Golitsyn trail visiting time. Golitsyn's path, new world. Excursion route along the Golitsyn trail

Many Russians who come to Crimea on vacation know firsthand what a wonderful place the village of Novy Svet is. It arose thanks to the efforts of one of the founders of winemaking in Russia, the famous Prince Golitsyn, in the nineteenth century. It was here that Lev Sergeevich opened a champagne production plant on his estate.

Excursions to the New World are often organized. And this is not surprising. After all, it is here that there are two princely palaces of the founder of winemaking in our country. In addition, the surrounding area of ​​the village has been given the status of a nature reserve. Several thousand tourists come here every year. But few people know where the Golitsyn trail is.

There are many interesting places in Crimea that are worth seeing. The narrow path, named after the man who created it, is no exception.


This part of the coast not only attracts tourists and vacationers today. In 1912, Emperor Nicholas II came here with his family. He planned to visit the village of New World, travel around the entire coast on the royal yacht called “Standart”, take excursions to local attractions and just relax. For the arrival of the emperor, the prince ordered a road to be cut, walking along which one could admire the magnificent Crimean landscapes. This is how Golitsyn’s path was born. Crimea, where a whole army of tourists comes every year, has many interesting places that are definitely worth seeing. And one of them is this particular track.


Many of those who set foot on it never cease to be amazed at how and with what efforts it was built. The Golitsyn Trail, whose length is more than three thousand meters, is a real masterpiece of architecture. Work on the construction of the road was carried out under the personal supervision of Lev Sergeevich. The prince specially hired Turkish specialists for the construction who had experience in the construction of such objects.

Today, the Golitsyn trail (Crimea) is a real standard of architecture with beautifully crafted stone stairs and observation platforms. In the most inaccessible places, where work was carried out at risk to life, workers were suspended on “cradles” specially created for this purpose. The latter were held on very strong ropes.

Nicholas II was incredibly surprised and delighted by the work done. He appreciated the beauty and attractiveness in which the Golitsyn trail appeared before him. After walking along it, the emperor was invited to the table, where he tasted champagne wine produced in the village of Paradise. After this, he stated that he saw life in a new light. It was from this time that the new name of the village began.

In 1927, an earthquake struck Crimea, causing severe damage to the peninsula. Many architectural monuments were destroyed. The Golitsyn trail, which was damaged along almost its entire length, was no exception. But, despite this, it has not lost its beauty and attractiveness for tourists.

Golitsyn Trail (New World)

It originates from the foot of Mount Eagle. Smoothly encircling the cape, it leads travelers to the huge natural grotto of Chaliapin. The Golitsyn Trail perpetuates the memory of the famous industrialist and philanthropist. The grotto, carved out by sea waves over many centuries, amazes tourists. In some places its height reaches three tens of meters. This is an incredibly impressive sight.

In the depths of the grotto there is a stage where, according to Golitsyn’s plan, the musicians were supposed to be located. Immediately behind it is one of the branches of the gigantic repository of unique wines of Prince Lev Sergeevich. A small “well” was also dug in the same place. It periodically accumulates water that flows from the purest underground springs.

Another natural miracle

Immediately after the grotto, the Golitsyn trail leads to another amazing place. These are the cliffs that cover Mount Koba-Kaya on the southern side. They amaze the imagination with their intricacy: huge blocks of stone in their shape resemble human silhouettes or animal figures, while gloomy gorges with steep stairs incredibly resemble the abode of a mythical creature. According to some scientists, these potholes in Koba Kaya could belong to the hand of the ancient peoples who once inhabited this territory. Here, in deep cliffs, even today, fossilized remains of corals, various algae, sea urchins, etc. are often found. Their approximate age is 150 million years.

Further along the route - Cape Kapchik

The Golitsyn (New World) trail leads tourists to a small beach located in Sinaya Bay. From here you can see the narrow, long Cape Kapchik stretching towards the horizon. To the left, the sea hides a stunningly beautiful underwater cave called “Legend”.

Unfortunately, not everyone can see this attraction. Only a few daredevils descend into the depths of the Black Sea.

