An intermediate goal for tourists. Temporary instructions for compiling reports on hiking trips, travel, and sports tours. What to write in the report

Tourism is not only about warm seas, yellow sand and endless entertainment under palm trees. Travel is different, and any connoisseur can choose a vacation to his liking. Active, youth, health, children's, religious, beach, rural... These are just a few popular destinations.

“I’m a tourist!” - this is what any modern person can say about himself:

  • travels out of curiosity
  • goes on voyages for work,
  • goes to the PVD to sleep in a tent in the forest,
  • travels outside of his hometown for rest and treatment,
  • attends training seminars or master classes in other countries.

The root of the word "tourism" is presumably French, from tour - "trip". But this name has long been applied not only to travel. Tourism and its types are developing so rapidly that it is difficult to calculate them!

Classification of main types of tourism

Traveling is a way to relax, forget about problems, and relax your soul and body. Guides to the main types of tourism suggest dividing it according to geographical principles:

  • Domestic – vacation within one’s own country. Who said that vacationing in Russia is not prestigious? This country has mountains, seas, places of pilgrimage, fishing, hunting and other entertainment;
  • International – traveling outside your country. Russians love to vacation in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and other places. A foreign holiday is not necessarily more expensive than a domestic one.

The classification of tourism by main types involves the division of flows depending on the direction of travelers. Types of tourism are divided into inbound and outbound. In the first case, we are talking about foreigners who come to us - Russian resorts are especially popular among Chinese guests. Outbound tourism is when Russians travel abroad.

According to the objectives of the activity, the following types of tourism are distinguished:

  • Educational – sightseeing, historical monuments, architecture, visiting museums, art galleries;
  • Religious or pilgrimage – visiting temples, cathedrals, monasteries and other shrines;
  • Wellness – associated with relaxation in sanatoriums, resorts with healing water, mud, clean air;
  • Active - this includes such types of recreation in tourism as sports, fishing, hunting, visiting attractions;
  • Recreational means relaxing on the beaches, swimming in the sea, a carefree pastime, when you can do nothing and just enjoy your vacation.

But these are only the main and popular types of tourism and their characteristics. Travelers love shopping tours, business holidays, and exotic... Some are looking for adventure, dancing until the morning, others dream of silence or pursue other goals. It is difficult to say exactly how many types of tourism exist: their number is so huge that it will be difficult to try everything in this life.

Travel is a broad concept, and there are also many types of tourism. Have you already chosen a suitable vacation for yourself? Even if you've only spent your holidays at the beach before, that's no reason not to try something new. After studying the types of tourism and travel, find the best option and experiment!

The most popular types of tourism

List the types of tourism that you know! Typically, travelers name several popular destinations that receive special attention. And only people for whom vacation has become not just a hobby, but a lifestyle, are well aware of the characteristics of a much larger number of types of tourism. But not everything is so simple in modern times. What types of tourism are there?

sea ​​sunbeach

Perhaps the most popular type of tourism in the world is holidays at resorts surrounded by palm trees, sea and sand. The main goal is to relax, get an even tan, swim, and forget about pressing problems for a long time. This type of tourism has a special feature: it is universal and suitable for any person. Families with children, newlyweds, older people, and friends go on vacation.

Among other types and types of tourism by purpose, recreational is the most extensive, as it allows you to combine relaxation on the beach and visiting attractions and entertainment. When naming popular places for this type of tourism, we can highlight the south of Russia, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries.

Cultural and historical tourism: for the most curious

The motivation for this type of tourism and recreation is the traveler’s desire to expand his horizons, to get acquainted with the national culture of the country where he is going, with its historical and architectural monuments, museums, and remarkable routes. This also includes those trips during which a person acquires an understanding of music, theaters, cinema, painting of the state, studies the local language, and attends educational lectures or seminars.

Medical and health tourism: good for health

The entire high society of Russia in the 19th century enjoyed relaxing “on the waters” and did not even imagine that they were engaged in medical or medical tourism. The main goal of the traveler here is to improve health, increase the body’s defenses or get rid of an acute or chronic disease. This area includes visits to seaside resorts, sanatoriums, dispensaries, water and mud baths, mineral, thermal or radon springs. There is such a variety as climatotherapy. For example, in the high mountain region of the Caucasus, in Teberda, there is a sanatorium where respiratory diseases are treated with clean mountain air. Or boarding houses in Abkhazia, where the unique combination of sea air, subtropical climate, and the proximity of a boxwood grove give an amazing healing effect.

Sports and extreme tourism: for those who appreciate adrenaline and obstacles

These varieties are the most variegated and are divided into many categories. All sports tourism is usually divided into passive and active. In the first case, the traveler does not personally participate, but observes a certain sporting event, and in the second, accordingly, he participates.

Let us note right away that representatives of sports and extreme types of tourism do not even consider the rest to be tourists. There is often a funny misunderstanding between certain groups: climbers don’t like speleologists, cyclists don’t like pedestrians, watermen don’t like everyone else, but as a joke. Sports and extreme tourism is divided into narrower areas according to the type of sport, method or degree of extreme sports.

All types are considered sports:

  • water tourism - windsurfing, kayaking, rafting, sailing, water skiing, diving;
  • mountain - mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain trekking;
  • caving tourism;
  • air - balloon flights, hang gliding, parachuting (sea, mountain, etc.)
  • winter destinations (skis, sleds, snowboards, snowmobiles, etc.), summer destinations (bicycles, motorcycles, ATVs, horses), as well as hunting, fishing and even golf!

The difference between sports and extreme tourism is sometimes poorly distinguishable or completely absent! But when grading, the following are taken into account: the degree of risk, loads, potentially dangerous or difficult conditions, obstacles.

Business tourism: business without barriers

Entrepreneurs also love to travel, but they prefer to benefit from travel, although in business tourism it is not of a material nature. Can:

  • present your product,
  • gain new knowledge and experience,
  • establish strong partnerships for future cooperation,
  • support existing contacts,
  • conduct negotiations in an informal setting.

This type of tourism, after all, is more like a business trip. This category also includes all kinds of professional congresses, conventions, conferences, salons, and fairs. Let’s say the Le Bourget air show in France or the international exhibition Expo, which took place in Astana in 2017.

Event tourism: where the fun is!

It's simple - there are events that some consider unacceptable to miss! The visit of event tourists is always conditioned by some kind of event - these can be world-famous festivals (carnival in Brazil, a festival of young wine in France, Oktoberfest), but not only! The event can be cultural, sports, historical, business...

