The most ticklish places in a person. Interesting facts about the fear of tickling. Why do we laugh when we are tickled?

Tickling is the most unpleasant phenomenon that causes contagious laughter and irritability. It involves physical pressure using fingertips or a gentle feather on sensitive areas of the body: heels, neck, wrists, stomach and armpits.

Only those people who have weak nerve endings can enjoy it. In other cases, they lose control of their emotions and wonder how to concentrate in such situations and how to stop being afraid of tickling? There are several effective exercises that will help you pull yourself together.

Dangerous moment

Tickle torture has existed since ancient times. Only the bravest person could withstand it. In total, several dangers can be identified that arise due to its effect on a certain area of ​​the body:

  • Slight dizziness appears.
  • Uncontrolled urination may occur.
  • The sensitivity of some points becomes aggravated, which is why pain then appears.
  • Hiccups begin.
  • Salivation increases.
  • If you work on the same area for a long time, spasms and severe suffocation may occur, and you may even die from tickling.

What can you do to avoid these negative aspects? You should deal with tickling.

Method one - complete “switching”

The first thing a person who is being “tickled” needs is to relax as much as possible. It is recommended to do breathing exercises - take a smooth deep breath and exhale the same way. During it, you need to try to switch from this situation to any other: think about existing problems, reflect on philosophical topics, mentally imagine any phenomenon, for example, the sun rising, waves splashing or water flowing from a tap. This cunning method will allow a person to concentrate on his thoughts, this will reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Method two - full concentration

Experienced psychologists know first-hand how to stop being afraid of tickling. They recommend that during physical impact on a certain part of the body, fully concentrate on the object: feel its warmth, roughness, gravity, friction, the moment of contact. Or in the gaze of the one who carries out the torture, in the picture that hangs on the wall and on any object. This way, the brain will be distracted from the tickling process, and it will be easier to bear.

Method three - transformation

Most often, a person, in order to mock another person, begins to tickle his heels. They are considered the most sensitive area. During such a period, a person develops a feeling of slight and incomprehensible fear, which he cannot cope with on his own. At this moment, you should mentally make a transformation of emotions, for example, transform them into a feeling of aggression. Anger will allow you to overcome yourself and reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Method four - “cinema” exercise

The most effective method to overcome your fear of tickling is to mentally transport yourself to a movie theater. A person should imagine that he is sitting alone in a spacious and beautiful hall. There should be a feeling of calm, comfort and security. Some famous black and white film is shown on the big screen. It’s worth trying to imagine all the events taking place in your head, seeing the faces of the main characters, and understanding their feelings. After just five minutes of such a relaxation session, you will notice that the feeling of fear has completely left you.

Method five - positive phrases

While tickling, you need to talk to yourself. In a calm voice, say pleasant phrases about how good everything is. From the outside it may look a little stupid. This technique will create a special signal for the brain that will stop panic.

Simple rules

In total, we can highlight a few basic rules on how to stop being afraid of tickling.

  • You need to constantly train. For example, ask a friend or relative to periodically tickle themselves in a certain area. You can influence it yourself using a soft object. During this process, you need to practice distraction exercises. This method will help you get used to this state and understand which relaxation method will help more.
  • You should always perceive tickling as something very pleasant, capable of bringing the most positive emotions. The brain will automatically remember this setting. During exposure to a certain point, it will give appropriate signals.
  • Periodically you need to do breathing exercises, it will help you cope with a wide variety of emotions.

There are people who constantly have a panicky fear of tickling. Even in a calm state, they experience severe discomfort. In this case, you need to contact a psychotherapist, he will conduct a course of relaxation therapy that will help you cope with this condition.

Hello! Tickling causes a reaction in all people. Some react to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. This reaction usually manifests itself in the form of laughter, but at the same time this process is not very pleasant for us. So why does the body need to react this way to the manipulations of a tickler, and why are we afraid of tickling?

You should know that there are two types of tickling. The first one really “makes you laugh”, while the other one simply causes unpleasant sensations.

