Fire Center group of companies commented to FederalPress. Alexander Starostin.

    Krasnoyarsk region

    Trade grain with China

    In the administration of Krasnoyarsk this week, the deputy head of the department of the mayor of the city, Vadim Falaleev, met with the Chinese delegation. The latter included, in addition to officials, commodity producers in the food industry who came specifically to participate in the exhibition. However, the main outcome of the meeting is considered to be preliminary contracts for the export of grain from the region to China.

    “During the meeting, grain supplies from the Krasnoyarsk Territory to China were discussed. For this purpose, the company “Izumrud Agro” has already been registered; its authorized capital is 100 million rubles. It is expected that at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum the company will conclude two large contracts for the supply of grain,” the administration’s press service confirmed.

    Irkutsk region

    After the announcement of Irina Yezhova’s resignation from the post of chairman of the Irkutsk Duma and the intensified behind-the-scenes struggle of some deputies for her place, experts started talking about a crisis in the representative body of the city government. However, some political scientists believe that political battles in the representative body of local self-government are not at all a sign of problems, but an indicator of a natural struggle between almost equal forces, which may indicate a rapid increase in the rating of the City Duma.

    « Until the fall of last year, the Irkutsk Duma was quiet and calm, such a peaceful body of representative power. In my opinion, this is not the norm. Disputes with the executive branch should not be prohibited, and are not at all an indicator of any problems in the city. As I recall, the first signs of what was called a “crisis” began after some deputies became outraged that city officials were telling them exactly how to vote on certain issues. Which is quite fair. And the fight for the seat of the Duma head should be bright - after all, this is a possible candidate for mayor of the city“- the coordinator of the Irkutsk branch of the public movement “Voice”, political scientist, candidate of historical sciences, told FederalPress Alexey Petrov.

    Novosibirsk region

    Gasification is slowing down

    Novosibirsk parliamentarians are concerned about the slowdown in gasification in the region. This week they sent an appeal to the acting governor of the Novosibirsk region, Andrei Travnikov, with a proposal to stop reducing the region’s investments in gasification.

    In the last three years, according to the calculations of Novosibirsk parliamentarians, regional budget investments in the industry have decreased by more than five times. If in 2015 540 million rubles were allocated for gasification of the region, then in 2017 the amount was already 97 million rubles, and this year it is planned to allocate only 133 million rubles for the program. The deputies considered the explanations of Acting Minister of Housing, Communal Services and Energy of the Novosibirsk Region Denis Arkhipov that the slowdown was due to a change in the general contractor from Gazprom to be unconvincing.

    « These are unconvincing numbers; we cannot develop like this. “We deliberately decided to make an appeal to the acting governor of the Novosibirsk region regarding the situation with gasification in the region,” said the head of the committee for construction, housing and communal services and tariffs of the Novosibirsk region, Evgeny Pokrovsky. – There is no area of ​​the Novosibirsk region where issues related to gasification would not arise. Everywhere we are asked when we will have gas. Everyone understands that gas takes life to a fundamentally new level and greatly affects the cost of housing».

    Volga Federal District

    Perm region

    Motovilikha Plants declared bankrupt

    On March 26, the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory declared Motovilikha Plants PJSC bankrupt. Bankruptcy proceedings have been opened against the company. The claim was filed by JSC VNII Signal (Vladimir Region). The applicant substantiated his demands by the existence of a debt on the part of the enterprise in the amount of 32.1 million rubles. Meanwhile, in February, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov visited the defense enterprise. He promised to fill the enterprise with orders until 2027 and expressed interest in the speedy financial recovery of the manufacturer of military equipment. At Motovilikha they assure that the enterprise will continue to operate, the implementation of the state defense order will not be disrupted, and the six thousand workers are not threatened with dismissal.

    Lawyer and employee of the Perm Regional Human Rights Center Sergei Trutnev confirmed that he had not heard about layoffs at the enterprise.

    « I have not heard of any conflicts at the enterprise. So far, workers from there have not come to us. Most likely, everything is decided thoughtfully there».

