How to return things forgotten on public transport. Lost & Found: how to find something forgotten in transport What to do if you forgot things on the bus

Information about forgotten things in the metro:+7 495 622-20-85. The warehouse for forgotten things is located at the Kotelniki station (eastern vestibule - the first car from the center).

Opening hours of the Lost and Found Warehouse: daily from 8:00 to 20:00.

All items found at metro stations, in lobbies or in electric train cars are transferred to a warehouse for forgotten items. When a forgotten item is discovered, the station duty officer, in the presence of an air traffic police officer, conducts an inventory of the contents; the data is entered into a special form. Next, the forgotten item, along with the form, is transferred to the warehouse for forgotten items, where the contents are checked again in accordance with the list. Items are stored for six months. When receiving your item, the passenger must present an identification document and fill out an application.

About forgotten documents

Personal documents (passport, policy, driver's license, student card, etc.) to the warehouse don't arrive, and immediately transferred to the police.
The group for working with found documents of the ZIC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow (lost and found desk) is located at the address: 2nd Kolobovsky Lane, 8, tel.: +7 495 694-86-20. Reception hours for citizens: Mon-Thurs from 10:00 to 17:00, Fri from 10:00 to 16:00, Sat and Sun - closed.

Since the beginning of the year, passengers have forgotten their belongings in buses, trolleybuses and trams 323 times. Some of the most common finds include bags and bags containing personal items, school backpacks, umbrellas, hats and gloves.

Forgotten items are a common cause of public transport delays. To check them, they call operational services that ensure security. This year, buses, trolleybuses and trams stopped for a total of more than 27 hours due to items left behind by passengers.

Mosgortrans regularly instructs drivers on how to behave in emergency situations, including when an ownerless item is found in the car. “At the same time, we ask all users of urban transport to be attentive to their property while traveling, and if you find abandoned items on a bus, tram or trolleybus, immediately notify the driver,” said Mosgortrans General Director Evgeny Mikhailov.

How and where to findthings lost in transport?

On a bus, trolleybus, tram

If you have lost something in ground transport, you need to contact the park dispatcher or route depot. The driver returns forgotten items at the final station. As a rule, every other day they are sent from the control room of the park or depot to the central warehouse of forgotten items of Mosgortrans. They charge a fee for storage here - 12 rubles 46 kopecks per day for one place.

To receive forgotten items, you need to write a statement indicating the date, approximate time of loss and route number of ground urban transport, as well as a brief description of the item and hand it over to the employee of the warehouse of forgotten items. You must have an identification document with you. Lost wallets will also be returned at the warehouse, and money will be returned at the cash register. Passports and other documents are transferred according to the inventory to the lost documents desk of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Within three days, the warehouse employee tries to contact the owner of the passport or other documents that can be used to establish the owner’s contact information.

In a minibus

Items left on the buses of JSC Autoline Group end up in the warehouse of forgotten items. The application can be submitted on the company's website. Upon receipt, you must pay all payments due to the company (for storage, packaging, transportation at the rate of found luggage and publication of an announcement, if any) and issue a receipt for receiving the items. Documents remain in the warehouse for five days, things - for three months. When the storage period for documents expires, they are transferred to the lost and found documents bureau of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate on Novoslobodskaya Street, building 57/65.

In the underground

Items found in carriages, stations and lobbies are sent to a lost and found property warehouse. They are stored for three months and then transferred to the State Fund. Forgotten personal documents (passport, policy, driver's license, student ID, etc.) are immediately handed over to the police.

The Moscow metro wants to create a search for forgotten things. A search request can be left on the subway portal.

On electric trains and aeroexpress trains

Forgotten items are handed over to the head of the station or terminal of the train's final destination. If lost, contact the station duty officer. Aeroexpress publishes information about things found on trains on Instagram or in the permanent Lost & Found section on the company’s pages.

Residents of the Moscow region are losing credit cards, passports, musical instruments and pets.

The passenger got off the bus, and his personal belongings moved on - perhaps each of us has been in such a situation. If gloves and mittens can still be classified as consumables, then returning documents and a phone is a matter of principle. Our correspondent looked into what residents of the Moscow region most often lose in transport and what needs to be done to get the item back to its owner.


According to Mostransavto, the largest public bus carrier in the Moscow region, the peak of losses occurs during the New Year holidays. The most common items lost are bank cards, documents, travel cards, passports, mittens, gloves and hats. At the beginning of the school year, finds often include school and student backpacks and bags with replacement shoes - in 2018, more than two dozen of them were found on buses.

