Solo trip to Big Yamantau. Mount Yamantau: where it is located, geographical coordinates, photo and description, characteristics, interesting facts Mount Yamantau photographs

A secret base of the Russian government was discovered in the mountains of the Southern Urals, not far from the Abzakovo ski center, where Russian President Vladimir Putin frequented. There are a lot of rumors around the mountain bunker, and even residents of nearby settlements do not really know what kind of objects have been built in the mountains since the times of the Cold War. “URA.Ru” decided to find out what kind of secret complex is located in the Southern Urals. What do the builders of the underground city say? Where it is located? How is it protected? What communications are provided? All the secrets are in the material of our agency.
At the beginning of the new, 21st century, Russian President Vladimir Putin became a frequent guest at the South Ural ski resort Abzakovo, located about 60 km from Magnitogorsk. Neither Putin himself nor his assistants were able to explain to the public why the head of state chose this place. It's official - Putin loved skiing there. But there is also an unofficial version. Thus, the president came to supervise the completion of the construction of a secret underground city located in the highest mountain of the South Ural massif - Yamantau (translated from Bashkir - “bad head”, height 1640 m).

Hello from America
The Americans were the first to tell the world about the existence of a secret mountain site in the Southern Urals. On April 16, 1996, The New York Times published an article reporting on a mysterious military base being built in Russia. In a secret project reminiscent of the horrors of the Cold War, Russia is building a gigantic military complex underground in the Ural Mountains, Western officials and witnesses in Russia say. Hidden inside Mount Yamantau in the Beloretsk region (today the city of Mezhgorye - Ed.) in the Southern Urals, the huge complex is connected by a railway and a highway. Thousands of workers are involved in the work,” the publication wrote.
The topic was picked up by other foreign media. The Washington Times published an article on April 1, 1997, “Moscow is building bunkers in case of nuclear attack,” which stated that “while the United States has closed most such facilities, Russia is rapidly pursuing an expensive program to build underground shelters, tunnels and command posts, inherited from the Cold War. In particular, work continues to create an underground command post for strategic forces in the Urals near the city of Beloretsk.”
Foreign publications tried to take comments from Russian officials. But, naturally, no clear explanations followed. Russian journalists did not pick up the sensation about a secret facility in Mount Yamantau: several materials followed in which assumptions were made about the extraction of uranium ore in the South Ural mountain, and about a repository of state valuables, and about a food reserve. Among the others, a version was put forward of building a bunker for the Russian government in the event of a nuclear war. But little by little the topic of the special facility in Yamantau faded away.
At the top of the mountain there is a helipad; at any moment it can receive a government helicopter with passenger No. 1
Tourist spies
Meanwhile, unlike the general public, tourists who annually climb this mountain have not forgotten about Yamantau. They say that since the beginning of the 2000s, measures to protect the surrounding area of ​​Yamantau have become more stringent. On one side, the mountain is located on the territory of the South Ural State Reserve (they say that the reserve was not established there by accident). But not only rangers, but also military personnel patrol the area around Yamantau.
“In the area of ​​the Yamantau special facility, you must be careful, do not make noise, do not make smoky fires, and do not give away your presence in any other bad way. Otherwise, you risk getting acquainted with the life and traditions of special forces, giving them the footage (money, knife, cigarettes), becoming hoarse, proving that you are not a spy from Alabama, and if in the end you are still released or handed over to the rangers (and not they will shoot you), you will still be sincerely grateful to them,” tourists share their advice.
Those who have reached the top of Yamantau say that it is a huge rocky plateau, with a small pile of rocky remains in the center. “At the top until the early 90s. there was a military unit servicing a concrete helipad and military special equipment. After the military, the ruins of former buildings, puddles of fuel oil and piles of rusted iron remained on the top of the mountain,” eyewitnesses say.
Tourists also saw mines leading deep into the mountains. But most people who have visited Yamantau claim that uranium mines are most likely located there. “We found pool sections there separated by concrete partitions. Most likely, they were intended for pre-transportation storage of uranium ore,” says one of the tourists. “However, even the residents of Mezhgorye, located at the foot of the mountain, do not fully know what is hidden in the depths of Mount Yamantau. The Yamantau facility has the status of increased secrecy - this is a fact, everything else is just speculation and assumptions,” says another.

