The wife of a Sberbank employee and her usual brand everyday life. I carry everything I have with me

Account: darsik

Occupation: journalist, blogger

Daria Sirotina updates Instagram very often, posting a lot of beautiful shots every day.

Daria Sirotina's Instagram account

Daria Sirotina's Instagram is filled with magnificent shots of foreign countries. There are attractions and beautiful views, and the sea, and, of course, local delicacies. Daria pays a lot of attention to home interior design, which she shares with subscribers in the comments. Photos of Daria herself are also present in the account. In some photos she is captured with her husband, in others she is alone and always against some beautiful background in an original image. From time to time, the girl posts photos of her purchases or a new haircut, and in the description recommends the store or her stylists to subscribers.

In April 2016, the girl adopted a beautiful cream-colored cat, and now he adorns some of her photos on Instagram.

Daria Sirotina photo from Instagram, which is distinguished by impeccable aesthetic taste, describes each photo in detail and with humor, and also adds emoticons and hashtags.

Biography of Daria Sirotina

The biography of Daria Sirotina is filled with a lot of impressions about a large number of countries visited. Daria was born in Samara, but did not finish her studies at the philological department of Samara University; she met her future husband Pavel. He was offered a job in Moscow, and Daria went with him for an internship. She no longer wanted to return.

  • 2007 - move to Moscow.
  • 2008 - married bank employee Pavel Vlasov and moved to Italy. Fascinated by the country and travel, Daria decided to devote her life to travel and write a travel blog. Now the girl has a blog on Livejournal dedicated to travel, as well as her own website, where the girl writes not only about travel, but about fashion, her beloved Moscow and the interior of her apartment.
  • 2012 - studied at a wine school and received a sommelier diploma.
  • 2015 - published the book “Suitcase Mood”.

The talented Daria also runs a section in the online publication

Daria Sirotina, whose biography interests more and more people, has excellent command of words, reading her blog is a pleasure!

Having left Samara first for Moscow, then for Italy, and then having traveled halfway around the world, Daria Sirotina discovered her personal recipe for happiness and self-realization. She told us how to create a life's work from a hobby and turn marriage into a constantly inspiring partnership.

Our relationship with Pasha began almost 14 years ago in Samara. We both studied at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature at Samara State University, in the same group. Pasha was the headman, and once, taking advantage of his official position, he found out my phone number, which, however, he did not call. After that, he decided to find out where I lived and followed me in the next tram car. All this time, his sympathy remained a secret to me, until at some point he decided to turn to me with a declaration of love. Being a pragmatic girl, I was very surprised at the simultaneous seriousness and enthusiasm of this young man. In response, Pasha wrote a very touching poem, after which I had to believe him.

We started dating, I worked in parallel with my studies, and he didn’t want to do anything other than literature and planned to write a Ph.D. thesis after university. But in the end, after the fifth year, realizing that not everyone in our country can support literary studies, he began working as a marketing specialist in one of the Samara banks. While working, at first I didn’t give up my dream of a candidate’s degree.

Two years later, he was invited to work in Moscow, and this coincided with my Moscow internship. I was supposed to become the director of a store in Samara and went to Moscow to prepare for the opening. During the process, it became clear that the launch in Samara was delayed indefinitely and that I did not want to go back, primarily because of Pasha.

Already in Moscow we decided to get married: somehow we remembered that his parents’ wedding day falls on September 4th. The conversation took place in November, September 4 of the following year fell on a Thursday, and we both agreed that September 5 was a good day for a wedding. Actually, the wedding took place in 2008, and there were only 8 people, including us. Everything was simple and beautiful, our parents supported us very much then.

I think it’s important to rid yourself of the stereotypes imposed by society: the groom, after making a surprise, bought a ring, organized a romantic trip, fell on his knee... It’s good if that’s what happened to you, but you can wait your whole life for someone to figure it out, what needs to be done to meet these expectations. Pasha didn’t fall to one knee, but that hasn’t stopped us from living happily for many years now. I had no formed expectations, but this does not mean there were no romantic surprises - they were there then, they are there now.

