What countries are in Asia? Foreign Asia: countries and capitals. List. Central Asian countries

After the collapse of the USSR, the former republics entered into a voluntary agreement on the Commonwealth of Independent States, abbreviated as CIS, which regulated and simplified some relationships between the newly formed, independent countries.

It is customary to call Central Asia a number of countries in the southern CIS, which includes such states as:

Among the countries of Central Asia, only Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have access to the sea; these states are washed by the Caspian Sea on their western part. All other powers are considered inland. No country has access to the World Ocean.

The Caspian Sea washes the shores of five states - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran

Central Asian countries are rich in natural resources: Turkmenistan produces oil and gas, Uzbekistan has large deposits of brown coal, natural gas, and gold deposits, Kyrgyzstan is rich in ore and coal, and sulfur is mined in Turkmenistan. Since Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are located in mountainous areas, they therefore have great energy potential due to the presence of mountain rivers.

Central square in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek is a clean and beautiful city with pleasant architecture and, unlike many other capitals, with clean mountain air. All attractions and entertainment centers are located in the city center.

Kyrgyzstan is located between mountain ranges, there are ski resorts, and there are also thermal springs in the Chui Valley. But Lake Issyk-Kul has become a favorite resort destination; since Soviet times, residents from all regions of the country have come here to relax and receive treatment in health resorts. The lake is very beautiful and clean, and so large that you cannot see the opposite shore.

As for the state's economy, it is built on industry and mining. And also developing tourism annually brings about half a billion dollars to the country. But the economic situation is complicated by an external debt that the country cannot pay off. The main economic partners for Kyrgyzstan remain Russia, Kazakhstan and.


The territory of Kazakhstan is covered with deserts or semi-deserts; there are few forests here, so they are treated with care and the remaining forest belts are practically not cut down. This is the largest state among those without access to the World Ocean; the country ranks 9th in area in the world and 2nd among the CIS countries, second only to Russia.

Kazakhstan has common borders:

  • Russia (northern and western borders).
  • China (eastern border).
  • Kyrgyzstan (southern border).
  • Uzbekistan (southern border).
  • Turkmenistan (southern border).

In Kazakhstan, the official capital is Nur-Sultan (Astana), which has a population of 700 thousand inhabitants. This is the largest city in terms of area and its amenities amaze visitors and attract more and more tourists every year. Huge amounts of money have been invested in Nur-Sultan, buildings and architectural monuments have been rebuilt, striking in their beauty and scale.

The city attracts not only tourists, but also investors. This country has the most stable and impressive economy in the post-Soviet space, second only to Russia.

Nur-Sultan (Astana), capital of Kazakhstan

But Nur-Sultan is not the only large city in Kazakhstan. Almaty is recognized as the unofficial capital of the country, but despite its smaller area, the population is 1.7 million people, which is almost 2.5 times the population of the capital. There is a metro here and the infrastructure is no worse developed than in the main city.

Kazakhstan cooperates with states, Arab states, as well as China and Eurasia.

The population of the Republic is 30 million people, with an equal ratio of urban residents and village residents. The area of ​​Uzbekistan is 447.4 square meters. kilometers, which is much less than in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, but the population here is higher. The state borders with the following neighbors:

  • Kyrgyzstan (eastern border).
  • Kazakhstan (north-eastern, northern and north-western borders).
  • Turkmenistan (southwestern and southern borders).
  • Afghanistan (southern border).
  • Tajikistan (south-eastern border).

Tashkent is the capital and heart of the country, despite the fact that the city was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1966, it was restored. It is beautiful and attractive to tourists for its architectural delights, monuments and landscaping of the territory. The capital is recognized as the most beautiful city in Central Asia.

Its population is more than 2 million people, it has a metro and developed infrastructure. The Charvak reservoir, which is surrounded by snow-covered mountains, has become a favorite vacation spot for the townspeople.

Khast-Imam Complex - Tashkent

In 2005, the UN adopted a resolution against the country, the reason was the excessively brutal suppression of unrest in the city of Andijan by the local government, during which hundreds of people died.