The underground city is provided with all communications, including electricity.
Secret City
But observers were wrong in their assumptions. In Mount Yamantau, not mines were built, but a real underground city. Our agency managed to contact several builders who took part in its construction. All persons related to Yamantau have signed a non-disclosure agreement, so their names will not be disclosed.
So, as one of the participants in the events said, the construction of an underground base in Mount Yamantau actually began in the Soviet years, during the Cold War. The facility was developed and built by the Construction Directorate-30, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. The department is based in the ZATO Mezhgorye (formerly Belorets-16, also called the city of Solnechny). Construction Department-30 specializes in the construction of underground and above-ground facilities and structures, conducts large-scale underground construction: in this area, US-30 is one of the largest construction organizations.
Work on the construction of the underground city was completed around 2002 (just during Putin’s frequent visits to Abzakovo). Since then, constant work has been carried out to maintain the complex (hence the enhanced security of the territory). A branch of the railway is connected to Mount Yamantau. A highway has been opened from Magnitogorsk.
The city in the mountain is designed for the simultaneous residence of 300 thousand people (for example, 400 thousand people live in Magnitogorsk, 1.5 million in Yekaterinburg).
“In the underground complex, which is divided into so-called “houses,” all the necessary infrastructure has been created: communications have been installed, life support systems have been established. All conditions have been created so that people can stay in this underground city for at least six months without going to the surface,” says an eyewitness. According to another witness, the complex consists of a system of shafts with a diameter of 30 meters and a total length of about 500 km.
It has not been possible to obtain an official explanation for the purpose for which a secret underground facility was built and is still maintained in Mount Yamantau, for which such unprecedented security measures are being taken. President Vladimir Putin said nothing in today’s annual address about whether Russia is in danger.
Excerpt from an article in the Washington Post:
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing last Thursday, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., urged caution. It drew attention to a huge underground facility deep beneath Mount Yamantau in the Urals, which still employs approximately 20,000 workers to this day. Here's what Mr. Bartlett, one of the few legislators who is a real scientist, said: “In recent years (the Russians) have been increasing their activity (there) - building football fields and other cultural and entertainment facilities that they do not provide to anyone else in their society . This is more important to them than paying $200 million for the International Space Station (ISS) service module. This is more important for them than paying salaries to military personnel. This is such a large object (underground) as the internal territory, which is surrounded by the ring road of our capital. And the only reasonable use of this kind of object is during or after a nuclear war. There is no other reason for a country as financially strapped as Russia to continue pumping enormous resources into an enterprise like Mount Yamantau.

The existence of a secret shelter in Mount Yamantau is known not only in Russia, but also on the other side of the ocean. Many people have heard that Mount Yamantau is an underground city, despite the fact that there is no official confirmation of this information.

The main secret of the Southern Urals

Why Yamantau:

Secret residence

The first information that the “bad mountain” was being used to create a bunker for the government appeared in the press in the 90s of the last century. The Americans showed particular interest in underground construction. Even today, most of the information about the secret object can be found in the English-language part of the Internet. In April 1996, the well-known American newspaper The New York Times published an article saying that an object of unknown purpose was being built in the Urals. Officials offered versions of what exactly Mount Yamantau could be used for. The need to build an underground city arose because Russia needs a new reliable storage facility. There was also a version that there would be no secret settlement in the mountain. There is simply mining going on there.

Despite guarantees from the Russian government that the secret facility was not operational, was being built for peaceful purposes and did not threaten the United States in any way, the Americans continued to be concerned about construction work. The US government suspected that the facility was being built using loans that Russia took out on the other side of the ocean. The country had a difficult economic situation. There were no funds even to pay salaries. Consequently, there would be no money for expensive construction in Russia.

Preparations for construction began in the late 1970s. At this time, a ban appeared on visiting the area around the mysterious mountain. The reason for the ban was explained to the general public by the need to create a reserve. There is an opinion that the reserve was supposed to become a kind of screen behind which a secret object would be hidden. A special enterprise was created for the construction of the bunker, which has survived to this day.

The fact that Yamantau is an underground city, a bunker, is evidenced by the increased attention of the Russian president to the local resort. At the beginning of the new century, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who had already taken his post, became a frequent guest at the Abzakovo ski center. This resort is located several tens of kilometers from Magnitogorsk. There is nothing strange about the head of state visiting a ski resort. Vladimir Vladimirovich loves skiing. However, there are other, more comfortable complexes in Russia. According to the unofficial version, the president came here only to supervise the construction and constant modernization of the secret facility.

The guess that Yamantau is a secret underground city, a bunker, is confirmed by the fact that the area is guarded not only by rangers, but also by the military. A person in this area should not give away his presence in any way. It is prohibited to make fires or take photographs here. Trying to capture the scenic beauty of nature can lead to a serious conflict with special forces officers if they notice your actions. The desire to take a photo will be perceived as an act of espionage. Mount Yamantau is an underground city. It is not worth taking photos in its vicinity.

Construction work on the secret facility was completed in the early 2000s (around 2002). However, technological progress is constantly moving forward, and in this regard, the underground city needs timely modernization. The gigantic building requires protection and maintenance. A railway line was built to the mountain, as well as a highway from Magnitogorsk. The uninitiated can only guess about Mount Yamantau. The underground city was built in anticipation of war. We can only hope that there will never be a need to use it.