    Nizhny Novgorod Region

    Oleg and Nikita Sorokin resigned as parliamentarians

    Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Oleg Sorokin and his son Nikita submitted applications for early resignation as deputies of the regional parliament. Deputies submitted personal statements to the regional parliament through assistants. Currently, Oleg Sorokin has been arrested, he is accused of bribery, as well as aiding and abetting abuse of power by law enforcement officers and complicity with them in the kidnapping of Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexander Novoselov, who was involved in the case of the assassination attempt on Oleg Sorokin in 2003. Nikita Sorokin, according to investigators, is abroad. On Thursday, the legislative assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region decided to early terminate the Sorokins’ parliamentary powers.

    According to the political scientist Viktor Lysov, the resignation of the Sorokins is of a forced nature, the nature of the beginning of a deal between the former vice-speaker of the legislative assembly and the persons who are behind his arrest. " The purpose of this deal is to mitigate the potential punishment as much as possible, limiting it to the fact that it may be suspended. I am absolutely sure that the people who are behind this want not so much to punish Sorokin as some kind of potential criminal, but to eliminate his influence on a group of “city” deputies. It is possible that some other deputies of the Sorokin group will “get in the way” if there is something behind them", says Lysov.

    Political scientist Alexander Sukhanov: « It is clear to most that this is a compromise, a certain agreement that Oleg Sorokin entered into voluntarily or due to circumstances. Nikita Sorokin’s statement only confirms the idea that this is a belated attempt by Oleg Sorokin to remove his family members from the threat of prosecution. In relation to Oleg Valentinovich himself, the investigation continues and will continue. And this is not a matter of political persecution, as many observers write. Everything is much worse. I believe that the main task of the investigation in the Sorokin case is to uncover the corruption schemes, the use of which brought the city to such a terrible state, and the municipal economy to financial bankruptcy».

    According to the deputy chairman of the legislative assembly, Alexander Tabachnikov, the Sorokins’ statements were partly fueled by journalists asking about the absence of deputies at meetings in the legislative assembly. " From the point of view of Oleg Valentinovich and Nikita, the written statements can be characterized as you like, forced circumstances or not, but at least it is honest: the deputy does not work and writes a statement asking him to resign from office“, summarized the vice-speaker of the legislative assembly.

    Kirov region

    Only municipal JSC Kuprit wants to become a re-operator of MSW in Kirov

    The municipal environmental enterprise for processing industrial and household waste JSC Kuprit submitted the only application for the competition to select a regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste in Kirov. In accordance with current legislation, the competition was declared invalid. The application of Kuprit JSC is checked for compliance with the requirements of the competition documentation. The transition to a new waste collection and recycling scheme in the Kirov region is planned from January 1, 2019. As part of the implementation of the waste management scheme in the Kirov region, it is planned to build waste sorting and waste transfer stations, waste processing facilities, build landfills and eliminate landfills.

    Ex-deputy of the Kirov City Duma Alexey Kuzmin believes that the logic of the city authorities in this case is quite understandable and correct: “ I hope this is an informed decision. Kuprit will have to not only buy out or take control of most of the landfills in the region, but also purchase garbage trucks for almost 1 billion rubles. In this case, the tariff for export will be set by the operator himself. Whether this will lead to an uncontrolled increase in tariffs is an open question. But the logic of the city authorities is quite clear and correct - to enter into the largest long-term contract for the enterprise, and then it is very beneficial for the budget to privatize the joint-stock company, and, naturally, not for 39 million rubles as planned in December 2017».

    The Investigative Committee became interested in those who permitted the construction of the residential complex “Novoye Sergeevo”

    In the process of discussing the problems of defrauded shareholders, the authorities and law enforcement agencies of the Kirov region for the first time asked themselves not only what to do, but also who is to blame. In particular, the investigator intends to check why officials of the Kirov city administration allocated a flooded area for the construction of the New Sergeevo residential complex and issued a permit for its construction. The Kirovvodproekt Group of Companies also came to the attention of law enforcement agencies, which is charged with improperly conducting engineering surveys on the site.

    « Everyone knew perfectly well that there was a flood zone there, but they issued a building permit. Geological surveys were carried out over 100 meters instead of 4 hectares, and the design company got away with it. From this stage to the stage of acceptance of the house for operation, pre-investigation checks were initiated by all officials. The guilty parties will not stand aside“, promised the head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region Airat Akhmetshin.

