Kursk places. Sights of Kursk. Modern monuments of Kursk

1) Kursk Waterfall - a favorite vacation spot for tourists (PLACE No. 1)

A huge endless pond, at one end of which water falls in two powerful streams from a seven-meter height and flows into a stream overgrown with dense bushes. If you stand next to a waterfall, the noise of the water drowns out your speech, and you need to shout to be heard by your interlocutor. Such a landscape can be observed 62 kilometers from Kursk in the village of Matveevka, Zolotukhinsky district.

The special structure is popularly called a waterfall. As explained by specialists from the Water Resources Department, this is a hydraulic structure that forms a pond and consists of an earthen dam, a spillway and a bottom drainage. The structure discharges excess water from the pond, which from the outside looks like a waterfall.

The height of the Kursk “waterfall” is seven meters

The building was put into operation in 1983. The pond that formed on the river was intended to irrigate 280 hectares of land. The length of the dam is more than 250 meters. “Waterfall” was built according to the design of the famous Kursk engineer Nikolai Fedorchenko. The structure, as experts say, can be erected very easily from stone slabs, like cubes. However, the structure requires constant maintenance, since the stones gradually settle and water undermines the seams.
Matveevsky Pond is located on the Morkos River - a tributary of the Snova River, which flows into Tuskar and further according to the scheme known to all geographers: Seim, Desna, Dnieper and the “terminal station” - the Black Sea.
Now one of the most beautiful places in the region has been chosen by knowledgeable Kursk residents for relaxation on hot summer days. Kursk tourists camp near the waterfall with tents, and some come with watercraft. The waves of the pond, whose surface area is 57 hectares, are cut by boats and scooters in the summer. The bravest tourists take a bath under the powerful jets of the “waterfall.”
“Every weekend in the summer, an average of 15 cars come here,” local residents say. “There was even a rumor that our waterfall was healing.” We did not observe a healing effect, but there is definitely a “undressing” effect.” The waterfall's jets are so powerful that a person standing under its waters in swimming trunks may be left without them.
The Matveevskoe hydraulic structure is not only a beautiful vacation spot. Now it also performs an important protective function: it prevents the houses of the village of Chaplygino, which is located downstream of the river, from being flooded. Now the “waterfall” is on the balance sheet of the agricultural production cooperative “Zarechye”, which constantly monitors the condition of the structure.
Kursk Mountains, rapids, caves...
As for natural waterfalls, they are not typical for the Kursk region, located on the Central Russian Upland of the East European Plain. The natural area is forest-steppe, and for a waterfall to occur, mountains are needed. Here and there there are only small riffles. Still, students of the KSU Faculty of Geography talk about mini-waterfalls located in remote corners of the region. True, teachers call these formations “half-dams,” that is, the work of human hands.
On the river near the town of Polyanskoye, Kursk region, there are small rapids, the origin of which is unknown. Approaching this place, already from the highway you can hear the sound of falling water, which gives you the feeling that something of impressive size is hidden there, behind the trees. In fact, the waterfall will not greatly disappoint the curious. The seething stream of water overcomes several rows of boulders, spins, changes direction and again rushes into the river bed with renewed vigor.
However, according to Kursk local historians, once upon a time there were mountains and, accordingly, waterfalls on the territory of our region. True, millions of years ago. Mining processes stopped, the ridges were destroyed. There is one indisputable proof left - the quarry of the Mikhailovsky GOK, in which the remains of destroyed mountains can still be found.
However, the Kursk region is still rich in high hills. The highest point - 274 meters - is located on the border of Fatezhsky and Ponyrovsky districts within the so-called Fatezh-Lgovsky ridge. There are also a couple of caves in our region. Legends are made about them. Thus, one is associated with the name of the robber Kudeyar, who operated during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Legends have been preserved that his hiding place was in a niche in the hill. Since then, the hill near the village of Byki has been nicknamed “Kudeyarova Mountain”.

ADDRESS: Zolotukhinsky district, Matveevka village
Opening hours: 24 hours a day
2) Sanatorium "Maryino" - one of the oldest sanatorium-resort institutions in Russia (PLACE No. 2)

The Maryino sanatorium has been operating since 1923 and is one of the best health resorts of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The health resort is located in central Russia, 100 km from the city of Kursk, far from large industrial enterprises. The health resort is located on the territory of a remarkable monument of palace and park architecture of the early 19th century - the estate of the Baryatinsky princes.
The amazing interiors of the palace, cozy courtyards with countless flower beds, a magnificent English park with an area of ​​207 hectares with centuries-old and unique trees (a total of 180 species of tree vegetation), shady alleys, emerald lawns, sunny glades, a huge man-made pond with islands, bridges - give the ensemble a unique coloring

The sanatorium has a capacity of 220 beds. The central building is a palace with beautiful halls, where ancient parquet flooring, stucco molding on the ceiling and walls, and grisaille painting are preserved in their original form - a picturesque imitation of wall bas-reliefs. Guests can enjoy single and double rooms located in the outbuildings of the Palace. It's beautiful and homely there. Luxury rooms and apartments are located in the chambers of the prince and princess. Staying there, you will feel like descendants of an ancient and famous princely family. For the convenience of vacationers, all buildings of the sanatorium are connected by glass passages - beautiful galleries decorated with flowers. There is a house church in the main building of the palace; a museum where vacationers can get acquainted with the historical past and present of Maryino.
The Maryino microclimate, unique in its healing power, combined with a good medical base and an impeccable, exclusively Maryino, culture of service has a beneficial effect on the health of vacationers. Once you have visited these amazing places, you will definitely want to return here! Today, any citizen of Russia and another state can relax in the Maryino sanatorium.
All conditions have been created for a family holiday. The average length of stay at the Maryino sanatorium is 21 days, but it is possible to purchase vouchers for a longer or shorter period. For those arriving with personal vehicles, there is a closed, guarded parking lot with services. The sanatorium accepts parents with children for treatment. The sanatorium has a pediatrician on staff. To organize recreation and leisure for children during the summer, a teacher is hired and the work of a children's room is organized. A system of discounts is provided.
ADDRESS: Kursk region, Rylsky district, Maryino village, Tsentralnaya street, building 1.

