Travel to the country of Belovodye, combined active tour. Belovodye: where was the paradise for Russians Travel to Belovodye

Mountain Altai is the cradle of many nations. From here, the tribes of Scythians, Huns and Turks spread across the endless expanses of Eurasia. Countless archaeological sites have been found here, which, due to their historical and cultural significance, are included in the world treasury of humanity. Ancient mounds, rock paintings and writings, as well as the original traditions of the Altai people attract travelers from all over the world no less than the unique natural beauty.
This route will allow tourists to look at the past, feel the connection of times and see the beauty of the present. In the section from Novosibirsk to the village of Verkhniy Uimon, it almost completely coincides with the route of the Central Asian expedition of N.K. Roerich (1925-1928).

Route cost(with delivery from Novosibirsk/Barnaul, excluding VAT) 15600 rubles

Features of the route

Both beginners with a good level of physical fitness and experienced tourists can take part in the route;

As personal equipment on a hike, you must have the items listed in the “General information on active routes” section, as well as cotton gloves (for excursions to caves);

There is one guide on the route;

The food is cooked over a fire by the instructor;

To transport general equipment on foot (days 5 and 8 of the route), pack horses are provided;

Children, accompanied by adults, are allowed to participate in the route from 10 years of age. A mandatory requirement is good physical fitness;

The cost of the route includes insurance from Rosgosstrakh OJSC, insurance coverage - 450,000 rubles (medical expenses), 30,000 rubles (accident). An insurance policy is issued for the group and is kept by the instructors along the route;

Meals on the road and recreational fees are additionally paid.

When booking a tour for a foreign citizen (including CIS countries), it is necessary to provide all data 2 months before the start of the tour.

Route description

Day p/p

Section of the route. Activity.




Novosibirsk - base camp in the Denisova Cave area.

Departure from Novosibirsk at 18 00

Departure point - st. Sovetskaya, 65.

Barnaul – base camp in the Denisova Cave area.

Departure from Barnaul at 23 00 (local time, difference with Moscow +3 hours).

Departure point: Hotel “Central”, Lenin Ave., 57.

Meals on the road are at your own expense. On the way there will be instructions.


620 / 384 km


Arrival at the base site in the Denisova Cave area (approx. 9 00 ).

Setting up a camp on the banks of the Karakol River. Rest.

After lunch, an excursion to Denisova Cave (600 m above sea level) - the oldest archaeological site - a kind of “layer cake” containing more than 20 cultural layers from different eras of human development. The cave is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Visit to the Muzeynaya cave - depth 33 m, length 850 m, difficulty category 1A. This incredibly picturesque cave, which is accessible to novice speleologists, is located in the valley of the Karakol River. It provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the mysterious underground world, see sculptural masterpieces formed by stalactites and stalagmites, and feel the grandeur of underground grottoes and mysterious labyrinths.

Dating evening.

on foot


on foot


3 km

12 km

4 km

0.85 km


Excursion to the Shinok waterfall. Flowing through a narrow gorge, the Shinok River forms a spectacular cascade of several waterfalls ranging in height from 3 m to 60 m.

After a car transfer to the village of Karakol, tourists set off on a journey to the largest of the waterfalls (fall height 60 m). The trail passes through the territory of the state landscape reserve, through a small mountain pass (1200 m).

Several more waterfalls will appear to travelers on the way back.


on foot

18 km

24 km


Moving to the village of Multa-Maralnik

Along the way, a visit to the Ust-Kanskaya cave (length 17 m, height 12 m), in which a Paleolithic site was discovered. Archaeological finds from this cave are kept in the Hermitage.


on foot

313 km

1 km


Climbing along the river Multa to mountain lakes.

Ascent along the river to the Pionerskaya parking lot, located at an altitude of about 2000 m, under the canopy of centuries-old larches. The parking lot offers a magnificent view of the snow-capped peaks. Those who wish can admire the sunset by climbing to the unnamed peak (about 300 m from the camp).

on foot

14 km


Radial access to the high-mountain lake Kuiguk.