View of the presidential palace in Dushanbe

The capital is Dushanbe, where about 800 thousand people live. It is not only the political capital of the state, but also the cultural one. The city includes beautiful architectural monuments, parks and unique gardens. The republic is located at the foot of the Pamir Mountains, which provides magnificent views of the mountain ranges from anywhere in the country.

The friendly states for Tajikistan are:

  • Russia.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • China.

The country is developing and seeks to attract investors for economic growth and prosperity of residents.

Asia got its name from ancient Greek mythology. Once upon a time, Asia (Asia) was the daughter of the titan god Oceanid, who became the wife of Prometheus. The ancient Greeks borrowed the word “Asia” from the Assyrians, who called it the place where the Sun rises. Therefore, the Greeks began to call the territory that lies east of Greece Asia.

In modern Asia, states are at different levels of development. If Bangladesh and Afghanistan are firmly stuck in the Middle Ages, then South Korea, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan are countries with developed economies.

Geography of Asia

Asia is the largest continent on Earth. Its total area is more than 43.4 million square meters. km (this is 30% of the Earth's territory). Asia is considered part of the Eurasian Peninsula.

In the west, the border of Asia runs along the Ural Mountains. In the north, Asia is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean, in the east by the Pacific Ocean (East China, Bering, Okhotsk, South China, Japan and Yellow Seas), and in the south by the waters of the Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea).

In addition, the shores of Asia are also washed by the waters of the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Since Asia occupies a huge territory, it is clear that the climate on this continent is very diverse. In Western and Eastern Siberia the climate is continental, in Central and Central Asia - desert and semi-desert, in Eastern, Southern, and Southeast Asia - monsoonal (monsoon season - June-October), in some regions equatorial, and in the far north – arctic.

Among the Asian rivers, one should, of course, name the Yangtze (6300 km), Yellow River (5464 km), Ob (5410 km), Mekong (4500 km), Amur (4440 km), Lena (4400) and Yenisei (4092 km ).

The five largest lakes in Asia include the following: Aral Sea, Baikal, Balkhash, Tonle Sap and Issyk-Kul.

A significant part of Asia is mountains. It is in Asia that the Himalayas, Pamirs, Hindu Kush, Altai and Sayan Mountains are located. The largest mountain in Asia is Everest (Qomolungma), its height is 8,848 meters.

Numerous deserts await travelers in Asia, among which, perhaps, we should highlight the Gobi, Taklamakan, Karakum and deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. In total, there are more than 20 deserts in Asia.

Population of Asia

At the moment, the population of Asia already exceeds 4.3 billion people. This is about 60% of the total population of the Earth. At the same time, the annual population growth in Asia is about 2%.

Almost the entire population of Asia belongs to the Mongoloid race, which, in turn, is divided into small races - North Asian, Arctic, South Asian and Far Eastern. In Iraq, southern Iran and northern India, the Indo-Mediterranean race predominates. In addition, there are many other races in Asia, such as Caucasian and Negroid.

Asian countries

There are 55 states wholly or partially located on the territory of Asia (5 of them are so-called unrecognized republics). The largest Asian country is China (its territory occupies 9,596,960 sq. km), and the smallest is the Maldives (300 sq. km).

In terms of population, China (1.39 billion people) is ahead of all countries in the world. Other Asian countries have fewer inhabitants: India - 1.1 billion people, Indonesia - 230 million people, and Bangladesh - 134 million people.

Regions of Asia

The territory of Asia is so large that politicians, journalists or scientists sometimes divide it into the Middle East, Western Asia and the Far East. However, geographically it is more correct to divide Asia into 5 regions:

  • East Asia (China, Japan, South and North Korea and Mongolia);
  • Western Asia (Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Yemen, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Turkey);
  • Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, East Timor, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Myanmar);
  • South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka);
  • Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan).

Asian cities are the most populous in the entire world. The largest of all Asian cities is Bombay (India), whose population is already more than 12.2 million people. Other major cities in Asia are Seoul, Jakarta, Karachi, Manila, Delhi, Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing and Tehran.

All Asian countries are located mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. Let's take a closer look at which countries are included in Asia as part of the world. All of Asia is divided into Western, Central, Eastern, Southeast and Southern.