Perhaps every region has its own significant events, and all of them are worthy of attention and find their fans. Let’s remember the jazz festival in Koktebel, the blooming of tulips in Kalmykia or lotuses near Astrakhan, “Rock over the Volga” or “Cherry Forest” - you can’t count them!

Ecotourism: for those who seek the purity of nature

Such tourism is often confused with rural or farming tourism, when a person tired of city life breaks out of the metropolis to live a simple life in contact with nature, choosing for this purpose special campsites, camps or eco-villages that allow newcomers to their territory. The essence is correct: all eco-tourism is built on the fact that the traveler finds himself alone with nature. To do this, people usually rush to wild places untouched by civilization. And although the genre involves living in a primordial natural environment, special campsites, shelters and hotels are now appearing to make living “in the wild” more comfortable.

A striking sign of ecotourism is that the tourist must certainly perform some actions that are beneficial to the environment, from basic garbage collection to cleaning streams, eliminating the consequences of accidents, and rescuing animals. Eco-tourists often engage in research into uninhabited territories: their geography, climate, flora and fauna, etc.

Whatever type of tourism you choose for yourself, it’s great! Any trip expands the picture of the world and horizons, and has a positive effect on health and life perception.

Promising types of tourism

There are types of tourism that in modern times are of increased interest, attract more and more travelers, and are the most promising. And just a few decades ago the demand for them was minimal. How to keep up with the times and master new types of tourism? Pay attention to areas such as:

  • Gastronomic tourism is visiting resorts around the world to try national cuisine, visit many restaurants, and appreciate drinks and delicacies. Among the various types of tourism, this one does not require much expenditure, since travelers will buy food in any case;
  • Space tourism is the most promising type of tourism, which has not yet been developed, but they are already talking about its widespread introduction. The ticket price is over $100,000, excellent health is required, but this is an excellent option for those who dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child;
  • Accommodation tourism is not exactly a growing type of tourism, but it is now experiencing a new surge. Guests go for the winter to Cambodia, Vietnam, Montenegro and other warm countries, where they experience bad weather - they stay for several months, after which they return to their homeland;
  • Rural tourism is not widespread in our country, but is already popular in the USA and Europe. The idea is to get away from skyscrapers and cars, throw away your phone and spend a week at the “dacha”, digging beds or caring for flowers. However, life on a farm does not appeal to Russians yet.

By the way, in the near future the concept and main types of tourism will remain unchanged. Travelers will continue to be attracted to relaxing on the beaches, skiing down the mountains, and visiting bars and restaurants. Although the development of types of tourism is happening, it is more aimed at improving the conditions and level of service.

Unusual types of tourism in the world

There are non-traditional types of tourism that are not widespread, but have an army of fans and are of certain interest to connoisseurs. What are we talking about?

  • Urban tourism is an unusual type of tourism in which travelers make “stalks”, inspect old destroyed factories, metro subways, catacombs and other man-made and gloomy structures;
  • Digging is another type of tourism, which consists of forays into caves and miraculous structures underground;
  • Virtual tourism as a new type of tourism - sightseeing using a computer, 3D tours, panoramas. Such a trip, of course, will not allow you to get real emotions, but overall it is interesting, and most importantly, completely free;
  • Military tourism - a traveler goes to a place where active military operations are taking place. What could be better than being under a hail of bullets, grenades and bombs? Despite the fact that such trips are similar to suicide, they are still in demand among extreme sports and adventure lovers. Tourists often lose their lives during such a vacation;
  • Types of tourism for people with disabilities are essentially no different from traditional travel, but the route and hotel are chosen taking into account the characteristics of the person, so that it is easy and convenient for him to move;
  • Illegal types of tourism – our compatriots are attracted to interesting types of tourism associated with risk. Get into Chernobyl, into the territory of a military unit, a guarded facility... The main thing is not what you see there, but the drive due to the fact that you can be caught at any moment.

These new types of tourism have extensive development prospects. The beaches, sea and attractions are already quite boring, I want something unusual, interesting and rich. So why not climb an abandoned metro line, the tallest building in Moscow, or go to the Dyatlov Pass?

Types of tourism depending on the season

The most popular time to visit resorts is the high season, when the weather is pleasant with sunny days, swimming in the sea is pleasant, and there is a huge amount of entertainment on offer. However, there are types of tourism that are generally in demand at any time of the year. When do travelers visit resorts?

  • High season continues to enjoy increased popularity and attention. Tourists love to bask on the beaches, sunbathe, and enjoy the service. True, this type of tourism has a drawback - due to the abundance of guests, there are not enough places, hotels need to be booked in advance, there is a crush, and municipal beaches become dirty;
  • Velvet season - such tourism, as a specific type of leisure activity, involves rest when the bulk of travelers have already gone home. There is no usual crowd, and the weather is still beautiful. True, there may already be a cooling, a decrease in temperature, especially at night;
  • Low season - in most resorts it is not possible to swim at this time of year due to the cold. On the other hand, you can go sightseeing, enjoy beauty salons and tranquility. The advantage of such a pastime is increased care from the staff, because you will be one of the few guests.

When choosing when to go to a resort, consider the climatic conditions and weather. There have been cases when travel agency employees sold a trip to an unsuspecting traveler, and on the spot it turned out that it was not the season in the chosen country and the vacation was ruined.

Risk factors for various types of tourism

Tourism, as a form of active recreation, is not completely safe, since no one can guarantee that you will not fall on your skis, get bitten by insects in the jungle, or another attack will occur. The most dangerous types of recreation are active entertainment. There are several risk factors while on vacation:

  • Danger of injury - of course, you can get a fracture at home, but if you climb mountains, conquer rivers, jump with a parachute, the likelihood of damaging something increases;
  • Poisoning – this factor is especially dangerous in developing countries, so buying food from street vendors is not recommended. Be careful about the water you drink – it is not always safe;
  • Exposure to the environment - you can get burned from the sun, get caught in a downpour, or a squally wind. Be careful, especially if you are traveling during the off-season. A tsunami or hurricane predicted by weather forecasters is a reason to cancel the tour;
  • Terrorism and national conflicts - unfortunately, when going to another country, you should find out in advance how safe it is to vacation there. There may be cases of attacks on tourist buses and other events. If a country is on the verge of a revolution, political processes and actions are taking place, it is not worth going there.