In general, relationships are the work of two parties. You can't just go and get everything you want right away. In order for a person to want to communicate with you over the years, you must first of all work on yourself. And in this sense, the family can be the only vocation and sphere of fulfillment for a woman, although in my case this is not entirely true.

Meanwhile, his parents still insisted that he go to study at the University of Economics. And since Pasha is a versatile person with a very lively mind, he quickly realized that there was a lot of interesting and promising things in banking. This is generally one of his unique qualities: he is interested in everything and everything he undertakes, he does at the highest level. However, I had to leave the university: it is impossible to impose anything on my husband with which he does not agree. His mother showed great restraint and understanding then - and continues to show it to this day: she stopped putting pressure and years later her son carried out the scenario that she considered ideal. Here is another example of how a smart woman behaves.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, my future husband won a grant to study in Italy, where he went a couple of weeks after the celebration. They didn’t give me a visa: the Italian consulate believed that a wife should not go to pick up her husband, but wait for him at home. But in the end I won this battle and left after him. We lived in Italy from November 2008 to June 2009.

The last three months of training included an internship, and you could choose where to do it. Other participants in the program categorically refused to return home, but my husband always believed that it is not the place that makes the person. So we returned to Moscow and since then have never regretted our decision.

Of course, a woman makes a man in many ways, but if she is not sure that he is the best and most talented for her, then she should not lie to him about it. In my case, everything is simple: I just tell my husband the truth, although I do it very often. I often praise Pasha and do it sincerely. He grew up in an atmosphere of one hundred percent love, and his family still envelops him with protection and care. I learned this gratitude and support from his mother. So the recipe is simple: if you want to feel good with a person, you need to love him.

I am great with children! We don’t have our own yet: when you live a busy life modern life and you have many prospects and tasks, it becomes increasingly difficult to decide on parenthood. Although, of course, children are the best thing that can happen to a person in life. I imagine our family in 10-15 years: we have two children and they have definitely already gone to school.

Our author , an experienced “Decembrist”, believes that the mythical Penelope was very lucky, because she did not have to rush with Odysseus across the stormy sea, run away from the Cyclops, or descend into the underworld. It’s hard to wait, but sharing all the hardships of camping life with your husband is akin to a feat. We decided to find out if other girls who follow their always-deployed husbands around agree with her. And is it really possible to pack the contents of the apartment into a couple of suitcases?



When friends introduced us six years ago, Victor and I didn’t like each other at all. I thought that he was not my type, and Victor, as he later admitted, mentally dubbed me a “doll.” A year later, fate collided with us again, and we got to know each other better. Then I realized that Victor is a very interesting person and has all the qualities that I would like to see in a man. He also later said that the first impression turned out to be deceptive. In general, we began a whirlwind romance - with armfuls of roses, poems and romantic vacation trips to different countries.

The matter was not limited to tourist trips. Victor has been playing badminton since childhood. When we started dating, it turned out that he was a master of sports and dreamed of participating in international competitions. Together we developed an adventurous plan - to go to China, where this sport is highly developed, train hard there and thereby take the first step towards our dream. Of course, we understood that great difficulties lay ahead; we had to solve problems with obtaining visas, housing, organizing training, and learning the language. But everything was in our hands. On March 17, 2009, our passports had fresh annual visas to the PRC, and we bought tickets for April 1. And it wasn't a joke!

Victor trained in China for six months, preparing for international tournaments. We found a gym where he went to play, gradually joining the team. I often went to training sessions with my beloved, trying to understand the intricacies of the game. What I didn’t know, I asked the Chinese, and they tried to explain the rules in broken English. Finally, we went to our first competitions - first to Thailand, then to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam. Then - from November to April - there was a break; badminton competitions are not held in winter. And then again, again - Vietnam, Thailand... We visited seven countries in a year. Each trip includes not only competitions, but also recreation. We always try to take a week to recuperate and explore the local attractions. This is one of the advantages of my husband's work.