Cape Kapchik is also famous for many interesting places. It is here that the Ozernaya Cave, which has numerous ornate bends and narrow manholes, is located. If you go a little further, approximately to the middle of the cape, you can see a rather large chasm cutting it. This through hole formed in the ground is seventy-seven meters long. This place is called the Through Grotto. Tourists who come to the Golitsyn trail really love this place, where you can take amazing photos.

Through grotto

This is where the excursion along the eco-trail, equipped for visiting tourists, ends. Everyone who comes to this resort is invited to visit it, listen to the guide’s fascinating story and admire the surrounding views. The Golitsyn trail opens up amazing panoramas. From here you can clearly see Stone Bay with majestic coastal heaps and a green pine grove, steep rocks forming narrow gorges, and a mountain range called “Karul-Oba” that seems to reign over all this chaotic beauty. This rocky reef was formed in the Jurassic period and today is a natural monument.

The through grotto is considered one of the main attractions that can be seen on the Golitsyn trail. Its main feature, which distinguishes this place from other caves on the Crimean land, is its origin. It turns out that this long and very deep tunnel, piercing right through the cape, was formed not as a result of prolonged exposure to water, but from the prolonged and very uneven movement of the underground limestone rocks of Kapchik.

The first to admire the amazing Through Grotto was the creator of the trail - Prince Golitsyn himself. It was he who, at his own expense, landscaped this place, built stone stairs leading directly to the sea, and installed an original forged door at the entrance. It is believed that, first of all, because of the through grotto, tourists want to get here and leave positive reviews about how much they liked the Golitsyn trail.

How to get there

For those who come on vacation to the resort village of Novy Svet or the city of Sudak, travel agencies regularly organize inexpensive boat trips to this amazing place. Entrance to the reserve is paid: a ticket costs one hundred rubles.

Those who are exploring the sights of Crimea on their own can take a regular minibus to the New World, and from there walk or take a taxi to the trail.

Additional Information

The Golitsyn Trail, according to many tourists, is one of the most beautiful places on the peninsula. Picturesque views and fantastic landscapes can captivate even a seasoned traveler. A walk along the trail, just a little over three kilometers long, lasts several hours. And this is not surprising, because tourists have to walk along a road where they have to stop every minute to admire the beauty of nature, take photographs and simply relax after a difficult climb.

The Golitsyn trail has another name. This is due to the fact that one section of it runs at a slope of almost eighty degrees. It is because of this steep section that it is called the Path of Infidelity, although this has nothing to do with adultery. According to local legend , in ancient times, this territory was ruled by one great king, who regularly went on long military campaigns. From each trip he brought with him a new harem. He needed to get rid of the already boring concubines. Therefore, the king came up with an original method: his unloved wives had to walk along this section of the path with a full jug of water, which they held on their heads. The poor women were not allowed to hold on to the surrounding rocks or splash the water. Having passed such a difficult test, the concubine was considered faithful to the king and continued to remain in the harem. They say that the bay below is full of bitter tears, which is why it is one of the saltiest in all of Crimea.

The path starts from the foot of Mount Eagle, which is also known as Cave Rock or Koba-Kaya. Tourists usually go in small groups accompanied by a guide.

But there are also those who want to explore all the delights of these places without undue haste and go on a hike, armed with a guidebook or navigator. To get the most out of your walk, take with you:

Hat and water;

Comfortable clothes and shoes: this route is no less difficult than to the top of Mount Sokol;

Camera – you won’t find such landscapes anywhere else.

A stone path trampled to a shine leads to a most interesting object - a majestic grotto with overhanging blocks of rock. The acoustics inside are excellent, so Lev Sergeevich liked to organize festive dinners here with wine tastings and concerts of opera singers.

According to legend, Fyodor Chaliapin himself sang here, and his strong voice once broke a glass of wine. In this regard, the grotto is often called it. Chaliapin, and also Variety. Today you can see the recesses where bottles of champagne were stored, a stone well and the remains of a stage for celebrity performances.