3) Zoo in Zhuravlino (PLACE No. 3)

About ten years ago, the recreation area near the village of Zhuravlino, Oktyabrsky district, was a favorite place for Sunday family trips among Kursk residents. The Volkov Klyuch spring was famous for its purest water; it was pleasant to walk along the paths of the well-groomed park and have a snack in the cafe. But first of all, guests were attracted by the large zoo with a variety of animals - at that time it was the only one in the region.
Since then, the zoo has become very dilapidated; Kursk residents have repeatedly expressed concern about the fate of its pets. The latest news has seriously alarmed residents of the region. There was information in the media that the zoo was closing. We went to Zhuravlino to see the conditions in which animals live, which supposedly no one cares for anymore.
Guests are greeted with construction work. The staircase that leads to the zoo itself is open, but given that bricks and debris are falling from the roof where the repairmen are working, going down it is at your own peril and risk. The paint on the gate is peeling, and the metal box where guests once dropped donations for animal care has rusted sides.
Today the zoo needs serious renovation
Having prepared for the worst, we entered the territory. But the bird aviary is full of bustle. There is no feeling that its inhabitants have not been fed for several days. The next cell is bearish. Behind the thick bars, Eva does not raise her muzzle from the large feeder filled with porridge. The bear is having breakfast; at this time she is not interested in anything happening around her. Her brother Adam shows us much more attention. But the giant does not look at all like a goner begging for a handout from the hands of visitors. The dark sides are shiny, the bear, apparently, is quite happy with life.
“Adam, shall we wash ourselves? – the guy with the hose in his hands cheerfully teases the owner of the enclosure. - That's what I thought! Well, stand aside, I need to clean up the mess in your cage.” Andrey is a local resident, caring for animals is a way for him to earn extra money during the summer holidays. “I feed the animals, clean the cages,” the guy lists. – You can’t go near the bears; you have to arrange water treatments. Adam is calm though. When you're busy having lunch, you can even pet him. But Eva is a nervous lady.” One day, the excessive curiosity of visitors almost turned into a tragedy.
Although guests are warned that under no circumstances should they climb through the fence to the cages, the “kind” dad decided to show his little daughter the bears closer. The bear didn't like it. “She growled and hit the cage with her paw,” Andrei recalls. “The girl was not hit, she was removed in time.” But the child was scared.”
Anyone can still look at the animals


In addition to Adam and Eve, who, by the way, were born in this zoo seven years ago, a wolf, dogs, a llama, a pony, two donkeys and a variety of poultry live in cages and enclosures. Recently a little fox appeared. Local residents brought it and found the exhausted man on the road. “We fed the baby milk from a bottle,” says Lyudmila Nikolaevna, the complex’s caretaker. – And when I grew up, we decided to show it to visitors. Now he lives in a separate cage."
Zoo employees are ready to talk about their pets for hours, but they speak evasively about the fate of the complex itself: “We’re still working, you can see for yourself,” and there are no plans for the future. To clarify the situation, we turned to the owner of the zoo, entrepreneur Igor Grek.
“The territory has a new owner who really asks to move the zoo,” says Igor Andreevich. “The demand is quite reasonable, but he insists that this be done as quickly as possible.” But we don’t meet such deadlines. Therefore, the issue is now being resolved in court. But we are not talking about selling the animals. The zoo will exist! In what form and where we will decide in the near future.”
According to Grek, if it is possible to come to an agreement with the new owners, the animals will remain in the same place. If events develop unfavorably, the tailed and feathered animals will have to move. True, very close. “Part of the territory of the complex remains with us, and we will move the zoo there,” says the businessman. – Moreover, it needs serious reconstruction. We understand that animals are not living in the best conditions right now.” In any case, our interlocutor assured, the animals will not end up on the street. The owner, on the contrary, thought about expanding the zoo and acquiring new animals.
ADDRESS: s. Zhuravlino (Russia, Kursk region) - Great place to relax
4) Indigenous deserts (Place No. 4)

About half an hour’s drive from Kursk (30 km), on the banks of the quiet Tuskar River, in the 13th century, on the site of the discovery of the famous icon of the Mother of God “The Sign,” the unusually beautiful Kursk Root Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Hermitage, revered in the center of Russia, was built.
During the difficult time of ruin and devastation of cities and villages by the raids of the Mongol-Tatar troops of Khan Batu (1295), 30 km from Kursk, hunters hunting in the forest near the Tuskar River saw an icon near a huge tree.
As soon as one of them lifted it, a spring began to flow from this place, and when the man saw it, he placed the icon of the “Sign” of the Mother of God in the hole of this tree. The hunter told about such an unprecedented thing to his comrades, who, after consulting, built a chapel just above the mentioned place (where the cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was later built), in which they placed a wonderful icon. This incident is evidenced by the sculptural ensemble at the entrance to the monastery, created by Kursk sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.
Numerous pilgrims began to come to where the icon was found. And then Vasily Shemyaka, Prince of Rylsk, ordered her to be transported to the city of Rylsk. But the prince did not show worthy honors to the miraculous icon and soon became blind, regaining his sight only when he promised to build a church in Rylsk in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where the miraculous icon was subsequently kept. Surprisingly disappearing from the church, the icon returned to the place where the hunters found it. They tried to transport it to the city more than once, but each time the icon ended up at the place where it appeared.
Every day a huge number of pilgrims come to the church of the “Life-Giving Spring” icon and to the source itself for holy water and to plunge into the font. After all, they say that even the clothes you bathe in heal later.
A copy of the icon is in the monastery, and the original is in the New York (USA) Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. It is periodically brought to the monastery so that Russian believers can bow and touch the shrine.

