Interesting facts about trains. Interesting facts, amazing facts, unknown facts in the museum of facts. American Civil War

Railways and aviation have long been competing with each other to attract passengers with inexpensive, fast and convenient transportation. The average person uses rail transport more than 9 times a year.

We present interesting facts about railways.

The longest highway in the world - 9300 km - is the Trans-Siberian railway.

After the first railway appeared in Russia, travel was free for some time. Most likely, this was done so that residents could get used to this type of transport. The phrases “this is such a scary thing” were heard from everywhere.

A hundred years ago, a law appeared in France that prohibited kissing at train stations. And all because, due to this “criminal act,” the trains left with a significant time delay. The law is still held in high esteem.

People who inspect “iron horses” must have an ear for music in order to take timely action if a breakdown occurs. They determine this by ear - the way the wheel knocks must be of a certain frequency. Railway workers are distinguished from representatives of other professions by a special uniform; everyone has seen these people at railway stations. Today you can freely buy a similar uniform for everyone, as in other professions

In the city of love, in Paris, there is a similar “love train” to match it. Its route is not that long, Paris - Venice and back. But suddenly, at such a distance, people in the compartment want to indulge in love, they will have all the conditions: a double bunk, a shower and “room service”.

There is a train that moves not on rails, but on a magnetic levitation. It was created by the Japanese, and the speed it can reach reaches 517 km/h.

The first third class trains in Russia were equipped with ordinary wooden benches. But that's not so bad. The fact that these cars had no roof is a real problem.

Therefore, people who decided to “ride with the breeze” hid under these lavas from the rain and snow.

The railways also visited the Guinness Book of Records. The Australian railway broke all records by not having a single turn for 500 km.

Today, the “iron world” does not stand still. Technologies are moving forward, new, “fast-moving” trains are appearing - electric trains, ready to take us to the place we need in the shortest possible time. The only downside is the price we have to pay for it.

By the way, the speed that modern high-speed trains can reach has already exceeded 580 km/h.

More than a billion people use railway services every year. According to statistics, every Russian travels by train an average of 9 times throughout the year. Buying train tickets now is not difficult, but not all travelers know how much interesting and exciting the railway is fraught with.

It is interesting to know about the following facts:

* Englishman Richard Trevithick became a pioneer in the railway. In 1804 he invented the locomotive-powered train. The train also included a carriage for passengers, however, people did not dare to ride it, so it went empty.

* In the same year, a competition was held between locomotives. Its main feature was that one of the participants decided to cheat and hid the horses under the iron shell. Fortunately, this was noticed in time and not a single animal was harmed.

* In Ohio, a train collided with a steam locomotive. How could this happen?! The rails were flooded by the lake, but this did not stop the driver, which led to the incident.

* A flat road without a single turn stretches for 500 km in Australia.

* You can buy train tickets and see with your own eyes the longest railway line in the world. The Trans-Siberian Railway stretches 9,300 kilometers across Russian expanses.

*Every person on the train traveling to Peru is given an oxygen mask. There is no way without it, since the road stretches at an altitude of 3 thousand kilometers. The highest mountain railway.

* The so-called “Love Train” runs between Paris and Venice. It has a shower, TV and other amenities, and all the conditions for creating a romantic atmosphere.

* In New Mexico, on a platform equipped with a rocket engine, it was possible to accelerate an incredible speed of 9851 km/h!

* For a century, France has had an unusual law - you can't kiss on platforms. This excludes delays and delays of trains.

* The freight train, which became a record holder, consisted of 440 cars. The 6.5 km long train traveled on the Russian railway.

* Russia promises to develop and put into operation double-decker trains. They will have everything for the comfort of passengers, and tickets will cost less.

* Many routes and trains are given names. One of the most unusual is “Papa-Mama”. This is the name of the route connecting Rostov and Odessa.

A lot of interesting and exciting things happen on the railway, so travel and observe to become a participant in amazing facts and incidents.

Such a familiar thing to us - the railway! One of the most reliable and affordable and loved by many modes of transport. I bought a train ticket and came to the station. Nowadays no one remembers that when the railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow opened, travel was made free for the first three days precisely because everyone was afraid of this “terrible thing.”

On average, each of us becomes a railway passenger 9 times a year. The average number of passengers of JSC Russian Railways per year is 1 billion 300 million.

The most remarkable railway is the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is the longest in the world. From Moscow to Nakhodka - 9438 km and 97 large stations. The Rossiya branded train runs along this route and travels for 8 days, 4 hours and 25 minutes.

The very middle of the Trans-Siberian Railway is called Polovina station. It is the same distance from Moscow and Vladivostok.

The coldest section of the Trans-Siberian Railway is located between the Mogocha and Skovorodino stations. The temperature here reaches -62 degrees. Although geographically this is not the northernmost point of the highway.

And the highest point, where the Trans-Siberian rails are laid, lies at an altitude of 1040 m, between the Turgutui and Yablonovaya stations. This is 6110 km, Yablonovy Pass.

