Lee sandy. Are there any good sandy beaches in Madeira? How to protect your dog from sand flies

Regular visits to the gynecologist are one of the main procedures aimed at maintaining women's health. A gynecologist is a doctor specializing in diseases of the female reproductive system.

The first examination of girls by a gynecologist is carried out at school, as part of a medical examination. Also, a visit to a gynecologist is required after the start of sexual activity and a change of sexual partner.

Even in the absence of sexual activity or complaints, every girl over 18 years of age needs to visit a gynecologist once a year for preventive purposes.

Preparation for inspection

A visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled before menstruation or in the first days after it ends. It is necessary to stop douching and sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination, and immediately before the visit, take a shower and put on clean underwear.

Important! You should take a clean diaper and socks with you. The diaper is placed on the gynecological chair, and socks are worn during the examination.

Doctor visit

The reception begins with a survey. Be sure to remember the start date of your last menstruation and the duration of your cycle. The gynecologist will ask about menstruation, sex life and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is necessary to answer as accurately and honestly as possible; doctors maintain confidentiality and use information only for diagnostic purposes.

An examination by a gynecologist includes examination of the mammary glands and reproductive organs. The genitals are examined on a special gynecological chair.

When the woman is in a chair, material is collected for smears and examined using gynecological mirrors and an optical device.

The procedures are painless and are performed using sterile instruments. If the presence of diseases is suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostic tests and give the necessary recommendations.

An appointment with a gynecologist lasts no more than half an hour; if there are no pathologies, the next examination should be scheduled in a year.

Important! If symptoms of the disease appear, you should visit a doctor immediately.

Disorders of the female reproductive system have a variety of symptoms. Signs of the disease include disorders of menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions, pathological secretion and disruption of adjacent organs.

Menstrual dysfunction

Menstruation is bleeding from the uterine cavity in women, which is a normal physiological process. The first menstruation appears at the age of 11-15 years. The first day of the cycle is the first day of bleeding.

The menstrual cycle lasts 21-30 days, bleeding lasts for 2-7 days. The amount of blood lost is 200-250 ml.

Menstrual dysfunctions include:

  1. More early or late the beginning of menstruation.
  2. Amenorrhea- absence of menstruation for more than 6 months.
  3. Hypomenstrual syndrome- weakening, shortening or slowing of menstruation.
  4. Hypermenstrual syndrome- frequent, prolonged and heavy menstruation.
  5. Menorrhagia- bleeding that occurs during the menstrual cycle.
  6. Metrorrhagia- bleeding that occurs outside the menstrual cycle.
  7. Algodismenorrhea- painful menstruation.

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual intercourse is genital contact between a man and a woman for the purpose of obtaining pleasure and pregnancy. The optimal age for a woman to begin sexual activity is 18 years, and the frequency of sexual intercourse is 2-3 per week.

Women feel attraction to their partner, and during sexual intercourse they experience physiological and psychological orgasms, which determine satisfaction after sexual intercourse.

Sexual dysfunction is characterized by:

  • too early start of sexual activity;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • lack of satisfaction with intimate life;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Fertility disorders

Pregnancy is a physiological process characterized by fertilization and subsequent development of the fetus in the woman’s reproductive organs. Fertilization occurs when germ cells fuse during sexual intercourse.

A woman becomes pregnant during the first year after the start of sexual intercourse with a man without the use of contraception.

To disorders of reproductive function include:

  • miscarriages;
  • absence of pregnancy for more than 1 year against the background of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception;
  • infertility.

Pathological secretion

Normally, women have vaginal discharge. The discharge is insignificant, liquid in consistency, light in color, free of blood, and has no distinct odor.

Pathological secretion includes:

  • copious discharge;
  • foul-smelling discharge;
  • foamy discharge;
  • brown (yellow, green) discharge;
  • discharge mixed with blood.

Disorders of related organs

A healthy person feels comfortable and does not experience discomfort.

Indicators of the presence of the disease are:

  1. Soreness and hardening of the mammary glands.
  2. The appearance of rashes on the skin and genitals.
  3. Pain in the genital area or abdomen.
  4. Itching in the genital area.
  5. Frequent or difficult or painful urination.
  6. Urinary incontinence.
  7. Constipation.
  8. Pain during bowel movements.
  9. Diarrhea.
  10. Incontinence of gases and feces.