The monastery is of extraordinary beauty! After restoration, its buildings, painted sky blue, look amazing!
Not long ago, a monument to Seraphim of Sarov (author - Vyacheslav Klykov), a native of the city of Kursk, was erected in the center of the monastery. Having been healed at the age of ten from a serious illness with the help of the miraculous icon “The Sign,” the monk later visited here several times.
In addition to pilgrimage trips, tourist excursions are often organized to the Kursk Root Hermitage. After all, the monastery is not only a blessed sacred place, but also our past, the history of Russia.
From the Kursk railway station, take any minibus going to the Dubrovinsky stop, from which gazelle buses depart every 15 minutes to the village of Svoboda. Get off after about 30-40 minutes (it’s better to ask the driver for a stop).
ADDRESS: Kursk region, 3 olotukhinsky district, metro station Svoboda, monastery

For decades, a water mill located in the Pristensky district, namely on the territory of the Kotovsky village council, has attracted the interest of not only compatriots from various parts of the country, but also residents of neighboring countries. The wooden mill was built without a single nail and is an example of wooden architecture. There is only one such wooden beauty, “tempered” by experience, left in the entire Black Earth Region, and throughout Russia there are only a few of its kind.
As follows from the historical information, the wooden Krasnikov water mill was built in 1861 on the Broad Ruchey River. Before the revolution, the owner of the mill was the Pole gentleman Tityanets Foma Ignatievich, whose house was located next to the mill.

ADDRESS: Kursk region, Pristensky district

Kursk is one of the spiritual and cultural centers of central Russia. The city was founded in the 10th century, from the 14th century it was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and at the beginning of the 16th century it was included in the territory of the Russian state. Tourists will find magnificent architectural monuments - cathedrals, estates, monastery complexes, theaters, striking in their variety of styles and built with the participation of talented craftsmen.

The most grandiose tourist site relates to the events of the Second World War - this is an impressive memorial complex dedicated to the Battle of Kursk. If the city suddenly gets boring, you can go to the noble estates located several tens of kilometers away to walk through the parks and explore the lush interiors.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

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What to see and where to go in Kursk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The Battle of Kursk is one of the largest and most decisive battles in the history of the Second World War. It was here that, at the cost of thousands of lives, Soviet troops managed to reverse the rapid advance of the Germans. A memorial complex in honor of this important event was opened in Kursk on the 55th anniversary of the Victory. Elements of the ensemble occupy an area of ​​600 m². The “Kursk Bulge” consists of a museum-monument, an obelisk, a triumphal arch, a model of a fighter plane, the Eternal Flame, a chapel, a mass grave and recreated artillery points from which the riflemen fired. At the entrance to the complex there is a T-34 tank on a pedestal and a monument to Soviet tank crews.

The central city square, on the site of which there used to be a 17th-century fortress, residential buildings and the Resurrection Cathedral, destroyed by fire in 1781. The modern appearance of the square took shape in the 19th century; subsequently it changed significantly due to the fact that many buildings were erected around it during Soviet times. Many of these houses are today classified as architectural monuments.

An Orthodox church in a classical style, erected in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The building is very reminiscent of European cathedrals of the Renaissance - the same monumental dimensions, a huge round dome, symmetrical proportions and an entrance portal supported by columns. During the Soviet years, the building was converted into a cinema, after some work was done on its appearance. After the return of the Russian Orthodox Church, the cathedral was reconstructed.

The stone structure was erected in 1768, 20 years later it received the status of the main city temple. The church is a building with classical and baroque elements. An octagon with a dome topped with a cross rises above the main building in the form of a rectangle. The window openings are decorated with stucco elements. As a result of the latest restoration, the church was painted a pleasant pink color.

An 18th-century temple, built in the luxurious Elizabethan Baroque style, presumably by one of the representatives of the architectural school of B. Rastrelli. The building resembles a magnificent palace with orderly rows of wide windows, classical columns and decorative pilasters placed on the facade. In the center there is a 4-tier bell tower with a spire, on the side there is a two-story quadrangle with a domed roof. The entrance is designed in the form of a Greek portico.

Catholic church of the late 19th century, built in the neo-Gothic style. During the period 1938–97 the temple was not functioning. During Soviet times, most of the original decoration was destroyed, and all valuables were confiscated. Later, the building was adapted into a museum of atheism and a warehouse. After the building was returned to the Catholic community, it was restored and it once again began to shine with its magnificent architecture.

A convent believed to have been founded in the 17th century. Until 1680, all its buildings were wooden, until they were destroyed by fire. The first stone church was founded in 1895. The monastery houses several miraculous icons of the Mother of God, as well as the relics of saints and saints of God. During Soviet times, the community was dissolved, but in the 1990s, the complex, which had become very dilapidated due to lack of proper maintenance, was returned to the believers.

A men's monastery founded in the 17th century by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich on the site of the discovery of the image of the Mother of God “The Sign”. The monastery is located several tens of kilometers from Kursk. Pustyn is one of the most important pilgrimage centers in Russia. The picturesque buildings of the monastery - temples, gates, monuments and residential buildings are located among meadows and forests on the high bank of the Tuskar River.

The museum was created in 1903 on the initiative of Governor N. N. Gordeev. It was housed in the former bishop's chambers, built in the 19th century. The exhibition represents a standard set for such institutions: archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, household and household items, materials from the Great Patriotic War, photographs, antiques, paintings - in total more than 180 thousand items.

The exhibition opened in 1991. For the first two years it was located on the ground floor of the Lower Trinity Church, then it moved to a stone merchant mansion of the mid-18th century, built in the manner of Moscow architecture. This is the only surviving building of that era that can be seen in Kursk. The collection consists of archaeological finds discovered in the Kursk region.

The Kursk Drama Stage is one of the oldest in Russia - it was founded in 1792. During its existence, the theater has replaced several buildings. Today it is located in a building built in 1983. The name of A. S. Pushkin was given to the stage in 1937 in honor of the poet’s 100th anniversary. Today, performances are held in large and small halls, the repertoire consists of classical works and modern plays.

The city art gallery has a worthy collection that puts it on a par with Moscow art museums. The exhibition halls display works by European artists of the 16th–21st centuries, works of Russian masters, sculptures, and objects of decorative and applied art. The gallery's collection has taken part in international and all-Russian opening days many times.