Western Asian countries

Western Asia includes: Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Kuwait, Cyprus, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Georgia, Bahrain, Armenia, Azerbaijan. In fact, if we do not take into account the African part, the countries of Western Asia make up the Near, Middle East and Transcaucasia.

Central Asian countries

The countries of Central Asia include Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. All these countries are located in western Central Asia.

South Asia

South Asia includes Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Most of these countries are located within the Hindustan Peninsula. The identification of these countries as a separate region of Asia is associated with the common culture, history and religion of these countries.

East Asia: countries

The following states are traditionally classified as East Asia: Japan, Russia (mainly the territory of the Far East), Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and China.

Southeast Asia: countries

The Southeast Asia region includes the Philippines, Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Brunei. All these countries are located in the territory between China, Australia and India.

Many people do not know which countries in Asia are breakaway countries. These include unrecognized states: Waziristan, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Shan State. Six countries are partially recognized states: South Ossetia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Palestine, Republic of China, Azad Kashmir and Abkhazia. Also in Asia there are a number of dependent territories: Macau, Hong Kong, Cocos Islands, Christmas Island.

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Foreign Asia: countries and capitals. list

There are dozens of countries in Asia with different political structures and standards of living, with incredible and diverse cultures.

Russia also partly belongs to Asian countries. Which countries does the rest of the world include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is the name of foreign Asia?

Foreigners say that the territory is part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, all Asian countries except Russia. In the geographical literature, foreign Asia is divided into four main regions.

Thus, they distinguish central, eastern, southern and western (western). Northern Asia is Russian territory and, of course, does not include foreign Asia. The countries and capitals of this part of the world are completely different, unique and unique.

Foreign Asia: countries and capitals

The table below shows an alphabetical list of countries abroad with the names of their capital cities.

a country Asia region equity Official language
Abkhazia west Sukhumskaya Abkhazian, Russian
Azerbaijan west Baku Azerbaijani
Armenia west Yerevan Armenian
Afghanistan west Kabul Dari, Pashto
Bangladesh south Dhaka Bengal
Bahrain front Manama Arab
Brunei south Bandar Seri Begawan Malay
Butane south Thimphu dzong khe
Vietnam south Hanoi Vietnamese
Georgia front Tbilisi Georgian
Israel front Tel Aviv Hebrew, Arabic
India south Delhi Hindi, English
Indonesia south Jakarta Indonesian
Jordan front Amman Arab
Iraq front Baghdad Arabic, Kurdish
Iran front Tehran Farsi
Yemen front Sana Arab
Kazakhstan central Astana Kazakh, Russian
Cambodia south Phnom Penh Khmer
Qatar front Doha Arab
Cyprus front Nicosia Greek, Turkish
Kyrgyzstan central Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, Russian
China East Beijing Chinese
Kuwait front Al Kuwait Arab
Laos south Vientiane Laotian
Lebanon front Beirut Arab
Malaysia south Kuala Lumpur Malaysian
Maldives south People Maldivian
Mongolia East Ulaanbaatar Mongolian
Myanmar south Yangon Burmese
Nepal south Kathmandu Nepali
United Arab Emirates front Abu Dhabi Arab
Oman front nutmeg Arab
Pakistan south Islamabad Urdu
Saudi Arabia front Riyadh Arab
North Korea East Pyongyang Korean
Singapore South Asia Singapore Malay, Tamil, Chinese, English
Syria front Damascus Arab
Tajikistan central Dushanbe Tajikistan
Thailand South Asia Bangkok Thai
Turkmenistan central Ashgabat Turkmenistan
turkey front Ankara Turkish
Uzbekistan central Tashkent Uzbekistan
Philippines South Asia Manila Tagalog
Sri Lanka South Asia Colombo Sinhala, Tamil
South Korea East Seoul Korean
South Ossetia front Tskhinvali Ossetian, Russian
Japan East Tokyo Japanese

Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most developed countries in the world is Singapore (the capital is Singapore).

It is a small island nation with a high standard of living that primarily produces electronics for export.
Japan (capital Tokyo), which also produces electronic equipment, is one of the ten most successful countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are developing rapidly. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing (in terms of GDP growth) world economies.

Not everything is ahead of us...