The longest freight train was 6.5 km long, consisted of 440 cars and regularly transported 42,000 tons of coal from Ekibastuz to the Urals back in Soviet times. On the other side of the world, in South Africa, another record was recorded in 1989: a 7.3 km long train consisting of 660 cars. True, the experiment was not repeated. The track couldn't stand it.

The first railway in Russia was a freight railway, 2 km long. It was built in the Urals, at the Kolyvanovsky plant, and it was horse-drawn. The first passenger road was the well-known Tsarskoye Selo.

The speed of the first passenger trains in the 19th century was 33 km/h. And railway workers at that time were a kind of elite: they were treated like, for example, aviators at the beginning of the 20th century, or astronauts in the 60s. Modern trains can reach speeds of up to 580 km/h.

The requirements for hiring trackmen have not changed during this time: they must have a good ear for music, since they can determine the malfunction of a wheel by the change in tone when it is tapped.

According to statistics, the railway is 45 times safer than a car. For those who are still worried, experts advise choosing carriages in the middle of the train, and in seated carriages - buying a train ticket for seats against the traffic.

Thrill-seekers are invited to Argentina. The legendary Patagonia Express train, specially restored for tourists, runs there. In addition to the vivid impressions of the local landscapes, you can unexpectedly find yourself taking part in an action called “Train Robbery” :)

South America has many surprises. For example, German engineers who examined the Isthmus of Panama for the construction of the Trans-American Railway said that it was unprofitable to make rails from local iron. Gold is a more affordable metal here...

  • In 1804, Richard Trevithick, a native of England, invented the first train with locomotive traction. There was a passenger carriage there too. But he brought nothing but smiles to the faces of the audience. They simply didn’t dare to sit in it.
  • The epic of passenger mainline trains began on September 15, 1830, when a train departed from Liverpool to Manchester, accommodating not only emboldened passengers, but also the world's first mail carriage.
  • For three whole days, the first train in Russia ran free of charge, connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg. The “terrible thing” frightened potential passengers so much that they tried to avoid it.
  • In 1830, in England they decided to organize a stunning competition between five locomotives. Unfortunately, one of the participants was not honest and hid live horses under the metal sheathing. You don't have to worry. He was suspended from participating in the competition. Not a single horse was harmed.
  • The first third class passengers on Russian trains had to travel under benches. The thing is that the cars at the front of the train traveled without a roof, and passengers had no choice but to hide “under” their seats in bad weather.
  • An unprecedented incident happened once in Ohio on the railroad. The train collided with the ship. This happened because the lake closest to the railway tracks overflowed its banks and “sank” the tracks one meter under water. The train driver turned out to be a brave guy and decided not to stop. Unfortunately, such courage led to a collision between the train and the steamship.
  • Do you like smooth roads? Feel free to travel to Australia. 500 kilometers across a desert plain and not a single turn. Of course, such a road has settled on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.
  • But Russia has distinguished itself with the longest railway line in the world. 9.3 thousand kilometers - this is the length of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • “Half” - this is the name of the Trans-Siberian Railway station. From there it is an equal distance to both distant Vladivostok and equally distant Moscow.
  • When going on an excursion on the famous Patagonia Express train, be prepared to be robbed. This offer is very attractive to tourists. After all, you can not only admire the scenery, but also feel like the victims of a carefully planned crime.
  • If you're in Japan, be sure to stop by Shibuya Station. The monument to a dog who met his owner for 10 years when he left by train is a local landmark and a touching story.

  • 100 years ago, kissing was banned at train stations in France to avoid delays when sending trains. By the way, the law is still in effect today.
  • 6.5 kilometers and 440 cars - this is the length of the longest freight train, which, by the way, was made in Russia and followed the Ekibastuz-Ural route.
  • An oxygen bag is a necessary attribute for every passenger boarding a train in western Peru. Still would! You will travel at an altitude of more than 3 kilometers - along the highest mountain railway.
  • Newcomers are always lucky - it is this sign that makes the most adventurous residents of Monte Carlo go out to the newly arrived trains and meet the arrivals. Not only will they greet you, but they will also offer you money to play (after all, you will definitely be lucky as a beginner), the owner of the money will take the winnings, but you will definitely receive your percentage.
  • The most romantic cities in Europe - Paris and Venice - are connected by a “train of love”. TV, shower, double bunk and VIP service - what else do you need for romance?!

  • “Russia”, “Baikal”, “Red Arrow” - the trains also have names and titles. The most distinguished route was “Rostov-Odessa”. Passengers nicknamed him “Papa-Mama.”
  • The Japanese always care about the comfort of their trains. They created a composition on a magnetic cushion. At a speed of 517 km/h, you will be taken to any point on your route.
  • A rocket-powered platform in New Mexico allowed the train to reach its highest speed to date - 9851 km/h!
  • Russian railways promise to introduce double-decker passenger cars in the future, where everything will be done for maximum comfort of people - shower, toilet, air conditioning, and they will cost much less.

As you can see, there are a lot of funny cases and funny and fascinating facts about trains and railways. Travel! Watch! Learn new things! May railroad crossings always be interesting and educational for you!