Tourism always involves some risk, however, there is no guarantee that you will not get injured at home. The safest holiday is within your own country, at resorts where there is no risk of floods, landslides and other disasters. To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, choose your vacation destination wisely.

Main types of tourism updated: March 30, 2019 by: GlonassTravel

1. Temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence (RF Law " On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation", 1996).

2. Temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacation, recreational, educational or professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence (Recommendatory legislative act “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism”, 1994).

3. The activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year, for leisure, business and other purposes.

4. A special form of movement of people along a route in order to visit specific objects or satisfy a specialized interest.

5. The type of travel undertaken for leisure, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes. “Tourism is one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of exploring certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports” (Manila Declaration on World Tourism).

6. Movement (relocation), being away from a permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary stay in an object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism (1980) declared: “Tourism is understood as an activity that is important in the life of peoples because of its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic areas of the life of nations and their international relations.”

7. A form of mental and physical education, implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports.

8. A popular form of organizing recreation and leisure activities.

9. The sector of the economy serving people who are temporarily outside their place of permanent residence, as well as the market segment in which enterprises from traditional sectors of the economy converge in order to offer their products and services to tour operators.

10. The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities for the organization and implementation of: tourism and excursion business; resort business; hotel business.

Term tourism(tourism) was first used by V. Zhekmo in 1830. The word “tourism” comes from the French “tour”, which means “walk”. Until recently, the concepts of “tourism” and “tourist” were understood differently in different countries. In our country, due to the fact that tourism and sanatorium-resort institutions were managed by different systems, the concept of “tourist” was limited to participants in tourist trips and hikes and was separated from the concept of “vacationer” in sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest homes. In other countries, different types of recreational activities were also often defined in different terms. With the development of tourism in the modern world, especially international tourism and the creation of international tourism organizations, it has become necessary to give a generally accepted definition of the concept of “tourist” and, accordingly, “tourism”.

An international conference in 1963 gave the following definition of the concept of “tourist” - a person who arrived in a country in which he does not permanently live and is not engaged in paid professional activities, with the aim of spending free time for the sake of treatment, entertainment, education, recreation, religion, sports , for family or business reasons. Extending this definition to domestic tourism, a tourist should be considered a person who temporarily travels outside his permanent place of residence to spend free time for various purposes, except for permanent paid professional activities.

The concept of “tourist” adopted by international organizations differs from the concept of “excursionist”: a tourist spends more than a day outside his permanent place of residence, an excursionist - less than a day.

According to the WTO, a tourist is a temporary visitor, i.e. a person who is in a country other than his country of residence for any purpose other than carrying out a remunerated activity. The main goals are study, treatment, transit. That. tourist - a person who stays away from his permanent place of residence for at least 24 hours and for no more than a year

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by University of Bern professors Hunziker and Krapf and was later adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scholars define tourism as a series of phenomena and relationships that arise as a result of people traveling as long as it does not lead to a permanent stay and is not associated with any benefit.

Tourism is a special case of travel, however, it has clear demarcations from the generality, strictly defined characteristics, many definitions of tourism are known in the conceptual sense, and, of course, a person who makes or participates in a tourist trip, a tourist trip, a hike, is generally called a tourist .

Tourism is:

· a special mass type of travel with clearly defined tourism goals, carried out by tourists themselves, that is, the activity of the tourist himself, and

· activities related to the organization and implementation (accompaniment) of such trips - tourism activities. Such activities are carried out by various enterprises in the tourism industry and related industries.

Let us now give the classic definition of tourism.

Tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or another locality within their country in their free time for the purpose of pleasure and recreation, health and medical, guest, educational, religious or professional and business purposes, but without occupation place of temporary stay with work paid from a local financial source.

Tourism is a type of travel and covers the circle of people traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment, for the purpose of recreation, business or other purposes. Although in the process of tourism development various interpretations of this concept have appeared, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

1. Change of location.

In this case we are talking about a trip that takes place to a place outside the usual environment. However, persons who travel daily between home and their place of work or study cannot be considered tourists, since these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

2. Staying somewhere else.

The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it should not be related to work activity (wages). This nuance should be taken into account because the behavior of a person engaged in labor activity differs from the behavior of a tourist and cannot be classified as tourism. Another condition is that travelers should not stay in the place they visit for 12 consecutive months or more. A person staying or planning to stay for one year or more in a particular place is considered a permanent resident for tourism purposes and therefore cannot be called a tourist.

3. Payment of labor from a source in the place visited.

The essence of this criterion is that the main purpose of the trip should not be to carry out an activity paid for from a source in the place visited. Any person who enters a country for work remunerated from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist of that country. This applies not only to international tourism, but also to tourism within one country. Every person who travels to another place within the same country (or to another country) to carry out an activity remunerated from a source in that place (or country) is not considered a tourist of that place.

These three criteria, which form the basis for the definition of tourism, are basic. At the same time, there are special categories of tourists for whom these criteria are still insufficient - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Analysis of the above features, characteristics and criteria allows us to identify the following characteristics of tourism:

· business trips, as well as travel for the purpose of spending free time, are moving outside the usual place of residence and work. If a resident of a city moves around it for the purpose of making purchases, then he is not a tourist, since he does not leave his functional place;

· tourism is not only an important sector of the economy, but also an important part of people’s lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment.

Consequently, tourism is a set of relationships, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work activities.

There are five clearly identified important features that separate tourism from travel and other activities and processes:

Temporary movement and visit to the destination and inevitable return back;

Destination is another locality (country), different from the place of permanent residence of a person;

Tourism goals, characterized by purely humanistic content and orientation;

Taking a tourist trip in your free time from work or study;

Prohibition for tourists to engage in activities in the destination that are paid for from a local financial source.

Of the totality of economic characteristics of tourism, five must be defined conceptually:

1) tourism as the process and result of the movement of people along various tourist routes;

2) definition of two main basic elements of tourism: travel to the place of stay and stay there;

3) travel means leaving the country (region) of the tourist’s permanent residence;

4) the movement of tourists to various tourist centers takes time, which means that they will return to their place of permanent residence in a few days, weeks or months;

5) an excursion is a trip without permanent residence in a tourist center, not intended to generate additional income.

The following functions of the social and humanitarian impact of tourism can be distinguished: restoration of working capacity; rational use of free time; providing employment; growth in the standard of living of workers; ecological harmlessness and orientation.