Wonderful trip

The Golitsyn trail and grotto are a place of extraordinary beauty, shrouded in secrets and interesting stories. The tour, accompanied by an experienced guide, will take you back to the Middle Ages, when the cave was a monastery. (Now it’s hard to believe, because not a trace remains of the ancient Christian temple).

Heading from the grotto to Cape Kapchik, you will walk along the Path of Unfaithful Wives - that’s what Muslims called this path in ancient times. Having reached the cape, travelers will be delighted with the beautiful panorama of the Blue (Tsar) Bay. It is here that the very Tsar’s beach is located, where the last Russian emperor rested. Since rockfalls have become more frequent, access to the beach area is now prohibited.

The final destination of the route is the Through Grotto, which literally permeates the entire Cape Kapchik. Its length is 77 m, height - 20 m. Golitsyn equipped a hall here for receiving guests and holding ceremonial banquets. Currently, due to the danger of collapses, the entrance to the premises is closed by an iron door. At the end of the hike, tourists find themselves in a juniper grove. Centuries-old trees listed in the Red Book give a delightful aroma: the air is thoroughly saturated with phytoncides. It's so easy to breathe here!

After everything you've seen, you want to go to the Golitsyn house-museum. We need to take a closer look at the history of the man thanks to whom hundreds of thousands of people can see these heavenly man-made landscapes. And not somewhere in the Maldives or Seychelles, but in my homeland.

We invite you to watch an educational video about the Golitsyn Trail:

There are quite a lot of them that can only be seen after a long walk. However, there is hardly a more interesting hiking route than the Golitsyn Trail in the New World. Don't be afraid that the excursion will be difficult:

  • the path is carefully monitored, so all the steps and railings are in place;
  • along the way you will find many places to relax and you can even lie on the cleanest shore and swim in the azure water;
  • The climbs will be replaced by descents and flat areas.

Where is it located: the southwestern shore of Green Bay in the village of Novy Svet (Sudak).

What is the most convenient way to get there?: from the bus station along Golitsyn Street, then left to Chaliapin Street. Further - to the sea: you will come out to Green Bay. Follow the signs and you will find a grate from which the ascent to the Golitsyn Trail begins.

What time of year is best to visit?: best in summer and early autumn - then you can not only enjoy the scenery, but also swim.

Already the photos of the Golitsyn Trail can thrill anyone who loves seascapes. During your walk, you will see breathtakingly beautiful cliffs, cozy coves with crystal water, and an ancient juniper grove. It is very convenient that you can go for a walk along the Golitsyn Trail without a guide: the main attractions here are natural and do not need explanations.

History of the Golitsyn Trail in the New World

The Golitsyn Trail is a legacy of the 20th century: it was built by Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn in 1912 for the arrival of Nicholas II. He rightly decided that it was a walk that would allow the emperor to fully enjoy the beauty of eastern Crimea, and therefore ordered steps to be cut on the slope of Mount Koba-Kaya.

The estate of Prince Golitsyn was called Paradise. According to legend, it was Nicholas II who gave the village at the foot of the mountain a new name. After the walk, Lev Sergeevich invited the emperor to the table, where he treated him to champagne made from grapes grown on his estate. Nicholas II was so pleased with the drink that he said that he now sees everything in a new light. This is how the village received its current name!

Route of the Golitsyn trail

The Golitsyn trail in Crimea is carved out on the cliffs of Mount Koba-Kaya, an ancient coral reef. The road immediately rises sharply, and the rocks hanging from above and the steep cliff just next to the path are breathtaking. But there is nothing to be afraid of: the stone parapet will not let you stumble. The higher you go, the more beautiful the resort village of Novy Svet looks!

The first stop on the Golitsyn trail is the Chaliapin Grotto (also called the Variety Grotto or Golitsyn Grotto). This is a natural niche carved into the mountain by waves. The height of the grotto is about 30 m, width - 17 m. This place has a rich history: back in the Middle Ages, there was a cave monastery here. Until the 19th century, the walls of the cave were decorated with frescoes, but they have not survived to this day. Prince Golitsyn ordered a wine library to be built in the grotto: stone arches remind of the stunning collection of the first Crimean winemaker. In the center of the cave there is a well with spring water, and in the deep center of the hall there is a stage where musicians gave performances and, according to legend, F.I. himself sang. Chaliapin! True, historians are still arguing whether the brilliant singer really visited the New World. That doesn’t stop the grotto and one of the streets in the village from bearing his name.