The institution was founded in 1944, but individual puppet shows, organized by a group of enthusiastic actors, have been staged in Kursk since 1935. Since 1965, the stage has been located in the building of a former girls' gymnasium, built in the 1820s. The building is an architectural monument erected in an eclectic style, combining the severity of classicism and the pretentiousness of decorative elements of baroque.

An indoor water amusement park that welcomed its first visitors in 2008. The area of ​​the complex is 600 m², the territory can accommodate up to 700 people at the same time. In addition to the standard slides and pools, for a comfortable stay of guests there is a spa area with a jacuzzi and a salt cave, artificial geysers and waterfalls decorating the space have been built, and there is also a bar.

Antonovka is one of the most common apple varieties in Russia, which appeared as a result of “folk selection”. The monument in his honor was created in 2004 by sculptor V. M. Klykov, who was the author of many famous monuments. The sculpture is made in the form of a giant apple weighing 150 kg and 2 meters high (the sculpture is hollow inside). The iron fruit is completely similar to the real one.

A luxurious three-story building, a real palace with a richly decorated facade and an abundance of decorative details. The building was erected in 1877. Twice it was seriously damaged during fires, but each time it was restored. At various times, in addition to the Assembly of the Nobility, the Workers' Palace, the House of Officers, the Railwaymen's Club, and a museum were located on its territory.

The building, which today houses the Main Directorate of the Central Bank for the Kursk Region, was erected in 1913. It was built for the Peasant Land Bank. The unusual and picturesque mansion is an example of the eclectic style with predominant Moorish motifs, as if it had miraculously moved to Kursk from the expanses of Spanish Andalusia. After a major renovation, the building became a decoration of the city.

The city railway station was opened in 1868. The modern building was erected in the 1950s according to the design of I. G. Yavein. The building was built in the monumental Stalinist Empire style. The central façade, in a rich red color, is decorated with heavy stucco, above the main entrance arch there is the coat of arms of the USSR, as well as figures of soldiers and workers. There are memorial plaques on the rear façade facing the tracks.

The mansion was erected in the 19th century for a famous Russian nobleman, Count A.I. Nelidov, who served as head of the Kursk province. A picturesque park with artificial ponds and apple orchards was organized around the estate. Nowadays, the “Moscow” sanatorium is located on the estate, which is engaged in the maintenance and spot restoration of the architectural monument.

The palace and park ensemble is located 100 km from Kursk. It is a complex of buildings from the early 19th century, surrounded by a landscaped park. It includes the main house and a number of utility rooms. To explore the luxurious interiors, you need to join an organized tour; you can walk around the park on your own if you purchase an entrance ticket.

Kursk is one of the cultural centers of Russia. Its history is rich in significant and important events, so among the attractions you can find many historical museums and monuments, but history is not the only feature that makes the city worth visiting. There are many exciting places to visit that will attract anyone. Houses with elegant architecture, temples, theaters are only a small part of what can be seen here.

It is interesting that, despite the fact that the city has developed industry, it is very clean. Kursk is one of the most environmentally friendly industrial cities. Its visitors are always pleasantly surprised by the large number of green spaces and the order that the residents of Kursk maintain.

During its existence, the church was burned, and then rebuilt, and has survived to this day in the form of a two-story building. The lower floor is dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh, and the upper floor is dedicated to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This is a cult place for believers, so it is visited not only by locals, but also by city guests.

The temple was built in the Baroque-Rocaille style, characterized by splendor and beauty of both external and internal decoration. The outside of the temple has many details, a three-tiered bell tower and windows decorated with drawings. Both the lower and upper churches are skillfully decorated with icons, and they also contain the main shrines - an icon with the relics of the abbot of Radonezh, as well as a cancer, with particles of more than 40 saints and great martyrs.

Address: Gorky street-27.

The Battle of Kursk is one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War. In memory of him, a complex was built consisting of several monuments, a temple, an Eternal Flame and a mass grave tombstone. This place is popular, and during celebrations it becomes the center of general festivities.

Here you can see the Arc de Triomphe, on which the monument to St. George the Victorious is located, and also notable examples of wartime equipment, showing the power of the country and marking victory in a difficult war.

Address: Pobeda Avenue.

It is famous for the fact that its exhibition presents works of both domestic and foreign masters of art. In addition to paintings and graphic sketches, there are sculptures, embroidery, porcelain, and other art objects.

A key place in the gallery is occupied by the works of Alexander Deineka, after whom it was named - about a quarter of the works belong to his brush. Paintings by famous Russian artists, such as Levitan and Kuindzhi, are presented here, and next to them are works by Kursk artists who connected their work with their hometown.

Address: Radishcheva street-85.

This is one of the most frequently visited places among residents and guests of the city. The water park attracts children, adults, and couples. Interesting places and entertainment are provided for every age: for kids there are shallow pools with fairly low slides, for adults there are higher attractions, some are even designed for several people.

In addition to the entertainment program, the water park has places where you can relax and soak up the sun. For those who get hungry, there is a local cafe that offers a wide selection of sushi and rolls.

Address: Soyuznaya street - 26.

The museum received this large and massive building in the nineties. The former estate of merchant Khloponin has become an excellent place to place archaeological finds and ancient artifacts.

The building has been perfectly preserved and is a striking representative of Moscow Russian architecture of the 18th century. The majestic view and the fact that the building is several hundred years old has given rise to the legend that under the museum there is an underground network covering the territory of the old city. You can learn more about this, as well as see the exhibition, by taking a tour.

Address: Pioneer Street-6.

The monument is installed on the central square and is a two-meter bronze apple. The reason for its installation was the fact that the square was built on the site of an apple orchard, and it was also installed because the Antonovka variety is very popular among Kursk residents. Antonovka was opened during the Yabloch rescue.

Currently, this is one of the most famous “strange” monuments in Russia, to which tourists go to take pictures and admire.

Address: Lenin street-13.

Its history dates back to four hundred years ago, when the city was being defended from the Polish-Lithuanian invasion. Then only the fortress was able to survive, on the territory of which the cathedral was later built. There were many sad pages in the history of the temple: when they tried to rebuild it, close it, and use it for other purposes.