All of the listed signs may indicate a malfunction of the woman’s reproductive system and possible pathologies, which cannot be ignored.

Self-treatment is unacceptable; only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. A timely visit to a gynecologist and correct treatment will help maintain a woman’s health and fertility.

passed as successfully as possible, you need to know and follow simple but very important rules.

Eat before your appointment

First, when going to your appointment be sure to eat! Depending on the time of day, it can be breakfast, lunch or dinner, but it is hearty and complete. Even if you are not usually used to, for example, having breakfast, make an exception before visiting the dentist.

Why is this important? After eating, the human gastrointestinal tract produces a minimum of saliva, which is very helpful during treatment or surgery. In addition, a well-fed patient feels much calmer and less anxious.

Most patients or afraid dentist, or are very worried during the appointment. At this moment, the body produces hormones stress, which in turn requires increased metabolism, during which, among other things, the composition of the blood changes. " Well-fed» the body has a peculiar stock, which begins to be spent, and " hungry" - experiences flaw vital substances. The consequence of such a deficiency may be fainting, collapse and others dangerous conditions.

Cure from a cold

Second important condition. Any viral disease cold, temperature, cough, runny nose- all this incompatible with treatment at the dentist. Taking medications can eliminate symptoms, but not the disease. These conditions always reduce immunity, which means that the body will have less strength to recover after dental intervention. Viruses and microorganisms, in turn, begin to multiply intensively when other diseases, including dental ones, occur. Among other things, a sick patient is likely to infect the doctor, medical staff and other patients.

If you are not sick, but feel malaise, chills, others unusual for oneself symptoms- better postpone going to the doctor the next day. It is possible that you are already getting sick, although your health is not yet so critical. Doctors call this condition prodrome, it precedes the period of pronounced manifestations of the disease. Theoretically, you can remove a tooth, treat caries and even place an implant, and in the evening or the next day you will get sick ( flu, ARVI, cold) will manifest itself in full force. In this situation, the underlying disease will be more severe, and the prognosis of dental treatment will be worse, and in the case of implantation, it may result in implant rejection.

Get rid of herpes

Herpes virus- often, apart from a couple of bubbles on the lip, it may have no other manifestations, but this is only an external impression. Herpes is highly contagious and spreads very quickly. After dental treatment, the manifestations of herpes can be much more severe and serious than before the intervention.

Control blood pressure

High pressure necessarily requires control: almost all anesthetics used increase blood pressure even more; treatment, surgery, and tooth extraction cannot be performed. If you suffer from hypertension, then such treatment is planned in advance, always in the morning When blood pressure is lower, antihypertensive drugs must be used first.

Notify your doctor about any drug allergies

Allergy- one of the most common and dangerous conditions. If you have ever had an allergic reaction after treatment, medications, anesthesia, BE SURE TO RECORD THE NAME the drug or substance that caused the reaction. Always tell your doctor about this before treatment, indicate all the facts and manifestations.

Do not treat teeth after vaccinations (do not get vaccinations after dental treatment)

Vaccinations- are also incompatible with dental treatment. Moreover, both before and after. If you have been vaccinated, you should not plan dental surgery in the next 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, you expose your body to a double blow. Treatment before vaccination is possible, but it is also better to separate these two events by one and a half to two months.

The prices given in the text are indicative and may differ from actual prices. Current prices for dental services "Our dentist" are in the section

  1. Make a list of the medications you take. Indicate the name, dose and frequency of use.
  2. Information about allergic reactions is also required.
  3. Take outpatient cards and extracts from the medical history with information about studies (ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, etc.) and surgical interventions (if any).
  4. Find out if there are any cardiovascular diseases in your family or relatives.
  5. Write down questions you would like to ask the doctor.
  6. If you don’t rely on your memory, take someone close to you with you. It is difficult to absorb all the information during an appointment with a specialist.

How to prepare for your appointment gynecologist ?