Further, the Golitsinskaya trail leads along the coast of the Blue Bay. It is also called Robbery, because pirate ships hid here during storms during the times of the ancient Hellenes. The path goes down to the very shore: the photo of the Golitsyn path shows that many travelers are happy to stop here to sunbathe and swim!

Further, the path passes along Cape Kapchik, which connects Razboinichya and Blue Bays. Here is also the Through Grotto - a 77-meter cave, laid along a tectonic fault. In this place you will be able to take unforgettable photos of the Golitsyn Trail - through the “view windows” you can see stunning views of the bays.

From Cape Kapchik there is a magnificent view of the Blue Bay and Tsarsky Beach - it was here that Nicholas II sunbathed. At this point the landscaped part of the Golitsyn trail ends. An excellent end to the walk would be to climb Cape Kapchik and return to the village through the juniper forest. The shady path and the amazing smell of trees, many of which are more than a hundred years old, will complement the excursion with its colors!

By the way, the beauty of the Golitsyn Trail in Crimea has been attracting filmmakers for many decades. Thus, it was here that such famous films as “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Three Plus Two”, “Sportloto-82”, “Andromeda Nebula”, “Youths in the Universe”, “Anna Karenina” and many others were filmed.

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Hi all!

During our trip around Crimea we visited many cities, but our first stop was the small resort village of Novy Svet, near the city of Sudak in the southeastern part of the peninsula. At first we were going to stop in Sudak, where we planned to visit the famous one, but then we decided to drive another 10 kilometers along the mountain serpentine and stop in the New World. And that's why. The village of Novy Svet is famous for one very popular attraction among tourists - the Golitsyn trail and the so-called Chaliapin grotto, which is located right on this trail.

I will definitely write about what is remarkable about the New World itself in one of my next articles. Subscribe so you don't miss out! And today I will tell you about our walk along the Golitsyn trail.

Sights of Crimea: Golitsyn trail. A little history:

More than a century ago, in 1912, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II planned to visit the village of Novy Svet. Especially for his arrival, Prince Golitsyn, who owned lands near the village and was engaged in winemaking, ordered the construction of a path so that the emperor and his family could walk and appreciate the beauty of these places. The length of the trail is about 3 kilometers and for its time it became an architectural masterpiece. In 1927, an earthquake occurred in Crimea, which caused severe damage to the trail, but still it did not lose its beauty and attractiveness for tourists.

We decided to walk along the Golitsyn trail not only to see the sights of the New World. I generally love hiking in beautiful places, like when we went to Koh Chang Island in Thailand.

In the morning, after breakfast, we set off to conquer the famous trail. We decided to go on our own, but you can also take a guided tour along the trail or explore it from the sea on a boat. The entrance to the Golitsyn trail is located in the village of Novy Svet itself, next to a small pier. There are signs there, so you won't miss it. Admission is paid - 100 rubles per person. They say that very early in the morning (at about five o'clock), as well as in the off-season (in the winter months), no one guards the trail and you can go on it for free. But we didn’t want to get up so early, so we still had to pay 100 rubles.

Start of the trail:

The Golitsyn trail begins on the southwestern shore of Green Bay under the northern slope of Mount Koba-Kaya.

View of the New World from the Golitsyn Trail:

At the very beginning of the trail, an observation deck was built, to which a rope bridge leads. This platform was built at a later time, but still the boards on the bridge have already begun to rot and break, so be careful!

Selfie on the Golitsyn trail

There are many places along the trail where you can take great photos:

The stone stairs were made with high quality and have been perfectly preserved to this day. Emperor Nicholas II himself walked along these steps!

And now Elvira and I are going

Having walked along the trail just a few hundred meters, we came to the main attraction of the trail itself - Golitsyn's grotto. Or, as it is more often called, Chaliapin’s grotto:

Chaliapin's Grotto is a natural grotto that was carved out by sea waves in Mount Koba-Kaya.