Near the lake there is a waterfall of the same name (fall height 25 m). Here the group can split up. Those who wish can relax on the shore of the lake; those who want vivid impressions will make a radial trek to the Kuiguk glacier (2500 m).

on foot

8 /16 km


Transition to Multinskie lakes.

In the first half of the day, tourists will go around the Lower Multinskoe Lake and go out to the isthmus between the Lower and Middle lakes.

After lunch - a radial exit to the Middle Multinskoye Lake and to the Shumy Roll. Those interested can swim (there is a sandy beach nearby) or go fishing (fishing gear is not provided and the catch is not guaranteed).

Bathhouse (extra charge).

on foot

14 km


Return to the village of Multa - Maralnik.

Moving to the village Ust-Koksa. Excursion to the village. Verkhniy Uimon is one of the oldest villages in the Ust-Koksinsky district, in which the traditions of the Old Believers are still preserved. Visiting two museums: Local History Museum. N.K. Roerich and the Museum of Old Believers.

Bathhouse (extra charge).

on foot


14 km

46 km


Rafting on the Koksa River.

In the first half of the day, tourists can raft along the fast-moving Koksa River.

Departure to Novosibirsk/Barnaul (at 21 00 ).



35 km

35 km


Estimated arrival in Barnaul - 11 00 , to Novosibirsk - 15 00 .

intercity bus

Route No. 177

Denisov caves - p. Karakol - Shinok waterfall - village. Ust-Koksa - village. Mendur-Sokkon - Multa-Maralnik village - lake. Kuiguk - Multinskie lakes - village. Multa-Maralnik - village. Ust-Koksa - Krasnaya - village. Upper Uimon.

Route cost(with delivery from Novosibirsk/Barnaul, excluding VAT) 14,800 rubles

Features of the route

Both beginners with a good level of physical fitness and experienced tourists can take part in the route;

As personal equipment on a hike, you must have the items listed in section “General information on active routes”, as well as cotton gloves (for excursions to caves);

There is one guide on the route;

The food is cooked over a fire by the instructor;

To transport general equipment on foot (days 5 and 8 of the route), pack horses are provided;

Children, accompanied by adults, are allowed to participate in the route from 10 years of age. A mandatory requirement is good physical fitness;

Due to the fact that the route passes in the border zone, tourists should familiarize themselves with the following documents: “Border regime rules (pr. No. 458)” and “Border requirements for tourists”;

The cost of the route includes insurance OJSC IC "Russkiy Mir" insurance coverage - 90,000 rubles (medical expenses), 50,000 rubles (accident). An insurance policy is issued for the group and is kept by the instructors along the route.;

Meals on the road and recreational fees are additionally paid.

Important: When booking a tour, it is necessary to indicate the full passport details of tourists (passport number, where, when, by whom it was issued, registration), place of birth, place of work, position, work telephone number, contact telephone number, place of departure (Novosibirsk / Barnaul) .

When booking a tour for a foreign citizen (including CIS countries), it is necessary to provide all data 2 months before the start of the tour.

Route description

Route classification

** (1)

Total duration

11 days (with transport delivery)

Active part duration

9 days

Route length

1691/1455 km (car) + 96(104) km (on foot) + 0.85 km (caving) + 20 km (by water)

Number of tourists in the group

6-10 people

Day p/p

Section of the route. Activity.




Novosibirsk - base camp in the Denisova Cave area.

Departure from Novosibirsk at 1800 (local time, difference with Moscow 3 hours). Departure point - st. Sovetskaya, 65.

Meals on the road are at your own expense. On the way - instructions.

intercity bus

620/384 km

Arrival at the base site in the Denisova Cave area (approx. 900).