Some animals also feel tickling. These, of course, include monkeys, which can make laughter; rats - they produce high-frequency sounds that are elusive to our ears; however, on YouTube you can find a lot of giggling dogs, penguins and dolphins, which should also be taken into account. Research is currently underway into the sounds that different animals make when tickled in order to recognize the primitive inclinations of laughter in them.

Some animals also react to tickling

Why are some areas more sensitive to tickling?

Underarms, lower abdomen and heels– places most vulnerable to tickling. These are places that come into contact with other people not infrequently. During an attack, these places are the most vulnerable, because... Important arteries and veins pass through them. Nature intentionally made these places more sensitive so that the body could instantly respond to danger from the outside.

How does this happen

Yes, just like almost any other reflex! The nerve endings are stimulated and send an impulse to the brain, which makes us laugh. However, not everything is so simple, because this process simultaneously involves the part of the brain that determines whether this sensation is pleasant for the brain or not, and the area in the hypothalamus, where the automatic reaction to the threat comes from. It turns out in two ways, but at least it’s clear why we are afraid of tickling on a reflex level. But what causes the brain to react this way?


Despite all the scientific advances, researchers have still not come to a consensus regarding the causes of the sensation of tickling.

“A good mood generator” is what some researchers call tickling. Since a person is a social being who, in principle, cannot exist without his own kind, his body has a function where another person can stimulate the internal resources of the body, thereby ensuring better enrichment of the blood with useful substances and increasing resistance to both various diseases and to stress.

Tickling, according to the popular version, helps to establish an emotional connection between mother and child, which is one of the first forms of interaction.

If we remember monkeys again, researchers believe that they can express sympathy through tickling.

Why can't I tickle myself?

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to tickle yourself. Aristotle himself proved this! The cerebellum, as it were, warns the rest of the brain that there will now be “self-tickling”, and there is no point in reacting, because all the manipulations are known in advance. Although if you are schizophrenic, you might be able to tickle yourself.

Interesting fact! In the countries of the Ancient East, tickling was considered a sinful activity and was therefore prohibited.

How not to be afraid of tickling

“Resistance” to tickling can be developed by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings. But this effect is achievable through long-term training, as experts say. To do this, when you are tickled, try to relax your muscles as much as possible. It’s a little difficult, of course, but they say that over time the reaction to tickling will decrease. By the way, with age, nerve endings become less sensitive, and, therefore, tickling is easier to tolerate.

You can use a trick. Place your hand on top of the tickler's hand- so the brain can begin to perceive the touch of another person as your own. This is used during an ultrasound procedure, which can also cause tickling.

Is tickling dangerous?

“Tickle to death” is a familiar expression, isn’t it? Indeed, in some cases, tickling can lead to sad consequences, especially if it is unpleasant for a person, because the nerve centers are excited and the body is in a short-term state of stress. All this can lead to a heart attack. In addition, prolonged tickling can cause spasm of the respiratory tract, which can cause a person to suffocate.


Tickling is not as simple as it seems, which is why the fear of tickling today has no clear explanation. We know that this feeling exists at the reflex level, and it should be understood as the body's natural reaction to external unwanted stimuli.

You can have a lot of fun when you can tickle someone, it's an easy way to make people laugh. Many children love tickling, it can be a great way to laugh together. If you look at it from the other side, this is a great way for a guy and his girlfriend to have fun. Tickling is unexpected touches that cause a nerve spasm.


Method 1 of 3: Basic Tickling

Read your victim's signals. Some people love to be tickled and some hate it. Pay attention to signals that indicate whether your victim enjoys this “attack”, or whether his laughter is an involuntary reaction to unpleasant sensations. If she likes it, don't stop!

Know the sticky spots. There are a lot of sticky spots. Some frequently repeated places are:

  • Feet
  • Toes
  • Stomach
  • Navel
  • Armpits
  • Ribs
  • Knees
  • Above the knees
  • Hips
  • Back of knees
  • Back of the neck
  • Use a variety of different touches while tickling. Run your nails lightly over these areas, repeating this movement slowly or quickly. Then press firmly with your fingers and move them quickly.