    « In 2015, my family also bought an apartment in “New Sergeevo” for almost 2 million rubles. At that time, information was disseminated on all websites, including those of city authorities, that the facilities were being built under the state program “Housing for the Russian Family.” Many knew that this site was flooded in the spring, but thought that officials would not have issued a building permit if there were problems with the design documentation. After all, the whole of St. Petersburg was built on a swamp - you just need to choose the right materials and technologies to avoid these problems", says the shareholder Tatiana Shirokova.

    Republic of Tatarstan

    Shares of Ak Bars Bank were arrested in the case of fraud in Tatfondbank

    The Privolzhsky District Court of Kazan arrested 20.4% of the shares of Ak Bars Bank worth 9.8 billion rubles, owned by the State Housing Fund (GZHF). Thus, the court partially granted the request of the investigation in the criminal case of fraud in the failed Tatfondbank. The arrest was imposed for the duration of the preliminary investigation. The investigation also asked to arrest the land plots of the State Housing Fund worth 2.7 billion rubles. However, the court refused to satisfy this part of the petition. Let us recall that the property of the State Housing Fund was pledged to Tatfondbank as collateral for loan agreements. The head of the information policy group of the State Housing Fund, Guzel Rakhmatullina, estimated the value of the arrested stake in Ak Bars Bank at 5 thousand 580 apartments. GZhF intends to appeal the court decision to seize property after receiving a court decision.

    “The stake in Ak Bars Bank owned by GZhF is unlikely to be put up for sale to satisfy the demands of the victims in the Tatfondbank case. After all, through the State Housing Fund it belongs to the government of the republic. It did not intend and will not give it to anyone else, because this would lead to the loss of a controlling stake"- Alor Broker analyst explains to local media Alexey Antonov.

    Saratov region

    Diesel production in the Saratov region may become a thing of the past

    Diesel production as a separate industry in the Saratov region may soon become a thing of the past. Of the three largest enterprises in the region, only Saratovdieselapparat does not talk about problems. Volgodieselapparat in Marks is on the verge of selling its property. Another oldest manufacturer, Volzhsky Diesel named after Maminykh in Balakovo, has been closed for a year now, and the chances of reviving it are assessed as illusory.

    Former Minister of Industry of the Saratov Region Sergei Lisovsky believes that production in Balakovo and Marks can still be preserved and revived if the enterprises join some large engineering association. However, time for this is becoming less and less. If you miss a few years, the base, primarily personnel, will be irrevocably lost, and with it all the experience accumulated by the industry.

    « The current situation was caused, on the one hand, by the processes occurring in the diesel industry in general, and on the other, by Saratov specific features. The Russian government did not pay enough attention to the development of this industry; there was an orientation towards Western models. The work of Volzhsky Diesel was largely aimed at the marine diesel industry, many of whose enterprises are located in Ukraine. When connections were interrupted, they began to develop this direction in Russia. But some enterprises, including Volzhsky Diesel, did not live to see this moment"- explained Sergey Lisovsky.

    PJSC "T Plus" wants to take over concession the municipal thermal power plants of Saratov

    The Saratov branch of PJSC T Plus (Renova Group of Companies) announced its desire to take over the concession the municipal heating networks of the regional center, which the company currently uses on the basis of a free use agreement. The initiative concession proposes that heating network property can be transferred to the investor without the latter going through competitive procedures. Energy experts claim that the investment program proposed by the company will reduce the number of accidents in heating networks. T Plus does not say how much the potential investor intends to invest in Saratov heating networks, but notes that the PJSC plans to allocate about 850 million rubles to prepare for the next heating season.

    Deputy of the Saratov City Duma Gennady Turuntaev: “The concession arises due to a hopeless situation with the city budget. But even in this case, there is a feeling that the executive branch is creating problems for itself. In the system of market relations, the concessionaire sets as its main task the extraction of maximum profit, and not improvement. I'm very cautious about this idea. If we formed a budget based on 100% of our powers, there would be no need for a concession. The investor, of course, is interested in this. They looked at the water utility, where they entered into an agreement, now the deputies have raised tariffs for them and in the end they will return all their costs a hundredfold. And it is not yet known how they will manage these public utilities.”