Setting up a camp on the banks of the Karakol River. Rest. After lunch, an excursion to the Denisov Caves (600 m above sea level) - the oldest archaeological site - a kind of “layer cake” containing more than 20 cultural layers from different eras of human development. The cave is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Visit to the Museum Cave -

depth 33 m, length 850 m, difficulty category 1A. This incredibly picturesque cave, which is accessible to novice speleologists, is located in the Karakol River valley. It provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the mysterious underground world, see sculptural masterpieces formed by stalactites and stalagmites, and feel the grandeur of underground grottoes and mysterious labyrinths. Dating evening.

on foot


on foot


3 km

12 km

4 km

0.85 km

Excursion to the Shinok waterfall.

Flowing through a narrow gorge, the Shinok River forms a spectacular cascade of several waterfalls ranging in height from 3 m to 60 m.

After driving to the village of Karakol, tourists set off on a journey to the largest of the waterfalls (fall height 60 m). The trail passes through the territory of the state landscape reserve, through a small mountain pass (1200 m).

Several more waterfalls will appear to travelers on the way back.


on foot

18 km

24 km

Moving to the village Ust-Koksa

On the way - a visit to the Ust-Kanskaya cave (length 17 m, height 12 m), in which a Paleolithic site was discovered. Archaeological finds from this cave are kept in the Hermitage.

Overnight at the campsite. Bathhouse (extra charge).


on foot

267 km

1 km

Climbing along the river Multa to mountain lakes.

Ascend along the river to a convenient parking lot under the canopy of centuries-old larches, located at an altitude of about 2000 m. Along the way you will find many berries and mushrooms. The parking lot offers a magnificent view of the snow-capped peaks. Those who wish can admire the sunset by climbing to the unnamed peak (about 300 m from the camp).

Setting up camp at the Pionerskaya parking lot.



14 km

Radial access to the high-mountain lake Kuiguk.

Near the lake there is a waterfall of the same name (fall height 25 m). Here the group can split up. Those who wish can relax and communicate with nature on the shore of the lake; those who want bright impressions will make a radial trek to the Kuikuk glacier (2500 m).

on foot

8 /16 km

Transition to Multinskie lakes.

In the first half of the day, tourists will go around the Lower Multinskoe Lake and go out to the isthmus between the Lower and Middle lakes.

After lunch - a radial exit to the Middle Multinskoye Lake and to the Shumy Roll. Those interested can swim (there is a sandy beach nearby) or go fishing (fishing gear is not provided and the catch is not guaranteed).

on foot

14 km

Return to the village of Multa - Maralnik. Moving to the village Ust-Koksa

Bathhouse. (for additional fee)

on foot


14 km


Climbing Mount Krasnaya (2400 m).Transfer by bus to the foot of Mount Krasnaya. At the foot of the mountain there is a mountain lake. The Biryuksa River, which originates in the glaciers of Red Mountain, is home to grayling.


on foot


14 km

Rafting on the river Cox.

In the first half of the day, tourists can raft along the fast-moving Koksa River.

Excursion to the village. Verkhniy Uimon is one of the oldest villages in the Ust-Koksinsky district, in which the traditions of the Old Believers are still preserved. Visit to two museums: Local History Museum. N.K. Roerich and the Museum of Old Believers.

Departure to Novosibirsk/Barnaul (ca. 1700).



11 Estimated arrival in Barnaul - 06.00, Novosibirsk - 11.00

intercity bus

800 km

Schedule of races along the route summer 2010

16.07 - 26.07

30.07 - 09.08

In the view of the Old Believers, Belovodye is a paradise on earth, which only those who are pure in soul can enter. Belovodye was called the Land of Justice and Prosperity, but people still argue about where it is located.

Belovodye – the land of freedom

The Old Believer legend about the Russian paradise - Belovodye - first arose in the 18th century; its roots go back to the mystical topoi of the Slavs - paradise-irium and the invisible Kitezh-grad. In folklore, Belovodye is characterized as a wonderful country of freedom, without poor and rich, without serfdom and criminals, a stronghold of the Orthodox faith, in which only the righteous live.

