Who lives in the Adriatic Sea. Adriatic Sea - Adriatic. Weather in Adriatic resort towns

Semi-enclosed sea, part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. It washes the shores of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania. In the southern part, the Strait of Otranto is connected to the Ionian Sea.
Square Adriatic Sea- 144 thousand km2, greatest depth - 1230 m.
The western shores are predominantly lowland, the eastern shores are mountainous. The Dalmatian Islands are located off the east coast.
Large bays include the Gulf of Venice and the Gulf of Trieste. The water temperature varies from 24 to 26 °C in August and from 7 to 13 °C in February.
Water salinity ranges from 35 to 38 ‰.
Tides are irregular semidiurnal (up to 1.2 m).
Correctness of the bank Adriatic Sea is broken by numerous canals and branches of the Po River delta, at the extreme end of which stands the ancient city of Adria, which in Roman times was an excellent harbor, also a convenient anchorage for ships, since it lay on the very shore, but now it is 22 km away from the seashore. The western coast is relatively low and has almost no spacious harbors. Studies have shown a constant and significant decrease in the seabed here. The western coast, with the exception of some areas of Apulia, is well populated, rich in good water and various items of trade, while the eastern coast is mostly steep and rocky, abundant in bays, islands and harbors, but poor in population, means of subsistence and in many places suffers from a lack of water fit for drinking.

According to the structure of the bottom, it splits into two reservoirs, dividing in the direction from the Gargano Peninsula through Pelagosa and Cazza to the island of Curzolla. The northern basin has a depth in the Gulf of Venice of 15 - 35 m, to the southeast the bottom constantly decreases to a depth of 240 m at the latitude of Lissa, but then rises again, so that the greatest depth between Pelagosa and Cazza is only 170 m. From here to the east and to the south the bottom drops unusually quickly - between Cattaro and Bari the depth of the sea is already 1260 m, then there is a constant increase and in the Strait of Otranto the greatest depth is measured at only 670 m. The bottom mostly consists of silt and fine sand containing a mass of shell remains; Near the rocky shores there is also coarse sand, and the base for everything is probably marble.

It has a regular current, which is directed from the island of Corfu along the Albanian and Dalmatian coasts and goes to the Gulf of Trieste, from there it turns west along the Italian. shores, emerging again through the Strait of Otranto. The branches of this current, having separated earlier in places where the bottom rises near the eastern shore, are connected somewhat to the west with the flow of the reverse current. The ebb and flow of the tide is barely noticeable over almost the entire length of the sea. In the depths of the Gulf of Venice, the tide height is 0.3 m, and during strong north-eastern winds it is up to 1.7 m. Winds in Adriatic Sea very changeable. During the summer months there are often calms, sometimes interrupted suddenly by storms and north winds. The most dangerous wind is northeast - Borey, also southeast. Sirocco; the southwestern Siffanto is less frequent and of less duration, but is often very strong; it is especially dangerous near the mouths of the Po, when it suddenly changes into a south-easterly one and becomes a strong storm (furiano). Between the islands of the eastern shore these winds are doubly dangerous, for in the narrow channels and in each bay they blow differently; the most terrible are Borei in winter and the hot “South” (Slovakian) in summer. Already the ancients often spoke about the dangers of Adria, and from the numerous prayers for salvation and vows of sailors preserved in churches ital. coast, it appears that the changeable weather has long been the subject of complaints from coastal swimmers.

The salt content in this sea is unusually high. The reason, perhaps, lies in the relatively weak influx of fresh water, for, except for the water-rich rivers Po and Echa, all the rivers of this basin are only small coastal streams. The fauna of the Adriatic Sea is very rich. Among fish, tuna and mackerel constitute the main prey in the northern part of the sea; There is a plentiful fishing of sausages off the Dalmatian coast. In addition, there are hargus, breastfish, dolphins, sharks, etc. The population of the lagoons (especially Cioggia), Apulia, and Dalmatia lives mainly by fishing. From the lower species, sea crayfish, oysters, and shells are caught here. Corals (Mediterranean Sea) of good quality are found off the Dalmatian coast, and sponge fishing is a specialty of the small island of Crapano.