    Orenburg region

    Orenburg authorities are ready to close shopping centers through the courts

    The head of Orenburg, Evgeny Arapov, announced his readiness to close shopping malls through the courts that do not eliminate fire safety problems in a timely manner. Large-scale inspections in shopping and entertainment complexes in the region began after the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping center “Winter Cherry”. In general, Evgeny Arapov assesses the situation with fire safety in Orenburg shopping malls as difficult. December mass inspections, which began in shopping malls in the region after a major fire in the Mir shopping center, as well as fires in the Raduga shopping center and the Lyubimy shopping center under construction, revealed more than 800 violations. The deadline for eliminating them expires in May.

    The mayor's office has the biggest complaints against the owners of the Three Whales shopping center. The owner of the premises lives in Israel and, according to the head of Orenburg, does not make contact with either the prosecutor’s office or the mayor’s office, which makes it impossible to bring a large retail facility into a safe condition. " I have already prepared all the necessary documents and appeals and will be forced to demand the closure of this shopping complex through the court.”, - stated Evgeny Arapov.

    Evgeny Arapov also called on Orenburg residents to refrain from visiting the Furniture Bazaar shopping center: “There is only one single exit in the four-story building, the rest are closed or filled with furniture. Since December, the situation at the site has remained virtually unchanged. I strongly do not recommend residents of Orenburg to go to the Furniture Bazaar. This is dangerous to your health and life. I believe that as the head of the city I have the right to openly state this.”

    « The violations are the same everywhere. Somewhere more, somewhere less. Indeed, just like in Kemerovo, evacuation routes are blocked in every shopping center. The automatic fire alarm and warning system do not always work, and so on. Of course, owners save on security. I won’t say that it’s universal, but, unfortunately, this happens everywhere., - states the chairman of the Samara regional branch of the all-Russian public organization “Russian Union of Rescuers” Andrey Vorobiev. – Alas, according to the law, all shopping centers are classified as small businesses, and some even micro-businesses. They cannot be checked regularly, even if the supervisory authorities have reasons for doing so. The prosecutor's office itself crosses out such objects from inspection plans. Today there are too many laws that hinder inspectors. If before 2005 objects were inspected once or twice a year, now they are not inspected for years».

    Samara Region

    The redistribution of the Samara housing and communal services market has entered an active phase

    The prosecutor's office of the Samara region summed up the preliminary results of the audit and preliminary confirmed the facts of the withdrawal of funds from the largest management company in Samara, Housing and Communal System, owned by the well-known Moscow JSC DomKom Invest. According to the press secretary of the regional prosecutor's office, Ulyana Kudinova, the inspection has not yet been completed, but the collected materials have been transferred to the investigative committee. Over the past year, along with money, the company has lost about fifty apartment buildings - their residents have opted for other service organizations. Against the backdrop of the division of apartment buildings in the city, showdowns in the style of the 1990s began.

    One of the companies that accepted the apartment buildings that refused the services of the housing and communal services management company was Remstroyservis LLC. Director of Remstroyservis LLC Viktor Belov associates the attempted attacks in August 2017 and the arson of a car in February 2018 with his professional activities.

    « I have suspicions that all of the above criminal acts are related to my professional activities, since they began to occur sequentially after the transfer of apartment buildings to the management of Remstroyservis LLC from the management companies of ZhKS LLC and Kommunalnik LLC. Perhaps the transition of the apartment building under the management of Remstroyservice LLC is not liked by competitors, whose owner is Domkom Invest JSC. I cannot imagine any other motives, no one approached me with any complaints, no threats were made against me, no threats of blackmail or extortion were made, I did not conflict with anyone. I believe that in this way they are putting pressure on me to force me to stop managing apartment buildings, as well as to give back the houses with which a management agreement was concluded"- said Victor Belov FederalPress.