Travel purposes are one of the main and defining features of tourism. In the classical theory of tourism, only 6 general goals are recognized, according to which tourism is distinguished from travel in general:

· health-improving (restoration of a person’s spiritual and physical strength, as well as treatment);

· cognitive (improving and deepening knowledge about the nature of natural phenomena, the history and present of humanity, the culture of other countries and peoples);

· sports (preparation and participation in competitions and games at professional and amateur levels, accompanying athletes, as well as participation as spectators);

· professional and business (business trips, participation in congresses, conferences, seminars, exchange of experience, professional training);

· religious (pilgrimage and cult, cultural and historical studies of religion and cults);

· guest and nostalgic (visiting relatives, places of historical residence).

The following functions of tourism are also distinguished:

Restorative – freeing a person from the feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity;

Developmental – providing opportunities for personal development (expanding cognitive horizons, creative and organizational activities);

Entertaining – providing vacationers with the opportunity to have fun. This also includes: getting to know the area and its inhabitants, organizing concerts, sports and other events, and active recreation.

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Every person needs rest. Some people prefer to lie at home with a book, some like to go out into nature, while others even choose to travel abroad or within their own country. There are currently tens of thousands of agencies registered in Russia that help organize vacations. By contacting them, you don’t have to worry about booking hotels, tickets, insurance and visas. So what are the most popular travel destinations? We'll talk about this in the article.

Why do people travel?

Regardless of what purpose of travel is chosen, the main thing is to go on a trip, taking with you a good mood and a positive attitude.

What tasks do tourists set for themselves?

The purpose of the trip directly depends on the chosen purpose of the trip:

    If this is a vacation, you need to find out the main points: where you will live, how to get there, whether you need a visa to cross the border and much more. All these tasks can not be solved independently, but rather transferred to the shoulders of a travel agency.

    With pilgrimage tourism, everything is much more complicated. Here the main task facing the tourist is to know the main points of the tour. Be prepared to wake up early as all services are held in the morning. Don't count on staying in 5* hotels and luxury rooms. In addition, be prepared for walking and long bus rides. But the purpose of such a tour is spiritual enlightenment, not relaxation.

    If you are going on a trip to collect scientific information, the main task is to find out details about the excursion program and the operating hours of historical and cultural sites. All this can be found in the tourist guide.

    The task of a tourist going on a trip for the purpose of health improvement is not to forget to first consult with his doctor. So that later there are no sad consequences from such a vacation.

    When going to support your favorite team, do not forget to book tickets for the match in advance; risk is a noble cause, but not justified.

The purpose and objectives of the trip are the primary points that the tourist must decide on. If you can’t figure it out on your own, it’s better to contact a professional agency.

Don't forget about rest

The purposes of tourist travel of citizens may be different, but in 70% of cases they are made for the sake of recreation. What could be better than soaking up the warm sand after work? For these purposes, citizens usually choose internationally famous resorts or islands. In these cases, a travel agency will help. All a vacationer needs is to decide on the place of travel, pay for the trip, pack his bags, and not miss the plane. The managers will do the rest for you.

Recently, it has become fashionable and prestigious among Russian residents to vacation in Sochi. Luxurious infrastructure, new hotels, high level of service - all this attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Traveling for the purpose of relaxation is perhaps the most enjoyable.

There are situations when a busy work schedule does not allow you to get out somewhere even for a couple of days. What to do in this case? An excellent option would be to organize a weekend in your city. You can finish this off with a small picnic in the park or on the river bank, if there is one. Many people are interested in: “What is the purpose of traveling around your city?” Of course, this is relaxation, entertainment, and you can also add an excursion program, visit museums and other cultural and historical sites.

Trip around Russia

Foreign tourists love to travel around Russia, as it is extremely rich in many historical and cultural attractions. A country with such a rich history is interesting and at the same time incomprehensible to visitors. To truly feel Russian, you need to plunge into local traditions and try to get to know all the national characteristics better. That’s why tours to the country’s ancient cities are so famous.

The most popular route is the Golden Ring. Tourists are offered to visit 8 cities of Russia, which are its pride and heritage. The purpose of traveling around Russia is to examine historically important and cultural places and objects, to become familiar with the traditions and customs of the country.

Sometimes a program is built in a way that seems surprising at first glance. You can find items in it that no one expected to see, for example, a visit to the Rostov Zoo. Organizers specifically add such objects to the tour in order to change the emotional background of tourists who are tired of the large amount of information they receive. But what is the purpose of traveling to the zoo? Acquaintance, broadening horizons, cultural recreation. Probably, few people know that this zoo is one of the largest in Europe, not only in area, but also in the number of animals.

What are the differences between religious and pilgrimage tourism?

Traveling to visit holy places was especially popular in Russia before the advent of Soviet power. Afterwards they lost their former glory, and many objects (temples, monasteries) were completely closed. In the early 90s it was revived again. People became more interested in spiritual life, traditions and customs.

Many people ask, is there a difference between pilgrimage and religious trips? Experts assure that there are significant differences. Pilgrims, as a rule, are of the religion to which holy places they came to bow their heads. Similar tours take place on major holidays and significant dates.

For religious purposes, people often choose to travel when some important moments occur in their lives. People often come to holy springs and places when they hope for God’s help. In addition, such tourism implies familiarizing a person with church art. This may include visiting all religious sites, regardless of whether it is a temple, a church or a mosque. Such a program may include evening entertainment, hotel accommodation, non-Lenten meals, and so on.

Pilgrims do not need such conditions; in some cases they may take this as a personal insult. Direct participation in church processes, prayers, and services is important for them.

Traveling to visit holy places attracts a huge number of people. Russia is known for many monasteries and temples, where both foreigners and residents of the country come every year. For example, the Church of the Savior on Blood, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and many others.

Recently, tours to villages with small old churches have become very popular. They have no less attractiveness and historical significance. In such places you can find unique icons. And folklore and traditions that local residents talk about will only add flavor. Quite often, whole performances are put on for visiting travelers. This is especially interesting for foreigners who take part in this kind of entertainment with great pleasure.

Many tourists, choosing a similar tour for the first time, are interested in: “What is the purpose of the trip?” Experts say that there are several of them: rest, broadening one’s horizons, unity with God.

What you need to know when going to holy places

When going on a tour of holy places for the first time, you need to know and adhere to the following tips:

    Women should wear modest clothing and not wear bright cosmetics.

    When entering the temple, be sure to cover your head with a scarf; for men, on the contrary, remove your headdress.