Geographical encyclopedia

Adriatic Sea, the sea between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula, now up to the Ionian Sea. In ancient times, this designation extended to the part of the Mediterranean Sea further to the south, so that Malta was considered to be located in the Adriatic Sea (Acts ... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

Modern encyclopedia

Part of the Mediterranean coastline, between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. 144 thousand km². Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (mackerel, etc.). Oil and gas production on the shelf. Ports: Venice, Trieste, Rijeka, Split, Durres... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Adriatic Sea- ADRIATIC SEA, part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. Area 144 thousand km2. Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (sardines, mackerel, etc.). Oil and gas production on the shelf. Major ports: Venice, Trieste (Italy),… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Mare Adriaticum or Superum, Adria or Hadria) basin of the Mediterranean Sea, heading towards the north. to the west between the Apennines and the Balkans (Haemus in ancient times), it is connected to the Ionian Sea by the Otranto Canal, 68 km wide, passing between the city... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. 144 thousand km2. Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (mackerel, etc.). Oil and gas production on the shelf. Ports: Venice, Trieste, Rijeka, Split, Durres. * * * ADRIATICK SEA… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Adriatic Sea- part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. Russian the name is formed by the suffix ichesk from other Greek. names of the sea Adrias; based on Illir. adur water, sea. Perhaps the original formation from adur of the name of the city of Adria... ... Toponymic dictionary

Adriatic Sea- ADRIATIC SEA, long and wide Mediterranean bay. sea, located between the Balkan Peninsula and Italy; its general direction with the village. h. to the south V. The name A. comes from the word Adria or Hadria, the name of the Etruscan colony founded ... Military encyclopedia

- (from Adría the name of a Greek colony of the 6th century BC; Italian Mare Adriatico, Serbo-Croatian Jadransko more) a semi-enclosed sea that is part of the Mediterranean Sea; located between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Montenegro, Milovan Mikulic, Marijana Bismilk. Montenegro is a country located in the southeastern part of Europe on the Adriatic Sea coast. It borders on the east and northeast with Serbia, on the west and northwest with Croatia and…

Adriatic Sea - the very combination of letters creates an image of something magical, beautiful, mysterious. This is a semi-enclosed sea, which has an area of ​​​​one hundred and forty-four thousand square kilometers. The depth of the Adriatic Sea is just under one thousand three hundred meters, the shallowest areas reach a depth of only twenty meters. The average depth is two hundred and forty meters. The western coasts are lowland, and the eastern coasts are mountainous. The maximum water temperature is recorded in the last summer month - up to twenty-seven degrees Celsius, the minimum temperature occurs at the end of winter - up to six degrees Celsius. The salinity of the water is also not stable, ranging from thirty-five to thirty-eight percent.

When travelers plan their trip to this part of the world, a natural question arises: where is the Adriatic Sea? It is located between the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas, and is part of the Mediterranean Sea. The place got its name from the ancient port of Adria. At first the name was attached to the northern water part, and after a while it began to refer to the entire sea. Gradually, as a result of sediments, Adria moved inland and currently the distance to the coast is more than twenty kilometers.

The area is distinguished by its amazing beauty, diversity of flora and fauna, and wonderful places to relax.

Geographic information: which countries it borders

The Sea of ​​Six Countries is another name for the Adriatic. The water basin washes the borders of six states: Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The countries of the Adriatic Sea have always been desirable for thousands of visitors and are of constant interest today. Many travel companies offer relaxation on the picturesque coast. What exactly to choose, which country to choose, is a question that you decide based on your preferences.

A special feature of the sea is the extraordinary purity and transparency of the waters. Visibility is fifty-six meters and this is a world record. The salinity of the water also exceeds the global average - thirty-eight ppm.