    Udmurt republic

    The Ministry of Agriculture intends to rehabilitate ineffective agricultural enterprises

    The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Udmurt Republic intends to rehabilitate about 50 ineffective agricultural enterprises by merging or merging with stronger farms. “We want to improve our weak farms and try to either unite them, if there is such a possibility from a territorial point of view, and there are such opportunities for individual farms, or to join them with larger neighbors,” Acting Minister Olga Abramova announced the plans to the press. -conferences. As Olga Abramova explained, this will allow preserving enterprises that are key to the villages in which they are located. Currently, farms are being examined by the ministry together with the heads of municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic sees reorganization as one of the options for exiting the republic’s agriculture from the crisis associated with a decrease in purchase prices for milk.

    « The purpose of reorganization is to bring individual industries out of the crisis. However, this will not solve the problem with purchase prices. That is, it is necessary to either reduce the cost of milk produced, or preferences for producers, tax or credit. This should allow producers to maintain financial stability even at current purchasing prices. The second option is to introduce restrictions on the import of milk powder, which will reduce supply on the market and lead to an increase in purchase prices", - commented the senior analyst of Freedom Finance Investment Company Bogdan Zvarich Udmurt media.

    Southern Federal District

    Krasnodar region

    A visiting meeting of the HRC was held in Krasnodar

    On March 28, a visiting meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights was held in Krasnodar. Prior to this, council members visited various municipalities in the region for two and a half days, where they received citizens, visited social facilities, and also held several round tables. Speaking at the retreat, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Mikhail Fedotov noted that the Krasnodar Territory plays a special role in the life of the country. However, there are many different problems that can be solved through the joint efforts of government structures and civil society structures. During the event, the governor of Kuban also spoke, noting the need for a constructive approach and seeking consensus in solving difficult situations. In addition, there were unplanned speeches from local residents of the region, who spoke about their problems.

    Vyacheslav Legkodu x, Ombudsman for Farmers' Rights in the Krasnodar Territory: “ The visiting meeting of the HRC was the result of a three-day visit of the Council to Kuban. Based on its results, human rights activists shared the problems they had uncovered. However, I never heard of any acute unsolvable problems. Everything that was voiced is completely solvable. The only huge problem is the situation with Pushkinsky Dol in Gelendzhik. But the governor has already promised that a decision is being made on this situation and there will be dialogue. Personally, it was important for me to hear that a working group on farmers’ problems in the Kuban is working and conflict situations involving farmers have begun to be resolved. The very fact that we did not hear in the hall about the difficulties faced by agricultural producers tells us about the effectiveness of the work done. In general, there are still many problems in the region, but they can all be solved. And the visiting meeting of the HRC became another tool for updating them and setting priorities in putting things in order».

    Volgograd region

    The Volgograd region will develop a 2030 strategy in seven months

    In seven months and 18.2 million rubles, the Moscow “Center for Infrastructure Economics” will develop a strategy for the socio-economic development of the Volgograd region until 2030. During this period, it is necessary to study the region’s strategic planning system, determine priorities for the sustainable and dynamic development of the region’s economy and social sphere, and also formulate an effective long-term policy of the authorities aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the economy, the level and quality of life of the population. The strategy should spell out ways to attract financial resources to develop growth points in the region and propose management solutions to stimulate investment activity. At the first stage, a diagnosis of socio-economic development will be carried out, then the work on the strategy will be designed - to develop development paths for the region in all key areas. Thus, the developer is required to indicate the directions of budget policy, industrial development, small and medium-sized businesses, transport, and waste management. At the same time, do not forget about the quality of life, the development of human capital and even civil society.

    « To begin with, I would focus on analyzing the statistical information disclosed by Volgogradstat and studying the features of the socio-economic development of the region, says the expert analyst at FINAM JSC. Alexey Kalachev. – It is not at all necessary that the transport hub strategy will be taken as a basis. Although the geographical location of the region contributes to this, it is unlikely that the Volgograd region has a significant advantage over its neighbors in this direction. In any case, not so big as to be based only on this. At the same time, the need to modernize transport infrastructure, as an integral condition for successful socio-economic development, is a pressing problem for the region».

