Island of cleanliness morning discount. Addresses and opening hours of stores on Island of Cleanliness. Favorable terms of purchase

Well, it turned out to be an interesting day, but very difficult due to the fact that one company, which seems to be engaged in cleaning premises and even cottages, and has been working on the market for 7 years (I heard this 40 times, this probably gives strength to the employees and the belief that the client is never right) tried to ruin the holiday, but it’s good that everything worked out. I, Ian, am that same villain, swindler, swindler and “rudely spoken” person (I confess to this, the emotional intensity due to the struggle for common sense was beyond my strength) in general, guilty of everything that possibly happens to this company and is happening, judging by the bile-letting of the company, which has been on the market for 7 YEARS already. I’ll start, perhaps, in order from the very beginning: at that moment, when the company had been operating on the market for 7 years, I was just starting a partial renovation to replace heating pipes in a wooden country house. A little sawdust, a few scraps of plastic pipes, spilled propylene glycol in places and a lot of ordinary, but so familiar household (not construction) dust and dirt (not colorful, but from ordinary shoes, dust, cobwebs). Looking at this, I thought that it would take a lot of time and effort, I needed help here, and time was limited. The Internet told me that there is one company that has been on the market for 7 years and is ready to solve my problems. I decided I had to try it! When I called, I discussed with a polite girl when their employees would be able to start work and the cost estimate. I was also asked questions regarding the area, windows and what type of cleaning was needed. I, as a pioneer, didn’t know what exactly I needed and asked a specialist to help. I said that I needed a general cleaning after a renovation (since replacing pipes, whatever you say, is considered a repair), to which the girl corrected me and said that such a thing does not exist, there is a general cleaning, and there is a cleaning after a renovation. To my question and what should I choose in my case, there was a decisive answer “Well then, after the repair” (This is the most expensive tariff). Great, the application has been completed, confirmation will come later. I’ll deviate a little from the text when ordering a cleaning service, I expect and hope, I think other people too: that they will wipe the surfaces of the house from dust, wash where it’s dirty, collect small scattered garbage, and put things in their places. Day X has arrived! The employees arrived 10 minutes before the agreed time (this is very good). But only 2 people arrived, although there should have been 3 based on the phone conversation. Having assessed the scale, the cleaning girls informed the manager that they needed another person (1 joint of the company, made by them). The manager contacted me and said that a 3rd person was needed (what? I already know this, and so does the operator who submitted the application). Then I got a shock, “you have chosen the wrong type of cleaning, you need a general cleaning and you have severe pollution here (with what? dust, shoe marks and dirty carpets that are going to be thrown away?? It seems to me that this is why they call you, I’m not saying of course, but logic dictates so. And in the photo there is nothing scary except for the chaotically arranged things and, like the cherry on the cake, the demolished shower room, why it is in the photo is not clear, I did not force them to build it again, which means for the general atmosphere of horror, look how scary it is. The bed is not made, I’m getting goosebumps. And now I ask you to remove the children from the screen, the fan is on the nightstand, damn we ended up with a completely sick psychopath, and the photo of the energy drink can on the floor shows a terrifying level of pollution). After hanging up, I immediately called the company operator. Digression (now imagine the cliché of a typical habalka at the market and her manner of talking with a brute buyer, keep the image, great, now we transfer the image to the other end of the line from me). There I heard the same thing, only in the jargon of the image and also found out that I had greatly underestimated the square footage and in general + 25% to the cost and they would start work and in general they would still have to move the furniture (strange cleaning if they don’t clean behind the furniture that moves well linoleum, (about the quadrature the company wanted to commit fraud by adding the area of ​​the pool, which I had successfully subtracted in advance) + it turned out that I personally had to be present during the entire cleaning with the cleaners and not my authorized representative. I refused, nerves also played a role here. because there will be a celebration of a loved one and a share of principle from the impudence and absurdity of the situation. By leaving a review for the company, we became enemies number 1. And after a couple of hours we were even awarded a post on Instagram. And yes, I reasonably asked to remove the insides of my private property with geolocation. , because I did not give permission for publication and an agreement that would contain permission to provide these photos to third parties either. And what do you think I heard in response to my demand, “No, until you delete your review.” Let everyone think what they think. And for a corporation that has been on the market for 7 years, I think it needs to be more restrained, and not act like an offended girl. So, one company turns from a nice operator into a hack if you have questions or God forbid claims. An interesting observation: anyone who criticizes a company is a person ordered for review, a swindler, a person hiding under a different name and simply a bad person. It's like paranoia. Maybe it’s not the clients, but the fact that long-lived people like you can screw up with an order. Fortunately, there are still adequate companies that, in case of problems, look for a compromise or solution, and do not unleash poison on everyone who did not like their centuries-old experience. And according to other reviews, which are 5 stars, it turns out that you don’t really need to be present in person. Oh those double standards. “2. It’s unclear who will pay for the service, Jan says on the phone, the girl, who is his wife’s friend, is, in turn, Jan.” But this is a complete lie; at the time of placing the order, I asked if I could pay by Sberonline transfer, to which I received a positive answer. ayay.