In the Middle Ages, there was a cave monastery in the grotto, and later Prince Golitsyn built a wine storage facility here. The stone arches in which the wine was stored have been perfectly preserved to this day:

It is believed that Chaliapin himself sang in this grotto. Therefore, the second name of the grotto is Chaliapin’s grotto. He performed on a stone stage, which is also perfectly preserved.

Inside the grotto there is a small well where clean spring water sometimes accumulates:

After the Golitsyn grotto we go to the southern slope of Mount Koba-Kaya and to the Blue Bay. Blue Bay is closed by the long and narrow Cape Kapchik. From the outside it seems to resemble the head of a lizard. According to legend, pirate ships were once hiding in this bay!

Blue Bay and Cape Kapchik:

There is a small beach in the blue bay, where we decided to make a short stop and swim:

After swimming in the cool water of the Black Sea, we moved further - to the head of the Lizard, to Cape Kapchik:

Cape Kapchik separates the Blue Bay and the Blue Bay, on which the Imperial Beach is located. They say that Nicholas II swam on this beach, but this is not known for sure.

Imperial Beach is a very popular place. Excursions are constantly taken here, and some even rent a boat and sail here for a few hours to swim and sunbathe.

You can walk to the beach, but the path to it begins at the very end of the Golitsyn trail.

Blue Bay and Imperial Beach:

Inside Cape Kapchik there is another Grotto - Through. There are steps and a separate path leading to it. They say that it is even more beautiful than Golitsyn's grotto. But unfortunately, the Through Grotto turned out to be closed. I don’t know why, maybe it became dangerous or just because some tourists started using it as a toilet. I understood this from the characteristic smell that came from the grotto.

At the very beginning of Cape Kapchik there is a very old pistachio tree. It grew here in 1912, when the Emperor walked along the path.

Next to this tree there are several benches where you can sit and relax, admiring the nature of Crimea. There are always two very cheerful women here who sell hot cakes and iced tea.

The last few hundred meters of the Golitsyn trail passes through a juniper grove:

If you follow the sign towards Mount Karaul-Oba, then you can just go to the Imperial Beach. That's where we headed...

Here at this pile of stones you need to turn left and go down the slope:

Surprisingly, there was practically no one on Imperial Beach:

The sand on the beach is dark gray and sooo hot! It is almost impossible to stand on it barefoot, it burns badly!

View of the Through Grotto and the path leading to it from the Imperial Beach.

Novy Svet is a picturesque village located on the Black Sea coast. Here you will find bays with water of marvelous beauty, rocks of unusual shape, relict pine trees and other trees with curved trunks. Having visited many corners of Crimea, you understand that the New World is not like any of them. The air here is amazing, filled with juniper and pine aroma. The sea is clean. It was here that many films were shot, such as “Amphibian Man”, “3+2”, “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Sportloto-82”, “Solo Voyage”, “Treasure Island”, etc.

Today you can go on a journey to the places and paths where movie characters once walked.

Prince Golitsyn

What associations does the name “New World” evoke in you? Some people associate it with America and Columbus, who discovered it. However, for Crimeans and residents of this region, the New World is also a picturesque resort village located near Sudak. He is associated with the personality of Lev Golitsyn, a Russian prince. Another association is wonderful champagne.

The key figure who settled the New World is Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, also known as the founder of the Russian winemaking tradition in Crimea and the founder of the industrial production of high-quality champagne in Russia. The New World owes a lot. For example, the main part of its attractions. A worthy place among them is rightfully occupied by the Golitsyn Trail - a complex that has been preserved since the time of this prince.

Famous people who walked along the Golitsyn Trail

This complex was conceived and built at the end of the 19th century by the owner of the estate. The Golitsyn Trail (New World) is famous for the fact that many respected and high-ranking guests of Golitsyn walked along it: counts and princes Gagarins, Trubetskoys, Mordvinovs, Gorchakovs, theologians and priests, artist I. Bilibin. And in 1912, part of it, located near Cape Kapchik, was passed by Nicholas II himself, the last Russian emperor.