    Method 2 of 3: Encouragement Tickling

    If your friend is in a depressed mood and you know that tickling him won't hurt, then you can use the Cheer Up Tickle. This will amuse both parties involved.

    In a normal motion, place your hand on your friend's shoulder, or hug him.

    Reach the right place and..... tickle!

    Continue for a few seconds, then release him/her if there is no resistance! Otherwise, you might as well learn how to win a fight with tickling!

    Method 3 of 3: Tricks for More Intense Tickling

    Ask your victim if he wants to be tied up before you tickle him. This way she will not be able to move freely, and all the ticklish points will become more accessible. This is only done if everyone agrees and if your victim enjoys tickling.

    Blindfold her if she agrees. In fact, it has been proven that people experience more tickling sensations if they are blindfolded because they cannot see where you want to tickle them, which makes them unable to prepare in advance and makes them more sensitive.

    Strengthen the effect on feet that are very sensitive to tickling. Nylon tights, stockings and socks make the feet more sensitive (even for guys). This happens because such socks increase sensitivity to tickling. It's probably best to compare tickling with bare feet versus wearing socks to see which is more ticklish.

  • You can also use stockings and pantyhose to blindfold or tie up your victim because they are made of material strong enough to bind arms or legs.
  • Use baby powder or oil. Add them to increase the tickling effect on your victims!

    • A good tip is to lightly run your fingers along the sides of your victim.
    • The best way to tie your victim is to tie him to a bed or something not too hard, in an eagle position with his arms tied above his head and his feet pointing down.
    • Many girls have long nails. This can be to your advantage when you tickle someone with spider tickling (lightly running your nails over the skin or stroking).
    • Hug the person by approaching him from behind and tickle his waist at this moment.
    • Sit on his legs and tickle his feet, or hold his arms above his head.
    • Another way would be to lay him on his stomach, tie his hands behind his back and tie his legs, and then tie his legs and arms together. This way both the feet and the stomach will be accessible.
    • When you are asked to stop, or you see that your friend does not like it, then stop immediately.

    Attention, TODAY only!

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    Tickling is one of the factors of emotional connection between people. This is an unconditioned reflex that helps to respond to external stimuli. Not all people have a fear of tickling. Some may not respond to tickling. Sensitive people find tickling enjoyable, while others find it irritating.

    Tickling can bring both negative and positive emotions

    It is divided into two types - knismesis and gargalesis. Knismesis - tickling with a feather or blade of grass. Gargalesis - intense tickling with fingers. The fear of being tickled by feathers is called pteronophobia.

    Why are some areas more sensitive to tickling?

    The most vulnerable parts of the body - the feet and armpits - react to tickling. It is there that there are nerve nodes, large blood vessels, and joints. Between the armpits there is the axillary vein and artery.

    The neck, chest, and genital area are also sensitive areas. The carotid and vertebral arteries pass through the neck. They supply the brain with blood. The trachea is located in the neck area. Through it, air enters the lungs. Therefore, for these parts of the body, tickling is an irritant and a stimulant.

    There are fewer nerve endings in other areas of the body. Therefore, they are less sensitive to tickling.

    Why can't I tickle myself?

    A person distinguishes between unexpected and expected touches. When he is tickled, a defensive reaction to stimuli appears. This is laughter.

    When someone tries to tickle themselves, a signal goes to the brain. A tomography study showed that the cerebellum blocks the reaction. He instantly analyzes the sensations on the fingers, the actions of the hands, and the body.

    Additionally, it controls nerve endings. This is how the cerebellum warns the body about possible stimulation of the nervous system. Subsequently, the reaction is suppressed, and the expected sensations do not occur.

    What is the use of tickling?

    Psychologists say that tickling is a warning mechanism for the body. It protects - it forces you to pay attention to the object of irritation. They don't always tickle with fingers or a feather. Poisonous insects can be irritants. If they startle, a fear of tickling occurs.