Last year, musical instruments were often forgotten on trains: ukulele (miniature guitar - editor's note), classical and bass guitars. And in December and early January, New Year's gifts appeared at the top of the list of forgotten things, but they never reached their recipients.


Confused people's best friends are conductors. Thanks to them, things are returned to the owner promptly and without unnecessary bureaucracy. As a rule, those who lose things along with documents are lucky - it’s easier to find the owner.

For example, a pensioner from Sergiev Posad was returned not only the documents forgotten on the bus, but also 40 thousand rubles. along with the products. The loss was found by the driver of route No. 46, Vladimir Kuznetsov, and the conductor, Valentina Kantemir. They delivered a string bag forgotten on the bus directly to the elderly woman’s home, having previously specified the address in her passport.


Alas, conductors are not magicians, and there are none at all on trains near Moscow. Therefore, forgotten things often migrate to control centers and wait for their owners there. Each category of public transport has its own rules for returning lost property.

If luggage is lost in the bus or at the bus station, the passenger can contact the dispatch service of the branch to which the route belongs, Mostransavto said. - When receiving a forgotten item, the passenger must present a document and sign in a special journal. And minor passengers pick up their things accompanied by their parents.

We do not store things left on trains,” admitted Sofya Popova, press secretary of the Central Suburban Passenger Company. - Immediately after detection, we transfer them to the linear units of the Transport Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District. This is where you should go.


There are lost groups on social networks, and they work very effectively. Alexey Kulikov from Orekhovo-Zuevo forgot his bass guitar on January 20 on the Gorky train: he got off at Krutoye station, and the instrument went to Petushki. A week after Alexey posted a missing person’s notice in the public page “Forgotten things on Moscow trains,” the phone rang.

A girl called me and said that she had found the instrument and was ready to return it to me,” said Alexey. - I'm happy! For me, this guitar is a way to realize a long-standing dream of creating my own rock band, and the loss of such an important instrument for the ensemble would be a big blow.


Dispatch services of Mostransavto branches ( section “Schedules”)

Linear divisions of the Transport Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District (tsfout.mvd.rf/struktura/podrazdeleniya)

Khabarovsk resident

When my boyfriend and I were returning home, I discovered that I had left my backpack on the bus. At first I was upset because it contained a tablet with personal photos, videos and contacts. We decided to follow the bus by car, but we never found it on the route. The traffic police officers, whom we met on Muravyov-Amursky, advised us to immediately go to the bus depot on Bolshaya. There I immediately went into the administrative building, and Vanya began asking bus drivers in the parking lot. The conductors were sitting in the lobby, waiting for the end of their work shift. The watchman took me to an office that resembled a lost and found office. The woman at the desk filled out the application, immediately called and clarified that there were no items left on our route.

While I was there, conductors came into the office and brought handbags, gloves, and keys that someone had left behind. I didn’t even know that such a “service” existed and that they kept all things and did not throw them away or take them for themselves.

I was taken into the corridor and asked to recognize the conductor of my bus, but my granny turned out to be quite mischievous and rejected me. In the end, it turned out that the backpack had fallen behind the seat, where it was not visible, and Vanya and the driver found it there. Now I know not to lose hope and bravely go to the bus depot.

Anna Ferapontova

senior ticket cashier KhPATP No. 1

When the conductors finish their shift, they hand over their proceeds and at the same time bring back the things they left behind. We do not have a lost property office - lost items can be brought to the cash desk or to the control room. People mainly lose wallets with money, documents, glasses and gloves. Depends on the season. In the fall, umbrellas are traditionally left, and before the New Year, gifts and even food are left. But on March 8, no one loses flowers, but they are often given as gifts when getting on the bus. Children like to forget their sports uniform, and after the bath people often leave brooms behind, and after the clinic - medical cards. We store all non-perishable items for a long time. We do not accept food because there is no refrigerator.

When they leave documents with contact information or telephone numbers, we always try to call the owners’ relatives or their acquaintances, we call hostels and institutes. Once we called a mother in Kamchatka whose son had forgotten his phone. Recently, an entrepreneur stopped by, picked up the migrants’ belongings and documents, took them to the mosque, where they found the owners over the speakerphone.

What to do if you left something on the bus:
1. Save your ticket and remember which bus you took (municipal or private) and its number.
2. Remember the distinctive features of the loss: this will be asked.
3. Call the bus depot, tram or trolleybus depot (addresses and telephone numbers at the end of the article).
4. Buses run on schedule, so if you lost something in the morning, it’s better to come in the afternoon. The day shift lasts until 4 pm. Evening – until 9 pm. The latest one ends at one in the morning.