The least developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka), Bhutan (capital - Thimphu), Nepal (capital - Kathmandu).

These and some other countries cannot boast of a high standard of living or special industrial achievements. But foreign Asia (the countries and capitals listed in the table above) plays an important role in the global economy.

The largest financial centers are located on the largest planet in the world: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.



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Peninsula of Asia Minor

Rumelihisar Fortress on the European shore of the Bosphorus (Türkiye)

The action of the famous ancient Greek poem “The Iliad” takes place in Asia Minor.

Well, that means the Trojans who fought the Greeks were Turks, you say! And you will be mistaken, then the Greeks also lived here. The Turks appeared in this territory 2 thousand years after the events described by Homer.

Most of the Asia Minor peninsula is occupied by the semi-desert Asia Minor and Armenian plateaus, bordered by the outlying mountains: Pontus (in the north) and Taurus (in the south).

Narrow lowlands with sparse forests stretch along the banks.

Türkiye- one of the few countries located in two parts of the world at once.

A small part of its territory is in Europe (3%), and a large part (97%) is in Asia. Türkiye lies at the crossroads of important trade routes that have connected Europe with Asia since ancient times.

The European and Asian parts of Turkey are separated from each other by the Sea of ​​Marmara, as well as the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits. In the southern part of the Bosphorus is located one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the largest city in Turkey - Istanbul (formerly Constantinople).

Countries of the world

In ancient times, Asia Minor was called Anatolia. Its territory was part of various ancient and medieval states (the Hittite and Lydian kingdoms, Media, the power of Alexander the Great, the Pontic kingdom, Pergamon, Ancient Rome, Byzantium, etc.). In the 11th century Most of Byzantium was captured by the Turks, who created their own state in the west of Asia Minor, and in the 14th–15th centuries. The Turks finally destroyed Byzantium, creating the Ottoman Empire on its ruins.

During its heyday, in the middle of the 17th century, it extended over a vast territory and included, in addition to Asia Minor, all of North Africa, a significant part of Persia and Arabia, Transcaucasia, Crimea and southern Ukraine, the Balkan Peninsula and Hungary.

The Turks reached Austria and almost captured Vienna.

The country of Türkiye appeared on the world map only after the First World War. In 1923, the Turkish Republic was proclaimed, and Mustafa Kemal, who later took the name Ataturk (father of the Turks), became its first president.

The name Anatolia, which means “eastern country” in Greek, was retained by the Asian part of Turkey.

And the city of Antalya, where people from different countries come to relax, was formerly called Attalia, in honor of its founder, King Pergamon Attalus II.

Countries of the world

Asian countries

List of Asian countries:

AbkhaziaAzerbaijanArmeniaAfghanistanBangladeshBahrainBruneiBhutanEast TimorVietnamState of PalestineGeorgiaIsraelIndiaIndonesiaJordanIraqIranYemenKazakhstanCambodiaQatarCyprusKyrgyzstanChinaDPRKKuwaitLaosLebanonMalaysiaMaldivesMongoliaMyanmarNepalUAEomanPa KistanRepublic of KoreaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSyriaTajikistanThailandTurkmenistanTurkeyUzbekistanPhilippinesSri LankaSouth OssetiaJapan

Asian states, total names: 50.

more about Asian countries

Asian states

Above is a list of Asian countries, which contains almost fifty names.

Asian countries, alphabetical list

There have been almost no changes in recent decades, but, of course, it could not have happened without them. For example, North and South Yemen, located on the Arabian Peninsula, united under the single state of Yemen. Perhaps someday North and South Korea will unite, but so far there is no talk of that at a serious level. The Israeli state is quite young, and it is doing its best to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state nearby. Abkhazia and South Ossetia separated from Georgia.

Which countries are considered Asian?

By the way, there is still a big question about which country should be assigned to which continent.

Formally, everything is clear: if a country is geographically located in Asia, then it is Asian. But there are cultural ties, historical influences and other aspects that make it possible to perceive a particular country as belonging to a group of other countries. For example, Armenia and Georgia are Christian countries, more often positioned as European, fortunately they are located near the border of continents. Or Cyprus, inhabited mainly by immigrants from Greece, which for a long time belonged to the British.