    Astrakhan region

    The region hosted the “Community” forum

    The first “Community” forum of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation this year was held in Astrakhan. The central theme was “Sports and Medicine: Vectors of Development.” Social activists spoke about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of timely diagnosis of diseases, and the role of media in the popularization of physical education and sports. As noted by the secretary of the Public Chamber of Russia Valery Fadeev, official statistics record an increase in the number of people actively involved in physical education and sports. At the same time, the figures raised doubts in him: they show that 46.3% of Russians under the age of 17 are involved in sports, and 51.2% of those involved are adults. Valery Fadeev noted that schoolchildren, on the one hand, give “good results”, on the other, “if they were actively involved in sports, then the military registration and enlistment offices would not complain.”

    « Doctors say that every third schoolchild suffers from chronic diseases. 1.5% of schoolchildren have very poor health“- noted Fadeev.

    « All categories require motivation, of course. Today, both the victories of Russian athletes and sports television projects play a stimulating role. Military-patriotic movements should be involved in this work, because sport “is also one of the elements of the spiritual, moral, patriotic education of youth"says the Olympic rowing champion Maxim Opalev, which is currently engaged in the creation and development of water sports centers. According to him, the Olympic Games in Korea showed, “ how important the topic of sports is for our citizens.”

    In Astrakhan they took up transport reform

    In Astrakhan they decided to restore order in transport communications. To achieve this, the city will change routes and tighten requirements for carriers. It is stated that all existing market players will be able to participate in the new scheme, subject to certain requirements. The main problem of the existing network is not only insufficient control - both over the technical condition and over the actual movements - the main omission is the unsystematic nature of the network as such. Negative factors are the duplication of many routes, as well as the use of mainly small-class buses for transporting passengers, which is irrational. The main question that has not yet been publicly discussed is at whose expense the changes will take place. The authorities insist not only on adjusting routes and the mandatory introduction of dispatch, but also on updating the fleet. This will require costs from carriers - new competitions will be held for all new and changed routes.

    There are no plans for any “main” carrier in Astrakhan yet, a member of the regional headquarters of the ONF and a member of the governor’s transport council told FederalPress Igor Sukhov.

    « There will not be one operator. Everyone will be welcome to participate, but we will no longer allow rotten minibuses,” he emphasized. “As for costs and tariffs, the issue will probably still be discussed.” He also noted that the reasonable organization of minibuses will allow us to begin to develop the municipal bus fleet - in the current configuration, buses simply could not find their market niche».

    Republic of Crimea

    Aksenov fired officials due to a scandal in the fuel industry

    This week, another personnel purge occurred in Crimea again: Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Serov, the head of Chernomorneftegaz Boris Zimin, as well as three of his deputies were fired due to another scandal in the fuel and energy industry of the peninsula - the inability of the contractor hired by Chernomorneftegaz ", bring the gas pipeline to the power plants under construction in Crimea. The head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, said that the dismissals were caused by the low efficiency of these officials. Alexander Kuznetsov, also Zimin’s deputy, was appointed acting Chernomorneftegaz. According to Sergei Aksenov, Kuznetsov has already begun developing a plan to overcome the backlog in the construction of the gas pipeline.

    The head of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea, Oleg Morozov, was also dismissed from his post. However, according to one version, his dismissal is connected not so much with the delay in the construction of the gas pipeline and the commissioning of the thermal power plant, but with Morozov’s personal conflict with one of Aksenov’s close associates - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vitaly Nakhlupin. There is no official confirmation of this version yet, but it is known for sure that the post of head of the Development Corporation will be taken by Nikolai Saprunov, a finalist in the “Leaders of Russia” management competition.

    « The resignation of the management of Chernomorneftegaz was expected. The customer for the construction of access routes to the thermal power plant was Chernomorneftegaz. According to the documentation, construction was supposed to be completed in April 2017, although as of February 2017 construction was not yet underway. The new team that came with Zimin was supposed to eliminate this backlog. But taking into account the fact that the work there began, and it did not comply with GOST, and now the work that has been carried out does not comply with GOST, it is natural that they will not be accepted. And naturally, someone had to answer for this. And since these power plants are being built by the feds, and they are almost ready, they will not be put into operation", the social activist is sure Alexander Talipov.