A couple more tips:
1. Keep your belongings with you and do not place bags on the seats.
2. If you see an item abandoned, it is better to immediately tell the conductor.

Private carrier

IP Stepanov Alexey Stanislavovich
routes: 23, 19, 33, 10, 333

We have both shuttle buses and custom ones. All of them are based in the Southern Automotive Park. Buses from both municipal and commercial carriers can travel on the same route. At the same time, there may also be several merchants: 5-7.

If the item was not lost on my bus, then I usually give those who call me the telephone number of the Transport Administration, where they can contact and describe the car so that it can be found. Often passengers do not even remember the bus number, but only remember the color or decor inside.

Sometimes we find cell phones. We charge the discharged ones and find “Dad” or “Mom” in the contacts. I have already returned two or three phones for my practice.

If the owner of the lost item never called us, we often take the forgotten items to the salon and carry them for two weeks in the hope that the next day a person will get on the bus and pick up the items. You can always stand at the bus stop, wait for your bus, go in and ask if they found anything.

In general, we don’t really lose things. If they lost it, they called, they came, they picked it up. There is a telephone number on each bus that you can call us on. Things are picked up either at the base or in the garage where the bus is parked.

City administration

From the official response of Sergei Vasilievich Afanasyev

Deputy Mayor of the city for industry, transport, communications and work with law enforcement agencies

Currently, large and small capacity transportation is carried out on city routes: 86 commercial carriers and the Khabarovsk municipal unitary enterprise "KhPAP No. 1", as well as trams and trolleybuses. The city administration always meets passengers halfway and is ready to help in finding forgotten things. To do this, you can call the Khabarovsk Intersectoral Navigation and Information Center or the Transport Department. In this case, the passenger must be informed:
Phone: 45-73-15

Transport Department of the Khabarovsk City Administration
Address: st. Kim Yu Chena, 44 B
Phone: 30-21-82 (during business hours)

Every day, Muscovites and guests of the capital forget a lot of different things in public transport. And if the loss is small - an umbrella, gloves, a book - then most often they don’t even think about searching for them. But if the thing forgotten in transport is more significant, expensive, or simply memorable, then the question arises - how to try to return things forgotten in transport?

Forgotten in the subway

For items forgotten in the Moscow metro, there is a special warehouse at Kotelniki station, where found items are stored for 6 months. The warehouse is open from 8:00 to 20:00 daily.

The telephone number for the information service for things forgotten in the Moscow metro is 7 495 539-54-54 (3210 from a mobile phone).

Documents - passports, driver's licenses, student cards, etc. are not stored in the warehouse. They are immediately handed over to the police. A separate group of the 7th department of the Department of Special Investigations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow works with the found documents (the lost and found desk) is located at the address: 2nd Kolobovsky Lane, 8.

Tel.: 7 495 694-86-20.

Reception hours for citizens:
Mon-Thu from 10:00 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00;
Fri, Sat, Sun - closed.

Forgotten on a bus, trolleybus, tram

If an item is left on a bus, trolleybus, or tram, then, first of all, you should contact the dispatch service of this route.

The telephone numbers of all dispatch services, trolleybus depots and depots are posted on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

The second option for detecting a loss is to call the Moscow Transport service contact center at 8 495 539-54-54 or 3210 (from a mobile phone).

Items found in the city ground transport of Mosgortrans are stored at the Central Warehouse for Lost Items. You can contact them by calling 8 915 293-06-25 or 8 495 950-40-64.

Forgotten on the minibus

Items forgotten in a minibus should be looked for with the help of the dispatch service, but in addition to the route number in which the item was forgotten, it is worth knowing which company serves this route. Large carriers usually have their own lost items service.

If things were stopped in an Autoline vehicle, you should call 8 495 662-99-00

Forgotten on the train

You should start looking for things forgotten on trains at the station, with the help of the station duty officer. Telephone number of the Unified Information and Service Center of Russian Railways: 8 800 775-00-00.

Items found in Aeroexpress can be searched for by calling the hotline 8 800 700-33-77. Information about items found in Aeroexpress carriages is published on social networks on the company’s pages.

In order to pick up a lost item, you must have an identification document with you and write a statement about the loss. Be prepared to provide an oral and written detailed description of the items, the approximate time and place where they were lost.


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