This place is perhaps one of the most mysterious corners of Russia. There are many amazing legends, unimaginable tales and rumors about him.

In the very heart of the Southern Ural Mountains, in the middle of the state South Ural Nature Reserve, surrounded by massive mountain ranges, clear rivers and lakes, swamps and taiga forests, rises a mysterious, powerful hill.

The name of the mountain located on the territory of Bashkiria is Yamantau. Where is the mountain? What unsolved mysteries does she hide? What interesting facts are associated with it? Information about this and much more is presented in the article.

general information

The Bashkirs often attached a certain meaning to the names of geographical objects. Thus, Yamantau is translated into Russian as “evil mountain.” It came into use because the slopes of this mountain range are very swampy and littered with kurumnik (a pile of large rock fragments). It was never possible to graze any livestock here. In addition, among the local Bashkirs there are beliefs that horses died here while climbing the mountain, and there were many bears on its slopes.

The highest mountain peak of the Southern Urals is also known for the fact that it allegedly contains a certain secret object. According to the majority, an underground city has been built inside the massif, which in the event of any global cataclysms can shelter state leaders and their associates for a long time.

Geography of Mount Yamantau and climatic conditions

Yamantau is the highest point of the Southern Urals. It extends in the Beloretsk region of Bashkiria. In the southeast direction, 2 kilometers from it, there is the Maly Yamantau peak (height 1512.7 m). These places, as noted above, belong to the territory of the state reserve.

10 kilometers to the west from the foot of Yamantau is the city of Mezhgorye (formerly Beloretsk). The geographic coordinates of Mount Yamantau are 54°15′ north latitude and 58°06′ east longitude.

The total annual precipitation is 700-1100 mm. The height of the snow cover reaches 80-100 centimeters and on average lies within 180-205 days. Average temperatures in January are from -14 to -17 degrees Celsius, and in mid-summer (July) from +9 to +16 degrees.

Description of Mount Yamantau

The mountain range stretches from north to west. Its length is 5000 meters, width - 3000 m. The area is characterized by high-altitude landscapes. The mountain is a very large ridge. In other words, it is an unimaginably huge pile of stones. The summit is a relatively flat, large rocky plateau. In the very center of the moss-covered territory, a rather modest concrete obelisk was erected in honor of the soldiers who died during the Second World War. Nearby there is a small lake formed in a crater from the explosion of those times. The mountain offers a magnificent view, especially in the direction of the central part of the Southern Urals.

Forest vegetation ends at approximately 1000 meters. Further up, all 640 meters are strewn with stones. The shape of the mountain is almost round. Close to Yamantau there is another hill, which many call “Small Yamantau”. Therefore, the entire mountain range looks like “two-headed” from a distance.

The height of Mount Yamantau is 1640 meters. It is adjacent to many ridges, including Nary, Yusha, Mashak and Kapkala. Sometimes, even in summer, snow lingers on its top. At the very foot there is a mining and processing complex, to which roads and railways lead. The complex and what is inside the mountain are served by local residents of the closed town of Mezhgorye (population 16,000 people). A road with checkpoints leads from the main highway to the city.

Geological features

Yamantau is a unique place for scientific experiments with elementary particles, gravitational fields, etc. The Earth's crust here has almost the maximum values.

There are also no geological faults under the mountain, and the rocks have a fairly high hardness and density. All this can not only filter out unwanted cosmic radiation, but can also affect time and space.


The height of Mount Yamantau is not very high. The view from it is quite beautiful (depending on the location of the observation point). The Ural ranges Mashak and Nary are clearly visible from the mountain. In the distance you can see Big Shelom and Iremel, as well as many other peaks, practically indistinguishable from each other, because there are a lot of them and they stretch far. The surrounding landscapes from the top of Yamantau are much more impressive in good sunny weather, when there is no haze.

The landscapes of the saddle located between Yamantau and Small Yamantau - between the huge two kurumniks - are very picturesque and fabulous. It contains a magnificent tundra where you can find tasty and juicy blueberries. The Mashak ridge is visible ahead. From the same saddle, as some tourists note, you can see another object of unknown origin. This is a large ditch running right through the kurumnik on one of the slopes of Yamantau. This picture surprises many. When you stand on the saddle, you see a straight ditch made in the stones descending from the top of the mountain. It is only noticeable from a great distance. What is it for? Another mystery.

Climbing routes

There are several routes to the top that bypass the restricted area. Single ascents are usually carried out from Mezhgorye, through the villages of Tatly and Kuzyelga. This is the shortest way. You can also climb to the top from the Nara ridge, which allows you to bypass the restricted area on the left side.