  1. Plan to see your doctor before or in the first few days after your period.
  2. Take a shower or bath and put on clean underwear. You should not douche.
  3. You should not use intimate deodorants, etc., before your appointment.
  4. Grab your menstrual cycle calendar or recap your cycle.
  5. If you were treated with antibiotics, schedule a visit to your doctor a week after you finish taking it. They affect the microflora and can distort the results of the smear.
  6. Do not have sexual intercourse for two days.
  7. Capture test results and statements.
  8. Refresh your memory of the onset and progression of the disease. Think about his reasons.
  9. Think about past illnesses, injuries, surgeries, allergic reactions.
  10. Recall the date of your last menstruation.

How to prepare for your appointment endocrinologist ?

  1. Make a list of complaints and questions that interest you.
  2. Prepare for a general physical and foot exam. Wear easily removable clothing and shoes.
  3. Enter in your self-monitoring diary your glycemic levels, the names of glucose-lowering drugs or insulin, and the type of glucometer. Provide pre- and post-meal glucose readings for the last three days.
  4. Take a notepad to write down the information you receive.
  5. Ask someone close to you to accompany you to the appointment if it is difficult to remember a lot of new information.
  6. Bring your previous test results with you.

How to prepare for your appointment gastroenterologist ?

  1. Do not take large amounts of food and liquid;
  2. Do not clean off plaque from the tongue (it will help in making a diagnosis);
  3. Remember when the symptoms of the disease first appeared;
  4. Clearly formulate your feelings;
  5. Take an outpatient card and extracts from the medical history with information about studies (ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, etc.) and surgical interventions (if any);
  6. Prepare a list of questions that interest you.

How to prepare for your appointment urologist ?

  1. Take a shower and put on clean underwear.
  2. You don’t have to wash yourself thoroughly, just wash the external genitalia.
  3. Refrain from intimate contact for two days.
  4. Do not urinate for two hours.
  5. Do not drink alcohol during the day.
  6. To take a semen analysis (spermogram), you should:
  • abstain from sexual intercourse for three days;
  • refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages (including beer), medications (sleeping pills, sedatives, antibiotics) for 14 days;
  • refrain from visiting the sauna and taking hot baths for 14 days;
  • exclude x-ray examinations for 14 days;
  • Get enough sleep the night before the test.

In case of sexual disorders, preparation for the examination is discussed with the doctor individually.

How to prepare for a visit to a dermatologist?

  1. Do not wash for two to three days; you can only observe local hygiene.
  2. Stop using ointments and creams two to three days before;
  3. Take with you all tests taken within six months (blood, stool, urine, blood biochemistry, ultrasound).
  4. Wear easily removable clothing.
  5. If you have problems with your hair or scalp, avoid complex hairstyles and hairspray.
  6. Wipe off the nail polish.
  7. Don't be nervous (nervousness can show on your skin).

How to prepare for an appointment with a phlebologist?

  1. Keep in mind or write down information about chronic diseases, previous surgeries, drug intolerance, etc.
  2. Formulate in detail the nature of complaints, symptoms, duration of the disease.
  3. Find out about vein problems from your immediate family.
  4. Dress appropriately as the phlebologist will examine your legs, groin, pelvis, and abdomen.

How to prepare for your appointment neurologist ?

  1. Highlight the main thing that worries you. If something hurts, then the doctor needs to know: how, how much, where and how often it hurts, what causes it, etc.
  2. If you periodically experience attacks with loss of consciousness, pain, or other conditions, a calendar of these attacks will help your doctor.
  3. If you don’t remember what happens to you during attacks, then bring with you people who saw it. The video will help a lot.
  4. Take a shower and put on fresh clothes.
  5. Take documents (expert reports, x-rays, test results, etc.).
  6. Take the boxes of the medications you take with you.
  7. Prepare questions for your doctor.

How to prepare for a consultation Laura ?

  1. Temporarily stop taking medications that may affect test results and examination capabilities.
  2. Bring with you an outpatient card, extracts from the medical history, which contains information about studies (ultrasound, x-ray, etc.) and surgical interventions (if any).
  3. Prepare questions you want to ask your doctor.

Our doctors We are always ready to receive you, listen to all your complaints and provide the most qualified assistance - therefore, if possible, do everything in your power to ensure that the reception is informative and useful to you as much as possible.

Coloproctologist or simply proctologist - since 1997 official name specialty of a doctor according to European medical standards - deals with the treatment and diagnosis of pathologies of the large intestine. It includes the cecum, colon, sigma and rectum. Invasive procedures are performed by a proctologist surgeon.