Construction of the Golitsyn Trail

The Golitsyn trail is a route on which you will find stairs, viewing platforms, as well as the Skvoznaya and Golitsyn grottoes created by nature. For safety, stone parapets are installed in steep areas. In such places there are observation platforms, from where it is most convenient to admire the mountain and sea views.

The Golitsyn trail in Crimea in some areas was cut down at an altitude of up to 20 m above sea level in rocky ground. It was built by Turkish workers. In the most dangerous areas, they cut this path while in “cradles” suspended on ropes. There was a case when a storm was raging at sea, and the workers above were hanging in "cradles" in a strong wind. There was no way to get them onto the boats. So they spent 2 days above the raging sea. Food and water were lowered to them on ropes from the mountain.

Golitsyn Grotto

You are probably wondering how long the Golitsyn Trail is. Its length is 5470 meters. Part of this trail stretches along the coast for 2 km. The Golitsyn Trail begins on the outskirts of the New World, near Zelenaya Bay. Then it passes at the foot of the city of Koba-Kaya (its modern name is Eagle) and leads travelers to the Golitsyn Grotto. A cave Christian monastery was located here in the Middle Ages. The remains of frescoes that survived until the 19th century testify to this. At the end of the 19th century he set up his own wine library here. They fenced off part of the grotto with a wall. A massive door closed the entrance to this room. The height of this grotto ranges from five meters (inside) to eight (outside), and the width and length are about seven meters. The mountain got its name Koba-Kaya (pictured below) precisely because of the grotto, since it is translated as “cave rock”.

The entrance here under Prince Lev Golitsyn was blocked by a stone wall, which today is almost completely destroyed. Only a small fragment of it has survived. There is a well inside where you can drink spring water. A metal hook for a lamp is driven into the ceiling above the well. Once upon a time a huge chandelier hung on it, illuminating the grotto. However, visitors are particularly impressed by the 2 walls of the wine library, each with 45 niches. At one time, bottled wines were stored in them. These niches with an arched vault are located in 5 tiers.

Near the wine library you can find a stage with a polycircular niche and a platform. It has excellent acoustics. Its second name is well known to tourists - Chaliapin's Grotto. From this stage, according to popular legend, Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin, the great Russian singer, once sang, drowning out the sound of the sea waves with his powerful voice. However, according to historical information, Chaliapin never visited the New World. Nevertheless, this legend lives on and is preserved in its unofficial name. Today, “Golitsyn Meetings” are held here - special musical events with fireworks and, of course, champagne.

In the sea, under the arches of this grotto, you can see a huge block that once fell from the “ceiling”. This is the Turtle stone. A through underwater tunnel is located underneath.

Cape Plosky and Blue Bay

Further, after leaving the Golitsyn Grotto, the road rises smoothly to Cape Plosky, after which the Golitsyn Trail descends again to the Blue Bay. An excursion along it on a hot summer day is accompanied by swimming in this bay. The sea here is shallow, but the water is usually clear and clean. In the summer, you can use the services of a “sea taxi” when you are tired of walking through such a picturesque corner of nature as the Golitsyn Trail. Sudak or New World are places where you can return from here by boat. Blue Bay (pictured below) was called Robber Bay due to the fact that pirates hid their trophies in these caves. They were allowed to remain unnoticed by piles of stones. The Golitsyn trail, following the coast of this bay, goes around the town of Koba-Kaya. Many stairs with railings and bridges are located in this area, which are not difficult to walk along.

Under the southern cliffs of Mount Khoba-Kai, a world of gloomy gorges, blocky chaos and cyclopean staircases carved into the rock awaits you. You can see in the cliffs the fossilized remains of corals, which are about 150 million years old, as well as algae and sea urchins - inhabitants of the Jurassic Ocean.

Cape Kapchik and Tsarsky Beach

After this, you can make the last climb to Cape Kapchik along the rocky stairs. It is located between the Blue and Blue bays. The famous Tsarsky Beach is located on the shores of Goluboy Bay. It got its name in 1912, after Nicholas II visited here.