The safest route is considered to be from the village of Nura, on the eastern side of the massif. It is completely impossible to climb from the southern side of the mountain, since these places are very swampy.

About legends and myths

The local population knows very well where Mount Yamantau is located. There are legends and tales about it among the residents. In the epic of the Bashkir people, the mountain is associated with the hero Shulgan, who is the older brother of another hero - the Urals. Shulgan in myths is presented as a negative hero who violates the customs of his ancestors and becomes the ruler of the underground world.

The name of the Kapova cave, which is the largest in the Southern Urals, is also associated with the same name. It is also known by another name - Shulgan-tash cave. There is also the Shulganka River with water that was once considered dead. And the place where the hero made his transition to the underworld is not a river or a cave. This is Mount Yamantau. There is one interesting detail that Shulgan, who has passed into the underworld, remains alive. In Bashkir myths, this mountain acts as a kind of portal through which a living person can cross into a parallel world. It is interesting to note that the word “shul”, from which the name Shulgan originated, literally has the following translation in the Bashkir language - “water that is not suitable for drinking” (otherwise “dead water”).

The main mystery of the highlands

At the end of the twentieth century, archaeologists during excavations in the Southern Urals discovered a unique civilization that had reached an unprecedented level of development for its time (Sintashta, Arkaim, etc.). Scientists called it “The Country of Cities.” The results of subsequent studies suggested that these places were inhabited by the ancestors of Indo-European peoples. An amazing similarity was also discovered between the description in the Iranian sacred texts of the country of Aryana Veji with the ancient archaeological monuments found in the Urals.

And according to some Indo-Iranian myths, this mountainous country was ruled by the bright Yima, the “king of the golden age.” In myths he has other names: “the first who died”, “the lord of the underworld.” It turns out that a more accurate translation of the name of this natural object is “mountain of the ruler of the underworld.” This assumption echoes the Bashkir myth about Shulgan (a summary is presented above in the article) and many others...

So, one of the main mysteries of this “Country of Cities” is its unexpected decline (disappearance). No traces of attacks, natural disasters or epidemics were found in these places. It’s just that at some point the residents collected all their property and, leaving cleanliness and order in the cities, disappeared. Many hypotheses have been put forward regarding this matter (where they went and why they left their homes). Considering that the king of this mysterious country was the first to pass into the other world, the question arises - did he lead the others along the same path?

What the press writes

Mount Yamantau (Bashkiria) is shrouded in many secrets. In April 1996, the New York Times reported on a mysterious military base being built in Russia. The news said that Russia was building a giant military complex underground in the Ural Mountains. The complex, located inside the mountain near the city of Beloretsk, is accessible by a highway and a railway. It is also written that a huge number of workers were involved in the work being carried out.

The same press quoted the words of some Russian officials, who each interpreted in their own way the purpose of the facility under construction: a repository of state values, ore mining, a bunker for the government and a reserve of food products in the event of a nuclear war. There was no clear answer to the questions.

Through the eyes of tourists

Mount Yamantau is often visited by tourists. Every year they climb to its top. According to their stories, it became noticeable that since the beginning of 2000, measures to protect the territories of the mountain range have sharply tightened. It is located on the territory of a state reserve, but the surrounding area is patrolled not only by rangers, but also by the military. Once here, you must be careful not to make fires or make noise. In general, you should not give away your presence. Otherwise, you can meet with the special forces.

As for the massif itself, those who reached the top of Mount Yamantau, photos of which are presented in our article, say that it is a huge rocky plateau, in the center of which there is a small pile of rocky remains. From some sources it is known that until the early 90s of the 20th century there was a military unit on this site that serviced special equipment and a helipad. According to the stories of some eyewitnesses, on the top of the mountain, after the presence of the military, the ruins of some buildings and piles of rusty iron remained.

Tourists are also familiar with the mines that lead deep into the mountains. However, most of them are of the opinion that, most likely, there are uranium mines here.

About the secret city

According to the stories of some “witnesses”, it is not the mines that are located in these places. A real underground city was built under Mount Yamantau. One man, who calls himself a builder, says that the construction of the underground base actually began in the Soviet years. This facility was designed and developed by the Construction Directorate-30, which was subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense. The administration is based in the ZATO Mezhgorye (formerly the city of Solnechny and Beloretsk-16). The above-mentioned construction department specializes in the construction of large structures and above-ground and underground facilities. It is one of the largest construction companies in this area.

The construction of this underground city was completed around 2002. Many people noticed that it was at this time that the visits of the head of the Russian government to Abzakovo became more frequent. Since then, work has been underway in the area of ​​the complex, where enhanced security has been installed throughout the surrounding area.