The largest waterways of the Adriatic are two rivers:

  • Po, length 650 kilometers;
  • Adige, length 410 kilometers.

Coastal cities

There are a large number of large port cities on the Adriatic coast.

Among the most unforgettable, one cannot fail to mention Venice, which attracts tourists from all over the world with its extraordinary beauty, unique architecture and history. The city is not numerous, no more than two hundred and sixty thousand people live in it. Large Italian cities on the seashore are Bari, Brindisi, Ancona.

In Croatia, coastal cities that attract visitors are Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik.

Extremely interesting port cities in Albania include Durres, the so-called Coast of Flowers, and Vlora. They are attractive to tourists for their architectural monuments of early historical periods.

The leading resort in Montenegro is the Budva Riviera. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Neum is interesting, and Slovenia boasts comfortable towns on the seashore: Izola, Piran, Koper and Portorož.

Who lives in the Adriatic Sea

The concentration of salt in Adriatic water is very high. The most likely reason is that too little fresh water comes from the rivers. In fact, only two large rivers flow into the sea, the remaining tributaries are very minor. The entire fauna has adapted perfectly to this feature and we can safely say that the underwater world here is very, very diverse. A lot of different fish live in the coastal zone and the population of the lagoons mainly lives by fishing.

The danger in Adriatic resorts is much lower than in tropical seas, but it also exists. In recent years, sharks have not been found even in the most remote and sparsely populated areas, but nevertheless, these inhabitants of the depths live in the Adriatic Sea. Among all existing species, the white and blue sharks pose a danger to humans. But attacks on divers and swimmers off the coast have been rare in recent decades, with no more than five incidents recorded. Thus, the real threat is posed by smaller marine inhabitants, not sharks in the Adriatic Sea.

Sea ruffes, stingrays and moray eels are considered quite unsafe. Stingrays have sharp spines on their tail appendix, which they use as a spear. But fish become aggressive only when they are attacked and challenged by humans.

Moray eels have strong jaws. She can seriously injure a person, but she never attacks first.

The fireworm and sea anemone, having violated the integrity of human skin, cause inflammation and acute pain. But they also only attack when provoked or threatened.

The electric stingray is a serious and dangerous inhabitant of the deep sea. Meeting him is very rare, but every vacationer should remember - it is better to “bypass” the fish by the tenth road. In defense, the stingray uses its unique feature - electric shock. As a result, the swimmer receives a powerful blow, shock and respiratory arrest.

Sea urchins never attack humans, but contact with them can end in disaster. They are indicators of water purity. There are a lot of hedgehogs in Croatia and Montenegro. Since the dark color does not allow one to distinguish a urchin from a stone, some divers at shallow depths step on or take hold of the sea inhabitant. The needles easily penetrate the skin and break; they are very difficult to remove. As a result, irritation, swelling, redness and severe pain begin at the puncture site. But minimizing contact with a hedgehog is very simple: you need to purchase special coral closed rubber shoes. You can walk along the bottom in it without fear of getting pricked.

Jellyfish in the Adriatic Sea

Beautiful jellyfish can also pose a threat to humans. After contact with them, burns and even scars remain on the skin. The Crown of Thorns jellyfish is especially dangerous; the others do not cause serious harm.

Sea dragons are considered the most poisonous fish in this area. They live in creeks and bays, burrowing into the ground up to their heads. An injection from a poisonous thorn is extremely unsafe for humans; the poison acts like that of a snake. The bite site becomes inflamed, swollen and very painful. The person bitten may lose consciousness, experience a fever, and have an irregular heartbeat. In some cases, death is possible. Never touch a seemingly cute little dragon. Even a dead specimen can threaten human health.

Based on the foregoing, it is important to understand that the basic principle of a safe holiday is not to disturb or touch the underwater world. All your harmless actions can be regarded as aggression, followed by defense in the form of an attack.