The Land of White Waters was open only to virtuous people, and according to various versions it was located in the Far North, “in Pomerania, from the great Ob River to the mouth of the Belovodnaya River,” in Siberia, in the Urals, and also in Altai, where they settled in the 18th century Old Believers runners.


The invisible city of Kitezh has become an object of cult and the reason for the creation of numerous legends, also thanks to runners. In their book “The Kitezh Chronicler,” written around the 90s of the 18th century, the first mentions of him were found.

Kitezh-grad was described as follows: “The city is intact, but invisible. Sinful people will not see the glorious Kitezh. He disappeared miraculously, by God’s command, when the godless Tsar Batu, having ruined Suzdal Rus', went to fight Kitezh Rus'.”

There are still rumors that only those who are brave in heart and pure in soul can get into Kitezh, and other people can sometimes hear the quiet ringing of bells and singing, seemingly coming from nowhere, or from under Lake Svetloyar: “And hitherto that the city stands invisible - it will be revealed before the terrible judgment seat of Christ.”

Slavic mythology

Another parallel with the legend of Belovodye is the ancient belief about paradise, the keys to which are held by migratory birds. The mysterious Slavic paradise - Iria - first appears on the pages of the “Teachings” of Vladimir Monomakh: “And we marvel at this, how the birds of the sky come from Iria, and first into our hands, and do not settle on one land, but both the strong and the thin go throughout God’s command to the lands that the forests and fields be filled.”

Iriy meant a country where birds fly away for the winter - this is a magical land without cold weather, where all nature hides during frosts. This country was considered either underground, and snakes lived in it, or very remote from Rus', located behind mountains and forests - birds flew into it. Iriy, according to legend, was opened with keys kept by one of the birds - according to different versions, a cuckoo, a crow or a lark.

It was possible to get into the iriya through a pool or whirlpool, and in addition to migratory birds and snakes, which have long been considered animal symbols of the other world in Indo-European beliefs, the souls of the dead also lived in the iriya. The magical ritual of burying a bird’s wing at the beginning of autumn was also associated with ideas about iriya.


After numerous schisms in the Orthodox Church, dozens of Old Believer movements emerge. One of them is founded by Euthymius, a native of Pereslavl-Zalessky, and his main goal is to escape from the kingdom of Antichrist, which is declared to be Peter I.

Since, according to him, runners “have to hide and run,” hundreds of Old Believers decided to move inland and go into voluntary exile in Siberia.

The runners despised state symbols, and therefore did not even take money with them, which could be used to find the Russian coat of arms, and also made homemade passports. Not all of the runners traveled - some only received others like themselves, which was also considered to them as a journey.

In the book “The Traveler,” written by the Old Believer Mark, there is a mention of the location of Belovodye. His path begins in Moscow, passes through Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Barnaul, then the monk finds himself in Altai villages, goes through China to the “Okiyan”, in which Belovodye is located on the “Oponsky” island, inhabited by Orthodox “Assyrians” and Russians. This land is also mentioned in connection with the fact that it will never come to it.


Since runners often went thousands of kilometers from home in search of a better place to live, it was these Old Believers who created and popularized the image of the fabulous land of Belovodye - in 1893, a legend even appeared about the search for Belovodye in the 10th century by Father Sergius, the envoy of Prince Vladimir for 56 years: “One of the sages who came from the East said that at one time his teacher, the old sage, told him that far in the east there was somewhere the country of Belovodye, a fabulous abode of eternal beauty and truth, and that there, by his understanding, and you need to seek advice, but that one of the features of that country is that not everyone can find it, get there and penetrate into it, but only the chosen one - who is called.”

The spread of possible locations of the mysterious country, from the Urals to the Far North, may be due to the fact that as the Russians moved east, capturing more and more lands, Belovodye, an otherworldly and distant country, moved further and further away in legends.