    Sportswear is not allowed for visiting monasteries and churches.

    Taking photographs and filming is only possible in places where there is permission.

    Religious tourism involves long walks, so take comfortable shoes with you.

These simple tips will help you feel comfortable on such a journey.

The most famous places of pilgrimage

There are places on earth that are saturated with God's grace. Millions of people come there to get spiritual peace and pray.

Briefly about the main thing

When determining your travel goals, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

    Financial opportunities. If you don’t have enough money to choose decent living conditions, it’s better to reconsider your chosen resort and find a decent option.

    Health status. If you get motion sickness on a bus, do not purchase excursion or pilgrimage tours that use this type of transport.

    When choosing tours to familiarize yourself with cultural and historical sites, ask if they are open on these dates.

The purposes of tourist travel may be different. The main thing is to immediately decide what kind of tour you need. Perhaps you are tired of everyday work, then it is best to just soak up the sea or ocean, go to a country holiday home - it all depends on your financial capabilities. If this option seems boring, you want to relax and renounce all worries and problems, there is an option with pilgrimage tourism. Do you want to expand your knowledge base? Set your goal correctly. Travel to the local history museum, various palaces, art galleries - this is only a small part of the objects that can be visited. There are a lot of interesting things in the world.

(V.I. Zhmurov)


It is best to start tourism in your area or region. These initial local trips will not require large financial expenditures on transport and equipment, or a long time for access. After hiking in your own region, it is more interesting to get acquainted with other regions of the country.

The travel area is selected depending on the interests and tastes of the participants. When choosing an area, the availability of convenient access routes, travel time, transportation and other costs are also taken into account.

To simplify the organization of travel, the Central Tourism Council has developed a “List of classified tourist routes” for all types of tourism in various regions of the Soviet Union. These routes are built based on populated areas, tourist and mountaineering bases, meteorological and scientific research stations, trading posts and hunting grounds. fishing camps.


Proper group formation is one of the main conditions for a successful and accident-free trip.

Usually the idea of ​​going on a hike arises in 1-2 proactive tourists. They choose the area of ​​travel, outline the initial version of the route and then talk about their intentions at a meeting of the tourist section or place an advertisement in a wall newspaper or a large-circulation newspaper.

Participants in the future campaign must be selected carefully, preferably from the same production team. They should have approximately the same age and physical fitness, common interests, more or less equal knowledge and tourist skills.

As a rule, there is a core group of 2-3 people who have traveled together on several trips. The rest of the team is selected from tourists from their own or other groups.

Tourist groups are also organized on a family basis: parents travel with children - high school students. 2-3 families can also unite.

The completed group must promptly begin studying the route and hiking area, prepare equipment, conduct joint training, and practice hiking techniques. During the preparation period, participants get to know each other better. The task is set - before setting out on the route, to unite a team capable of fulfilling the planned trip plan.

The “Rules for organizing amateur tourist travel on the territory of the USSR” establishes that groups for trips of |, ||, III categories of complexity must consist of at least 4 people, and for trips of IV and V categories of at least 6 people. Ski trips in taiga conditions and regions of the North, when the routes are off roads and away from populated areas, are carried out by a group of at least 8 people.

A smaller group will not be able to provide security measures on its own. In the event of an accident or accident involving at least one participant, it does not guarantee assistance to the victim, and is not able to evacuate him to the nearest populated area. Too large a group makes the hike difficult. It is difficult to choose travel dates that would satisfy everyone. Someone is forced to hurry and pull the others along with them. In addition, it is not easy to arrange overnight accommodation for a group of 12-15 people in a populated area. Participants have to be accommodated in several houses, which disrupts the economic structure of the group and undermines discipline. When moving along a trail or ski track, a large group stretches out greatly, making it difficult for the leader to keep track of the participants. It takes a lot of time to overcome various natural obstacles, and the pace of movement slows down significantly.

In an overly large group, the lack of proper control on the part of the leader over all participants during movement, insufficient organization and violation of the established order can cause accidents.

As an exception, groups of 20-40 people, made up of members of one production team, may be allowed to perform a specific task to study an entire area or conduct a tourist training camp. In this case, the entire squad is divided into sections (groups) of 8-10 people.

All participants in the future campaign must clearly understand its goals and actively prepare for it.

Depending on the type of tourism, they should be able to ski well, ride bicycles, and tourists going on a water or water-pedestrian trip should be able to swim and row.

The requirements for travel leaders and participants are set out in the “Rules for organizing amateur tourist trips across the territory of the USSR.”

Group leaders are responsible for timely preparation and provision of equipment, discipline, organization of tourists and trouble-free travel.

A weekend hike can be led by a tourist who has experience in participating in such hikes, has basic tourism skills and is familiar with the simplest safety measures.

Travel leaders of complexity category I must have experience leading weekend trips, and trip leaders of complexity categories II, III, IV and V must have experience leading a trip one category lower and experience participating in a trip of the same complexity category for this type of tourism.

During water travel on several vessels, senior officers are assigned to each of them to ensure coordinated actions and implementation of the instructions of the group leader.

Participants in trips of category I complexity must have experience in participating in weekend hikes. Two thirds of the group on a trip of II, III, IV and V categories of complexity must have at least experience of participating in trips one category lower in the same type of tourism, the remaining tourists - two categories lower.

Participants in ski trips of II and III difficulty categories must have experience of field overnight stays in winter conditions.

Leaders of mountain trips involving crossing high-mountain passes must have experience participating in crossing a pass of a similar category of difficulty and experience leading a transition through a pass of a category lower than planned.

Leaders and participants of high-altitude trips must comply with the requirements of the “Rules for conducting mountaineering events in the USSR.”

The travel leader and participants are required to: be able to use tourist equipment; be familiar with natural obstacles and know how to overcome them; master the technique of orientation and movement in various terrain and weather conditions, organizing field overnight stays; be able to develop a travel plan, the main route and its alternate options, as well as a schedule; be able to provide safety precautions and communication with populated areas and the organization that sent the group on the trip.

The experience of travel of any category of complexity and its management required above applies only to one type of tourism. As an exception, the experience of a walking trip of category I complexity can be equated to the experience of a mountain or ski trip of category I complexity.

Once the group is complete, it is necessary to distribute responsibilities between the participants. In this case, their tourist and professional experience, physical data and practical skills should be taken into account. Strict economic specialization of each tourist is especially important during winter hikes.