Now this majestic building again carries out an educational mission and welcomes all believers. In terms of architecture, it is also of great interest. The external part is made in the spirit of classicism, and the interior decoration shows the care with which the reconstruction was carried out: the iconostasis, the dome, and the refectory were restored and have a ceremonial appearance.

Address: Lunacharskogo street-4.

This is one of the first theaters in the country, created about three hundred years ago. His chronicle contains many events, as well as places he visited. The theater received the building in which it is located to this day after it returned from evacuation.

It is a bright building with a sculpture of the goddess Nike. The local troupe is talented, and the performances here are renewed every season.

Address: Lenin street-26.

This monument is dedicated to the famous composer of the Soviet Union and Russia - Georgy Sviridov. Born in the Kursk province, he became famous thanks to such works as “Blizzard” and “Time, Forward!”, which everyone has known since childhood (it has been playing on the news screensaver for many years). The monument was erected in 2005, and it is visited by many people who are not indifferent to the musician’s work.

Address: intersection of Lenin and Zolotoy streets.

Built for the anniversary of V.I. Lenin, the circus operated for about 20 years, receiving millions of visitors. Wonderful artists and clowns performed here: Oleg Popov, Mikhail Rumyantsev, the Zapashny brothers and many others. In the late nineties, the circus burned down, but the building was restored, and it continues to delight Kursk residents and city guests coming from all over the country.

Colorful numbers and performances make the Kursk circus one of the best in Europe. In front of its building there is a monument to Yu. Nikulin and M. Shuidin.

Address: Alexander Nevsky street-4.

It was opened more than a hundred years ago, in honor of the visit of the city by Nicholas II. It presents a wide exhibition: you can see stuffed animals, objects from archaeological excavations, old dishes, and weapons.

There are thousands of exhibits related to the region and telling its history. In addition, it hosts exhibitions from all over the country, which gives visitors the opportunity to learn about other cities and the traditions of different peoples.

Address: Lunacharskogo street-6.

This is a wonderful place for a walk. A large amount of greenery, a beautiful view of the river, paths and playgrounds make the park an excellent place for a family holiday. For those who want to swim, there is a beach, and for sports fans there are several stadiums.

In summer, the park serves as a cinema under the sky. The screenings attract a lot of people who want to watch a movie in nature, and also combine the screening with a picnic in nature.

The museum hosts wonderful tours that give visitors a broad understanding of literature and writers. There are eight rooms, each representing a different time and writer. There are Fet, Vorobyov and many others.

This cultural center is very important because it shows guests of the city and the residents of Kursk themselves how much has been done for literature in their region.

Address: Sadovaya street - 21.

According to archaeologists, already in the 5th century. On the territory of modern Kursk there was a very large settlement, which puts it among the most ancient city policies of Rus'. However, the official date of foundation of the city is considered to be 1095, when Prince Izyaslav, the son of Vladimir Monomakh, founded a powerful fortress here. Over its long history, Kursk has seen a lot. Its walls were destroyed by the Tatar-Mongol hordes and besieged by Lithuanian troops. The people of Kursk fought with restless neighbors - the Polovtsians, Nogais, and took part in the battle on the Kalka River. During the Second World War, one of the greatest battles of our time took place not far from the city. Today's Kursk is not only a developed industrial and commercial city, but also the largest cultural and religious center of Russia.

The city will delight the inquisitive traveler with numerous cultural and historical monuments. Among the various attractions, it is worth highlighting what you absolutely must see in Kursk, even if you are passing through here.

In 2000, at the entrance to the city from the side, a memorial complex dedicated to the victory in the Battle of Kursk, which largely predetermined the outcome of the Second World War, was inaugurated. The dominant feature of the architectural ensemble, which includes the Church of St. George the Victorious and the monument to Marshal of Victory, is the 24-meter Triumphal Arch. The majestic structure is crowned with a sculptural composition depicting St. George piercing a defeated dragon with a spear. Between the columns at the base of the arch there are sculptures of an epic knight and soldiers of the Russian army in uniforms characteristic of different eras of its existence.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:30 to 20:00.
  • Phone: +7 471 270-21-29.
  • Website: http://www.kursk-diocese.rf
  • Address: st. Lunacharsky, 4. Transport stop “Znamensky Cathedral”.

The majestic building of the cathedral, considered one of the hallmarks of Kursk, is an architectural monument of federal significance. The temple was consecrated in 1826 in honor of the miraculously acquired image of the Mother of God “The Sign”, as well as to commemorate the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812. The structure in the style of solemn classicism is truly impressive. Its huge dome rises 48 m above the ground, and the main bell weighs 1380 kg. The building shines with columns and gilded openwork onions. The interiors of the cathedral are decorated with delightful paintings, elegant stucco moldings, and stunning stained glass windows. The temple icon is now in the USA, but in the church you can see its exact list. The main relics of the cathedral are considered to be the images of John of Shanghai, Matrona of Moscow, Seraphim of Sarov, containing particles of the relics of saints.

  • Address: Central district. Transport stop "Red Square".

In the 40s of the last century, Red Square was considered the most beautiful in Kursk, but many of its buildings were significantly damaged during the Second World War. Immediately after the end of the war, restoration work began, thanks to which the recreation acquired its modern appearance. Here you can see several magnificent buildings, including the Znamensky Cathedral, the Central Hotel, and the House of Soviets. The decoration of the square is the monuments to V. Lenin and Alexander Nevsky. The ensemble includes the Pervomaisky Park and the Memory Stele, with the names of 270 natives of the city awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

  • Address: st. Sonina, 4. Transport stop “Ulitsa Sonina”.

The stunningly beautiful mansion, erected in 1877 for the city Assembly of Nobility, is rightly considered one of the architectural pearls of Kursk. It immediately attracts the eye with its eclectic exterior. The decor of the building's façade clearly shows the features of the lush Baroque and romantic Italian Renaissance. The mansion is decorated with half-columns and openwork pilasters. The cornice above the entrance is crowned by a massive but surprisingly elegant attic.