According to some reports, the underground city is designed to accommodate 300 thousand people at the same time. The necessary infrastructure has been created underground in the complex: a life support system has been established, communications have been installed. Experts believe that people can remain in such conditions for at least six months. At the same time, they will live without coming to the surface. Another person, who also calls himself a builder, says that the underground city of Mount Yamantau consists of several mines (each 30 meters in diameter) with a total length of about 500 km.

There is still no official explanation about the purpose of building a secret underground facility in Yamantau, and why such security measures have been taken here.

Some reasonable versions

It is possible that the underground palaces of Yamantau hide some secret production or research facility. This version is indirectly confirmed by the fact that there is another closed town on the border with the reserve. You can often come across assumptions that the object under the mountain is the site of secret scientific research. This version is not without meaning. Today it is known that physics laboratories have been going deep underground in recent years. Mountainous terrain is the most convenient option. For example, not far from Elbrus in the North Caucasus, in rock at a depth of 2 kilometers from the surface, Russian scientists have been working for several years to study one of the unusual and mysterious particles - neutrinos. Several facts indicate that similar work can be carried out under the largest mountain of the Southern Urals. For example, high-voltage power lines approach the facility.

Another version is even more plausible. The Instrument-Making Plant in the city of Trekhgorny has been producing nuclear weapons since 1952. Perhaps the products of this plant are stored near Yamantau. This version is the most likely, since due to its remoteness from large populated areas, the mountain can well provide security. Let us recall the coordinates of Mount Yamantau: the city of Mezhgorye is located 10 km from it. There are no other large settlements nearby. In addition, in case of accidental detonation, the rock mass can prevent radioactive dust from entering the atmosphere.

There is another interesting version. Mount Yamantau could become a new “ark” in the event of any global catastrophe. But this will only take place with the proper development of the infrastructure of this area. Now Yamantau is not yet ready for such a role. Most likely, today's main purpose of the classified facility under the mountain is a large military warehouse.


An analysis of Indian myths conducted by researchers allows us to assume even the most incredible: under a mysterious mountain they are trying to regain “something” that will allow humanity to gain strength for further life and creation. All of humanity will not be able to use this “something,” but for a select few it will be salvation.

However, even the residents of the town of Mezhgorye still don’t know exactly what is hidden in the depths of the mountains. The fact is that this object has the status of special secrecy, and everything else is assumptions and speculation.

For 30 years, under the highest mountain range of the Southern Urals in Mount Yamantau, a grandiose construction of an underground city has been going on and to this day remains classified as “top secret”.

Work on the construction of a secret facility began during the USSR. According to one of the many versions, a headquarters was built at ZATO “Mezhgorye”, primarily to shelter senior officials of the CPSU Central Committee and scientists in the event of a nuclear war.

But soon the Cold War with the United States ended and the nuclear arms race was stopped. Most of the ZATOs (closed administrative-territorial formations) are no longer there. Many scientists hastily left for the West, and those who remained began to eke out a miserable existence. The construction of the secret facility was mothballed.
However, with the coming to power of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the construction of the underground city was resumed and rock cutting began with renewed vigor. In the very first year (2000 AD) of Putin’s presidency, only official injections into the budget of the Closed Administrative Unit “Mezhgorye” increased significantly.

According to information from people involved in the construction and directly at the site, it was found that the underground city under construction can be compared to a beehive, which is a system of mines with a diameter of up to 30 meters and a total length of up to 500 kilometers. The mines are divided into so-called “houses”, which have all the usual infrastructure, communications, and life support systems. The grandiose scale of the underground city is illustrated by the fact that a crushing and screening plant was specially built here to dispose of the gigantic amount of stone extracted during rock cutting.

Analysts have calculated that currently 40-60 thousand people can live underground (with the official population of Mezhgorye being 16.6 thousand), but if necessary, the underground city can accommodate up to 300 thousand people at the same time.

Despite the economic crises, billions of dollars were allocated (and continue to be allocated) for the construction of an underground city, while the military, teachers, doctors, miners, workers, students, pensioners, large and low-income families did not receive their meager salaries, scholarships, pensions for months already about social subsidies.

Military units were disbanded, ships and submarines were sold, military bases abroad were closed, etc. and so on.

But with all this, Vladimir Putin has always been sophisticated, is located next to a secret facility under construction and with enviable regularity, not far from Yamantau, visited the Abzakovo ski resort, which is in no way remarkable for the presidential level. In addition, subsequently, in the same place at the confluence of the Katun and Ursul rivers, he “managed” to build himself another palace, to which a guarded road of 20 kilometers was built and reinforced, which has an official name as an adjunct to the M-52 highway. The real road is a serpentine road literally cut into the rocks. The cost of building this road, which, as mentioned above, is 20 kilometers long, according to unofficial data, amounted to 4 billion rubles. By the way, this residence palace is not included in the official network of residences of senior officials of the Russian Federation. All these circumstances can only indicate the fact of the true presence, for now, of our President Vladimir Putin and his personal control over the progress of construction, probably most dear to his heart, with whom he obviously shares hopes of saving his life and the lives of his masters. In this case, I dare to responsibly assert that V.V. Putin and his close circle, as well as others above him, are deeply mistaken and, as we know, hope dies last!