Twice a month, the discounter “Island of Purity” launches new promotions, thanks to which you can purchase hundreds of products at a discount. Posted here promotional newspaper “Islands of Purity” from January 3, 2020. Look at what offers there are in the newspaper this week for such promotions as “Hit”, “1+1 (Two for the price of one)”, “Super promotion”, “50% Discount”, “Lucky Product”, “80% Discount on second product."

The magazine contains all offered product items with photos and prices. Before going to the discount store, you can plan the necessary purchases from the discount booklet, calculate the required amount, and immediately determine the amount of savings when purchasing household chemicals.

Very often, manufacturers change the packaging or appearance of goods; a photo in a promotional newspaper will help you make the right choice.

Experienced shoppers know that promotional items in the “Island of Cleanliness” are in high demand, the stock in the store is limited, and it is not always possible to buy them in time. We recommend that after viewing the promotional newspaper before visiting the store, you either check its availability on the discounter’s website, or call the nearest stores to check availability.

Household goods are the most popular products in stores. This is due to the fact that every person loves cleanliness, order and neatness. And you can adhere to this only with the help of various means that are included in the number of household goods.

Discount store "Island of Cleanliness" offers a wide range of various household goods at an attractive price. In the chain stores you can buy any product at a promotion or discount. Discounts in stores are usually updated twice a month - on January 1 and 16, 2020, the “Islands of Cleanliness” magazine is published with promotions and discount offers.

The retail chain “Island of Purity” is one of the most famous stores in all of Belarus. The discounter has gained such popularity due to its low prices and high quality of products offered.

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Cleaning after renovation is cheaper. Order cleaning after renovation from July 12 to August 12, receive a 30% discount on window cleaning or free delivery of professional equipment of your choice. The savings will be at least 1000 rubles.

Cleaning windows after renovation. After repairs, in addition to construction dust, your windows contain a lot of strong contaminants: stickers, cement, tape, traces of paint, glue. To clean windows, you need to painstakingly treat every centimeter of surface, which is exactly how we work. Minimum order amount is 2000 rubles. For organizations or for large orders, the manager’s visit is free to calculate the cost.

Equipment delivery is free. From June 23 to July 14. Delivery of equipment when ordering general cleaning or cleaning after renovation or construction. Huge money savings and high-quality cleaning are guaranteed to you. Delivery of equipment necessary for a certain type of work: stepladders, vacuum cleaner, steam generator.

The cleaning company "Island of Cleanliness" has been holding a charity event "Cleaning for the Better" since May 6. The goal of the campaign is to help those in need and make the world a kinder place; each of you can do this. From each order, 10% of all cleaning services will be spent on charitable purposes, purchasing necessary things for the needs of the UVAROVSKY CHILDREN'S BOARDING HOUSE. You can also independently transfer 10% of the order value, at your discretion, for this we ask you to send us confirmation of the transfer of the amount. By ordering cleaning from the cleaning company "Island of Cleanliness", you make the world a kinder place with your own hands, because... it was your right choice.