Holidays on the Adriatic Sea

The advantage of choosing this place is that a person with any financial capabilities can relax here. Depending on the country and area, you can opt for a super popular, fashionable and expensive hotel, or you can choose a budget option that is affordable even for the least affluent segments of the population. During the so-called season, the price of a vacation rises to the highest possible figures. Let's consider how much it costs for one person to stay in a four-star hotel for a week in different countries.

In each of the countries mentioned, you can relax at a lower cost, but at the same time the quality and level of service decreases. If you travel on your own, without booking tours with travel agencies, then flights and accommodation can be organized even more inexpensively.

Resorts of the Adriatic Sea

Adriatic Italy offers travelers attractions, disc clubs, water areas for yachting, hundreds of restaurants, night casinos, and upscale hotels.

Adriatic Slovenia occupies very little space on the map, but world-famous resorts are located here, attracting tourists from all over the world: Portorož, Izola.

Adriatic Montenegro is very popular among residents of Russia and neighboring countries.

The country is attractive because it has:

  • A comfortable service has been organized for families with children.
  • You can get away from problems and troubles by relaxing away from the noise.
  • There is a longer beach season here.
  • The cost of rental housing and excursions is much lower than in neighboring countries.

The most popular resorts in Montenegro are Duke Novi, Ulcinj, Sveti Stefan.

Whatever hotel and state you choose, a holiday on the Adriatic Sea will never be forgotten and will always be the most pleasant memory.

Weather in Adriatic resort towns

The climate of the Adriatic is fundamentally different from the climate of the Mediterranean, but they have some features in common. Air temperature is influenced by local winds. In summer, the weather is mostly clear, with the exception of rare storms. The winter period is characterized by a predominance of rain, often cloudy. It is not uncommon to receive seventy percent of the annual precipitation norm. The water temperature in the Adriatic Sea is stable all season and comfortable for swimming. It varies slightly at different resorts.

This is an analysis of the temperature of the most popular resorts on the Adriatic.

Where to go?

When choosing a trip, decide what you would like to see and how to spend your free time. Based on your preferences, choose something that will not leave you indifferent.

  • Stunning Slovenia. A fairy tale country for everyone who dreams of forgetting about the hustle and bustle, immersing yourself in a world of peace, fairy tales and magic. In addition to the clear water of lakes, the Alps, the warm Adriatic Sea, dense forests, there are fabulous places that will enchant and delight. Incredible architecture, mysterious and mystical legends are what you can add to your beach holiday.

  • Emotional Italy. The country combines the history of past centuries and the spirit of modernity. Why visit Albania? The answer is simple: these are amazingly clean beaches and warm seas, pleasant and friendly locals, unexplored places and affordable prices.
  • Unique Croatia. A country of museums, excursions, walks and discoveries. There is so much to see here that you will have an unforgettable vacation filled with events and emotions.

  • Diverse Montenegro. The country is attractive because you can combine different types of recreation together. Beautiful nature, monasteries, canyons, beaches - everything is wonderful here.
  • Charming Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country is known for its comfortable resorts, peace and distance from civilization. The length of the coastal zone is only twenty-five kilometers, but the existing beaches meet the highest quality criteria. Everyone who loves solitude calls the place heavenly. But for lovers of excursions and treks there is also a lot of interesting things here.

  • Unknown Albania. For a long time, tourists “bypassed” the country, considering it a harsh and incomprehensible region. But the holiday here is measured, inexpensive and of high quality. It’s good to relax in the country with your family, as everything is provided here for staying with children. All resorts here are distinguished by a high level of service and reasonable prices.

You have the opportunity to discover any country on the Adriatic. Regardless of your choice, you will not be able to resist her charm, attractiveness and a lot of interesting things. When going on vacation to the Adriatic Sea, you are making the right choice.

Part of the Mediterranean Sea is the Adriatic Sea, located between the Balkan and Apennine Peninsulas. This sea is of the semi-enclosed type, which is why it is called part of the Mediterranean. This sea washes the shores of Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.