What can we say about Turkey, which is actually located in both Europe and Asia? For reference books, the issue was resolved in favor of Asia. But Russia, also located in Europe and Asia, is firmly assigned to the European continent due to the same historical parallels, cultural ties, development dynamics and other attributes.

National symbols

You can look at the flags of Asian countries and the coats of arms of Asian countries, presented all at once in the form of images on separate pages.

Home / Regions / Asia / Asian countries

Asian countries. Asian states

Asia is the world's largest continent, including several dozen countries and dependent territories, and occupying the eastern part of the single Eurasian continent.

What countries are in Asia?

Surrounded by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south, Asia is separated from Africa by the Suez Canal. In addition to the land border on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, passing along the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea, and the Ural Mountains, Asia is also separated from Europe by the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Some countries are geographically located in both Asia and Europe (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey).

Listed below are all Asian countries and dependent territories, excluding those in the geopolitical region of the Middle East, which is also part of Asia.

The largest country in Asia by area is Russia, occupying approximately 30% of the entire continent.

The smallest independent country in Asia by area is the Maldives, which is a group of islands famous for its beach resorts.

The most visited countries in Asia are China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Türkiye.

Asian countries

Population of Asian countries


(thousand people)

1 China 1 355 692,6
2 India 1 236 344,6
3 Indonesia 253 609,6
4 Pakistan 196 174,4
5 Bangladesh 166 280,7
6 Japan 127 103,4
7 Philippines 107 668,2
8 Vietnam 93 421,8
9 Türkiye 81 619,4
10 Iran 80 840,7
11 Thailand 67 741,4
12 Myanmar 55 746,3
13 Korea South 49 040,0
14 Iraq 32 585,7
15 Afghanistan 31 822,8
16 Nepal 30 987,0
17 Malaysia 30 073,4
18 Uzbekistan 28 929,7
19 Saudi Arabia 27 346,0
20 Yemen 26 053,0
21 Korea North 24 851,6
22 Taiwan 23 359,9
23 Sri Lanka 21 866,4
24 Syria 17 951,6
25 Kazakhstan 17 948,8

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area (43.4 million km², including adjacent islands) and population (4.2 billion people or 60.5% of the total population of the Earth).

Geographical position

It is located in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent, in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, bordering Europe along the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, Africa along the Suez Canal, and America along the Bering Strait. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Arctic and Indian oceans, and inland seas belonging to the Atlantic Ocean. The coastline is slightly indented; the following large peninsulas are distinguished: Hindustan, Arabian, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr.

Main geographical characteristics

3/4 of the Asian territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus (Himalayas, Pamirs, Tien Shan, Greater Caucasus, Altai, Sayans), the rest is occupied by plains (West Siberian, North Siberian, Kolyma, Great China, etc.). On the territory of Kamchatka, the islands of East Asia and the Malaysian coast there are a large number of active, active volcanoes. The highest point in Asia and the world is Chomolungma in the Himalayas (8848 m), the lowest is 400 meters below sea level (Dead Sea).

Asia can safely be called a part of the world where great waters flow. The basin of the Arctic Ocean includes the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Irtysh, Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma, the Pacific Ocean - Anadyr, Amur, Yellow River, Yangtze, Mekong, the Indian Ocean - Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus, the internal basin of the Caspian, Aral seas and lakes Balkhash - Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Kura. The largest sea-lake are the Caspian and Aral, tectonic lakes are Baikal, Issyk-Kul, Van, Rezaye, Lake Teletskoye, salt lakes are Balkhash, Kukunor, Tuz.

The territory of Asia lies in almost all climatic zones, the northern regions are the Arctic zone, the southern ones are the equatorial zone, the main part is influenced by a sharply continental climate, which is characterized by cold winters with low temperatures and hot, dry summers. Precipitation mainly falls in the summer, only in the Middle and Near East - in winter.

The distribution of natural zones is characterized by latitudinal zoning: northern regions - tundra, then taiga, zone of mixed forests and forest-steppe, zone of steppes with a fertile layer of black soil, zone of deserts and semi-deserts (Gobi, Taklamakan, Karakum, deserts of the Arabian Peninsula), which are separated by the Himalayas from the southern tropical and subtropical zone, Southeast Asia lies in the equatorial rain forest zone.