What does a proctologist treat?

A proctologist deals with diseases of the colon. This:

  • inflammation;
  • polyps;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • injuries of the large intestine, foreign bodies entering its ducts;
  • tumors;
  • intestines;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • anal fissures and abrasions;
  • diverticulum-like protrusion of the rectal wall in the direction of the vagina in women (rectocele).

When to consult a proctologist?

This must be done if the following symptoms occur:

  1. Stool instability - tendency or alternation of diarrhea and constipation; With chronic constipation, the intestinal walls become stretched, which leads to the appearance of diverticula, anal fissures or hemorrhoids.
  2. Blood on toilet paper, underwear or in feces - is considered an alarming symptom; it can occur with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, fistulas, polyps and cancer.
  3. Hemorrhoidal nodes - prolapse, inflammation, thrombosis and enlargement of the nodes are accompanied by pain, itching, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the anus, which prevents sitting or lying down. In 79% of cases, hemorrhoids end in rectal cancer.
  4. Pain during bowel movements - occurs with anal fissures and tumors. If left untreated, the process becomes purulent.
  5. Tenesmus (false urges) can also be considered dangerous - they are painful for the patient, as they cause pain and a feeling of incomplete emptying after straining.

Also, everyone over 50 years old should visit a proctologist for a preventive examination. You can contact him yourself or through a referral from a therapist. You need to find out from him how to prepare for an examination by a proctologist at your initial appointment.

Preparing for your visit

Why is it important? To obtain a reliable inspection result. Preparation takes almost a day.

How to prepare for a proctologist? The first visit to a proctologist does not involve any special bowel cleansing, because the examination is not a colonoscopy. It is enough to have dinner with a broom salad and a glass of kefir at night so that you have a bowel movement in the morning.

Then you can go to your appointment. How to prepare in other cases? If there is no intestinal bleeding or severe pain, the intestines should be cleansed with an enema or laxatives.

How can a woman prepare for a visit to a proctologist? Basically, the preparation does not differ from that of men, but she must carry out thorough and proper hygiene of the perineum with appropriate cosmetics.

Preparatory procedures

How to prepare for a proctologist with enemas? 2 enemas are prescribed - the night before and in the morning, with a gap of 6 hours between them, no less. They also often practice 2 enemas in the evening and 1 in the morning.

2 enemas in the evening should be carried out with an interval of 45 minutes to an hour, so that the rinsing waters after the first enema come out completely.

How to prepare for a proctologist in terms of nutrition? Products that increase fermentation in the intestines are not recommended: milk, cabbage, fresh vegetables, brown bread, baked goods. If your stomach is still filled with gas, take Espumisan or a couple of activated charcoal tablets.

Esmarch enema mug

It is a metal or rubber tank up to 2 liters. The bottom of the mug has a hole from which comes a rubber tube with a tip at the end.

This plastic tip is easy to clean and sterilize. solution. Its length is at least 8 cm, it has even edges and is smooth.

There is a tap on the tube to adjust the water pressure. The water for the enema is only boiled, lukewarm, with a temperature of 28-36 degrees. When it is colder, the intestines may spasm, and warmer liquid will simply be absorbed without leaving the intestine.

After collecting water, the mug is fixed at a height of 1.5 m to create pressure. Water is drained from the tip to release air, the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the anus with rotational movements.

Carrying out the procedure

The patient lies on an oilcloth, on his left side, with his legs adducted. The body is as relaxed as possible. The tip is first advanced 4 cm straight, then slightly directed downwards. Open the valve and drain the water. When an obstacle is sensed, the tip is pulled back and the valve is opened. Then the feces soften.

A person immediately has a feeling of filling the intestines, but the water should not be released immediately. It is better to lie on your back after the injection for about 10 minutes, breathing deeply, but not often. For abdominal pain, stroke your stomach clockwise. The bowels can then be emptied.

Esmarch's mug cleanses the intestines better than a pear enema, since its volume is larger. It is more convenient to have someone else do the enema for you.

Method No. 2 - according to Hegar: the technique is the same, but the position is knee-elbow. You can do an enema yourself in this position on all fours in the bathroom. No more than 1.5-2 liters of water can be administered at a time.