Stele "City of Military Glory"

  • Address: Pobeda Avenue. Transport stop "Kartodrom".

In 2007, Kursk was awarded the title of City of Military Glory. To commemorate this event, three years later a monument was solemnly opened here. A Doric column is erected on a quadrangular pedestal in the center of a small square. It is crowned with a gilded double-headed eagle. The pedestal is decorated with cartouches with the coat of arms of Kursk and the text of the presidential decree. The composition is completed by four pylons located in the corners of the square. On them are placed cast-iron slabs with high reliefs telling about the heroism of Kursk residents shown on the fronts of the Second World War and in the rear.

Kursk monuments and architecture

The sights of Kursk, photos and descriptions of which you will find in this section, will bring real pleasure to tourists who know how to appreciate beauty. Below we talk about the most colorful buildings and the most unusual monuments of the city.

  • Address: Station Square, 1. Transport stop "Railway Station".

The colorful building of the railway station rightly takes its place among the architectural attractions of the city. It took 6 years to build, opening its doors to passengers for the first time in 1952. The structure is very massive, but looks elegant. The facade of the building is decorated in red and white colors. Its wings end in arched through towers. A banner and coat of arms composition is placed above the arch of the central entrance. The facade is decorated with sculptures of home front workers and soldiers of the Soviet army.

  • Address: st. Lenina, 83. Transport stop “Perekalsky Street”.

The entire more than hundred-year history of the mansion on Lenin Street, built in 1913, is inextricably linked with financial institutions. At first, the Peasant Land Bank was located within its walls, then the central office of the State Bank of the USSR, and now the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia is located. The building stands out among the surrounding buildings not only with the bright colors of the facade, but also with its unusual architecture. With its recessed arched lancet windows and original decor, it evokes thoughts of a medieval Moorish castle. It’s definitely worth taking a memorable photo against the backdrop of the mansion.

  • Address: st. Lenina, 15. Transport stop “House of Books”.

Apples of the Antonovka variety have glorified the Kursk land throughout the country. Magnificent fruits, distinguished by their delicious taste and indescribable aroma, were served to the table of Russian emperors. Therefore, the fact that there is a monument to this fruit in the city is not at all surprising. A one and a half meter in diameter, hollow inside copper sculpture appeared in Kursk in 2008. Since then, every tourist has considered it a duty to take a photo with the delicious apple, which weighs about 130 kg. Do this too when you visit this wonderful city.

  • Address: st. Shchepkina. Transport stop “Cinema named after. Shchepkina.

Kursk residents, like most Russians in general, have a subtle sense of humor. Therefore, the monument to the hero of A. Gladkov’s play “A Long Time Ago”, whose colorful image was created in the film “The Hussar Ballad” by the amazing actor Yuri Yakovlev, has become extremely popular among townspeople since its appearance in 2010. The sculptural composition consists of two figures - Lieutenant Rzhevsky, sitting on the back of a bench and his horse blissfully next to him. Be sure to rub the finger of the hand of the hero of countless jokes, with which he straightens his lush mustache. Then any of your wishes will definitely come true.

Cultural and entertainment recreation

For tourists who prefer leisure time filled with interesting excursions, the city will be a real discovery, because there are absolutely no problems with where to go in Kursk for bright impressions. There are many museums and theaters here.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:30 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 20 rubles, children 10 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 471 254-91-95.
  • Website: http://www.archeo-kursk.ru
  • Address: st. Pionerov, 6. Transport stop “Dobrolyubova Square”.

The exhibitions of the museum, located in an elegant mansion built in the 18th century, tell the story of the history of the region from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. The exhibition halls display artifacts found by archaeological expeditions in the region at different times. In addition to ceramics, weapons, utensils, coins, visitors will see a colorful diorama - a reconstruction of the site of ancient people who lived on Kursk land in the Paleolithic era. The collection of jewelry and ancient costumes is very interesting.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 30 rubles, student 20 rubles, children 10 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 471 258-55-91.
  • Website: http://www.deinekagallery.ru
  • Address: st. Radishcheva, 85. Transport stop “Gogol Street”.

City art gallery, named after the remarkable artist and graphic artist A.A. Deineka, has a wonderful collection of more than 10 thousand works of art. It presents paintings painted by Russian and foreign artists in the period from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century. In addition to paintings and sculptures, the museum will delight visitors with wonderful collections of porcelain and authentic embroidery. The attention of museum guests is invariably attracted by the halls where ancient icons and medieval engravings are exhibited.

  • Opening hours: performances are given from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive. Performances start at 18:00 or 18:30.
  • Ticket price: from 150 rub. up to 600 rub.
  • Phone: +7 471 270-30-76.
  • Website: http://www.kurskdrama.ru
  • Address: st. Lenina, 26. Transport stop "Dramater".

Kursk Drama invites city guests to spend a wonderful evening in the kingdom of Melpomene. The theater, founded back in 1792, is considered one of the oldest in the country and has glorious traditions. The performance with the participation of wonderful masters of art, among whom 13 people were awarded the title of People's or Honored Artist of Russia, will bring many bright emotions. The theater's productions are relevant, colorful, and colorful. The troupe tours extensively throughout the Russian Federation and participates in reputable festivals.

City cathedrals and churches

Kursk is rightfully considered, along with one of the most significant non-capital religious centers in the country. The delightful city churches house several especially revered Orthodox shrines.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: +7 471 251-38-49.
  • Address: st. M. Gorky, 27. Transport stop “Kirova Street”.

The exterior of the delightful cathedral, consecrated in 1778, embodies the best of the lavish Elizabethan Baroque style. Ribbed domes topped with gilded crosses rise above the roof of the temple. The triangular portico of the building, decorated with openwork stucco, is supported by columns with luxurious capitals. The interiors of the temple shine with the splendor of painting and gilding. The three-tier iconostasis contains 56 images. The main shrine of the cathedral is the image of Sergius of Radonezh with particles of the relics of the saint. The image of the temple is placed on the reverse of a silver coin issued by the Bank of the Russian Federation in 2011.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: +7 471 253-58-79.
  • Website: http://www.voznesensky-temple.rf
  • Address: st. Verkhnyaya Kazatskaya, 131. Transport stop "Children's clinic".