1. Railways in Russia transport 1 billion 300 million passengers every year. On average, each of us is a train passenger 9 times a year, but this is a very small figure. In Soviet times, this figure reached 15 times a year.

2. The Trans-Siberian Railway is considered the longest in the world. Its length is almost 9,300 kilometers.

3. Station “Polovina” is the very middle of the Trans-Siberian Railway. From this station the distance is the same to both Moscow and Vladivostok.

4. After the opening of the first railway in Russia (between Moscow and St. Petersburg), travel for the first three days was free. Because no one wanted to ride this “scary thing.”

5. In France there is still a law that prohibits kissing at train stations. The reason for the ban was delays in train departures. The law was passed 100 years ago and has not yet been repealed.

6. It turns out that the trackmen who tap the wheels of trains have a perfect ear for music. By changing the tone, they should determine whether the wheel is faulty.

7. On a train that runs in western Peru, conductors offer passengers an oxygen cushion. Because the train travels along the highest mountain railway in the world (at an altitude of more than 3 kilometers).

8. Once on a railroad in Ohio (USA), a train collided with a steamship. The fact is that Lake Ohio overflowed its banks, and the railroad track was under a meter of water. However, the driver decided to guide the train along the flooded track, but collided with the steamer.

9. The head of the Bavarian railways in 1910 was forced to issue an order prohibiting drivers and stokers from buying beer during stops at stations.

10. In Argentina, you can now take a tour on the legendary Patagonia Express train, which was restored especially for tourists. In addition to being impressed by the surrounding landscapes, passengers can, without their consent, become participants in a carefully planned “Train Robbery” event.

11. A few years ago, a special “love train” began running between Paris and Venice. In the compartment of such a train: VIP service, there is a TV, a shower and a special double berth.

12. Once a train set off on a tour of Switzerland, carrying the cream of Swiss society: ministers, deputies, honorary citizens, etc. On the occasion of the celebration, the train was made up of only dining cars. But the organizers did not take into account a small nuance: there is no toilet in Swiss dining cars. Therefore, when the train approached the station, the local residents who had gathered to greet it were very surprised: the guests of honor poured out of the carriage doors like peas.

13. As you know, some trains have their own names. For example, “Red Arrow”, “Russia”, “Baikal”, etc. Often the names of the trains are given by the passengers themselves: for example, the train “Rostov - Odessa” is affectionately called “Papa – Mama” by passengers.

14. The Japanese company Toshiba built a magnetic levitation train. The train is capable of reaching a speed of 517 km/h.

15. Once a group of German engineers explored the Isthmus of Panama in order to build a trans-American railway. And in the end, she decided that it would be better to make the rails here not from iron, which is rare in these places, but... from gold.

16. Third class carriages on the first Russian railways followed in the front part of the train and were equipped with hard benches. But passengers more often rode under the benches. Because these cars had no roof, and passengers were hiding from the weather and sparks.

17. In Australia, a railway was laid on a desert plain, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is famous for the fact that for 500 km there is not a single turn on it.

18. Among the Fabergé collection is the Trans-Siberian Railway egg, which contains a clockwork model of the imperial Trans-Siberian train made of gold and platinum.

19. In the near future, double-decker passenger cars may appear in Russia. Such cars will be much more economical for the railway and much more comfortable for passengers. Each compartment of this carriage has a shower, toilet and air conditioning.

20. In Monte Carlo you can see people meeting trains waiting for those who arrived in the principality for the first time. After which passengers are offered money to play, promising a share of the winnings. It's all because of the sign that beginners are lucky.

21. But at Shibuya station in Japan there is a monument to a dog with a “station master’s cap” on his head. The dog received this honor for his feat; for 10 years he met his owner, who left by train.

22. When the first section of the railway between Liverpool and Manchester was built in England, they decided to arrange a kind of competition between five locomotives. However, just before the start of the competition, the fifth car was removed from participation “due to an outdated engine.” Ordinary horses were hidden there under the steel sheathing.

23. The longest freight train in the world ran in the Soviet Union on the Ekibastuz - Ural route. The 6.5 kilometer long train transported 42,000 tons of coal in 440 wagons.

24. In the early 90s. such a scam was known: an African was promised emigration to Europe, they took the agreed amount, and brought it to Moscow (at that time it was simple and cheap). And then this African was put on a train, assured that it was a train to Germany. But in fact it was a metro train that moved along a circular route. The poor guy could have been driving for a very long time.

25. The driver of the Ahvaz-Tehran train once deserved severe punishment. His fault was that he did not stop the train during namaz (prayer). Because of this, passengers were forced to pray in the compartment, moreover, at every turn of the train they had to spin in place.

26. Experts advise, for safety reasons, to give preference to central carriages when purchasing tickets. In the event of an accident, they suffer less than the head or tail ones. It is also better to choose seats facing the movement of the train. By the way, according to statistics, trains are 45 times safer than cars

27. The maximum speed on the rail track was recorded at 9851 km/h! This is exactly the speed that a platform with a rocket engine developed during the experiment in the state of New Mexico (USA)


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