    Deputies again did not choose a business ombudsman, but heard from officials

    The main news for the Sevastopol business community: the third attempt by deputies of the Legislative Assembly to appoint a defender for businessmen was a fiasco. Neither lawyer Konstantin Andrievsky, nor chairman of the regional “Opora Rossii” Valery Vasyutin secured the required number of parliamentary votes, which means the procedure will be restarted. At this plenary meeting, the people's representatives heard reports from the heads of the departments of transport, architecture and health care. Thus, it became known that in April the designers must submit adjustments to the general plan to the government, and this is no less than 80% of the original document. The planned date for re-public presentation of the project is May 2018, approval is June 2018. Well, the state of Sevastopol medicine can hardly be called satisfactory yet, but there are qualitative changes, deputies say.

    The work of the Department of Architecture last year inspires deputy Vyacheslav Gorelov with “cautious optimism” because “there were almost no controversial projects that caused public outcry.” According to him, many urban planning problems have been leveled out or solved. Deputy Alexey Chaly stated that he “didn’t understand the purpose of the Department of Transportation.” " We listened to the doctors - it was clear that they were fighting for life expectancy and the availability of medicine. This was tested by indicators that were compared with federal ones. It is clear in what coordinate system people live. After listening to everything you said, I don’t understand what the Department of Transportation is fighting for?”– Chaly unexpectedly spoke out, offering his services in providing “methodological assistance”.

    North Caucasian Federal District

    The Republic of Dagestan

    Dagestanis fear the fall of the space station

    China's first space station will burn up in the atmosphere within a week. Now it is at an altitude of about 200 kilometers, but it is losing 4 kilometers per day, and the rate of fall is increasing. According to the forecast, the Tiangong-1 station will fall apart and may collapse in Dagestan.

    Full member of the Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Alexander Zheleznyakov:

    « Spacecraft are destroyed when entering the earth's atmosphere; the Earth reaches 10-15% of the total mass of the apparatus. The weight of the Tiangong station is more than 8 tons, therefore, 900 kilograms will fall to Earth. To say that there will be significant damage is absurd. Some pieces will fall. Individual buildings may suffer, but they will suffer, not be destroyed. There is no need to wait for a universal catastrophe - this is all speculation. Nothing bad will happen. During the convergence of vehicles even of this mass, nothing serious was recorded in the entire history of the space age».

    North Ossetia

    In Beslan, North Ossetia, city residents honored those killed in the fire in Kemerovo

    The event took place at school No. 1, where children also died as a result of a terrorist attack in 2004. In the gym where students were held several years ago, the phrase “We mourn in Kemerovo” was posted with candles. Among those who came were the “mothers of Beslan” and former hostages.

    Entrepreneur, father of two schoolchildren Dmitry Reisikh:

    « Everyone is fighting corruption, spending money and effort, but its level only continues to amaze. After what happened in Kemerovo, certain conclusions can be drawn. One of them is the loss of trust in the state federal media; people are forced to collect minimal information bit by bit and trust social networks and other sources, even dubious ones, more than official information. There is a growing wave of distrust in the authorities, which is facilitated by the authorities themselves, since dialogue with the population has completely failed. There has never been such a gap, and in the age of digital technology this is crazy and fraught

    A clear connection with Beslan can be felt primarily in the future consequences: they will find the culprits and make them guilty, but the real beneficiaries of this vicious system will remain with their».

    Chairman of the Mothers of Beslan Committee Susanna Dudieva:

    “Security requirements must be very high and implemented unquestioningly. I believe that we need to review all the norms and instructions and put everything in such a state that we can safely send children there».

    Republic of Chechnya

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is ready to catch the Ukrainian prankster Nikita Kuvikov (Evgeniy Volnova), who disseminated information about hundreds of people killed in a fire in Kemerovo.

    Minister of Chechnya for National Affairs, External Relations, Press and Information Dzhambulat Umarov

    « You and I are not cowboys; we should announce a reward for someone. Everything is within the law. Why would Ramzan Kadyrov plan something when in the Russian Federation there are a lot of relevant competent authorities that should be involved in prosecution, capture, and so on. If such a state task is set within the scope of its competence, then, believe me, Ramzan Akhmatovich will carry it out very meticulously».

    Photo: Evgeny Potorochin (FederalPress), Mikhail Voskresensky. Alexey Filippov, Alexander Kryazhev, Vladimir Fedorenko, Evgeny Epanchintsev (RIA Novosti)


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