Responsibilities are distributed among the remaining participants: deputy head, treasurer, supply manager, medical instructor. In addition, those responsible for repairing equipment, keeping a diary, collecting a herbarium or mineral collections, a meteorologist, a cameraman, a photographer, etc. may be appointed. When conducting water travel on vessels with outboard motors, it is necessary to allocate 1-2 motor mechanics.

The group leader leads preparations for the trip, conducts training with participants, is responsible for developing the route and preparing output documentation, and takes care of obtaining official permission to travel. On a campaign he is the sole commander and his orders must be carried out unquestioningly.

One of the experienced tourists is selected as the deputy leader. His orders are also binding on the group, because he acts in accordance with the decisions of the leader.

The caretaker is responsible for food and equipment, keeps records of them, distributes food and equipment into backpacks, draws up a menu, and takes care of replenishing food along the way.

The treasurer collects money from participants before the trip, issues letters of credit, stores the money himself or distributes it to tourists for safekeeping. By order of the manager, he makes all cash payments en route.

The medical instructor acquires, stores and replenishes a first aid kit, monitors the group members’ compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, and, if necessary, provides first aid to the victim. When preparing for summer travel in the northern and northeastern regions of the country, take care of timely encephalitis vaccinations/participants, purchase and wise use of mosquito repellents.

The engine mechanic “breaks in” the engine in advance and purchases spare parts for it.

The person in charge of the diary keeps a “chronicle” of the campaign. The group diary can be supplemented by entries from other members of the tourist group.

A cinematographer, photographer or artist consistently depicts the camping life of the group from beginning to end.

The person responsible for equipment repair manages tools and materials for repair, stores them, and repairs equipment himself or with his group mates.

If the group size is small, a deputy leader is not elected and the same participants bear several responsibilities.

On weekend hikes and on simple routes, all members of the group on duty usually take turns setting up a bivouac, collecting firewood, cooking and other household chores. Everyone must learn to perform these easy duties.

If necessary, shift shifts are established at night. The duty officer maintains the fire, monitors sleeping comrades, dries their shoes and clothes, prepares breakfast in a timely manner and wakes up the group. To preserve the strength of the participants and have a more complete night's rest, night shifts are sometimes dispensed with. If there are more than 8 people in the group, the leader is relieved of night duty and special duties when setting up a bivouac. He only controls the actions of the participants and helps them as an instructor.

Responsibilities among tourists are also distributed during preparation for the hike: one prepares documentation for consideration by the route commission, another organizes written communication with local institutions in the area of ​​the intended trip, the third is responsible for collecting information about the hike area, the fourth is for receiving and manufacturing equipment, the fifth - for the purchase of food, the sixth - for the purchase of travel tickets, etc. Sometimes such a distribution of responsibilities is not carried out and the group resolves all issues together.


All participants of the future trip, without exception, are involved in developing the route.

In many cities there are tourist clubs, children's excursion and tourist stations, large tourist sections of voluntary sports societies. In these institutions you can get advice and the necessary literature.

The travel route must meet certain requirements, only then will it be complete.

Firstly, it must be educationally interesting. Depending on the composition of the group and the purpose of the hike, various objects for inspection are planned along the route; historical places, monuments of culture and military glory, archaeological and museum sites, cities and villages, new buildings, etc. Tourists, of course, will get acquainted with the life and way of life of the local population.

Secondly, the trip should help improve health, improve the physical development of tourists, improve their sportsmanship, and acquire applied skills. Consequently, the category of difficulty of the planned route should correspond to the physical fitness of the participants in the hike and their accumulated experience.

Having experience in passing simple routes, you can plan more complex ones - increase the length of the route, include additional natural obstacles. When planning to overcome sections of rough terrain, mountain passes, and forest areas, the group must rely primarily on its own strength, experience and skill.

But even with good physical preparation, tourists should not get carried away with too long and complex routes through deserted areas, as this will complicate the journey, deprive them of the opportunity to get acquainted with the objects planned for inspection, violate the timing of the trip, and cause physical and mental fatigue for the participants.

Routes can be linear, circular or radial. Radial exits are made from the main route to inspect various objects.

The third requirement for the route is the presence of short railway, road or water (steam) approaches. It is necessary to adhere to the rule that the time required to get to the route and on the way back, as well as transportation costs should not exceed 20-30% of the time and money spent on the entire trip.

When developing a route, the group roughly determines the category of its complexity, using the standards of the “Rules for organizing amateur tourist travel on the territory of the USSR” or comparing its route with similar routes from the “List of Classified Routes”.

The route development proceeds approximately according to the following plan. After the travel area has been selected, a point is determined that can be reached using rail, water, road or horse-drawn transport. Then a point is determined from where it is convenient to return home using the transport indicated above. The route line should connect the starting and ending points, passing through natural routes (country roads and trails, river and stream valleys, mountain passes, equipped crossings over water barriers) through populated areas and various bases. Intermediate settlements and bases will serve as strongholds for the group. In them she can plan overnight and day stays, repair equipment and replenish food supplies.

If some excursion objects remain away from the main route line, then radial routes are laid to them. In this case, part of the cargo can be temporarily left for storage at the support point.

The route is drawn on the map, all possible areas with natural obstacles are identified, ways to overcome them are determined, and the total mileage is calculated.

Taking into account the pace of movement possible for a given group, the presence of natural obstacles on the route, the location of settlements and excursion sites, the degree of physical fitness of the participants and the weight of their backpacks, a movement schedule is drawn up on the map.

It should, however, be remembered that a day's trek and its difficulty depend not only on the mileage and weight of the backpack, but also on the terrain, forest coverage, snow conditions, wind direction and strength, and other circumstances.

In the first days of the trip (especially on difficult hikes), the mileage is limited, since the weight of the backpacks is still high, and the participants are not sufficiently involved in the work. The first day's rest is done after 2-3 days of travel, after the need for additional adjustment and repair of equipment has been identified. On a ski trip, days are often arranged depending on meteorological conditions. If the weather is favorable at the beginning of the hike, tourists, as a rule, do not spend a day, accumulating a reserve of time for subsequent days, when the weather may worsen and they will have to make forced stops.

At the end of the route, the mileage, according to the schedule, decreases again. There is a gradual relaxation of the body after heavy loads. In addition, there is some reserve of time in case the schedule is disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances.


Studying the travel area usually occurs simultaneously with developing the route.