Asian countries

Asia is home to 48 sovereign states, 3 officially unrecognized republics (Waziristan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Shan State), 6 dependent territories (in the Indian and Pacific Oceans) - a total of 55 countries. Some countries are partially located in Asia (Russia, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Yemen, Egypt and Indonesia). The largest countries in Asia are Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, the smallest are the Comoros Islands, Singapore, Bahrain, and the Maldives.

Depending on the geographical location, cultural and regional characteristics, it is customary to divide Asia into Eastern, Western, Central, Southern and Southeast.

List of Asian countries

Major Asian countries:

(with detailed description)


Nature, plants and animals of Asia

The diversity of natural zones and climatic zones determines the diversity and uniqueness of both the flora and fauna of Asia; a huge number of very diverse landscapes allows a variety of representatives of the plant and animal kingdom to live here...

Northern Asia, located in the zone of the Arctic desert and tundra, is characterized by poor vegetation: mosses, lichens, dwarf birches. Then the tundra gives way to taiga, where huge pines, spruces, larches, fir, and Siberian cedars grow. The taiga in the Amur region is followed by a zone of mixed forests (Korean cedar, white fir, Olga larch, Sayan spruce, Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut, greenbark and bearded maple), which is adjacent to broad-leaved forests (maple, linden, elm, ash, walnut) , in the south turning into steppes with fertile black soils.

In Central Asia, the steppes, where feather grass, chamomile, tokonog, wormwood, and various herbs grow, give way to semi-deserts and deserts; the vegetation here is poor and is represented by various salt-loving and sand-loving plants: wormwood, saxaul, tamarisk, juzgun, ephedra. The subtropical zone in the west of the Mediterranean climate zone is characterized by the growth of evergreen hard-leaved forests and shrubs (maquis, pistachios, olives, juniper, myrtle, cypress, oak, maple), and the Pacific coast - monsoon mixed forests (camphor laurel, myrtle, camellia, podocarpus, cunningamia, evergreen oak species, camphor laurel, Japanese pine, cypress, cryptomeria, thuja, bamboo, gardenia, magnolia, azalea). In the equatorial forest zone there are a large number of palm trees (about 300 species), tree ferns, bamboo, and pandanus. In addition to the laws of latitudinal zonation, the vegetation of mountainous regions is subject to the principles of altitudinal zonation. Coniferous and mixed forests grow at the foot of the mountains, and lush alpine meadows at the tops.

The fauna of Asia is rich and diverse. The territory of Western Asia has favorable conditions for living antelopes, roe deer, goats, foxes, as well as a huge number of rodents, inhabitants of the lowlands - wild boars, pheasants, geese, tigers and leopards. The northern regions, located mainly in Russia, in North-Eastern Siberia and the tundra, are inhabited by wolves, moose, bears, gophers, arctic foxes, deer, lynxes, and wolverines. The taiga is inhabited by ermine, arctic fox, squirrels, chipmunks, sable, ram, and white hare. In the arid regions of Central Asia live gophers, snakes, jerboas, birds of prey, in South Asia - elephants, buffalos, wild boars, lemurs, pangolins, wolves, leopards, snakes, peacocks, flamingos, in East Asia - moose, bears, Ussuri tigers and wolves, ibises, mandarin ducks, owls, antelopes, mountain sheep, giant salamanders that live on the islands, a variety of snakes and frogs, and a large number of birds.

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of Asian countries

The peculiarities of climatic conditions in Asia are formed under the influence of such factors as the large extent of the Eurasian continent both from north to south and from west to east, a large number of mountain barriers and low-lying depressions that affect the amount of solar radiation and atmospheric air circulation...

Most of Asia is located in a sharply continental climate zone, the eastern part is influenced by the marine atmospheric masses of the Pacific Ocean, the north is subject to the invasion of Arctic air masses, tropical and equatorial air masses predominate in the south, their penetration into the interior of the continent is prevented by mountain ranges stretching from the west to the East. Precipitation is distributed unevenly: from 22,900 mm per year in the Indian town of Cherrapunji in 1861 (considered the wettest place on our planet), to 200-100 mm per year in the desert regions of Central and Central Asia.