The Adriatic Sea got its not quite familiar name from the name of the ancient port located here - Adria. It was built in the delta of the Adige and Po rivers. Initially, the Greek people called this only the northern part of the sea, on which this port was located, but then it switched to the entire body of water. The Romans called the Adriatic Sea "Mare Seperum" or "Hadriaticum". Over two thousand years, the local topography of the coast has changed so much that now the place where the port of Adria stood is located 25 kilometers from the sea. This happened due to the appearance of sediment produced by the deltas of the local rivers.

The Adriatic Sea has an area of ​​144 thousand square kilometers, a depth in the north of 20 meters, and in the southeast of 1,230 meters. Thus, the seabed gradually deepens from north to southeast. The Adriatic is connected to the Ionian Sea by the Strait of Otranto. Within the sea are the Dalmatian Islands; There are many bays convenient for ships, the largest of which are called Manfredonia, Venice and Trieste. It is also convenient for navigation here because the bottom off the coast is located at a sufficient depth. The seashores are sandy or pebbly, so resort areas are well developed here.

The water temperature in the northern parts in summer is up to +24 degrees, in winter - +7 degrees; in the southern parts in summer - +26 degrees, in winter - +13. In summer it is sunny and warm, but in winter it often rains and is often cloudy.

The flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea is quite rich. Of the algae species living here, about 700 species are known, which are divided into brown, green and red. The coastal zone is inhabited by bivalves and gastropods, which have strong and thick shells; crustaceans and echinoderms. Also common are mussels, oysters, limpets, sea cucumbers, urchins, stars, moray eels and eels. Known fish species include sardines, mackerel, tuna, and bonito. Sometimes the current brings whole clouds of transparent and delicate jellyfish, as well as hydroid polyps that mysteriously glow in the dark. Sharks also live in the waters of the sea: giant, blue, prickly, black. And the most common mammals are seals and dolphins.

Today, there are many resort areas on the coasts of the Adriatic Sea. Croatia is famous for such areas as Sibenik, Dubrovnik, Split, Pula, Makarska Riviera and resorts located on the Dalmatian Islands. The main resort of Montenegro is the Budva Riviera. Slovenia owns small and cozy towns on the coast: Portoroz, Izola, Piran and Koper, and Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neum. The most numerous resort cities in Italy - there are about ten of them, the most popular are Rimini, Cattolica, Igea Marina and Bellaria. Guests of Albania can relax in Durres and on the so-called. “Taking care of flowers.”

By going, you will give them the best gift.

The best adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life.

Recently, tours to Montenegro and Rimini, resorts located on the Adriatic Sea, have become very popular in Russia.

Did you know that it washes six countries and occupies a leading place in the world in terms of its purity? What attracts tourists to the Adriatic Sea? Where is it located?

History and location

The sea got its name from an ancient port called Adria. However, now this city is 25 km away from the coast. Over the course of many centuries, the water receded, freeing up part of the land where famous resorts are now located.

The Adriatic Sea is located between two large peninsulas - the Balkan and the Apennine. Its depth ranges from 20 to 1230 meters.

It is part of the Mediterranean Sea and borders six countries:

  • Albania;
  • Italy;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Slovenia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Croatia.

The largest coastlines went to Italy (about 1000 km) and Croatia (1700 km). Albania has 472 km of luxurious beaches on the Adriatic Sea, and Montenegro - 200 km. The smallest sections of coastline went to Slovenia (47 km), as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina (25 km).


The Adriatic Sea is very warm. The temperature in summer reaches +26 degrees, which allows vacationers to enjoy this paradise on earth with its delightful climate. In winter the weather becomes cloudy and rainy. The water temperature at this time is +7...+13 degrees.

Absolutely all resort visitors are fascinated by the crystal purity of the Adriatic Sea. The transparency of the local waters is about 56 meters! This figure is one of the highest in the world.

Rich seafood will not leave diving lovers indifferent. The underwater world is famous for its diversity of mollusks and crustaceans. Crabs, mussels, oysters, sea urchins, lobsters, and octopuses live here. At great depths you can find cuttlefish, moray eels, and eels. Also in the sea live some species of large sharks (blue, white).