    Useful properties of tickling:

    1. According to psychotherapists, this is part of the highest level of interaction between people. It implies closeness and interest of people to each other. This is one of the forms of communication between a mother and a small child.
    2. She brings joy. The man laughs and feels pleasure. Laughter is a reflex reaction to stimuli.
    3. Laughter helps you lose weight. 20 minutes of sincere laughter burns 60 kcal. You can lose 5 kg in a year without dieting.
    4. Prevention of heart failure. Every day you need to tickle your ears for 10 minutes. Use gentle stimulation. Then the nerve signals decrease. This speeds up the heart's work.

    Tickling provides sexual pleasure. This is one of the options for foreplay in sexual relations. In this way you can bring your partner to orgasm. Touches should be gentle and sensual.

    Some people enjoy tickling their partner. Others enjoy watching someone get tickled. If a person has knismolagnia (sexual arousal from tickling), such foreplay takes the form of sexual fetishism. Therefore, you need to know when to stop.

    Knismolagnia - sexual arousal from tickling

    Is tickling dangerous?

    Most scientists talk about the benefits of tickling, but it can be harmful. Previously, it was used as torture against troublemakers: they were tied to a bed and tickled with bird feathers, straw or dry grass.

    There was another method. The criminal's feet were dipped in salt water. After that, the goat licked them. She has a rough tongue. She used it to tickle the person. For the first 5-10 minutes he could enjoy such an action, then he experienced pain. The man was writhing in agony and could die from an excess of emotions and nervous tension.

    Is it possible to die from tickling?

    Theoretically this is possible. According to scientists, tickling is a passive protective reaction of the body to irritants. Although the person does not experience severe pain, the brain perceives the tickling as a threat. Laughter is not at all an indicator of pleasure or fun. This is a signal that a person wants to get rid of this condition, a reaction to overstrain of the nervous system.

    Doctors have found that in the process of tickling a person becomes hyperexcitable. Every light touch causes muscle cramps and spasms. There is a slight fear. The longer the tickling lasts, the stronger the fear will be.

    The body tenses to eliminate the stimulus. The tickle victim may suffocate and die. But this only applies to those who have respiratory problems. There are no recorded cases of death from tickling.

    Why do people react differently to tickling?

    In humans, the nervous system is developed at different levels. Some are more sensitive to external stimuli, while for others tickling does not cause any reaction.

    Another factor is age. People under 40 are more sensitive to tickling. It evokes a lot of emotions and impressions in them. According to scientists, people under 40 are 10 times more sensitive to tickling than those who are older. With age, tactile sensitivity decreases and the functioning of the nervous system deteriorates.

    How to stop tickling

    Place your hand on the hand of the person who is tickling. A signal will go to your brain that you are tickling yourself. And then the sensitivity will decrease and the unpleasant sensations will go away. The main thing is to catch the tickler's hand. This method is often used by pediatricians when examining the abdomen in children.

    To stop tickling, you need to catch the tickler's hand.

    How to get rid of tickle phobia

    For some people, tickling is real torture. It happens that they develop a phobia of tickling. You can get rid of fear using the following methods:

    1. Sit comfortably in a chair. Mentally imagine that the tickling process has begun. When a slight trembling appears, switch to pleasant memories. The body should relax and the tremors should go away. Repeat the procedure at least three times. The goal is to achieve the absence of trembling when imagining the tickling process.
    2. Ask a friend or acquaintance to place their hand on the most vulnerable part of the body and not remove it for a while. There is no need to tickle. When the first reflexes appear, force yourself to relax. Focus on the heaviness of your hand, its roughness, and warmth.
    3. Once the first two techniques are mastered, ask a friend to tickle your feet, neck, armpits, or other part of the body. Feel every movement. Don't forget about breathing exercises - take a deep breath, exhale slowly. Think that the phobia of tickling will recede and will no longer bother you.

    In psychology, this method is called self-hypnosis. This helps most people with tickle phobia. They independently program themselves to the fact that now they will not be afraid of this process. This means that over time it is possible to reduce sensitivity to tickling.

    Over time, you can reduce your sensitivity to tickling.

    There is no need to completely get rid of fear. Such nervous stimulation is beneficial for the body, but in small quantities. After all, it helps to instantly respond to irritants that can be deadly - poisonous beetles, spiders, insects.