On instructions from Vladimir Putin, Infrastructure CJSC, controlled by Roman Abromovich, and the German company Herrenkneeht AG entered into a contract in March 2008 for the construction of the world's largest mining shield, capable of digging tunnels with a diameter of 19 meters, which can lay 250-300 meters in a month a two-tier tunnel accommodating a six-lane highway, or a four-lane highway and a metro line. The cost of such equipment is 100 million euros.

The first to lift the veil of secrecy about the facility under construction in ZATO “Mezhgorye” was the former first secretary of the Bashkir regional committee of the CPSU, Midhat Zakirovich Shakirov, who said that a shelter was being built in the mountains in case of a nuclear war. But his words were immediately refuted: “The facility is being built for other purposes and has nothing to do with military needs.”

New York Times April 16, 2004.
In a secret project reminiscent of the horrors of the Cold War, Russia is building a gigantic military complex underground in the Ural Mountains, Western officials and witnesses in Russia say. Hidden inside Mount Yamantau in the Beloretsk region in the Southern Urals, the huge complex is connected by a railway and a highway. Thousands of workers are involved in the work.”

From a speech by US Congressman Roscoe Bartlett:
“...In recent years, the Russians have been increasing their activity there (at the Mezhgorye facility)... This is more important to them than paying 200 million US dollars for the service module of the International Space Station. This is more important for them than paying salaries to military personnel. This is such a large object underground, like the internal territory, which is surrounded by the ring road of our capital. And the only reasonable use of this kind of object is during or after a nuclear war. There is no other reason for a country as financially strapped as Russia to continue pumping huge resources into an enterprise like Mount Yamantau..."

Many people believe that the territory of the Altai Republic is the center of the Earth. From generation to generation, local residents tell their children by word of mouth the same legend about their special and magical land. Mount Yamantau, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, is the heart of the Earth, which supplies blood (life energy) to all the blood vessels (vital system) of planet Earth. Now we have all begun to understand that Our Earth is not only the house in which we live and spiritually abide, but also the same living organism endowed with consciousness and the ability to feel. Believe me, the favorable state of the Earth and its rightful existence in the Universe depend on Us only.

There are many conflicting facts about the city being built inside Mount Yamantau, but I am inclined to believe all of the above, and I know that this place is the “cradle of doomsday.”

Svyatoslav the Righteous
Moscow November 19, 2012

What should a person planning to visit the “terrible and terrible, shrouded in mysteries and secrets” Mount Yamantau 1640 m, also the highest point of the Southern Urals, need to know.

In my opinion there are two main points:

1. The mountain is in the heart South Ural Nature Reserve and when you set off on your journey, you will undoubtedly violate Art. 9, part 5 of the Federal Law of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ “On Specially Protected Natural Areas”.

Article 9. Regime of special protection of territories of state natural reserves

Part 5. Stay in the territories of state natural reserves by individuals who are not employees of federal state budgetary institutions that manage state natural reserves, officials of the federal executive body in charge of state natural reserves, is allowed only with permission from federal state budgetary institutions institutions managing state natural reserves, or the federal executive body in charge of state natural reserves.

As soon as you violate the boundaries of the reserve, you will commit an administrative offense falling under the article:

8.39. Violation of the rules for the protection and use of natural resources in specially protected natural areas of the Codec of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses” dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ

Violation of the established regime or other rules for the protection and use of the environment and natural resources in the territories of state natural reserves, national parks, natural parks, state natural reserves, as well as in territories where natural monuments are located, in other specially protected natural areas or in their protected zones entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the instruments of committing an administrative offense and products of illegal natural resource use; for officials - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of instruments for committing an administrative offense and products of illegal use of natural resources; for legal entities - from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles with or without confiscation of instruments for committing an administrative offense and products of illegal use of natural resources.

2. Mount Yamantau is relatively inaccessible due to its location in the reserve. It is surrounded by high ridges, kurum rivers, and forests inhabited by wild animals. The weather at its summit can be very harsh. One summer, in June, I suffered from terrible hypothermia on its slopes and was never able to reach the top. Therefore, you need to have some experience of walking “into the forest” and the mountains of the Southern Urals, and approach this route with all seriousness.

And don’t let the apparent ease of the route description confuse you. Even for me it was hard sometimes.