Appointment with a proctologist

The doctor conducts an examination visually, palpation and instrumentally. How to prepare for your initial appointment with a proctologist? In addition to cleansing the intestines, you need to prepare answers to possible questions and do not forget to describe all your complaints. Most often this is pain, itching, mucus in the rectal area, a feeling of unemptied bowel, etc. Descriptions should be detailed for clarity of the picture. If there is bleeding, the amount and color of the blood should be described.

Then the doctor clarifies the points he needs for diagnosis:

  • stool frequency;
  • the presence of a feeling of unfinished bowel movement;
  • changes in general health in the form of weakness or headaches;
  • nutritional features;
  • self-medication or other treatment received;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies, especially from the gastrointestinal tract.

Next comes the inspection itself. The patient in the examination room undresses from the waist down and puts on disposable panties with a slit in the anus. The examination takes place with the patient positioned on his side or in an upright position in a knee-elbow position on the couch.

The anus is visually inspected and palpated. The condition of the anus, sphincter, rectal mucosa, the presence of hemorrhoids, polyps in the rectal area is assessed.


If necessary, anoscopy is performed. An anoscope is a narrow funnel with a slot on top and a handle. The depth of insertion into the rectum is 12-13 cm. The procedure is safe, but unpleasant. There should be no shame in this. After an anoscopy, the doctor almost always prescribes sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. And although many articles claim that sigmoidoscopy is almost a pleasure, it is better to carry it out with anesthesia. No doubt, the method is informative and necessary, but painful.

Contraindications for examination

There are a number of contraindications for any type of examination of the anal area and rectum.

  1. Severe pain - if the pain is severe even on palpation, the patient is given an analgesic, and the examination is carried out later.
  2. Narrowing of the lumen of the rectum, spasm of the sphincter muscles - the examination is not only painful, but also dangerous.
  3. Exacerbation of the disease - acute paraproctitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, thrombosis of hemorrhoidal cones. First, anti-inflammatory treatment is required. And then the inspection.
  4. Vasodilation as a result of varicose veins, severe respiratory failure - instruments are not inserted into the intestine. Bleeding requires treatment until it stops completely.

The problem for patients is that without instrumental examination by a proctologist, establishing a diagnosis is impossible. During the examination, pain cannot be tolerated; immediately inform the doctor about your feelings, then it will be easier for the specialist to navigate the area of ​​pathology.


It is also necessary to follow some nutritional rules. This is the second moment of preparation. How to prepare for a visit to a proctologist? How to eat properly? The diet must be followed for 2 days before the visit. It is not recommended to consume foods that produce gas: dairy, brown bread, cabbage, legumes, some vegetables and fruits, soda. The food during the day the day before is only light - broth, boiled eggs, tea, biscuits.

It is best to fast if possible. The intestines will then be easier and better cleaned, and the procedures will be carried out with the greatest results. How to properly prepare for a proctologist and is it possible to have breakfast? If the visit is scheduled for the morning, it is better not to have breakfast.

If the visit is in the afternoon, a light breakfast is possible.

How to prepare for a proctologist using other methods? Another option is to drink 2 tbsp the day before visiting the doctor. l. castor oil or 2-3 capsules. The oil can be replaced with Epsom salt.

At the same time exclude:

  • greenery;
  • all vegetables;
  • berries - they contain fiber.

On the day of admission, it is better to drink more, you can drink a glass of sweet tea.

How should a woman prepare for an examination?

How can a woman prepare for a visit to a proctologist? Different women need different preparation. A non-pregnant woman of fertile age should visit a proctologist after completing her menstrual cycle.

How can a woman prepare for an examination by a proctologist during pregnancy or lactation? During gestation, cleansing is carried out with a pear enema or Microlax. They are used 2-3 hours before the doctor’s appointment. Their use is very convenient, but in terms of effectiveness they are much weaker than traditional enemas.

How can a woman with constipation prepare for an appointment with a proctologist? Then 2 regular enemas are done in the evening and 1 enema in the morning.

Microenema cleansing

Microlax can also be used by children under one year of age. The tube contains a special thick white oil solution for gentle cleansing of the intestines; the packaging capacity is 5 ml. The intestinal microflora is not disturbed with it, the effect begins in 10-15 minutes. 1 syringe - for 1 time.