There are a lot of advantages. I like the constant change of environment: today we live in an apartment with an ultra-modern design, and tomorrow our temporary home is a simple bungalow on the seashore. We have many friends, the list of my acquaintances is in social network exceeds 300 people. And, most importantly, I know that I am doing everything to make my loved one’s dream come true. We both strive for him to take a place in the world badminton rankings. I believe that one day our common wish will come true.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. I had to leave my job in Russia, I am a public relations specialist. I miss my family, friends, and my favorite French bulldog Arthur. Our loved ones are very worried about us, mainly due to lack of information. For example, at first my mother thought that we were eating nothing but noodles, and my brother seriously asked if they ate cats in China. I also admit that I am very nervous because of frequent flights; I cannot cope with aerophobia. Transporting things, constantly living out of suitcases causes incredible inconvenience - you can’t even imagine how much luggage we have. Sometimes Victor gets angry and threatens to throw away a couple of bags. To this I answer him: “Darling, what about your new rackets? They're in these suitcases." A weighty argument!

Now we are in Vietnam - preparing for competitions that will be held in Malaysia. Our loved ones support us very much, sometimes I take my laptop to games, turn on Skype, and they, together with me, albeit virtually, root for Vitya. I don't want my loved one to change his occupation. As one Vietnamese teacher told us, “It doesn’t matter at all where you come from, whether you know the language of the country that has temporarily become your refuge, but if you play badminton, come in, this home is yours.”

Perhaps in the future we will return home or settle in another country. But now we just live and enjoy today.


Pavel and I met when I was studying at the philological department of Samara University. The relationship was just beginning, and the news that Pavel, who worked in a Samara bank, received an offer to move to one of the largest Russian banks and move to Moscow, took me by surprise. I always plan everything in advance and had no intention of leaving hometown. But at this time I was also offered a short internship in Moscow.

Then, three years ago, I believed that I was going for three weeks. But in Moscow we started living together, and I quickly realized that I could no longer return. Thanks to the management of the company where I worked in Samara, they accommodated me and transferred me to the Moscow representative office. As soon as we began to get used to our new life and set a wedding date, Pavel won a grant to receive an MBA degree from the business school of the University of Bologna. We got married and began to prepare for a new move, applied for a visa, and I left my job. But my husband was given a visa, but I was not. Pavel left, and I was left alone in a strange city, without work, without family and friends. How I fought with the Italian consulate is a different story; I literally knocked a visa out of them and flew to my husband. A new life began, and I, naive, was sure that it would last for a long time. We traveled a lot around Italy, I went to language courses, then got a job, and again my husband stunned me - we’re coming back! I had to pack my bags and return to Moscow.

During this time I gained invaluable experience. We made friends all over Europe: in February we walked around Budapest with my husband’s Hungarian MBA friend, and soon we will go to the wedding of a Polish colleague. I changed a lot: I learned Italian, got used to drinking coffee only in the morning and began to look askance with suspicion at those who order cappuccino after lunch. New habits have appeared, for example, before I buy something, I think whether it will be convenient to pack it.

I hate packing suitcases: every time I have to fit my whole life into a couple of bags. I have a hard time getting used to new places; a new country means new habits. For example, in Bologna we rented an apartment with my husband’s colleagues, big slobs, and we had to constantly clean up after them. The neighbor, a young man from Indonesia, had an enviable love of onions, you can understand how our apartment smelled. The situation is also bad with such an important issue as a career. Getting a work permit in the European Union is not easy, I was forced to take a step back on the career ladder. And Russian employers are suspicious of “Decembrist wives” and are in no hurry to hire. An undoubted minus is separation from relatives.

Now we live in Russia, my husband sometimes starts talking about Australia and dreams of working there. I can’t say that I completely agree with his plans. But if he decides to go, I, of course, will support him and go after him.


I've always traveled a lot, so I'm no stranger to nomadic life. I am a director of international development, and my line of work involves constant business travel. Even before getting married, I managed to visit more than 40 countries. We met my future husband when I was working in the Philippines as deputy director of a large project to develop the healthcare system. James had just flown to Manila to audit Philippine projects. I will never forget our first meeting: James was late, and I was terribly angry with him. But as soon as he entered the office, his whole life was divided into “before” and “after”, it was love at first sight! I never thought that I could give up my career for a man, but when, only two months later, he told me that he had received an offer to become a diplomat and wanted me to go with him, I agreed without hesitation.