Tourists should familiarize themselves in detail with the geographical, economic and other features of the travel area, using scientific and fiction literature, geographical descriptions and reference books, meteorological observations, directions of rivers and lakes, reports of tourist groups that have visited the area.

Participants of a future trip should get an idea in advance about the terrain, temperature fluctuations in the hiking area, the amount of precipitation, the most likely weather during the period planned for the hike (if possible, ask for a weather forecast), find out the location of excursion objects, etc.

When planning a trip to an area rarely visited by tourists, it is necessary to establish written communication with local institutions and public organizations. When reporting the planned dates of the trip, the group should request information that will help prepare for it: about the availability and nature of communications and means of communication, about the possibility of purchasing food and equipment on the spot, about the prices existing there, etc. When clarifying these questions, it is necessary find out what kind of socially useful work local organizations consider desirable to carry out along the route.

It is best to make such requests through your institutions or sports organizations. Along with this, you can start correspondence with school teachers, hunters, and foresters. If there is a tourist section at any point along the route, it is advisable to establish contact with it. A detailed preliminary study of the hiking area is necessary not only in order to see and learn more, but also to ensure the safety of the trip itself.


According to the “Rules for organizing amateur tourist travel on the territory of the USSR,” all tourist groups going on amateur hikes along routes of any complexity category are required to obtain permission from their physical education team and have a conclusion from the route qualification commission on the group’s readiness to travel.

A travel document for tourist groups on hikes of difficulty below category I - a route sheet. Route sheets are numbered, registered and issued to groups by organizations conducting the hike. After the end of the hike, the group leaders return the route sheets to the organizations that issued them.

The travel document of tourist groups traveling along routes of I-V categories of difficulty is a route book. Forms of route books are numbered by tourism councils and issued to organizations conducting travel.

A tourist group preparing for a trip of categories I-V of complexity submits an application booklet to the appropriate route and qualification commission. The application book is certified by the organization conducting the trip, and for national groups - by the tourist club or tourism council.

The application book indicates the travel plan, route and its options; a list of personal and group equipment, food rations and cost estimates are given; a list of travel participants and the distribution of responsibilities in the group are provided; measures are listed in case of unforeseen circumstances and accidents, deviations from the route and the traffic schedule; safety measures are provided in case of sudden deterioration of weather.

Travel plan. The plan indicates the main objectives of the trip (educational, sports, socially useful), specifies socially useful and local history work along the way, lists excursion sites that are supposed to be visited, contains information about the route, schedule, etc.

The list of trekking participants and sports characteristics are compiled in the following form: indicate the age, occupation and place of work of tourists, home and business addresses, tourist experience, experience in completing routes in this type of tourism (indicate the trekking area, main points of the route, timing of completion, in what capacity participated in the hike), the presence of categories in related sports, etc. The leader, in addition, must indicate which specific hikes he led.

Meals along the route. Knowing the calorie content of various foods, their content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, as well as the expected daily energy expenditure on the route, the group draws up a diet. The type of tourism, time of year, complexity of the route, financial capabilities of the participants and the actual availability of a particular range of products are taken into account.

The document on catering must indicate the weight and cost of the daily ration per person, the total weight of products for each tourist and for the entire group, a list of products purchased before the trip, and products that are planned to be purchased along the way.

Costings. When preparing for travel, the group must properly account for its financial expenses. The estimate indicates the main expense items: purchasing tickets to the starting point of the route and for returning home; payment for transport along the route, purchase of products, purchase and production of necessary equipment, payment for overnight stays in populated areas, purchase of tickets to museums, theaters, cinema, purchase of photographic materials, writing materials. It is necessary to have a reserve of 10-15% of the total expenses. The main share of expenses usually falls on the purchase of products and payment for transport.

List of equipment. Depending on the type of tourism, time of year and area of ​​travel, special group and personal equipment, as well as repair equipment, are purchased. Properly selected, high-quality equipment is the key to a successful trip. The list indicates the actual availability of equipment.

A route diagram with the planned route of the hike is attached to the plan. The diagram should indicate the expected places of overnight and day stays. In addition to the main one, a backup route is planned (in case it is impossible to complete the main one). The scale of both diagrams attached to the plan should be the same.

The diagram should be accompanied by a brief description of the most difficult sections of the route and the proposed methods of overcoming them.

Order of communication. To ensure trouble-free travel, it is necessary to carefully consider all issues of communication between the group and the institution that approved the route, outline and indicate the control dates of the trip, the points from which tourists will send telegrams, letters, radiograms.

Route qualification commissions, which include experienced tourists, check the correctness of the route development, the correspondence of the tourist experience of the participants and the group leader to the complexity of the chosen route, the correct selection of equipment, food calculations, etc. In addition to a thorough check, the commission provides advice on the preparation of documentation, travel and safety measures along the route.

After carefully reviewing the presented materials and talking with the participants of the future trip, the route qualification commission gives its conclusion, documenting it in the form of a protocol in the application book. The protocol is signed by the chairman of the commission (or his deputy).

The route qualification commission may oblige a group planning a trip of II-IV categories of difficulty to conduct a one- or two-day training trip to check its actual readiness and, in case of poor preparation of tourists, prohibit the trip.

Based on the application book, the organization conducting the trip issues the tourist group a route book, signed by the responsible person of this organization and certified by a seal. Application books are stored in the organizations that issued route books.

Tourist groups that have permission to travel and have issued route books can first of all receive advice, a diagram and description of the route, as well as equipment (rented) and food in cash at the tourist base or camp.


Preparation of a tourist trip consists not only of assembling a group, purchasing and manufacturing equipment, purchasing and packaging food, and drawing up the necessary documents for the route qualification commission. It must ensure a meaningful and safe hike. Long before setting out on the route, the group must begin systematic physical training and practice elements of sports (rowing, cycling, skiing) and tourist (working with a map and compass, setting up a bivouac, overcoming natural obstacles, etc.) techniques. It is advisable for the group to take part in competitions for the championship of their team, district or city in orienteering. 1-2 months before the trip, the group conducts joint training, initially walking short distances and without load, and 1-2 weeks before making a test hike with full gear and with all equipment over a distance equal to that planned for the first day of the trip.

When preparing for a difficult winter trip, a test hike must be combined with an overnight stay in the field to check the quality and fit of equipment, the ability to quickly set up a bivouac and prepare food in the field, and the physical endurance of the participants.