And now about our fun hike.

We've been wanting to go for a long time Rais Gabitov to the mountains, and finally everything turned out just fine.

Window in the weather, golden autumn, availability of time.

It would be criminal to miss such an opportunity, and we, as law-abiding (almost) citizens, did not miss it.

Like any media personality, blogger Raisa Gabitova is attracted by everything big, special and shiny, so our main goal was Mount Yamantau.

Considering the route options, I chose a linear route along the line Tirlyan village - ur. Miselya – hr. Inzerskie Zubchatki – ridge. Kumardak (Kolokolnaya town 1354.1) – ridge. Mashak (peak 1383.2) – Karaulnaya town – Yamantau town (1640.4), – Bykovskie Polyany – Karatash town (1103.2) – Ufa-Beloretsk highway.

Why did I choose it, because it is very beautiful, logical, and can be walked without stress in 3 days, the approximate length of the route is 90-100 km.

We arrived in the village of Tirlyan at 8 am, the sun bathing in the morning fog filled the world with gold, as if saying: “Go guys, dive headlong into the red autumn!”, which we hastened to do.

The first part of the route to the famous rock circus of the Inzerskie Zubchka ridge was the most disgusting.

Jeepers who were sober and did not swear.

Having become a victim of popularity and the presence of the road, the rock circus turned into an ordinary circus. Crowds of people, roaring chainsaws, drunken groups driving prepared SUVs, diligently kneading a thick layer of mud on the road.

Having had a quick lunch at one of the outcrops, we moved on, into the clean and quiet autumn forests of the Inzer Valley.

ATTENTION: In Inzerskie Zubchatki there is a cellular connection and the Internet is sufficient for publishing photos.

We walked and enjoyed ourselves, the forest with drooping autumn grass was perfectly traversable, the small high-mounted bolts at the sources of the Terzhenka and Bolshoy Inzer rivers presented no obstacles, the dry and warm kurum fields perfectly diversified the monotony of movement through the forest and provided excellent foothold.

Two hours before sunset we began to climb the Kumardak ridge to the top of Mount Kolokolnaya (1354.1), we made it on time, half an hour before sunset.

Having thrown away our backpacks, we got down to the pressing issues of the evening, taking photographs and climbing to the top.

What surprised me was the destruction and mobility of the kurum on the mountain; I don’t remember such a rocky peak in the Southern Urals. KEEP IN MIND!

Frozen stone waves, on the slopes of the Kumardak ridge

Having climbed the entire peak and the rocks surrounding it, we set up a tent with a feeling of accomplishment and went to bed.

ATTENTION: On the Kumardak ridge, in the area of ​​Mount Kolokolnaya, there is cellular communication and the Internet is sufficient for publishing photos.

ATTENTION: The slopes of Mount Kolokolnaya (Kumardak Ridge) have a dangerous “live” kurum. Climb with caution

During the day we covered 33 km, of which 17 were on the road to Inzerskie Zubchatki.

First day route. Tirlyan village – Izerskie denticles – ridge. Kumardak

The morning of the second day turned out to be wonderful!

I got up an hour before sunrise, quickly cooked pasta, drank tea and within 30 minutes I was at the top of Kolokolnaya. The sun rose quietly and gently, drowning in shades of red and pink.

At 8.20 we continued our journey to the top of the Urals. We descended along the steep kurum slope into the Yuryuzan valley, small raised bogs,

Kurum rivers, the sources of the Yuryuzan River flew by unnoticed during an interesting conversation,

By noon we began to climb the Mashak ridge, a majestic panorama of the path we had traveled unfolded behind us, Kolokolnaya Mountain and our camp site were visible in the distance.

We crossed the watershed of the Mashak ridge, emerged from the labyrinth of dwarf spruce trees and rocks onto the western slope and fell into rapturous silence.

In front of us lay a view of the highest mountain of the Southern Urals, Yamantau.

It was as if we were in the front row, in VIP seats of a huge auditorium, and the entire grandiose performance unfolded only for us.

At that very moment they decided that there was no better place for lunch...

We descended from the Mashak ridge, crossed the power lines,

a place where you need to be the most attentive and careful in order to avoid an unwanted meeting with the reserve’s employees. And further through the beautiful park forest with a slight climb we crossed the last vertical obstacle on the way to the goal, Mount Karaulnaya (1235.8)

Behind Karaulnaya there is a small descent and vast bogs covered with sparse, broken dwarf birch trees.

There was surprisingly little water, no higher than the ankle, we passed through the swamp quickly and began to climb the saddle between Mount Yamantau and Kuyantau (Small Yamantau).

From the highest point of the saddle, a man-made chute goes up to the summit, cleared in the kurum during the active development of the mountain. Apparently it was used to supply water to the top; in some places you can find the remains of pipes; on the other side of the saddle there is a lake to which pipes lead.