A diplomat's wife must be an adventurer at heart. Immediately after our wedding, James was assigned to Macedonia, where we lived for two years. It was a completely different world with its own laws and customs. When his son recently took part in a school debate on poverty alleviation, he didn't have to look far for examples: he clearly remembers the cardboard slums and begging children in Skopje. We had to arrange our life from scratch. Believe it or not, sometimes it seemed to me that I was ready to give everything for a good dry cleaning! Nomadic life is not easy, especially for children. Understanding this, my husband and I have always tried to create an “island of stability”; we have established traditions such as mandatory family dinner and board games in the evenings and strictly observe them. We try to spend a lot of time together. The most difficult thing in our life is to create a feeling of home when constantly moving. But we manage to do this too: our favorite things, books, photographs, children’s crafts go with us everywhere. These little things create a feeling of stability.

I was very lucky with my work in Macedonia. I got a job as director of the public relations department, met with famous people, and often appeared on television. The husband joked that he was known in this country only as the wife of Olga Catto. Not everyone manages to realize themselves this way. I have seen many examples when the wife of a traveler husband had to leave her career and stay at home. Believe me, no hobby or beauty salon can fill this vacuum!

Now we are on our second business trip to Switzerland. I am temporarily unemployed and raising my son and twin daughters. There's no time to be bored, free time I'm learning French and getting to know local cuisine. Alas, living out of a suitcase does not allow me to plan a long-term career, I don’t know where we will be tomorrow, but we always have to sacrifice something. But our life is filled with romance. New cities, concerts and receptions do not allow you to get bogged down in routine. They say that a husband and wife should discover a new place once a year. We have thousands of such places. Of course, behind the beautiful facade of diplomatic life lies a difficult reality, but I have never regretted my decision to become the wife of a diplomat. This is my second career

On Friday evening, my husband closed a major project and finally came home after three nights and days at the office. At dinner it suddenly turned out that he had a day off on Monday, so, taking advantage of the moment, we quickly bought tickets to London and 12 hours later we were on the plane. So, quite by accident, I found myself in a city that I was already tired of dreaming about meeting again.

Of course, we didn’t have enough time for everything we had planned. We arrived on Saturday at 12.15 and a couple of hours later, after dropping our things at the hotel (don’t stay in the City, it’s very far from restaurants and shops!), we went for a walk. We walked, had lunch, walked, went to dinner. On Sunday morning we went to Cambridge, where Francesca lives, who started teaching me Italian in Italy and with whom we have not seen for more than 3 years, except for lessons via Skype. From Cambridge we went to visit my husband's friends to watch them new house and a new baby. In the evening we went to dinner, and on Monday we spent half a day shopping and that’s it! It was time to go to the airport. In short, we need to come more often.

It turns out that I don’t have any photos from the camera, only from my iPhone. I’ll show them, what if you don’t follow me on Instagram? ;)

1. We are waiting for boarding at Domodedovo. I don’t like Transaero, but the flight there on a half-empty huge Boeing was very pleasant.

2. We are going by taxi from the airport. Prices in London, of course, are amazing, I forgot something in a year and a half, how much a taxi, food and hotels cost. True, if you are traveling with four or at least three of you, then it is cheaper to go to Heathrow by taxi than by Heathrow Express. From the center to the airport, a taxi costs about 70-75 pounds, and an express service costs 19 pounds, plus you still need to somehow get to Paddington station.

3. I’m the one making faces on the road.

4. On the way we met this woodcutter in a convertible.

5. It's at the hotel. Ready to go for a walk. On my feet are Kokua ballet flats, bought in Barcelona. I have never seen anything more comfortable in my life, although I have very problematic legs. Girls, who is flying to Barcelona, ​​maybe buy me a couple more pieces?

6. We have lunch. This is a wonderful Tom's Kitchen cafe in Somerset House overlooking the Thames. The steak sandwich was just wonderful! Cost £19, yes...