How to prepare for a proctologist with Microlax? Its use is very simple: after opening the capsule, it is carefully inserted into the anus, its contents are squeezed out.

To obtain the desired effect, you need to do several enemas before seeing a proctologist. For intestinal inflammation, constipation or damaged mucous membranes, microenemas are contraindicated.


How to prepare for a visit to the proctologist without enemas? There are laxatives for this - the easiest way to cleanse. Their advantages are that an enema is not required, does not cause flatulence, does not require a diet, and does not require outside help. Contraindications: intestinal obstruction.

You just need a doctor's advice on what remedy fits better. The most popular are Fortrans, Endofalk and Duphalac.

Other laxatives include:

  1. 30% magnesia or Epsom salt: 60 ml of product per glass of water. The relaxation will begin in an hour and continue throughout the day.
  2. Castor oil - calculation 1 g/kg weight. It is added to a glass of water at room temperature.
  3. Glycerin or Vaseline capsules also have a laxative effect by softening stool.
  4. Then you can note “Lavacol”, “Pirilax”, “Bisacodyl”, “Dulcolax”, “Guttalax” and much more - the choice is quite wide.

The drug "Fortrans" based on polyethylene glycol is specially designed to prepare patients for proctology; it can be used even with open wounds in the anus.

How to prepare for a visit to a proctologist with Fortrans? The required amount is calculated by weight: 1 sachet per 20 kg of weight, it is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water. The taste is sweet and salty. Preparation begins the day before at 18:00. 1 liter of solution should be taken in a full glass every 15-20 minutes per hour.

The effect of Fortrans most often begins after 3 hours and lasts up to 6 hours. Sometimes it can last until the morning. It cleanses well, but washes away the microflora, so after the proctologist, replenish it with prebiotics. The product, according to the instructions, is not recommended for frequent use. It is contraindicated in case of ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction, or vague abdominal pain.


Hyperosmotic laxative, where lactulose is active. Release form: syrup with a pleasant taste. The drug additionally normalizes the intestinal microflora.

A single dose is 45 ml per half glass of water. If the visit is before noon, use the instructions for a morning appointment. If after noon, use instructions for afternoon appointment.

If the appointment is scheduled for the morning?

The day before the visit in the morning you need to drink 200 ml of liquid: water, broth, juice, compote, tea or coffee. After this, take the drug by dissolving the contents of the bottle (45 ml) in 120 ml of water.

Instead of lunch, you also need to drink up to a liter of liquid. Dinner also consists of a glass of liquid. Another dose of the drug is taken. If you wish, you can drink again later.

If the appointment is scheduled for lunch?

The day before your visit, you can have broth instead of lunch. Instead of dinner, up to 500 ml of liquid. The product is taken in the evening after dinner, also dissolving the contents of the bottle in half a glass of water and washing it down. Before going to bed, you can drink 3 more glasses of liquid.

In the morning - a glass of liquid, and after - take the drug in the same proportion - 1 bottle per half a glass of water. The stool will appear within a time period of 30 minutes to 6 hours.

"Fleet Phospho-soda"

It has a very good composition in the form of lemon and ginger oil. The package contains 2 bottles of 45 ml. It is not so popular, but it is also used quite often. The regimen for taking it is as follows: in the morning, the day before visiting the proctologist, drink a glass of liquid - tea, water, coffee, compote, juice.

1 bottle of the product is diluted in half a glass of water and washed down with another glass, just like Duphalac.

At lunch, the volume of water or liquid you drink is at least 3 glasses. In the evening, the second dose of "Flit" using the same technology + a full glass of water. Defecation occurs in a period of time from half an hour to 6 hours. By the way, Flit is not used to treat constipation.

Many people are concerned about whether they need a change of underwear. Modern clinics do not require any linen. Everything in them is thought out, and the staff must create the most comfortable conditions.

Is there anything that can replace an examination with a proctologist? Most likely no. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must conduct an instrumental study. Intestinal pathologies may not show themselves, being asymptomatic. Therefore, if the doctor recommends an examination, it is better to undergo it. This might save your life. The main thing is to remember that the reliability of the study largely depends on the preparation for it.


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