In good weather, Mount Ayudag is visible from here, as well as the mountains of the southern coast of Crimea. This cape protrudes deeply into the sea and, together with other rocks on the coast, forms a prehistoric lizard or a fairy-tale dragon swimming in the sea.

Through grotto

Kapchik crosses through the Skvoznoy Grotto from Goluboy Bay to Sinyaya Bay. The length of this natural cave, which was formed here due to a tectonic fault, is about 77 meters. In the formation of Skvoznoy, unlike many other Crimean caves, underground water did not participate. Its wedge-shaped profile and deep cracks indicate that the underground gallery appeared as a result of the uneven movement of the limestones of Cape Kapchik along several faults. The same cracks can be found in the form of crevasses on the town of Karaul-Oba. Blocks of limestone, torn from the floor, lie at the bottom of the gallery. However, the fault has nothing to do with the elongated shape of this cape. This is not an elongated section of limestone pushed forward along breaks in the sea, but a reef structure that was composed of massive, durable limestone. It was used under Golitsyn as a banquet hall. The prince built here an arched entrance with a wooden door, forged in antique style, stone stairs along which you can go down to the sea, and stained glass windows. Now you can get to the grotto from the Blue Bay if you walk along a path cut into the rock, fenced with a parapet. The cave was opened several years ago, and you could get inside, of course, provided that you are not afraid of bats. Currently, unfortunately, the grotto is closed to tourists after an accident occurred in it. A grate is installed, and you can only look inside through it. In addition to the Through Grotto, Kapchik also has several other smaller caves.

Juniper Grove

What else is interesting about the Golitsyn Trail? You can return from Cape Kapchik to the New World by a short road through a juniper grove. This is a living monument to ancient geological eras. The grove is a remnant of ancient vegetation that covered Europe back in the Cenozoic era. The Cenozoic era lasted 60 million years. These forests have seen cave bears, saber-toothed tigers, mammoths... The Golitsyn Trail (New World) is a place in Crimea, near which remains of animals that have been extinct for a long time are found. Mammoth bones were first discovered in the last century very close to here - near the village of Solnechnogorskoye, in the valley of the Sotera River. The advance of glaciers began in the Quaternary period. Heat-loving vegetation died everywhere and only survived in the south, since the glacier did not reach here. It is in the vicinity of the New World that the largest juniper grove in Crimea (470 hectares) is located. Several species of juniper grow here, as well as Sudak and Crimean (Pallas) pine. Sudak is found only in Crimea, on and in Sudak. It was first studied by V.N. Stankevich, a young botanist, at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1906, in honor of him, it was named by Academician Sukachev Stankevich pine.

Mount Karaul-Oba

This mountain protects juniper groves and bays of the New World from the west. Once you climb to the top, you will understand where its name came from. The entire coast, starting and ending with Mount Ayu-Dag, can be seen from here. You can admire the landscape while sitting in the “Golitsyn chair”, carved out of stone. You will see the New World amphitheater, as well as three multi-colored bays located at the foot: Green, Blue and Blue.

What else attracts tourists to the Golitsyn Trail, the photo of which is presented in this article? The square rooms, which are surrounded by straight rock walls, are located under Mount Karaul-Oba. Ahead is Adam's Bed. This is a narrow gorge that is covered with ivy. Behind the "Adam's Bed" there is a staircase in the rock. In the New World, all the stone stairs were built by Golitsyn. However, this one, most likely, was built by the Taurians, and the prince only renovated it. Here you will find yourself in gorges: cozy “Paradise” and wild “Hell”. Having descended from Karaul-Oba, you will find yourself on the “Royal Beach”. This mountain is also very interesting from a historical point of view. Above a 70-meter cliff on its western spur there are the remains of dwellings and walls of an ancient fortress, which was built by King Asander (Bosporan). Here, in addition, there is a parking lot for the Taurus.

Golitsyn Trail: how to get there?

First you need to get on the Simferopol - Sudak highway. After that, go to the village. New World. This place has the following GPS coordinates: E 34°54.708, N 44°49.788. The road here goes near the sea, going around the foot of Kush-Kai along a steep slope.


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