7. First of all, go to the bookstore!

8. While my husband is looking on the shelves for something that has been on Amazon for a long time, I take pictures of everything. I just couldn’t choose here ;)

9. And it’s already a holiday on my street! I came across the cult vintage store Beyond Retro and bought a mink collar, a brooch in the shape of a terrier and gloves. I didn't like the store, by the way.

10. We are here for dinner. Since we were planning at the last minute, we didn’t have time to book any restaurants. We bought a Zagat guide, but everything interesting, of course, was fully booked or did not work at all due to the weekend. We ended up going to Refettorio, an Italian restaurant in the Crown Plaza Hotel. The restaurant has 26 points out of 30 in Zagat, but in fact it is much worse than the simple Semplice, where we were a year and a half ago (Italian cuisine, 1 Michelin star, 23 points in Zagat). The risotto was the worst I've ever tasted. The service is bad. But the wine is cheap. In short, do not go to this establishment.

11. View from our window of Foster’s Cucumber. The city is a rotten place on weekends, there are no people, almost everything is closed. To get from the City to Kensington, for example, costs 20 pounds. But our room was almost 20 square meters, which is a terrible rarity for London. The hotel is called Apex City of London.

13. From the hotel to the Tower and Tower Bridge - 3 minutes on foot.

15. This is at King's cross station, from where we were traveling to Cambridge. There will be a separate post about Cambridge with normal photographs. There was a long line of people wanting to take a photo at this Harry Potter trolley.

17. Five o'clock with friends. We bought cupcakes in Cambridge, Francesca showed us at the market on the main square the stand of an Italian woman who makes them. They turned out to be very tasty!

18. This is at a friends house. Very beautiful house and the colors I love. And a huge window in the ceiling in the kitchen, through which daylight pours in. And the squirrels are running around the backyard, gray and fat! A dream, in short.

19. This is on Sunday before dinner. Let's go to Koffman's hotel The Berkeley, where they once went to five-o-clock. On Sunday, I think only hotel restaurants are open.

20. This is our dinner, or rather, the first part of it. The restaurant is wonderful, the cuisine is French, the service is 5 stars. I recommend! I also highly recommend the wine in the photo.

21. Since Monday morning I have been dreaming of being in the COS store as soon as possible!

Account: darsik

Occupation: journalist, blogger

Daria Sirotina updates Instagram very often, posting a lot of beautiful shots every day.

Daria Sirotina's Instagram account

Daria Sirotina's Instagram is filled with magnificent shots of foreign countries. There are sights, beautiful views, seas, and, of course, local delicacies. Daria pays a lot of attention to home interior design, which she shares with subscribers in the comments. Photos of Daria herself are also present in the account. In some photos she is captured with her husband, in others she is alone and always against some beautiful background in an original image. From time to time, the girl posts photos of her purchases or a new haircut, and in the description recommends the store or her stylists to subscribers.

In April 2016, the girl adopted a beautiful cream-colored cat, and now he adorns some of her photos on Instagram.

Daria Sirotina photo from Instagram, which is distinguished by impeccable aesthetic taste, describes each photo in detail and with humor, and also adds emoticons and hashtags.

Biography of Daria Sirotina

The biography of Daria Sirotina is filled with a lot of impressions about a large number of countries visited. Daria was born in Samara, but did not finish her studies at the philological department of Samara University; she met her future husband Pavel. He was offered a job in Moscow, and Daria went with him for an internship. She no longer wanted to return.

  • 2007 - move to Moscow.
  • 2008 - married bank employee Pavel Vlasov and moved to Italy. Fascinated by the country and travel, Daria decided to devote her life to travel and write a travel blog. Now the girl has a blog on Livejournal dedicated to travel, as well as her own website, where the girl writes not only about travel, but about fashion, her beloved Moscow and the interior of her apartment.
  • 2012 - studied at a wine school and received a sommelier diploma.
  • 2015 - published the book “Suitcase Mood”.

The talented Daria also runs a section in the online publication

Daria Sirotina, whose biography interests more and more people, has excellent command of words, reading her blog is a pleasure!


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