    Tickle phobia is common. Some people experience fear and irritation during the tickling process. Others enjoy tickling.

    It evokes positive emotions and activates the nervous system. But the process should not last more than 10 minutes - in this case, the fun turns into torture.

    It is possible to get rid of a phobia: with the help of loved ones or on your own. A person programs himself for a positive outcome. And tickling no longer causes irritation, hysteria, or panic.

    Incredible facts

    One of the most pleasant sounds to our ears is laughter, and the strongest laughter is often caused by tickling. Parents tickle their children to make them giggle loudly, and the tickling of lovers is more reminiscent of flirting or innocent caresses.

    In what places are people most sensitive to tickling and is it possible to tickle a person to death?

    Here are the answers to these and other tickling questions.

    1. Tickling helps us bond.

    Not only can tickling make us laugh, but it can also help us build relationships. Back in the 19th century, Charles Darwin noted that tickling was a mechanism for social bonding. She serves one of the first forms of communication between mother and child. It also helps build connections between friends and is considered by psychologists to be part five, the highest level of social play, involving intimacy and cognitive interaction.

    2. We can't tickle ourselves.

    If another person's touch can cause tickling, why can't we tickle ourselves? Scientists suggest that our cerebellum can distinguish unexpected touch from expected sensations, and this suppresses the tickle response. When we try to tickle ourselves the brain anticipates this and prepares for the tickling. Perhaps a person developed different reactions to the expected and the unexpected in order to better protect himself from enemies.

    3. The most ticklish spots are the most vulnerable spots during an attack.

    The soles of the feet and armpits are considered two of the most sensitive places on our body. In addition, most ticklish areas such as the neck, chest, and genital area are also the most vulnerable in battles.

    The axillary vein and artery pass through the armpit and provide unobstructed access to the heart, which is not protected by the chest. The neck also contains two important arteries in the human body that supply blood to the brain. The trachea, which carries air to the lungs, is also located in the neck.

    4. Tickling is our body's warning system.

    Scientists have found that the feelings we experience when we are tickled make us panic and are natural defense mechanism against crawling insects such as spiders and beetles.

    5. Tickling can turn into torture.

    There have been cases in history where tickling was used as corporal punishment. There is evidence that the Nazis used tickling as torture. The ancient Romans also used a special type of torture. They tied up the offenders, dipped their feet in salt water and forced the goats to lick it off. Over time, the tickling became very painful.

    As for death from tickling, there is evidence that a person can die from laughter, which means it is theoretically possible to some extent.

    6.The older we get, the less sensitive we are to tickling.

    Is tickling child's play? There is some truth to this, since people under 40 are 10 times more likely to be tickled than those over 40. And this is not because adults do not like tickling, but with age there is a gradual decrease in tactile sensitivity.

    7. Tickling can be stopped

    How to do it? Place your hand on the hand of the person tickling you. Doctors often resort to this trick. When a doctor wants to examine a patient's stomach, he may ask him to place his hand on his. So you're kind of doing the same thing as the doctor, which makes our brain think you're tickling yourself. The only problem is to grab the tickler's hand.

    8. Tickling helps you lose weight

    If tickling makes you laugh out loud, it burns calories. Scientists have found that 10-15 minutes of laughter burns an additional 10-40 calories per day, which can mean a weight loss of several kilograms per year. Of course, it's not the same as going to the gym, but if you decide to lose weight, every calorie counts.

    9. Tickling can be sexually pleasurable.

    For some people, tickling almost any part of the body gives them pleasure, and there are those who get aroused by watching others being tickled. In a broad sense, tickling can serve as a form of foreplay. However, when knismolagnia– arousal from tickling, it becomes a form of sexual fetishism.

    10. Why do we laugh when we are tickled?

    This is the main unanswered question regarding tickling. Laughter is usually associated with humor and pleasure. But when tickled, it occurs uncontrollably, not being associated with a joke or funny incident. Sometimes the tickling process can even be unpleasant and painful. So why do we laugh?


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