Peoples of Asia: culture and traditions

In terms of population, Asia ranks first in the world, with 4.2 billion people living here, which is 60.5% of all humanity on the planet, and three times after Africa in terms of population growth. In Asian countries, the population is represented by representatives of all three races: Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid, the ethnic composition is diverse and diverse, several thousand peoples live here, speaking more than five hundred languages...

Among the language groups, the most common are:

  • Sino-Tibetan. Represented by the largest ethnic group in the world - the Han (Chinese, China's population is 1.4 billion people, every fifth person in the world is Chinese);
  • Indo-European. Settled throughout the Indian subcontinent, these are Hindustanis, Biharis, Marathas (India), Bengalis (India and Bangladesh), Punjabis (Pakistan);
  • Austronesian. They live in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines) - Javanese, Bisayas, Sundas;
  • Dravidian. These are the Telugu, Kannar and Malayali peoples (South India, Sri Lanka, some areas of Pakistan);
  • Austroasiatic. The largest representatives are Viet, Lao, Siamese (Indochina, Southern China):
  • Altai. Turkic peoples, divided into two isolated groups: in the west - Turks, Iranian Azerbaijanis, Afghan Uzbeks, in the east - the peoples of Western China (Uyghurs). Also included in this language group are the Manchus and Mongols of Northern China and Mongolia;
  • Semito-Hamitic. These are the Arabs of the western part of the continent (west of Iran and south of Turkey) and the Jews (Israel).

Also, nationalities such as the Japanese and Koreans are classified into a separate group called isolates, this is the name given to populations of people who, for various reasons, including geographic location, found themselves isolated from the outside world.

In Asia there are several dozen countries with different political systems and standards of living, with amazing and different cultures. Russia also partially belongs to Which states does Foreign Asia include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is called foreign Asia?

Foreign territory is that part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, all Asian countries except Russia. In the geographical literature, foreign Asia is divided into four large regions. So, they distinguish Central, Eastern, Southern and Front (Western). - this is Russian territory, and, naturally, foreign Asia does not include it. These countries and capitals are absolutely different from each other, they are unique and inimitable.

The table below gives an alphabetical list of the names of the capitals.

A countryAsia regionCapitalOfficial language
AbkhaziaWesternSukhumAbkhazian, Russian
AfghanistanWesternKabulDari, Pashto
BruneiSouthBandar Seri BegawanMalay
IsraelFrontTel AvivHebrew, Arabic
IndiaSouthNew DelhiHindi, English
IraqFrontBaghdadArabic, Kurdish
KazakhstanCentralAstanaKazakh, Russian
CambodiaSouthPhnom PenhKhmer
CyprusFrontNicosiaGreek, Turkish
KyrgyzstanCentralBishkekKyrgyz, Russian
KuwaitFrontKuwait CityArab
MalaysiaSouthKuala LumpurMalaysian
United Arab EmiratesFrontAbu DhabiArab
Saudi ArabiaFrontRiyadhArab
North KoreaEasternPyongyangKorean
SingaporeSouth AsiaSingaporeMalay, Tamil, Chinese, English
ThailandSouth AsiaBangkokThai
PhilippinesSouth AsiaManilaTagalog
Sri LankaSouth AsiaColomboSinhala, Tamil
South KoreaEasternSeoulKorean
South OssetiaFrontTskhinvaliOssetian, Russian

Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most highly developed countries in the world is Singapore (the capital is Singapore). This is a small island state with a high standard of living of the population, which is mainly engaged in the production of electronics for export.

Tokyo), also involved in the creation of electronic equipment, is one of the ten most prosperous countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are rapidly developing. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing economies in the world (in terms of GDP growth).

Not everyone can be ahead...

Foreign Asia and their capitals: Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka), Bhutan (capital - Thimphu), Nepal (capital - Kathmandu). These and some other countries cannot boast of either a high standard of living or special achievements in industry. Still, overseas Asia (countries and capitals are listed in the table above) plays an important role in the global economy. The largest financial centers are located in the largest part of the world on the planet: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.


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