Roerich wrote down a legend that Belovodye is located not far from Altai, behind high mountains: you need to go through Bogogorshi, Kokushi and Ergor, and then beyond the sacred valley there was a country in which “the Highest knowledge and the Highest wisdom live for the salvation of the entire future of humanity” . Roerich connected this promised land with Shambhala and made an expedition to Altai, during which he was able to touch the great secret: “When we recently drove through the Altai heights, we were shown paths and hidden, distant paths known only to a select few to the Sacred Places, called Belovodye."

Roerich believed that the legend about Belovodye came to the Altai population from Buddhists living nearby: this is how the legend about Shambhala acquired a Russian analogue. Today in Upper Uimon in Altai, in memory of Roerich’s expedition, in a former Old Believer house there is a museum named after him.

Belovodye did not become part of the Russian Empire until 1791. It is possible that it was precisely this kind of life, an island of freedom and purity, both material and spiritual, that became the prototype for the creation of hundreds of legends about the magical Belovodye. And milk rivers and jelly banks became only a symbolic embodiment of the image of the purity of the Orthodox faith and the white waters of frozen lakes.

Travel plan

Novosibirsk / Barnaul (Novoaltaysk) - base camp in the Denisova Cave area. Departure from Novosibirsk at 20:00 (local time, difference with Moscow +4 hours). Departure point - st. Sovetskaya, 65. Departure from Barnaul (Novoaltaysk) at 23:50. Departure point is the restaurant and hotel complex "Oblepikha" (Altai Territory, Novoaltaisk urban district, Novoaltaisk, Dorozhnaya st., 13). Meals on the road are at your own expense. On the way - instructions.

Arrival at the base camp near Denisova Cave (approx. 09:00). Rest. After lunch, an excursion to the Denisov Caves (600 m above sea level) - the oldest archaeological site - a kind of “layer cake” containing more than 20 cultural layers from different eras of human development. The cave is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Visit to the Museum cave - depth 33 m, length 850 m, difficulty category 1A. A very picturesque cave, which can be visited by beginning speleologists, is located in the valley of the Karakol River. It provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the mysterious underground world, see sculptural masterpieces formed by stalactites and stalagmites, and feel the grandeur of underground grottoes and mysterious labyrinths. Dating evening.

Excursion to the Shinok waterfall. Transfer to the village of Karakol. Hiking to the third waterfall (there is an easy pass along the way - 1200m). Lunch at the third waterfall. Return to the parking lot in the Denisova Cave area (on the way, inspect the cascade of waterfalls and the gorge of the Shinok River). Flowing through a narrow gorge, the Shinok River forms a spectacular cascade of several waterfalls ranging in height from 3 to 60 m. The path to the waterfall passes through the territory of the state landscape reserve.

Moving to the village Ust-Koksa. On the way - a visit to the Ust-Kanskaya cave (length 17 m, height 12 m), in which a Paleolithic site was discovered. Archaeological finds from this cave are kept in the Hermitage. Next, an excursion to the Museum of National Altai Culture in the village. Ust-Kan is dedicated to the history, traditions, faith and culture of the Altai people. Arrival in the village of Ust-Koksa. Bathhouse (additional fee).

Climbing along the river Multa to mountain lakes. Climbing along the river Multa to Lower Multinskoye Lake. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries along the way. Access to the lake located at an altitude of 1710 meters. The mirror surface of the lake, 2370 meters long and up to 900 meters wide, in calm weather reflects the clouds floating in the blue sky and the peaks of the nearest mountains. There are grayling in the lake.

Walk to the Multinsky Lakes. In the first half of the day, tourists will go around the Lower Multinskoe Lake and go out to the isthmus between the Lower and Middle lakes. After lunch, a radial exit to the Middle Multinskoye Lake and to the Shumy Roll. Those interested can swim (there is a sandy beach nearby) or go fishing (catch is not guaranteed, fishing gear is not provided). Bathhouse (additional fee).

Radial access to the high-mountain lake Kuiguk. Near the lake there is a waterfall of the same name (fall height 25 m). Here the group can split up. Those who wish can relax and communicate with nature on the shore of the lake; those who want bright impressions will make a radial trek to the Kuikuk glacier (2500 m).

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