Adriatic coast of Italy

The resort areas of this area are a series of streets on which luxury hotels and cottages are built.

The most popular places for a paradise holiday on the Italian coast are:

  • Rimini;
  • Pesaro;
  • Bellaria;
  • Cesenatico;
  • Cervia;
  • Milano Marittima.

All cities have a developed infrastructure. Everyone will enjoy a holiday in these places: both shopping lovers and fans of vibrant nightlife. The beach area is extensive, with fine sand and the necessary equipment for a comfortable pastime.

Most cities are surrounded by green gardens and parks. The famous Italian resort of Riccione offers a network of expensive luxury hotels and a variety of entertainment. This is where you will find: a huge dolphinarium, a water park, a yacht pier, elite boutiques and the most exciting discos in Italy.

Beautiful Slovenia

The most popular resort in this country is Portorož. There are cozy hotels here that provide good medical facilities, wellness programs and SPA treatments. The neat streets and calm atmosphere of the city give a unique feeling of relaxation and complete peace.

No less famous are the resort towns of Izola, Koper, Piran, as well as the beautiful Strunjan natural park. Thanks to the mild climate and gentle sea, the swimming season here lasts from June to October, and the water temperature reaches +25 degrees.

If you have not yet decided where to go during your holiday, choose the Adriatic Sea. A holiday here is simply unforgettable.

Fascinating Montenegro

This is a country of beautiful landscapes and amazing scenic spots. Green gardens, bright flowers, the shimmering Adriatic Sea - everything in this region is beautiful and created for relaxation.

In Montenegro you can easily meet world stars. Madonna, Michael Douglas and his family, Alla Pugacheva, Jeremy Irons, and Claudia Schiffer often relax here. Many famous personalities in Montenegro have their own villas in which they relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the local landscapes.

The Montenegrin coasts have more than once taken leading positions in the category “best beaches in Europe”. Here is the largest canyon in Europe, as well as a very popular nudist center.

Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina?

These states are located next door, and they are washed by the clear Adriatic Sea. The countries are famous for their amazing resorts and islands remote from civilization, where you can hide from prying eyes and find complete solitude.

The most famous place is the Croatian peninsula of Istria. Basically, pebble and rocky beaches predominate here, and there are not so many sandy ones. You can go to resort areas such as Central and Southern Dalmatia. Here, by the cleanest Adriatic Sea, you can have a wonderful rest, breathe in the fresh air filled with the breath of pine trees, and have a great time. In Croatia there is a beach called Runta Rata (Brel), which is included in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Adriatic Sea coastline is only 25 km long. But it is here that the quiet and cozy town of Neum is located, where there are inexpensive hotels and there is no massive influx of vacationers. Lovers of secluded relaxation consider this place a paradise. There are low prices and hospitable residents, and if you are a fan of excursions, you can always go on a tour of Bosnia - a beautiful country with an amazing history and wonderful traditions.

Coast of Albania

This country was closed to tourists for a long time, and even now many are afraid of this harsh region. However, according to reviews from vacationers, holidays in Albania are very relaxing and also inexpensive. The Adriatic Sea is famous for its purity and softness, so the beach season here is open until October.

The most favorite resorts of the elite are the Albanian cities of Dhermi and Himara. Holidays here are not cheap, but the infrastructure is very developed, and the service is always excellent. Fans of active recreation will be invited to visit local attractions: museums, the fortress of the city of Kruja, the Sheikh Al-Zamil Mosque.

Holidays in Albania are suitable for families and for those who do not like the hustle and bustle of big cities. Here you can forget about everything and just enjoy comfort, beautiful nature and the majestic Adriatic Sea.

Now you know which states are washed by the Adriatic Sea, where the most beautiful beach is located and why every tourist dreams of coming here. The resorts of these countries are paradises created by wise nature for an unforgettable vacation!


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