The church, consecrated in 1888, stands out among other churches in Kursk for its eclectic architecture. Its exterior reveals features of late classicism, baroque and even Byzantine style. The building is especially elegant thanks to its porticoes supported by elegant Tuscan columns, octagonal domes and drums. During Soviet times, the church was closed for only a year. It was saved from looting, so today townspeople and tourists can admire the four-tiered bell tower, the delightful arches of the facade, and the openwork turrets of the temple. The main relics of the church are the Athonite icons of the Mother of God Quick to Hear and St. Panteleimon.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:30.
  • Phone: +7 471 253‑34-00.
  • Website: http://www.kurskonb.ru
  • Address: st. Karl Marx, 48. Transport stop “Nikitskaya Street”.

The single-domed temple with an octagonal drum and a massive dome is considered a magnificent example of the Russian-Byzantine style in religious architecture. It was erected on the site of an ancient church destroyed by fire, and consecrated in 1846. During the persecution of religion, the temple was closed for 2 years, and a warehouse was built within its walls, but the building was not badly damaged. Thanks to this, today we can admire the exterior of the church, decorated with carved platbands and elegant stucco moldings.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Phone: +7 471 231-07-90.
  • Address: Korenskie Dvory village, 31. The best way to get there is by minibuses that run regularly from the railway station.

To get here, you need to make a half-hour journey from Kursk to the village of Svoboda. Here, on the banks of a small river in the sacred place where the miraculous image “The Sign” was found, back in the 13th century. a monastery was founded. The white-stone buildings of the monastery and churches with sky-blue domes look stunning. But this is not the main value of the Root Desert. It is one of the three most revered religious centers in the Russian Federation, along with the Diveyevo Monastery in Nizhny Novgorod and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra of St. Petersburg. Tens of thousands of pilgrims flock here to pray at the image of the “Life-Giving Spring”, to receive healing by plunging into a font filled with the waters of a life-giving spring, gushing out of the ground in the place where the icon “The Sign” was found.

Where to go with children in Kursk

When planning to go to the city, feel free to take your child with you. Among the interesting places in Kursk there are many where children can get a lot of vivid impressions and gain positive emotions.

Museum "Kursk Nightingale"

  • Opening hours: weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: please check by phone.
  • Phone: +7 471 253-12-80.
  • Address: st. Nikitskaya, 74. Transport stop "Kirovsky Bridge".

The expression “Kursk nightingale” has long become a household word, so it is simply impossible not to visit the museum dedicated to the unique singer - an inhabitant of Russian forests. The exhibition presents a variety of materials about this amazing bird. A separate exhibition is dedicated to the epic Nightingale the Robber. And here you can see many colorful images of songbirds - from bright photographs to sculptural embodiments in metal, clay, ceramics, glass, wood. The children are delighted with everything they see.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Sunday. Sessions start at 12:00, 14:00, 16:00.
  • Ticket price: from 20 rub. up to 80 rub.
  • Phone: +7 471 270-20-81.
  • Address: st. Sonina, 4. Transport stop “Znamensky Cathedral”.

Among the interesting places in Kursk that you should definitely visit with your child, it is worth highlighting the planetarium, founded in 1956. Its visitors are offered an exciting journey through the vastness of the universe. With the help of modern equipment, fantastic space landscapes are recreated on the dome of the main hall. A vibrant show is accompanied by educational lectures. In addition, in the planetarium you can watch films dedicated to the exploration of interplanetary space and the history of astronautics.

Waterpark "Miracle Island"

  • Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 1000 rubles, children 800 rubles, children up to 90 cm tall can enter for free.
  • Phone: +7 471 234‑00-00.
  • Website: http://www.akvakursk.ru
  • Address: st. Soyuznaya, 26. Transport stop “School No. 8”.

The city water park offers excellent leisure time for the whole family. There is entertainment for every taste for children and parents. Young visitors are welcome in a children's town with a shallow pool equipped with slides, serpentines, geysers, and waterfalls. Adults will be able to swim in the wave pool, slide down an extreme slide, and come under fire from water cannons. The water park has a sauna, salt cave, and Turkish hammam. You can refresh yourself and buy an excellent dessert for your child at the By the Sea cafe.

A visit to Kursk is definitely worth it for several reasons. Firstly, the city itself is very beautiful. Secondly, many significant historical events are associated with his name. Thirdly, every Orthodox tourist should venerate the shrines of the delightful Kursk churches.

Red Square is the central square of the city of Kursk, which is located in the Central District of the city. Streets such as Sonina, Lenina, Dzerzhinsky and Lunacharsky begin from this square. Uritsky and Marat streets pass through Red Square.

Red Square is located on the territory of a former residential street on which stood the Resurrection Church and a large number of residential buildings. After the fire of 1781, which turned the residential area into a wasteland, it was decided to develop the main square of the city in this area. Moreover, this was required by the decree of Catherine II issued in 1782 on the improvement of the city of Kursk.

Red Square means beautiful. This is exactly what the city center became after the defensive ditch was filled in and the remains of the 17th century fortress were dismantled.

Triumphal Arch

The Arc de Triomphe complex in Kursk was erected in 2000 in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kursk, which took place in 1943. The complex is located on an alley on Pobeda Avenue. The memorial complex includes the majestic Arc de Triomphe, a monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov, the three-tiered Church of St. George the Victorious, as well as the Eternal Flame and the granite tombstone of the “Unknown Soldier of the Kursk Land” located on the mass grave.

The height of the Arc de Triomphe is 24 meters. At its top there is an equestrian sculpture of St. George the Victorious, made of bronze, 6.4 meters high. The arch has reliefs and text plaques, and on its body you can see four bronze figures of Russian warriors from different eras of history.

In 2007, the city of Kursk was awarded the title of City of Military Glory. In honor of this significant event, a memorial stele was erected on the territory of the memorial complex. Also, on the alley you can see examples of wartime equipment mounted on pedestals.