This trip is organized as follows. On the eve of the day off, the group in regimental strength, with all the necessary equipment, with a backpack packing equal in weight to the pack on the first day of the hike, leaves the city. After walking a short distance (3-4 km), tourists stop for the night. They slowly set up the tent and stove. At the same time, all participants study their design, installation procedure and practical use. The next day, the group follows the daily routine planned for the hike. It is advisable to walk 12-14 km during this day, test the tactics and technique of movement on virgin snow, bush thickets, along country roads and other characteristic places. The test hike ends 1.5-2 hours before dark. All detected deficiencies must be eliminated in the time remaining before the trip.

All members of the group, no earlier than a month before departure on the route, must undergo a medical and physical examination and obtain a doctor’s permission to participate in a trip of this category of complexity,


The organization sending the tourist group on the trip bears full responsibility for its preparation and conduct. If necessary, it organizes search and rescue operations.

Control over the conduct of weekend hikes and trips is carried out by councils of physical education groups, sports clubs, tourist clubs and sections, local tourism councils and VSOs with the active participation of Komsomol and trade union organizations.

Before going on difficult hikes, tourist groups, no later than two weeks before departure on the route, inform through their organizations the regional (territorial, republican) tourism council in the area of ​​​​which the trip will take place, the authorized representative of the Central Tourism Council for this area or the head of the control rescue service, a target date for the return of the group and the exact route to follow, indicating the time of passage of individual sections.

Direct control over the group’s passage of complex routes is carried out by the organization that authorized the trip.

When carrying out trips of all categories of complexity, the group is obliged to make notes on the passage of the route in local authorities, in local governing Komsomol or physical education bodies, at tourist centers and, as an exception, at post offices. On difficult trips, the group must also inform its organization about the passage of checkpoints along the route.


Having completed the trip, the group reports to the tourist section of its team and sports society, to the institution that organized the trip, and to the route and qualification commission that issued permission to travel. For trips of the first category of complexity, a route book is submitted to the route commission and an oral report is made, for more complex trips - a route book and a written report, the volume and nature of which are determined by the route qualification commission. Only after submitting and reviewing the reports can the trip be counted and the participants issued certificates for receiving the “USSR Tourist” badge or obtaining the corresponding category.

The need to sum up the results of tourist trips is dictated not only by the desire to promote tourism. Its main goal is to summarize the experience of preparing and conducting travel, the experience of socially useful work along the way, and to identify shortcomings in order to eliminate them in the future.

A certain order was established for summing up the results of the trip. Usually, after finishing a hike, tourists, on the way back, discuss the route they have taken, analyze any deviations from the plan, mistakes made by the group or individual participants, and evaluate the role of the leader and his assistants.

It is advisable to make a detailed oral report at a meeting of the tourist section of a sports society (or at a city tourist club) no later than one and a half to two months after returning from the trip. By this time, you need to compile and arrange a written report and photo albums, develop and edit the film. The report should be accompanied by a display of photographs, a demonstration of amateur films, samples of equipment used on the trip, collected collections of minerals, herbariums, etc. The basis for the written report and the preparation of an oral report at the section is the travel diary.

The report is usually presented in sections.

The section “General characteristics of the hiking area” describes the geographical features of the area, terrain, climate, amplitude of probable temperature fluctuations; information is provided on the amount of precipitation and the main periods of precipitation, the direction of the winds, information on the hydrographic network (rivers, lakes), river flow speed, depths, slopes, rapids and riffles, soil, flora and fauna, information on the presence of edible and medicinal plants; data is reported on the possibility of hunting and fishing, the presence of minerals, the condition of the road network and the improvement of settlements.

The information about the population, the peculiarities of their work and life, and the economic and cultural development of the travel area is presented in detail. You should provide information about previously conducted hikes here, routes, places of interest and other excursion sites.

When compiling this section, it is necessary to make maximum use of the available literature on the area, consultations with competent persons and reports of other tourist groups. At the end of the section, provide a list of references, indicate the names of consultants, their addresses (or telephone numbers).

In the section “Preparation for travel” there is a list of group members, their tourist experience is characterized, the most interesting and difficult routes they have traveled are listed, and the distribution of responsibilities is given; the reason for choosing this area for travel, the procedure for developing the route, the goals and objectives set for the group on this journey are indicated; indicates from which organizations which tasks were accepted and how they were completed

The diet, food supply, place of purchase and cost, set of medications and their use on the road are listed.

Planned and actual cost estimates are compared, sources of funds for travel are indicated.

A list and characteristics (purchased, homemade) of individual and group equipment are provided; Attached are drawings of the most interesting equipment samples.

Information is provided on the total load of the group and the distribution for each participant at the beginning of the route, on the possibility of replenishing food supplies along the way and transporting equipment and cargo by local transport, on checkpoints and deadlines, on measures to ensure accident-free operation, on the method of establishing preliminary written communication with local institutions and organizations in the travel area.

It is reported who reviewed the route, when it was approved, and what the actual implementation of the travel plan is.

The section “Conducting the hike and technical description of the route” provides characteristics of the route traveled, conditions and possibilities of movement, difficult sections of the route (passes, rapids, crossings, etc.) and the methods and means used to overcome natural obstacles, safety measures and actions groups in difficult conditions. Information is provided on the availability of fuel, potable water, and convenient sites for setting up bivouacs, as well as data on movement timing and weather observations.

In the “Travel Diary” section, the leader or one of the participants talks about the events of the day, the well-being of the participants, impressions, remarkable places, meetings with interesting people, details of camping life, and the conduct of local history or scientific research work during the hike. The diary contains records of stories of local residents, songs, legends, stories.

The section “Conclusions about the hike and recommendations for other groups” reports on the category of difficulty of the route traveled, its educational value, provides a specific assessment of equipment, advice and recommendations for other groups on choosing routes V in the area, on equipment, movement techniques and safety measures.

The trip report should be accompanied by a general map with the route and overnight stays marked, as well as outlines of the most difficult sections indicating the route through them.

The report should be illustrated with photographs and drawings characterizing difficult sections of the route and the group’s actions on them, the nature and attractions of the area. The written report should preferably be bound and bound. The recommended report format is typewritten sheet. One copy of the report must be submitted to the organization that issued permission to conduct the hike.


Potresov A. S. Companion of a young tourist. FiS, 1966. Romashkov E. Weekend hikes. FiS, 1967. Arkhangelskaya O. How to choose a tourist route.

Dobkovich V, V. Tourist of the USSR. FiS, 1957.


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