Many people are interested in the question of cleaning on Sunday, mostly believers ask this question, but those not related to religion are also interested in why it is still forbidden to clean and work on Sunday and where this ban came from. Let's look at this issue together to understand whether it is possible to clean, wash, iron and do other work. Any type of employment, be it simply cleaning or any work that is not related to spiritual matters, is not welcome in Christianity. Spiritual deeds include: going to church, praying and confessing, doing good deeds, meeting with family, spending time together with loved ones. The reason why in Christianity it is customary to give the 7th day to God is described in the 4th commandment from the 10th holy scripture, it says dedicate the last day to God, God is present in everyone’s soul, faith is what makes a person better, first of all for himself. Thus, the seventh day of the week for Jews is Saturday (Shabbat); for us, due to a difference in the calendar, it is Sunday. Throughout the week we work, our body is under tension, and this can also be said about our internal state. The body needs rest and no one can counter this statement, but many people forget about the soul, which also needs rest: from all the negativity, from problems, from worries, for the balance of body and soul it is important to be able to be together. It is very important for the soul to do good deeds, because everything in the world comes back, by working on one’s self-development spiritually, doing good, communicating with family and friends, forgetting about grievances, we make a huge contribution to making ourselves better, and at the same time our world. Previously, in Rus', rich and poor, young and old, went to church on Sunday. They all walked for peace, which only the Lord can give. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) Even among believers there are many disagreements about work and cleaning on this day, but there is only one conclusion: it is important for each person to make his own choice on how to spend Sunday, start by asking yourself, what do I want to achieve and what is important to me? cleaning on Sunday cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning company Cleanliness

Spring of change: let's refresh our life. With the arrival of spring warmth and bright sun, I just want to change my life for the better, surrounding myself with love and positivity. Where to start? Let's throw off our winter coats. Of course, here we are not only talking about replacing a wardrobe, updating which in itself is a positive activity, what could be better than bright new things. We send winter clothes to the mezzanine, and we also do the same with shoes, which of course need to be put in order before putting them in the closet. We will replace warm blankets with light bedspreads, “winter” curtains with curtains with a fun and bright theme, and replace the tablecloth with snowflakes with a beautiful floral one. Let's brighten up your room. Let's start with washing the windows so that the sun's rays can easily delight us with their bright light, filling our home with warmth and comfort. Let's change the design of the room. You can replace the upholstery of furniture, breathing a second life into it. Get creative and change the look of old items. Decorate the apartment with wreaths and flowers. Let's take care of indoor plants that need to be wiped down and provided with the necessary care. Let's add positive little things and accessories to the interior of the room. Don’t forget about the walls; paintings with bright colors, children’s drawings in frames, photographs of happy moments will look great. Let's add the aromas of spring in the form of fragrant candles, oils, sticks. Let's clean our room. You can’t do without general cleaning, room by room, in all closets and cupboards, chandeliers, cornices, tables and chairs, kitchen units, in the bathroom. nodes. We need to clean everywhere, every centimeter of our premises must be clean. All our actions will bring us true pleasure and pleasure. Spring will come to our house. The cleaning company “Island of Cleanliness” congratulates everyone on spring. Spring cleaning spring cleaning company "Island of Cleanliness" premises windows

You can endlessly fight dust in your home. Small mineral particles, fabric fibers and skin flakes constantly float in the air and settle on various surfaces. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. However, if you adopt the secrets of professional cleaners, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your apartment and, without much effort, constantly keep the room clean. Even in an empty, perfectly cleaned apartment, approximately 13 thousand dust particles per square centimeter settle in two weeks. Let's figure it out together how to quickly get rid of dust and make the cleaning process more efficient. Good old-fashioned wet cleaning is a proven and effective way to combat dirt. By wiping the surface, we remove static electricity, and as a result, much less dust settles on the floor and shelves. Thanks to regular wet cleaning, the overall content of small particles in the air is reduced, and dust mites and bacteria are killed. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, when viruses literally fly in the air. Regular dust removal helps maintain immunity and significantly speeds up the healing process. Therefore, make it a rule to dust and wash the floor at least once a week. Soon this will become a simple and useful habit. Cleaners pay special attention to the upper surfaces of cabinets, which are so inconvenient to wipe. Meanwhile, this is where a huge amount of dust accumulates. To speed up the process, you can lay newspaper or large-format paper on them. During cleaning, the sheets are quickly removed from the cabinets along with all the accumulated dust. The main thing is to do it carefully. In the kitchen, instead of paper, you can use film; it will also protect the surface of the cabinet from the formation of plaque from a mixture of dust and grease. Don't forget about chandeliers - lamps literally attract dust. Moreover, the more complex their shape, the faster they become dirty. It is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth once every two to three weeks. But it’s much faster to do this with a plume broom. When dry, it will quickly remove dust, and if you wet the fibers and go over the chandelier again, you will get a complete wet cleaning.


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