The gutter is easy to climb and can serve as an excellent guide in bad weather.

In our case, the weather is ideal, with the exception of an incomprehensible haze that has come and enveloped all the mountains around, but they are not looking for anything good.

Having climbed to the pre-summit plateau, we find the remains of structures, a lot of technical rubbish, spare parts for a drill, some kind of bathtub tanned right in the mountain, and what is most valuable to us is a ladder.

A stupid idea is born by itself, I grab the ladder and carry it to the top.

There will be good photos.

Here we probably need to step back from the story and say in more detail why I allowed myself to do this, anticipating indignant exclamations.

I unconditionally and consistently condemn all people who litter mountains, and I never allow myself to leave anything on the mountain. But in this situation, I didn’t bring anything to the mountain; the stairs have been on the mountain for many years, along with tons of other technical, construction, and military debris. And their main deposits are located precisely at the top.

Oh, it turned out very conceptual and fun, a staircase going into the sky at the top of a mountain. Something like this…

There is a strong wind at the top, but this is not a reason to deny yourself an overnight stay.

I like to spend the night in iconic places so that I can enjoy my stay there without haste. Rais is a little doubtful, but I convince him and we set up a tent under the cover of a small stone tour.

this night, within a radius of more than 1000 kilometers, no one will sleep above us :)

We walk along the plateau, the scale of the clutter of which is amazing.

Foundations and remains of log buildings, mountains of metal rubbish, artificial depressions filled with water, skeletons of armored beds...

A separate photo shoot of Rais in his “signature” red shorts.

In the hellish piercing wind, Rais, like a mountain goat, jumps from stone to stone, trying to catch the only angle known only to him.

The whitish haze that covers everything around devours the sunset, and we go to bed.

ATTENTION: On Mount Yamantau there is cellular communication and the Internet is sufficient for publishing photos.

We covered 22 kilometers in a day.

Route of the second day. Kumardak – Mashak-Yamantau

The night turned out to be cold and windy.

1 C combined with a strong wind did not add motivation to leave the warm sleeping bag.

But knowing that this is the only way beautiful photographs are born, I perform my daily morning “salat”. Quick food, tea, and 30 minutes after waking up I’m galloping around the kurums, trying to keep up with the disappearing and dissolving Iremel.

The sunrise this morning is beautiful, and the shooting position is excellent. The entire high Southern Urals is at your fingertips. What I love!

40 minutes to shoot, and kick Rais back to get ready faster.

Today is a long and hard day.

We go down to the saddle and decide to take a walk to the lake.

The waters are clear and there is no reason not to refresh yourself. The water is icy, just what a man who hasn’t washed for 3 days needs.

After swimming, we begin our descent, cut the southern slope of Mount Kuyantau (Small Yamantau) and go out through the beautiful park forest to the area of ​​ur. Bykovskie Polyany.

From here there is a stunning view of the peak we abandoned.

Rais again has an involuntary need to run around the field in red shorts.

Just above the clearings we come out onto a good country road, you can see that cars are driving along it. The speed increases, but you need to be careful. A few kilometers later there is a new surprise, an abandoned barracks.

As often happens with military installations, everything is abandoned and gradually destroyed. Nobody needs anything.

A little more along a good road and at an intersection ford through the right tributary of the Malaya Kuzielga River, and then another intersection and along a completely overgrown road towards Mount Kuseimatau.

And the rest of the way along a heavily overgrown and unused road to the Yusha ridge. On the one hand, it’s harder to walk, sometimes the road gets lost in the fields, but mostly it’s quite easy to pass, and what’s very important is that the risk of meeting someone is minimized, it’s clear that only bears and moose walk along the road.

Last snack and stop at the top of Mount Tornaya. With a beautiful sunset view of the peaks of Dunansungan and Kaintube.

Immediately after resting, we turn off the road and try to find a path perpendicular to the ridge that goes down into the valley. There, the navigators show a good road, almost asphalt. We don’t find the descent path and in pitch darkness we climb through windbreaks. In the area where a good road is marked, it’s also a disappointment. There is nothing at all.

We walk along the river bed. Bolshaya Kureuza and yet we go out onto a country road, a few kilometers before the highway we find ourselves on a concrete road.

A car picks us up on the highway and takes us to Ufa.

Goodbye to the high Southern Urals, see you again.

While walking, I noticed several interesting peaks that are a must-see 😉

41 kilometers covered during the day.

The total route mileage was: 96 kilometers.

p.s. and lastly, it was not for nothing that I first wrote about the legal consequences of visiting the reserve.


If you are an employee of the South Ural Nature Reserve and you want to impose a fine on me, write to me and I will send you my details.


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