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Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Kursk was built on the site of the previously existing Trinity Monastery, founded by Boris Godunov in 1597. When the monastery was ravaged and burned by the Lithuanians, only a small wooden monastery church was restored in its place. The modern appearance of the temple has much in common with it, although it was built much later in stone. The earliest parts of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity date back to 1733-40. The northern and southern aisles were built already in the 20th century.

The temple is made in accordance with the traditions of Russian architecture. It is a brick two-story single-domed temple. The outside of the temple is decorated very modestly. Only the windows in the dome drum are framed with decorative carvings. The thrones are dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the Venerable Ambrose of Optina and the noble princes Boris and Gleb. On the first floor there is a winter temple, on the second - a summer one. In the summer church there are thrones of the Holy Spirit and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

At the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity there is an icon painting school in the name of St. Andrei Rublev.

A big breakthrough for the creative intelligentsia of Kursk was the opening of the literary museum in 2009. This treasure trove of letters was opened in memory of the famous Kursk author K. Vorobyov. He knew how to truthfully describe the most fatal moments of the Great Patriotic War.

The area of ​​the museum is 563 sq.m. houses 8 exhibitions on different topics. They introduce visitors to the biography and work of more than 90 authors - residents of the Kursk region, from the 11th century to the present day. There are separate halls for the creativity of writers K. Vorobyov and E. Nosov.

There was plenty of material to create the museum, because many famous poets, composers, artists and writers came from the Kursk land: K. Istomin, the author of Domostroi and creator of the primer, S. Medvedev, the founder of bibliography. There is news that Rev. F. Pechersky, A. Gaidar, A. Fet, V. Ovechkin, N. Aseev also have a direct connection to the Kursk region. A huge role in the study of Pushkin’s life was played by the work “The Acts of Peter the Great,” written by I. Golikov.

The pearl of the museum's fund are memorial items: rare books, personal belongings of writers, manuscripts, books with signatures of authors. For visitors, the museum organizes various conferences and creative meetings, which are accompanied by computer technology.

Vvedenskaya Church

The church was first built in the 17th century, but in 1647 it was brutally destroyed by the Tatars. The temple was restored almost 100 years later. In style it was somewhat reminiscent of an old building. Over time, it was completed and ennobled.

The Vvedenskaya Church has its own tradition. Every year on September 12, take the Icon of the Mother of God for the night, which follows during the procession from the Root Hermitage Monastery to the Znamensky Cathedral in the city center.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the church was closed. The building housed a market and a bread store. Icons and frescoes were destroyed, and jewelry was stolen.

The church resumed its existence 10 years later, around 1941. Craftsmen were able to restore the former beauty that was trampled during the Soviet era. The area around the temple was expanded and planted with trees.

Kursk State Puppet Theater

The culturally developed city of Kursk boasts a dozen theaters. I would like to separately mention the Kursk State Puppet Theater, located on the street. Radishcheva. During the war, in 1944, a troupe of actors: Z. Mshastaya, I. Emelyanov, N. Bogolyubskaya, Z. Kameneva, V. Mikhatova organized the first puppet theater. This cast, headed by A. Mshasty, had no puppets, no special decorations, no permanent premises, but had the goal of “growing” a real theater.

The performances “At the Command of the Pike” and “Gavroche” were the first-born of the beginning actors.

Since 1965, the theater was moved to the building of the former gymnasium, where it is still located. Since 1970, the theater troupe has successfully staged its first performances for adults: “Until the Third Rooster”, “Lovely Galatea”, “Foreigner in the World” and begins touring in Ukraine, Belarus, Tyumen, North Ossetia. With the arrival of a new director in 1987, A. Kondratova, a new period of prosperity and stability begins. N. Bugaeva, E. Afanasyeva, L. Margolina, beloved by the audience, work here.

Since the foundation of the theater, more than 250 performances have been staged, attended by about 2 million spectators. Many productions were awarded at international festivals, and the play “Thumbelina” was awarded a prize in 2006.

Kursk State Regional Museum of Archeology

In Kursk, in the chambers of the Romodanovsky boyars, the State Regional Museum of Archeology is located. This is the first and only museum in Russia, which is designed to tell about the history of a separate region. The museum was founded in 1993, and became accessible to visitors only in 1996.

The permanent exhibition of the museum covers 7 halls covering the history of the Kursk region from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. A breathtaking diorama of the Avdeevka Paleolithic site is located in the very center of the exhibition and tells about the Stone Age. Models of dwellings and figures of people dressed in clothes of that time give an idea of ​​life in the Kursk region more than 22,000 years ago.

The museum collection consists of women's jewelry, ceramics, tools, weapons, military uniforms, and coins. The museum's collections number more than 118,742 items. Of particular delight is the restored place where the primitive master worked, the famous Paleolithic Venus. A reconstruction of the site of the ancient Lipinsky settlement of the 11th-13th centuries is also located here. and the Kursk fortress of the 17th century.

At the museum you can listen to lectures, take part in excursions and intellectual games.

Znamensky Cathedral

The Znamensky Cathedral is located in the city of Kursk. This is an Orthodox church that was built over ten years, from 1816 to 1826. The name of the cathedral comes from the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” of the same name.

In the post-revolutionary period, the temple was subjected to destruction and reconstruction. In 1937, the cathedral was equipped as a cinema. And only in 1999, the temple began to be completely reconstructed.

The temple is made in the style of classicism, reflecting the Renaissance, which is extremely surprising for the ancient Russian style of design. The cathedral has a cross-dome structure. The cathedral is especially impressive with its bell tower. A huge bell, weighing 1 ton. 380 kg, and a space under the dome of 48 meters, make a lasting impression. Powerful pylons that store icons were located in the refectory. The impressive size of the temple forces residents, involuntarily, to compare it with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

An important event in the life of the temple was the visit of Metropolitan Laurus, Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. And in 2009, Russian President A. Medvedev personally paid a visit to the Znamensky Cathedral.

The most popular attractions in Kursk with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Kursk on our website.

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